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Easter Sunday April 8, 2007

To him all the prophets bear witness, that everyone who believes in him will receive forgiveness of sins through his name. — Acts 10:43

Fr. Dave, Fr. Ed, Fr. Bob and the UCC staff would like to wish all of you a blessed and joyous Easter. May you all feel a renewed sense of love and peace to sustain you throughout the Easter Season.

Congratulations to Our New Catholics! We are happy to welcome into the Church Julie Chou and Doug Hunt who celebrated the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil! We also are happy to welcome into Full Communion with the Catholic Church: Corey Cannon, Stephen Cheney, Jonathan Jolley, Krista Moody, Laura Neible, Kyle Ohelendt, George Pruessel and Jenny Ridge. May God continue to bless them and draw them closer to his love throughout their lives. Paulist Fathers Fun Facts Paulist Fun Fact #3 Paulist Father Joseph McSorley was the personal confessor to Dorothy Day, co-founder of the Catholic Worker Movement and candidate for sainthood in the Catholic Church.

The University Interfaith Council will be hosting the annual Interfaith Dialogue April 11 starting with dinner at 6:30 pm at the University Presbyterian Church. This year's topic is "What is Heaven like and who gets to go? A Jewish, Christian and Muslim perspective". The presenters will be Rabbi David Kamerofsky, Executive Director of Texas Hillel, Dr. Anthony Baker, Associate Professor of Theology at the Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest and Dr. Hina Azam, Instructor in the Middle Eastern Studies Department at The University of Texas. All are welcome. Alleluia, He is Risen!

UCC Receptions in Dallas and Houston! The University Catholic Center is hosting a reception in Dallas on Tuesday, April 17, at St. Rita Catholic Church in the Sweeney Center Activity Hall (located at 12521 Inwood, Dallas, TX 75244). The event will begin with Mass at 7 PM, and a potluck dinner will follow. Please encourage alumni, former resident community members, parents, and other friends of the UCC to attend. Another reception will be held in Houston on Wednesday, April 25, at St. Thomas More Catholic Church (located at 10330 Hillcroft, Houston, TX 77096). This event will also begin with a Mass at 7 pm followed by a potluck dinner. For more info, please contact Amber at [email protected] or 476-7351 x13.

Return of Our Gifts to God Due to Easter— The New Financial Report will be published next week. Happy Easter $3,914


$4,034 $3,486

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon: Tues: Wed: Thurs: Fri: Sat: Sun:

Acts 2:14, 22-33; Mt 28:8-15 Acts 2:36-41; Jn 20:11-18 Acts 3:1-10; Lk 24:13-35 Acts 3:11-26; Lk 24:35-48 Acts 4:1-12; Jn 21:1-14 Acts 4:13-21; Mk 16:9-15 Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118; Rev 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31

$1,952 $1,412







Building a Culture of Justice: A Workshop The UCC Social Justice Team invites you to a workshop on Catholic Social Teachings and a call to a faithful response on Sunday, April 15, 1– 5 PM at the UCC. Talks include: Faithful Citizenship, The Catholic Church a Peace Church?, Catholic Life Issues, and using CST in leadership. The cost is $5, and you can register at the front desk or by an email to [email protected] by April 9.

This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad.

The Focolare Movement will host a presentation of “Chiara Lubich’s Essential Writings: Spirituality, Dialogue, Culture” on April 15 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the diocesan Pastoral Center, 1625 Rutherford Lane in Austin. The 400-page book is published by New City Press and will be introduced by Michele Vanderleene, the editor of the book. Chiara Lubich, born in Trent, Italy in 1920, is the founder and president of the Focolare Movement recognized by the Catholic Church under the name “Work of Mary.” Lubich has been awarded numerous honorary doctoral degrees for her contributions toward the renewal of religion and society including the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion in 1977 and the UNESCO Peace Prize in 1996. The book gathers the central thought of Lubich’s spirituality and work over the past 65 years. Please register for the presentation with Melinda Johnson at [email protected] or 512-6972003.


Week of April 8, 2007 Monday April 9

• • • • • •

12:05 pm Mass 7 pm MOV 7 pm RCIA 7 pm CFC Youth 7 pm WOG 7 pm MEӨ


Tuesday April 10 • • • •

12:30 pm Mass 7 pm LOA (ΛΩA) 7 pm UGAP 7 pm CIW


Wednesday April 11 • • • • • • •

9 am CIA 12:05 pm Mass 12:30 pm Carbos for Christ 5 pm White Rose De-thorning 7 pm Catholics Returning Home 7 pm STRONG - Officers 8 pm STRONG


Thursday April 12 • 12:30 pm Mass • 7 pm Compass • 8 pm Adoration


Friday April 13

• 12:05 pm Mass • 5:30 pm Korean Group


Saturday April 14 John Michael Talbot concert is April 26 St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Austin will host John Michael Talbot’s 2007 Solo Concert Tour on April 26 at 7:30 p.m. Proceeds from the concert will benefit St. Louise House in Austin, a transitional housing program for homeless women and their children. Tickets are $30 in advance and may be purchased by calling (512) 892-2433, ext. 23. Compass Bible Study! Meeting on Thursday nights from 7-8 pm in the Mother Teresa Room, Compass is a fun and laidback way to read scripture and get a little more out of Mass. Every week we spend an hour discussing the next Sunday’s readings and sharing our faith. We are student run, student led, and totally low time commitment, so drop by whenever you can. Come hang out with us this Thursday!

Wednesday Carbos for Christ Lambda Omega Alpha Fraternity invites all for food and fellowship at 12:30 pm on Wednesdays in the Atrium. $3.00 suggested donation. Please contact Adam at [email protected] if you can help with set-up or cleanup.

Sunday Apr. 15 Divine Mercy Sunday CIW Fund Raiser 10 am RE 12:00 pm Social Justice Workshop 6 pm MEӨ 6 pm Boy Scouts 7 pm RCIA Dismissal


Volunteer Pastoral Staff Sarah Ramos, a Spiritual Director in the Diocese of Austin, is available to individuals and groups as a resource on spiritual topics and to provide spiritual direction. Sarah can be reached at 4754455 or 447-2757 on evenings and weekends, or by email: [email protected]. She is also available from 11:30 am to 12:30 p.m. on Thursdays at the UCC.

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