5.6 Heart Of Darkness

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  • Words: 7,794
  • Pages: 30
Note: Ignore the numbers at the end of each scene. They were used as markers to help time a full 60 minute episode w/comms.

Season 5 Episode 6 "Heart of Darkness" Previously on LOST: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

The freighter explosion with Jin on board 4.13. Shannon trying to figure out Rousseau's transmission 1.2 . Kelvin wearing the Hazmat suit when leaving the Swan 2.23. Clarie's being kidnapped and having injections in 1.10. Locke, Rose and Richard finding the secret room under the Arrow 5.4. Jin falling through the doorway of Ben's house at the Barracks 5.4.

1) INT. STAFF STATION. DUSK. Juliet, Harper, Sawyer and Charlotte with Jeanette "Annie" and Jin in tow reach the Staff Station where Juliet opens the doors and they all go in. Juliet flicks on the power and the lights flicker on. With the help of Harper she moves the lockers to reveal the secret operating room. Sawyer carries Jin to the table where Juliet begins to get started on setting his wounds. While doing all of this this conversation plays out: Harper: So, how did Kwon get to the Barracks? Juliet: I don't know, but he showed up about the same time as the Frenchman did. Charlotte: He was on the freighter, maybe they all made it! Sawyer: Maybe Hugo and Kate are alive too. Juliet looks at Sawyer with a disapproving stare. Juliet: Yeah, Sun and Jack too.... Charlotte: Daniel! Daniel could be out there somewhere! After she says that the lockers are moved and Charlotte sees the OR table. She gets a smile on her face. Juliet begins working on Jin.

Juliet: Just, where were you Jin? The camera focuses on Jin's face and the flash sound appears.... (:50) 2) EXT. THE OCEAN. FIRE IS ON THE WATER. DAY (RIGHT AFTER THE EXPLOSION). SUBTITLED: "DAY 1" Jin is in the water and as he looks to his right he sees the last part of the freighter sinking into the ocean. He looks around and he sees another survivor. It is Adelina (the African-American woman who was on the first raft trip). He swims over to her. She is floating face down in the water. Jin does all that he can to get her head out of the water. He finally reaches her and he grabs onto a piece of debris that is floating near-by. He puts Adelina up on the plank of wood that appears to be from a desk. She spits out the water and barely moves. She is beat up pretty bad. Jin hangs on to the raft and he looks in the far distance where he can barely see the island. The camera fades to black. The camera fades back to the scene, but it is now night. Adelina is still passed out on the plank. Jin notices the island is the same distance as before. Fade to black. 2B) SUBTITLED: "DAY 2" . DUSK. The camera fades back to Jin, he looks pretty horrible. Adelina isn't moving anymore. She is dead. Jin looks as if he is about to give up. He lets go of the plank. Suddenly we hear a loud foghorn. Jin's eyes get big and he turns around in the water. There is a ship, relatively small in comparison to the freighter. Jin's eyes light up and someone puts a spotlight on his face. Jin is trying to look up, but he can't see anything. Someone throws something over the side of the ship, which Jin can make out now. On the side it has the American, French, Australian and British flags painted on it. The ship is called the "Dawn Treader." Jin sees that it is an inter-tube that was thrown over and he grabs on. A man pulls him up and he is taken aboard. Jin collapses. The camera fades to black. 3) INT. SHIP. SICK BAY. NIGHT. Jin wakes up later that evening. He sees an African American Male 40's with a British accent. Jin: The girl? The girl? The man comes to Jin's side. He looks down. The Man: She's dead. She didn't make it. Jin closes his eyes and he turns his head. The Man:

Tell me, brother, what's your name? Jin: Jin. The Man: What are you doin' out here, in the middle of the water? Jin thinks for a minute. Then finally answers. Jin: Plane crash. The Man: That explains the debris in the water. Where were you flying from? Jin: Australia. The Man: You're safe now. My name is Sebastian. Jin is weak. His eyes begin to roll back in his head and he passes back out. Just after this happens someone walks into the room, but we can't see who it is. Sebastian turns around and sees who it is, but we still can't. Sebastian: What is it? We hear a man, with an American Accent. The camera still focused on Sebastian. Man: It's Robby, he's acting strange. Sebastian: Strange how? Man: I don't know, since we went through that storm back there, he... just isn't himself. Sebastian: Alright, Leonard, I'll be right there.

The camera pans around to see who the man talking was. It is Leonard Simms! Leonard: Thanks... He begins to walk out, but turns around. Leonard: Oh, and Radzinsky, we're thinking about going to shore on that island... just thought you should know. Radzinsky! He looks at Leonard and shakes his head. The camera focuses on something that Radzinsky is writing down. It is a log journal. The date is April 23rd. He closes the book and it the front cover reads: "International Research Mission 1988." The music begins to build as the camera focuses on Radzinsky then on Jin and then....

LOST (5:30) w/ previously (8:45) w/comm 4) INT. SHIP. SICK BAY. NIGHT Jin is laying on the table and he wakes up. He sits up and looks around not quite sure where he is. He goes over to the table that Radzinsky was at earlier. He sees the log book open. He flips through the logbook and he turns towards the middle. It reads: "March 30th. The crew is beginning to grow tired of each-other due to the lack of co-operation. The French have given up on their research. What that research is, is beyond me, but I speculate that the French are looking for places to deploy nuclear bombs for testing. The American has come across a transmission. It repeats the same numbers over and over. He is becoming obsessed with them." Jin flips forward through the text and comes up to another log entry: "April 19th. We hit a storm today, out of the clear blue. The sounds of the storm were strange and one of the French are acting very odd since we passed though." As Jin is reading, the ship begins to shake and Jin is thrown to the floor as a horrible sound is heard. It sounds as if the hull is being torn apart. Jin finally gets up and looks out the door of the room. He sees men running around. Jin goes out onto the deck where he sees a blond man in his mid-late 30's speaking in another language screaming to the rest of the crew. Blond Man: On a heurté le fond! On va couler! With that being said, the men run to the other side of the ship. Jin follows. He notices that the beach is right there. The men begin throwing as much as they can overboard onto the beach. Radzinsky comes up to Jin.

Radzinsky: Look, brother, I know you were just in a plane crash, but now would be the time to man up and help us out! Jin shakes his head and he begins to help the men get what they can off the boat. The camera fades to black. (2:30) 5) EXT. BEACH. MORNING. SUBTITLED: "DAY 3." Jin is sitting on the beach. The blond man seems to have set up a shelter using a tarp as a tent. He is seen coming out of it. Blond Man: Where is the doctor? Has anyone seen the doctor?! A man, in his early 50's with blondish/brown hair comes out from behind the ship. He speaks with an Australian accent. Australian Man: What is it Robby?! Robby is apparently the Blond Man. He looks as if he is in a rush. Robby: Have you seen him? I need him now! Just then Radzinsky comes out of the ship with a box and sits it down. He runs over to the tent. He and Robby go in. The Australian comes over and sits down next to Jin. Man: Jin, right? I want to thank you for helping us out... after being in a plane crash and all... are you all right? Jin: Yes, I am ok.... who are you? Man: The name's Sam Toomey. I'm part of this rag tag group of foreign madmen. Jin: What are you doing here? Sam:

Well, out of foreign diplomacy, our governments put us together to do some research out here... unfortunately, the French don't work well with others and there are more of them than there are of the rest of us.... I'm told you were flying from Australia. What part? Jin: Sydney. Sam: Ah, a pilot then, mate? Jin is about to answer, but then another man comes over. It is the Frenchman we saw get sonic-fenced to death. He stands in-front of the two men. Frenchman: We may lose her. The rocks tore her apart pretty bad, but she could be fixable with the right tools. Sam: I think we should go inland and try to figure out where that transmission is coming from. It got stronger as we got closer to the island. There could be people here. Frenchman: I will get some supplies and we should leave in an hour. If we find help, we could maybe repair her. Sam gets up and asks Jin if he would want to join them. Jin thinks about it for a minute, but he shakes his head "no." Sam: All right, mate. You should get your rest anyway. Sam runs off to catch up with the Frenchman. Jin turns and looks into the ocean. He looks over and notices that Radzinsky brought out a bunch of guns from his last trip from the boat. Jin walks over and looks around then he picks one up and begins walking away down the beach. Someone comes up behind him. Radzinsky: Where do you think you're going with that, brother? Jin turns around. Jin: I'm going to look for my wife. Radzinsky:

What makes you think she is here, on this island? Jin: I don't, but I'm going to look. Radzinsky: Why you got a gun? Jin: Protection. I will need it. Radzinsky thinks for a minute and then he picks up a gun. Radzinsky: Good thinking. The natives could be unfriendly.... I'm coming along. You could use the backup. (3:00) The two men begin walking down the beach. The camera cuts to the edge of the jungle along the beach. There is a man, he appears to be wearing old torn clothes like Richard's group did in "TMBTC." He is watching Sam and the Blond Man as they walk into the jungle. Leonard is sitting on the beach writing down the numbers and it looks as though he has written down some equations. Robby comes out of the tent. Leonard: Is everything all right? Robby: I don't know... I keep having these dreams, but I'm not sleeping. Leonard: That's not what I mean, what I meant is... Robby: I know what you meant... Suddenly Leonard doesn't look so good. He begins to pass out. He turns his head and it is revealed that there is a dart sticking out of his neck. Robby turns around and he too is shot. The two men fall over passed out. Then, out of the jungle comes 4 men, wearing the yellow Hazmat suits that we have seen in the Swan. They run up and check the pulse of the two men and then one of the Hazmat men take his helmet off. We don't recognize him. He picks up the notes that Leonard was writing. Another Hazmat guy walks into the tent. He takes his Helmet off and we see that it is Horace Goodspeed. He looks down with astonishment.

He gets a big grin on his face as we finally see what he is looking at. It is a 7 month pregnant Danielle Rousseau. (15:30) (18:45) w/comm --Commercial-6) EXT. BEACH. DAY. Jin and Radzinsky are walking down the beach. Jin looks very determined. He is walking very fast. Radzinsky: You want to slow down a bit there, friend? Jin doesn't respond. Radzinsky: You don't talk much do you? You know, a few things don't add up with you... why would your wife be on the island if your plane crashed into the water? Jin stops. Jin: My plane crashed 3 months ago. Radzinsky stops. He thinks for a minute. Radzinsky: Then why were you out so far in the water... so you've been here before, on this island? Jin: Yes. Radzinsky: That's why you brought the gun, isn't it?... Just who are you, brother? Jin: A survivor of Oceanic 815. Radzinsky: What's Oceanic 815?

Jin looks at Radzinsky and Radzinsky looks back at Jin. Just then Jin sees something on the edge of the jungle. He motions for Radzinsky to get down. Hazmat suit guys come out of the jungle and Jin raises his gun. One of the Hazmat suit guys raises his gun too and when Jin sees this he pulls the trigger, but nothing happens. Radzinsky yells. Radzinsky: They aren't loaded! With that Radzinsky gets a dart in his arm and Jin gets one in his leg. They both pass out. The camera fades to black. 7) EXT. BEACH. NIGHT. Sam and the Blond Man walk back onto the beach where Leonard and Robby are arguing. Robby is picking up the camp and Leonard looks rather shaken up. Sam: What's going on here? Leonard: There were men, in yellow suits who shot us with darts! Leonard seems frantic. The Blond Man: Slow down, tell us what happened Robby! Robby shows the two men his arm. It has a band-aid over his arm like he was given a shot. Then he shows them Leonard's arm, which has the same. Robby: This, Montand, is what happened. They injected us with something... or took our blood! We have to move the camp! They know where we are! Sam: Where's Radzinsky... and Jin?... Where's Danielle?! Danielle walks out of the tent. Danielle: They're gone. She lowers her shirt, but before she does so we see she has been injected in the stomach. Montand:

What, who are these people? Robert: I don't know, but I'm not waiting around to find out. Let's go, we need to find a safer place. The very same man in ragged clothes is watching them again from the edge of the jungle. He gets up and runs off into the jungle. The men all begin to pick up as the camera fades to black. (2:25) 8) INT. A DARK ROOM. NIGHT. Jin wakes up to find himself in some sort of dark room with nothing in it. He gets up and runs to the door. He pounds on it, but there is no answer. He finally sits down with his back to the door. Outside the door we see a group of men sitting at a table. It is Horace Goodspeed, Olivia Goodspeed and a man we never saw before. Olivia: So, you're saying that we shouldn't tell the others of our discovery? Dharma Employee: No, we can utilize these new people for our research. Out of the scope of Hanso. Horace: So, you are suggesting we use these people as test subjects for the experiment? Olivia: The experiment hasn't been approved. Dharma Employee: Exactly, if they don't know we have them, then there is no reason for approval. This experiment is vital to our research of the Valenzetti Project. Horace thinks for a moment... Horace: Fine, we will do it, but I want you to leave the pregnant woman and the man who had the equations alone. I have other plans for them. Olivia: What about the man in the room? Horace: (thinking).... put him in 23.

The three of them get up. The Dharma Employee goes into Jin's cell and shoots him, yet again, with a tranquilizer dart. The camera fades to black. (1:25) 9) EXT. ROUSSEAU'S CAMP. JUNGLE. DAY. SUBTITLED: "DAY 14." Rousseau, Robert and Leonard are near their new "dugout" that is nearly done. Leonard is working diligently on his equations again. Robert and Danielle are talking as Robert cuts up a boar. Danielle: Tes talents de chasseur se sont améliorés, Robert. (Your hunting skills are improving, Robert.) Robert responds in English as if he wants Leonard to hear what he is saying. Robert: When I am the only one getting food, it is expected. All he does is look at his numbers, the Australian is always off in the jungle and all Montand wants to do is make maps. Leonard doesn't seem to be bothered by the comment. He continues on. Rousseau looks down and thinks. Rousseau: It has been almost two weeks since Radzinsky went missing. Where do you think he is? Robert: They have him. Rousseau: Who is they? Who are these people? Robert: They are.... others... they have no regard for us. We need to just keep to ourselves. Rousseau: What about when the baby comes? What do we do then? Robert: I told you, we deal with that when the time comes. In the mean time, we need to find the radio tower... maybe we could reach someone on the outside. Danielle goes back to cutting the meat. Leonard continues with the numbers and he looks tired.

Rousseau: What about him? Robert: He's going crazy from the situation. We are all starting to lose it a little. Those dreams... the awake dreams I was having are coming back. Rousseau: You said those men were wearing protective suits... Robert: .... Yes. I think that there maybe some kind contaminant... a sickness... and we are catching it. Rousseau: The shots they gave us, do you think they are vaccines? Robert: Maybe...they did stop my dreams. Maybe we need to get some more... Rousseau: What do you mean? Robert: I mean, we find them before they find us... The camera fades to black. 10) EXT. HYDRA STATION. SUBTITLED: "DAY 20." Horace is outside of the Hydra. He looks at his watch. He looks as if she is getting impatient. Then, Ben walks up to him. Horace: Where have you been? Ben: Sorry, I got tied up. Horace hands Ben a few bottles of medication that closely resemble what was given to Claire when she was kidnapped.

Horace: You know what to do right? Ben: Everyone but the pregnant woman, I got it. Horace: It is important that you understand that. When we hit them with the neuralgic agent... only the ones with these shots will be effected. Ben shakes his head. He looks at the doors of the station. Ben: What is going on in there? What aren't you telling me? Horace: Don't worry about it.... One of the zoological experiments has failed. The birds aren't taking to their new situation. Horace doesn't lie well and he looks around a lot as he says it. Horace: Now go, you have work to do. Ben walks off and Horace goes into the Hyrda. 11) INT. HYDRA STATION. ROOM 23. Dharma employees are walking around the hallway outside of Room 23. Horace walks up takes Jin's chart off of the door. He turns and asks a passing Dharma employee: Horace: Has there been any change? Employee: No, he's still rambling on about being in a plane crash and winding up on on that research ship. Horace: Damn it, it's been over two weeks and he hasn't said anything that makes any sense. Employee: I don't know what to tell you. Maybe we should show him the film.

Horace: No, I don't want to brainwash him, I want some answers first. Maybe, just maybe, we aren't asking the right questions. Employee: Maybe we should bring in Harper... Horace: No! (he begins to whisper) These people and they're being here are only on a need to know basis. Keep it that way. The woman walks away. We see the inside of the room. It isn't the same as we remember from past episodes. There is a bed, a television and Jin is wearing a white outfit. Horace opens the door and walks into the room. He pulls up a chair and sits down next to Jin. Horace: Jin. How are we feeling today? Jin just looks at Horace and he doesn't answer. He looks back at the wall. Horace: You need to give us some answers. Some real answers.... this plane you say you crashed on. We would have heard something about it. There is no flight 815 on the news. I'm afraid you are greatly mistaken.... Jin, tell me, when is the last time you saw your wife. What was the date, do you remember? Jin: December 27th. Horace: Do you know today's date? Jin shakes his head no. Horace: It's May 5, 1988. Jin shoots a look at Horace and shakes his head with a uncomfortable smile. Jin: 2004. Horace:

No, it is 1988. Jin appears to get very upset. He keeps screaming "2004" and gets up. He flips a chair over. Horace stands up and quickly walks out of the room. He shuts the door and locks it. Jin continues to scream "2004." Horace gets on his walkie: Horace: Olivia, I figured it out. He's experiencing the time skips, but he isn't showing the typical signs. I think that maybe we need to get Pierre in here. Horace lowers the walkie and looks back towards the room. We hear Jin throwing things around inside. The camera fades to black. (3:35) 12) EXT. JUNGLE. ROUSSEAU'S CAMP. DAY. SUBTITLED: "DAY 21." Rousseau, Robert, Sam and Harold are around their dugout doing random chores. Ben walks out of the jungle and walks up to them very slowly. He is wearing his ragged clothes. Robert notices him and raises his gun. Robert: Stop! Right There! Danielle: Who are you?! Ben: My name is Brennan. I'm here to help you. Please, lower your gun. Ben very carefully takes a step forward and he puts down the vials of the injection and an injection gun. Ben: You will need these... to protect yourself from the sickness. Danielle: What sickness? Ben: The one that they carry. The ones that took your friend Sebastian Radzinsky. Harold Montand: How do you know about that? Ben:

I saw him with them. He is working with them now. Sam: How can we trust you? Ben: Me and my people, we were here before they were. They are bad and you can't trust them. They carry the sickness. Harold Montand: And we are supposed to take your word for it? Ben: Have you been having odd dreams and acting strangely. Robert looks down and then at Leonard. Ben: These are the vaccines they use for themselves. My people stole them to protect ourselves. Please, if you know what is good for you, you will use them. Danielle: Where are your friends? Ben: They don't know I'm here... they will be angry if I help outsiders. Now, please, I have to go...... Ben/Brennan begins to walk off, but turns back. Ben: Oh, you shouldn't use them. It could harm the baby. Ben starts to walk away. Danielle stops him. Danielle: Brennan, thank you. Ben nods and continues off. 13) EXT. OUTSIDE OF SONAR FENCE. DUSK. Ben is making his way towards the fence from his encounter with Danielle's group. He begins to put in the code to shut off the fence when Richard walks out behind him.

Richard: Ben. Ben jumps. He was startled. Ben: Jesus, Richard. You scared me. Richard: We need you to do something. Ben: I haven't seen you in damn near 2 years... now you want a favor? Richard: We are going to go forward with the plan, soon. Our plan. Ben: I don't know if I want to do that anym.... Richard: We need you, Ben. You are the leader. Jacob has spoken. Ben gets a look of extreme happiness on his face. Richard: ... but to make sure everything goes as planned, we need the French woman's baby. Ben: But, Horace is expecting to take her in a week. Richard: You will figure something out, after all, that is why Jacob chose you. Ben looks down, then up very confident. Ben: Consider it done. Richard: Good.

The music builds and the camera fades to black. (33:55) w/comm --Commercial-14) EXT. DARK TERRITORY. DAY. SUBTITLED: "DAY 28." The science team are all walking towards the Black Rock. They look up at it in amazement. They are starting to look very pale and sweaty. All but Danielle. Montand: I told you! I told you there was a ship out here. Robert: Where do you think it came from? Danielle: You mean, when did it come from? They look around a little more. Then they hear it. The whispers. Suddenly a very out of breath Ben comes running up to the group. Robert and Sam raise their guns. Danielle: Brennan, what is it?! Ben: You need to go, you need to go NOW! Robert: What is it? Ben: They're coming for you. They are going to take your baby. He looks at Danielle as he says this. Ben: You need to move, NOW! Danielle pulls at Robert, who doesn't budge. Robert:

Danielle, go with Montand back to the camp. We are going to stay... to confront them. I'm done hiding. Robert throws a gun he has on his back to Leonard. Robert: That means you too. Danielle: Robert, I'm not going without you. Robert: Go, Danielle, go now! Danielle starts to cry, but Montand grabs her arm and they begin running into the jungle. Robert turns, but Ben is gone. He looks at the other men as if to get ready. Three men come out of the jungle. They aren't wearing the Hazmat suits this time, but they are wearing gas masks. Robert fires and hits one of the men in the chest. He falls over, dead. One of the other two men throw a canister of gas towards Robert and his group. The men all fall over coughing, passed out. Ben comes out from behind a tree. Ben: Good job men. The other two men lower their guns. As they do this, Ben takes out a gun and shoots each of them. Ben has a very smug look on his face as he shoots one in the back and the other in the chest. 15) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. Montand and Danielle are running through the forest. They come to a stop. Danielle sits down on a rock. Montand stops and turns with his gun raised. Montand: Do you think we lost them? Danielle: I don't know... I need to rest... The two sit there silent for a moment and then we see it. There is black smoke creeping in the trees behind Montand. Danielle sees it, her eyes get huge. Danielle: Montand! Turn around!!!

Montand turns, but it is too late, the Smoke Monster grabs him and throws him across the clearing. Danielle gets up, shocked. She looks around. Danielle: Montand!!! Montand: Run, run! Get out of here! Danielle turns and she runs back towards camp. The Smoke Monster continues to make its loud animal like screeching noises. Montand fires his gun at it, the monster stops for a second, hovers over him and flashes him. FLASH FLASH FLASH. The monster seems to leave after the incident. Montand gets up and he begins to run towards camp, but the monster comes up from behind him again. The monster throws Montand up into a tree where Montand's arm gets caught between two branches. We hear a snap sound. His arm is broken. Montand drops his gun and he just hangs there. The camera fades to black. 16) INT. BARRACKS. NIGHT. SUBTITLED: "DAY 29." Horace is sitting at a table in his home. Ben is sitting across from him. Horace looks very angry. Horace: God Damn It! I can't believe this! Ben: I'm sorry, but we had no control over it. They were armed. Horace: So, that's it then? Three DI are dead and they shot the pregnant woman? Ben: Unfortunately. Horace looks unbelievably mad. He paces back and forth, but stops and takes a deep breath. Horace: This is just perfect.... well, did you at least gas the rest? Ben: Yeah, they will start feeling the effects soon. Horace:

We go back for them in a week. No one is to know about this. If Hanso finds out we're driving private citizens, hell, foreign military personal, to insanity in the name of science... well, let's just say it wouldn't be good. 17) EXT. DANIELLE'S CAMP. NIGHT. Danielle is sitting next to a fire, sobbing. She is looking at the music box that she showed Sayid in "Solitary." She hears a noise in the jungle and she raises her gun and stands up. Danielle: Stop! Leave me alone! I will kill you bastards!! It is the rest of the men from her group. They are carrying Montand, who apparently has lost his arm. Danielle runs over to Robert and she hugs him very tight. She is crying and Robert hugs her tightly back. Leonard and Sam are acting very fidgety and don't look so good. Leonard goes over to his notebook and begins working again. Sam sits down next to him and takes a pen. Robert looks at Danielle very seriously. Danielle: What happened to Montand? Robert: He was stuck in a tree... he couldn't get his arm free, so he... did what he had to do. Montand has taken his shirt off. We see Montand holding his knife in the fire as if he is sterilizing it. He takes it and puts it on the area where his arm used to be. He doesn't hardly flinch. He is doing this to cauterize the wound. Robert: Brennan was right. They came and they didn't take any of us. They came for you. Danielle: What do they want with me? What do they want with my child? She hugs Robert closely and the camera fades to black. (5:30) 18) EXT. DANIELLE'S CAMP. DAY. SUBTITLED: "DAY 37." Danielle is tending to Robert, who is laying on the ground, looking very sick. Leonard and Sam look horrible as well, but are still working on the numbers. Montand isn't there. Everything seems to be going fine, until Leonard and Sam get up and start fighting out of nowhere. Danielle runs over to them and she tries to break it up, but she can't. Leonard: You idiot! You didn't carry the one! The whole thing is messed up!

Sam: You're the one who didn't use the integer. Sam attacks Leonard and the fall to the ground. Sam picks up a rock and tries to smash Leonard in the head with it. Danielle: Stop it, you two! Just stop it! The two men seem as though they are out to kill each-other. Her attempts aren't working. She runs to the side of the dugout to grab her gun. When she gets there, someone comes up from behind her and puts a cloth over her mouth and nose. She passes out. The camera goes to black. 19) EXT. DANIELLE'S CAMP. NIGHT. Danielle wakes up. She opens her eyes and she sees Montand hovering over her. She looks to her right and she sees Brennan/Ben sitting down. Danielle: What happened? Where am I? Brennan: I think it got her too. Montand: Where is Robert?! Danielle: He's right over there. Danielle points to where Robert was laying, but he's gone. Brennan: I told you. I saw her running out of the jungle, covered in blood with her gun in her hand. She said they were trying to kill her. Danielle: That's not true! I.. I don't remember that! Brennan: It's the sickness. It got your team, she was only doing what she had to. She must be in shock. Montand looks at Danielle then gets up and looks around in a panic.

Montand: I can't do this anymore. I'm going to find the radio tower, we are getting off this island. Montand begins to run off. Ben lets him go. He looks down at Danielle. Brennan: It will be ok. You did what you had to do. The camera fades to black. 20) INT. ORCHID STATION. DAY. SUBTITLED: "DAY 39." Horace walks down a hallway to where Pierre/Dr. Hallowax is sitting at a desk outside of a room. Horace: Well, what have we found out? Pierre: Nothing new. He appears to have the side effects of traveling through the electromagnetic field around the island, but he isn't losing consciousness. It isn't consistent to what we normally experience. I will run some more tests on him, but I'm not sure what you expect me to find out. Horace: What do you mean, you don't know? Come on, Pierre, you are the best in your field. Pierre: I've made extensive headway with another project that he could help me with. He could be the key on how to curb the effect. He could help us figure out how to avoid the side effects. Horace: Priorities, Pierre, he is your first priority, remember that. Pierre: I will let you know when I find something. Horace: How long do you need? Pierre: It's hard to tell, but with I have found out from him so far, no more than a couple of weeks.

Horace, who doesn't look pleased, just turns and walks back down the hall. Pierre breathes a heavy sigh of relief and he looks across the room where a figure walks out with a gun pointed at him. We see the figure from the back, so we don't know who it is. Pierre: There, happy? Mystery Man (from the back): I'll be happy when you get him back. Pierre closes his eyes, nods and sighs. The camera fades to black. (46:10) w/ commercial. --Commercial-21) EXT. DANIELLE'S CAMP. DAY. SUBTITLED: "DAY 47." Danielle is sitting at her camp. She is rocking back and forth. She doesn't look to have slept in days. Tears are streaming down her face. Montand: I'm going out to find some firewood. You know, it would be nice if you would help in some way. Montand gives her a dirty look and walks off into the jungle. She walks over to where he was sitting. She opens his notebook and reads it. The paper says, "She is crazy, she killed everyone. SICKNESS!!! She can't be trusted. I may have to take care of her." Danielle shuts the book. She gets a worried look on her face and she puts her hand on her stomach like she is thinking about the baby and her safety. She gets back up and she goes into the dugout where the guns are. She takes the firing pins out of them. The camera fades to black. 22) EXT. DANIELLE'S CAMP. NIGHT. Montand comes out of the dugout. He is holding a gun. He looks at Danielle suspiciously. She notices he has a gun and without him seeing she reaches for hers. Montand: Why did you take the firing pins out of the guns? What is wrong with you Danielle? Danielle: I can't trust you... I can't trust anyone. You planned on killing me, me and my child. Danielle has a crazed look in her eye. Montand:

No, Danielle, you don't understand..... I found the radio tower. It just over that range...... up there. Montand moves closer to Danielle. She aims her gun up at him. Danielle: Don't come any closer, I will shoot! Montand moves a little closer. Danielle is shaking... Montand takes another step. Danielle fires. The bullet hits Montand in the shoulder right above where his missing arm is. He falls over. Danielle lowers her gun and drops it. She falls to her knees. She starts sobbing again. The whispers appear again and she looks around terrified while waving her gun around. Danielle: Stay away from me! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Danielle picks up her gun and she runs into the jungle. Alone, crying and beginning to lose it. 23) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. SUBTITLED: "DAY 48." Danielle wakes up. She is laying on the ground in-front of the Hyrda Bear Cages. She stands up and looks around. She turns and she sees Brennan. He is holding a set of keys on a large keyring. The keyring has the Dharma Logo on the top of it. She looks to her left and she sees Sam, Leonard and Montand in the cage that Sawyer was in. She looks to the right and she sees Robert and Radzinsky. She looks at Brennan. Danielle: What is this, Brennan? What is happening? Give me the keys... help me get them out! Brennan/Ben just stands there. He doesn't say anything. Danielle: Please, help me! Brennan: Give me your baby. I need your baby... we need it to save everyone. Brennan moves closer to Danielle and she backs up as he gets closer. He then starts to run towards her. She turns and begins to run. Brennan: We need the child, Danielle! Danielle is running and she loses her footing and trips. She turns and Brennan is over top of her in a surgical mask.

With that Danielle wakes up. Ben/Brennan is standing over her. She scurries back from him. She looks extremely scared and has fear in her eyes. Danielle: Get away from me! You aren't getting my child! Brennan: What do you mean? What are you talking about?! Danielle begins to run from Ben/Brennan. She reaches a clearing and she sees it, the radio tower. She runs inside of it, slams the door and locks it. Shortly after Ben is pounding on the door. Brennen: Come on, Danielle, let me in. We can talk about this! I'm not going to hurt you! She backs up into the radio equipment and she turns. She looks at it and starts frantically pushing buttons and finally she gets the right ones. She picks up the microphone and beings speaking into it. Ben finally stops pounding on the door. Danielle: Si qui que ce soit puisse entendre ceci, ils sont morts. Veuillez nous aider. Je vais essayer d'aller jusqu'au Rocher Noir. Il les a tués. Il les a tués tous Ils sont tous morts. Aidez-nous. Ils sont morts. Si qui que ce soit puisse entendre ceci. The camera fades to black as Danielle is making her recording. 24) EXT. DANIELLE'S CAMP. DAY. SUBTITLED: "DAY 49." Danielle walks back to her camp where the smoke from the fire is rising. She looks around to the spot where Montand's body was, but it is gone. She looks up and in the doorway of the dugout is Robert. Danielle: Robert, I thought you were... I thought I killed you.... Robert looks at Danielle with a strange look in his eye. He appears to have been crying. Robert: Where is the rest of the group? Danielle: They're dead. I had to.... Tears start streaming down her face. From an outside perspective, the things she says sound crazy.

Danielle: They wanted to hurt my child... Brennan is going to take it. Montand wanted to kill me... I had to shoot him. I had to shoot all of them. Robert has a distant look in his face. He seems as if everything she is saying is ravings of a lunatic. She can't distinguish between her dream and real life. Danielle: I had to Robert, what if we were rescued... I couldn't let the sickness spread.... Robert: Oh, Danielle. I am so sorry I dragged you along on this trip. This is all my fault... Robert looks very sympathetic and saddened as he looks at Danielle who appears to have lost it. Danielle: You want my child too, don't you....? When did Brennan let you out? Danielle raises her gun at Robert. He has his raised at her now. Danielle: You're going to take my child aren't you? You are working with Brennan... I have to do this Robert.... I love you, but I have to... Before she can finish, Robert pulls the trigger. Nothing happens. She has taken the pins out. He looks at the gun, then at Danielle. Danielle: I'm sorry. Danielle aims the gun at Robert's chest and pulls the trigger. The look on his face is shock as he falls to his knees then onto his stomach. Danielle just looks at him, with tears streaming down her face. The camera fades to black. 25) EXT. DANIELLE'S CAMP. DUSK. SUBTITLED: "DAY 59." The camera starts on a freshly made mound of dirt with a cross above it and flowers on the grave. The camera slowly pans over to Danielle who is holding an infant. It is baby Alex. She looks, for the first time, happy. Beside her is an open book with the names and pictures of the members of her team. The camera pans over Leonard and Sam. 26) INT. NUMBER STATION (UNDER ARROW). DUSK. The camera immediately shows Sam and Leonard sitting down at a table working on their equations. The camera pulls back and we can see they are wearing all white. It pulls back further and we can see they are in the room that Locke and Rose found under the Arrow in 5.4. There are Dharma scientists walking around all over the place and tens if not a hundred

of other people dressed in white, all working on equations. The two are just working away on their equation as if their surroundings don't bother them at all. 27) EXT. ORCHID STATION. NIGHT. The camera shows someone from the back limping/struggling towards the Orchid station. The camera shows the face. It is Montand. He looks bad, his shoulder is bleeding, but he is holding a gun in the arm he still has and has a look of determination on his face. 28) INT. ORCHID STATION. NIGHT. Jin is in his room. Dr. Hallowax/Pierre opens the door and comes in. Jin is sitting on his bed, numb. Pierre: It's time. Pierre walks over to Jin and injects him in the neck with something. The rest is seen from Jin's drugged up point of view (which is very hazy and choppy. voices are echos). Jin is being dragged looking down at his legs as he goes down the main corridor. He is then put into some sort of small room. A voice is heard saying "Are you sure we got the right settings?" Another voice, "Yes"... then there is some sort of commotion and someone is heard yelling, "Who are you? What are you doing in here?" Something else is said, but not understood and then someone all of a sudden is next to Jin. There is a loud metallic slam as if a door is shut and then it happens... A loud sound and an extremely bright light. 29) EXT. OUTSIDE. DAY. (Still all from Jin's point of view, done in a montage/fast paced flash sequence) Jin wakes up. He sees Montand running away from him. He is screaming something, but we can't make out what it is. Camera fades to black. Jin seeing Charlotte and Sawyer with Annie over their shoulders near the Barracks. Camera fades to black. Jin falling through the doorway at Ben's house. Camera fades to black. Jin being carried by Sawyer into the Staff, camera fades to black. Looking up at Juliet saying "Where were you." Camera fades to black. (End of Jin's point of view.) Juliet looks down at Jin and she sees something sticking out of his pocket. It is an envelope with Charlotte's name on it. Juliet hands it to Charlotte. She opens it in a hurry. She reads over it and she looks at the bottom. The camera shows the bottom, it says: "You must make sure this happens. Love, Daniel." Charlotte looks up with a look of astonishment on her face. Charlotte: Locke, we have to get back to Locke.... now! The look on her face is urgent. She looks back down at Jin and the camera focuses on his face before the music builds and....


(60:10) w/comms and credits. On The Next LOST: Voice Over: With Everyone Ready to go back, there is one issue that needs resolved... 1) Clip of Jack to Ben: "What do you mean, you don't know where the island is?!" 2) Ben to Jack: "Bentham didn't specifiy the where, just the when..." Voice Over: Now the hunt is on and only one person can help... 3) Clip of Leonard: "You're one of them aren't you?!" 4) Hurley: "Dude, we need your help." Voice Over: And things for the 06 become a bit more dangerous: 5) Clip of Abaddon to Christine: "Who is all on that list?" 6) A clip of an explosion. ON THE NEXT LOST I want to give a special thank you to Stephane Boresy for help with the French Translation, thank you Stephane! Cast in Order of Appearance: Harper Stanhope.............Andrea Roth Juliet Burke....................Elizabeth Mitchell James "Sawyer" Ford........Josh Holloway Charlotte S. Lewis...........Rebecca Mader Jin Kwon........................Daniel Dae Kim Jeanette Lewis...............Brenda Strong Adelina Gregor................Adelina Gregor Sebastian Radzinsky........Djimon Hounsou Leonard Simms................Ron Bottitta Robert...........................David Wenham Sam Toomey..................Russell Fletcher Harold Montand..............Michael Vartan Horace Goodspeed..........Doug Hutchinson Danielle Rousseau............Mira Furlan Olivia Goodspeed.............Samantha Mathis Dharma Employee #1....... Ben Linus.......................Michael Emerson Dharma Employee #2....... Richard Alpert.................Nestor Carbonell Pierre Chang...................Francois Chau

Questions Answered: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Danielle's backstory. Where Pierre Chang worked. How Radzinsky got to the island. Leonard and Sam's encounter with the numbers. Who the Frenchman in the fence was.

Questions Asked: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

Where did Radzinsky disappear to? What is Sam and Leonard doing in the new station? How do Leonard and Sam get off the island? How did Jin time-jump physically along with Montand? How did Jin have a note from Daniel to Charlotte? Why was it so important for Richard to get Alex? What was the psychological gas Horace used on Robert's group? Where did Robert disappear to when we thought that he was dead? How did Danielle know about the Hyrda station in her dream?

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