50 Most Powerful Pastors In Nigeria

  • May 2020
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50 Most Powerful Pastors In Nigeria

Divinely gifted in many ways, they are Nigeria ’s best and most sought-after preachers in the task of saving souls and fighting demonic forces

By Bideh Williams When on April 9, 2000 , Jeremiah Ejikeme, general superintendent of Faith Pentecostal Ministry, Umuahia, stood before a large congregation to testify that God raised him from death, January 29, 2000 , it sounded incredible. He claimed to have been certified dead at the Model Hospital and Maternity, 4, Oboru Street ,Umuahia, Abia State on January 25, and was transferred to the morgue before his dramatic "resurrection" five days later.

Ejikeme thanked God for using Victor Onukogu, popularly known as Daddy Hezekiah, founder of Living Christ Mission for the miracle.

In a less dramatic but no less amazing circumstance, a woman who attended a crusade organised by Francis Wale Oke, founder of the Sword of the Spirit Ministries, attracted the attention of the congregation with screams of joy and halleluyahs while waving a newspaper in her hand.

Her testimony was in 1999. She had approached Oke in London to pray for her as she faced an immigration order to deport her back to Nigeria . It was her last chance and she just had to win. A day after the prayer, the House of Parliament in London decided that all asylum seekers in Great Britain for a certain period be given automatic residence. About 56,000 people were affected and the woman was among them.

Gabriel Akubueze, 24, a trader in textile materials at Agege was among the thousands of people that trooped into one of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s Total Experience crusade in Lagos . "I want a miracle for my business," he said.

Ejikeme, Akubueze and the asylum-seeking woman aptly portray the various reasons why millions of Nigerians search for miracles, signs and wonders. They have continued to attend religious crusades to seek miracles to their numerous problems such as barrenness, unemployment, financial difficulties, deliverance from ancestral curses, sickness and more.

In Nigeria today, there are more than 50 of such powerful pastors in whose areas of speciality are miracles, prophecy, healing, teaching, preaching, marriage counselling, and are attracting people with such problems. They include Pastor Enoch Adeboye, general overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God. Humble, the mathematician-turned preacher has impacted on the lives of millions of Nigerians with his monthly Holy Ghost Night programme.

On every first Friday of the month, all roads virtually lead to the "Redeem Camp" at Kilometre 46, Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, venue of the crusade. The programme attracts thousands of miracle seekers every month. And they come from as far as Kaduna , Benue , Ilorin , Ibadan , Lagos and Port Harcourt .

The RCCG is one of the fastest growing churches in Nigeria with branches all over the 36 states of the federation and in London and the United States . In Lagos alone, nearly every street has a branch or fellowship centre of the church. It has been said that this is in line with Adeboye’s vision to spread the gospel.

David Oyedepo, general overseer of Living Faith Ministries aka Winners Chapel has grown to become an oak tree in Christendom. His 50,000 capacity worship centre known as Cannanland in Otta, Ogun State , has attracted Christian worshippers from within and outside the country. Newswatch learnt that in the last 10 years of his ministry, many barren women have given birth to babies after attending his miracle programmes. Many more claimed that they received healings, secured employment, financial breakthroughs, turn-arounds in their respective businesses and deliverance from ancestral curses.

Oyedepo’s motivational, faith-building teachings have also endeared him to many. As part of his outreach programmes, the church acquired an aircraft in 1996 to facilitate his evangelism programmes to countries outside Nigeria . Tagged "Gospel on Wings," the programme was launched as an arm of the World Mission Agency Incorporated - the organ responsible for foreign mission operations.

Today, the church is said to exist in every state of Nigeria and in some other African countries. Oyedepo has more than 20 books published by his Dominion Publishing House to complement his soul- winning efforts.

Samuel Abiara, 59, founder, Agbala Itura World-Wide, faction of Christ Apostolic Church is known for his healing services, evangelism and prophecies. Abiara told Newswatch that he is not a miracle worker but said God has used him to perform miracles. "The blind see, barren women conceive and bear healthy children, among others that God has used us to perform in the name of Jesus,"he said. The church headquarters in Ibadan , Oyo State , is capable of seating 5,000 worshippers at each service . Abiara enjoys the perks of his

ministry. "Our God is God of prosperity and wealth. Nobody that does the will of God would lack anything," he said. The name Chris Oyakhilome, pastor, Christ Embassy, is almost synonymous with miracles. He is widely known for his Atmosphere for Miracles, a television serial which advertises the numerous miracles performed by him. The programme is a hit on many state and private television stations all over the country. Oyakhilome’s recent outing at National Stadium, Lagos , early this year attracted about 50,000 people.

Another man of God who has continued to hold sway in the miracle arena is Pastor Temitope Joshua, founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, Ikotun Egbe, Lagos . His miracle programmes which is aired on television stations have continued to elicit reactions from church leaders and the public. Particularly, his genuflection of the hand during every miracle healing process has been widely described as reflection of occultic leanings.

Scathing as the criticisms are, he has remained unperturbed and has continued to dazzle the public with his feats. Located at Ejigbo, the Synagogue has turned out to be Mecca of a sort for miracle seekers. Among them are Europeans and Americans, who flock to his ministry for miracles. It was this same curiosity that compelled President Chiluba of Zambia to visit the Synagogue in 1999.

On June 19, this year, Paul Dhanakran, an Indian but internationally acclaimed evangelist and mentor to world pentecostal leaders such as Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts and Benny Hinn, visited the Synagogue to receive healing for an intractable ailment that defied any cure. Barely four days after, Dhanakran left the Synagogue a new man. He had not been able to walk in the last five years. Joshua has in store, films of his healing powers. One of the films shows that he had also raised a man from the dead. He also claims to heal people of AIDS, cancer and other deadly diseases.

Victor Onukogu became born again in 1967 and changed his name to Hezekiah. Between then and now, he has grown to become one of the leading miracle workers in Anambra State . Popularly known as Daddy Hezekiah, and founder of Living Christ Mission, Onitsha , Anambra State , he told Newswatch that the first miracle that God performed through him was to raise from death a young girl at Inland Girls Secondary School , Onitsha , November 21, 1982 . Ever since, he said God has performed many other miracles and blessed a lot of people through him.

As part of efforts to accommodate the geometrically growing congregation, Hezekiah has started work on a new church headquarters at Onitsha .

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Ede, founder of Catholic Prayer Ministry of the Holy Spirit, Elele, Rivers State, is perhaps the first Catholic priest whose miracle

works remain immensely popular. Ede has a penchant for breaking of curses and healing the sick through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The monthly miracle programme he organises at the Pilgrimage Centre, Elele attracts Christians from all parts of the country who desire breakthroughs in life.

Beyond the transformations Ede has brought to the style of worship in the Catholic church, he has also established reputable academic institutions. He is the proprietor of OSISATEC, a polytechnic in Enugu and Madonna University , Uli, where emphasis is placed on academic excellence and moral upbringing of students.

Ejike Mbaka, another Roman Catholic reverend father in Enugu is known for his firebrand style of preaching. Signs and wonders follow his ministrations. Mbaka’s weekly all-night adoration crusade at the GTC field, Enugu , has never ceased to inspire Catholic faithfuls to attend his programme. At one of his crowd-pulling crusades March 7, disaster struck and 14 of the worshippers died under mysterious circumstances. Though the ill-fated event generated a lot of controversies, it did not diminish the rising profile of the priest.

His miracles have checked the drift of Catholic faithfuls to other miracle-happening churches. It has also brought Pentecostals, Methodists, and Anglicans to swell the crowd: "People fly from abroad to come to our crusade and fly back," Mbaka told Newswatch.

Christ Mustard Mission, Port Harcourt , carved a niche for itself with the divine revelations of Glory Chika Nsiegbe. He predicts future events on January 1, every year. One of his predictions was that the then gubernatorial aspirant in Rivers State , Rufus Ada-George would become a governor in 1992. It came to pass. He also predicted the death of Sani Abacha, former head of state, in 1996. He is popularly known as the Anointed Man of God in Grace because of his miraculous exploits.

Primate Theophilus Olabayo, founder of the Evangelical Church of Yahweh Worldwide has equally been named in such fashion for his predictions. Although, he has not been visible of late, Olabayo was one prophet whom the nation looked up to for his prediction of the nation at the beginning of a new year. His predictions on political matters and leaders were profound. Olabayo manifested that much even in his writing of letters to leaders of thought, traditional rulers and world leaders to come together and find solution to perceived looming problems.

His predictions were published in his book: The Book of Revelations for Today and Tomorrow. Some of his major predictions, however, created bad press for him because they didn’t come true. When Newswatch sought to interview him last week, one of his able pastors explained why the request could not be granted, "There is a divine revelation that he (Olabayo) should cease from talking to the press untill such a time when there is a counter- instruction," he said.

There are some other pastors in Nigeria whose divine calling transcended miracles and prophecy. They have the power of oratory and teaching of the word so convincingly. Often times, their power-packed inspirational teachings create a new life for the hopeless, the down-trodden, the widows, single parents and youths.

Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo, founder of Kingsway International Christian Centre, KICC, London is one of them. He has penetrated nearly every home in Nigeria through telerangelism. Guided by the motto, "Raising champions and taking territories," Ashimolowo has continued to inspire many lost souls with his sound knowledge of the scriptures. His "Singles Summit" on July 12 was a case in point. Participants found new meaning and confidence in Christian relationships and courtships.

Barely 10 years of existence, KICC now has about 8,000 members at its headquarters in London and four branches. Ashimolowo has published many books on relationships, prayer, motivation and finance power. He has also produced a "Power and Positive" Bible.

Pastor Chris Okotie, founder of Household of God, Oregun, Lagos , is another firebrand preacher that often sends his audience into ecstasies. He is also known for televangelism but with bias for preaching the end times which he titles The Apocalypses. In his messages, Okotie reveals a knowledge of the book of revelations beyond the ordinary.

Fondly called "Grace teacher" by the multitude of his followers, Okotie’s teaching tend to evoke reactions more than edifying his listeners. His latest book, The Last Outcast, which he claims are revelations from God attest to his controversial teachings. The book has raised a palpable degree of dust among Christians because of its spiritual explanations on cloning, polygamy, the church, the anti-Christ, the virgin birth of Jesus Christ and more.

Tunde Bakare, pastor of Latter Rain Assembly, Ogba, Lagos is in a class of his own when it comes to political predictions. In the course of such predictions, Bakare has on one or two occasions invited the wrath of government. In particular, the prophecy on "Hundred Days and Hundred Ways " rattled the government so much that he was arrested and interrogated by the State Security Service early this year.

Beyond his predictions on national issues, Bakare is one preacher who has inspired and motivated so many. He features regularly on radio and television to share his knowledge of the scriptures.

Every church has its own history. Paul Adefarasin’s House on the Rock deserves a mention. Born with a silver spoon, Adefarasin squandered his life away on drugs in the United States until he saw the light in 1994.

From the living room of his mother in Lagos , he set up a church that blossomed over the last seven years to 7,000 worshippers at its present headquarters. This is in addition to 36 other branches both within and outside the country.

Eloquent and charismatic, Aderafasin is one of the favourite televangelists. Through his "Something Is About to Happen" television programme, he has been able to touch the lives of many weary souls in many ways. Many find his turn-around from his previous drug addicted lifestyle as a great challenge in their own lives.

Today, Adefarasin is putting up a N1.3 billion " Rock Millennium Temple " that would accommodate thousands of worshippers. Quite a trendy pastor!

But long before the emergence of the likes of Adefarasin, Gabriel Oduyemi, founder of Bethel Ministries made waves with his "Miracle Night" television programme in the mid 90s.

The midnight programme which caught the attention of millions of Nigerians then featured worshippers waving handkerchiefs above their heads on instruction to realise their miracles of becoming millionaires. For millions of Nigerians who are constantly looking for miracles, signs and wonders, Oduyemi was God-sent then.

A firm believer in financial prosperity, Oduyemi encouraged most of the miracle seekers to donate generously to his church because "God loves a cheerful giver." Today, Oduyemi, who is now less visible has changed the name of the church to Bethel Worship Incorporated.

Mountain of Fire and Miracles is another big ministry in Nigeria . Founded by Daniel Kayode Olukoya, the church had gone a step further to establish a " Prayer City " along the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway.

Olukoya has been able to pull a large crowd of worshipers because of his power in effective prayers and spiritual warfare. He has inculcated in the minds of the worshippers that there is a demon or two to fight in every human problem on earth. To this end, he has de-emphasised the dependence on pastors by worshippers in preference for a "do-it-yourself-prayer sessions."

William Kumuyi, general overseer of Deeper Life Christian Ministry has also changed the lives of many by teaching members to live a Christ-like life and praying ceaselessly. The church is also strong in house fellowship programmes as a way of encouraging spiritual growth. It views television programmes as too worldly and as tools of distraction. The thrust of the church is an emphasis on righteousness and holiness.

Rev. Wilson Badejo, general overseer of Foursquare Gospel Church is also known for his powerful sermons on holiness, righteousness and salvation. His teachings have indeed changed the lives of many and have led them to Christ. He is a powerful preacher of the word of God. Since he took over the mantle of leadership of the church in 1999, the 53-year-old veterinary doctor-turned preacher has taken the church to high spiritual pedestrial.

Sam Amaga, founder of the Foundation Faith Chapel Incorporated preaches prosperity like many of his peers. That is not unexpected from a man ordained as bishop by late Benson Idahosa. Amaga commands large followership from his miracle exploits. He has healed, and delivered many from endless problems that confront man.

Amaga is also popular with his televangelism programmes. His book, How to Be an Achiever, is a Christian best seller.

Francis Wale Oke, founder of Christ Life Church is another powerful preacher. He had carried his crusade to even states that are sharia-based. He said he had taken his missionary exploits to 49 countries including the Soviet Union where Christianity was intolerable. Oke is the bishop and founder of Christ Life Church , aka Sword of Spirit Ministries.

Founder of the World of Life Bible Church at Warri, Ayo Oritsejafor is another protege of the late Benson Idahosa. Described as flamboyant and a forceful preacher, Oritsejafor is gifted with teaching the word. His fearless style of preaching has earned him several invitations to several countries including Germany , Great Britain , America and France , among others.

In confirmation to his winning souls for Christ, the church today boasts of many members.

Like Wale Oke, Emmanuel Nuhu Kure, pastor of the Throne Room (Trust) Ministry has taken the gospel of Jesus Christ to Islamic enclaves in the North.

An uphill task no doubt, Kure succeeded in training a lot of northerners as pastors.

With headquarters in Kafanchan, Kaduna State , membership of the non-denominational ministry is estimated to be more than 10,000. In recent times, Kure has extended his spiritual warfare to Port Harcourt and Lagos . Winning souls and commanding large crowds has never been an all-men’s affair.

Bimbo Odukoya, powerful female preacher is well-known for her Singles and Married programme on TV. It has stood her apart as one of the remarkable church leaders.

As a role model to the youths, Odukoya’s teachings of the word centres on moral uprightness, Christian courtship and counselling. Singles and Married programme is very popular among the youths. Odukoya’s unique style of delivering her messages has continued to endear her to many Nigerians. Her husband is also a pastor.

For Margaret Idahosa, the presiding bishop of Church of God Mission International , her strength could be best appreciated in her effectively managing more than 3,000 branches of the church worldwide. Added to this was the extra burden of overseeing the numerous investments on education of her late husband, Archbishop Benson Idahosa.

Over the years, Margaret had worked tirelessly to perpetuate the legacies left behind by her husband. "His greatest desire is for us to continue where he left off... we must not allow the work to die," she told Newswatch.

Nkechi Anayo-Iloputaife, general overseer of the Victory Christian Church, Badagry Expressway, Lagos , is another female pastor who assumed headship after the demise of her husband, in 1995. The gruesome murder of her husband affected the strength of the church but the strong-willed woman resolved to forge ahead with painstaking efforts and dedication.

Today, the church, under her leadership has catered for many "Victory" faithfuls in many ways. The church has branches in 12 states of the federation

Evangelist Helen Ukpabio, founder of Liberty Gospel Church , is another female minister of the gospel. She has carved a niche for herself at evangelising through film making than in physically preaching the word. As an actress, it was easy for her to use her acting to send out inspirational messages to her

growing audience. - Films such as From Grass to Grace, The Price, Power to Bind and Wasted Years, are soap box for believers. Originally a member of the Olumba Olumba fraternity, Ukpabio has published two books against the sect: "The Seat of Satan Exposed" and Unveiling the Mysteries of Witchcraft. Barely four years old in her new-found ministry, Ukpabio has established 18 other branches in the country.

In the last 15 years, Tunde Joda, pastor of Christ Chapel, Lagos has consistently engaged members of his congregation every December in fasting. An astute preacher who always sermonises the need for exemplary political leadership among lawless leaders in the country believes that it is the only way to create sanity in the country. "I want to effect a change. It must begin from the leaders. Lawlessness is a spirit. It started from the top. When leaders are lawless, it affects everybody," Joda said.

It has been the centre of his sermons and he therefore, concentrates more on fasting and prayers. He is a medical doctor-turned preacher.

Apostle G.D. Numbere, pastor of Greater Evangelism World Crusade is a chip off the old block. A one-time chairman of the Rivers State chapter of Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, Numbere lays much emphasis on prayers and evangelism. He commands a lot of respect among fellow pastors in the South-South zone because of his miracle exploits and spiritual powers.

Mike Okonkwo, bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission, TREM, is another leader no Christian would forget in a hurry when it comes to preaching prosperity and prayers for deliverance.

But his additional role as the president of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria tends to be more pronounced than his first calling as minister. Yet, a closer look reveals Okonkwo as a force in the present crusade to win Nigerians for God.

Lawrence Osagie, the founder of Powerline Bible Church is known for his umbrage against government, public institutions and religious bodies.

He is also known for his trendy dressing. Osagie preaches holiness to fight against social injustice. He is also a gifted teacher in scriptural matters. He is so miffed by the political situation in the country that he has suggested the church should lead a revolution that would usher in a better society. Powerline has branches in Abuja , Edo , Cross River , and Abia states.

Uma Ukpai, a well-travelled Nigerian evangelist is the founder of Uma Evangelistic Association, Uyo. A profound and charismatic miracle worker, he has traversed a number of churches, delivering powerful sermons and offering prayers backed with miracle.

Several pastors from different denominations have invited Ukpai to be part of their programmes but he could only honour a few. Others have used Ukpai’s photograph in their handbills to sell their programmes and it has worked miraculously.

Another powerful miracle worker, Samson Ayorinde, prophet of the World Evangelism Bible Church , Ogudu, is said to have a special anointing on problem of barenness. He is known as "barenness bulldozer." Ayorinde has drawn wide membership within a short period of his ministry.

From testimonies and through telephone calls in his Samson Ayorinde Live TV programme, some have testified that they have received miracles from Ayorinde by just placing a glass of water in front of the TV set as instructed.

As a miracle worker in high demand, Ayorinde has moved to the Lagos State Television premises where he now conducts night vigils. Women in search of the fruits of the womb have continued to flock his miracle programmes. So are the unemployed, students and a host of miracle seekers.

The more than 2,000 worshippers at the Evidence of the Gospel Church, Benin City never hide their admiration for Oyonnude Kure, general overseer of the church for his eloquence and motivational teachings. In addition, Kure has also performed a number of miracles on his church members and non-members alike.

When it comes to anointing, Kure often resorts to the use of handkerchiefs and anointing oils to perform his divine duties. Kure has now set aside the first Friday of every month for special anointing but the crowd never seems to get enough of him as they surge to touch his garment or any of his members.

Pastor Patrick Anwuzia of Zoe Ministries is noted for his no-holds barred prosperity preaching. He heads the Zoe ministry spread across Nigerian cities and some other foreign countries. He describes himself as a strategic preacher of practical Christianity.

Though on the ebb following some scandals and assassins’ attack on him, Anwuzia years ago, took the pentecostal community by storm. He is gradually bouncing back to recognition.

Rev. O. Ezekiel, the general overseer of Christian Pentecostal Mission, CPM, Ajao Estate, Lagos , one of the fastest growing churches in Nigeria is a powerful man of God. With branches all over Nigeria , CPM lays much emphasis on prayer and personal consecration. Mercy Ezekiel, the overseer’s hat-loving wife and vice-president of the church organisation, a firebrand preacher, is an able partner beside her husband.

In the same category is Felix Omobude, the founder of New Covenant Ministry based in Benin . A protege of the late prosperity preacher, Benson Idahosa, Omobude stands out as one of the present day popular pentecostal pastors and a strong advocate of exemplary leadership even among the men of God.

Prince David Zilly-Aggrey, pastor of the Royal House of Grace, Port Harcourt has become a house-hold name in the south-south zone of the country because of his popular television programme known as the Prophetic Watch.

His teachings have won a lot of souls to Christendom. The Bayelsa-born pastor believes that "you need superior information to cause change in somebody." The strength of his church is more than 5,000 and members of his church believe that although he does not advertise miracles, God is using him to bring prosperity to many people in this period of hardship.

Emmah Isong, a graduate of banking and finance from University of Calabar , wanted to work in one of the most well-to-do banks in the country. But that was not to be. Before he graduated from the university, Isong became born again and later founded Emmah Isong Evangelistic Ministry, after his national youth service corps programme.

Isong now pastors the Christian Central Chapel International at Ikot Enebong, Calabar which has a congregation of some 4,000 worshipers. The centre attracts worshippers from all churches and denominations. Isong is essentially a Bible teacher but many miracles and report of same have been attracting people from all works of life to the centre.

Anselm Madubuko, general overseer of Revival Assembly, Ikeja, travels all over the world. Though, he has no branch elsewhere, he has an apostolic ministry all over the world where he preaches. "What God has done for me is to give me a stable base," he said.

Revival Assembly is a very big church with a capacity of more than 3,000 worshippers at a time. Its worshippers show taste, class and style. The church attracts large membership from the upper class of the society, which explains the fleet of posh cars parked in the church premises on worship days.

Alexander Ekewuba, founder of Overcomers Christian Mission, Owerri, is another powerful man of God in Nigeria. Ekewuba is known for his miracles and demolition of demon-infested institutions in and around Owerri.

The most prominent was the notorious Owerre Ebeiri traditional institution that thrives on the killing of human beings at the event of the death of the Eze and the installation of a new one. It was Ekewuba and his pastors that demystified the barbaric culture at the invitation of Chidi Uzomah, a lecturer at the Imo State University, Owerri and the heir-apparent. He, in fact, liberated the community from the demonic bondage which had existed for years.

Rev. Fr. Dominic Nwobodo, director of the Vincentian Retreat Centre, Lagos, is one of the Catholic priests being used by God to perform miracles and win souls in Nigeria. Convinced that Nwobodo has the divine gift of a miracle worker, the Catholic archdiocese of Lagos gave him the approval to establish the Vincentian Retreat Centre in Ojodu, Lagos. Today, the centre has become a pilgrimage centre of sorts, as miracle-seeking Christians troop to the place in search of divine solutions to their problems. Some of the programmes he organised include counselling for couples, monthly midnight vigil and breaking of curses.

Umoh Ekwo, founder of Bible Standard Christian Ministry with headquarters in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, is a holiness preacher who is popular for his work in rural envangelisation. Since 1978, when the former high school mathematics teacher established the church, thousands of people have been reached with the gospel in Lagos, Abuja, Abia, Imo, Edo, Delta, Rivers, Akwa Ibom and Cross River states.

In Akwa Ibom State, the ministry has been in the forefront of battle against the practice of witchcraft and other evil powers.

Pastor Stephen Akinola, of the Redemption Ministries, Port Harcourt is noted for his prowess in the area of televangelism. His church commands a large population of worshippers who admire his emphasis on practical Christianity.

Gbile Akanni, who lives in Gboko is a teacher of the Word. He holds an inter-denominational fellowship which attracts Christians of all backgrounds.

This is possible because the services are held during week days. He does not run a church. He is an itinerant preacher who moves from one denomination to another on invitation.

He is in high demand and travels a lot. Because of his tight schedule, he is booked several months before the appointed date. In addition, he runs a week-long programme in December each year tagged Ministers Leadership Retreat. His areas of strength are in teaching and evangelism.

Idem Ikon, founder of Revival Valley Ministries with headquarters in Calabar, was an undergraduate of University of Ife before he quit school to start preaching. He has been very popular among university students and young people who have been largely reached by his work. Ikon is a respected guest speaker and has featured in many international conferences across Africa .

Nicholas Eze, founder and general overseer of Christ for the World Mission Incorporated with headquarters in Calabar, is another pragmatic preacher. Eze founded the church in the late 1970s with the main objective of reaching the younger generation with the gospel. Over the years, the Abasi Obori, Calabar headquarters of the church is being besieged by miracle seekers and people who seek deliverance from powers of darkness. Christ for the World Mission has now spread to many villages and cities in eastern Nigeria . Eze is basically a holiness preacher and Bible teacher.

Eugene Ogu, pastor of the Abundant Life Ministry, Port Harcourt , is a preacher and teacher of faith. His commitment to the ministry has affected the lives of thousands of people in Rivers and Bayelsa states, who have been abundantly blessed by his spiritual power.

So also is Yomi Isijola, of the Logos Ministry, Port Harcourt . He is a flamboyant man of God who is using the gift of oratory to do great exploits for the Almighty. He is also a prosperity preacher and believes firmly that Christians who serve the Lord in truth deserve to be rich.

His ministry has continued to grow from strength to strength because of people’s belief in his spiritual power to unlock the mountain of achievements which are latent and imprisoned in their individual systems.

Isaac Oriakhi, general superintendent of Gospel Light Redemption Ministry, Abuja , was a foundation member of the Deeper Life Ministry. The ministry which was established in 1991 is very popular in Abuja because of the versatility of Oriakhi in teaching the gospel. The powerful man of God who is humble and

unassuming, said that his ministry operates in five-folds. He is a teacher, pastor, prophet, an evangelist and apostle.

Sam Adeyemi whose velveteen voice on the inspirational radio programme, Success Tips, has continued to inspire the youths, is the founder of Daystar Christian Centre, Oregun. The civil engineer-turned preacher is popular among his faithfuls with his radio programme. He offers sound teachings of the scriptures and the principles of success in life. The church has 5,000 members today.

Yet, more powerful pastors are emerging to continue the great exploits in Christendom. And as long as there are miracles, signs and wonders, crusade grounds would continue to attract new faithfuls and testimonies.

Reports by: Jossy Nkwocha, Olu Ojewale, Chris Ajaero, Obong Akpaekong, Anza Philips, Fola Adekeye, Solomon Ibharuneafe, Geoffrey Ekenna, Victor Ugborgu, Favour Okereke, Annette Edo, Betty Onuh, Eno Reuben, Tosin Ominiyi, and Juliet Akura.


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