58203-mt----process Modelling And Simulation

  • Uploaded by: SRINIVASA RAO GANTA
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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 341
  • Pages: 2

Code No: 58203/MT

M.Tech. – II Semester Regular Examinations, September, 2008 PROCESS MODELLING AND SIMULATION (Chemical Engineering) Time: 3hours

Max. Marks:60 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ---


The liquid in a jacketed, non isothermal CSTR is stirred by an agitator whose mass is significant compared with the reaction mass. The mass of the reactor wall and the mass of the jacket wall are also significant. Write the energy equations for the system. Neglect radial temperature gradients in the agitator, reactor wall, and jacket wall.


Derive the mathematical model equations for an ideal binary distillation column.


Discuss about classification of mathematical modeling based on a) State of the process b) Type of the process


Describe in detail back-propagation algorithm and mention any two applications of artificial neural networks.


Simulate the series of open loop three isothermal CSTRs using Euler method. Simulate the series of closed loop three isothermal CSTRs using Euler method.

b) 6.

A tubular chemical reactor of length L and cross section 1 m2 is employed to carry out a first order chemical reaction in which a material A is converted to a product B. The chemical reaction can be represented as A → B and the specific reaction rate constant is k sec-1. The feed rate is u m3 /sec, the feed concentration of A is C0, and the diffusivity of A is assumed to be D m2 /sec2. Assume that there is no volume change during the reaction and steady state conditions are established. Develop a mathematical model in the form of a differential equation for the concentration of A as a function of length along the reactor and discuss the boundary conditions. Contd…2.

Code No: 58203/MT 7.a) b) 8.


What is steady state sequential modular simulation technique. Explain briefly with a neat figure. What are the structural components of a general purpose sequential modular program? State them briefly. What is simultaneous modular simulation technique? Give the algorithm in the form of a flow chart.



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