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C) on/at Mark the best choice

D) for/since

E) with/to

1-The doctor told Mary that if they didn't………..on her husband immediately, he would die. A) consult B) analyse C) examine D) treat E) operate

12-Due to problems with the fuelling system, there has been a delay, and the plane will not …..........until four o'clock. A) go off B) put up C) run out D) blow up E) take off

2-The company has already started a widespread advertising campaign for their new product. but they won't it until the beginning of August. A) determine B) cost C) mature D) launch E) prompt

13-………..they obtained the information from remained secret, though the newspapers published theories for days afterwards. A) When B) How C) How much D) Where E) That

3-The man who was to have been the guest of honour was unable to attend the dinner because of a previous…………. . A) delivery B) concept C) engagement D) nomination E) acceptance

14-In spring, …………the weather gets warmer and the flowers begin to bloom, everyone begins to cheer up after the long, cold winter. A) when B) that C) where D) whose E) which

4-If you didn't behave so……….to people, they might like you more. A) extensively B) offensively C) contentedly D) reluctantly E) entirely

15-Because American universities were…………for his father's budget, he went to one in northern Cyprus. A) more expensive than B) too expensive C) as expensive D) so expensive that E) the most expensive

5-I've asked several members of staff and, …………, he was here yesterday, but no one has seen him since then. A) frankly B) coherently C) apparently D) virtually E) naturally 6- The big container ships can't come into the harbour because the water is too……….. . A) shallow B) dense C) significant D) slight E) narrow 7-The tourist industry needs to have more respect for the environment…………it does not destroy the very attractions that brought it into being. A) so that B) otherwise C) however D) therefore E) unless 8-You should take a little extra money with you…… ……you need to take a taxi home. A)until B) thus C)besides D) no matter E) in case 9-………the house we looked at yesterday is very attractive, we rely need a place in a more convenient neighbourhood. A)As if B) Although C) However D) Instead of E) Since 10-The Internet connects people all………..the world, yet relations………..people of different nationalities do not seem to have improved. A) among/of B) about/through C) along/about D) over/between E) of/around 11-He was in Australia………….a business tour…… …..the time of his lather's death. A) in/on B) at/for

16-The problem of erosion has grown to……….. bewildering proportions……….it can only be corrected by co-ordinated government policies. A)the most/as B) such/that C) too/that D) so/as E) more/than 17-Dentists regard pulling a tooth………….. a last resort in dental care. A) like B)just C) as D) even E) yet 18- My husband would like to live on a small farm in the country, ……………, as I like the hectic life of the city. A) and so would I B) and I wouldn't either C) but 1 don't D) and I do too E) but I wouldn't 19-Why don't you try to persuade…………to change……….job, if he is so unhappy there? A)yourself/him B) him/his C) himself/yours D) you/himself E) his/your 20- If there…………..a petroleum shortage in the future, solar and wind power………….a partial solution. A) is/could provide B) was/used to provide C) has been/had to provide D) would be/have provided E) will be/would provide

21-According to the news, several people…………..in connection with the robbery which……….place last week. A) are arrested/had taken B) are being arrested/has taken C) have arrested/was taking D) have been arrested/took E) arrested/would have taken 22-As far as I know, the house…………at the moment, and the furniture………..next week. A)has been decorated/will have delivered B)is decorated/has been delivered C)is being decorated/will be delivered D)will be decorating/is going to deliver E)has been decorating/is delivered 23-When the emergency relief workers……….on the scene, they found that most of the town's inhabitants……….in the earthquake. A)were arriving/have been killed B)have arrived/had killed C)arrived/had been killed D)had arrived/have killed E)are arriving/will have killed 24-I was home all day yesterday, so you………..the wrong number, if you didn't get an answer. A)have dialled B)are dialling C)will have dialled D)should have dialled E)must have dialled 25-Unless we……….an alternative source of energy, we………up all the world’s petroleum by the end of the next century. A)are finding/are B)have found/are going to use C)will have found/have used D)find/will have used E)were finding/were to use Find the best completion 26-………..grew into a nation-wide campaign. A)If only they had publicised their organisation better B)In the absence of any real competitors C)What started as a neighbourhood initiative D)Even in these difficult circumstances they persevered with their project E)Because they enlisted a professional publicity company 27-There is the possibility of strike action………… . A)otherwise the workers would not have any money B)if the management rejects the pay rise suggested by the union C)thanks to the success of the negotiations between shareholders and the board D)if they hadn't worked so hard during the previous month E)ever since the management made some of the workers redundant

28-Once you've tried my mother's spaghetti, ……… ….. . A)you'll never want to eat anyone else's B)it's rude to eat off other people's plates C)she has a secret recipe for tomato sauce D)it is common around here to make your own pasta E)I'm glad you have really loved its taste 29-As soon as the building work is completed, …… …. . A)the owners moved in immediately B)the builders would have left C)it has been more than seven months D)they'll call in the electricians E)the flats have been purchased 30-………….., but they used to be in deadly rivalry. A)Americans and Russians bitterly disagree on several issues B)The USA and the Soviet Union were engaged in the Cold War for decades C)Everyone was surprised when the two former political enemies decided to negotiate D)It's hoped that the United Nations will be able to solve some of the world's worst problems E)The Americans and the Russians co-operate on many space projects today 31-Mike replaced his old Ford with a brand-new Honda, …………… . A)even though his present one keeps breaking down all the time B)when he inherited a large sum of money from his grandfather C)if it breaks down again creating such an awkward situation D)but no one believes that he can afford E)until he finds a new job with a better salary 32-........ it is important to know which foods contain the proper nutrients. A)Unless you want to remain healthy B)Despite the fact that many young people Buffer from eating disorders C)Because people who don9t smoke and exercise regularly tend to live longer D)Although it Is possible to be perfectly healthy as a vegetarian E)A poor diet can lead to serious health problems 33-………….as long as he stayed out of trouble and did community service. A)He has never been a well-respected member of society B)Everybody knows how hard he tried to be a good citizen C)He is known to be a good husband and father D)The judge told him he would not have to go to jail E)He promises that he will not get into trouble again

34-Unless new ways are found to process and dispose of sewage, ……….. . A)obviously not enough has been done up to now B)there' is a better way to handle the problem C)water pollution will continue to grow worse D)and so6n the rivers will be teeming with fish again E)there may have been severe damage to marine life Until the early l900s, ice-cooled foods and drinks were a luxury available only to the wealthy. An Australian newspaper editor named Read the following passage and mark the answer James Harrison thought he could make a fortune if he could freeze and transport surplus beef and mutton to England, where meat prices were very high. Ice-making machines had been developed in the, 1830s, but in order to keep the food frozen, a refrigeration machine had to be developed to ensure a stabilised temperature. Harrison patented his machine in 1857 and by 1873 had perfected his method. He arranged a special meal to celebrate his invention. The meat he served had been completely frozen for six months, but not one dinner guest could tell that it wasn't freshly slaughtered. 35-It appears that Harrison's efforts to develop effective refrigeration…………. . A)were realised in a few years once he got started on them B)came from his wish to help Australian farmers C)were made possible by funding from the wealthy D)stemmed from his love of frozen food and drink E)were motivated by his desire to make a profit 36-The author suggests that a problem with transporting frozen food was………… . A)finding a way to keep its temperature constant B)developing a profitable way to ship it abroad C)knowing whether there would be a demand for it D)the price difference between England and Australia E)making enough ice to keep it from melting 37-One may infer from this passage that……….. . A)frozen meat is actually better than freshlyslaughtered meat B)meat cannot last much longer than six months in a freezer C)meat must be frozen immediately after slaughter to taste fresh D)Harrison's method of preservation was quite successful E)only the food experts could understand that Harrison served frozen meat

Benjamin Franklin, who was to become one of the best known American writers, politicians and scientists, was born in Boston in 1706. He was one of 17 children, and as a child, he worked in the shop of his father, who was a soap and candle maker. As he loved to read and study, however, working for his father did not appeal to him, so when he was 12, he was sent to assist his brother James, who had a printing shop. There, surrounded by books, he would often stay up late at night reading on a wide range of subjects. As he read, he practised improving his own style of writing. 38-It is stated in the passage that Benjamin Franklin…………….. . A)was born into a family including well-known people B)started to work in his father's shop when he was12 C)was not content to be working with his father D)had a decent formal education E)came from a wealthy background 39- We can conclude from the passage that the work Benjamin's brother was doing ……….. . A)required Benjamin to work until late at night B)was, in the first place, financed by their father C)was a lot more profitable than his father's work D)was too hard for a twelve-year-old E) was well suited to Benjamin's interests 49-It is obvious from the passage that…………. . A)Benjamin Franklin's father had plenty of free time to spend with his son B)Benjamin Franklin grew into a man of many talents C)lacking a formal education, Benjamin Franklin didn't achieve much in writing D)Benjamin Franklin's relationship with his father was distant E)Benjamin's father was illiterate

The world's first liquid-fuelled rocket took off on a cold afternoon in March 1926, from a farm in New England. The result of years of trial and error by a physics professor named Robert Goddard, it rose about 14 metres. Goddard was certain that this modest flight was the first step towards future space flight, but few others shared his enthusiasm. The director of the Smithsonian -Institution, from which he had been receiving a small amount of financial assistance, was disappointed. The newspapers made fun of him. Yet today, space scientists consider the 1926 experiment an event as important as man's first successful flight. 41-The passage makes it clear that……….. . A)hardly anyone took Goddard and his rocket seriously at the time B)Goddard found financial support after the experiment C)Goddard was not in the habit of exaggerating things D)space flight was considered a real possibility by many people after 1926 E)it is best to experiment with rockets when the weather is cold

In 1920, after some thirty-nine years of problems with disease, high costs and politics, the Panama Canal was officially opened. This linked the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by allowing ships to pass through the fifty-mile canal zone instead of travelling some seven thousand miles around Cape Horn. It takes a ship approximately eight hours to complete the trip through the canal, and costs a tenth of what it would cost the average ship to round the Horn. More than fifteen thousand ships use the canal annually.

42-We learn from the passage that …………. . A)it is always cold in New England in March B)the Smithsonian Institution met the entire expense for Goddard's rocket C)Goddard's experiment was important in the development of future rockets D)Goddard was put on trial for his errors as a physics professor E)Robert Goddard owned a farm in New England

45-The Panama Canal………….. . A)provides a cheaper and shorter alternative route between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans B)reduces the distance between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by 90 per cent C)is seven thousand miles from Cape Horn D)makes it possible to cover fifteen thousand miles in eight hours E)was begun in 1920, despite opposition from the natives

48-We can assume from the passage that before the experimental flight in 1926, ………… . A)many others had tried to do a similar thing B)the director of the Smithsonian Institution was not hopeful of any success C)other scientists had attempted to do it D)no one believed that it would be successful E)Goddard had made other trials but had failed

44- The passage gives us the information that ……… ….. . A)the Panama Canal was built in order to combat certain diseases B)there were more political problems than problems with disease during the construction of the canal C)the Panama Canal is built at the narrowest point between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans D)it took a little less than four decades to build the Panama Canal E)the Panama Canal has been used by about fifteen thousand ships since its construction

46-We can infer from the passage that before the Panama Canal opened, ………… . A)there was a lot of disease in the region which has now been eliminated B)fifteen thousand ships a year went around Cape Horn C)there was no connection by sea between the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean D)there were too few ships to make such a project profitable E)the journey by ship from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean took much longer

A fire extinguisher, even a small one, located near the kitchen is a wise investment. But be sure that the extinguisher is rated to put out kitchen fires. What the extinguisher is designed to do is stated on the outside. Rather than bother trying to determine which one is best for you, just get an extinguisher that is rated to control all three primary types of fires: (1) ordinary combustibles such as paper and wood; (2) flammable liquids, such as fat, gasoline and grease; and (3) electric fires. Read the directions carefully. Teach everyone in the family how to operate the extinguisher, and do not buy one that is too heavy for a child of nine or ten to lift. 47-We learn from the passage that…………… . A)fire extinguishers can be very expensive B)it is best to keep the extinguisher in the kitchen C)a large extinguisher is more effective than a small one D)only one fire extinguisher per household is advisable E)not all extinguishers are useful in all types of fires 48-The author advises people wanting to buy an extinguisher for kitchen fires to purchase one………. . A)that displays its functions on the outside B) that can put out the main types of fire C) that comes with a full set of instructions D)that is based on whether they have an electric or gas cooker E)that does not work by gas or electricity 49-According to the information in the passage, when one has installed a fire extinguisher, …………. . A)one should learn how to prevent fires in the first place B)one should remember that youngsters will find it hard to use C)the whole household should be instructed in its use D)one should' keep the instructions in a safe place E)young children should be kept away from this equipment

In the early 20th century, the population of Macedonia was composed of many different peoples, usually fighting one another. That such a land of violence and conflict in the last days of the Ottoman Empire would produce a future winner of the Nobel Peace Prize would have seemed highly improbable. Yet in Skopje, one of the two men who opened the town's first theatre was an Albanian married to a Serb. A daughter was born into this typically cosmopolitan Macedonian family, who, as Mother Theresa, would find her vocation in far away places, doing charitable work among the victims of poverty and neglect - particularly in the slums of Calcutta, India. In 1979, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of her humanitarian efforts. 50-The passage states that in the early 20th century, ……….. . A)the Macedonian population was uniform B)there was little hostility between different peoples in Macedonia C)Macedonia was a land of conflicts and disagreement D)the Ottomans were trying to expand into Macedonia E)Macedonians produced a hero who was to receive the Nobel Peace Prize 51- Mother Theresa's father………….. . A)was Serbian, but he married an Albanian B)fought against Ottoman rule throughout his life. C)was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize D)established, with another friend, Skopje's first theatre E)emigrated, with his family, to Calcutta, India 52- Mother Theresa………….. . A)found her life's work among the impoverished people of India B)spent most of her life trying to solve the conflicts in her native land C)helped her father open the first theatre in Skopje D)would not have won the Nobel Peace Prize had she not been from Macedonia E)acted as a peace-maker between Albanians and Serbs

Find the English translation 53- Alman romancı Thomas Mann,yurt dışındada kendi ülkesinde olduğu kadar iyi tanınıyordu. A) A famous novelist in his native land, Germany, Thomas Mann has now become well known abroad. B) The German novelist Thomas Mann was as well known abroad as he was in his own country. C) The fame of the German novelist Thomas Mann has spread from his own country to many others. D) After becoming well known in his own country, the German novelist Thomas Mann travelled abroad. E) Although German, the novelist Thomas Mann was also well known in other countries as well as in his own. 54-Bütün halk edebiyatı türleri içinde fıkra, gerçek bir sözlü edebiyat türü olarak 20.yüzyılda varlığını sürdürmektedir. A) The Joke, which as an authentic oral literary form has persisted into the 20th century, is a type of folk literature. B) Of all the types of folk literature, the Joke is the most authentic 20th century oral literary form. C) One persisting type of folk literature, the Joke, can be considered an authentic oral literary form. D) Of all types of folk literature, the joke persists in the 20th century as an authentic oral literary form. E) Many in the 20th century agree that the Joke is an authentic oral form of folk literature. 55-Yeryüzünde bol bulunan en hafif metal olan magnezyum, uzay havacıhk sektöründc yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. A) The metal used most in the space industry is magnesium as it is the lightest metal found in abundance on the Earth. B) One of the lightest metals found anywhere on the Earth, magnesium is used mainly in the aerospace industry. C) Being the lightest metal found in abundance on the Earth, magnesium is used extensively in the aerospace industry. D)Being lighter than any other metal found in great quantities on the Earth, magnesium is mostly used in the aerospace industry. E)Because of its lightness and abundance, the metal magnesium is used mainly in the aerospace industry around the world.

56-Sıcakların boğucu olabildiği Temmuz ye Ağustos dışında, Madrid'in genel olarak çok hoş bir havası vardır. A)Generally, Madrid has very pleasant weather with the exception of July and August, when the heat is always unbearable. B)The generally pleasant weather in Madrid becomes oppressively hot in July and August. C)Except in July and August, when the heat can be oppressive, in general, Madrid has very pleasant weather. D)Although Madrid can be oppressive during the months of July and August, the weather is normally very pleasant. E)Madrid's climate is generally pleasant, with unbearably hot periods only occurring in July and August. 57-Pek çok iş yerinde makinalar, büyük bir iş gücüne duyulan gereksinimi önemli ölçüde azaltmıştır. A)Machines have significantly reduced the need for a large labour force in many industries. B)Large labour forces are no longer required in many industries as they have been replaced by machines. C)The greater the number of machines used in an industry, the smaller the number of labourers needed. D)A large reduction in the labour force in many industries was brought about by the use of machines. E)Due to the increase in the use of machinery, a large labour force is no longer necessary in many industries. 58-İç savaş daha kanlı bir hal alınca, komşu ülkelere mülteci akını başladı. A)The civil war has become so bloody that an influx of refugees into all the neighbouring countries has started. B)The neighbouring countries have been receiving an influx of refugees since the civil war turned bloodier in nature. C)As the civil war becomes bloodier, more and more refugees are flowing into the neighbouring countries. D)An influx of refugees into the neighbouring countries started when the civil war became bloodier in nature. E)When the civil war intensified, large numbers of refugees poured into the neighbouring countries.

59-Bir çocuklu aile programıyla Çin, bu yüzyılın sonuna kadar sıfır nüfus büyümesine ulaşmayı umuyor.

A)By limiting each family to one child, China hopes it can achieve zero population growth before the end of the century. B)China hopes that the one-child family program will enable them to have zero population growth at the end of the century. C)In the hope of reaching zero population growth before the end of the century. China has introduced a one-child family program. D)Through a program allowing only one child per family, China hopes to have zero population growth at the end of the century. D)By means of a one-child family program, China hopes to reach zero population growth by the end of the century. 60-ABD'nin kurak güneybatı bölümündeki pek çok kaktüs türü, yasalarla koruma altındadır. A)Many threatened cactus species in. the dry southwestern part of the USA have to be protected by law. B)Many cactus species in the arid southwestern part of the USA are under protection by law. C)The law protects several of the USA's many cactus species, which grow in the arid Southwest. D)The many cactus plants growing in the southwestern part of the USA have protection under the law. E)The southwestern part of the USA has many cactus species, some of which are under the protection of the law. Find the Turkish translation 61-Everybody is amazed at how they manage to get on so well despite the huge age gap between them. A)Aralarinda çok büyük bir yaş farkı olduğu halde şaşılacak derecede iyi anlaşıyorlar. B)Aralarındaki buyük yaş farkının ilişkilerini hiç etkilememesi herhesi hayrete düşürüyor. C)Aralarındaki büyük yaş farkına rağmen nasıl bu kadar iyi anlaşabildiklerine herkes şaşıyor. D)Aralarında çok büyük bir yaş farkının olması, ama buna rağmen çok iyi anlasabiliyor olmaları herkesi şaşırtıyor. D)Aralarındaki bunca yaş farkına rağmen ilişkilerini bu kadar iyi sürdürebilmeleri şaşılacak şey.

62-Beeause of her health problems, she could no longer cope with her job, which required too much energy.

A)Sağlığı bozulunca, çok fazla enerji gerektirem işini daha fazla yürütecek gücü kendinde bulamadı. B)Sağlık sorunları nedeniyle, artık işini doğru dürüst yürütecek kadar bile enerjisi yoktu. C)İşinin çok fazla enerji gerektiriyor olması, sağlığıyla ilgili bir takım sorunları yarattı. D)Saağlık sorunları yüzünden, çok fazla enerji gerektiren işinin artık üstesinden gelemiyordu. E)İşi okadar çok enerji gerektiriyordu ki sonunda sağlığı bozuldu. 63-Giving great attention to even the smallest details of his subjects, the artist sketched everywhere he went. A)Ressam, temalarının en ince ayrıntısına bile özen gösteriyor, nereye gitse birkaç taslak çiziyordu. B)Gittiği yerlerde çizdiği taslaklarda ressam, temalarının en ufak ayrıntılarına bile büyül özen gösteriyordu. C)Ressam, gittiği yerlerin en ince ayrıntılarını bile en azından taslak olarak çiziyordu. D)Temalarının en ufak ayrıntılarına bile büyük özen gösteren ressam, gittiği her yerde taslaklar çiziyordu. E)Ressam, gittiği her yerde önce taslak çiziyor, sonra da en ufak ayrıntıya kadar iniyordu. 64-Since the earliest times, humans have needed to believe in a power or powers superior to themselves. A)En eski çağlardan beri insanlar, kendilerinden üstün bir güce ya da güçlere inanma gereksinimi duymuşlardır. B)Insanların, doğa üstü güç ya da güçlere inanmaya başlaması, en eski çağlara kadar uzanmaktadır. C)Çok eski çağlarda insanlar, kendilerinden üstün güç veyea güçlere inanma gereksinimi duyuyorlardı. D)Çok eski çağlardan bu yana insanlar, hep doğa üstü bir gücün veya güçlerin varlığına ınanmışlardır. E)Insanların kendilerinden üstün bir güce ya da güçlere inanma gereksinmleri, en eski çağlardan beri süregelmektedir. 65-The Austrian theatrical director Max Reinhardt was one of the first in his profession to achieve recognition as a creative artist. A)Avusturyalı Max Reinhardt, tiyatro yönetmenliği alanında yaratıcı sanatçı ünvanını alan ilk kişidir. B)Yaratıcılığıyla tanınan Avusturyali Max Reiniardt, dünya çapında üne kavuşmuş ilk tiyatro yönetmenidir. C)Avusturyalı bir tiyatro y6netmeni olan Max Reinhardt, yaratıcı sanatcılığı destekleyen ilklerden biridir. D}Mesleğinde, yaratıcı sanatcılığı savunan ilklerden biri, Avusturyalı tanınmış tiyatro yönetmeni Max Reinhardt'tır. E)Avusturyalı tiyatro yönetmeni Max Reinhardt, mesleğinde, yaratıcı sanatçı olarak ün kazanan ilklerden biridir. 66-Einstein's theories of relativity totally upset all fundamental thinking about time and space held until then.

A)Einstein'ın izafiyet teorileri, o gün için geçerli olan tüm zaman ve mekan teorilerini temelinden sarsmıştır. B)Zaman ve mekanla ilgili o güne kadar düşünce üretmiş olanlar, Einstein’ın izafiyet teorilerinden son derece rahatsız olmuşlardır. C)Izafiyet teorileriyle Einstein, zaman ve mekanla ilgili o güne kadar doğru kabul edilen tüm temel düşünceleri altüst etmiştir. D)Einstein'm izaflyct teorileri, zaman ve mekana ilişkin o güne kadar kabul edilen tüm temel düşünceleri altüst etmiştir. E)Izafiyet teorileriyle Einstein, zaman ve mekanla ilgili kendinden önceki tüm görüşlerle tümüyle çelişmiştir. 67- An important task of the reflexes is to help the body adjust to changes. A)Vucüdun değişikliklere uyum sağlaması, reflekslerin önemli görevlerinden biridir. B)Reflekslerin önemli bir görevi, vücüdun değişikliklere alışmasını sağlamaktır. C)Vücudun bazı değişikliklere alışması, reflekslerin yardımıyla olmaktadır. D)Reflekslerin yardımıyla vücut değişikliklere kolayca uyum sağlar. E)Reflekslerin en önemli görevi, vücudun bazı değişikliklere uyumunu sağlamaktır. 68-Several factors determine an individual's level of comprehension and assimilation of whet he reads. A)Bireyin okuduğunu anlaması ve önemsemesi çok çesitli etkenlere bağlıdır. B)Birevin ne okuduğundan çok, okuduğunu anlaması ve özümsemesi önemlidir. C)Bireyin okuduğunu anlama ve önemseme düzeyi, ne okuduğuyla doğrudan bağlantılıdır. D)Okuma.düzeyinin yüksek olması, bireyin okuduğunu anlaması ve özümsemesinde belirleyici bir etkendir. E)Bireyin okuduğunu anlama ve özümseme düzeyini çeşitli etkenler belirler.

cannot read a road sign. Twenty percent of all Britons are unable to read something so basic as the Yellow pages. …………… . Yet the problem is significant among young people too. One in five 19year-olds have such difficulty in reading and writing that all but unskilled work is closed to them. In all of Europe, only Poland and Ireland have lower literacy rates. A)People over 55 are the most seriously affected with illiteracy B)This is a problem among young people as well as older people C)In some schools, metal detectors are used to make sure students do not have guns D)In spite of the difficulty of its language, Japan has one of the highest literacy rates in the world E)This means they will have trouble phoning the places they need to phone 70-Thailand is an immensely fertile land and the society has traditionally drawn strength from agriculture. For the visitor, the fascination with this agricultural society lies in the enormous variety of fruits, vegetables, spices and flowers that are cultivated. …………. . Indeed, it has been recognised in the last few years that Thai food ranks as one of the world's great culinary arts. A)Orchids are particularly beautiful in Thailand B)Excellent fruit is cheap and abundant at all times of the year C)Historically, the northeastern part of Thailand has been known for livestock production D)It is the availability of such a variety of fresh produce that makes Thai cuisine so rich and varied E)For more than a century, rice has been the leading export, followed at a distance by rubber 71-…………. . Wet, well-washed hands can transmit as many as 60,000 bacteria, while dry, well-washed hands transmit just 200. Moisture is a perfect vehicle for micro-organisms, and as it's impossible to get hands perfectly clean by washing anyway, it's better to prevent the spread of germs by drying hands properly. A)Many people have had flu this winter and doctors are advising us to take preventative measures B)In most modern cultures, people prefer to bath or shower at least once a day to keep clean C)Drying your hands thoroughly is more important for hygiene than careful washing D)If you wash using a good soap, you should be able to get your hands completely clean E)From a young age, children should be taught to wash their hands before they eat anything

Find the suitable statement for the blank 69-In Britain, about two million people, most of whom are drivers, are so seriously illiterate that they

72-…………… . Had it not been for the friendly Indians, the colonists would never have survived the terrible winters. From them, they learnt to build canoes for water transportation, and to make snowshoes and toboggans for winter travelling. It was also

from the Native Americans that they learnt of the typical foods such as maize, squash, beans, and pumpkins. A)The British first arrived in India in the late 16th century B)The Spanish conquerors were interested in only one thing: gold C)Though the winters in the northern parts of North America can be harsh, they are no worse than those in parts of northern Europe D)When the Europeans in America began to move west, they drove the native Americans before them, taking their land as they went E)When the English settlers first arrived in North America, the hardships they experienced were totally unexpected 73-The plant cyclamen is known as "shepherd's soap."………… . They would take the bulbs of the plant, cut them into pieces and rub their clothes with them. The stuff in the plants worked in the same way that today’s detergents do. A)Despite the abundance of the flowers, it is worth taking a close look at one of the cyclamen B)The cyclamen also contains a poisonous material which was known and used by the Romans C)Cyclamen leaves were often used in the past, before the plant became a protected species D)The cyclamen bulb contains a foaming material which villagers used to wash their clothes E)The legend says after the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, the cyclamen bowed their heads in mourning

B)In my opinion, both the government and the opposition have almost the same policies. C)I understand that the government and the opposition is having a slight policy disagreement. D)I've noticed that the government have made slight differences in their policy towards the opposition. E)I'm amazed to see that the government holds such different policies from those held by the opposition. 76-Glenda says that she will only work on Sundays if there's an emergency. A)Except for Sundays, Glenda says she will only work in emergency situations. B)If there isn't an emergency, Glenda says she won't work on any days except Sundays. C)Glenda won't work on Sundays, not even in emergency situations. D)Only Glenda says she will work on Sundays if there's an emergency. E)Glenda refuses to work on Sundays unless it's an emergency situation. 77-Whether you like it or not, my aunt is coming to stay for the' next two weeks. A)I wonder if you'd mind if my aunt came here to stay for the following two weeks. B)If it doesn't bother you too much, my aunt would like to stay here for the next two weeks. C)I don't know if you'll like her or not, but my aunt is going to stay for the next couple of weeks. D)My aunt will be staying for the next fortnight, regardless of your feelings concerning the matter. E)In two weeks' time, my aunt will be coming to stay and I wonder how you feel about it.

74-Alan still held the frying pan in his hand. The whites of his eyes glinted in the light of the oil lamp. ………., but at that moment his son, Peter, came into the room, and Alan lowered the pan and rearranged his face into a less manic pattern. His wife, Esther, took the frightened look off her face, straightened up, and smiled at her son maternally. A)Peter was six foot two, some six inches taller than his father and had short blond hair B)It seemed for a moment that he was going to throw the omelette full into his wife's face C)The washing up seemed to continue without end, and the pan Just wouldn't come clean D)He was trying to decide exactly what he should cook for dinner and how to prepare it E)The school uniform he was obliged to wear did not succeed in making him look like a child

78-Sometimes having professional assistance with your CV can increase your chances of finding a job. A)The prospects for finding employment can possibly be enhanced by a professionally produced CV. B)Having a professional help you with your CV is a sure way to find a job. C)Having your CV professionally prepared determines whether you'll get the job or not. D)You should pot bother looking for a job until you have had professional advice on your CV. E)Without a professional CV, it is impossible to find a job.

Find the closest in meaning

79-Though everyone warned her against him, she went ahead and married him anyway. A)She told all her friends that he was no good and she would never marry him. B)She asked all her friends about him and they agreed that he was a bad guy.

75-I see little difference between the policies of the government and those held by their opposition. A)I don't understand much about the differences between the government and the opposition.

C)She decided to marry him in spite of the wellmeant counsels of the people around her. D)Because of his bad reputation in the community, she decided not to marry him. E)Having been told so many times that he was no good, she finally gave in and agreed. 80-She can't have seen the note; otherwise, she would have phoned by now. A)I don't understand why she hasn't phoned us if she's got the note. B)I assume that she didn't see the note, or she wouldn't have called us. C)She hasn't phoned yet, so obviously, she hasn't seen the note. D)Unless she phones soon, we won't be able to give her the note in time. E)I'm sure she couldn't find the note that we'd put beside the phone. Find the sentence for the blank in the dialogue 81- Andy: There was so much I wanted to do during this holiday, but we've just been stuck in the hotel. Dave: ………… Andy: Does it matter any more? We're going home tomorrow. A)There has been some good stuff on TV, anyway. B)Maybe we should try again next year. C)The weather report misled us completely. D)At least there are lots of facilities in the hotel, so we haven't been bored; E)Do you think this rain is ever going to stop? 82- Debbie: You're not watching TV again, are you? Sharon: …………………. Debbie: why don't you try reading a hook? Sharon: You're so out of date, Mum. Maybe I’ll surf the net for a while. A)You know I have to watch this documentary for my college course. B)I can't think of anything else to do. C)Only the news, then I'm going to the library. D)No, I'm not. I'm studying for my exams. E)I've been reading so much I just thought I'd watch this drama for a change. 83- Henry: why don't we go camping this weekend? Lisa: ……………. Henry: Neither have I. It will feel really good to get out of the city. Lisa: I can't wait. A)Great idea, .I haven’t been camping for ages. B)I'd like to, but I haven't got a sleeping bag. C)To be quite honest, I've never liked camping. D)Oh, good, I've been dying to try out my new sleeping bag. E)I don't think that sounds like a good idea; I've never been camping in my life. 84-Peter: What do you want to do on your birthday? Pearl: I’d like to have dinner in a fancy restaurant, then go to the theatre. Peter: ………………………… Pearl: Well, as long as you put it that way, we can have a Chinese take-away and rent a video.

A)Well, I mean what you'd like to do that we can afford. B)Okay, I'll book the table, and you book the tickets. C)OK, if that's what you really want, but I thought we could do something special. D)It's a good thing that I'll get paid the day before. E)Do you want to see a musical, or something more serious? 85-Vicky: Have you ever been to Asia? Mary: Yes, I was a volunteer nurse in Indonesia for two years. Vicky: ………………….. Mary: I’d rather stay home than waste my time and money gambling. A)I'm thinking of doing something similar, and I want to talk to someone about the living conditions. B)Really? I was a volunteer teacher in the Philippines. C)Isn't it awfully dangerous in Indonesia? D)Oh no, I meant, have you ever been to somewhere exciting like the casinos in Macao? E)What a coincidence! So was I. Where were you exactly? 88-Alex: …………….. Keith: I'd considered it, but I'm going into my father's business, and I think I can learn more from the practical experience. Alex: Lucky you. I'm going to need all the qualifications I can get. A)Are you going to get a summer job? B)Your wife told me you're planning to retire at the end of the year. C)There's nowhere to eat near the university. Why don't you open up a restaurant? D)How do you like university? I've heard you are at the top of your class. E)Are you thinking about getting a Master's Degree after you graduate? 87- Roger: If I were the Prime Minister, I'd do something about getting jobs for all the unemployed young people. William : Oh, they wouldn't work if you gave them jobs. They live on the streets and beg because they like it. Roger: ……………….. William : Me? Of course not. I've never been that lazy. A)I agree they are a real nuisance, aren't they? B)Yes, it must be really fun playing in the snow in winter. C)Have you ever tried living on the streets? D)How much can you make selling tissues these days? E)It is such a waste of human potential, isn't it? Find the odd sentence 88-(I)The South Asian Women's Centre in Montreal, Canada, was started by an Indian lady in her kitchen. (II) Now it is

a thriving community centre, which helps immigrants from India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh by offering them a social centre, education opportunities and legal advice. (III) Everything printed in the centre is in seven languages, five Asian languages in addition to English and French, (IV) The Tamils in the North of Sri lanka are predominantly Hindu, whereas the Sinhalese in the South are traditionally Buddhist. (V) The topic of religion is banned from the centre as, although all of them are South Asian, the women come from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds. A)I B)II C)II1 D)IV E)V 89-(I) Certain types of anti-aircraft missiles are radar-guided to their target. (II) Radar has numerous non-military applications as well, especially in navigation. (III) This is an automatic system with two radar beams, one beam to track the target and the other to track the missile. (IV) Information from the reflected beams is fed into a computer. (V)The resulting calculation sets the missile on a deliberate collision course with the target. A)I B)II C)III D)IV E)V 90-(I)During the reign of Elizabeth I, Sir Walter Raleigh was in good standing with British royalty. (II) He was responsible for introducing potatoes and tobacco to the English. (III) However, upon the accession of James I, he fell from favour and was condemned to death for treason. (IV) Later, the new king set him free to let him redeem himself by finding the fabled city of El Dorado and' return with its riches. (V) When he returned to England without the treasure, the king had him put to death. A)I B)II C)III D)IV E)V 91-(I) The 400,000 inhabitants of Macao, the tiny Portuguese colony soon to be handed back to China, have traditionally supported whatever regime was in power in China. (II) Since serious riots during the Cultural Revolution, Macao has been careful not to do anything to upset the Chinese authorities. (III) Chinese students upset the authorities in 1989 by demanding an end to corruption and by calling for political reforms. (IV) There have been none of the political rows in Macao that marked the last five years of British rule in Hong Kong. (V) And unlike Britain's policy towards Hong Kong, 100,000 people of Macao are classed as Portuguese citizens and so have the freedom of movement throughout Europe.

attention may play at being a dog. (IV) With barks and on all fours, the "dog" Joins other playmates, who greet it by patting its head and hugging it as they would their own pets. (V) In this way, the child gains desired attention and affection from others. A)I B)II C)III D)IV E)V 93-(I) In the 1960s, the Beatles and other young rock groups brought the culture of Britain to the notice of the world. (II) For young British talent, the 1990s have been explosive. (III) British style and attitudes now permeate Parisian couture, global advertising, even American pop radio. (IV) From rave culture to the pages of youth magazines, British creativity has been a power-house for the decade. (V) Where all this energy came from, and why it's happening now remain unanswered. A)I B)II C)III D)IV E)V Find what can be said in the given case 94-You are a student with little money, sharing a flat with someone who has a good job. A friend of his, who also has a good job, comes to stay, and every morning he eats your breakfast cereal, without asking permission. Not wishing to offend your flatmate, you say nothing at first, but on the day he finishes your cereal and starts looking around for a new packet, you lose patience and say angrily: A)I'll run right out to the shops and get you one. B)Let me take you out to breakfast for a change. C)I'm sure there must be some around here. Just let me look. D)Sorry, we don't have any more. Would you like something else? E)If you want any more, you can buy your own! 95-You are moving house and it would be very convenient if you had a car. Your friend has one, and you have been hoping he would volunteer to help you move, but as the day approaches, he doesn't say anything. Not sure if he simply does not want to help you or if he just has not noticed your situation, you carefully say to him: A)You don't want to help meat all, do you? B)You know, I'm moving tomorrow, and if you're free, perhaps you could help me. C)If you want to stay friends with me, you will help me move my things. D)Why haven't you volunteered to help me move? It's very insensitive of you. E)I wish your car was a little bigger, then you could help me move.

A)I B)II C)III D)IV E)V 92-(I) It's so fascinating to see children play with their pet dogs. (II)Children sometimes use play situations to express their most pressing needs and to satisfy them. (III) A child who feels the need for

96-Lenny is a bus driver. He is only allowed to pick up and drop off passengers at designated bus stops. One day, the bus is stuck in a traffic jam and an old man tries to insist rudely that he is dropped off

between two stops. Trying his best to be polite, Lenny replies: A)You're old enough to know how to behave on a bus. B)If you had ever driven a bus, you would know how awkward you are being. C)I'd like to let you off Sir, but I have to obey the rules. D)If I let you off, you'd only get run over in this traffic. E)Why don't you just shut your mouth and wait until we get to the next stop? 97-A colleague at work complains about everything: the job, her health, taxes, your other colleagues, and high prices. You are the sort of person who likes to be positive about everything, and finally her constant complaining begins to really bother you, wanting her to stop, and not really caring if you offend her, you express how you feel: A)I know a good psychiatrist. Would you like to see him and try to sort out your problems? B)I agree. there is absolutely nothing to be cheerful about these days. C)Maybe if we got a more sensible government, things would be better, and we'd complain less. D)You've got so many problems that I think you should ask your parents for help. E)I'm really fed up with listening to your complaints. Can't you look on the bright side of anything? 98-You do not smoke, and cannot even stand the smell of cigarettes. One day, your best friend brings her fiance to meet you at your flat, without even asking permission, he lights up a cigarette and asks for an astray. You are in a dilemma, because you have only just met him, and your friend is about to marry him. You are irritated at his rudeness, and have no intention of allowing him to smoke, but trying to be tactful, you say: A)Sally didn't tell me that you were such a heavy smoker! B)Don't you think you should ask the hostess for permission first? C)Do you know that passive smoking can be as harmful as real smoking? D)I'm afraid I haven't got any ashtrays, because no one ever smokes here. E)Smoking can harm unborn children, you know.

99-You are visiting a friend who has been unemployed for some time. She is busy telling you about the interview she had the previous day and how well it went when the phone rings. You gather from your friend's replies that it is the interviewer

ringing her back. After the call, your friend tells you she didn't get the job. Trying to comfort her, you say: A)Well, I guess the interview didn't go quite as well as you had thought. B)'I'm really sorry they didn't recognise your qualities. It's their loss. C)What a coincidence that he phoned Just as you were talking about it. D)What a pity that he phoned when we were having such a nice time. E)I'm really sorry for you because you Just don't seem able to get a job. 100-You're camping in the desert with a friend, and while sitting around the campfire, you notice a scorpion crawling up his leg. You don't want to alarm him, but also don't want him to make any sudden movements until you've removed the danger, so that you can get the dangerous creature off him without him panicking, you casually say: A)Look out! There's a poisonous creature crawling up your leg to kill you. B)Did you know this place is full of dangerous animals like scorpions? C)Do you have any idea what to do if someone is bitten by a scorpion? I don't D)If I told you there was a ten-centimetre-long scorpion on you, would you scream? E)Don't move a muscle. There’s something I need to take care of for you.

PRACTICE EXAM 23 1..E 2.D 3E 6.A 7A 8.E 11.C 12.E 13.D 16.B 17.C 18.E 21.D 22.C 23.C 26.E 27.B 28.A 31.B 32.D 33.D 36.A 37.D 38.C 41.A 42.C 43.E 46.E 47.E 48.B 51.D 52A 53.B 56.C 57.A 58.D 61.C 62.D 63.D 66.D 67.B 68.E 71.C 72.E 73.D 76.E 77.D 78.A 8l. E 82.B 83.A 88.E 87.C 88.D 91.C 92.A 93.A 96.C 97.E 98.D

4.B 9.B 14.A 19.B 24.E 29.D 34.C 39.E 44.D 49.C 54.D 59.E 64.A 69.A 74.B 79.C 84.A 89.B 94.E 99.B

5.C 10.D 15.B 20.A 25.D 30.E 35.E 40.B 45.A 50.C 55.C 60.B 65.E 70.D 75.B 80.C 85.D 90.B 95.B 100.E

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