5.12 Johnny Be Good

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  • Words: 9,957
  • Pages: 38
Note: Ignore the numbers at the end of each scene. They were used as markers to help time a full 60 minute episode w/comms.

Previously On Lost:

Season 5 Episode 12 "Johnny Be Good"

The Polar Bear comic and the Polar Bear attack in 1.14. The cargo plane crashing onto the island in 5.10. The boat reaching the island & Giovanni in 5.10. Amelia shooting Giovanni in the head in 5.10. The kids not remembering Christine in 5.10. Abaddon telling Locke he'll "owe him one" in 4.11. Jack chasing Abaddon in 5.11. Sayid meeting with Abaddon in 5.11. Charlotte Malkin confronting Eko in 2.21. Miles seeing inside the monster in 5.10. Miles' freak out about the future in 5.9. Widmore as a Dharma worker on the island in 5.1. John and Harper outside the Temple in 5.10. 1) EXT. TEMPLE. DUSK. The camera shows , from the back, Locke standing in-front of the Temple with it's Romanesque columns around a dark opening into the side of the mountain. Hieroglyphics are carved throughout the columns. Harper is seen a few feet behind Locke with a dreadful look upon her face. The camera pans to Locke's face and he looks certain that this is what he must do. Without turning, Locke says: Locke: You say no one ever comes out of here, huh? Locke turns around, but Harper is gone. He looks around a little astonished she got away without making a sound. He turns back around and looks at the Temple as he walks in. 2) INT. ENTRANCE OF TEMPLE. DUSK. Locke makes his way just inside of the structure. He looks at the wall and there are Hieroglyphics depicting a man standing in the center of a large group of others who are bowed down around him. The man in the center looks out of place. He isn't wearing Egyptian headgear, but instead he is wearing an oval hat and there appears to be light pouring out of his head. Locke looks back and walks further into the structure. There is a dark stairway going down into the mountain. Locke pulls a flashlight from his pack and turns it on. He aims it down the circular stairway and it seems to go forever. Locke starts making his way down. After making his way down a seemly endless flight of stairs there is a landing with a door to a large room. Locke looks in and shines his flashlight around. He notices something on the floor in one of the sweeps throughout the room. He goes back to it with his flashlight. Sure enough, it is Cindy's dead body. This is the room where Cindy took Charlotte and where Sawyer shot Cindy. Locke looks a little surprised to see Cindy's body

laying there. He focuses the flashlight upwards and sees the opening to the tunnel that Cindy and Charlotte came through. Sawyer and Charlotte must have exited the way Locke came. Locke continues down the stairs. The camera cuts out and we see Locke finally reaching the bottom. It is a grand room with nothing in it but Roman columns holding up the ceiling and a table in the middle of the room. Locke pans the light around and we get a glimpse of the room. Again, many... many hieroglyphics. In the middle of the room on the table/alter is a skeleton. Locke checks it out. The clothes resemble that of a 19th century naval officer. The bones in the left arm appear to be broken. There is no debris around the skeleton, just the bones. Locke looks intrigued. The camera cuts out. 3) EXT. NEAR CARGO PLANE. DUSK. Juliet and Walt are right where we left them with Walt on top of Juliet after pushing her out of the way of the huge device that fell from the tree (from the cargo plane that transported Christine, Walt, Frank and Widmore to the island). Juliet, still looking stunned, says to Walt: Juliet: Walt?! Walt: Hey, Ms. Burke. Juliet, in a slight panic, shoves Walt off of her. She backs up several feet all while not taking an eye off of Walt. Juliet: Walt, what are you doing here?... How are you so... big? Walt: Well,... I grew. Juliet: I see that... but how, how so quickly? Walt: Well, It has been two years now, Ms. Burke.... Juliet: Two years? You've only been gone for two months, Walt. Walt begins walking towards Juliet as he speaks and Juliet keeps edging herself backwards as Walt gets closer to her. Walt: No,.... over 2 years.

Juliet looks untrusting of Walt and eyes him up. In an overwhelmed state she asks him: Juliet: How'd you get here? Walt, still walking closer to Juliet points to the plane. Juliet, still backing up, bumps into something with her feet and she stops. 4) INT. TEMPLE GREAT ROOM. DUSK. Locke moves his flash-light towards the side of the table/altar. There is a book. A very old book. Locke's moves closer to it and puts his hand on it as if to turn the page. Suddenly there is a loud booming voice everywhere at once. Locke looks up and in a bit of uncertain terror/panic... he looks around flashing his light all over the place. Locke: Hello?! Who is it?! Who's there?! There is silence. Then suddenly something rushes past Locke and knocks him flat on his back on the floor! The flashlight goes flying a few feet from Locke. The voice is heard again, but it just sounds like moaning. Then, the sounds of the monster are heard. The clicking of the chains. Locke fumbles for his flashlight. He finally grabs for the table/alter to get up and he puts his hand on the book again. Just as he does this the ground starts to violently shake. Locke finally picks up the flashlight and it shines in his face as the violent shaking and noises associated with it get louder. The light still in Locke's face as the flash sound begins.... 5) -FLASH- EXT. DESERT. DAY. The shot opens focused on Locke's right eye. The camera pans back and Locke is laying in an inflatable red liferaft with a rush of water flooding over the sand around the raft. The camera is above him looking down as Locke just lays there. Sitting beside him is the suitcase device. He looks down at his legs. They aren't moving. His eyes get real wide and he looks like he is in a panic. His face looks like he is pushing very hard for them to move, but nothing. He looks to his right at the device then he blinks really hard a few times. Finally, his legs move. Locke smiles and manages to stand up. He is in the middle of the desert. He looks around him and there are some rocky mountains in the direction of the sun. He picks up the device and begins walking. He climbs over a ridge and there is a road with a lone structure beside it. It looks like a mirage or something. Locke begins walking towards it. The camera cuts again to Locke standing in front of the structure. The camera pans to the building and it appears to be an old 50's style diner with the chrome siding and light blue and pink details. The hot desert sun is glaring off of the chrome siding. There are windows across the front and Locke catches a glimpse of himself in the window reflection. He looks dirty, dusty and tired. He moves towards the door. 6) -FLASH CON'T- INT. DINER. MIDDLE OF DESERT. DAY. Locke opens the door to the diner. There is loud music playing and the song is "Johnny B. Goode" by Chuck Berry. For those who want the full effect: http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=eY4s-lSlsfw&feature=related Second verse:

Lyrics: He used to carry his guitar in a gurny sack Go sit beneath the tree by the railroad track Old engineers in the train would see him him sittin' in the shade Strummin' with the rhythm that the drivers made The people passed him by they would stop and say Oh my but that little country boy could play Go! Go! Go! Johnny! Go! Go! Go! Johnny! Go! Go! Go! Johnny! Go! Go! Go! Johnny! Go! Go! Johnny B. Goode! As these lyrics play out Locke looks around the diner. It looks to be an exact replica of a real 50's diner of the time. Locke looks around and there are no customers and there doesn't seem to be anyone behind the counter. He looks over and sees an old style pay phone. Locke pulls his pockets out and to his dismay there is no change in them, but the paper that Claire gave him in 5.8 of the list of returnees falls out. Locke quickly picks it up. The audio really picks up on the lyrics of this next verse: Lryics: His mother told him someday you will be a man And you will be the leader of a big old band Many people comin' from miles around To hear you play your music when the sun goes down Maybe some day your name will be in lights Sayin' "Johnny B Goode tonight" Go! Go! Go! Johnny! Go! Go! Go! Johnny! Go! Go! Go! Johnny! Go! Go! Go! Johnny! Go! Go! Johnny B. Goode! As these lyrics play out Locke looks at the old-school jukebox with it's colorful lights flashing. He walks to a table and sits down. He picks up a menu and looks it over. He smiles as he sees a picture of bacon and eggs. He has a look of discomfort on his face and he reaches down under the table. When he pulls his hand back up he has a hunting knife in it and he sits it down on the top of the table. Just then a waitress comes out of the back with pigtails in her hair wearing a pink and black poodle skirt and chewing gun obnoxiously. She walks up to the table as the song ends. She looks down at the knife sitting there and gives John a weird look. He smiles then quickly pulls it off the table and puts it beside him on the booth chair. He looks at her name-tag, her name is Faith. Locke: Faith, that's a beautiful name. Faith: What can I get for ya? Locke:

Well, the bacon sure looks good... Say, is there any way I could borrow a quarter to make a call? The waitress looks annoyed, but pulls a quarter out of her pocket. She hands it to Locke and she begins to walk away after writing down the order. Locke stops her. Locke: Oh, Faith! I have a question... She turns and comes back. Locke flashes his charming smile at her. She seems to be taken in by it. Faith: Yeah, sugar? Locke: This may seem strange, but... what's the date? Faith: It's August 23rd. Locke: and the year... Faith looks confused and shoots a stare back at Locke. She says with a spring in her voice: Faith: Why, it's 1958... sir.... Locke's jaw drops and he just stares at Faith as she walks back to the counter. The camera focuses on Locke as he looks back out the window and the flash sound starts... 7) --END OF FLASH-- EXT. JUNGLE. CARGO PLANE. DUSK. Juliet backs up into something and she stops. Walt looks down at what Juliet bumped into. His eyes widen and his mouth hangs open as he looks back up at Juliet. Juliet scrunches her eyebrows then looks down. She looks behind her and we realize it is a wooden crate packed with ice. Juliet takes a step forward and turns. She sees what Walt just saw. It is John Locke's dead body packed in ice from the cargo plane!! Juliet's face widens as she gasps and the island begins to shake violently!! As the island shakes, dead Locke's body falls out of the crate and Juliet jumps back towards Walt. The camera pans onto dead Locke's face and:

LOST (commercial)

8) EXT. JUNGLE. NIGHT. Richard, Sawyer and Frank are making their way through the jungle towards the cargo plane. Frank is leading the way. Sawyer: So, tell me, White-beard.... Y'all wrangled yourself up a machine that Sun's pops made and it magically shot you to the island? Richard: I wouldn't call it magic... Frank stops and turns towards the two men, who are still wearing pretty much nothing. Richard is in his underwear with suspenders and Sawyer in nothing but Frank's winter parka that covers him to his mid thigh. Frank looks at Sawyer and says: Frank: Did you not see the island vanish into thin air? Richard pauses and they continue walking. Frank says to Sawyer: Frank: Who's this guy? Richard: My name's Richard Alpert.... tell me, you left from Antarctica? Frank: Yep. Somewhere over the Queen Maud range. Richard thinks for a moment and a light bulb goes off. Richard: So, we're somewhere above Greenland now then? Frank: That makes sense to you? Sawyer replies sarcastically. Sawyer: Oh, of course it does... don't you know the logistics of trans-planet teleportation? ...or did you miss that episode of Star Trek?

Richard: It's all very simple actually... Frank: You'll have to clue me in on that later... but right now, we're here. The camera pans up to the massive cargo plane now a permanent fixture on the island much like the Black Rock. Richard looks up at it and looks as if it brings back memories from his initial crash onto the island with the Royal Navy's ship. They suddenly spot Juliet who comes running over towards the men. Juliet runs up to Sawyer and Richard and she looks at them oddly seeing as how they are naked, but she dismisses and speaks with urgency: Juliet: Where's Locke?! Richard: He's back on the beach dealing with the boat off shore. Sawyer: There's a boat? Frank: The freighter? I saw it explode... Juliet: No, a small fishing boat belonging to a man calling himself Giovanni Boccaccio... Richards eyes widen and he says with alarm: Richard: Where is he?! Do you have him in custody? Juliet: Yeah, Locke and Harper are taking care of him... Richard sees a bag on the ground and he pulls out some clothes. He begins dressing in a hurry. Juliet notices his urgency. Juliet: Why Richard, you know this man? Richard: No... it's just... I have to take control of this situation... Has the man said anything?

Juliet: Nothing out of the ordinary. He got caught in the island's pull when we moved. He said he's been lost for five days now. Richard: Good. With that, Richard pulls on a sweater over his head. He begins to take off towards the beach, but Juliet says: Juliet: I found Locke's body. Richard stops and walks back to Juliet with a confused look on his face. Juliet: It's in a wooden crate over there, packed with ice. Walt says he's been dead for a while now. Walt walks out from the darkness. Sawyer: Walt? Locke wasn't joking... you are taller... Sawyer turns to Juliet and whispers: Sawyer: Is he really a ghost? Walt: Jeremy, uh, Mr. Locke came to see me a few months ago. He said we had to come back... to save you guys. Sawyer: How the hell did Locke come visit you?.... Juliet: How is he dead?... I have no idea, but I need to go find him. Richard looks at Juliet and thinks real hard. Richard: You go take care of John. I'm heading to the beach... James, would you assist me?

Sawyer tilts his head and looks at Richard a little surprised that he asked for Sawyer's help. Sawyer: Mind if I put some clothes on first? Sawyer starts going through a bag and sees a pair of tennis shoes and smiles. Juliet: Frank, is it? Frank: Yeah. Juliet: Would you take Walt to the Arrow Station? It's safe there. Just follow that path there (she points). Frank: Sure... come on Walt. Walt: Wait a minute! Where's my dad? They all look at each-other like they don't know what Walt is talking about. Frank is the only one who steps forward because he knows... Frank: Come on, I'll fill you in on the way. The group all sets out in different directions. 8) EXT. JUNGLE. NIGHT. We see Charlotte and Widmore sitting on a log with Annie who appears to be sleeping. Jin and Miles are off camera. Charlotte is staring at Widmore, who is looking through some maps that he had brought with him. Charlotte: Those would have been helpful to have when you sent us on this mission... Widmore: I wanted you to figure it out on your own.

Charlotte: Unbelievable... answer me this, uncle.... Why did you choose Miles for this mission? Why is he here? Widmore looks at Charlotte with something of a stern look on his face. Widmore: He is special... He can see things that we can't. Charlotte: What, you mean... the things he has been warning us about? He isn't just making that up? Widmore: I don't know. It doesn't matter either way. I am going to change everything. Charlotte: I used to look up to you... but you are nothing but a big fraud. Ben was right about you, you know... you can't be trusted. Widmore: My dear, I am your best bet of staying alive on this island. You're little friend Miles seems to want to kill you, doesn't he? Charlotte looks down. Widmore: I assure you, he's not the only one. Suddenly, Jin comes running out of the jungle with a cut on his face. He looks to be a bit frantic and waving his arms around. Jin: Miles, he... he's gone! Charlotte jumps up. And takes Jin by the arms. Charlotte: Slow down, Jin... 무슨 일이에요? 그는 어디로 간거지? ST: What happened? Where did he go? Jin: 난 화장실에 가려고했다. 그는 공짜와 날 쳤어요. 그는 내 총을 가져 갔어요! ST: I was going to the bathroom. He got free and hit me! He took my gun!

Widmore: What is he saying? Charlotte: Miles escaped. He took his gun... come on, we got to move! The four of them get up and start making their way into the jungle. Charlotte stops and looks around her with a bit of fright in her eyes before she disappears into the jungle night. 9) EXT. OUTSIDE TEMPLE. NIGHT. The shot opens with Locke laying face down on the ground in front of the Temple. The camera shows the Temple and the entrance is now blocked off due to the violent seismic activity that occurred earlier. How he got out is unknown. He picks up his head and looks up towards the moon and he has a rather somber look on his face. He looks down at his hand and in it are a few pages from the old scripture he managed to rip out of the book. He stands up and looks at the Temple and says: Locke: I know what I have to do. Locke turns and begins towards the jungle with the flashlight in his hand. The camera pans on his face as he walks by and the flash sound begins... 10) --FLASH-- INT. DINER. DESERT. DUSK. Locke is standing next to the payphone with his ear to the receiver. We hear a faint "Hello" from the phone. Locke pauses and looks outside. We hear "Hello, who's there?" Locke finally gains the courage to say something: Locke: (cough) Helen? The camera shows John, but we can hear Helen's voice on the phone. Helen: Hello? Locke: Helen, is this really you? Helen: Yeah, who's this?

Locke: (Pauses) It's me, John Locke. Helen: (Pauses) John, this isn't funny... who is this?! Locke: Helen, it's me... it's John. Helen: It can't be, he died a year and a half ago in a plane wreck... I'm hanging up now... Locke: (rushed) Helen, aren't you going to charge me for the call? The camera shows Helen, smoking a cigarette. Her face looks a bit stunned. She puts the cigarette out. The camera cuts to each person as the conversation plays out. Helen: John, is that really you? You're dead! Locke: I know.... I'm so relieved to hear your voice. Helen: Where are you?! Locke: I'm at a 50's style diner on the boarder of Mexico in California....off route 8 right before you get to Yuma... Helen: Why are you... Locke: I need you to come get me... please Helen. Helen looks a bit dazed and she doesn't say anything. Finally: Helen: Fine, of course... it'll be a few hours...

Locke: Thank you... thank you Helen. Locke hangs up the phone. He looks back at the waitress who is turning off the lights in the diner. She is now dressed in a tube top and blue denim jeans. She looks at him and says in a valley-girl tone: Faith: Sorry about before... I thought you were foolin' around about the year thing Mr... Locke notices she is waiting for a reply to his name. Locke looks down at the open phonebook next to him and the camera focuses on the name Bentham, Jeremy. Locke: Jeremy, Jeremy Bentham. Faith nods and turns the lights out to the main dining area. Under his breath Locke says: Locke: Smart-ass. 11) --FLASH CON'T-- EXT. PARKING LOT OF DINER. DESERT. CALI/MEX BOARDER. NIGHT. The camera cuts to Locke standing outside in the dark. The diner has closed. A red Ford pulls into the dusty parking lot with the lights shining on Locke. He walks to the passenger's side door, opens it and looks in to see Helen sitting there with a cigarette in her hand looking at Locke in awe. Locke gets into the car and shuts the door. Helen just stares at him. Locke: Hi there, Helen. Long time, huh? Helen: I don't... I just don't get it. Locke: Don't ask any questions... please. I need you to take me into Los Angeles. Helen: You disappear after almost 2 year, call me up one day and ask me to come get you.... what the hell John? Are you in some kind of trouble? Locke: You could say that...

Locke breathes a heavy sigh and looks down. Helen gets a look as if she just had an epiphany. She grabs Locke by the arm and screams: Helen: You can walk, John! I didn't... you can walk!!! Locke: Yep. The Australian Walk-About... I told you, you shoulda come! Helen grabs Locke and she kisses him on the mouth with excitement. The kiss then slows down. Helen backs off and looks Locke in the eyes. She says very soft and gently: Helen: Then why do you look so sad? Locke pauses and looks into Helen's eager eyes. Locke: Helen, this is the happiest I've been in a very-long-time... Locke smiles, a big goofy smile, and he pulls Helen in closer for a deep, romantic lingering kiss. It is a bit tense at first, but the two relax. Something Locke has always dreamed of. The two kiss a real kiss as the flash sound begins... 12) --END OF FLASH-- EXT. JUNGLE. NIGHT. Locke is making his way through the jungle while shining his flashlight into the trees. He hears a cracking of a branch and stops. He stands very still and then he quickly turns around and shines his light directly in the face of a very disgruntled looking Miles, who has Jin's shotgun aimed right at Locke's head. Miles cocks the shot gun and says: Miles: Sorry old man... Miles lifts the gun and points it right at Locke as the camera goes abruptly to black. --commercial-13) INT. ARROW STATION. NIGHT. The scene shows all the "others" and the remaining "redshirts" together in the Staff Station milling around. They appear to be restless. The camera pans to the back corner where we see Christine unconscious. She begins to awake and as she does she notices the people in the station all around her. She realizes her wrists are tied up and she struggles to get free in a panic. She notices someone standing close by her. It is Redshirt Reuben. She sees he has a knife in his side pocket. Christine puts on an act and says: Christine:

(cough, cough) Excuse me, sir.... She gets Reuben's attention who walks over to her. Reuben: What? Christine: I'm... (cough) very thirsty, could I have some of that water there. Christine nods to the canteen next to Reuben. He grabs the canteen and walks back towards Christine and unscrews the lid. He then bends to her level and puts the canteen to her mouth. She drinks some then she spits the water out into his face and with all her might she head-butts Reuben! Reuben falls over and Christine in knocked backwards a bit from the hard blow. She looks like she is about to pass out, but she regains herself and manages to scurry over to the knife and begins cutting herself free without anyone seeming to notice. 14) EXT. BEACH. NIGHT. Richard and Sawyer make it to the beach and Richard spots Amelia next to an unconscious Rose and a very dead Giovanni. He rushes over to them. He looks over Giovanni as Sawyer sees Rose knocked out. Sawyer: What the hell happened here?! Amelia: This man, he knocked her out... I had to defend myself, so I... did what I had to do. Sawyer looks at the man, who is still tied up. Sawyer looks back at Amelia very suspicious. Richard bends down and check's Rose's pulse. Sawyer: So you shot him in the face at point blank range? (sarcastically) That's some fine marksmanship there, grandma. Richard: James, could you take Rose over by the fire. She feels a bit cold. Sawyer is hesitant, but he picks Rose up and takes her over towards the fire. Richard looks at Amelia and gives her a real scolding look. Amelia looks at her knuckles, which are bleeding and shakes her hand. Amelia: What was I supposed to do? She was looking at his ring and asking questions.

Richard: And him? Amelia: He's a member of Il Destino Sinergia. I thought you'd want me to do this. Richard: I would have liked to have questioned him first, thank you. Amelia: I don't think that would have been wise. He was most likely looking for Valenzetti. Richard looks down then at Giovanni. He looks back at Amelia. Richard: Anything else? Amelia: The children's mother is here. I had her taken to the Arrow. Richard: It's all falling apart, Amelia... Where's Locke? Amelia: He and Harper went to the Temple. Richard's eyes get huge and he says: Richard: And you let them go?! Amelia: He had a gun, what was I to do? Richard looks down at Giovanni like "uh, you killed this guy, you coulda handled Locke." Amelia takes note and nods. Richard: Go, go back to the Arrow and keep an eye on that woman. Amelia starts off towards the Arrow. Sawyer is at the fire with Rose, who is now waking up.

Richard: James! Come on, we need to find Locke... now! Sawyer: What about her? Rose says faintly as she regains herself: Rose: Go, I'll be fine here with Bernard... Sawyer looks unsure as he looks at the grave and realizes that Bernard must have died. He looks at Rose very sincerely. Rose gets very serious. Rose: Go, James, now don't make me tell you again! Sawyer smiles at Rose, who smiles back. He stands up, grabs one of the torches from the funeral spot and starts off with Richard towards the Temple. Sawyer catches up to Richard and the two start off. Sawyer: Look, Eye-liner, you're gonna start talkin', right now. Richard begins to say something as they are walking, but he steps on something and then bends over to his bare foot and grabs it in pain. Sawyer looks down at his shoes he got from the bag. Sawyer: Guess you shoulda taken the shoes... Sawyer bends down to see Richard's foot, which is bleeding. Richard moves his hand and then we see it. Richard Alpert has four toes!! Sawyer sees this. Sawyer: Whoa, looks like a piggy went to market... Richard wipes some of the blood away and we see that he did, at one point, have five toes, but it looks like one was removed somehow. Richard brushes it off and starts to walk off into the jungle again. Richard: Come on! We're losing time! Sawyer jumps into action and the two men start off into the jungle.

15) EXT. JUNGLE. NIGHT. Miles has the gun pointed at Locke's head. Locke doesn't look too amused, but looks a bit surprised to see Miles. Locke: You're alive... I thought the... Miles: Yeah, I had a run in with your old friend, Locke. He showed me some interesting things... Locke: Such as? Miles: How you used to be in a wheel chair before the plane crash. Quite a miracle I'd say. Locke: The island is special. I think you know that now. Miles: Yeah, but you're not. I'm sorry, old man, I can't let you off the island. Locke: I know. Miles looks a little taken back by Locke's agreement. Miles: What do you mean, you know? Locke: Miles, I have to leave the island, to prevent what you have seen from happening. Miles: You don't get it, do you? If you leave it's going to happen just like it always has. You can't change it... Locke looks a bit confused. Miles: Goodbye, John.

The camera shows Miles aim the gun and the camera pans to John's face as the flash sound begins... 16) --FLASH-- INT. SANTA ROSA. DAY. Locke is sitting in the common room at Santa Rosa and he is reading a magazine. The magazine is "Scientific Weekly" dated "Week of September 16-22nd, 2007." The camera pans shows the article Locke is reading. There is a photo of Alvar Hanso in the article and the article says, "Hanso to Back Scientific Research Mission in '09." There is a voice heard and we are looking at the magazine as if we are Locke reading it. Locke lowers the magazine and looks over the top. Sitting there, in a wheel chair, is a very distressed looking white haired Emily Locke. She has aged 12 years since we last saw her. John sits the magazine down and just looks at her. She looks back at Locke. Emily: Johnny... you came... I knew you'd come. Locke: Hi, mom. Emily: Did you bring me any money... the ladies here steal from me, you know. Locke: No, mom... no money. I... I came for some answers. Emily: I have answers, you want answers? Locke closes his eyes and puts his hand on his mother's cheek. He looks at her as she is shaking a little from what is probably Parkinson's Disease and her eyes have a glazed over distant look. Locke: I need to know the truth about my father. Emily: Johnny, I told you... you don't have a father. (she sings this) You are an angel sent from God. Locke: Please... mom... I know you're in there somewhere... think... was Anthony Cooper my real father? Emily:

Oh, heaven's no. That man was a pig! Emily begins to laugh and she pushes her nose up like a pig's snout. Locke doesn't look amused and he seems to be a bit saddened by the whole thing. He composes himself. Locke: What do you know about Richard Alpert? Suddenly, Emily stops laughing and she sits back in her chair and her eyes widen. She looks terrified. She begins screaming: Emily: No, Johnny! No! No! Johnny! Locke: Mom, please, calm down! Emily continues to scream that. In the background, we see Hurley poke his head up from drawing a picture. He spots Locke and his face is filled with astonishment. Locke notices Hurley as a nurse comes over and looks at Locke with a disapproving manner. Nurse Linus: What did you say to her?! I think you should leave, sir... Locke: I'm sorry, I ... Nurse Linus: Please! Now go to the nurses' desk and sign out! Hurley comes up behind Nurse Linus and says: Hurley: It's ok... I know this man. Nurse Linus looks warily at Hurley, then at Locke, then back at Hurley and says: Nurse Linus: You have 5 minutes, visiting hours are almost over. Nurse Linus wheels the crazy, out of control Emily out of the room. Hurley sits down beside Locke and pokes his face as if to make sure he is real. Hurley:

Dude, are you really here, or... are you like Charlie? Locke: You've seen Charlie? Hurley: Kind of... so... what are you doing here? I thought you like... moved the island. Locke: I... well, I shouldn't have. Things aren't good, Hugo. Hurley: I know... Locke notices the confidence of Hurley's statement. Locke: What did he tell you, Charlie? Hurley: He said that you need us... that we have to go back, but Locke... I'm not going back. Locke shushes Hurley. Locke: It's Jeremy Bentham now. Locke looks down and his face reveals he understands Hurley's position. Locke: Are you here to feel safe, is that why you're really here? Hurley doesn't answer, he just looks away. Locke: You aren't a coward, Hugo. You and I both know that. You don't belong here. I need you to help me... to help our friends back on that island. Jin, Sawyer, Claire... Rose... they all need you, Hugo. I want you to think about it. Hurley: Who else knows... that you're here? Locke:

All of them, but Walt and Sun. I leave for New York tonight to speak with Walt. Think about it, Hugo... With that, Locke gets up. He begins walking out of the room. Hurley stands up and stops him. Hurley: She came to me too, you know. Locke: Who? Hurley: The girl... She told me you needed my help. I didn't think she was real, but then... then you showed up here... Locke: What girl? Hurley: ...Charlotte Malkin. Locke tilts his head like he doesn't know a Charlotte Malkin. He just looks at Hurley as the flash sound begins.... 17) --END OF FLASH-- EXT. JUNGLE. NIGHT. Miles is standing there with the gun pointed at Locke, suddenly something catches Miles' attention in the direction where Locke is standing. Miles looks irritated as he says: Miles: Leave, I have to do this! Locke looks at Miles with confusion. Miles becomes more agitated and the Lost "doom" music begins to build. Miles: I... that's not right! Locke: What's wrong with you? Miles looks at Locke as if he is looking through him. Locke notices this and he turns his head then turns around. Directly behind Locke is Charlotte Malkin, dressed in a blue shirt and jeans!! She is dripping wet and looks very pale. Water is dripping from her face and her hair as she looks at Miles and screams:

Charlotte Malkin: John!! Let John Locke Go!!! Let him Go!!! This it the same thing heard in her Autopsy Tape from 2.21 "?." John jumps back, not expecting to see a strange girl standing there. Charlotte Malkin begins to, what appears to be, having convulsions. He turns back to Miles and Miles lowers his gun. Miles looks at John like "you're lucky this time." Miles turns and runs off into the jungle. Locke turns back around to Charlotte Malkin who is gone now. Suddenly the bushes behind where Charlotte was standing begin to move. Locke looks on with anticipation and raises his gun to the bushes. He aims just as Juliet comes walking out. Locke: Juliet?... Did you just see a girl run by? Locke lowers his gun and Juliet looks at John like she doesn't know what he's talking about. She then looks very serious. Juliet: You're alive. Locke: ...I think so, why? Juliet: I need to show you something. The camera pans on Juliet's face, which is solemn, then onto Locke as the music builds... ---commercial--18) --FLASH-- BASKETBALL COURT. BRONX. NYC. DAY. The camera shows a grown Walt playing basketball in a sketchy area of the Bronx. Walt is being guarded by a much taller boy who is trying to block the basketball as Walt attempts to shoot it. Walt shoots and the basketball hits the rim of the basket, but doesn't go in. It is stuck on the back of the rim and the backboard. Walt squints his eyes and looks at the ball as the ball slowly falls through the basket. Walt jumps up and down for joy and gives a member of his team a high-five. The joy of the situation comes to a halt though once Walt turns and sees Locke standing on the other side of the chain-link fence watching him with a smile on his face. Walt looks around at his friends. One of his friends sees Locke and notices the shocked look on Walt's face. He says: Tall Boy: Who's that Chris? Your grandma's boyfriend!? All the boys begin to laugh at Walt, but Walt doesn't care. He walks over to the fence and looks through to Locke with a look of amazement.

Locke: Chris, huh? Walt: Yeah... we had to change our names... Mr. Lo... Locke: No, it's Jeremy Bentham... I had to change mine too. Locke smiles at Walt and Walt smiles back to John. Locke: How have you been... Chris? Walt: I've been... all right... how are you here? Locke: Remember when I told you the island is special? Walt: Yeah... Locke: Well, it's only as special as the people who are on it. Walt looks at John a little weird like he doesn't understand where Locke is going with this. Walt: I had a dream about you... it was kind of weird. Locke: Oh? Walt: You were laying in a pit... surrounded by dead people. You were going to... well... shoot yourself. Locke seems to really be interested in what Walt has to say. Walt:

You didn't though. I talked you out of it. Locke: Yes, yes you did... and I thank you for that. Walt looks confused but before he can ask, Locke interrupts him. Locke: The island needs you back, Walt. It needs all of us back. Walt: Is that why my dad went? Did he go back to the island? Locke: I'm not sure. I've been off for a while now. Walt: Why do you need me to go back?... My gram won't let me go back... Locke: I've talked to everyone else. Some don't want to, but maybe you could convince them... Walt is about to say something, but his grandmother comes up behind him and grabs him by the shoulders. Miss. Dawson: Christopher! What did I tell you about talking to strangers?! She begins to take Walt away, as they are walking Walt looks back at Locke. Locke: They need you, Walt. Walt turns and goes with his grandmother. Locke turns and begins walking towards the street. As he reaches the street a black car pulls up beside him. The car's driver-side window is lowered and we see it is Matthew Abaddon! Abaddon: I believe you owe me a favor, John. Locke stares at Abaddon as the flash sound begins... 19) --END OF FLASH-- EXT. JUNGLE. NIGHT.

Locke and Juliet are walking through the jungle and they come upon the wreckage of the cargo plane. Juliet looks at Locke very sincerely. Locke: This is what you had to show me? The plane? Juliet: No, John... What I need to show you is over here, but I want you to be prepared. You may not like what you are about to see. Locke nods at Juliet as if he is sure he wants to see it. Juliet leads Locke towards the crate of ice and the dead Locke. They arrive to the spot. Juliet looks at Locke and she removes the top of the crate. The camera is focused on Locke. We see his expression as he looks at his own dead body. His eyes widen and he looks at Juliet like "holy crap." 20) EXT. JUNGLE. NIGHT. With the Lost "chase music" playing Christine is running through the jungle away from the Arrow Station. She keep looking behind her to make sure no one is coming. While she is looking behind her she runs smack into Frank and Walt, who are making their way to the Arrow Station. Christine hits into Frank and falls backwards. Frank stands there looking at her. She looks up and sees him and Walt and says in a panic: Christine: What is this place?! Frank: The island of mystery... where've you been? Christine: They have my children, Frank... and my children don't even recognize me! Walt: You mean, Emma and Zach? Christine shoots a look up at Walt. Christine: Yes! You know them?! Walt: They were in the room before they put me there. Christine:

What room?! Walt: Room 23... the room with the movie. Christine: What movie? What did they show you? Walt: It was weird... I don't really remember it too well. Christine: That must be it! They brainwashed them! Frank: Whoa... slow down there... who brainwashed who? Christine: The old woman... the one who has my children. She brainwashed them to forget about me!.. Walt, where is this room? Walt: It's on another island... I don't know. Christine gets up and takes Walt by the hand and begins pulling him away from Frank. Frank grabs Walt's other arm and stops her. Frank: What do you think you're doing? Christine: We're getting my kids and we're going to that island. If there is a way to undo this... I'm going to figure out how. Frank doesn't let go of Walt. Walt: I'm not going back there. I need to find my dad! Christine thinks for a minute. She looks up at Walt with a desperate look. Walt:

I heard them talking. They said they have Dawson at the second location. I bet they mean the other island! Frank looks at Christine and he knows she is lying. Frank: That's not true Walt... your father... he... he didn't make it. Walt: What do you mean, he didn't make it? Frank: Walt, ...your father is dead. Walt has a look of disbelief on his face. The distant stare turns into one of total anger, frustration and fury. The camera shows Frank and behind him is a polar bear, seemingly out of nowhere!! Christine is watching Walt and notices the bear. Her eyes get huge and she looks at Frank who notices her look of shock. Christine points to the bear. Frank turns around and is ten feet away from the polar bear. Franks eyes get huge as he says: Frank: Ohh... crap. 21) EXT. JUNGLE. NIGHT. The camera shows Locke who is bent down looking at himself. He looks in dis-belief. Juliet is standing behind him and is looking very anxious. Juliet: It was on this plane that crashed here... it... Locke holds up his hand to Juliet as if telling her to shut up. He doesn't take his eyes off of himself. He then takes the paper out of his pocket. It is the drawing of him on the boat with the device that Sam Toomey drew in 5.6. He looks at the paper then at his dead body. He gives a little smile as if he is accepting his ultimate fate. He stands up and turns to Juliet. Standing in front of her, he puts his hands on her shoulders and looks her deeply in the eyes. Locke: This is my fate, Juliet. This is something that I must do. If the island needs me... if it needs me to sacrifice myself for the greater good, then so be it. Juliet: John, there has to be a way around this... We can g.... Locke:

This is the only way... I need you to do something for me. Juliet looks John directly in his eyes and nods her head. Tears are forming in her eyes. Locke: I need you to lead them. I am choosing you, Juliet... to take my place when I'm gone. Juliet: What about Richard? Locke: He isn't a leader of the people... you... you have a good heart, Juliet. John leans forward and kisses Juliet on the forehead. He turns and begins to walk off into the jungle towards the beach. Juliet just stands there and watches him go. Juliet: Good luck, John.... Without turning, John moves forward. Juliet watches him vanish into the trees. The camera pans back to his dead body in the crate. 22) INT. ARROW STATION. NIGHT. Amelia walks into the Arrow Station and she looks over to see Reuben holding his head. She walks over to him in haste. Amelia: Where is she? Reuben: She attacked me and took off. Amelia: Why aren't you out looking for her then?! Reuben: Look, lady... I'm not one of your people... I don't take orders from you. Amelia calmly turns around and walks to a group of the "others" which are distinguishable because of their raggedy clothes. Amelia: Go, find that girl... Richard will be very unhappy if we have lost her... go!

The "others" start heading out of the Arrow. 23) EXT. JUNGLE. DAWN. Jin, Charlotte and Charles make their way towards a clearing. Widmore is looking at his map and he stops. He turns to his right and looks up with a big smile on his face. Widmore: This is it. Charlotte: This is what?! Widmore moves a leafy branch out of the way and behind it, through a clearing, is the Black Rock. Widmore gives a very Cheshire Cat smile and turns to Charlotte. Widmore: The key to it all, my dear. Charlotte looks at Widmore oddly. Jin looks at Charlotte then back to Widmore who has already started off towards the Black Rock. Charlotte turns to Jin. Charlotte: 난 아직도 그 총이 있었다면... ST: I wish you still had that gun... 24) EXT. BEACH. DAWN. Locke makes his way out of the jungle and onto the beach. He looks up and sees Rose sitting beside Bernard's grave. He looks over and sees Giovanni dead. He rushes up to Rose. Before he says anything and before Rose turns around to him she says: Rose: Amelia killed him. Locke looks back at Giovanni and looks a bit concerned, but doesn't really think twice about it. Locke: Do you know how to operate a small fishing boat? Rose turns to John with one eye-brow raised. Rose:

Do I know how to oper.... my daddy was a tug boat captain, (she laughs) do I know how to... Locke: Great, I need your help. Locke looks at Rose with a smile on his face. Rose looks back at Locke hesitantly, but she puts her hand up to him as if to help her up. John takes her hand and Rose smiles at him. ----commercial---25) EXT. OCEAN. DAWN. With the sun barely coming up over the horizon Rose and Locke are making their way from the small yellow motorized dingy that Giovanni arrived on the beach with up onto his small fishing boat. Locke helps pull Rose over the side of the boat as she says: Rose: Why do you have to do this out on the boat? Locke: Because it's where the drawing shows me leaving from. Rose: Ok, so why do you need me to drive it, just where are we going? Locke and Rose make their way to the controls as Locke sits the suitcase device down and opens it up. He begins playing with the gadgets inside. Locke: I need you to take me about five miles out from the island... that's how close the freighter was without coming into the island's zone. Rose: I'm not sure I follow... Locke: My dead body is on the island, Rose. I watched a video in the Orchid and I don't think it would be too smart for me to activate this thing anywhere near it... or the island. Rose looks at Locke with a questionable expression on her face. She answers with a side smart remark: Rose: I suppose I've heard stranger things since being here...

Rose dismisses Locke's statement as she starts up the fishing boat and begins taking it away from the island. Locke: One thing, this picture doesn't have me leaving from this boat. It has me leaving from that... Locke points to the small red raft sitting on the bow of the ship. He compares the drawing to the little boat. They are a match. Locke: .... and I need you to get back near the island before I set this off. Rose: Why don't I just come with you? Maybe I could help... Locke: You've got to stay here Rose... besides... what about your cancer. Rose shakes her head... Rose: That doesn't bother me anymore... Locke: I'm sorry about Bernard, Rose... I really am. Rose nods and gives a sad smiles towards Locke as the camera shows the boat getting further and further from the island. 26) EXT. JUNGLE. DAWN. Sawyer and Richard are going through the jungle towards the Temple. Sawyer stops dead in his tracks and looks at Richard. Sawyer: Look, you haven't told me a damn thing... I'm not takin' another step until I get some answers. Richard: You want answers, James, fine... Richard turns to Sawyer and looks annoyed. He delivers this statement very directly and quickly:

Richard: My name is Richard Alpert and I arrived on this island in 1842. This whole time here I've been searching for someone who could lead us to salvation from the things that are about to happen in the very near future... Sawyer stops him. He rolls his eyes and begins moving on. Sawyer: If I wanted a sarcastic answer, I would have asked myself... let's find Locke... Richard smirks as Sawyer walks past him. Richard follows. 27) EXT. OCEAN. DAWN. Rose and Locke, on the boat, start heading into a thick fog. Up above there is flashing from lightning. There is no sound coming from above, just the flashing from the electrical storm. Locke looks at Rose and Rose looks warily back at Locke. Locke: I think this is it. The edge... the fog is from the warmth of the island hitting the cold from the outside... a little bit further... 28) EXT. BLACK ROCK. DAWN. Charlotte, holding on to Annie, is walking with Jin towards the Black Rock. Charles is beside the boat. He puts his hand on the hull of the ship and lets out a fond chuckle. He looks back at Charlotte. Widmore: Marvelous, isn't she?! Charlotte: Yeah... grand. Widmore: Where's your sense of adventure, girl?! Widmore walks to the hole in the side of the hull and walks into the ship. Charlotte and Jin stay outside. Jin: 그가 뭘 찾고 있지? ST: What is he looking for? Charlotte:

나도 몰라. 난 우리가 알게 될 것이라 확신합니다. 난 당신이 말할 게요. 그게 뭐든간에, 내가 기분이 좋 지만은 않을 것이다. ST: I don't know. I'm sure we'll find out. I'll tell you this... whatever it is, I have a feeling it won't be good. The camera focuses back onto the Black Rock. 29) EXT. OCEAN. DAWN. Rose and Locke reach the other side of the fog. They are outside of the island's grasp. Locke picks up the suitcase device and throws the little raft over the side. He starts to climb over the edge of the boat on to the raft. He looks back up at Rose as she helps him over and notices Rose looks a little faint. It is obviously colder on this side because their breath shows as they talk: Locke: Rose, you ok? Rose: Oh, I think I'm just a little tired... I haven't slept much since the big move...I'll be fine. Locke makes his way down to the little raft. He looks up at Rose and very sincerely says: Locke: Thank you for everything Rose... you are a brave woman. Tell the others to be strong... Rose: So long, Mr. Locke... You'll always be in our hearts and minds... and good luck. Rose takes control of the boat and begins to drive it back into the fog cloud as Locke sits there in his little red raft watching her leave. 30) EXT. BLACK ROCK. DAWN. Widmore has made his way to the deck of the Black Rock. He begins to walk to a set of doors in the back of the ship. The camera shows the doors and these are the same doors we saw in 5.10 that the Captain of the Black Rock came out of. It is the Captain's chambers. Widmore pushes hard on the doors and they swing open. He walks into the captain's chambers and right to the desk. He goes around to the front of the desk, takes a key out of his pocket and unlocks the drawer. He opens it and peers inside as he smiles. Widmore: Right where I left you 29 years ago... 31) EXT. OCEAN. DAWN.

Locke is sitting on the raft looking towards the island as some of the fog clears. The island is seen in the distance. He stares at it and smiles. He looks down to the case and hits a button on the inside. Locke: I sure as hell hope this is right... Locke hits another button that says "Execute." A loud sound comes from the suitcase and a bright haze of purple light begins forming around him as the flash sound starts... 32) --FLASH-- INT. JACK'S APARTMENT. LA. DAY. Locke is walking down the hallway of Jack's apartment building. He reaches Jack's door, takes a deep breath and knocks. Locke appears to be nervous. Finally, Jack opens the door. He has the scruffy beard from 3.22 and looks pretty horrible. Jack looks a bit surprised to see Locke and motions for him to come in without saying a word. Locke walks into Jack's apartment and walks into the living room. He looks over and Sayid is sitting on an arm chair. He looks back over to Jack who has a drink in his hand. Jack: Glad you could make it. Locke walks into the room and sits down on the couch. The camera pans to Locke's right and sitting beside him is Matthew Abaddon! Locke looks at Sayid. Locke: So, how's it coming? Sayid: He has no idea... he thinks I'm working for him. Abaddon: And you are sure of this? Sayid: Positive. Abaddon: Good... the next step is getting him to convince Widmore to work with him... and by him... I mean us. Sayid: He has his sights on using Sun as a means of connection to Widmore in London. Abaddon:

Good, once we get to Widmore... he will lead us to Mittlewerk who will give us the equation that will help us get your friends off of that island... Jack: So it is all going as planned then? Abaddon: To a tee. John, you will accompany Ben to Korea to speak with Sun... tell her what you know about Jin... that will ensure her cooperation. Abaddon stands up. Abaddon: This was excellent gentlemen, we will have your friends home and safe in no time. Abaddon starts towards the door and Locke follows. Locke: I need a word with you... outside. The two men walk out the door and begin walking down the hall as Jack closes the door. Locke turns towards Abaddon. Locke: I know how this all ends, Matthew... Once I'm gone, you promise to get my friends off of that island? Abaddon: John, you have my word. Abaddon gives a rather sinister smile as he puts his hand out to shake hands with Locke. The two men shake hands as the flash sound starts... 33) --END OF FLASH-- EXT. OCEAN. DAWN. Locke is sitting on the boat as the machine is activated and then BOOM! A loud sound is heard and the raft is engulfed with a purple haze that shoots into the sky. The camera shows it from a distance and the light extends far into the sky. 34) EXT. BLACK ROCK. DAWN. Widmore comes out of the captain's chambers and sees the light off in the distance. It catches his attention. He flashes a devilish grin. The camera cuts to Jin and Charlotte as they catch the light in the distance over the mountain top in front of them. They exchange a look of concern towards each-other.

35) EXT. OUTSIDE OF THE TEMPLE. DAWN. Richard and Sawyer make their way to the clearing before the Temple. They walk through the clearing when Sawyer spots the purple light. He hits Richard on the shoulder and points to it. Richard turns and sees it. His reaction is one of unsettling surprise. He puts his hands over his eyes as if he had just gotten horrible news and says: Richard: Damn it, John... 36) EXT. JUNGLE. DAWN. Juliet is making her way on the path to the Arrow as she spots the light in the sky. She puts her hand over her brow and looks up at it. She gives a weak smile and looks back to the path in front of her. To her surprise Walt is standing there looking directly at her. Juliet gasps and is taken back as she looks at Walt, covered in blood from head to toe with a blank, yet eerie look on his face, as he stares right back at her. 37) EXT. OCEAN. DAWN. We see Rose steering the boat from behind as the faint BOOM is heard from behind the camera. Rose turns her head towards the camera and we see that there is blood pouring out of her nose and her head is violently convulsing like she is having a seizure. The music begins to build as the camera pans back towards the light. The light completely disappears, the music builds and...

LOST --64:20-- (it will be one of those episodes that carries over a little).

No Next Time Cast In Order Of Appearance: John Locke................Terry O'Quinn Harper Stanhope........Andrea Roth Juliet Burke...............Elizabeth Mitchell Walter Lloyd..............Malcolm David Kelley Faith........................Summer Glau James "Sawyer" Ford...Josh Holloway Richard Alpert............Nestor Carbonell Frank Lapidus.............Jeff Fahey Charlotte Lewis..........Rebecca Mader Jeanette "Annie" Lewis.Brenda Strong Charles Widmore.........Alan Dale Jin Kwon...................Daniel Dae Kim Helen.......................Katey Sagal Miles Straume.............Ken Leung Christine DeVries........Jody Thompson Redshirt Reuben.........Reuben Games

Amelia.....................Julie Adams Giovanni Boccaccio....Erick Avari Rose Nadler..............L. Scott Caldwell Emily Locke..............Swoosie Kurtz Nurse Linus..............??? Hurley Reyes............Jorge Garcia Charlotte Malkin........Brooke Mikey Anderson Tall Boy..................??? Miss Dawson............Starlette DuPois Matthew Abaddon......Lance Reddick Sayid Jarrah.............Naveen Andrews Jack Shephard..........Matthew Fox Questions Answered: 1) Richard does have 4 toes (on one foot at least). 2) The why and how Locke got off the island. 3) The whole autopsy ordeal with Charlotte Malkin. She went to the island's future and saved John. 4) Sayid has been pulling a long-con on Ben since the beginning. Questions Asked: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Why was Emily Locke so upset when Locke mentioned Richard? What was on the scripture that Locke had in his hands? What happened to Locke inside of the Temple that he "knew what he had to do?" Why did Charlotte Malkin end up on the island to save John? Why is Walt covered in blood and where is Frank and Christine? What is the deal with Jack AND Sayid working with Abaddon? Locke too! What did Widmore get out of the desk in the Black Rock?

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