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Answer Part I: Choice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.


Part II: Matching A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.


17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.


33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.

Part II: Matching B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.



Choice 1. A point to point connection provides a dedicated link between the device 2. Data link layer of Ethernet consists of the LLC sub layer and MAC sub layer 3. In Ethernet addressing, if all the bits are 1s the address is broadcast address. 4. Identify the class of the following IPV4 address Class A. 5. UDP is an 6. One collision domain and one broadcast domain HUB. 7. subnet mask or 8. 10/100 refers to MPS 9. Gpupdate is used to 10. The steps of forgotten password start Matching A A


1. Loop back address

A. Bad memory

2. Resolve IP address


3. Dynamic configuration


4. Parity Error

D. Segmentation

5. Reliable communication


6. Anti wrist strap


7. Hide IP address


8. Transport Layer

H. Protocol

9. Generic of communication with bridge and router


10. Absorbing signal bouncing communication

J. Authentication

11. Threat security communication

k. Authorization

12. Unreliable communication

L. DHCP M. DNS N. Securing files O. P. Packet Switching Q. Transport Layer


R. Router S. Terminator Matching B A


1. Hardware Problem (F)

A. Packet

2. NIC driver not installed(C)

B. ARP a

3. Typing incorrect user name & password(E)

C. NIC Failure

4. Coaxial Cable connector(T/L)

D. Telnet

5. Incorrect color arrangement of UTP cable(H)

E. Software Problem

6. Used to start to install Active directory(I)

F. Cabling Problem

7. The first trouble shooting step(N)

G. RJ-45

8. Used to establish a session with remote device(D)

H. Operator error

9. Display protocol statistics & current TCP/IP


Network connection(O)

J. Web server

10. Used to access E-Mail(K)

k. Message

11. Fiber optics connector (M)


12. Network layer data format (J)


13. Display MAC address of a machine (B)

N. Establish/identify

14. Twisted pair cable connector (G)


15. Application layer data format (R)

O. NETSTAT P. Exchange Server Q. RJ-11 R. File Server S. Event log T. T-connector


Bishoftu TVET College Practical Assessment on configure and Administer Server For Level III Hardware and Network Servicing Project One 1. Crimp Cross over network cable 2. Test Crimped cable using tester

Project Two 1. In this task you are expected to format your server computer Hard disk and create a partition as follows.  C: 45% & D: 55%  Install Window Server 2003 operating system on D partition 2. Install Device Driver software to your computer. 3. Set the DNS HRM.com 4. Configure your DHCP and add exclusion 5. Create 2 Groups Admin and Finance. 6. Create 2 users by the name Abebe and Tigist in Admin group Create 2 users by the name Seble and Kebede in Finance group 7. Open the other computer or client with one of the users 8. Limit the Access time from Monday to Friday from 2:00 AM to 5:00 Am for the Finance group 9. Create any folder on the server desktop and save file on it and share the document for the client 10. Add any printer on the server pc a. Share the printer for the client pc b. Print file from the client pc and view the progress of printing job on a server computer


Prepared By: Frew A. Good Luck NTLDR Web server SECTION A –MULTIPLE CHOISE QUESTION INSTUCTION FOR SECTION A They are twenty [240] questions in this section. If you wish to change an answer, place an X through the letter you have circled and then circle your preferred answer. A correct answer scores 1, an incorrect answer scores 0. Marks will not be deducted for incorrect answers. No marks will be given for a question if more than one answer is supplied. Select the best answer for each question. Do this by circling the identifying letter Next to your answer. 1.






CD-ROM drivers connect to a pc using A. Fiber cable B. SCSI connector C. Floppy cable D. IDE interface cable A floppy drive light comes on and stays on, the most possible cause of problem is A. The sound cable missed. B. No floppy diskette in it. C. No power. D. The cable improperly connected During printing in error message is displayed. The pc has printed recently and no change have bean made to the pc software or hardware. You check to see that the printer is turned on, then you look next A. If the connect printer driver is installed B. If the printer is selected as default C. If the printer is on line D. If the printer will print attached to a different pc A new windows application is installed and run . it works the however, when opening word, which was previously installed, a general protection fault is generated, and word terminates. After reinstalling word, it still refuses to run. The probable cause would be A. Run REGEDIT to reregister word in the register. B. The new application used too much RAM and not enough is left to run word. C. The word installation files have become corrupted, and you need new installation media. D. The new application over wrote key DLL files related to word A new video card is installed and configured. When the pc is rebooted, windows hangs on the logs screen. The step to resolve the problem is A. Boot “step by step confirmation” and don’t load any thing that isn’t necessary for the system to boot. B. Boot the computer in safe mode and change the video drive to VGA. C. Reinstall windows. D. Boot” command prompt only” and comment any unnecessary lines from AUTOEXEOBAT and CONFIG.SYS. Lost chains are commonly caused by A. Abnormal termination of windows applications B. Exiting windows. C. Power outages.


D. Abnormal termination of windows. The best way to fix a frozen pc A .exit windows to the DOS prompt B. immediately power off the pc C. hit crtl- alt- Del to start the task manager and use it to stop the non- responding application D. run CHKDSK 8. The network that uses CSMA/CD A . Ethernet B. AHM C. Token ring D. FDDI 9.The most probable cause for the failure of CPU is A . Too much heat due to malfunctioned of CPU fun B. Failure in RAM C . Improper handling of system unit D .A and B 10. The computer system voltage requirements from its power supply unit. A . 180- 220 AC B .5- 12 AC C . 180- 220 DC D . 5- 12 DC 11 . You have to propose cabling scheme for your company’s new building. The offices are located on the same floor with a max distance of 85m for the hub. You want a fairly easy installation with simple connection. The type of cable you would recommend is A. Fiber optic cable B. Unshielded twisted pair cable C. Thick-net cable D. Thin- net cable 12. XYZ, Company has 100 employees and some computer operating as standalone. The manager of the company hired you to install a network, so you need to decide the topology that would Appropriate for the following information. There is no existing cabling in the company owned building. The company expects to brow 45% within a year. The network must be reliable and require low maintenance cost. Equipment cost should be kept to a minimum. A . Star B . Mesh C . Ring D . Hybrid 13. you have recently made some change to the system and restarted the computer for those changes to be effective is A. Disable support for plug and play operating system in the BIOS B. Boot the system recovery console and create new MBR (master boot record ) C.On the start up in the windows advanced option menu select last known good configuration D.On the start up in the windows advanced option menu select debugging mode 14. The network device that has single broad cast domain and single collision domain is A . Switch B . Router C . Hub D . Bridge 15. One of the following is represented under hardware sharing A . File sharing B . Printer sharing C . CD Rom sharing 7.


D . B and C 16. The network cable that fiber optic connect to device using single cable A. ST B. SMA C. RJ-45 D. A and B 17. The network the current procedure to change computer name, work group name. A.Rt click on my computer→property computer name change button B. Rt click on my computer manage device manager C. Rt click on my network place properties 18. Which IP address given below is prevent class A and class B Ip address A., B., C., D., 19.The advantage of computer networking A. Sharing information or data B. Sharing hard ware and peripherals devices C. Sharing programs / Software D. Centralizing and Administration on Support E. All 20. Which network protocol is used to automatically assign an IP address to a computer on a network? A. DHCP B. DNS C. IIS D.FTP



A B ----1. Connect IP address into hard ware address ----2. Automatically configure IP address ----3. Resolve IP address ----4. Optical driver ----5. Secondary storage device ----6. Multi-port bridge ----7. Non volatile memory ----8. Used to modulate analog into digital ----9. Created by operating system user the memory is full occupied ----10. Speed of memory (D) ----11. Bios level configuration ----12. Centralized administrator ----13. Preventive maintenance ----14. Coaxial cable connect or ----15.Data packet filtering ----16. WIFI ----17. SYSTEM file ----18. Word processes ----19. Volatile ----20. Fiber optic cable connect


A. Arp B. BNC C. Boot sequence D. Cache memory E. CD ROM F. Defragmentation G. DHCP H. DNS I. hard disk j. Hub K. Modem L. monitor M. RAM N. ROM O. Router P. Server based Q. Switch R. Virtual memory S. Wireless access point T. NTDETECT.COM U. DOS V.RJ-45 y. NTRJ



Instruction I choose the best answer from the given alternatives 1. Net window application is installed and run it works fine, however when operating word which has privesly, installed a general protection fault is generated and word terminates, after installing word if still refers to run the problem is called____________be A. The new open our works do file related to file B. Run RECEDIT to the restore word in the registorey C. The word installation files have become corrupted and you created new installation media D. The new open used to much RAM and not enough to run 2. During the printing an error message is displayed the PC are printed recently and no change have been made to PC soft ware or hard ware you check to see that the printer is turned on then you look next A. if the correct printer driver printer is installed B. if the printer selected is are defaulted C. if the printer is on line D. if the printer will print attached to different pc 3. A floppy driver light comes on and stray on the most possible cause of the problem is A. No floppy diskette in it B. No power C. The sound cable is missed D. The cable is in proprley 4. CD ROM drivers connected to pc using? A. fiber cable B. floppy cable C. ICSI connector D. IDE inter face cable 5. Allow video card is installed and configure when the pc rebooted window change on log on screen The step to the resolve program is 9|Page

A. Boot step by step confirmation and do not sound anything that doesn’t necessary for the system boot B. Port the computer in safe mode change video driver to VGA C. The install window D. boot command promote only 6. The network cable that transmission single in the form of light is A. Coaxial cable C. STP cable B .UTP cable

D. Fiber optic cable

7. What does a lit status link light on the network adapter's back plate mean? A. The connection is alive B. Data is being uploaded C. Data is being downloaded D. Data is being encrypted

8. You have been asked to make a recommendation to improve the performance of a client's network. When you examine the network architecture, you find that it is based on hubs. What should you suggest to improve the LAN's performance? A. Install higher-speed hubs to minimize system upgrade costs and maintain compatibility with the existing network structure. B. Install high-speed switches to replace the old hubs. This will provide more intelligent switching of the information around the network. C. Install routers to replace the hubs. Router performance is so much better than hubs that the performance increase will be very noticeable. D. Install a router to better control information movement in the network and replace the hubs with switches to improve network traffic.

9. What Windows tool can be used to configure most modern routers? A. The Windows Explorer interface B. The Device Manager utility C. The MSCONFIG utility D. Internet Explorer web browser

10. In Windows, the networking component that provides the rules that the computer uses to govern the exchange of information across the network. A. Client B. Adapter C. Protocol D. Service 10 | P a g e

11. How is the UNC format applied to shared resources? A. //shared_resource_name B. //host_name/shared_resource_name C. \\shared_resource_name D. \\computer_name\share_name 12. Which of the following causes a mapped drive to disappear from a system when it is shut down and restarted? A. The name of the mapped folder has been changed B. The Reconnect at Logon option is not selected C. The path to the mapped folder has changed D. The host computer for the mapped folder is turned off 13. Where can the TCP/IP protocol be manually configured in Windows XP? A. In the Properties page of the Local Area Connection Icon, which is located in the Network Connections Window B. In the Network Component Type screen through the Dial-Up Connections page C. In the Protocol Installation screen through the Local Area Connection page D. In the Protocol screen of the Network Configuration page 14 .What effects will running diagnostic applications across the network have on the network's performance? A. B. C. D.

The unit running the application will not have access to other parts of the network. The units on the network may slow down The units on the network will communicate faster The units on the network may crash.

15 .You have been sent to troubleshoot an Internet connectivity problem. When you try to PING the site's fully qualified domain name, the site cannot be located; however, you can PING its IP address. What network function should be checked? A. DNS B. DHCP C. WINS D. FTP

16 .When you enter IPCONFIG in the Run dialog box, you get a momentary black box on the display followed by a normal command prompt screen. What is occurring with this command? A. The TCP/IP utility has not been configured on the local machine. 11 | P a g e

B. The network adapter is bad. Therefore, there is no information for the IPCONFIG utility to return. C. The local host is not communicating with the client computer. Therefore, there is no information for the IPCONFIG utility to report.

17 .After running the IPCONFIG utility, you try to PING the local adapter's IP address but no reply is returned. What does this indicate? A. TCP/IP has not been loaded into the system. B. The local adapter's IP address has not been initialized. C. TCP/IP is not working on the gateway device. D. The default gateway is not functional. 18 .A computer on your network is not able to see any other computers on the network. When you check the adapter's TCP/IP configuration, you find that the IP address is What does this indicate? E. The network adapter in the machine is bad or has not been initiated. F. The cable connecting the PC to the local switch is bad. G. The DNS function for the network is not working and Automatic Private IP

Addressing has been performed by the local PC. H. The DHCP function for the network is not working and Automatic Private IP

Addressing has been performed by the local PC.

19 .What command would be used to establish network connectivity? A. IPCONFIG /all B. IPCONFIG /release C. IPCONFIG /renew D. IPCONFIG /registerdns

20. Which IP address will invoke the TCP/IP loopback function? A. B. C. D. 21. Generally, whenever a user tells you that the LAN connection is not working, what is the first thing to check? A. Check the network adapter drivers to see that they are configured properly B. PING a known IP address to see if the network cable and connectivity is good. C. Check for the presence of link lights on the back of the network adapter D. Run IPCONFIG to see if the local network hardware is functioning. 12 | P a g e

22. A user can access an associate's computer on the network but can't access the Internet through the network gateway. What is the most likely cause of this problem? A. The Subnet Mask configuration is incorrect. B. The DNS service is not working. C. The DHCP service is not working. D. The gateway address is configured incorrectly. 23. If you try to ping the loopback address and nothing happens, what is most likely the problem? A. TCP/IP is not working on the local machine. B. The network cable is bad. C. The local connectivity device is turned off D. The network adapter in the local machine is defective. 24. A device that used to connect all nodes in star topology in one place is A. Repeater

B. Hub

C. Switch

D. B&C

25. The type of network cable that commonly used in TV system A. UTP

B. Coaxial

C. fiber optics

D. all

26. Terminator in a bus topology is used for A. to transmit the signal on networks

B. Connect all nodes to each other

C. Stop the signal on bouncing over the back bone & make the main cable free D. all 27. _________ Is a network adopter that is used to connect PC to N/W. A. NIC

B. Bridges

C. Repeaters

D. none

28 . Is device that can be used to connect N/Ws that use different technologies (LANs, MANs & WANs) A. Bridges

B. Repeaters

C. Routers

29 . Which one of the following is the function of NIC? A. Prepare data from the computer for the network cable B.Send the data to another computer C.Control the flow of data b/n computer & cabling system D.all of the above 13 | P a g e

D. Switches

30 . The maximum cable length segments of UTP cable is A.100 meter

B.185 meter

C.500 meter

D. none

31 ._______cable is good for very high speed, high capacity data transmission. A. Coaxial cable

B. Twisted Pair cable C. Fiber optic cable


32 . Which net work device can amplify or regenerate the weak signal A. Bridge

B. Switch

C. Repeater

D. all

33. Which one of the following net work device used to connect different net work that uses the same net work protocol? A. Switch

B. Bridge



34 . Which type of cable arrangement is used to connect similar devices? A. Cross over

B. Rollover

C. Straight trough

D. All

35 . A device that are used to connect RJ45 with UTP cable A. Cable Cutter

B. Crimper

C.cable taster

D. all

36 . How many wires are there in cat- 5e UTP Cable? A.2 Pairs

B.4 Pairs

C. 8 wires

D.B &C

37 .Which one of the following is false? A.In a peer to peer net work configuration two PCs can have the same type of IP address B. In a peer to peer net work two PCs must use the same type of work group name. C. Both PCs have equal right to access a net work D. All 38.. Which net work command is used to check the connectivity status of the net work? A. PING

14 | P a g e


C. Regedit

D. none

Instruction II




1. ROM

A. Speed of memory

2. DNS

B. Is used to connect optical drive

3. Modem

C. Automatically configure IP address

4. Router

D. Preventive maintenance

5. Virtual memory

E. Resolve IP address

6. Sarver based network

F. Secondary storage device

7. ARP

G. BIOS level configuration

8. BNC

H. Connect to coaxial cable


I. Convert IP address into hard address

10. Boot sequence

J. Multi port bridges

11. CD –ROM

K. non volatile memory of computer

12. Defragmentation

l. Packet filter

13. Hard disk

M. Modulate and demodulate analog to digital signal

14. Switch

N. Created by OS when memory of RAM is occupied

15. Cache memory

O. Centrally administer

15 | P a g e



1. A




1. K

11 B

2. C


22 D


2 E


3. D



33 B

3 M

13 F

4. D

14. B




14 J

5. B

15. A


35. B


15 A

6. D

16. D


36. D


7. A



37 A


8. D


28 C

38 B


9. B

19. C

29. D


10. C 20. A

30. A

10 G

16 | P a g e

1. A company with 40 computers needs to reduce repair costs, decrease downtime, and reliability. Which task will meet these needs? A. Enact a compressive security policy B. Up grade all the operating system C. Create an automated system recovery CD D. Develop a preventive maintenance plan 2. You have a TCP/IP network comprising nearly 30 computers. Currently ,all computers have been assigned IP addresses manually . The company is growing fast , and a new consignment of 15 computers is arriving next week .You have decided to install Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ( DHCP) services on one of the servers .identify which of the following are the advantages of using the DHCP server in the network. A. Assignment of IP addresses will be automated. B. The name resolution process will be automated. C. Network traffic problems can be resolved. D. The network can be monitored more efficiently. 3. A user installs a new sound driver in a computer that is working properly. After installing the driver for the new sound card the computer fails to boot. Which quick fix can the user implement to return to the previous working state? A. Boot to start windows normally. B. Boot to recovery console C. Boot to last known good configuration D. Boot to emergency recovery state 4. Which of the following are good practices in resolving complex network problems? A. Work on the problem single-handedly because others might add to the problem. B. Gather as much information as you think would be helpful in resolving the problem. C. If you cannot fix a problem, ask for help from hardware vendors who might have faced the same problem in the past. D. Try to read the hardware specification documentation so that you can get how to solve the problem. 5. From the following options, identify the most critical problem that should be given highest priority if one of the user in you network has complained that he/she cannot access a given file server but they can access other files. A. Check the network interface card’s functionality B. Check the network response time . C. Check whether the file is corrupted by malicious codes. D. Check if the file server is reachable by your workstation 6. A system administrator is trying to determine which file system to use for server that will become an active directory domain controller. Here the company’s requirements include the following  The file system must allow for file security  The file system must make efficient use of space on larger partitions  The file system must allow auditing of logs and access to sensitive file 17 | P a g e

Which of the following file systems meets those requirements?








A. FAT B. NTFS C. FAT32 D. HPFS One of the servers in your NOC crashed twice in one day. You have been assigned as an administrator and event delegated one junior network practitioner to find out the cause of the failure. Which of the following should be your advice for this practitioner to perform for the first time? A. Tell him to install the latest service pack. B. Tell to Upgrade the NOS. C. Tell to check the event logs. D. Tell to wait for the next time the server crashes. A customer orders a new computer and specify an internal read write , non volatile storage device that uses low power ,has fast access to data , and is reliable . what is a suitable storage device that meets these requirements? A. DVD+/-RW drive B. SATA hard drive C. Solid state drive D. USB flash drive One of the following is not the basic necessities reason that writing policies and procedures. A. Operational need B. Continuous improvement C. Risk management D. Maintain good name of the organization One of the following policies is not included in information security policy documents, A. Copy right policy B. Firewall policy C. Data classification policy D. Application Certification management policy Which of the following is features of the Microsoft management console (MMC) A. It displays computer performance information B. It organizes operating system snap-ins C. It requires administrative privilege to accesses D. It enables virtual memories settings to be customized Display data on hardware components such as Memory ,CPU, and the hard drive in a chart or graph which describes how these devices are operating. A. Network Monitor B. Task Manager C. Performance Monitor D. Protocol Analyzer You are installing cables for an Ethernet network in an office. The office manager doesn’t want the media hanging in the crawl spaces and drop ceiling and wants you to share an

18 | P a g e

existing conduit that already has telephone cables to hide the network cables you are installing. The cable segments will not be over 100 m. which type of media should you choose? A. Coaxial B. STP C. UTP D. Fiber optic 14. Your customer has a client/server Ethernet network consisting of a server and 255 computers running Windows XP. what kind of security would you recommend to him for centralized control of access to files and directories on the network? A. Setup a password for each file and groups for each directory B. Setup a password for each file and directory shared C. Setup groups of shared resources and users who have access to these groups D. Setup a password for each user 15. You are hired to setup a 100Mbps Ethernet network for a client in an office that already has cat 3 UTP installed. Your client wants to keep the costs to a minimum but needs the 100Mbps throughput. What should you recommend? A. Keep the existing cable but purchase 100Mbps hubs B. Buy new cat 5 UTP and if not already installed 100 Mbps hubs and 100 Mbps NICs C. Keep the existing infrastructure D. Keep the existing cable but use 100Mbps patch cable from the wall outlet 16. A network administrator connects hosts A & B directly though the network interface cards, however pinging between the hosts are unsuccessful. To provide connectivity between hosts A. A cross over cable should be used B. A rollover cable should be used C. Straight through cable should be used D. Default gateway needs to be set on each host. 17. There are three types of Hubs. Which of the following options correctly describes these types hub? A. Passive ,dormant, special B. Active ,dormant, passive C. Passive ,active ,intelligent D. Passive ,Active ,Turbo 18. As user attempt to boot the computer ,the message “NTLDR is missing “is observed on the screen. What will result from this situation? A. The BIOS setup utility will start automatically B. The computer will reboot continuously C. The operating system will fail to load. D. The initial self-test will fail to load. 19. The following figure shows a typical small size organize Network Setup. Identify the network components marked letters.

19 | P a g e

Shashemene TVET College Sector: Economics and Infrastructure Sub Sector: Information Communication Technology Occupation: Hardware and Network Service Knowledge Test Section I. Multiple Choice questions: Select the best answer for each question. Do this by circling the identifying letter next to your answer. 1. CD-ROM drives connect to a pc using-| A.SCSI connecter B. Floppy cable C.IDE interface cable D. Fiber cable 2. A floppy drive light comes on and stays on ,the most possible cause of problem is A. No power. B. The cable improperly connected C. No floppy diskette in it. D. The sound cable missed. 3. During printing an error message is displayed. The PC has printed recently and no changes have been made to the PC software or hardware .You check to see that the printer is turned on ,then y ou look next A. If the printer will print attached to a different PC B. If the printer is online C. If the correct printer driver is installed D. If the printer is selected as default 4. A new Windows application is installed and run . it works fine . However ,when opening Word, which was previously installed, a general protection fault is generated, and Word terminates. A fter reinstalling Word , it still refuses to run. The probable cause would be A.The Word installation files have become corrupted ,and you need new installation media. B. The new application overwrote key DLL files related to Word. C. The new application used too much RAM and not enough is left to run Word. D. Run REGEDIT to reregister Word in the registry 5. A new video card is installed and configured. When the PC is rebooted ,Windows hangs on the logo screen. The step to resolve the problem is A. Boot ’’command prompt only’’ and comment any unnecessary lines from AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS. B. Reinstall Windows. 20 | P a g e

C. Boot ‘’step-by-step confirmation’’ and don’t load anything that isn’t necessary for the system to boot. D. Boot the computer in safe mode and change the video driver to VGA. 6. Lost chains are commonly caused by A. Power outages. B. Abnormal termination of Windows. C. Abnormal termination of Windows application. D. Exiting Window . 7. The best way to fix a frozen PC A. Hit Crtl-Alt-Del to start the task manager and use it to stop the non-responding application B. Run CHKDSK C. Exit Windows to the DOS prompt D. Immediately power off the PC 8. The network that uses CSMA/CD A.FDDI B. Token ring C.ATM D. Ethernet 9. The most probable cause for the failure of CPU is A. Failure in RAM B . Improper handling of system unit C. To much heat due to malfunctioned of CPU fun D. A and B 10. The computer system voltage requirements from its power supply unit. A. 180 -220 AC B. 5 -12 DC C. 5 – 12 AC D. 180 – 220 DC 11. You have propose cabling scheme for your company’s new building . The offices are located on the same floor with a max distance of 85 m form the hub .You want a fairly easy installation with simple connection . The type of cable you would recommend is A. Thin – net cable B. Thick – net cable C. Fiber optic cable D. Unshielded twisted pair cable 12. XYZ Company has 100 employees and some computers operating as standalone .The manager of the company hired you to install a network ,so you need to decide the topology that would be appropriate for the following information . _ There is no existing cabling in the company owned building . _ The company expects to grow 45% within a year . _ The network must be reliable and require low maintenance cost. _Equipment costs should be kept to a minimum. 21 | P a g e

A. Hybrid

B. Star

C. Mesh

D. Ring

13. You have recently made some changes to the system and restarted the computer for those changes to be functional. The windows command you should select for This changes to be effective is A. On the star up in the window advanced option menu select Debugging mode. B. On the star up in the windows advanced option menu select last known good configuration C. Disable support for plug and play operating system in the BIOS D. Boot the system recovery console and create and create new MBR (Master boot record) 14. The network device that has single broadcast domain and single collision domain is A. Router B. Switch C. Bridge D. Hub 15. To test the TCP/IP stuck functionality in your local host, you ping A. B. C. 255.255..255.0 D. 16. One of the following is represented under hardware sharing A. Printer sharing B. File sharing C.CD ROM sharing D. A and C 17. During connecting two devices using a single cable we must set them as master and slave , This setting can be done by A. Serial B. SATA C. Pin D. Jumper 18. A network administrator connects hosts A & B directly through internet interfaces, however pinging between the host are unsuccessful. To provide connectivity between hosts A. Default gateway needs to be set on each host. B. Straight though cable should be used C. A rollover cable should be used D. A cross over cable should be used 19. The network cable that transmits signals in the form of light is A. Coaxial cable B. Fiber Optics cable C. STP cable D. UTP cable 20. The protocol that is applicable communication A.UDP B.IP C. TCP D.ICMP

22 | P a g e

Section II- Matching Type Questions: Match Column A with Column B. Select the letter of the correct answer from column B and place your answer before the number in column A.

[________1] [________2] [________3] [________4] [________5] [________6] [________7] [________8] [________9] occupied[J] [________10] [________11] [________12] [________13] [________14] [________15]

Column A Convert IP address in to hardware address [D] Automatically configure IP Address[F] Resolve IP address[O] Optical drive [P] Secondary storage device[N] Multiport bridge [B] Non volatile memory of Computer[H] Used to modulate and demodulate analog and digital signals[I] Created by the operating system when the memory is fully Speedy memory[C] BIOS level Configuration[K] Centrally administer Resources[M] Preventive Maintenance[E] Coaxial Cable Connector[L] Packet Filtering[]A

Column B A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q.

1. A network that needs human beings to manually route signals is called.... A) Fiber Optic Network B) Bus Network C) T-switched network D) Ring network 2. TCP/IP ................. layer corresponds to the OSI models to three layers. A) Application B) Presentation C) Session D) Transport 3. Which of the transport layer protocols is connectionless? A) UDP



D) Nvt

23 | P a g e

Router Switch Cache Memory ARP Defragmentation DHCP Monitor ROM Modem Virtual Memory Boot Sequence BNC Server Based Network Hard disk DNS CD-ROM Hub

4. Which of the following applications allows a user to access and change remote files without actual transfer? A) DNS B) FTP C) NFS

D) Telnet

5. The data unit in the TCP/IP data link layer called a ..... A) Message B) Segment C) Datagram D) Frame 6. DNS can obtain the ................. of host if its domain name is known and vice versa. A) Station address B) IP address C) Port address D) Checksum 7. Which of the following OSI layers correspond to TCP/IP's application layer? A) Application B) Presentation C) Session D) All of the above 8. Devices on one network can communicate with devices on another network via a ....... A) File Server

B) Utility Server

C) Printer Server

D) Gateway

9. A communication device that combines transmissions from several I/O devices into one line is a A) Concentrator B) Modifier C) Multiplexer

D) Full duplex file

10. Which layers of the OSI determines the interface often system with the user? A) Network B) Application C) Data link D) Session 11. Which of the following of the TCP/IP protocols is the used for transferring files from one machine to another? A) FTP


B) SMTP D) Rpe 12. In which OSI layers does the FDDI protocol operate? 24 | P a g e

A) Physical

B) Data link

C) Network D) A and B 13. In FDDI, data normally travel on .................. A) The primary ring B) The Secondary ring C) Both rings D) Neither ring 14. The ............layer of OSI model can use the trailer of the frame for error detection. A) Physical B) Data link C) Transport

D) Presentation

15. In a ................topology, if there are n devices in a network, each device has n-1 ports for cables. A) Mesh

B) Star

C) Bus

D) Ring

16. Another name for Usenet is A) Gopher

B) Newsgroups

C) Browser


17. The standard suit of protocols used by the Internet, Intranets, extranets and some other networks. A) TCP/IP B) Protocol C) Open system D) Internet work processor 18. State whether the following is True or False. i) In bus topology, heavy Network traffic slows down the bus speed. ii) It is multipoint configuration. A) True, True B) True, False C) False, True D) False, False 19. Which of the following is the logical topology? A) Bus B) Tree C) Star

D) Both A and B

20. Which of the following is/ are the drawbacks of Ring Topology? A) Failure of one computer, can affect the whole network 25 | P a g e

B) Adding or removing the computers disturbs the network activity. C) If the central hub fails, the whole network fails to operate. D) Both of A and B Answers: 1. C) T-switched network 2. A) Application 3. A) UDP 4. C) NFS 5. D) Frame 6. B) IP address 7. D) All of the above 8. D) Gateway 9. C) Multiplexer 10. B) Application 11. A) FTP 12. D) A and B 13. A) The primary ring 14. B) Data link 15. A) Mesh 16. B) Newsgroups 17. A) TCP/IP 18. A) True, True 19. C) Bus 20. D) Both of A and B Get 1000's of Networking MCQs as pdf E-Book

LEVEL III 26 | P a g e

Project Information

Given the necessary materials and supplies the candidate is expected to perform the following project: Recommended Assessment place: Well equipped IT lab with server environment Project Title: -Server Configuration and Administration

Time allotted: 4:00 hrs Task1:- Installation of Server Operating System a. Connect the necessary peripheral devices of the Server Computer and make ready for Server Operating System installation. b. Make ready other two Computers by installing Operating System and necessary software on them. c. Install Windows Server 2003 Operating System on the Server Computer d. Install the necessary drivers for the devices e. Establish connections among the Server and the Clients f.

Configure the Server as a DNS and Active Directory for the Server Computer using the COC.local as a domain name.

Task2:- Server Administration and Security Configuration 1. Create Groups of Computer using two group names FINANCE and ADMINISTRATION and make sure that the Client Computers joined the groups. 2. Create Users and Passwords for the two Groups as follows: A For FINANCE group, Users (COCUser1 and COCUser2), Password (user1 and user2) respectively. B For ADMINISTRATION group, Users (COCUser3 and COCUser4), Password (user3 and user4) respectively. 3.

Create user privileges to change their passwords at first login for Users COCUser3 and COCUser4.

4. Set the Access limitation time for the FINANCE group users to access the network from Monday to Friday from 8:00AM to 5:00PM only. 5. Add (join) the Client Computers to the Domain COC.local. 6. Turn on Windows Firewall for the Server Computer 27 | P a g e

Ministry of Education Sector: Information Technology Occupation: Hardware and Network Servicing L_III The assessment covers the following units of competence: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Gather Data on Business Requirements Determine best fit Topology Configure and Administer Server Create Technical Documentation Monitor and Administer Stem and Network Security Provide first level Remote Help Desk support Identify and Resolve Network Problems Monitor Implementation of Work plan / Activities Conduct / Facilitate User Training Apply Quality Control Lead Small Teams Lead Work place Communication

Structure of Test Section

No of questions

No of marks

Suggested time

A. Multiple choice questions




B. Matching Type






Total OFFICE USE ONLY Multiple Choice Questions


Matching Type


Final Mark


Instructions 1. Write your name, registration number and Assessment center name in the space provided on the cover of this question booklet. 2. You have 10 minutes reading time and opportunity to ask questions to the Assessor 3. All written responses must be in English. 28 | P a g e

4. At the end of the examination return this booklet to the assigned Accredited Assessor. 5. You may use Non-programmable calculators in this test 6. Do not bring the following items into the assessment venue 

Mobile telephones Programmable calculators  Written notes SECTION A – MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 

Instructions for Section A  There are twenty one [21] questions in this section.  Encircle the best answer for each question.  If you wish to change an answer, place an “X” on the letter you have circled and then encircle your preferred answer.  No marks will be given for a question if more than one answer is supplied. 1. The lists of tasks required to maintain a network can vary widely, depending on the goals and characteristics of that network. However, some network maintenance tasks are common to most networks. Which of the following would be considered a common task that should be present in any network maintenance model? A. Performing database synchronization for a network’s Microsoft Active Directory B. Making sure digital certificates used for PKI are renewed in advance of their expiration C. Using Cisco Works to dynamically discover network device changes D. Performing scheduled backups 2. Which of the following statements is true regarding scheduled maintenance? A. Scheduled maintenance helps ensure that important maintenance tasks are not overlooked. B. Scheduled maintenance is not recommended for larger networks, because of the diversity of maintenance needs. C. Maintenance tasks should only be performed based on a scheduled maintenance schedule, in order to reduce unexpected workflow interruptions. D. Scheduled maintenance is more of a reactive approach to network maintenance, as opposed to a proactive approach. 3. Which of the following components would NOT expect to find in a set of network documentation? A. Logical topology diagram B. Listing of interconnections C. License files D. IP address assignments 4. Which of the following is NOT components that would be most useful when recovering from a network equipment outage? (Choose three.) 29 | P a g e

A. B. C. D.

Backup of device configuration information Physical topology Duplicate hardware Operating system and application software (along with any applicable licensing) for the device 5. Which of the following is the best statement to include in a problem report? A. The network is broken. B. User A cannot reach the network. C. User B recently changed his PC’s operating system to Microsoft Windows 7. D. User C is unable to attach to an internal share resource of \\\Budget, although he can print to all network printers, and he can reach the Internet. 6. A troubleshooter is hypothesizing a cause for an urgent problem, and her hypothesis involves a network device that she is not authorized to configure. The person who is authorized to configure the network device is unavailable. What should the troubleshooter do? A. Wait for authorized personnel to address the issue. B. Attempt to find a temporary workaround for the issue. C. Override corporate policy based on the urgency and configures the network device independently because authorized personnel are not currently available. D. Instruct the user to report the problem to the proper department that is authorized to resolve the issue.

7. What is the reason why troubleshooters should document their steps as they attempt to verify their hypothesis? A. The steps can be submitted to the proper authority prior to their implementation. B. The steps serve as a rollback plan if the attempted solution does resolve the problem. C. The steps help ensure the troubleshooters do not skip a step in their solution. D. The steps help reduce duplication of efforts. 8. What step should be taken after a problem has been resolved? A. For consistency, the same step should be implemented on all equipment of the same type. B. To accidentally prevent their reuse, previously archived configurations of the repaired device should be deleted from the archive server. C. Confirm that the user who reported the problem agrees that the problem is resolved. D. Make sure the implemented solution is not integrated into the network’s routine maintenance model. 9. Which of the following should you check if you can connect using the IP address but NOT with the host name? A. DNS B. WINS C. DHCP D. AD 10. Which of the following is Class C IP address? A. B. C. D. 11. The default subnet mask for Class C network is A. B. 30 | P a g e










C. D. A Bus network topology is best described as which of the following? A. All computers are attached to a single cable in a chain style B. All computers are connected to a central point C. All computers are connected to every other computer or resource in the network D. Fault Tolerant Which of the following is a correct MAC address? A. B. www.certyourself.com C. 08:34:FE:4C:F2:54 D. G2:G3:23:87:GG Topology that offers the highest level of redundancy, is easy to troubleshoot but is expensive to install is A. star B. ring C. mesh D. bus The most efficient way to control security in a client/ server network is to assign permissions to A. each shared resource B. directories C. groups D. user Your client has a 10Base2 Ehternet network which is using 160m of RG-58A/U cable and two 50 ohm terminators that are both grounded. What is wrong with this network? A. only one terminator should be grounded B. he should be using RG-59/U cable C. the terminators should be 93 ohms D. nothing wrong with this network Running performance monitor your CPU usage averages 45% except when you load an application and it surges to 100%. Is there a problem? A. Yes, the CPU needs an upgrade or multiple CPUs may have to be installed B. yes, but it is not the CPU, it need more RAM C. no, its normal for the 100% usage to surge when loading an application D. yes, the hard disk need to be upgraded For Cat 5 UTP, patch cables from the wall outlet to the computer can be a maximum of A. 1 m B. 3 m C. 5 m D. 10 m You suspect a faulty NIC is causing a broadcast storm in a network. What troubleshooting tool would you use to locate which computer has the defective NIC? A. VOM B. Protocol analyzer C. TDR D. Cable tester Your Application Server has been having trouble booting. Where should you look first for some answers? A. performance monitor B. Services

31 | P a g e

C. SNMP D. event viewer 21. What happens when a device is disconnected from the middle of a BUS network? A. The hub will propagate error messages to the rest of the network B. All devices on the network will fail C. The Server will stop responding to that device D. Data will not be able to get to devices on the other side of this device SECTION “B” – MATCHING TYPE QUESTIONS Instructions for Section “B” 1. There are fifteen [_15_] questions in this section. 2. Match column “A” with column “B”. Select the letter of the correct answer from column “B” and place your answer on the space provided before the number in column “A”. 3. If you wish to change your answer place an “x” mark on your previous answer and write your preferred answer 4. A correct answer scores 1, an incorrect answer scores 0. No marks will be given for a Column A 1. Connector for 10BaseT Ethernet Cable G 2. A network topology that have each computer connected to a central device K 3. A topology that is the most fault tolerant and the highest levels of redundancy R 4. A Connector that is used with Thicknet Cable N

Column B A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I.

ARP - Address Resolution Protocol Display and modify the IP-to-Physical address translation tables used by address resolution protocol. Syntax View the ...

5. A Connector used in conjunction with Telephone E 6. Display the IP Configuration information A 7. Display MAC Address of a Machine A 8. Used to check the network connectivity M 9. Used to start to Install Active Directory Q 10. Used to establish a session with remote device C 11. Resolve Domain Name in IP Address D 12. Dynamically assign IP address P 13. Used to share public resource 14. Used to access emails F 15.used to build, deploy and operate XML and Web Services H 32 | P a g e

ipconfig Ring Topology telnet DNS RJ-11 Exchange Server RJ-45 Web Server arp - a

J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R.

File Server Star topology Application Server ping BNC netstart DHCP dcpromo Mesh Topology

question if more than one answer is supplied.

Column A 1. Allows various object types to be moved from current location to a new location D 2. allows administrators to log on with a nonadministrator account to perform administrative tasks without logging off. H 3. to migrate objects in Active Directory forests A 4. used to build, deploy and operate XML and web service Q 5. One part of dictionary attack J 6. Move the domain name 7. OU moving F 8. Separate collusion domain and same broadcast O 9. All ports are in the same collusion and broadcast domain L 10. Used to share public resource N 11. Show only one ip address for multiple users on the subnet M 12. Hacking and cracking password C 13. ATM(Automated Teller Machine) G 14. Requirment feature run as

Column B A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R.

Active Directory Migration Tool Delegation Control Wizard Dictionary attack DS move Run as Drag and drop Identification number (PIN) Secondary Logon Strong Password Password cracking Group Policy Hub Proxy Server File Server Switch Print Server Applcation Server Coaxial cable




2006 E.C.

IPv6 loopback address is ::1 the most-commonly used IPv4 loopback address is

First Round COC Written ass. area (2006 E.C.)/Level III HNS 1. A Point to Point connection provides a dedicated link between the device 2. Data Link layer of Ethernet consists of the LLC sub layer and MAC sub layer 3. In Ethernet addressing, if all the bits are 1s the address is broadcasting address 4. Class of IPV4 address : class A 5. UDP is an acronym for User Datagram Protocol 6. Hub: One collision domain and one broadcast domain 7 subnet mask or : Answer 14 valid subnets and 14 valid hosts 8. 10/100 refers to _______________ 9. gpupdate/group policy update/ is used to _____________

33 | P a g e

From the GPMC, right click on an OU that contains computer objects.Click the “Group Policy Update” option. ---This will run a gpupdate /force on all computers in the OU, and any subOUs. -----Computer policy will be refreshed for each computer, and user policy will be refreshed for any and all users currently logged into those computers. -----you can “Save” your results to a .csv file to review what computers succeeded and did not succeed in receiving the task. 10. Set the password for the forgotten user password. Start| Administrative tools| Active directory users and computers| right click on user account | Reset Password 11. client/server functionality Column “A” Column “B” 1. Loop back O 2. Resolve IP address M 3. Dynamic Configuration L 4. Parity error B 5. Reliable communication Q 6. Anti-wrist strap C 7. Hide IP address A 8. Transport layer D 9. Generic of communication with bridge and router 10. Absorbing Signal bouncing communication S 11. Threat security Communication J 12. Unreliable communication E 13 . access method G

34 | P a g e

A. NAT B. Bad memory C. ESD D. Segmentation E. UDP F. HTTP G. CSMA/CD H. Protocol I. FTP J. Authentication k. Authorization L. DHCP M. DNS N. Securing files O. P. Packet Switching Q. Transport Layer R. Router s. Terminator

Second round COC Writen assess (2006 E. C)/ Level III HNS Column A

Column B

Column A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Ip Address Conflict M Fiber optics cable connectors F telnet P class B IP address range U continuous improvement A A secret word or string of characters used for user authentication T 7. a logic group of workstation, server and network devices that appear to be on the same LAN despite of their geographical distribution K 8. replicates itself B 9. refers that DNS name resolution is working correctly R 10. exchanging of information both verbal and nonverbal within an organization C 11. Set of procedures intended to ensure that manufactured product or performed service are delivered in advanced set of quality D 12. object in active directory represents a geographical location that holds network E

Column B A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U.

Kaizen Worm Workplace communication Quality control Site MT-RJ 10.xxxxx Ping DNS NAT VLAN Wi-Fi Assigning the same IP address FTP UDP Remote login protocol Transport NS Lookup Authentication Password 128.xxx

First round Written Exam (2006 E. C)/ Level IV HNS

35 | P a g e

16. Allows various object types to be moved from current location to a new location D 17. allows administrators to log on with a nonadministrator account to perform administrative tasks without logging off. H 18. to migrate objects in Active Directory forests A 19. used to build, deploy and operate XML and web service Q 20. One part of dictionary attack J 21. Move the domain name 22. OU moving F 23. Separate collusion domain and same broadcast O 24. All ports are in the same collusion and broadcast domain L 25. Used to share public resource N 26. Show only one ip address for multiple users on the subnet M 27. Hacking and cracking password C 28. ATM(Automated Teller Machine) G 29. Requirment feature run as

T. Active Directory Migration Tool Delegation Control Wizard U. Dictionary attack V. DS move W. Run as X. Drag and drop Y. Identification number (PIN) Z. Secondary Logon AA. Strong Password BB. Password cracking CC. Group Policy DD. Hub EE. Proxy Server FF. File Server GG. Switch HH. Print Server II. Applcation Server JJ. Coaxial cable KK. UTP

IPv6 loopback address is ::1 the most-commonly used IPv4 loopback address is

Part I Questions: Choose the best alternative among the choices provided and write the letter of your choice on the space provided.

1. From what location are the 1st computer instructions available on boot up? A. ROM BIOS C. CONFIG.SYS B. CPU D. boot.ini E. None of the above 2. With respect to a network interface card, the term 10/100 refers to A. protocol speed C. megabits per seconds B. a fiber speed D. minimum and maximum server speed E. None of the above 3. Which of the following is not private IP address? A. C. B. D. 4. Most PCs give a single beep on bootup to indicate they are ok hardware wise. You boot your PC and don't get a beep. What should you check first? A. system board C. Microprocessor B. RAM D. power supply E. speaker 36 | P a g e

5. Which class of IP address provides a maximum of only 254 host addresses per network ID? A. Class A B. Class B C. Class C D. Class D 6. The entire hostname has a maximum of A. 255 charactersB. 127 characters C. 63 characters D. 31 characters 7. A DNS client is called A. DNS updater C. DNS handler B. DNS resolver D. None of the mentioned 8. Servers handle requests for other domains A. directly C. it is not possible B. by contacting remote DNS server D. None of the mentioned 9. How long is an IPv6 address? A. 32 bits B. 128 bytes C. 64 bits D. 128 bits 10. DNS database contains A. name server records C. hostname aliases B. hostname-to-address records D. all of the mentioned 11. If a server has no clue about where to find the address for a hostname then name server records A. server asks to the root server C. request is not processed B. server asks to its adjacent server D. none of the mentioned 12. Which one of the following allows client to update their DNS entry as their IP address change? A. dynamic DNS C. authoritative name server B. mail transfer agent D. none of the mentioned 13. You have 10 users plugged into a hub running 10Mbps half-duplex. There is a server connected to the switch running 10Mbps half-duplex as well. How much bandwidth does each host have to the server? A. 100 kbps B. 1 Mbps C. 2 Mbps D. 10 Mbps 14. What is the default subnet mask for a class C network? A. C. B. D. E. None of the above 15. Which class of IP address has the most host addresses available by default? A. A B. B C. C D. A and B 16. What is the address range of a Class B network address in binary? A. 01xxxxxx B. 0xxxxxxx C. 10xxxxxx D. 110xxxxx 17. Your company has a LAN in its downtown office and has now set up a LAN in the manufacturing plant in the suburbs. To enable everyone to share data and resources between the two LANs, what type of device(s) are needed to connect them? Choose the most correct answer. A. Modem B. Cable C. Hub D. Router 18. How many broadcast domains are created when you segment a network with a 12-port switch? A. 1 B. 2 C. 5 D. 12 19. What part of is the Network ID, assuming a default subnet mask? A. 192 B. 192.168.10 C. D. 51 E. A and B 37 | P a g e

20. A 25-pin female connector on the back of your computer will typically be: A. Serial port 1 B. A parallel port C. Docking D. COM2 port E. None of the above 21. On the PC side, the printer port is a: A. 25 pin female serial connector B. 15 pin female parallel connector C. 25 pin male serial connector D. 15 pin female serial connector E. 25 pin female parallel connector 22. You just installed a new IDE hard drive, but your system BIOS will not recognize the new drive, what should you check first. A. cable sequence B. jumpers on the hard drive C. drivers that need to be loaded D. hard drive manufacturer web site information E. None of the above 23. How many bits internet address is assigned to each host on a TCP/IP internet which is used in all communications with the host? A. 16 – bits B. 32 – bits C. 48 – bits D. 64 – bits E. None of the Above 24. Which of the following layer is not in OSI model? A. Physical layer B. Internet layer C. Network layer D. Transport layer

25. The most important precaution that should be taken with working on internal parts of the computer is: A. Disconnect the power cable from the motherboard B. Wear grounded antistatic wrist strap C. Disconnect the power cable from all drives D. Wear a semiconductor wrist strap 26. You have just replaced malfunction motherboard in a computer with a brand new one. You wants to make sure that the new motherboard is functioning well before you connect other components such as the network adapter and graphic card. The best to test the basic functionality of the motherboard is: A. BIOS B. POST C. Beep codes D. Successful boot 27. The laptop used by your manager is having video problems. The best task to find out whether there is a problem with LCD screen is:A. Change the LCD screen B. Remove the LCD screen cable and reconnect C. Recycle power on the laptop D. Connect an external monitor 28. One of the following statements is not true about technical documentation. A. Written based on the templates and the scope of work using information gathered B. Technical terminologies is translated into plain English C. Technical documentation should be written with high care because once it is written it can not be altered D. It has to be validated by client 29. The best practice regarding downloading and installing software updates. 38 | P a g e

A. All systems should be configured for automatic download and installation B. All updates should be installed as soon as they are available C. There is no need to install any updates unless they address some security use D. Updates should be thoroughly tested before installation 30. Which IP address will invoke the TCP/IP loopback function? A. C. B. D. 31. The best specification for high image processing work when buying a computer. CPU RAM HARD DISK POWER SUPPLY A. 3.4Ghz 1GB 160GB 250W B. 1024Mhz 512MB 160GB 500W C. 3.4Ghz 512MB 160GB 500W D. 1024Mhz 1GB 160GB 500W 32. You have been called to maintain a failed server at a customer’s site. Up on arrival, you find that the manager is worried about losing critical data stored on the server. Your reaction should be: A. Cheer him up with jokes B. Remain serious all the time C. Tell him confidently that your best to rectify the problem D. Tell him it happens everywhere and with everybody 33. What does a lit status link light on the network adapter's back plate mean? A. The connection is alive B. Data is being uploaded C. Data is being downloaded D. Data is being encrypted 34. You have been asked to make a recommendation to improve the performance of a client's network. When you examine the network architecture, you find that it is based on hubs. What should you suggest to improve the LAN's performance? E.Install higher-speed hubs to minimize system upgrade costs and maintain compatibility with the existing network structure. F. Install high-speed switches to replace the old hubs. This will provide more intelligent switching of the information around the network. G. Install routers to replace the hubs. Router performance is so much better than hubs that the performance increase will be very noticeable. H. Install a router to better control information movement in the network and replace the hubs with switches to improve network traffic. 35.What Windows tool can be used to configure most modern routers? A. The Windows Explorer interface B. The Device Manager utility C. The MSCONFIG utility D. Internet Explorer web browser 36. In Windows, the networking component that provides the rules that the computer uses to govern the exchange of information across the network. A. Client B. Adapter C. Protocol D. Service 39 | P a g e

37. Which of the following causes a mapped drive to disappear from a system when it is shut down and restarted? A. The name of the mapped folder has been changed B. The Reconnect at Logon option is not selected C. The path to the mapped folder has changed D. The host computer for the mapped folder is turned off 38. Where can the TCP/IP protocol be manually configured in Windows XP? A. In the Properties page of the Local Area Connection Icon which is located in the Network Connections Window B. In the Network Component Type screen through the Dial-Up Connections page C. In the Protocol Installation screen through the Local Area Connection page D. In the Protocol screen of the Network Configuration page 39. You have been sent to troubleshoot an Internet connectivity problem. When you try to PING the site's fully qualified domain name, the site cannot be located; however, you can PING its IP address. What network function should be checked? A. DNS B. DHCP C. WINS D. FTP 40. After running the IPCONFIG utility, you try to PING the local adapter's IP address but no reply is returned. What does this indicate? A. TCP/IP has not been loaded into the system. B. The local adapter's IP address has not been initialized. C. TCP/IP is not working on the gateway device. D. The default gateway is not functional. 41. A computer on your network is not able to see any other computers on the network. When you check the adapter's TCP/IP configuration, you find that the IP address is What does this indicate? A. The network adapter in the machine is bad or has not been initiated. B. The cable connecting the PC to the local switch is bad. C. The DNS function for the network is not working and Automatic Private IP Addressing has been performed by the local PC. D. The DHCP function for the network is not working and Automatic Private IP Addressing has been performed by the local PC. 42. What command would be used to establish network connectivity? A. IPCONFIG /all C. IPCONFIG /renew B. IPCONFIG /release D. IPCONFIG /registerdns 43. Generally, whenever a user tells you that the LAN connection is not working, what is the first thing to check? A. Check the network adapter drivers to see that they are configured properly B. PING a known IP address to see if the network cable and connectivity is good. C. Check for the presence of link lights on the back of the network adapter D. Run IPCONFIG to see if the local network hardware is functioning. 45. A user can access an associate's computer on the network but can't access the Internet through the network gateway. What is the most likely cause of this problem? A. The Subnet Mask configuration is incorrect. B. The DNS service is not working. C. The DHCP service is not working. D. The gateway address is configured incorrectly. 40 | P a g e

46. If you try to ping the loopback address and nothing happens, what is most likely the problem? A. TCP/IP is not working on the local machine. B. The network cable is bad. C. The local connectivity device is turned off D. The network adapter in the local machine is defective. Part II Questions: Matching A A B 1. Type of system board for new system unit A. Low CMOS battery 2. Allow you to view and modify hardware configurations B. CPU fan doesn’t work and device drivers C. Band width 3. A client/server application used for file transfers between D. Cache remote computers E. RAM 4. Allow the text images and multimedia to be downloading F. Printer cartilage is out of from website work 5. The amount of data that can be transmitted on G. Device manager the network at a time H. FTP 6. Loads with minimum basic system services and device I. Last Known configuration drivers sufficient to boot the operating system J. HTTP 7. Loads the previous used system configuration that allow K. Spam attack you to return the system to the previous working L. no connection to the configurationsystem unit 8. System clock lags each time M. MMC 9. No signal error message in the screen N. ATX 10. System restarts randomly in the middle of work O. Power supply is dead 11. Printer prints document with a random black spot in the P. FAT paper problem Q. Set up configuration 12. A message displayed each time while using internet says R. No printer tonner “Congratulation you win $10,000” S. AT 13. Holds frequently accessed data by the processor T. Safe mode 14. The type of disk formatting systems 15. Hosts and displays administrative tools Part II Questions: Matching B A 1. Is used to connect optical drive 2. Automatically configure IP address 3. Preventive maintenance 4. Resolve IP address 5. Secondary storage device 6. BIOS level configuration 7. Connect to coaxial cable 8. Convert IP address into hard address 9. Multi port bridges 10. non volatile memory of computer 41 | P a g e

B A. DNS B. Modem C. DCPROMO D. Virtual memory E. Sarver based network F. ARP G. BNC H. DHCP I. Boot sequence J. CD –ROM

11. Packet filter 12. Modulate and demodulate analog to digital signal 13. Created by OS when memory of RAM is occupied 14. Centrally administer 15. Command used to install Active directory

K. Defragmentation L. Hard disk M. Switch N. ROM O. Router

1. If you want to find the number of routers between a source and destination, the utility to be used is. a) route b) Ipconfig c) Ifconfig d) Traceroute 2. Which of the following is related to ipconfig in Microsoft Windows ? a) Display all current TCP/IP network configuration values b) Modify DHCP settings c) Modify DNS settings d) All of the mentioned 3. Which of these is not applicable for IP protocol? a) is connectionless b) offer reliable service c) offer unreliable service d) None of the mentioned 4. Application layer is implemented in a) End system b) NIC c) Ethernet d) None of the mentioned 5.Transport layer is implemented in a) End system b) NIC c) Ethernet d) None of the mentioned 6. The functionalities of presentation layer includes a) Data compression b) Data encryption c) Data description d) All of the mentioned 7. Ethernet frame consists of a) MAC address b) IP address c) both (a) and (b) d) none of the mentioned 8. What is stat frame delimeter (SFD) in ethernet frame? a) 10101010 b) 10101011 c) 00000000 d) 11111111 9. MAC address is of 1) 24 bits b) 36 bits c) 42 bits d) 48 bits 10 A technician arrives at a site and is troubleshooting an unfamiliar network. Which of the following steps should be done FIRST to diagnose the problem? A. Escalate the problem to administrative technician. B. Compare wiring schematics to industry standards. C. Identify symptoms and draw a network diagram. D. Use a port analyzer to determine network topology 11. Which of the following commands can be used to find the MAC address of a connecting router? A. arp B. trace route C. ping D. ping sweep 12. A company needs to perform state ful packet filtering on the core network. Which of the following network devices would BEST be suited to match this equipment? A. Firewall B. Proxy C. Router ACLs D. DHCP server 42 | P a g e

13. A workstation on the network can ping hosts on the network but it cannot ping any addresses on the internet. Other hosts on the same network can connect to the internet. Which of the following should the technician check? A. The DNS server entries B. The network card C. The default gateway D. The hosts file 14. Which of the following classes is the address A. Class A B. Class B C. Class C D. Class D 15. A network with twenty clients needs to view a video file. Which of the following should beconfigured on the client's computers to reduce network traffic? A. Class C addresses B. Class A addresses C. Broadcast D. Multicast 16. Which of the following devices does not limit network broadcast traffic and does not increase performance? A. Router B. Brouter C. Hub D. Switch 17. Which of the following does a star ring topology use for data transfer? A. CSMA/CA B. CHAP C. CSMA/CD D. Token passing

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