Code No: 53231/MT
M.Tech. – II Semester Regular Examinations, September, 2008 DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING OF MEMS AND MICRO SYSTEMS (Design for Manufacturing) Time: 3hours
Max. Marks:60 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ---
1.a) b) 2.a) b) 3.a) b) 4.a) b)
5.a) b) 6.a) b)
How microsystems are different from microelectronics systems? Explain. Explain in detail any two applications of MEMS in medical or pharma sciences with features and advantages. Describe in detail three principal transduction methods for micropressure sensor. Discuss the principles, method of ionization that are important in MEMS design and manufacture. Explain various concepts of thinfilm that are useful in the manufacture of MEMS and their typical applications in use. Explain the fundamentals of accelerometer design from its first principles. Write any two applications of MEMS in Aerospace industry with detailed features. How scaling in Geometry in MEMS have influence on: i) Dynamic forces ii) Electromagnetic forces. How heat conduction takes place in multilayered thin film and solids in sub micrometer scale? What are various applications of such films. Write the characteristics of fluid flow in Nanoscale. What are various applications of such devices? given with examples. What are various substrate materials for MEMS. Give the relative advantages of materials used. Describe micropumping in microfluids. Contd…2.,
Code No: 53231/MT 7.a) b) 8.
What is meant by Bulk micro manufacturing. How this method is used for microsystems fabrication? Explain in detail. Describe design considerations in ‘Packaging’ in MEMS. Write short notes: i) CAD packages for MEMS ii) Chemical and physical vapor deposition techniques for MEMS manufacture. iii) Liga Process. *****