50maths Qn - Copy

  • Uploaded by: Melchizedek Mashambo
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  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 5
FORM ONE BASI CMATHEMATI CSQUESTI ONS 28THOCTOBER, 2015 I NSTRUCTI ONS I .At t emptal l quest i ons. I I .Youmustshowal l necessar ypr ocedur esi nanswer i ngeachquest i on. 1.a) Roundof feachf ol l owi ngi nt oonedeci mal pl ace i )20. 354 i i )40. 009 b) Fi ndt heLCM of40, 120, and240 ̇ 2.a)Expr ess0. 83asar at i onal numberi ni t ssi mpl estf or m b)Wr i t et hepl acev al ueof4i nt henumer al 3432.

3.( a)Ev al uat e

4.a)A, BandCar et oshar eTshs.120, 000/ =i nt her at i o2: 3: 5r espect i v el y .How muchwi l l eachget ? ( b)( i )21cm =……………………………dam


( i i )0. 2hr s=………………………….Mi n

Sol v et hef ol l owi ngsi mul t aneousequat i on

6. Sol v ef orqwher e 7.Sol v ef orxi f

8.Rewr i t et hedi gi t soft henumber179684t omaket he a)Lar gestpossi bl enumber . b)Smal l estpossi bl enumber . 9.Fi ndt heequat i onoft hel i newhi chpassest hr ought hepoi nt s( 2, 3)and( 3, 2) 10.Thenumer at orofaf r act i oni s3l esst hant hedenomi nat or .I f1i ssubt r act edf r om each, t her esul t i ngf r act i oni s .Fi ndt heor i gi nal f r act i on. 11.I f

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12.Ar adi oi ssol datTshs.40, 500/ =.Thi spr i cei ncl udes20%v al ueAddedTax( VAT) . Cal cul at et heamountofV. A. T 13.Sol v ef orxi n ( i )52x≥7x+4

( i i )| 2x +3|=1

14.Fi ndt hesl opeoft hel i ne2y–4x+5=0 15.Thewi dt hofacl assr oom i s4m l esst hani t sl engt h.I t sar eai s45m2.Fi ndt he di mensi onsoft hecl assr oom 16.At r aderbuy saket t l ef orTsh8, 000/ =andsel l si tatapr of i tof15%.Fi ndhi sact ual pr of i tandt hesel l i ngpr i ce.

17.Sol v et heequat i onf orx, 18.( a)Ther at i ooft wonumber si s1: 5andt hei rsum i s114.Fi ndt henumber s. ( b)I fa: b=2: 3f i nda+b: b 19.Mul t i pl yt hesum of59. 49and1. 924by100 20.Wr i t e3388asapr oductofpr i mef act or s

21.Decr ease160, 000by16%. 22.Ev al uat e( 11–22)–( 44–66)×72–( 7×5×2) 23.Per f or m onanumberl i ne53. 24. Ast udentcar r i ed11exer ci sebooks, al l oft hesamemass.Thet ot al mass1kg320g. Whatwast hemassofeachexer ci sebook? 25.AnAl l oyi smadeoft hr eemet al sx, yandzi nt her at i o1: 1. 5: 2bywei ght .I ft her ei s 180gofy , howmuchofxandzar er equi r edt omaket heal l oy . 26.Fi ndt hedi f f er encebet weenLCM andGCFoft henumber s12, 42and72. 27.Roundof f86789, 413t ot henear est : ( a)Tens

( b)Hundr eds

28.Fi ndt hev al ueofPi nt hef ol l owi ngf i gur e


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33.Thesum oft hei nt er i orangl esofar egul arpol y goni s19800.Howmanysi desdoes t hepol y gonhav e? 34.Gi v ent hatt her at i oa: b=2: 3andb: c: 6: 7, cal cul at et her at i oofa: c. 35.Sol v ef orxandshowt hesol ut i onont henumberl i ne 36.Sol v et heequat i on



37.Sol v et hei nequal i t yandshowt hesol ut i onont henumberl i ne2x4≤x2≤2x+2 38.Mul t i pl y8dm 24cm 4mm by9 39.Decr ease160, 000by16% 40.Si mpl i f y14-[2–( 82)+5] 41.AnamountofTshs.490, 000wasgi v enasawar dst ot hebest3st udent si n 1 Mat hemat i cs.I ft het hi r dst udentgot ofwhatt hesecondst udentgot , andt hesecond 2 1 st udentgot ofwhatt hef i r stst udentgot , howmuchdi deachst udentget ? 2 42.Ther at i ooft heper i met erandt hear eaofar ect angl ei s .I ft hewi dt hoft he r ect angl ei s8cm, f i ndt hel engt hoft her ect angl e. 43.Twobel l sar esetsot hatt hei rt i mei nt er v al f orr i ngi ngi sdi f f er ent .Onebel l r i ngs ev er y30mi nut esandt hesecondbel l r i ngsev er y54mi nut es.I fbot hbel l sr i ngat12. 00 o’ cl ocknoon, whenwi l l t heyr i ngagai nt oget her ? 44.Roundof feachoft hef ol l owi ngnumber st oonedeci mal pl ace. ( i )0. 072

( i i )35. 345

24 7 45.Ar r anget hef ol l owi ngnumber si ndescendi ngor der, , 0. 6, 45%, 35 9 46.Di v i de8km 436m 5mm by5. 3 1 x+1 2x 47.Sol v et heequat i on = . 4 5 2

2 1 48.Uset hesamenumberl i net oi ndi cat e and . 3 4 49.Mr .Jumasav edTshs.20, 000i nt hebank.Her ecei v edasi nt er estofTshs.2, 400on hi ssav i ngs.I ft hebankof f er edani nt er estr at eof6%perannum.Howl ongdi dhekeep t hemoneyi nt hebank? 50.Yassi nboughtachocol at eandgav e1/ 4ofi tt oonebr ot her , 3/ 8t oanot herand1/ 6 t ohi ssi st er , andkeptt her esthi msel f .Howmuchdi dhekeepf orhi msel f ?


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