Code No: 55220/MT
M.Tech. – II Semester Regular Examinations, September, 2008 INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS (Common to Software Engineering/ Information Technology) Time: 3hours
Max. Marks:60 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ---
1.a) b)
Explain the functional overview of the Information Retrieval System. Clearly discuss the relevance of Information Retrieval Systems in the context of Digital libraries and Data Warehouses.
Write about the following capabilities of an Information Retrieval System: a) Search b) Browse
3.a) b)
Write about Indexing process. Explain the concept of Information Extraction.
Explain the following data structures giving suitable examples: a) N-gram b) PAT c) Hypertext.
What is automatic indexing? Give the various classes of automatic indexing? Explain statistical indexing. What are hypertext linkages?
b) c) 6.a) b)
Describe document and term clustering. Write about the hierarchy of clusters.
Write about: a) Selective dissemination of information search b) Searching the Internet c) Information visualization technologies.
8.a) b)
Explain the various text searching algorithms. Explain how information system evaluation is handled? *****