making a phone call story operator
how may i help you? toi co the giup ban nhu the nao? alex i’d like to make an international call, please. toi muon goi phone di quoc te ? operator you can dial directly from your room if you like. ban co the goi truc tiep tu phong cua ban, neu muon alex i’m sorry, i don’t understand what to do. rat tiet toi khog biet phai lam nhu the nao de goi operator just hang up, then dial 011, your country and city codes, and your number chi can nhat may len,sau do bam so 011,ke tiep la ma so quoc gia va ma so vung va cuoi cung la so ban muon goi alex o.k. thanks for your help. cam on cho su giup do cua ban. operator you’re welcome. would you like to charge the call to your room or pay with a credit card? chuc mung ban moi den.ban muon tinh tien goi phone tai phong hay tinh vao the tin dung? alex to my room. tinh tu tai phong cua toi. operator all right. i’ll take care of it for you. dong y toi se lo viec do cho anh. operator have a nice evening. chuc ban mot buoi truoc tot dep.