5. Fin2423 Fin2424 Cw1(1).docx

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FIN2423/2424 ADVANCED MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING 10% Written Submission Date (Date to be Assignment confirmed in (Individual) class)


Exam Sitting

June-August 2018

Regulations A. Late Submission  A 10% deduction per day of total coursework marks (excluding weekends and public holidays).  Late submission between 5 to 10 days, results in a 50% deduction of total coursework marks.  Late submission past 10 days results in an automatic 0% for coursework and the student will be barred from the final examination. B. Deliverables Students must submit all materials supporting their coursework listed in the deliverable section. 

The coursework is an individual assignment and must be entirely your own work. Please make sure that you are aware of the rules concerning plagiarism. If you are unclear about them, please consult your program coordinator/lecturer. Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes: copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework from another student and submitting it as your own. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the procedures set down by the university/college.

The coursework should exhibit formal research skills i.e. with a table of content, proper citations, references, and appendixes.

Student may include additional relevant data/information apart from the proposed guidelines in conjunction to your research. Additional marks will be awarded for such attempt.

Your coursework should not be more than 3,000 words.

You should bind your coursework with the coursework cover as the 1st page.

A CD containing the softcopy version of your coursework and turnitin report should be submitted as well.


COURSEWORK - ASSIGNMENT 1 Japan-based companies are among the largest and most technologically sophisticated sources of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the United States. While automobile manufacturers are perhaps the most well-known among Japanese companies investing in the United States, other important industries include machinery, finance, metals, computers and electronics, plastics and rubber products and insurance industries. When Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America (MHIA) started operating in the United States in 1979, they learned first-hand how to merge the methodical approach of a Japan-based company with the fast-paced culture associated with U.S. businesses. Over the past nearly 40 years, they have not only learned how to survive, but how to thrive by implementing the processoriented Japanese approach to the U.S. business culture.

MHIA is certainly not the first company to incorporate Japanese business practices in the U.S. Even non-Japanese companies have adopted these methodologies and management styles to improve their systems and operations. One of the ways companies can increase efficiency, attack problems and improve overall business output is by incorporating techniques from the Japanese such as Kaizen Costing. Kaizen is a Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement. The methodology engages all employees in implementing small changes to eliminate waste and boost efficiency. Companies like Toyota, Nestle and Canon use kaizen as a key ingredient in their business models. Lockheed Martin, an American global security and aerospace company, incorporated kaizen in their material management to reduce manufacturing costs, inventory and orderto-delivery time. Through the methodologies of kaizen, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) improved the design process for modular design used in chemical and environmental plants.


COURSEWORK - ASSIGNMENT 1 Required: (a) Explain the concept of Kaizen Costing.

(10 marks)

(b) Analyse the differences between Kaizen Costing and Target Costing.

(10 marks)

(c) Appraise with example(s) FOUR (4) best practices of Kaizen Costing (students are required to explain and provide the best practices of Kaizen Costing; companies that were able to enhance sales, improve profit or reduce their cost-strategic improvement towards competitive advantage, through the implementation of Kaizen Costing. Please provide examples of these companies as well) (20 marks) (Total: 40 marks) List of reference Okazoe, K. (2017) 3 Japanese Business Practices For An Age Of Disruption. Retrieved fromhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/mitsubishiheavyindustries/2017/02/13/3japanese-business-practices-for-an-age-of-disruption/#58b68bec47d4 Hongren C., Sundem, G., Stratton, W., Burgstahler D., & Schatzberg J. (2013) 16th edn global edition Introduction to Management Accounting. Sani, A. A., & Allahverdizadeh, M. (2012). Target and Kaizen Costing. Word Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. International journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 6(2), 171-177.

(1) Your mark in this coursework will carry a 10% weight in the assessment of your overall performance in this module. (2) You will be working on this coursework individually. (3) The assignment will be in an essay format of not more than 3,000 words. (4) Appropriate APA referencing system will be employed where applicable. (5) Your assignment should be type written, 1 ½ line spaced, font 12 Times New Roman and justify aligned. Please comb bind. (6) Please provide an executive summary, table of content, page number, proper heading title for each part answered and references. (7) Use the SEGi University cover sheet. (8) Please attach a copy of the grading scheme at the front of your coursework (after the Cover Page) during submission. (9) Turnitin report and CD


COURSEWORK - ASSIGNMENT 1 ASSIGNMENT OF GRADES FOR WRITTEN WORK Written assignments will be graded according to the following distribution:   

Content (thoroughness of preparation, information, and content) Style (grammar, writing quality, clarity of writing at the sentence level) Presentation (organization, clarity of writing at the paper level)

What this means in practice is that if you do the work, but don't organize your thoughts or write clearly, you will end with at most a C. However, you will not be given full credit for content if the lecturer cannot understand what you're saying, so if you don't write clearly, you will probably end up losing points on content as well.



MARKS MAKS AWARDED 10 marks (10 points each worth 1 markswith proper citation and explanation) (b) Analyse the differences 10 marks between Kaizen Costing and (10 points each worth 1 marksTarget Costing with proper citation and explanation) (c) 20 marks Explain with example(s) (4 points each FOUR (4) best practices of worth 5 markswith proper Kaizen Costing citation, explanation and example) TOTAL MARKS 40% Conversion 10% No marks will be awarded if In text referencing / citation is not included COMMENTS/FEEDBACK________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________



INTAKE: _________________



IC / Passport No:


Student No:




Mode of Study:

□ Full time


Ms Sudhashini Nair

Due Date:


□ Part time

Declaration by student: 1, ____________________________ hereby declare that the attached assignment is my own work and understand that if I am suspected of plagiarism or another form of cheating; my work will be referred to the Dean of Faculty who may as a result recommend to the SEGi University Examination Board that my enrolment in the programme be discontinued. I am submitting the following items: □ Coursework Cover (1 page) □ Hardcopy document (No of pages ___) □ CD (Please tick either one that you are submitting) NOTE: 1. Students are reminded to keep a copy of all assignments / coursework submitted. 2. All LATE SUBMISSION will be DEDUCTED 10% a day up to a maximum of FIVE (5) days, where after that, the coursework will be marked ZERO (0). __________________ Student Signature

____________________ Date

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