431 Ss Misc Useful Cards

  • December 2019
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1 Index............................................................................................................................................................................................................1 Nukes Not AE***........................................................................................................................................................................................2 DA = N/U – Alt Energy Now.......................................................................................................................................................................3 PC Low........................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Air Force Link Turn – Plan Popular............................................................................................................................................................5 OCS Impact Defense....................................................................................................................................................................................6 AT: GT Pakistan Turn..................................................................................................................................................................................7

Nukes Not AE*** Alternative energy is renewable – distinct from nuclear power WLNS News 8 – 5 – 08 [“Comparing the two Energy Plans,” http://www.wlns.com/Global/story.asp?S=8793929&nav=0RbQ]

Nuclear power verses alternative energy is also a dividing line between the two. While McCain does support a move toward renewable and alternative fuels his main push is toward the development of nuclear power plants. In fact, he wants to build 45 new nuclear plants by the end of his first term, and 100 by the year 2030. But Obama's main push is alternative energy plants whether dealing with wind, solar, or bio-fuels. Obama wants to develop an entire new energy industry based upon renewable fuels and pledges to require 10 % of the nation's energy come from renewable sources by the end of his first term.


DA = N/U – Alt Energy Now


Senate passed $650 million for alt energy Khiet Luong 7 – 10 - 08, EAC Network [“PA Senate Passes $650 Million Alternative Energy Investment Act,” http://www.relocalize.net/pa_senate_passes_650_million_alternative_energy_investment_act]

PA Senate Passes $650 Million Alternative Energy Investment Act: Boosts renewable energy development, reduces energy consumption, without new taxes. Harrisburg - The state Senate today passed with bipartisan support the $650 million Alternative Energy Investment Act, a measure sponsored by Sen. Mary Jo White (R-21) to boost renewable energy development and reduce energy consumption without imposing new taxes. Special Session Senate Bill 1 supports research and development of alternative energy technologies, helps municipalities and businesses implement clean-energy projects, and provides assistance to consumers to cover up to 25 percent of the cost to install energy-saving equipment. It also boosts funding of the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) by $100 million and provides rebates for the purchase of hybrid vehicles. The measure invests a total of $650 million over 10 years, funded by anticipated growth in the state gross receipts tax, and includes no new taxes, said White, who chairs the Special Session Committee on Energy Policies. "The challenge was to establish a framework that allows Pennsylvania to be aggressive in the development and use of alternative energy, while being responsible with taxpayer dollars. This measure achieves that," said White. "This is an historic investment in alternative energy in Pennsylvania that will boost use of alternative and renewable energy, and eventually reduce traditional energy consumption." The Alternative Energy Investment Act includes: * $250 million to provide: * Loans to businesses and loans or grants to counties, municipalities and school districts for clean energy projects, as well as loans and grants to businesses that support alternative energy production through the Commonwealth Financing Authority. ($210 million) * Pollution control technology grants for small coal-fired power plants to comply with new state and federal regulations. ($25 million) * Support for research and development of alternative energy technologies, and venture capital for Pennsylvania start-up businesses to develop or expand alternative and renewable energy technologies through the Ben Franklin Technology Development Authority. ($15 million) * $130 million for tax credits to increase alternative energy production. * $100 million for consumer grants, loans, rebates and reimbursements of up to 25 percent of the purchase and installation price for energy conservation projects. * $100 million to boost funding of the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). * $50 million to provide loans, grants and rebates of up to 35 percent of the purchase and installation costs of solar and solar photovoltaic panels. * $15 million for rebates for the purchase of hybrid vehicles. * $5 million in loans for energy efficiency projects in low-income households. a new energy plan will increase incentives for AE Paul M. Weyrich 8 – 6 – 08, Chairman and CEO of the Free Congress Foundation. [“American Energy Act: Voter Responses to Fuel Costs,” http://www.nationalledger.com/artman/publish/article_272621942.shtml

The final section of the bill deals with new and expanding technologies. It would spur the development of alternative fuels through government contracting and the repeal of the Section 526 prohibition against government purchasing of alternative fuels. It would promote coal-to-liquid technologically alternative fuels and would establish a renewable energy trust fund using revenues generated by exploration in the deep ocean and on the Arctic coastal plain. It would permanently extend the tax credit for alternative energy production, including wind, solar and hydrogen. This bill would eliminate barriers to the expansion of emission-free nuclear power production.

PC Low


PC Low MASSIMO CALABRESI 7 – 9 – 08, Time [“More Theater Over Iran's Nukes,” http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1821465,00.html?imw=Y]

George W. Bush and the Iranians are locked in a diplomatic game of "Who's crazier?" With six months left in office, no political capital at home or abroad, and a uniformed military ready to rebel at the first talk of a new war, the Bush Administration is left with simply the threat of military strikes, kept eternally "on the table" in hopes of bluffing Tehran into a compromise on its nuclear program.

Air Force Link Turn – Plan Popular


Synthetic fuels for the military are popular Money RX 5 – 22 - 08 [“Washington Fuels Alternative Energy Drive,” http://www.money-rx.com/blog/2008/05/washington-fuels-alternative-energy.html]

It's on its way to the Senate, where Senate Republicans indicate they might filibuster the bill, and the Bush Administration has already indicated that it plans to veto the bill, because it contains measures to increase tax revenue meant to balance the Democrats' pay-go system. Inspite of all these partisan hurdles, the very fact that Congress is concerned enough about the oil situation that it has started looking seriously at alternative energy, and is providing $8.8 billion to promote research and green initiatives at the state and local level, is good news for the alternative energy sector. Put together, the U.S. Military's embrace and funding of green products and solutions, coupled with 'bipartisan' support from Congress, is enough to make independence from fossil fuels a credible reality in the next few years. Let's hope they have the sense to push it through.

OCS Impact Defense


OCS wouldn’t have effect until 22 years AHN 8 – 6 – 08, All Headline News [“Pelosi: Offshore Drilling Protest Led By "Very Small Band" Of Republicans,” http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7011852343]

"According to the Bush Administration's own Energy Department, if we repealed the offshore drilling ban today, oil and gas production would not begin there until 2017, and impact on prices before 2030 would be "insignificant." We cannot drill our way out of this problem," Pelosi wrote. "While a very small band of your colleagues remain on the House floor to discuss gas prices, their constituents deserve to know why their representatives in Congress have failed to support serious, responsible proposals.... Americans deserve real solutions, not rhetoric," she added. DA doesn’t solve the case John Bentley 8 – 5 – 08, CBS News [“Will Offshore Drilling Help at the Pump? Government Studies Say No,” http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2008/08/05/politics/fromtheroad/entry4323718.shtml]

(HUNTINGTON, W.V.) – Despite the Department of Energy stating that offshore drilling would not have much impact on oil production for over 20 years, John McCain continued to make the argument tonight that the U.S. could see an impact on gas prices in a matter of months once domestic oil drilling begins. “It can be done much more quickly than, frankly, the environmentalists are saying,” McCain said on a telephone town hall for Pennsylvania voters. “I met with independent petroleum producers in California just the other day and they said within months we can see an increase, and within a very short period of time – a year to two years – we could see a more significant increase in our oil supply.” McCain first made that assertion last week at an oil field in Bakersfield, California, but neither he nor his campaign has been able to point to any literature or any oil executive that says domestic drilling would have any immediate impact. Offshore leasing wouldn’t be able to begin until 2012 due to existing moratoria, and “access to the Pacific, Atlantic, and eastern Gulf regions would not have a significant impact on domestic crude oil and natural gas production or prices before 2030,” according to the Department of Energy.

AT: GT Pakistan Turn


Diplomacy solves – US is doing damage control John J. Kruzel ‘8, American Forces Press Service [“Air Strike in Pakistan ‘Legitimate, Self-Defense,’ Pentagon Official Says,” 6/11/08, http://www.defenselink.mil/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=50178]

Morrell said U.S. and Pakistani officials are investigating the incident. “We are aware of some of the concerns that have been expressed by the Pakistani army and other elements of the Pakistan government,” he said. “And I can tell you that we are working with the Pakistani government to try to get to the bottom of this incident so that they have a better understanding of it, [and] so that we have a better understanding of it.” U.S. military officials said three coalition aircraft launched the counter strike into Pakistan, where enemy fighters fled after attacking coalition ground forces in Afghanistan’s Konar province.

Pakistan is fine with the strikes CNN ‘8 [“Pakistan: Deadly U.S. strike won't hurt relationship,” 6/13/08, http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/06/13/pakistan.drone/index.html]

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN) -- The U.S. airstrike which killed 11 Pakistani troops near the Afghan-Pakistan border Tuesday will not interfere with the countries' strategic partnership, Pakistan's U.S. ambassador says. Ambassador Husain Haqqani, speaking in Washington, said Thursday that the two countries should investigate the "unfortunate incident" together to ensure that it does not happen again, The Associated Press reported. Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell told reporters that there was "every indication" it was "a legitimate strike in defense of our forces after they came under attack." A U.S. official with knowledge of the incident told CNN the airstrike targeted suspected militants who had fled into Pakistan after conducting an ambush on the Afghan side of the border. The official said Pakistani military officials worked with the U.S. forces to track the militants as they fled across the border into Pakistan. The official also said the mission was permitted under the rules of engagement, which allow "hot pursuit" across the border of suspected militants when their locations are verified. Video Watch footage from the drone of the U.S. airstrike » Meanwhile, Pakistani Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi discussed the incident at meeting Thursday with NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. The foreign ministry said Scheffer praised Pakistan's contribution to the war against terror. "He underscored that in this war Pakistan is a part of the solution and this fact is always acknowledged by NATO," Pakistan's foreign ministry said in a statement. Haqqani said Pakistan remained resolved to fight extremism and terrorism. "I don't think we can allow such incidents to come in the way of strategic partnership that the United States and Pakistan both need," Haqqani said. He said Pakistan must know that its partnership with the U.S. was long-term and "that the United States will be there as a friend -- not just today but also tomorrow and the day after."

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