5.15 Eye For An Eye

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  • Words: 9,037
  • Pages: 37
Note: I suggest you read the summary of 5.13 before you read this. It is located in the SEASON 5 REFERENCE GUIDE.

Previously On Lost:

Season 5 Episode 15 "Eye For An Eye"

Jack's attempt at suicide in 3.22. Locke, Jack and Sayid meeting with Abaddon at Jack's apartment in 5.11. Ben telling Jack that Abaddon doesn't want them going back due to the DS prophesy in 5.13. Ms. Hawking explaining to Desmond that some people can change destiny in 5.11. Abaddon's encounter with threatening Hanso in 5.9. Hurley telling Sun that Shannon told her to tell Sayid that she loves him in 5.1. Sayid at Nadia' funeral in 4.9. Sayid killing Mittelwerk in 5.3. Sayid kidnapping Hurley in 5.13. Abaddon getting Kate out of prison in 5.13. Jack stealing Aaron back from Cassidy in 5.13. Sun encountering Kaname in 5.13.

1) EXT. DOWNTOWN. BEN'S CAR. LA. DAY. Ben is sitting in the drivers seat of the car, which is still parked out the office building in downtown L.A. He and Jack are still on the stakeout. Aaron is in the backseat, awake, playing with Ben's "beat-down" stick and Jack is asleep in the passenger's side seat. Ben is looking in the rear view mirror at Aaron, just staring at him. Outside the car we see a black sedan drive past Ben's car. It is Abaddon and he has Kate in the passenger's side. As Ben sees them drive past he hits Jack in the chest and crouches down in his seat. Jack wakes up in a hurry and panicked. Jack: What?! What is it?! Ben: They're here. Jack: Who? Ben: Abaddon and he has Kate with him. Jack jumps up in his seat and turns around. He begins to open his door, but Ben stops him.

Ben: What do you think you're doing? Jack: What? I'm gonna get Kate! Ben: Just run in there with no plan... that has worked so well for you in the past, hasn't it? Jack sits back and doesn't say anything. Ben: You still have his laptop, the one you stole from his car? Jack nods and he gets it off the floor in front of him and hands it to Ben. Ben opens it and sees the last thing Jack was looking at. It is a picture of Jack from when he was attempting to jump off the bridge in 3.22. The picture is being taken from a night-scope lens from a distance, obviously without Jack knowing. They both look at it and Ben looks over towards Jack. Ben: What started you on that path, Jack?... What pushed you over the edge? The camera pans on Jack's face as he looks down as if he doesn't want to talk about it. Jack glances in the rear view mirror back at Aaron then he looks back up at Ben very emotionally as the flash sound begins... 2) --FLASH-- INT. SANTA ROSA. EVENING. The scene picks up from 4.10 "Something Nice Back Home" as Jack is visiting Hurley at Santa Rosa. Hurley is looking through his drawer for the message Charlie told him to write down for Jack. Hurley: He made me write it down so I wouldn't mess it up. "You're not supposed to raise him, Jack." Does that make any sense? Jack: No, that... doesn't make any sense. Hurley: Do you think he means Aaron? Jack:

Take your meds, Hurley. Just take 'em. Hurley: Hey, Jack? Charlie said someone's gonna be visiting you, too. Soon. Jack looks at Hurley like he is insane then walks out the door. 3) --FLASH CON'T-- EXT. SANTA ROSA PARKING LOT. EVENING. The POV is from someone inside of a car across the parking lot as Jack walks out of the hospital towards his car and gets in. Jack turns his car on and pulls away as the camera pans 180 degrees and we see who is watching him, it is Carmen Reyes. She takes a drink out of a flask and pulls away following Jack. 4) --FLASH CON'T-- INT. A DIVE BAR. LA. NIGHT. Jack is sitting hunched over the bar as the bartender walks past. Jack taps his glass on the bar and the bartender looks at him and walks over. He picks up the glass from Jack's hand. Bartender: I sure as hope you aren't driving home, buddy. Jack: Just... the vodka, please. The bartender gives Jack a once-over then walks to pour him another drink. As the bartender walks down the bar, we can see that behind him on the other side is Carmen Reyes watching Jack. Jack sees her and she picks up her bag, walks around the bar and sits down next to him. Carmen: You're Jack, Hurley's friend... Jack: That's right... and you are? Carmen: Carmen Reyes, Hurley's mother... Jack closes his eyes as if he isn't amused. Carmen positions herself on the chair and as she does this, it is obvious she is rather drunk as well. She looks Jack deep in the face and says in a sloppy flirtatious way: Carmen: You are very handsome, Dr. Shephard... more so than when you were on the tv.

Jack: Didn't I meet you at the press conference in Hawaii? Carmen: Yes, briefly... you don't remember? Jack looks Carmen over. She has changed a lot since last time we saw her. She doesn't look so good. She looks like a mess and isn't even wearing her cross anymore. Jack: No... it's just... last time I saw you, you were holding a prayer circle and now... Carmen: Well, I had to watch my son lose his mind... again, Jack. A person changes when their world turns upside down... but I suppose you don't need me to tell you what that's like... Jack just looks at her and you can tell he doesn't want company... he shoots her a patronizing smile as he asks: Jack: Is there something I can do for you, Mrs... Carmen: Call me Carmen...... Jack, that island... where you were stranded... you guys, the Oceanic 6, you... you haven't told us everything, have you? Jack, now looking more irritated than usual, snaps at her: Jack: I'd rather not talk about that... Carmen: It's just that... I don't understand why my Hugo is seeing him again... Jack looks more intrigued and looks up at her with a questioned face. Jack: Again? Who? Carmen: Well, when Hugo was a boy, right after his father left... he started making up friends... I thought it was normal at the time, you know... kids. Well, he had a few of these imaginary friends, but one in particular wasn't... well, normal.

Jack looks at her as if he has no idea where she is going with this. Carmen: He wasn't the typical friend a 12 year old boy would have... Jack's eyes widen a bit as she continues... Carmen: He always had cryptic messages for Hugo... it was very strange. He never remembered seeing him, I would find Hugo in his closet drawing pictures of him... Jack: Why are you telling me this? Carmen: Well, he stopped seeing him, that is... until you all came back. Jack looks at Carmen like she is a nut-case drunk. She reaches into her bag and pulls out some papers. Jack looks like he is about to get up, so as she is handing them to Jack she says is a hurried "need to know" tone: Carmen: You're a doctor and were on that island with him, could you tell me why he's like this... what's wrong with him?! She hands Jack the pictures and Jack looks down at them. His eyes widen incredibly as the bartender sits down his drink. Jack grabs the drink and downs it quickly. Carmen sees she has upset Jack and gets a bit frantic. Carmen: Please... tell me what happened on that island! Jack puts his drink down and he is beginning to grab his coat from the back of the bar stole as Carmen's face turns to shock and she grabs at her torso. Jack stops and looks at her intently. Jack: Are you all right?! Carmen looks up at Jack with wide eyes then she takes a nosedive, head first, into Jack's crotch. Jack looks down at her in a hurry as we hear "blahhhhhhhg." Carmen vomits on Jack's crotch. He looks up at the bartender who looks back at him with a deviant smile on his face. Jack: Perfect...

Jack removes Carmen from his lap and he stands up. He takes the drawings she handed him and begins wiping his pants off as he gets up and starts walking towards the bar exit. Once he gets outside he says: Jack: They're all freakin' lunatics... Jack gets to his car and gets in. He closes the door and he still has the drawings in his hand that he used to wipe himself off with. He throws them on the floor on the passenger's side. He looks at them as they sit there and the camera pans down to one of them. The drawing depicts a man in his early 60's, gray hair and wearing a doctor's white lab coat. Just then Jack hears something and looks in his rear view mirror where we see Christian Shephard's reflection from the back seat!! Christian: Hello, Jack. Jack's expression turns to shock and he quickly whips around to look into the back seat, but Christian isn't there. Jack turns back around and puts his hands on the steering wheel as he looks at his own reflection in the rear view mirror. The camera focuses on Jack's eyes and we hear him say: Jack: Not you too...

LOST --commercial--

5) EXT. DOWNTOWN. BEN'S CAR. LA. DAY. Ben watches as Abaddon's car pulls into the parking garage under the office building. Ben turns to Jack with the old Ben face we remember from the island, he has a plan. Ben: Jack, you still have your private practice, don't you? Jack: Yeah, why? Ben: We need some supplies... Jack:

What, why? ......You have a plan, don't you? Ben: Jack... I told you before, we need all of them to go back. That includes Sayid and I don't think he is going to go back willingly. Jack: Yeah, it's about 5 blocks from here. Ben: You'll have to do something about him. Ben looks at Aaron in the back seat then back at Jack. Ben: If something goes wrong... we can't risk Abaddon getting him. We need someone we can keep him until we're ready to go. Jack: I think I know someone... Ben: Good. Jack, there's one more thing you should know. Jack: What's that? Ben pulls a little piece of paper out of his pocket. It's Kaname T.'s name from the list Claire gave Locke, then Richard took from Locke's pocket, then Abaddon somehow got a hold of it and gave it to Hanso when he threatened Hanso in 5.9, "Ghost in the Machine." Ben: It's the last name of who we need to get back to the island. The island won't let us return without all of them, Jack. Jack: You're just now telling me this? The whole trip to Antarctica was for nothing then if we didn't have this. Ben: Well, Jack... I didn't know about it until after we got back. An old friend informed me of Abaddon's manipulation.

Jack: Who? Ben turns the laptop around and there is a photo of Alvar Hanso pulled up on the screen. Ben points to him and looks at Jack. Ben: Him. 6) INT. DOWNTOWN L.A. PARKING GARAGE. DAY. Kate and Abaddon get out of Abaddon's car and Abaddon motions for Kate to follow him to the elevators. As they are walking towards the elevators, Kate gets a look of genius on her face and stops walking. She looks up at Abaddon walking in front of her and stops dead in her tracks. Kate: Let me have your cell phone. Abaddon stops in his tracks and turns around to look at Kate. He gives her a slanty look as he says: Abaddon: And who is it that you need to call? Kate: Jack... if he's up there like you say he is, I want confirmation. Abaddon: You still don't trust me, do you? Kate: I've learned that trust is a silly thing, Mr. Abaddon. Abaddon smiles and looks down. He walks towards Kate as he chuckles and reaches into his pocket. He gets to Kate and pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and hands it to her. Kate takes it and she begins to dial as Abaddon reaches for his gun holster on his hip. Just before Abaddon pulls it out, Kate takes his phone and slams him in the face with it CRACK! Abaddon drops his gun and Kate begins to run towards the parking garage exit. Abaddon fumbles to pick up his gun and he begins running after her. She just about makes it outside, but Abaddon grabs her, spins her around, and hit her in the face with the butt of the gun. Kate falls back, but isn't knocked out. She side kicks Abaddon in the leg and he falls to the ground. Kate manages to get herself up and touches her face. There is blood pouring out as she kicks Abaddon in the side. He grabs her leg and pulls her down to the ground and she fights with all her will, but Abaddon manages to overpower her as he sits on top of her pinning her hands to the ground.

Kate: You aren't working with Jack, are you?! Abaddon: It would be in your best interest to just cooperate with me, Ms. Austen. A security guard comes running out of his booth and up to the two of them. Without thinking, Abaddon lifts his arm and shoots the guard in the chest, BANG! Kate's expression turns to fear as Abaddon looks back down at her. She doesn't move and Abaddon punches her in the face knocking her out. He lets Kate lay there as he goes and picks up his phone and dials. Abaddon: Get down here, I got her. I also have a bit of a mess for you to clean up. 7) INT. AIRPLANE. OVER LA. DAY. The scene starts out showing a woman's hands as she crochets a scarf. The camera pans up to reveal Ms. Hawking. The camera pans over and we see Desmond sitting beside her. Over the loudspeaker we hear: Flight Attendant: In a few moments, we will begin our descent into LAX. Please, buckle your safety belts and put your seats in their upright positions. Thank you for flying Oceanic Airlines. Desmond looks at Ms. Hawking and says: Desmond: Oceanic, really? Ms. Hawking: Oh, Desmond, you can't beat their prices... Desmond just looks at Ms. Hawking as she looks up from her scarf and says to him in the most serious of ways: Ms. Hawking: After 815, they are the cheapest airline to fly with! Desmond rolls his eyes and looks forward again as he buckles his safety belt. Ms. Hawking: That isn't necessary. It will be a safe landing. Desmond:

And what makes you so sure? Ms. Hawking: Desmond, you don't think I find out beforehand whether or not I'm going to die on the airplane I'm taking? Desmond: How can you be so sure? How is it so accurate? Ms. Hawking: Des, the equation never lies. Desmond: Ay, but I thought I was one of the 'numbers' in the equation that could... Ms. Hawking: Right.... Ms. Hawking looks down and fumbles to put her seat belt on. Desmond just looks at her as she does this. She looks back up at Desmond and gives him a darling smile. Desmond: So what is it you're here for? Ms. Hawking: Oh, I just need to make sure things go smoothly. Mr. Abaddon makes a lot of mistakes, you know. It's hard to find good help now-a-days. The camera pans on Ms. Hawking as she continues to smile at Desmond. The plane tilts downwards as it makes its descent into LA. 8) INT. JACK'S MEDICAL PRACTICE. DAY. Jack, holding Aaron, and Ben are walking down the hallway of Jack's private practice. Jack pulls out a set of keys and they walk to a door and unlocks it. They walk in. It is a medical storage room and Jack walks over to a small cabinet and opens it. He is rummaging around inside the drawer as Ben looks around. Ben: You've done well with yourself, Jack... that Oceanic settlement really paid off. Jack: Yeah... at what cost, though? Ben:

There's always collateral damage when it comes to success, Jack... trust me, I know. Jack continues to rummage around the drawer until he finds it: An old empty bottle of the prescription drugs he was taking when he started to lose it. Jack picks it up and looks at it as the flash sound begins.... 9) --FLASH-- JACK'S MEDICAL PRACTICE. DAY. A clean shaven Jack is standing in the same room and is looking at the same bottle of pills, except this time it is full. He unscrews the cap and pops a few in his mouth. Just then, Jane, Jack's receptionist, comes in and catches him in the act. He quickly closes the cap and slides the bottle into his white doctor's coat . Jack looks a bit sweaty as he shoots a look at her. Jane: Um, Dr. Shephard, your next appointment is here. Jack: Damn it, Jane... do you know how to knock? Jane: I'm sorry... I... Jack: No, I'm sorry... Jack grabs the patient's records as he and Jane walk down the hall together and to an examination room. Jack looks down at the folder then back up at Jane with a question mark on his face. Jane: I know you don't take new clients, but he was insistent and paid in full, with cash. Jack just looks at her and he opens the door to the exam room. He walks in looking down at the chart and he says without looking up: Jack: Good afternoon, Mr. Bentham... Locke: Hello, Jack. Jacks eyes get huge and he shoots a look up at Locke who is sitting on the exam table with a goofy smile on his face. Jack stares at Locke as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the pills. He unscrews the cap as Locke watches him.

Locke: What are those, Jack? Jack looks utterly confused and rubs his right eye as if he is seeing things. Jack: I'm sorry, I uh... Locke: It's me Jack. I left the island. Jack: I don't understand... what the hell are you doing here?! How did you... Locke: It's a long story... that you don't need to hear... I'm here to tell you things aren't good Jack, not good at all. Jack begins to look irritated at Locke's presence, but still confused as he falls backwards into a seat across from Locke. Locke: Bad things, Jack... Very bad things have happened since you left the island. Jack: Like what?! Locke: For one, Becky and Bernard are dead. Jack: What?! How?! Locke: Becky froze to death, Jack... Jack: Froze to death?! How did she... Locke: It doesn't matter now, what you need to know is that you need to go back.

Jack: Yeah, so Hurley tells me... Locke: Hurley is special, you should've realized that by now. Jack stands up and throws Jeremy Bentham's chart across the room. Jack: What the hell do you want from me John?! What do you expect me to do?! Go back there, after I almost died, how many times, trying to get off?! It's not going to happen! You guys chose to stay... that was YOUR decision! Locke: Well, Jack, you're right and they should face the consequences for their actions... I'm just not sure the death penalty is a fair punishment. Jack: Death penalty?! Locke: If you don't go back... they'll all die. Locke stands up and begins to walk out of the office. As he does this, he hands Jack a card with Abaddon's name on it with a phone number. Locke: When your conscience gets the best of you, call him. We're going to get back to the island with his help... Jack: We're? Locke: Sayid is already in..... tell your conscience to hurry it up, the clock is ticking. With that, Locke walks out the door leaving Jack standing there with a dumbfounded look on this face. He just watches as Locke leaves and the flash sound begins..... 10) ---END OF FLASH--- INT. JACK'S MEDICAL PRACTICE. DAY. Jack is standing there staring at the pill bottle. Suddenly there is a voice from down the hallway. Woman's Voice:

Jack, you here?! Jack hears this and he finally finds what he is looking for. He pulls out a bottle and a syringe and puts them into his pocket. He, Ben and Aaron then walk out into the hallway where we see the woman standing there. She turns and it's Sarah Shephard. Jack: Thank you for coming. Sarah: Is everything all right? You said it was urgent. Jack: It is. Jack takes Aaron's hand and they walk towards Sarah. Jack bends down in front of Aaron and says to him: Jack: Buddy, this is Sarah. She's a good friend of daddies, ok? She's going to watch you for a while while I go and get your mommy. Can you be a good boy for her? Sarah gets a really confused look on her face and looks down at them. Aaron: Yes, daddy.... Jack hugs Aaron and stands up to look at Sarah in the eyes. Sarah: Jack, I don't know about this.... Jack: Sarah, please. You're the only one I can trust... you need to do this. Sarah: What's going on, Jack? Jack: I'm going to save the woman I love. The camera pans on the two of them. Sarah just shakes her head "ok" and Jack puts his hand on her shoulder.

--commercial-11) EXT. DOWNTOWN. BEN'S CAR. LA. DAY. Jack and Ben pull up to the front of the building again. As they do this the flash sound begins... 12) --FLASH-- INT. ABADDON'S OFFICE. LA. NIGHT. Jack pulls up to the building that we see him currently staking out. He looks down at the address he has written down on a piece of paper and he gets out of the car. The scene cuts to the inside hallway outside of Abaddon's office and Jack is walking towards the door. He catches his reflection in the same glass mirror that revealed it was Jack's POV in 5.10, "The Eyes Have It," after he confronted Abaddon in Miles' flash-forward. At this point, Jack is starting to grow the famous beard that shows his instability. He looks in the mirror and standing behind him is Christian Shephard. Jack spins around and Christian isn't there. He pops a few pills and opens the door. Standing around a table is Abaddon, Locke and Sayid. Jack walks in. Locke: Jack, so glad you decided to join us. Jack: Like I have much of a choice... Sayid: (nods at Jack) Jack. Jack: Sayid. (he nods back). Abaddon: Now that we have the pleasantries out of the way, let's get down to business shall we? Jack: And what business is this of yours, Mr. Abaddon, is it? Abaddon: John told me you would be a problem... Locke: Jack's not a problem, are you Jack? Jack doesn't answer and he just sits down.

Abaddon: Let me first explain to you who I am... My name is Matthew Abaddon and I've been an employee of Mr. Widmore for many years. Charles and I are both apart of a group, Il Destino Sinergia. Jack: So... you work with Widmore? Locke... he works with Widmore...? Locke: Let him finish, Jack. Abaddon: I used to work with Widmore, until I found out that he had ulterior motives and sent that freighter to the island to kill you. You see, my group, we believe in specific things... in destiny. Something that I hear you aren't too faithful in, Mr. Shephard. Jack: Go on... Abaddon: We find it important that you and your friends make it back to the island, to ensure the safety of those you left behind. In order to do that, we need your help in coercing the rest of the Oceanic 6 in joining you, without telling them of me or this plan. You gentlemen are the only ones I can trust with this information. Jack: What is this... this... group that you belong to? Abaddon: Specifics of what we believe in aren't going to help persuade you any further, Jack. It's best to leave that question on the table. Locke: What he needs us to do is make Ben believe that he is going to get us back to the island. Ben wants to go back in order to claim it as his own again... He doesn't care about the others... he just wants the island back. Jack: And how are we supposed to do that? Ben is always one step ahead... Sayid: Not anymore. Abaddon sought me out weeks after we arrived back from the island. He set it up so that when Ben left the island, he would have the needed material to manipulate me

into working for him, or so he thought. I've been working for Ben this entire time under false pretences. Jack: Unbelievable, you've been working for Ben?!....What are these... needed materials that Ben could use to manipulate you? Just then, a door across the room opens and we see a woman walk out, but there is a shadow over her face. Jack sits up in his chair as the woman walks out into the light. It is Nadia!!! Jack: But... I went to your funeral... you... Nadia: ...faked my death and made it look like Abaddon's men did it. Jack: But why?! Abaddon: Jack... we need Ben in order to get to Widmore. Charles has the connections to get back to the island. Jack: And what do we do with Ben after we don't need him anymore? He'll just find another way. Abaddon: Why, we kill him, Jack. How many of your friends did he murder?... It's eye for an eye, Jack. The camera shows Jack sitting there, then pans across the room to the group trying to persuade him to help. Jack's face shows a bit of disbelief that this is all happening. He just sits there and nods his head in a "fine, I give up" kind of way. Jack: Yeah... ok... I'm in... The camera pulls back to show the entire office as the flash sound begins... 13) ---END OF FLASH--- INT. ABADDON'S OFFICE BUILDING. DOWNTOWN. LA. Sayid is dragging Kate's body to the corner of the room and begins tying her up. He shoots a look of disapproval at Abaddon and says: Sayid:

Really, was beating her senseless necessary? Abaddon: She was attempting to escape, I did what I had to do. Hurley is sitting there in the chair all tied up just watching what is goin on around him. He looks worried. Hurley: You guys are insane, you know that?! Sayid: It has to be done, Hurley. Hurley looks down, then he looks back up with an idea. He looks across the room just staring off into space. He begins to mumble to himself. Sayid looks up at Hurley and says: Sayid: What did you say? Hurley continues to mumble. Sayid: What?! Hurley: Quiet, dude, Shannon's trying to tell me something... Sayid stops tying up Kate and beings walking towards Hurley with a sincere expression on his face. Hurley looks down at Kate and sees she is awake and he winks at her. Sayid walks closer to Hurley's face trying to hear what he is mumbling. Sayid: You see her?! You see Shannon? Just then, Kate gets up and quietly walks up behind Abaddon and swings her arms, which are tied up, around his neck from the back and begins choking him with the rope! Just then, as Sayid is an inch away from Hurley's face, Hurley head butts him and Sayid falls backwards! Kate is strangling Abaddon and Sayid falls to the ground. Hurley: Get 'em Kate!! Kill the bastard!!

Kate is struggling with all her might as she chokes Abaddon. Just then, the door to the office swings open and there stands Ms. Hawking with Desmond. Ms. Hawking pulls a gun on Kate and says: Ms. Hawking: Be a dearie, won't you, and quit killing Mr. Abaddon... Kate stops choking Abaddon and steps backwards. Abaddon rubs his throat, turns and smacks Kate. She falls back to the floor and Abaddon continues tying her up. Sayid stands up and gives Hurley a really dirty look. Ms. Hawking walks into the middle of the room and says sarcastically: Ms. Hawking: As always, Matthew, I see you have everything under control... Hurley: Desmond! Dude... don't just stand there! Desmond: I'm sorry, brotha... I think this has got to happen.... Hurley looks down, a bit hurt, as Sayid puts a bandanna over Hurley's head and stuffs it in his mouth. Ms. Hawking turns and looks at Sayid as she says: Ms. Hawking: You, go out and watch the door. I think our uninvited guests have arrived. Sayid nods and he goes out of the office. Ms. Hawking turns to Abaddon. Ms. Hawking: Have you located this Kaname fellow? Abaddon: Yes... They're in Tokyo. Ms. Hawking: And the Korean girl? Abaddon: I believe she's with them. Ms. Hawking turns to Desmond and says: Ms. Hawking:

You'll will be leaving soon. Now, go out and help the other man... Shephard and Linus won't be joining us. They can't join us, do you understand? Desmond nods and walks out of the room. 14) INT. ABANDONED OFFICE. TOKYO, JAPAN. NIGHT. The scene leaves off where we last saw Sun with Ji Yeon and Daniel. Sun is staring at Kaname because she recognizes him from the plane crash on the beach, her meeting with Christine in Sydney in 5.3 and when she mistook him for Jin as she gave birth to Ji Yeon in 4.7. Kaname: My friends call me Steve. Sun: You?! You've been following me since we left the island, haven't you?! Kaname: Yes... I have. Sun: But why?! Kaname looks at Daniel as if asking whether or not he should answer the question. Daniel shakes his head "yes." Kaname: Well, we needed to keep tabs on you. Sun: Why me? Kaname: Because, Sun... you are the most important one. Sun looks at Daniel who shakes his head with agreement to Kaname's statement. Sun: I don't understand. Kaname: Maybe we should just show her? Daniel:

I, uh... I guess it's time. Sun: Show me what?? Daniel and Kaname walk towards the side of the room where there is an empty bookcase. Daniel pulls the bookcase away from the wall revealing a metal doored elevator. Sun's eyes widen and Daniel motions for her to come over. She looks down at Ji Yeon, then up at Daniel. She reluctantly walks towards them. Daniel pushes a button and the elevator doors open. They all step on. 16) INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE ABADDON'S OFFICE. LA. DAY. Jack and Ben are walking down the hallway towards Abaddon's office. The hallway is "L" shaped and Ben stops at the intersection of the two halls. He pokes his head around and he sees Sayid standing there as Desmond walks out from Abaddon's office. Ben pulls his head back around and looks at Jack. Ben: Desmond's with him. Jack: Desmond? He's in on this too? Ben: I guess so. I wasn't anticipating that, but if he's already here, it will make it easier for us to get back. Jack: If you say so... Ben: So, how we going to do this? Jack: Like this... Jack, without hesitation, turns the corner and proceeds towards Sayid in a rush with a look of fury on his face. Sayid raises his gun at Jack as Desmond just stands there not sure what to do. Sayid: Jack, stop! I don't want to have to hurt you!!

Without flinching, Jack continues his fast pace towards Sayid. Sayid swallows and he point the gun at Jack! The music builds as Jack progresses towards Sayid. Just then, Jack lunges at Sayid and the gun goes off! The camera abruptly goes to black! ---commercial--17) ---FLASH--- INT. HOFFS/DRAWLER FUNERAL HOME. NIGHT. The scene starts in the middle of Ben and Jack's conversation from 4.13. Ben: This is the way it has to be, Jack. It's the only way. You have to do it together, all of you. Jack: How? Ben: I have a few ideas. Jack sighs deeply and turns to leave. Ben: Jack... I said, all of you. We're gonna have to bring him, too. Jack turns to look at the coffin and then back at Ben angrily. Jack: I've been working with... Jack pauses. He then looks at Ben. Ben: Working with who, Jack? Jack looks around then he looks at Locke in the coffin. He looks back at Ben and sighs. Jack: Him... Ben: Then why the planes, Jack? Why didn't Locke tell me about you? Jack: I've been trying to find it on my own... it's me who needs to go back... not anyone else...

Ben: You have to stop being the hero, Jack. This isn't all about you for once. They all need to go back. Jack: Then what do you suggest we do? Ben: Sayid and I have been working on getting Widmore to help us. I was just in London with Sun conning Widmore into helping us when I heard about his death... Abaddon must have gotten to him. Jack quickly shoots a look up at Ben. Jack: Abaddon?! Ben: You've heard of him? Jack: Uh... (cough) Locke told me about him.... Jack is obviously lying to Ben. Ben turns and begins to walk out. He turns to Jack and says: Ben: I'll be around with the car, Jack... Jack: Why? Ben: For John. Ben turns and walks out. Jack turns to Locke's body and walks over to it. He looks down. Jack: What have you gotten yourself into? Jack pulls out his cell phone and dials. The camera switches between Abaddon and Jack as the conversation plays out. Abaddon:

Hello, Jack. Jack: We need to talk. Abaddon: Name the time and place. Jack: Tonight, my apartment. Jack hangs up the phone and turns away from Locke. Standing in front of him is Christian Shephard. Jack doesn't look surprised, but instead really annoyed. Jack: What the hell do you want?! Why do you keep following me?! Jack knocks a chair across the room towards Christian. Christian: You need to decide, Jack. You always had a hard time deciding and letting go of things. Jack looks extra shocked this time. He hasn't held a conversation with Christian before. Jack: You... are you... here? Christian: And Jack, what's with the pills and booze? Didn't you learn anything from my mistakes? Jack's eyes are now huge as he looks at Christian with shock. Christian: You have to pick, Jack... Abaddon or Ben. Jack: Who?! Who should I choose?! Christian: That's for you to decide. Christian begins walking towards the door, but he stops and turns around. He says:

Christian: I'd go with Abaddon. Christian winks at Jack and he walks out. Just then Ben walks in and sees Jack staring at the door. Ben: Well, Jack... you going to help? Jack looks up at Ben. With a defiant look on his face, he says: Jack: Yeah, I'm with you. Ben and Jack begin towards Locke's coffin as the flash sound begins. 18) --END OF FLASH-- INT. ABADDON'S OFFICE BUILDING. DOWNTOWN. LA. DUSK. The gunshot was heard and everyone looks towards the doorway. Ms. Hawking quickly looks at Abaddon. Ms. Hawking: You better not screw this up, Matthew. Ms. Hawking quickly exits out the back door and shuts it behind her. Abaddon takes his gun out of his holster and aims it at the door. 19) INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE ABADDON'S OFFICE. LA. DAY. The camera is looking down on Jack and Sayid laying on the floor. Desmond and Ben look on in shock waiting to see who stands up. Finally, Jack moves his arm and reaches for Sayid's gun and grabs it. Jack stands up and the camera pans on Sayid, who has a syringe sticking out of his neck. Jack reaches down and removes the syringe. There is blood all around Sayid's head so Jack hands the gun to Ben, who aims it at Desmond, as Jack examines Sayid. He turns to Ben and says: Jack: It's just a minor abrasion, he'll be fine. Jack looks at Desmond. Jack: What do you think you're doing here? With Abaddon? Desmond: What did you do to Sayid!?

Desmond starts at Jack, but Ben aims the gun towards Desmond's head. Jack looks at Ben and Ben nods. Jack busts open the door and rushes in towards Abaddon. Abaddon has his gun drawn on Jack, but lowers it when he sees Jack has a gun too. Jack rips the gun out of Abaddon's hand as he looks over and sees Kate all bloody. He turns back to Abaddon and starts beating on him. Punch after punch in the face, Jack hits Abaddon. Ben pokes his head into the room and says: Ben: Jack! Enough! We need him conscious to tell us where Kaname is! Abaddon: He's with Kwon... The rest of the scene plays out as we say in Miles' flash forward in 5.10. Jack points the gun at Matthew Abaddon, whose face is completely bloody. The camera turns to reveal Kate tied up in the background on the floor looking worse than Abaddon with blood all over her. The camera moves back to Abaddon and Jack says: Jack: Where is he?! Abaddon: You can beat me to death... I'm not telling you anything. Jack: Oh yea?! Jack turns to Hurley sitting sitting in a chair, also tied up. Jack points the gun up and BANG! A shot is fired at Hurley! Jack quickly turns back to Abaddon. Jack: You won't get far without him, neither of us will!!! Abaddon: All right! He's in Tokyo! You'll find Kaname in Tokyo! He has it! Jack: Sun's there... he better not touch her!!! Abaddon: Then you best be going... Jack walks up to Abaddon and knocks him out with the butt of the gun. Jack takes a ring off of Abaddon's finger. It is the DS ring, exactly like the one Charlie and Giovanni had. Jack

turns and we see Kate sitting in the corner tied up with her eyes huge with tears streaming down. He turns again and walks past Hurley who is gagged and obviously in a lot of pain. Jack continues to walk through the office door. He opens it and Ben comes rushing in with Desmond behind him. Desmond lunges towards Jack, but Ben stops him. Jack: Tokyo. Ben: We leave for the island in 2 days then. Ben rushes past Jack into the office. Jack looks down and Sayid is on the ground. His body lifeless with blood all around it. We hear the door squeaking closed and Jack turns around. The door has a mirror on the outside. As it closes we see a discheveled and upset looking Jack. Jack collapses against the wall and slides down where he puts his head in his hands and starts to cry. He can't believe what he had just done. Inside the office, Ben rushes over to Kate and unties her. Desmond unties Hurley and takes the gag out of his mouth. Hurley: Son of a bitch!!! Hurley stands up and runs out the door in a rage to find Jack. He gets outside the door and sees Jack sitting on the floor. Hurley looks at him and Jack looks up at Hurley with his face all full of tears. Hurley walks over to Jack and sits down next to him. Hurley puts his good arm around Jack and Jack collapses his head onto Hurley and sobs uncontrollably. Jack: I'm so sorry.... Hurley: It's ok, dude... The camera pans on Jack's face as the flash sound begins... 20) --FLASH-- INT. JACK'S APARTMENT. NIGHT. Jack is sitting in his apartment holding a bottle of vodka. He goes to take a swig out of it, but stops himself. He walks over to the sink and pours it out. Just then, the doorbell rings and Jack goes to answer it. He opens the door and Abaddon is standing there. Jack invites him in and Abaddon walks in as Jack closes the door. Jack turns around and pulls a gun out of the back of his waistband. He points it at Abaddon. Abaddon: And what's this, Jack? Jack:

This... this is payback for what you did to Locke. Abaddon: You think that I had something to do with his death? Abaddon scoffs at Jack and turns. He walks over to Jack's bar and pours himself a drink. As he does this, Jack rushes over to him with the gun drawn. Jack: I talked to Ben tonight... he said you did this. Abaddon: And you believed him? Jack: I believe that Ben wants to go back to the island and to do that, he would do everything to ensure our safety. He wouldn't have killed Locke! Abaddon: Jack... you want out? Fine... but don't come crying to me when Ben turns his back on you. Jack: I won't have the chance to come crying to you... Jack cocks the gun and points it back at Abaddon. Abaddon: You're going to kill me, are you? Jack: Eye for an eye, right Matt? Abaddon: How about this instead? I walk out of here and we simply forget each-other. Jack: That's another thing, Locke said I have to go back... you don't seem to need me. Abaddon looks at Jack like "touche." Jack smiles and he pulls the trigger, but nothing happens. The gun is jammed. Abaddon smiles. Jack tries again, but nothing. Abaddon rips the gun out of Jack's hands and aims it at Jack. Abaddon:

Let me give it a try... Abaddon points the gun at Jack's head and pulls the trigger. BANG! The gun goes off. The camera focuses on Jack and he puts his hand up to his ear. Jack looks at his hand and there is blood. The bullet grazed him. Abaddon hits Jack in the face with the gun and Jack falls back on to the couch. Just then, Sayid comes rushing into the apartment. Abaddon throws the gun down beside Jack's passed out body. Abaddon turns to Sayid and says: Abaddon: You're going to be here when he wakes up. Tell him you saw me running from the building so you ran up. You're going to make them all believe that you are on their side now... you and me, pretend it's over. Keep me updated on their every move. Remember, if he gets out of hand... he is expendable. Abaddon turns and walks out of the apartment as Sayid sits down beside Jack. He looks up and watches Abaddon go with a concerned look on his face as the camera pans to Jack. The music slows down to nothing then the screen goes black. ----commercial---21)INT. ABADDON'S OFFICE BUILDING. DOWNTOWN. LA. NIGHT. Jack and Hurley walk back into the office where everyone is sitting around looking absolutely horrible. Jack stands there and Kate walks up to him and throws her arms around him. She cries and hugs him tighter. Jack: You all right? Kate: Yeah... Jack: I got Aaron... he's somewhere safe. Kate just smiles and she leans in and passionately kisses Jack. Desmond drags Sayid's body into the room and looks at Jack with a bit of anger in his eyes. Jack: He'll be fine, he's just going to be out of it for a while. Kate: What next? Ben: Well, we go get Kaname and Sun.

Hurley: Who the hell is Kaname? Jack: Apparently he was on the island with us... he somehow got off. Desmond: Ay, this is all well and good, but... this isn't what's supposed to happen... Ben: Why do you say that? Desmond: Ms. Hawking, she... knows things. Ben: She's one of them, Desmond. The bad guys. Hurley: Who's good and who's bad? Dude... it's kinda hard to keep track of this anymore. Ben: We're the good guys, Hugo, Sayid just got lost along the way... Abaddon and Hawking, they have a different future in store. Desmond: But, she said it was the only future. Ben: You six, you can all change her future... her future is full of destruction and death. You guys... you were brought together on that island for a reason. Just then the back door opens and out walks Ms. Hawking. She walks in and slams down a book on the desk as everyone just watches. Ms. Hawking: Benjamin, still scrawny and underfed, I see. Ben: Still incredibly old and a bitter bitch, I see.

The two just stare at each-other as everyone watches the exchange. Ben glances at the book that Hawking sat down. Ben: What's that? Ms. Hawking: It's the whereabouts of your departure. Ben walks over to the table and looks at the book. There is a Dharma Logo on the cover. He looks up at Ms. Hawking a bit confused. Ben: Why are you giving this to me? Ms. Hawking: Well, Benjamin, I've come to realize that whatever these blundering buffoons have done (she looks around at everyone in the room) must of already changed the future as I intended it. Jack: So, you're just giving us your help now? Ms. Hawking: Ah, you must be Shephard. We should go out for a scotch sometime.... Ben: Answer his question... Ms. Hawking: This isn't over Linus. There is another force at hand... one I didn't count on. Ben: You mean Hanso? Ms. Hawking: Yes, I see you killed Mittelwerk and the loon was freed. Ben: Hanso maybe a loon, but he sure does come in handy. Ms. Hawking breaks out in a hysterical laugh and turns away from Ben unable to control herself. She finally regains her composure and turns back to Ben.

Ms. Hawking: I hope you weren't relying on him too much, Benjamin... Hurley turns to Kate and whispers: Hurley: Who are these people? Kate just shrugs and looks back on at the situation. Ms. Hawking: Benjamin... Hanso was using us, just as much as we were using him. Ben looks at Ms. Hawking a bit confused. Ms. Hawking: After Valenzetti realized there are certain people who can change the outcome of destiny, Hanso left the group and followed him. That's when he started the initiative. Ben: I'm aware of that. Ms. Hawking looks at Ben as if she is wondering if anything she is saying has sunken in or rang any bells for him. When she realizes that Ben doesn't understand, she continues: Ms. Hawking: Hanso wants to change the future too... the way he envisions it... With the Dharma Initiative. Hawking picks the book up off the table and hands it to Ben. Ms. Hawking: He's reinstated the Dharma Initiative. A blank look from Ben. Ms. Hawking: With the help of Valenzetti, himself. Ben looks at Hawking with wide eyes and a bit of disbelief. Ben: You mean...

Ms. Hawking: That's right... Ben looks at Ms. Hawking in shock as she begins to dig into her over-sized crochet bag. She finally finds what she is looking for and pull it out. It's a gun. She aims it at Ben, then lowers it to Abaddon and fires. BANG!! Abaddon is dead! Everyone looks at her like she is insane. She slides the gun back into her bag and looks back at Ben as if nothing had happened. Ms. Hawking: He was becoming a nuisance. Ms. Hawking turns and begins to walk back out of the office. Without looking back, she says: Ms. Hawking: This isn't over, Benjamin... the DS hasn't given up just yet. Hawking walks out the door and it closes behind her. Ben turns to the group behind him with the book in his hands. Jack: What... what's this mean? Ben: It means that we need to get moving and we need to get back to that island now! Jack turns and begins to walk out the door into the hallway. Kate follows, but Jack stops her and says: Jack: I need a minute alone... Kate nods and Jack walks out. In the hall, Jack stops and leans up against the wall. Suddenly, behind him, Jack hears a voice. Christian: It's all falling apart now, isn't it? Jack: Not now... I don't need a delusional hallucination right now... just leave me alone. Christian: I'm not a delusion, Jack.

Jack: What do you want from me?! Christian: I told you to choose Abaddon's side. Jack: What difference would that have made?! Christian: You wouldn't have had to go back, he didn't need you. You wouldn't have to die for this cause. I wanted you to just live a normal life, Jack. Jack: Die? Christian: You're going to die if you go back there. Jack: If I don't go back, then they'll all die. Christian: Sometimes you have to put yourself first. Jack: Why am I even talking to you?! You're not really here! Just then, Hurley walks out from the office and looks at Jack as if Christian isn't there. Hurley: Dude, Ben needs you. Christian: Don't go back... Jack: Shut the hell up! Hurley: Sorry... I'll tell him you need a minute...

Jack: Not you... him... (Jack points to Christian)... my hallucination over there! Hurley looks in the direction of Christian as if there is nothing out of the ordinary happening. He turns back to Jack and says: Hurley: Wait, you see him too? Jack turns to Hurley with looks at him out of the corner of his eye. Jack: You see him?! Hurley: Yeah, he's actually pretty annoying... Jack whips around towards Christian. Christian: Don't go back there Jack... or your dead. The music builds and the scene quickly cuts out. 22) INT. ELEVATOR. ABANDONED OFFICE BUILDING. TOKYO, JAPAN. DAWN. Kaname, Sun and Daniel are on the elevator as it seemingly descends forever. There is an awkward moment as Daniel looks at Ji Yeon and attempts to make a smiley face at her. Suddenly the elevator stops. The doors don't open. Sun looks at Daniel. Sun: Well... what now? Daniel: Oh... I forgot... Daniel pulls out some kind of card and swipes it over a console on the side of the elevator. Just then, the doors open. The camera is focused on Sun's face as the doors open and reveal something that she finds unbelievable. She walks off the elevator with the camera still on her face. Her mouth is hanging open and she looks back at Daniel as the camera starts to pan 180 degrees. In front of Sun is an outstanding room full of people dressed in white coats walking around everywhere. The camera shows complex machinery and computers and a map on the wall across from her that depicts the world. Off to her right are animal cages, in which are birds, dogs, bunnies and the finally a polar bear. A wide eyed Sun turns around sees on the adjacent wall a logo... it is the Dharma Initiative Logo of

the Door Station that Sayid found at the Decoy Village in 2.23. Sun turns back to Daniel with astonishment in her face. Sun: What is this?! Daniel: It's the Dharma Initiative. Just then, we see a man, from the back, walk out from a hallway and approach Sun. Daniel: Ah, he'll help explain it to you... Sun turns around and the man says: Man: Hello, I'm Enzo Valenzetti. Welcome to the new Dharma Initiative. The camera turns to reveal the man claiming to be Valenzetti and as the music builds we see that it is Richard Alpert!! The music hits it's peak and...

LOST 60:05 w/5 commercials, previously and credits.

On the next LOST... VO: The Game has Changed... Clips of: 1) Hawking killing Abaddon and Walking Out... 2) The new Door Station in Tokyo... 3) Richard Alpert greeting Sun. VO: But the Struggle for Life and Death Continues on Island... Clips of: 1) Rose's nosebleed. 2) Walt and Christian. 3) Sawyer, Juliet and Harper watching as the volcano erupts. VO: With Only Two Episodes Left, That Struggle is Going to Be More Intense Than Ever... Clips of:

1) Everyone on Island Running from Something. 2) Harper Standing in-front of the Smoke Monster. 3) Christine and Frank being held at Gunpoint. 4) Juliet standing at the 4 toed Statue. 5) Jack meeting Hanso. 6) Someone ripping Aaron from Kate's Hands. 7) Sun holding a smoking gun. VO: And Death Will Prevail.... In the Final Two Episodes of LOST. Cast In Order of Appearance: Jack Shephard...........Matthew Fox Ben Linus..................Michael Emerson Aaron Littleton/Austen.??? Hurley Reyes.............Jorge Garcia Carmen Reyes............Lillian Hurst Christian Shephard......John Terry Kate Austen..............Evangeline Lilly Matthew Abaddon......Lance Reddick Ms. Hawking.............Fionnula Flanagan Desmond Hume..........Henry Ian Cusick Sun Kwon.................Yunjin Kim Daniel Faraday..........Jeremy Davies Kaname Tanizaki........Steve Tanizaki Jane........................Traci Toguchi John Locke...............Terry O'Quinn Sarah Shephard........Julie Bowen Sayid Jarrah.............Naveen Andrews Nadia Abed Jazeem....Andrea Gabriel Hugo "Hurley" Reyes...Jorge Garcia Richard Alpert...........Nestor Carbonell Questions Answered: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

How Jack became so misguided and screwed up. How the Abaddon/Jack/Sayid/Locke vs. Ben plan began. How Jack decided to go against Abaddon and help Ben. Nadia didn't die. The DI is still active. The DS is resolved. How Miles' flash forward came to be. How Sayid became involved with Abaddon. Valenzetti is Richard Alpert.

Questions Asked: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

What's up with the DI?! What's the deal with Daniel and Kaname being with the DI. How is Richard a part of the new DI? Why is Sun "The Most Important One of them all?" Why will Jack die if he goes back to the island?

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