5.10 The Eyes Have It

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  • Words: 9,253
  • Pages: 36
Note: Ignore the numbers at the end of each scene. They were used as markers to help time a full 60 minute episode w/comms.

Previously On Lost:

Season 5 Episode 10 "The Eyes Have It"

The 06 and returnees in the Arctic Station in 5.9. Christine stealing flight showing Walt, Widmore and Frank in 5.9. Charlie putting his ring in Aaron's crib in 3.21. Miles being taken by Black smoke in 5.2. Widmore bidding on the Black Rock in 4.5. The new boat being seen off shore by Rose in 5.9. Cargo plane being seen in sky w/bright light in 5.9. Amelia comforting Rose in 5.4. Locke's piece of paper with drawling of him on the boat in 5.8. Montand being attacked by the smoke monster in 5.6. Abaddon showing Hanso the name Kaname T. in 5.9. Claire telling Locke about the visitor in 5.8. Bernard crashing through window of the French woman in 5.8. Miles telling about the man with tubes (Hanso) and then him on the floor crying with Jin holding him down in 5.9. 1) INT. CAVE. DAY. The camera if focused on an eye. The camera pans backwards and we see that the eye belongs to Miles. He is laying on his back, but we don't see where he is just yet. Miles sits up and looks around. There are scrapes and cuts all over the front of his body. The camera pans back further and we see that Miles is sitting on a slab of rock in the middle of what appears to be a cave. He stands up and looks for an exit, but the only exit visible is the one coming from above him where there is light pouring out. He is trapped. Miles: Hey!!! Charlotte!! Someone!! Help!! Miles looks around again and he sees a 3 foot wide hole in the wall across from him. He rushes towards it but as he does this he sees something coming out of it. It is a black foglike smoke! He hears the chain sounds again, but this time they are very very loud. He covers his ears and looks very panicked. Just then, out of nowhere, the black smoke starts pouring out of the hole. Miles runs back towards the middle of the cave and stands on top of the rock slab. The smoke completely surrounds him with the sounds of screeching and chains. Miles: What the... HELP ME!!!! The smoke has completely filled the cave all round Miles. Miles is actually inside of the smoke cloud. All around him he sees images of past events. We see Yemi from "?", we see

Sarah Shephard in the lawyer's office from "A Tale of Two Cities," we see Dr. Burke being hit by a bus in "Not In Portland," we see Kate's horse from "What Kate Did," we see a group of dark skinned men wearing nothing but loin-clothes from an undisclosed place, we see Locke in a wheelchair in the airport from "Exodus," and lastly we see Cindy looking into the reflection of the door of the bar that Sawyer and Christian Shephard visited in "Outlaws." The images along with hundreds of more that aren't clearly identified are all floating around Miles. There is nothing but constant conversation from these images which are playing out as we saw them (and some that we haven't). They are all meshed together and can only make out single words here and there. Nothing important. Miles keeps turning in circles trying to take it all in and is looking absolutely overwhelmed. He eventually falls back down onto the slab of stone on his back. The smoke begins to darken over-top of him and then we see a series of flashes. 40-70 of them. As the flashes are happening we are focused on Miles' eyes which are reflecting some of the images of our friends on the island and the monster begins to let out horrible sounds and the smoke in the room begins to solidify into one darker stream of smoke that is moving erratically. Miles' eyes are open extremely wide and then the camera goes into the black smoke. The camera's POV (Point Of View) is inside of the monster's smoke moving towards the flashes taking place right above Miles. The camera then shows an image of an alleyway. The camera moves through the image and into Miles' eye where we here a shorter version of the flash sound and suddenly nothing. No sound, no picture... just nothing. 2) --FLASH IN FLASH-- EXT. ALLEYWAY. LA. NIGHT. The POV is that of first person. The camera is showing what the character is seeing. The camera pans left then right looking down the long dark alley. We can see the LA skyline in the background. Just then we hear something and the camera turns to reveal a car speeding down the alleyway towards the camera. A man gets out of the car (Latino Male 20's, gang-banger type) and says in a very hurried tone speaking at the camera: Latino Male: Papi! Let's go, they're on to us!! Just then the camera pans to the far end of the alleyway where there is a cop car with its lights on. The camera turns to the other direction and it is the same circumstance with a cop car. They are blocked in. Latino Male: This is it, get down! Camera POV: What?! No! Cops get out of their cars and crouch down behind the open doors of the cars. Cop: Down on the ground! We've got you surrounded! Hands on your heads! Latino Male: I don't think so, pigs!

With that, the Latino male reaches in his pocket and pulls out a gun and begins shooting at the cop car in front of them. The camera, very erratic at this point, looks back to the car behind them where he see a cop pointing a gun directly at him. The light from the cop car is blocking the view of who it is because it is shining in the camera's "eyes." There are gunshots all around and the camera/POV tries to crawl to the edge of the alley. Cop 2 (Female): Stop right there! Camera/POV stops and looks up where there is Ana Lucia hovering over him looking down. There is a shot and Ana Lucia jumps and then BANG! Ana Lucia shoots! The camera fades to black. 3) --FLASH IN FLASH CON'T-- INT. The camera is still black and all we hear is whispers. Lots of whispers. We can't make any of them out. Then suddenly we see a faint bright light in the distance, but that is it. Then we hear a clear voice. Woman: Dr. Fox, are you ready? Dr. Fox: Yes, turn the recorder on. (cough) The casualty is male, early to mid 20's. Appears to have suffered a fatal gunshot wound which has pierced the second quadrant of his upper abdomen... most likely cause of death is.... Woman: Dr. Fox!! His arm!!! Dr. Fox: What the hell... holy God!! Get the medic team down here, NOW!!! Just then the camera flashes and is a bit foggy. The scene clears up and the camera is looking up to show Dr. Fox, a man in his early 60s with grey hair, looking down at the camera/POV and pulls off his surgical mask. Dr. Fox: What the... son?! Can you hear me?! Camera POV: Yeah, what's going on? The camera pans down (remember first person POV) and we see a male body with a scalpel sitting on his chest. He quickly sits up and pushes the doctor away.

Camera POV: What the?! Dr. Fox: Son, you've been dead for the past 8 hours. I don't... I can't explain.... I.. The camera turns towards a mirror on the wall where we see a very pale Miles looking back at himself laying on the table in the morgue!! Miles looks into the mirror at himself and says: Miles: Holy fu.... The scene cuts abruptly to black and:

LOST -commercial-

4) EXT. SKY ABOVE ISLAND. NIGHT. The scene starts with the sound of a plane going down and a bright flash of light. The camera pans over to Christine who is thrown across the plane. She lands near Walt, who is strapped in and we hear a voice coming from the front of the plane: Frank: This is it! We're gonna hit!!! With that, Christine looks around and she sees a backpack parachute. She fumbles towards the pack, but just before she can reach it Charles Widmore grabs it and throws it on. As he is fastening it Christine says: Christine: NO! She tries to get to it in time, but Widmore stands (the best he can) and stumbles towards the door of the plane which he tries to open, but is unsuccessful. He then kicks it with a thrust and flings himself out of the plane. The scene now shows the outside of the plane hurling towards the ground below and Widmore flying out and ripping open the chute. Inside the plane we see Christine turn and look towards Walt in shock and then we see the plane from the outside slam into the trees. The camera cuts to black. 5) EXT. JUNGLE. NIGHT. The camera quickly comes back from black and the typical Lost "chase" music is already in play. We are following someone running through the dark jungle trees in a mad rush. The camera follows the figure who keeps running and then it is heard; the sounds of the monster from behind with the terrible clicking noises from a taxi cab. The figure, still

running, looks behind and we see it is Christine running from the monster. The camera shows the monster from behind, which is closing in on her. Christine is looking behind her and just as she does this she trips and she is sent careening down an embankment towards a drop-off. Her body rolls to the edge of the cliff and the monster sounds are still heard, but faintly. Christine is laying there, on the edge of the cliff looking up in pure panic and horror and out of breath. She stands up and looks around, but the monster seems to have left. She turns and takes a step, unaware of where she is, and she falls off the side of the cliff! 6) EXT. BEACH. NIGHT. The scene from the funeral of Bernard is still in action and all the attendees of the ceremony are looking in the direction that the plan crashed. The sharp musical score comes up as Locke shoots a look towards the ocean where the boat that Rose saw is coming closer to the beach. He then shoots a look back towards Richard. Locke: Richard, did you see where that landed?! Richard: Yeah, probably near the Staff. Locke: You run and you can make that station in an hour. There may actually be survivors. Come up with an adequate story if they ask who you are. Stay quiet if they don't. Listen, learn, and get involved. I want to know who's on that plane in one day. Go! This statement from Locke sounds almost exactly like Ben in "A Tale of Two Cities," but with obvious and key differences. Richard looks at Locke then turns and runs towards the Staff station. 7) INT. STAFF STATION. NIGHT. We are continuing from 5.9 where Jin has Miles subdued on the floor and Charlotte is hugging Annie. Sawyer has his gun just as they all hear a loud CRASH and then the station shakes a little bit. They all look at each other confused. Sawyer: What the hell was that? Charlotte: I don't know. Miles: It's Jack... Charlotte: What are you talking about?

Miles: It's Jack... he's here. It is all happening already. Sawyer kicks Miles in the stomach to shut him up. Miles doesn't seem to be too phased by it. He still looks horrible. Charlotte: Stop that! Sawyer: He's gone crazy. He's not making a lick of sense... and can I remind you he just tried to kill your mom?! I'm gonna head out and find out what all the commotion was about. Sawyer heads out of the Staff and Charlotte is left with her mother, Jin and Miles. Charlotte: Thank you for stopping him, Jin. I owe you... Jin: No problem. Charlotte: Are you all right? Where were you? Jin looks around. He isn't quite sure of himself. Jin: I'm ok... What year is it? Charlotte looks at Jin oddly then looks across the room to the folder she found in 5.8 addressed to "John Locke: 2009." Charlotte: ......I'm not exactly sure of that myself.... Charlotte says that with much hesitation as Jin thinks for a second then realizes something. Jin: Where is the French man? Charlotte: He... he's dead. Who was he?

Jin: I'm not sure. He was... with me. Miles: You mean Harold Montand? Jin looks sharply at Miles and Charlotte has a confused face. The camera pans onto Miles' face as the flash sound begins. The camera focuses onto Miles and travels into his eye where we see the images of the smoke monster (from the smoke monster's POV) as it flashed Montand in 5.6 when Montand was attacked by the monster and Danielle watched. The camera then moves into Montand's eye during that scene and: 8) --FLASH IN FLASH-- INT. HIGH RISE. PARIS. NIGHT. The camera is once again using first person POV. The camera looks down on Madame M. Curie-Lamèch. The woman that Bernard led a CIA sneak attack on in 5.8. The camera looks down on the French woman and she looks very sweaty and out of breath. The camera rolls over and lays on his back looking towards the ceiling then back to the woman. The woman sits up, in nothing but her black lace bra. The POV speaks to her with a British accent. M. Curie-Lamèch: This is so wrong. POV: Ah, but it is so right... He leans over and kisses her. He then gets up and walks to the kitchenette while she stays on the floor. He kicks her red high heels out of the way. POV: Tell me, what will happen to you if your people find out about this, Marie? The POV is in the kitchen pouring a glass of wine. We see him open the bottle and pour then he takes something out in a tiny plastic bag. He pours it into the wine as Marie is heard in the background saying: Marie: What do you mean? The POV walks back in and the woman seems to rush to sit back down where she was laying against the couch. POV: Your friends. I know they don't approve of you seeing someone with a criminal background. Marie:

I wouldn't worry about that. I don't care what they think... I love you... The camera POV sits back down beside her and hands her a glass of wine. He holds up his glass as he toasts: POV: To Destiny! Marie looks at him oddly, but clinks his glass and drinks. The POV watches her as she drinks. He takes a drink. The camera pans over and looks at his bag's zipper, which is undone. POV: Marie, tell me something... Marie: Anything... POV: Just how long have you known about who I am? Marie: You mean a criminal? I've known for a while... POV: No, Marie... not a criminal. I mean a member of the the Destino Sinergia. Marie's eyes get huge and she tries to get up, but falls back to the floor. The camera/ POV moves her arm and reveals that there is a document under the couch. The POV's hand takes the document and it reads: "Il Destino Sinergia" on the cover of the folder. POV: You will be temporarily paralyzed from the tranquilizer I put in your wine.... delicious wine by the way. The camera POV gets up and we see it is Montand in the reflection of the television set. Montand pulls on a pair of black underwear and he rushes over to the desk where Marie keeps her documents. He rummages through, but can't seem to find what he is looking for and you can see this by the way he is tearing apart the drawers. Then, he finds it... it is a document with the Dharma logo on the front. It reads: "Confidential: 1976" He opens the folder and inside is a map of the island. It shows the island as being south of South Africa (where Widmore told Sun he was stationed before he was exiled and the island moved in 5.1). He turns and looks at Marie on the floor and walks over to her. Montand:

Why would they trust you with such information? Silly girl. Montand then walks to his open bag and takes a needle out of it. He injects Marie with it. Montand: You will have no memory of tonight... but I want you to know, it was très magnifique. You were my first mission my dear... ma premiere. Montande shows that his true language is indeed French. He takes out a notepad and pen and writes the note that Bernard reads in 5.8. He then picks up the phone and dials. While he is on the phone the camera/first person POV is focused on the location of the island on the map, then on Marie as he says: Montand: Monsieur Widmore. Pack your bags, I found the island... it won't be long until we find Valenzetti. 9) --END OF FLASH-- EXT. JUNGLE. NIGHT. The camera focuses on an eye and pans out to reveal that it is Charles Widmore. He is hanging from a tree in his parachute. He pulls out a pin on the strap and falls about 10 feet to the ground. He stands up and dusts himself off. He is, of course, wearing a designer three piece suit. He stands there, amazed at his surroundings and lets out a grand, yet sinister smile. Widmore: I'm home. ---commercial--10) EXT. BEACH. NIGHT. Locke, Rose, Juliet, Amelia, Zach, Emma, Harper and some random others are along the edge of the beach as a man in a small motorized raft comes closer to the shore. Locke looks at Juliet and pulls a gun out of the back waistband of his pants. He hands it to her. Juliet: I thought there were no needs for guns anymore. Locke: That was before the sky and sea opened up and the visitors appeared. The man finally reaches shore. He is wearing a fisherman's slicker and yellow fisherman's hat. He gets to the beach and stands up on the shore. No-one is helping him and no-one is saying a word. The man looks at everyone and gives them a strange look. He appears to be somewhat alarmed at the complete unfriendliness of the group.

Fisherman: Hej. Det er godt at finde hjælp. There is no response from the group. Locke looks at Juliet. Locke: What language is that? Juliet: I have no idea. Amelia: It's Danish. The man takes note at what Amelia has said and he shakes his head "yes." He then says: Fisherman: English? You speak English? Locke: That's right... where are you from? Fisherman: I'm from Greenland, friend. Where are you from? The fisherman says this as he looks over the very different group, some dressed in rags, and some looking more modern such as Locke and Juliet. Locke doesn't answer his question. Locke: Greenland you say? What brings you here? Fisherman: I was fishing... The fisherman spots the fire burning behind them and moves towards it to warm his hands as he continues: Fisherman: I was fishing off the northern coast of Greenland... for arctic cod... when suddenly, there was a bright flash of light. Then out of nowhere, my instruments on my vessel started malfunctioning. For the past four days I couldn't find my way back to Svalbard... where I sell my catch.

Juliet: So, you're lost then. Fisherman: Ya, just where am I? Juliet looks at Locke and Locke gives her a glance back. Locke: You're in the company of friends now, Mr.... Fisherman: Boccaccio, Giovanni Boccaccio. Juliet: That doesn't sound very Danish. Giovanni: That's because I am Italian... Giovanni looks around him then towards the jungle and he looks puzzled. Giovanni: Have you noticed how warm it is here... on this island? Locke notices that Giovanni is looking at the palm trees and the jungle beyond the beach. He then looks at Juliet who gives Locke an unsure look. Locke nods at Juliet. Juliet takes her gun and smashes Giovanni across the head. He falls to the ground. Rose: Was that necessary?! Locke: At this point... yes. Now, about that plane... Juliet: I'll go after Richard and keep watch. Locke: Don't be seen. Juliet:

What about him? Locke: I'll handle him. Harper, take his legs. Harper and Locke begin to pick the fisherman up as Juliet runs towards the jungle. 11) EXT. JUNGLE. NIGHT. Richard is running through the jungle towards where the plane crashed. Then he hears it. A faint voice calling out. He turns and runs towards the voice. As he gets closer, he hears it: Christine: Help! (screams) Help! Richard reaches the ledge where he looks down to see Christine hanging onto a vine. He doesn't bend down to help. He just looks at her. She looks back up at him. Christine: Oh, thank God!... Well, are you going to help me or what?! Richard: Who are you? Christine: My plane crashed then I was chased by something and fell off the cliff... my arm got stuck in this vine... Richard: Where are you coming from? Christine: You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Richard: Try me. Christine: Boston... I'm flying important cargo to Ireland... now help!! Richard: What type of cargo? Christine:

X-Ray machines. To Northern Ireland.... please! Help me! Richard bends down, hesitantly, and pulls Christine up from the ledge. She collapses onto Richard's chest after he pulls her up. Christine: Thank you, thank you so much... My name is... Just then Richard takes Christine by the neck and puts her up against a tree. Christine looks scared and can barely breath. Richard: I'm not going to ask you again. Who are you and where did you come from? Christine: I told you... Richard backhands Christine and her lip is now bleeding. Richard: Last chance or you're going over the cliff. Christine who can barely get a word out begins to say something, but then she kicks Richard between the legs! Richard falls over in pain and Christine runs back into the jungle. Richard lays on the ground holding himself then gets up and starts after her. 12) EXT. JUNGLE. NIGHT. Charlotte is walking through the jungle now with Jin, who has Miles tied up with a rope in front of him, and Annie walking behind. The sun appears to be rising now as the four of them are making their way through the thick of the jungle. Charlotte: What do you think that was? Miles: Destiny. Jin turns and hits miles in the face. Miles, again, doesn't seem to care. Miles: I thought the Asians stuck together, man. Jin gives Miles a disgusted look. As they continue. Annie falls down. Charlotte goes back to help her.

Charlotte: Mum, you ok? Annie doesn't answer and Charlotte sits her up next to a tree. Charlotte: We'll rest for a bit. Charlotte turns back towards Jin and says: Charlotte: 여기가 어디지? 우리가 어디 있는지 아는가? ST: Where are we, do you know where we're going? Jin: 해변 캠프는 그런식으로합니다. ST: The beach camp is that way. Charlotte: 우리는 역에있는 화살표로 이동합니다. ST: We've moved to the Arrow Station. Jin looks a bit confused by Charlotte's answer, but just as he is about to say something a man comes out of the brush. Widmore: Charlotte, I'm glad to see those Korean courses paid off... Charlotte: Uncle?! Miles: Wow, Char, the island this year's family reunion destination? Charlotte ignores Miles' comment and she walks towards Charles as he opens his arms for a hug. Charlotte: What are you doing here?! Widmore closes in for the hug, but before he can put his arms around Charlotte she shoves him backwards violently. Widmore looks taken back by this. Widmore:

Aren't you glad to see me? Charlotte: What the hell ?! Why didn't you tell me what this was all about?! Widmore: It was about you getting Linus off the island, which you did... indirectly. Charlotte: There was never any talk of exploding ships or leaving us behind! How are you... Widmore: I'm sorry it took me so long to find you Charlotte. I assure you, I've spent the past 2 years searching for a way to get here... to help you. Charlotte looks very puzzled by this statement. She looks down then back at Charles like "wtf?" Charlotte: Are you mad? It hasn't even been a month since we left Fiji!! Widmore: Ah, right... the island moved. Jin: 사람이 사람? ST: Who is this man? Miles: That would be her Uncle Charles... Charlotte: You know Korean? Miles: No. Charlotte glares at Miles with a strange look, but only for a second before she focuses back onto Charles. Charlotte:

Where are we? Widmore: You're somewhere north of Greenland... tell me, Charlotte... did you find it?! Charlotte: Find what? Widmore: Why, the Black Rock of course... At the mention of the Black Rock Miles doubles over, with what appears to be pain, as the flash sound begins and again the camera focuses on his eye then goes into it where we see an image play out then: 13) --FLASH IN FLASH-- EXT. OCEAN. DAY. The camera begins looking out at the ocean and pans slightly to the right where we see a ship, wooden with big red and black sails. The POV/camera moves to the left and we see that the camera was looking through a telescope towards a ship about 200 feet away. The POV/camera turns sharply towards the crew on deck. They are all male, British and are wearing British Royal Navy uniforms circa the 19th Century. The POV talks: POV: Prepare yourself for incoming! The line is delivered just as soon as BANG! CRASH! The POV falls to the deck and the camera/POV looks upwards where we see part of the tmast of the ship has been taken off by a cannon. The POV quickly gets up and runs to the back of the ship. In the mean time, as the POV/camera is running we see many men/sailors frantically running around trying to take control of the ship and speaking old timey British Navy lingo. POV: Men, aim for the hull! We're not letting these scoundrels take the Black Rock!!! There is another CRASH and the POV/camera turns to reveal that one of the men is wounded and part of the mast fell onto him piercing his chest. The POV/camera turns back around and a young 15 year old boy comes running up. Boy: Captain, what about the cargo?! POV/Captain: What about them, boy?! Boy:

We can't just leave them! POV/Captain: Don't you worry about them...they're convicts... The boy still looks concerned.


... don't worry your head, they'll make it to Australia... BANG!! CRASH!!! The POV/camera turns back around and the pirate ship that was chasing them has now reached a closer distance where there are now men swinging from ropes onto the deck of the Black Rock. The POV/camera turns and just as he does, a man swings onto the deck and kicks right into him. The camera fades to black.... 14) --FLASH IN FLASH-- INT. CAPTAIN'S CHAMBERS. BLACK ROCK. NIGHT. The captain/POV blinks his way back to consciousness and focuses on a man standing in front of him. The man is dressed in the typical, but not so costume-like, pirate garb. He is in his probable 40's with a dark moustache and black hair. He says in a strange accent: Pirate: Ay, Captain... Captain/POV: You... I should have known... Pirate: Because I admire you so, Captain, I will spare your life... but, I am taking your cargo and your ship. A good pirate is always looking for a new crew... and under their current... circumstances... I don't think they'd mind one pense. The pirate turns and looks out the door and motions for someone to come in. Pirate: Thank you for the fine vessel, Admiral. I'll be takin' 'er now... Captain/POV: NO! This is MY ship!! With that said another pirate comes in and pushes Captain/POV down onto the captain's desk where the POV sees the Journal. He picks it up, quickly, and puts it in his coat. The pirate behind Captain/POV, who we can't see, is tying him up, but the camera/POV grabs a sharp quill pen off of the desk and turns and shoves it into the pirate. Pirate 2: Ahhhhh!!!! My EYE!!!!

Captain/POV, without looking at the pirate he just injured, turns and runs out on deck where he sees his crew all dead. There are bodies laying all over the place...bloody and horrific. He sees the pirates taking the boy from earlier to their pirate ship and he gives the boy the Black Rock Journal and tells him: Captain/POV: Boy, take this, make sure it reaches the hands of the Royal Court! Boy: But sir! Captain/POV: Do it, MacCutcheon! Protect it! The boy is taken away onto the pirate ship and once again the POV/Captain is knocked down. The view is now looking up at the head pirate who says: Pirate: You wounded my man... you're gonna pay for that... With those last words, the pirate's foot is raised over the camera/POV/Captain and then he stomps down. The camera goes to black. --commercial-32:05 w/comm. 15) --FLASH IN FLASH-- EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. The camera/POV opens its "eyes" looking upwards into the jungle. All that is seen above is very tall bamboo shoots and speckles of sky above through the trees. The POV/camera turns and looks to his left... there is nothing but bamboo all around. To its right... nothing again, but bamboo. The POV/camera gets up and begins walking towards a sound of screaming. The camera/POV makes its way through the thick of the jungle and pushes a branch out of the way to reveal the Black Rock sitting in the middle of the jungle. The POV/ camera beings running towards the scene and looking up at the massive ship that is now marooned in the middle of the island. A pirate is running past and the POV/Camera's arm grabs him. The pirate speaks in a strange accent. Camera/POV: Where... what has happened here?! Pirate 3: You... the light... the blinding light!... then we ... here we be... Camera/POV:

Here?! What do you mean here?! Where the hell are we?! Pirate 3: I... I don't know.... The pirate runs off and the POV/Camera runs towards the ship. A man is laying on the ground dressed in the Royal Navy uniform. The camera/POV stops and looks down over the man who speaks: Naval Officer: Captain... I think we shipwrecked... Captain/POV: I'd say so Samuel... what happened?! Naval Officer: We... were sailing back towards their isle... St. Marie... and then there (cough) was a light... next we were here... The POV/Captain looks back up at the Black Rock and sees convicts, both men and women whom a few are still wearing their shackles and chains, running from a gaping hole in the side of the ship. POV/Captain looks back down at the Officer, who is now dead. Suddenly, from behind, there are wisps of air flying past the POV/camera. Then there is a shutter. POV/Captain: AH... Damn it!! The Captain/POV looks at his arm and there is an arrow sticking out of it. The POV/ Captain turns and looks behind him and he sees the convicts running in his direction with men behind them with darker skin and are in loin-clothes who are shooting arrows at them and in his direction. The POV/Captain quickly gets up and begins to run into the jungle. The captain/POV is running (which is very bumpy camera work) through the jungle and looks behind where the natives were. He stops and looks around. Suddenly there are sounds in the bushes around him. The whispers. Out of nowhere, the POV/Captain is lifted upwards from the ground and the POV/Captain turns to reveal that the smoke monster has him in his grasp! The flashes begin and FLASH FLASH FLASH! The monster roars and the POV/Captain looks down and sees an arm pulling his leg. The Captain/POV falls to the ground and is helped up by someone and is running from the monster. The POV/Captain looks back and the monster trails off into the treeline. The POV/Captain finally falls again onto the ground. Heavy breathing is heard. The Captain/POV looks up at his rescuer and we see him... it is Richard Alpert!!! with a broken chain around his wrist! He says: Richard: Captain, you all right? POV/Camera:

I... I think so... thank you... for helping me. Richard just nods as he is looking into the camera/captain/POV. The flash sound begins as the camera zooms backwards and out of the eye of Miles who is laying on the ground... 16) EXT. JUNGLE. DAWN. Richard is running through the jungle in hot pursuit of Christine, who seems to have eluded Richard. She is gone. Richard turns in circles looking for her, but can't find her. Suddenly, Claire is standing there behind him. Richard is startled. Richard: Who are you?! Claire: The Island isn't happy with you Richard. You are going about this all wrong. Richard: Who are you?! Claire: You need to make things right. You are going to have to bring her back yourself. The Island can only trust you with this. Richard: Bring who back? Claire: She must come back. Your past mistakes need to be rectified. Richard: WHO!?!? Claire: Kate. Richard: Kate?! The whispers are heard and Sawyer runs out of the brush. Sawyer stops and looks at Richard then continues on running. Richard watches him then turns back to Claire who is now gone. Richard turns and looks at where Sawyer was running from and sees a giant cloud of smoke. Bigger than we have seen to date. It is uprooting trees and dirt is flying all around. Richard, in a haste, gets up and runs in the direction of Sawyer. Richard is running

and he finally catches up to a winded Sawyer as the camera shows them from the front running with the cloud of smoke behind them... gaining on them. Sawyer: Nice day for a run, eh!? Richard just looks at Sawyer and they continue on running, all the while dodging trees and jumping over logs. Richard spots a lake/pond and he says: Richard: There! In there! Sawyer: It's gonna be freezing!!! Richard just looks at Sawyer and they both run and jump into the lake. Neither of the men surface right away, but Sawyer does and screams: Sawyer: Sweet mother of.... whew!!!! Richard surfaces and the two men look at the monster, who is stopped... brooding near the edge of the lake. He lets out a giant roar and goes off into the trees. Sawyer: Man, that thing is pissed off. Richard: I don't think it likes what's going on... Richard's eyes are huge and he seems a bit stunned and unsure of the situation. Richard looks as if he is out of his element for the first time and doesn't like the looks of it. 17) EXT. BEACH. DAWN. Locke and Harper have Giovanni tied up and it seems as though the other members of the group are all heading back into the jungle. All but Rose, who is in the background at Bernard's grave with Amelia. Locke looks up at Harper with a stink-eye. Locke: Tell me something, Harper. Harper: Sure. Locke:

When did you really come to this island? Harper: In 1996... I... Locke pulls a gun and pushes Harper down onto the ground. He hovers over her with the gun pointed at her head. Locke: I'm sure you heard what I did to Naomi... the lengths I am willing to go to protect this island.... Locke takes the piece of paper with the drawling of him on the boat with the device (the one he found in the Number Station in the pocket of the scientist *Dr. Leary/Harper's colleague in 1988*). He throws it at her. Locke: Look at it.... Look at it!!! Harper picks up the paper and looks at it. The camera shows the drawling again which is Locke on a boat with the device and a light pouring onto his head. Locke: I saw you eyeing that up.... and the machine. What do you know about all of this, Harper? Harper: I told you, I don't know.... Locke cocks the gun then points it back at Harper and puts it directly square on her forehead. Locke: Now, what does this drawling mean to you? Harper doesn't answer and Locke begins to pull the trigger. She gasps and says: Harper: Ok! Ok! Stop! I've been here for a while! I lied to you! Locke: Why?! What are you hiding?! Harper: I know what the paper means... I will tell you everything...

Locke: Then start talking. Locke lets Harper up. She sits up and gives Locke a sincere look as she wipes her face. Harper: The drawling... it came from a man named Sam Toomey. He was part of a parapsychology experiment called the Pythia Experiment. Locke: Pythia, like the ancient Greek prophets? Harper: Yes. He drew this back in 1988. I think it's you and I think you are meant to take the device on the boat and use it. Locke: What will it do? Harper: The plane that went down... I think they have a similar machine on it. It.... transports you on and off the island. Locke: Were there any other drawlings... like this one? Harper: Yes, but... they were from before my time. Locke: How long before your time? Harper: A very long time. Locke: What are they pictures of? Harper: They aren't pictures, John... They're scripture.

Locke: Jacob? Harper: Something like that... Locke: What do they say? Harper: John, I can't... Locke aims the gun back at Harper's head. Locke: What do they say, Harper? Harper: They tell us how to find our leaders... the needed qualifications for him. Locke looks at Harper and his eyes look widen and he gets a smile on his face. Locke: You are going to show me. Harper swallows hard and Locke grabs her arm and brings her to her feet. She just stares at Locke and he stares back. --commercial-18) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. Sawyer and Richard are now out of the lake and walking towards the treeline. They are soaking wet and Richard is taking off his shirt. Sawyer looks at him like he is an idiot. Sawyer: What, pray tell, are you doing? Richard: It's still rather cold out here. If we strip the wet clothes we won't be as cold. Sawyer:

Uh... are ya gonna tell me that next we're gonna huddle together naked to keep warm... I don't know what you natives do here on this rock, but this guy don't swing that way... Richard looks at Sawyer with "shut up" eyes. Richard takes off his pants and he is wearing old timey underwear held up by suspenders. Sawyer takes one look at Richard and busts out laughing. Sawyer: You have got to be kidding me! Richard dismisses Sawyer's ridiculing laugh and gathers up his clothes. Richard: You'll be sorry when your lips turn blue and you can't breath anymore. Sawyer rolls his eyes and takes his shirt off as Richard says: Richard: I don't know what's going on, but the spirit seems to be out of control. Sawyer, with his shirt off, begins to take off his pants. Sawyer: Spirit? If that's the Holy Spirit then I don't want to see heaven... Richard: I don't think you, James, will ever have to worry about seeing heaven. Sawyer gives Richard a crunched face "screw you" look and drops his pants. Richard stands there and looks down at Sawyer's bottom half. The camera shows the back of Richard with Sawyer in front of him with a fully bare right right side of his body, but Richard is blocking the full view. Sawyer: What? I ran out of clean underwear a few weeks back... Richard: I've give you the benefit of the doubt that it's just very... very cold out. Richard smiles and this is the first time we ever saw Richard crack a joke or genuinely smile. Sawyer: Ha. Ha. Ha. You're a real comedian.

Just then there is a rustling in the trees and a man steps out. It is Frank! Frank, with his head bleeding, looks at a naked Sawyer and a half naked Richard. He just looks back and forth between them and they look back at him. Frank: Did all of the women disappear with the island too? Sawyer: Willie?! Richard: You know him? Sawyer: Yeah... he flew out of here a few days ago... Frank: A few days ago? Try two years ago! Richard: What year is it? Frank: 2007... Sawyer: Sorry to burst your bubble Scruffy, but it's only been about 5 days since you took off with the others. Frank: You mean the Oceanic 6... Richard: They went public?! Frank: They had no choice but to... to stay safe. Frank looking a bit confused, throws his coat at Sawyer. He looks at naked Sawyer and says: Frank:

No, that can't be good. Sawyer takes Frank's coat and ties it around his waist. Richard: Come on, we've got to find Locke. 19) EXT. ROCK FORMATION IN SIDE OF MOUNTAIN. DUSK. Locke and Harper come out of the jungle to a small clearing and are standing in front of an ancient looking rock formation. There appear to be a mix of hieroglyphics and Greek style architecture around an opening which would be the entrance. Locke looks on in awe. Harper doesn't seem phased by it. Locke snaps out of his dazed stare and points the gun at Harper. Locke: Let's go. Harper: Huh uh... I'm not going in there... Locke: Is that so? He shoves the gun into her ribs. Harper: You can shoot me. I'm not going in there. Locke: And whys that? Harper: I've only ever gone in with Richard. If you go in there without him... you don't come back out. Locke: I think the Island will spare me. Harper: The Island?! That has nothing to do with the Island, John. Locke looks confused and stares ominously at the structure. He puts his gun in his waistband and begins walking towards the structure. He turns back to Harper and says:

Locke: What do you call this place? Harper: The Temple. Locke looks back and he walks in the doorway with hesitation as Harper looks on with a worried expression. 20) EXT. JUNGLE. DUSK. Juliet is finally at the cargo plane that crashed near the Staff Station. She looks over the plane and she goes to the back where the huge cargo hold door has been ripped clean off. She looks inside and it is empty. Juliet starts to walk back towards where she came from and looking all around her. Out of nowhere, a giant hunk of metal falls from the sky and lands directly in front of Juliet. She looks at it and the number 42 it etched into the metal and there is a red light next to it. It is part of the machine that Christine used to get to the island. She looks a little closer then looks up. She sees the machine between branches in the trees above her and the tree limb breaks and the machine begins to fall towards where Juliet is standing. Out of nowhere someone runs up and tackles Juliet and the machine lands inches away from them in a giant THUD! Juliet blinks and opens her eyes and looks up at who tackled her. It is Walt! Juliet looks at him with a really confused look and says: Juliet: Walt?! The two of them lie there with Walt on top of Juliet looking at each-other. 21) EXT. BEACH. DUSK. Zach and Emma are playing in the sand with sea shells as Rose and Amelia are standing next to Giovanni who is now awake and alert asking: Giovanni: What is this?! Who are you people?! Rose: I'm sorry, mister, but... I can't untie you. Locke gave us orders. Amelia: We are in a most unfortunate situation and we apologize. With that being said, Christine bursts through the bamboo forest next to the beach right behind where Giovanni is tied up. She looks horrible as she darts her head up towards the two older women. Amelia looks at her stunned as Christine says: Christine:

Where are my children!? Rose: Who are you? Amelia looks at Rose as Christine sees Zach and Emma in the sand. Her eyes get huge and she wells up with tears. She runs past Amelia pushing her out of the way and makes her way to the kids. Zach and Emma see Christine who is now stopped in front of them. She stares at them with complete joy in her eyes. Christine: I can't believe my eyes. Zach... Emma! You're ok!! Christine runs to them and takes them in her arms as tears are streaming down her face. Amelia looks on and begins walking quickly with a determined look on her face. Rose stops her. Rose: I think... I think those are her kids. Let her have a moment. Amelia stops and watches along side Rose. Christine is still hugging the kids very tightly and checking their arms and legs for injuries, as mothers do. She is dumbfounded as she says: Christine: You haven't gotten much bigger over the past two years... She shakes her head and hugs them close again. Emma and Zach look back at Amelia with a concerned look on their face. They don't hug back. Christine: What's wrong?! Aren't you glad to see your mommy? Emma: You're not our mommy. Zach: Yeah, Cindy's our mommy. I don't know you. Christine looks finicky back and forth between the kids and she grabs on to Emma tight by the arms. Christine: What do you mean, you don't remember me?! I'm your mother, Emma!

Christine is starting to get hysterical and Amelia pulls her off of Emma. Christine retaliates against Amelia and pushes her back. Christine: Don't you touch me! What have you done to my children?! Amelia doesn't say anything as one of the male Redshirts appears and subdues Christine. Meanwhile, Rose turns back towards Giovanni. She looks down at him as he struggles to get free. She bends down to tie the rope tighter around his arm and she sees it. Giovanni has the same exact ring on that Charlie wore on the island. The DS ring. Rose looks up at him and says: Rose: Where did you get that? Giovanni looks down at the ring and tries to cover it the best he can. Giovanni: It was a gift. Rose pulls the ring that Charlie left for Aaron (in 3.21) in his crib out of her pocket. She holds it up next to Giovanni's. They are identical. Rose: Who are you, mister? Amelia walks up behind Rose as Rose turns she shows Amelia the ring. Rose: Charlie, one of our people had the same ring! Giovanni looks at Charlie's ring and his eyes widen. He looks as though he is hiding something. Amelia: I'm sorry Rose... Rose: Sorry for what? With that, Rose turns back to Amelia and Amelia punches Rose square in the face. Rose is knocked out! Very calmly, Amelia turns to Giovanni. Amelia: Il Destino Sinergia? You finally found us.

Giovanni: You don't understand! Please... no!! Amelia shakes her head and picks up the gun that Juliet left behind. In the most polite of ways, she aims it directly at Giovanni's head and pulls the trigger. BAM! Giovanni's dead. Amelia, with no reaction, turns and looks back to Christine who is being dragged away by a redshirt and staring at her kids sobbing. Amelia walks up to the kids and puts her arms around Zach and Emma as Christine is being pulled away. 22) EXT. JUNGLE. DUSK. Jin, Miles, Charlotte, Annie and Charles are walking in the jungle. Charlotte: I've been waiting you know... Widmore: Waiting for what, exactly? Charlotte: For you to say something about my mother. I know you recognized her, uncle. Widmore: I did. Charlotte: And you have nothing to say about her being here... alive?! Widmore: I knew she was here, dear. Charlotte stops dead in her tracks. She looks at Widmore and slaps him across the face. Charlotte: You knew?! You never told me... when I was crying on the beach at my father's funeral... you just left me believe she was dead?! Widmore: What was I supposed to tell you, Charlotte? That your mother was alive? That her death was faked and Ben Linus had kidnapped her and brought her to an island that didn't exist? Charlotte: Yes!

Charles beings walking again. Widmore: Don't be drool, girl. Charlotte: Why don't you tell me... tell me just what it is you want to be here for?! Widmore: This place is my destiny. I belong here. This is where I will live out the rest of eternity. Charlotte: You sound like a mad man. Widmore stops and looks at Charlotte with the most intense and sincere eyes. Widmore: There is a fine line between insanity and divinity, Charlotte. That is something they didn't teach you in Anthropology 101. Look at where you are, my dear. Just take a look around you... at the things you have seen. Surely, you must have a renewed outlook on faith. Charlotte: Since when have you been a man of faith, uncle? Charles stares at Charlotte as Jin comes up from behind. Jin: It will be dark soon. Charlotte: We should make camp. Widmore: Nonsense. I will carry on without you. Widmore starts on alone when Miles chimes in. Miles: They're coming you know, Charles. Widmore turns back to Miles. Widmore:

What did you say, boy? Miles: They're coming. Widmore: And who would that be? Miles: Jack.... your old friend Ben. Widmore: It will take them years, if not the rest of their lives, to find this place again. And once I move it... they will have no idea where to look for us. Miles: You do that, you go ahead and move the island... you moron. Widmore: I didn't say I, personally, was going to move it. She is going to. Widmore looks at Annie as he says this. Miles: I wouldn't be so sure of that. The flash sound begins as Miles gives Charles an evil stare. Once again, the camera moves into Miles eye where there are images then goes in... 23) --FLASH IN FLASH-- INT. DARK WAREHOUSE. NIGHT. The Camera/POV is of someone pointing a gun at Matthew Abaddon, whose face is completely bloody. The POV/Camera turns to reveal Kate tied up in the background on the floor looking worse than Abaddon with blood all over her. The camera/POV moves back to Abaddon and we hear the voice of the POV/Camera. POV/Camera: Where is he?! Abaddon: You can beat me to death... I'm not telling you anything. POV/Camera: Oh yea?!

The POV/Camera turns to reveal Hurley sitting sitting in a chair, also tied up. The POV/ Camera points the gun up and BANG! A shot is fired at Hurley! The Camera/POV quickly turns back to Abaddon. POV/Camera: You won't get far without him, neither of us will!!! Abaddon: All right! He's in Tokyo! You'll find Kaname in Tokyo! He has it! POV/Camera: Sun's there... he better not touch her!!! Abaddon: Then you best be going... The POV/Camera walks up to Abaddon and knocks him out with the butt of the gun. The POV/Camera then takes a ring off of Abaddon's finger. It is the DS ring, exactly like the one Charlie and Giovanni had. The POV/Camera turns and we see Kate sitting in the corner tied up with her eyes huge with tears streaming down. It turns again and walks past Hurley who is gagged and obviously in a lot of pain. The POV/Camera continues to walk through the warehouse to a door. He opens it and Ben comes rushing in with Desmond behind him. Desmond lunges towards the POV/Camera, but Ben stops him. POV/Camera: Tokyo. Ben: We leave for the island in 2 days then. Ben rushes past the POV/Camera with a look of fright in his eyes and runs into the warehouse. The POV/Camera looks down and Sayid is on the ground. His body lifeless with blood all around it. We hear a door squeaking closed and the POV/Camera turns around. The door has a mirror on the outside. As it swings shut we see a very broken and discheveled Jack looking back!! As the door slams, the camera goes to absolute black.

LOST -61:05-

Voice Over: On The Next Lost... VO: What is the Destino Sinergia and Who Is Part of It? *Clip Of Rose Holding The Ring* Quick Clips of:

1) Abaddon 2) Ben 3) Richard 4) Charlie 5) Christine 6) Jack 7) Hanso VO: What Do They Want? 1) Clip of Jack Running After Abaddon. VO: Next Week The Secrets Are Revealed And You Won't... 1) Clip of Sun hiding behind a door. 2) The cops at Kate's door. 3) Sayid face to face with Abaddon. 4) Desmond cocking a gun. 5) Hurley hitting Ben in the face. VO: ...Believe Your Eyes. 1) Blank Screen with Sounds of footsteps and BANG! VO: Who Can Be Trusted? VO: On the Next Lost... Cast In Order Of Appearance: Miles Straume.............Ken Leung Latino Male................??? Cop..........................??? Ana Lucia Cortez.........Michelle Rodriguez Woman Assistant........??? Dr. Fox.....................John O'Hurley Christine DeVries.........Jody Thompson Frank Lapidus.............Jeff Fahey Charles Widmore.........Alan Dale Walter Lloyd..............Malcolm David Kelley John Locke................Terry O'Quinn Richard Alpert............Nestor Carbonell Charlotte Lewis..........Rebecca Mader Jeanette "Annie" Lewis.Brenda Strong James "Sawyer" Ford...Josh Holloway Jin Kwon...................Daniel Dae Kim M. Curie-Lamèch........Amy Acker Harold Montand..........Michael Vartan Juliet Burke...............Elizabeth Mitchell Rose Nadler...............L. Scott Caldwell Harper Stanhope........Andrea Roth Ameilia.....................Julie Adams

Emma......................Kiersten Havelock Zach.......................Mickey Graue Giovanni Boccaccio....Erick Avari Young MacCutcheon..??? Pirate 1...................??? Pirate 2...................??? Pirate 3...................??? Naval Officer............??? Claire Littleton..........Emilie de Ravin Redshirt Reuben........Reuben Games Matthew Abaddon......Lance Reddick Kate Austen.............Evangeline Lilly Hurley Reyes............Jorge Garcia Ben Linus.................Michael Emerson Desmond Hume.........Henry Ian Cusick Sayid Jarrah.............Naveen Andrews Jack Shephard..........Matthew Fox

Questions Answered: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

Where Miles was Dragged to By Smokey. How Richard selects leaders (the "scripture") How the Black Rock ended up on the Island. Smokey does take memories. Richard was a prisoner of the Black Rock. Harper has been on the island much longer than we thought. The Temple is real. Miles died and that kind of explains his ability.

Questions Asked: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

What is the Destino Sinergia? Why did Amelia kill Giovanni/give Rose a beatdown? What did Claire mean by bringing Kate back? Why don't Zach and Emma remember Christine? What does the "scripture" say? Why won't Harper go into the Temple? What was Miles' flash/forward memory all about?!

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