6-who Are Muslims

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 3
WHO ARE MUSLIMS? “In the next 50 years, we will capture the Western world for Islam. We have the men to do it, we have the money to do it, and above all, we are already doing it.”

I read these words in The International Journal of Frontier Missions. These words were spoken at the dedication of an Islamic Center in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1983. Now we realize that these words were not spoken mere with emotion or just an idle threat but with full Islamic spirit and determination to achieve the goal, and today Islam has been a religion with great missionary Zeal. Other side the ignorance of our church today Muslims are the most unreach people in our world today. It is estimated that one out of every five people on earth-more than 1.2 billion-A big challenge and the premier task of the Church today is to give an effective witness for Jesus Christ to these lost souls. In this small article, I would like to draw your attention on some of the basic truths about Muslims and teach you ways to share effectively your faith with them. To fulfill this purpose we must realize the Muslims are people who seek after God. THEY ARE SINCERE PEOPLE? We (Church) have formed a misconception about Muslim people. Sometime we often conclude that Muslim as people who go around with full of hate in their eyes and crying out slogans of Jihad (Holy War against infidel). I read that today less than 20 percent of the total Muslim population is found in the Middle East. The largest population of

Muslims is in Southern Asia-where over 300 million live in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. Indonesia is the largest Muslim populated country in the world. Half of Africa's people claims allegiance to Islam, and about 50 million Muslims live in Central Asia. Thus, most Muslims are not of Arabic origin. They are scattered throughout the world. It should also be noted that only a small percentage of Muslims are involved in terrorism. Most Muslims are not agreed rather very against of terrorism and consider it against of Islamic teaching and very saddened as we are whey they see the terrible lawlessness by their fellow countrymen.. One thing we must understand if we are to love, pray for, and witness to Muslim peopleas well as to all humankind-we need to be conscious of the fact that Muslims are sincere Muslims. The Bible tells us to pray even for our enemies. Thus, we should learn to love and to pray for those who hate us and express their hatred in horrible acts of terrorism. Someone has said, “Genuine love and sincere prayers are far more powerful weapons against the power of Satan than guns and explosive devices!” THEY ARE PEOPLE OF COMMUNITY? I heard some of our Indian evangelists who really wanted to reach out their Muslim neighbors. Soon after couple of meetings with Muslims their agenda to see them in the very next Sunday meetings but they see disappointed and frustration. Why! We must realize that Muslim are a people of community. Islam is not just a religion but more than a religion. It is a “law” which governs an individual's culture and touches every facet of life-personal, social, economic, religious and political. Islamic teachings create an awareness of the duties of each Muslim in all of these areas of his or her life. A Muslim belongs to a close-knit community in which he functions as a member. From birth to death, he lives a life related to other members of his community. This is one reason why it is so difficult for a Muslim to become a Christian. To detach oneself from one's community is like cutting off a member of one's own body. One Muslim remarked that it is almost like committing suicide. When a Muslim becomes a Christian, it often means being cut out of the community and being driven away from home-leaving not only father and mother, but many times husband or wife and children. According to Islamic law, the penalty for defecting from the faith is death. This sometimes happens to those who choose Christ. How important it is for us to pray that the entire family-the entire community-will come to Christ. The only thing that will keep the individual from being isolated from his community is God's divine intervention on his behalf. THEY SEEK GOD DILIGENTLY? Yes Muslims are peopling who diligently seeking after God and do prayers three times a day in the Mosque go with much ritual preparation. They do fasting one month once in a year some do once in a week and giving alms to the poor. Through all these hard efforts

they want to be a righteous before Allah but do they really atten righteousness by doing all these. The Bible says “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” The key word here is “righteous.” Romans 5:17 teaches us that righteousness is a gift from God through Jesus Christ and cannot be earned. Dear Brethren we are thankful to our God for Jesus Christ and His righteousness, and that He has made a new and living way unto God (Hebrews 10:19-22)? Let us humbly express a deep appreciation that we have access to God's holy presence through prayer. Second, will you earnestly intercede for our Muslim friends, that they too will find Jesus Christ as their personal Savior-the promised Messiah-so that their prayers will be heard? THEY ARE IGNORANT PEOPLE? I often struggled to answer to many genuine Muslims when they asked me “Are you a Christian?” I respond by asking a question: “What do you mean by the word 'Christian'?” Their response often is: “A Christian is someone who lives in debauchery and sin.” They generalize all Christians are like westerner who drink and gamble parties. They describe the conditions in “Christian” in the West and Europe-homosexuality, drug addiction, divorce and rampant crime. Most of such news propagated by Islamic religious magazine or Mullah in the mosques and the way they see in media TV etc. Explained them that God does have a remnant of true follower in every generation and He keeps them to preserve His book and decrees though followers may be insignificance. Not all Christians are remnant of Jesus Christ but those who are His followers they follow according the teaching of Jesus Christ and live pure and holy lives, and we do, indeed, have something to tell people of the world. The truth is that all men without Jesus Christ, regardless of how religious they may be, are lost. The good news is that Jesus Christ came “to seek and to save what was lost” (Luke 19:10). We are His remnant to tell preserve the teaching of Jesus Christ through our lives “to every creature.” Mark 16:15 . We can not be effective to any people unless we are totally grounded and convinced that Jesus Christ is not a way but only the way to God and heaven “I am the way...no one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). This truth, when truly understood, will cause us to understand our responsibility to be witnesses “to every creature.” May God help us understand the doctrine of redemption-the doctrine of the lostness of man. Sabir Ali (Evangelist) For more assistance and resources you can write me at [email protected]


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