5 - Glass - Science

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Science Charts

LEGEND art AS – assessment CA – class activity CD – class discussion CI – community involvement CL – cultural literacy and diversity CM – communication CZ – citizenship DA – differentation / accomodation GA – group activity L – literacy LI – listening LS – life skills HS – home / school connection – collaboration with families HW – homework MA – manipulative activity MO – movement / physical education MU – music OL – oral language / public speaking R – reading RS - research T – technology TX – text W - writing A-

Science Charts Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15

JWG SOL S 5.1 Classifying Rocks

JWG SOL S 5.1 Classifying Rocks

MA: The students will take a “field trip” outside and collect a variety of rocks.

A: The teacher will show the class pictures of sculptures and buildings made of different kinds of rock. The students will guess what kind of rock is being shown.

JWG SOL S 5.1 Classifying Minerals MA: The teacher will bring a variety of different kinds of minerals and show them to the class.

JWG SOL S 5.1 Classifying Rocks and Minerals MA: The teacher will bring in both rocks and minerals and set them out on tables.

JWG SOL S 5.1 Classifying Rocks and Minerals HS: The teacher will invite parents to accompany the class on a field trip to a rock museum in the morning.

W: The teacher will lead the class in writing down the different characteristics of the rocks GA/W:In groups, the students will compare and contrast the similarities and differences of the rocks. LI: The teacher will introduce other kinds of rocks not found on the field trip and their characteristics

T/GA: In groups, the students will research a specific type of rock and find a picture of a building or sculpture containing it. CM: The groups will compare their findings and discuss how rocks are used.

LI: As a class, the students will identify characteristics of the minerals and compare them to those of rocks. The teacher will emphasize the differences. LI: The teacher will instruct the students on specific ways of identifying minerals.

GA: In groups, the students will walk around the tables and fill out a worksheet requiring them to identify the rocks and minerals.

MO: The class will follow their trip to the rock museum with a trip to a rock climbing gym.

DA: Students who L/R: The teacher are academically will go over the gifted may write a answers with the report on what they class and will learned on the field review the material trip. from the past three days.

Science Charts Day 16

Day 17

Day 18

Day 19

Day 20

JWG SOL S 5.3 Scientific Inquiries: Graphing Information

JWG SOL S 5.3 Scientific Inquiries: Graphing Information JWG SOL S 5.1 Classifying Rocks and Minerals

JWG SOL S 5.3 Scientific Inquiries: Graphing Information JWG SOL S 5.1 Classifying Rocks and Minerals

JWG SOL S 5.2 Estimations of Measurement

JWG SOL S 5.2 Estimations of Measurement

R/TX: The teacher will introduce “The Victory Garden Kids Book”, and will pass out excerpts for the class to read and study.

A:The teacher will guide the class in taking pictures of the planting of the seeds in the garden.

LI: The teacher will introduce the students to properly estimating length, mass, volume, and elapsed time.

LI: The teacher will instruct the students on how to use appropriate instruments for measuring different types of data.

R: The teacher will read Counting on Frank to the class.

MA/GA: The teacher will divide the class into groups and have them walk to different stations using each instrument to measure different types of data and record it.

AS: The teacher will divide the class into two groups. One group will walk around a set of tables and identify rocks and DA: Students who minerals. The other require extra visual group will LI/LS: The aids can draw and complete a written teacher will color the process. test which requires explain the class the student to project which LI: The teacher graph certain involves planting, will review rocks scientific cultivating, and minerals by information. harvesting, and using previously selling the crops. learned information to MA: The class illustrate how to will walk outside graph scientific to the site of the information. garden and will GA: In groups, the investigate the soil. class will graph information of LI: The teacher their choice. will discuss how to graph the information necessary concerning the garden.

MA: The teacher will conduct an activity in which the students each use estimation to guess how many m&ms are in a jar. The closest HW: The students estimation wins the will attempt to candy. graph the information gathered during class.

Science Charts Day 31

Day 32

Day 33

Day 34

Day 35

JWG SOL S 5.2, 5.3: Estimations of Measurement & Graphing Information

JWG SOL S 5.3 Scientific Inquiries

JWG SOL S 5.3 Scientific Inquiries

JWG SOL S 5.2 Estimations of Measurement

JWG SOL S 5.2 Estimations of Measurement

RE: The teacher will go over homework and allow the students to perform work correctly on the board.

LI: The teacher will explain the scientific method and use examples of how the students have been using it in the past two weeks.

CI: A doctor will come to the class and discuss how the scientific method is used to find the cures to diseases and how science is used in the medical realm.

L: The class will use excerpts from the Victory Garden Kids Book to learn the different stages in a garden and the time involved in the growth process.

W: The students will take notes and share what they found most interesting and beneficial.

LI: The teacher will go over the garden process in detail and give instructions.

GA/MA: The teacher will provide the class with the materials necessary to make graduated cylinders. In small groups, the class will work together and make one graduated cylinder per group.

MA: The teacher will lead the class outside and place two Styrofoam cups under the sun. One cup will contain dark dirt and the other light colored dirt. A thermometer will be placed in each and the class will let them sit for five minutes. The temperatures will then checked and data recorded. The students will see how dark colors attract heat more than light colors.

T: The students will use the computer lab to take interactive quizzes and play interactive games concerning the scientific method. The students will find the quizzes and games at www.quia.com. The students will be divided into teams and will compete against their classmates for the most points earned from quizzes and games.

W: The students will write a brief paragraph about their expectations for the garden and about the time involved. W: The class will write a paragraph about how having a garden exercises good stewardship. DA: Students with disabilities may draw a set of pictures instead.

LI: The teacher will then show the students how a graduated cylinder is used and how it is helpful and beneficial and relevant to their lives.

Science Charts Day 36

Day 37

Day 38

Day 39

Day 40

JWG SOL S 5.4 Sound and Communication

JWG SOL S 5.4 Sound and Communication

JWG SOL S 5.4 Sound and Communication

JWG SOL S 5.4 Sound and Communication

JWG SOL S 5.4 Sound and Communication

CA: The teacher will begin class by playing a trivia game which involves asking the students fun questions about sound such as “What was the loudest sound ever heard?” and “What was the lowest sound ever recorded?” etc.

LI: The teacher will discuss the differences between how animals hear and how humans hear. The teacher will show pictures of bats and will instruct the students how bats use frequency to help them navigate.

LI: The teacher will discuss frequency with the class and give directions for the activity.

CI: The class will take a field trip to a local fire station and learn how communication occurs in emergency response vehicles.

LI: The teacher will explain the general properties of sound, including frequency, waves, and vibration.

T: The students will use the internet to research five facts about bats.

CA: The teacher will bring three soda bottles to class and fill them with different amounts of water. The students will predict the order from lowest to highest pitch each bottle will make when one blows across the top. The students will then investigate different outcomes and discuss why it worked the way it did.

HW: The students will put their facts into paragraph form and present it to the class.

CA: Each student will make their own tubular glockenspiel from materials provided by the teacher. The students will see that the length of the tubing determines the frequency.

W/HW: Each student will write a one page paper explaining how frequency and sound work using both animals and people as examples.

DA: ESL students may earn extra credit by writing on the differences of sounds between their native language and English.

Science Charts Day 51

Day 52

Day 53

Day 54

Day 55

JWG SOL S 5.5 Transmitting Sound

JWG SOL S 5.5 Transmitting Sound

JWG SOL S 5.5 Transmitting Sound

JWG SOL S 5.5 Transmitting Sound

JWG SOL S 5.5 Transmitting Sound

LI: The teacher will explain to the class how sound travels through solids, liquids, and gases. The teacher will encourage class participation by asking them to make predictions concerning certain sounds.

CI: The class will host a K9 unit officer with his dog for a demonstration of how dogs respond to high pitched whistles that are beyond human hearing capability.

AS/GA/T: The teacher will give the students a set of key questions concerning the topic of sound, including waves, vibration, frequency, pitch etc. In groups, the students will use their notes as well as secondary sources to produce the answers to five of the questions.

GA: In groups, the students will be given a set of questions concerning whether or not hearing is based on ear size, how many ears, or age. The students will experiment within the classroom and write down their findings.

LI: The teacher will begin by introducing theories concerning noise pollution. The class will brainstorm potentially dangerous ways that noise can be transmitted.

GA: In groups, the class will walk around a set of tables with displays such as a battery-operated radio in a sealed plastic bag underwater with a hydrophone, a length of metal rod, a string telephone etc. After each group has experimented with each display, the class will reconvene and discuss the results.

T/HW: The students will be given a list of animals to choose from and will go on the internet and research how that particular animal uses sound in its everyday life. DA: Academically gifted students may write an essay comparing the way animals and humans hear, highlighting the differences.

OL/AS: The students will choose one of their questions to present to the class as a group.

LI: The teacher will explain how the human ear works and will go over the correct answers to the questions. A: The students will create a model of the human ear and will label its different parts.

CA: The students will survey the loudness of sounds at different locations around the school and in the classroom. CA/MA: The class will investigate sound insulation by watching the teacher place a clock in a box

Science Charts Day 56

Day 57

Day 58

Day 59

Day 60

JWG SOL S 5.5 Transmitting Sound

JWG SOL S 5.5 Transmitting Sound

JWG SOL S 5.5 Transmitting Sound

JWG SOL S 5.5 Transmitting Sound

JWG SOL S 5.5 Transmitting Sound

LI: The teacher will present the students with information about hearing impairment among different age groups and ask them to give several possible reasons for it.

CI: The class will take a field trip to a nursing home and note cases of hearing impairment while they communicate with people.

LI: The teacher will present the students with information regarding noise pollution. HW/OL: The students will research possible solutions for noise pollution and present their findings to the class. LI: The teacher will show the students cause and effect analysis of how loud noise for prolonged periods of time can be damaging.

CA: The students will brainstorm ideas about causes of hearing impairment. The teacher will guide the students as they accept and reject each other’s explanations. MA: The students will take out their model of the human ear and study how exactly hearing is impaired and what is the source of the problem.

LI: The students will listen as a doctor gives a brief overview of the causes of hearing impairment.

GA/OL: In groups, the students will use all of their notes and secondary sources and compile a short presentation in a television documentary setting.

AS: The students will be given a formal multiple choice test on all of the material covered in the past three weeks concerning sound, frequency, vibrations, pitch, animals etc. DA: Students with a weakness for test taking may opt to write a three page paper explaining in detail all of the concepts from the past three weeks.

Science Charts Day 71

Day 72

Day 73

Day 74

Day 75

JWG SOL S 5.6 Light

JWG SOL S 5.6 Light

JWG SOL S 5.6 Light

JWG SOL S 5.6 Light

JWG SOL S 5.6 Light

LI: The teacher will begin by introducing the students to various facts about light. The teacher will make distinctions between sound waves and light waves.

CD: The teacher will lead the class in discussion about what the students learned from the tutorial.

OL: Each group will present their findings. While watching the presentations, each student will make a learning chart containing important facts and questions about each form of energy.

CA: The teacher will provide each student with a glass of water and a piece of white paper. The students will get out of their seats, if necessary, and position their glasses and paper near the window so as to create a rainbow.

LI: The teacher will begin the lesson by bouncing a ball up and own off the floor and relating that to how light reflects off of a mirror. The teacher will use examples of objects throughout the classroom to illustrate reflection.

CD: The teacher will lead the class in a discussion as to what caused the rainbow. The teacher will instruct the students about refraction.

CA: The teacher will give each student a prism and will have them play with it to learn that light from the sun contains all of the colors that can possibly be seen by the human eye.

GA: The teacher will divide the class into eight groups and will CA: As a class, the assign each group students will make one of the eight a comparison chart kinds of between sound electromagnetic waves and light energy in the waves. Each spectrum. Each student will copy group must the chart from the perform secondary board for their own research using both personal copy. books and the internet. A: The students will draw a picture of the sun and the earth as the teacher discusses how energy from the sun reaches the earth. T: The students will go on the internet and complete a tutorial about the electromagnetic spectrum.

DA: Students with disabilities may recite a poem or sing a song instead of a presentation. HW: The students will choose one question from their learning chart and research the answer.

CA: The teacher will place rocks inside an aquarium and tell the students to gather around it and ask volunteers to determine which rocks are easier to touch and try to pick up and which ones are harder.

CD: The teacher will lead the class in discussing the different characteristics and features of light.

Science Charts Day 76

Day 77

Day 78

Day 79

Day 80

JWG SOL S 5.6 Light

JWG SOL S 5.6 Light

JWG SOL S 5.6 Light

JWG SOL S 5.6 Light

JWG SOL S 5.6 Light

LI: The teacher will instruct the student about Albert Einstein and his theory of relativity.

CA/MA: Each student will be given a battery, a light bulb, and a piece of wire. Each student will experiment until they figure out how to make the light bulb work.

LI: The teacher will instruct the students on the differences between opaque, translucent, and transparent light. CA/MA: The teacher will present the students with multiple items that contain those three qualities of light. As a class, the teacher will go through each item and write it down on the board. Each student will create their own chart listing each material under the proper light identity and will use it for future reference.

LI: The teacher will introduce the class to Isaac Newton and his accomplishments and theories concerning light.

DA: Academically gifted students may write a report expressing their opinion on his theory and how it relates to present day science.

T/W/HW: The students will each use a computer and Microsoft Word to write a 1-2 page paper about one of the theories of light that was discussed earlier in the week. Students will use both their notes LI: The teacher and secondary will instruct the sources found on students about the the internet. The properties involved student may write and will give them another paper instructions for the concerning a next activity. different theory for extra credit. CA/MA: The student will create their own flashlight using pvc pipe, batteries, a light bulb, and plastic film.

Science Charts Day 91

Day 92

Day 93

Day 94

Day 95

JWG SOL S 5.7 Properties of Matter

JWG SOL S 5.7 Properties of Matter

JWG SOL S 5.7 Properties of Matter

JWG SOL S 5.7 Properties of Matter

JWG SOL S 5.7 Properties of Matter

CA/A: The class will be work in groups of 4 to 6 students and will collect samples and pictures of different forms of matter and identify the elements, compounds, and mixtures with each item. The students will collect samples from around the classroom and around the school. Students will also cut out pictures from old magazines showing other items. Students will use crayons and markers for labeling.

GS: The teacher will contact a high school chemistry teacher and have them come to the class and describe different methods of investigating the composition of the kinds of matter found in the students’ school and homes, and in public buildings and places.

LI: The teacher will inform the students of different terms for different kinds of compounds, elements, and mixtures.

. CA: The teacher will bring in a container of water and invite the students to gather around as the teacher places a wooden block in the water.

CA: In groups, the students will use a dropper to place two drops of perfume in a large balloon. After blowing up the balloon, the students will tie it in a knot and smell CD: The teacher the outside of the will ask the class balloon. After to describe the waving the balloon properties of the in the air for about solid object and two minutes, the the liquid. The students will smell teacher will ask the the balloon again. students how the two objects are CD: The teacher alike and how they will lead the class are different. The in discussing what teacher will guide the students the students in smelled the first inferring that they time and how the are alike because perfume got they take up space outside the and different balloon. because the block has its own shape LI: The teacher and the water takes will talk to the its own shape. students about the basic units of matter and structure of atoms

W: The students will each write a letter to the American Chemical Society with a question concerning matter.

DA: ESL students may write a report on the difference CD: The teacher between classroom will ask the environment in students which two their native properties are country compared shared by all the to America. matter samples they have. The students should respond with mass and volume.

GA: The groups from Wednesday will work together to make a large wall chart. Under the headings, ‘Elements’, ‘Mixtures’, and ‘Compounds’, students will display their previously put together samples and pictures, and will select at least one item in each category from the collection of each group.

Science Charts Day 96

Day 97

Day 98

Day 99

Day 100

JWG SOL S 5.7 Properties of Matter

JWG SOL S 5.7 Properties of Matter

JWG SOL S 5.7 Properties of Matter

JWG SOL S 5.7 Properties of Matter

JWG SOL S 5.7 Properties of Matter

LI: The teacher will go over review material with the students in preparation for the test.

AS: The teacher will formally test the students using multiple choice and short answer questions.

CA/MA: The students will make a model of an atom using clay, craft sticks, a plastic knife, and a metric ruler.

DA: Students who are not good at taking tests may opt to write a three page paper explaining in detail the concepts from the last three weeks.

LI: The teacher will explain how to organize science notebooks and make observation tables and charts. GA: In groups, the class will observe charcoal and iron filling and write down their observations. The students will mix the two together and again record their observations. The students will make predictions about how the materials can be separated and then test them and record the results. The students will add a salt and water mixture until the salt dissolves. The group will predict how to separate the salt from the water, record them, test them, and record again.

CD: The teacher will lead the class in discussing how mixing charcoal and iron filing affects the properties of the matter involved.

CA: In groups, the students will fill one test tube with water and use a funnel to add onefourth spoonful of magnesium sulfate and will mix it together until the W: The students solid dissolves. will write in their They will then fill notebooks about a second tube how they were halfway with water able to separate and add calcium the charcoal from chloride and shake the iron filings and it until it dissolves. will give reasons Pouring the for their evidence. contents of both into a third test CD: The class will tube, the students guide the students will observe for in drawing a five minutes and conclusion as to then record their how mixing salt observations. The and water affects groups will pour the properties of the combined these materials. mixture into a fourth test tube W: The students through a funnel will write about and record the how they separated results. the salt from the water. CD: The teacher will walk the students through understanding what took place.

Science Charts Day 111

Day 112

Day 113

Day 114

Day 115

JWG SOL S 5.8 Cell Structure

JWG SOL S 5.8 Cell Structure

JWG SOL S 5.8 Cell Structure

JWG SOL S 5.8 Cell Structure

JWG SOL S 5.8 Cell Structure

LI: The teacher will instruct the students about cell structure.

MA: The students will repeat observations with microscope from the day before with algae and parts of plants.

GA: In groups, the students will build a model of a cell by filling a large plastic jar full of water. Iodine will be added to the water and then a lid put on the jar. In a mixing bowl, students will mix jello mix, cornstarch, and perfume, fill a selfsealing bag with the mixture and put a marble in with it. The students will put the bag into the plastic jar with iodine and leave it overnight.

GA: The class will record their observations of the jar on a chart.

CA/MA: The students will take a hair from their head and place it on a slide and MA: The students cover the hair with will look at a piece a moss leaf. of onion Adding a drop of underneath a DA: Students with water and cover microscope. The disabilities will be slip, the students students will then placed with will examine the use a plastic knife academically slide and observe to scrape the inside gifted partners who how many moss of a pork casing will help them cells in a row and tap the knife perform the cover the width of edge underneath observations using a hair strand. the microscope and the microscope. then draw what A: The students they see. LI: The teacher will draw what will instruct the they see. A: The students students about will draw what what is inside LI: The teacher they see. cells. will talk to the students about cell CD: The teacher functions. will lead discussion concerning the similarities and differences in the two things observed.

LI: The teacher will explain that the jello mix is cytoplasm and the marble is the cell nucleus and the bag is the cell membrane.

W: The students will answer a list of questions about the model and will tell how their model resembles a cell. T: The students will research the internet to find out how cells were discovered and how scientists have learned about them over the years. LI/CD: The teacher will review key concepts and lead discussion on their findings.

Science Charts Day 116

Day 117

Day 118

Day 119

Day 120

JWG SOL S 5.9 Kingdoms of Living Things

JWG SOL S 5.9 Kingdoms of Living Things

JWG SOL S 5.9 Kingdoms of Living Things

JWG SOL S 5.9 Kingdoms of Living Things

JWG SOL S 5.9 Kingdoms of Living Things

CD: The teacher will ask the students how zoos group animals.

W: The teacher will write a paragraph listing key information and concepts and have the students copy it. The paragraph will be written without good punctuation and the students will add proper punctuation.

CL/T: The students will use the internet to research people in China, Japan, and other Asian countries to find out how they have been practicing mariculture for thousands of years.

CA/GA: The students will engage in an activity called ‘Shape Island’. In their notebook, students will copy a set of organisms from the board. Using the glossary of Greek and Latin terms in their text, the students will name all of the shapes. The students will then draw their own shape and name it using a two-part scientific name.

CA/A: The students will draw a knowledge web stating key facts that they have learned in the past week and how the knowledge builds on prior knowledge.

CA/W: The students will list seven musical artists or songs and have them categorize them by style of music. Students will write down why they chose what they did. LI: The teacher will write the main groups of living kingdoms on the board and will introduce the students to each one through lecture. A: The teacher will lead the students in a song using a familiar tune with new lyrics that help the students remember key facts about the six kingdoms of living things.

CD: The teacher will ask the students true/false questions based on the science chapter from the text. R: As a class, the students will read the text by taking turns so that everyone gets a chance to read. DA: Students with disabilities may listen to text on CD at the listening lab.

LI: The teacher will talk to the students about fungi and tell them about some of the caves in Pennsylvania where lots of mushrooms grow. T/W: The students will use the internet to research and then write a report on mushroom farming in the United States.

LI: The teacher will explain the importance of scientists giving organism specific names. CD: The students will describe two characteristics shared by all of the specimens at Shape Island.

CD: The students will share what they have learned. CA/AS: The teacher will divide the class into teams and will play jeopardy using scientific terms, vocabulary and key concepts and facts.

Science Charts Day 131

Day 132

Day 133

Day 134

Day 135

JWG SOL S 5.10 Ocean Environment and Ecosystem

JWG SOL S 5.10 Ocean Environment and Ecosystem

JWG SOL S 5.10 Ocean Environment and Ecosystem

JWG SOL S 5.10 Ocean Environment and Ecosystem

JWG SOL S 5.10 Ocean Environment and Ecosystem

CI: The class will host one of the student’s parents who is a scuba diver and will learn about ocean depth and currents.

GA: The teacher will divide the class into teams and they will compete against one another in a game of hot potato. Whenever someone is caught with the hot potato they are asked a review question.

AS: The teacher will hand a formal written exam based on the previous three weeks of study. Format will be multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, and short answer.

R: The students will read from their text out loud as a class. LI: The teacher will talk about geographical characteristics of the ocean including, continental shelves, slopes, and rises. The teacher will use slides and pictures to illustrate the concepts. W/T: The students will research the topics and write a report on what they have learned. DA: Students with disabilities may draw a picture of an ocean characteristic.

CI: The students will take a field trip to an aquatic facility and learn about marine life in the ocean. W/T: The students will write an essay on what on their favorite animal that includes secondary research DA: Students with disabilities may draw a picture of their favorite ocean animal.

CD: The class will ask questions and discuss the subject at hand concerning the ocean. MA: The students will use legos to make models of an ocean, complete with scuba divers, continental shelves, rises, and lots of animals.

CD: The teacher will lead discussion on review material and will answer questions from the class.

Science Charts Day 136

Day 137

Day 138

Day 139

Day 140

JWG SOL S 5.11 Earth Changes and Stewardship

JWG SOL S 5.11 Earth Changes and Stewardship

JWG SOL S 5.11 Earth Changes and Stewardship

JWG SOL S 5.11 Earth Changes and Stewardship

JWG SOL S 5.11 Earth Changes and Stewardship

MA: The teacher will begin the lesson by blowing up a balloon until it pops.

CA: The teacher will place a stream table on a table and let the students fill it with sand. A volunteer will then use two fingers and make a channel in the sand. The teacher will connect a piece of tubing to the front of the stream table and let the other end hang off the edge over a pale. Another pale will be placed on two wood blocks on the other side with water in it. A water flow will be started from the pale through the tube. The students will observe any changes that the water makes in the sand and record them.

GA: In groups, the students will make a model of a glacier. Each group will fill a pan with gravel and water and freeze it. The students will then remove the mixture from the pan and rub it across a piece of poster board.

RS: The students will collect magazine and newspaper articles and photographs that relate to the effects of moving water on land. The students will use graphic sources of information to determine which weathering process is occurring.

CI: The students will take a trip to a local farmers market and observe. In the classroom, the students will research specific vegetables and their nutritional value.

CD: The teacher will ask the class why the balloon popped. LI: The teacher will explain how pressure is also what makes a volcano erupt and will explain how earth changes can be brought about by natural disasters. T: The teacher will show a short video about the eruption of Mt. St. Helens. W: The students will answer a list of set questions during the movie.

CD: The teacher will lead discussion concerning what happened and why.

W: Students will compare the effect on the poster board with that of a glacier on land. DA: Students with disabilities may draw pictures contrasting the two.

LI: The teacher will explain how growing food in a R: As a class, the garden is a good students will read a example of being book entitled Life good stewards. The in the Great Ice teacher will talk Age, by Michael about how it is and Beverly Oard important to take care of the earth and not pollute it.

Science Charts Day 151

Day 152

Day 153

Day 154

Day 155

JWG SOL S 5.12 Plants and Flowers; Photosynthesis

JWG SOL S 5.12 Plants and Flowers; Photosynthesis

JWG SOL S 5.12 Plants and Flowers; Photosynthesis

JWG SOL S 5.12 Plants and Flowers; Photosynthesis

JWG SOL S 5.12 Plants and Flowers; Photosynthesis

CA: The students will stand in different parts of the classroom as the teacher opens a bottle containing a liquid. As soon as the students smell the liquid, they will individually raise their hands. The teacher will repeat the procedure with a different odor.

CA/GA: In groups, the students will put onion and garlic in a bowl and mix it with cayenne pepper. They will add water and soap. After pouring the mixture through a few layers of cheesecloth into another bowl, they will pour the liquid into a spray bottle and some of it into a jar. Another spray bottle will be filled with water. Two plants will be put outside sprayed lightly for the next two days. The students will record differences between the two plants.

CA: The students will go outside and collect leaves from different trees. Back inside, they will cut the leaves into small pieces, put them in jars, and label them by tree. Rubbing alcohol will be added to the jars. After covering the jars, they will be placed in a pan holding an inch of hot tap water. The students will rotate the leaves in the water until the alcohol has become colored. then label each jar with filter paper and place an end in each jar so that the alcohol climbs up the paper.

W: The students will write a onepage paper stating what they know about plant communication.

CD: The teacher will lead the class in discussing how the odors traveled throughout the room and their reaction to the odor. LI: The teacher will instruct the students concerning plant communication.

LI: The teacher will begin explaining photosynthesis.

CA: The students will harvest the garden that was planted at the beginning of the year. CI: The teacher will take the students to a local food bank where they will share some of the food from the garden. HW: The students will write about the process of growing a garden and how they are beneficial.

CD: The teacher will lead discussion on what happened and why.

W: The students will write a onepage paper stating what they know about photosynthesis. DA: Students with disabilities may draw pictures instead.

Science Charts Day 156

Day 157

Day 158

Day 159

Day 160

JWG SOL S 5.13 Human Body

JWG SOL S 5.13 Human Body

JWG SOL S 5.13 Human Body

JWG SOL S 5.13 Human Body

JWG SOL S 5.13 Human Body

CA/LI: The students will each be given a list of bones and will be given a picture of a skeleton. Each student will label the bones on the human body as the teacher instructs them.

LI: The teacher will instruct the students on how to take a pulse.

LI: The teacher will briefly instruct the students about the kidneys.

CA/MO: Each student will take their own pulse and count the number of beats in 15 seconds, multiply by four, and record the results. Each student will do 25 jumping jacks and check their pulse again. The teacher will take the students outside where they will run, walk, jump, and two other things of their choice, check their pulse each time and record the results.

GA: In groups, the students will pour muddy water into one of two beakers. They will put a filter paper into a funnel and place it in the other beaker. After restirring the muddy water, the students will pour slowly pour it into the filter. After all the water has gone through, the students will record their observations.

A: The students will color code the bones to aid in memory. LI: The teacher will instruct the class about the basic structure of the human body and its functions. CA/MO: The teacher will take the class outside, and the students will feel their heart beat. The students will run a lap around the playground and feel their heart beat again. The teacher will talk about the importance of exercise for a healthy heart.

CD: The teacher will lead the class in discussing the meaning of the results and what can be learned from it.

A: The students will draw a draw a diagram of what happened. CD: The teacher will lead the class in discussing what would happen if a person’s blood didn’t go through the kidneys.

LI: The teacher will instruct the student about the functions of the lungs. GA: In groups, the students will blow up a 9-inch balloon, put it inside a bottle, and stretch its neck over the top of the bottle and hold it in place with a rubber band. This represents a lung. The students will cut a 12-inch balloon across its widest section and tie a knot in the neck, then stretch the balloon across the bottom of the bottle to make a cover and position the knot in the center and glue the cover in place to represent a diaphragm. Holding the knot, the students will pull the diaphragm out and push it in several time, and record observations.

GA: In pairs, the students will use an eyedropper to place two drops of honey on the center of their partner’s tongue. The students will determine where they first tasted the sweetness and record their findings. The same will be done for salt, alum, and lemon juice. CD: The teacher will lead the class in discussing the results. AS/CA: The students will play a game of jeopardy to review the key concepts of the past week. DA: ESL students may write a one page paper for extra credit about the difference between tastes in their native country and America.

Science Charts Day 171

Day 172

Day 173

Day 174

Day 175

JWG SOL S 5.14 Dinosaurs

JWG SOL S 5.14 Dinosaurs

JWG SOL S 5.14 Dinosaurs

JWG SOL S 5.14 Dinosaurs

JWG SOL S 5.14 Dinosaurs

W: The students will write down five things they know about dinosaurs and five things they want to know.

T/RS: The students will each pick a dinosaur and research it using library books and the internet.

CD: Based on the definition for ‘dinosaur’, the teacher will lead discussion on whether or not dinosaurs still exist and what they are.

CI: The class will go on a field trip to a museum and look at dinosaur bones.

CD: The teacher will allow the students to share their knowledge and their questions with the class in a discussion format. GA: During the class discussion, the students will pretend to be paleontologists by using toothpicks to remove chocolate chips from cookies without breaking them. LI: The teacher will explain to the students what paleontology is.

W: The students will each write a two page report on their dinosaur, including their size, habitat, eating habits, and other interesting facts. LI: The teacher will teach further on the topic of paleontology, digging deeper into how bones are dated.

LI: The teacher will read an article about dinosaur blood being found and will expound on the idea that dinosaurs are not as old as many think.

CD: The teacher will lead discussion on what they observed and their reactions. W: The students will write a brief summary of what they learned.

DA: Academically gifted students GA/MU: The class may write a one will listen to and page comparison sing a dinosaur paper concerning song by artist the difference Buddy Davis. between the assumptions of evolutionists and creationists.

OL/LI: The students will present their reports from Tuesday to the class. CD: The teacher will lead an open discussion on the week’s lessons.

Science Charts Day 176

Day 177

Day 178

Day 179

Day 180

JWG SOL S 5.15 Complex Machines; Concepts of Work

JWG SOL S 5.15 Complex Machines; Concepts of Work

JWG SOL S 5.15 Complex Machines; Concepts of Work

JWG SOL S 5.15 Complex Machines; Concepts of Work

JWG SOL S 5.15 Complex Machines; Concepts of Work

GA: In groups, the students will tie one end of a string around a brick and tie the other end of the string to a rubber band. One of the students will pull on the rubber band until the brick slides across the floor.

MO/LI: The teacher will take the class outside to the playground and use the seesaw to explain levers.

LI: The teacher will explain what an inclined plane is.

LI: The teacher will explain the concept of machines and complex machines.

AS: The teacher will formally assess the students from material covered in the last three weeks including plants, the human body, dinosaurs, and machines and work. The format will be all multiple choice.

GA: In groups, the students will use CA: Each student string to fasten a will walk around spring scale to a the playground and stone and then use find another kind the scale to lift the of lever. stone to a height of 10 centimeters. CD: The teacher W: Inside the The students will will ask the classroom, the read the amount of students how much students will force used with the the rubber band answer specific spring scale and stretched and what questions in record it in a chart. could be done to written form about The students will make the brick work and levers. then make an move easier. inclined plane by propping a board GA: The students on books so that will try to find one end of the another way to board is raised 10 move the brick. centimeters and will again read the LI: The teacher spring scale and will explain the record the results. basic concept of work. CD: The teacher will ask the students to share their results and will lead a discussion about inclined planes.

CA: The teacher will write a list of machines on the board and the students will categorize them under simple or complex. DA: Academically gifted students may expound and write a paragraph under each machine saying why it is the type of machine that it is.

Resources Allen, K. Z. (2003). Cells, Heredity, and Classification. Austin, TX: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Badders, W. (2003). DiscoveryWorks: Teacher's Edition. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company. Beeman, P., & Bollinger, M. J. (1996). Real Life Science Series: Classroom Experiements. Torrance, CA: Frank Schaffer Publications. Cornett, C. E. (2007). Creating Meaning Through Literature and Arts: An Integration Resource for Classroom Teachers. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Heil, D. (1996). Discover the Wonder. In D. Heil, Discover the Wonder (pp. A22-A62). Glenview, Illinois: ScottForesman Science. Jones, R. M. (2005). Harcourt Science: Teacher's Edition. Orlando, FL: Harcourt. Mini Science. (2007, October 16). Retrieved October 15, 2007, from miniscience: http://www.miniscience.com/projects/leaves1.html Oard, M., & Oard, B. (1993). Life in the Great Ice Age. Green Forest, AR: Master Books. www.answersingenesis.org. (2007, October 16). Retrieved October 16, 2007, from Answers In Genesis: www.answersingenesis.org www.palmbeachk12.fl.us.com. (2007, October 16). (n.d.). Retrieved October 16, 2007, from Palm Beach County Schools: http://www.palmbeach.k12.fl.us/MULTICULTURAL/ESOLCurriculumD ocs/Secondary/Gr7SciU8.pdf

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