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LESSON PLAN Teacher: Plesa Dana School: “Mihai Viteazul”, C.Turzii Grade: 5TH C Date: 28th February 2019 Number of students: Unit:5 Lesson: Grammar, Adverbs of frequency Textbook: Limba Moderna 1 Limba Engleza

Lesson Aims: By the end of the lesson the pupils will be able: - to say the days of the week and play ball toss - to say how often you do things using adverbs of frequency - to reinforce and check Present Simple, affirmative - to give pupils confidence in their ability to use the English language - to develop communicative abilities 2.Procedure Aims: 2. Discuss the best day of the week 3. Introduce the adverbs of frequency 4. Do the "Adverbs of frequency questionnaire" worksheet 5. Play the “Climb the frequency ladder” game 6. Read classroom reader "The Mystery of the Missing Magic Carpet"

Materials -a ball -cards -dice

Anticipated problems:  there will be explanations in Romanian (if needed)

Procedure Warm up– The teacher greets the students, asks if anybody is absent (2 minutes) .

2.Checking homework Aims:-to check their ability to solve an exercise individually -to check Present Simple,affirmative Interaction: teacher-students Timing:5 minutes Procedure:The teacher asks some students to read each a sentence from homework,the verbs will be written on blackboard in order to be checked by the students.The teacher will supervise and correct where necessary.

1.Lead in Aims: to warm students up and review days of the week Time: 5 min. Procedure:Review days of the week and play ball toss. To begin, get everybody standing up and toss a ball to a student who tosses it to another student and so on around the class – let everyone have fun for a minute throwing the ball around the class and trying not to let it drop on the floor. Next, have a student toss the ball to you and as you catch it shout “Monday”. Toss the ball to another student and encourage him/her to shout “Tuesday” as they catch it. Continue with the days of the week being shouted out in the correct order, going around the class. If the ball is dropped or the wrong day is said you must start again with Monday. Set a target of 3 or 4 fast rounds without mistakes or dropping the ball. Materials;ball

2.Speaking Aim: -to reinforce and check Present Simple-affirmative -to introduce and use correctly the adverbs of frequency Time: 10 min. Procedure: a)Pre writing –Teacher Gets everyone to sit down. Write on the top of the board “The best day of the week is” and asks the class for their answers. Most probably it will be Saturday or Sunday. Take a vote for the most popular answer and write this on the board, for example: The best day of the week is Saturday

b)While speaking-Next, the teacher asks why it is the best day of the week and encourage students to shout out answers. Write the things they do on the board as they are shouted out, for example: The best day of the week is Saturday because …

I watch rugby on TV. I go shopping with friends. I play video games. I stay up late. I play baseball. I go swimming. I do nothing.

c)Post speaking–The teacher Chooses one of the activities on the board, such as “I go shopping with friends”. In the space on the right-side of the board write “On Saturdays, I _____________ go shopping with friends”. Then under this, draw a vertical line with 0% at the bottom and 100% at the top to make a frequency chart, as follows: Materials:copybooks,blackboard The best day of the week is Saturday because …

I watch rugby on TV. shopping with friends.

On Saturdays, I _______ go

I go shopping with friends. I play video games. I stay up late. I play baseball.


I go swimming. I do nothing. I go to my grandparent’s house. I eat a big breakfast. I meet my friends.


3.Writing Aims:-to say how often you do things using the adverbs of frequency Time: Procedure:a)Pre writing-the teacher points at the 0% and shakes head to indicate that she never goes shopping with friends on Saturdays.The teacher writes the sentence on the blackboard and asks students to copy it in their copybooks. b)While writing- Next, get a few volunteers to come up to the board and point on the vertical line where their answer would be (e.g. around 50% for sometimes, 70% for often, etc.). And write the sentence on the blackboard At this point we’ll add the frequency adverbs to the chart. c)Post writing –The teacher gives the opportunity for the rest of the studentsto write their sentences on the blackboard. Keep having students come up to the board .

I watch rugby on TV. friends.

On Saturdays, I _______ go shopping with

I go shopping with friends. I play video games.


75% USUALLY I stay up late.

I play baseball.



I go swimming.


I do nothing. I go to my grandparent’s house. I eat a big breakfast. I meet my friends. Go around the class asking some students: How often do you watch TV? S:I___________watch TV.

4 Consolidation Aim: - to consolidate the using of adverbs of frequency Interaction: teacher-students; students-students Time: 18 minutes Procedure:Do the "Adverbs of frequency questionnaire" worksheet .Put students in pairs. Give out the worksheets and allow a couple of minutes for everyone to check for vocabulary issues. Then start the activity - everyone asks their partners the questions from the questionnaire and records their answers. At the end, students have to tell the class about their partners.

Homework: The students have to solve exercise 9 page 78(2 minutes)

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