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Al-Najoom Mothers Time Of Death & Marriage Through Navamsha By Ali Muhammad Khan, Pakistan Bismillah Hi Rehmanuraheem There were some excellent books on astrology which were written in Urdu in the 19th and at the start of the 20th century like Kashfu‐Najoom in 1880, Al‐Najoom in 1907, Aftab‐Un‐Najoom in 1908. These were written combining Persian & Urdu Language, they contained some of the finest secrets of astrology that were known to Muslim astrologers of their times. These lines are taken from an old book written in 1907 in Urdu language by the name of Al‐Najoom that means ‘The astrology’ 1907.

Ali Muhammad Khan is from Pakistan where the astrology knowledge has been so far hidden from the eyes of Indian Jyotishis. Though young in astrology and has spent only a decade but Ali has shown ardent zeal in his approach towards the Shastra. He has also dedicatedly collected various manuscripts of the works of ancient authors of Pakistan. His interests are in palmistry, numerology, Lal Kitab & remedial measures.

In those olden days, there were very few books that were written on astrology in Urdu Language. This book Al‐Najoom is considered as a masterpiece written by Molvi Hasenuiddin. Like its contemporaries, it is written in Persian plus Urdu language & at the same time, Arabic words have been used too. This author has tried a lot of the techniques and formulas mentioned in this classic and found it working remarkably. So in order to give a taste of its worth we share below some of the formulas for the benefit of lovers of astrology.

Timing Mothers Death: Take suns degree minus the moons degree from it, add the remainder ‘Sign’ to the


Janma Rasi co‐ordinates (Moon Sign). The resultant sign can be called the ‘Mothers Fatal Point’. When Saturn transit this sign (Mothers Fatal Point) or 7th from it there will be death of mother. Example 1: A native was born on 11th Sept 1955 in Karachi at 11.10am

Her mother died in 1993. Suns Degree: 24Le30 Moons Degree: 19Ge47 Deduct Sun‐Moon=24Le30 – 19Ge47 = 2 signs 4 ° 43 ' (A) Mothers Fatal Point = Moon Sign + (A) = 19Ge47 + 2signs 4 ° 43' = 24 Leo And her mother died when Saturn was transiting Aquarius which is the 7th from Leo i.e. 7th from Mothers Fatal Point as described in our text Al‐Najoom by revered author Molvi Hasenuiddin. If one observes the point 24Leo is nothing but the degree of the Sun, so why do the exercise in the first place, this is not clear enough and more probing is required. How do we use this formula when the degrees of Sun is less than the degrees of Moon, e.g say Sun is 20Ar and Moon is 10Leo. The answer is by adding 360 degrees to the degree of the Sun

Marriage From Navamsa When the Jupiter passes through the seventh house of Navamsha in that year the marriage will be performed. 410

Example 2: A native was born on 27th Aug 1979, 17.20 Hyderabad, Pakistan with Cp rising.

His marriage was done on 1st Dec 2006, when he was passing through Jup Maha Ketu antar, Ven paryantra mars sookshma. Jupiter was transiting his 7th house of Navamsa that is Scorpio. Example 3: A person born on 4 December 1962 at 11.50am in Abbottabad Pakistan.


His marriage was on 2 Dec 1988 when Jupiter was passing through 7th house of Navamsa in the sign Taurus.

100 matches in our practice and keep it in our arsenal of techniques. In this space we would strive to bring more verses from classics from Pakistan which have so far not come out for the world astro‐ audiences.

Throughout astro classics we find many rules for marriage governing transits, the ardent reader sometimes takes it as a dictum and finds that one rule does not work always whereas we forget that a whole host of factors create an event and nothing in solitude. If 1000 transits are given in classics we need to digest and experiment with them to find which set of 412