4.03 Human Resources Policies & Procedures, 61 Pages

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Policies & Procedures – Room Division – Human Resources Agenda -

1.01 New Staff Housing Set-Up 1.02 Locker Policy 1.03 Phone Use 1.04 Parking 1.05 Shoes 1.06 Sick Staff 1.07 Eating Policy 1.08 Dress Code 1.09 Personnel Records Access 1.10 Smoking 1.11 Equal Employment 1.12 Ethics & Personal Conduct 1.13 Military Leave 1.14 Disciplinary Code 1.15 Name Card Management 1.16 New Hosts 1.17 New Hosts Housing Expat 1.18 New Hosts Housing Set-Up 1.19 Drug & Alcohol Abuse 1.20 Telephone & Fax Management 1.21 Garbage Sorting Staff Area 1.22 Safety & Health 1.23 Accident Employee 1.24 Incident Report 1.25 Incident Accidents 1.26 Emergency Serious Disease 1.27 Medicines 1.28 Medical Emergency 1.29 Medical Examination 1.30 Grievance Procedure 1.31 Tragedy Death 1.32 Hydrochloric Acid 1.33 Safety & Deposit Boxes 1.34 Back Of The House Emergency Signs 1.35 Club Cars 1.36 Housekeeping 1.37 Robbery 1.38 Tipping 1.39 Disease 1.40 Fire Extinguishers 1.41 Damage By Guest



1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.51 1.52

Walkie Talkie Host Transportation Mail Central Respects For Guests & Staff Caring For Guests Grooming Professionalism Anticipating Needs VIP Guests Handling Complaints Empowerment


Department: Human Resources

Ref: HR 1.01

Page: 1/1

Subject: New Staff Housing Set-up

Date: 01 Mar 2004

Date revised:

Prepared by:

Approved by:

Approved by:

Resident Manager Issued:

General Manager

Distribution: All Department Heads

Purpose Al new team members who have been allocated a room in our host accommodation must have the following done prior to getting his/her room key Procedure • • • • • • • •

A time and date must be given for the new host to settle in the room, we would like one day or half day prior to get to know his new room hosts. He/she must familiarize himself with the host campus as well as rules and regulations A copy of the host house rules must be given and he must sign for the rule so that he knows what they are, personnel must talk the rules through with him or her. Keys for new hosts must be signed for and a record kept in their jacket as well as in key control inventory at personnel office Copy of host handbook to be given and signed for as part of his her uniform Copy of bus schedule for transfers Meal time information a copy of our hotel/resort grooming standards is given to all new team members in Thai and English

One day prior to the host arriving the following must be checked by personnel hosts to ensure the room is ready. •

The bed is made and clean linen has be set

The room must be checked for any defects such as no water or toilet blocked, if so a call to the engineering must be done to rectify this problem

No new host will go into a defect room, this is a bad image on our standard which we need them to adhere to

Upon arrival all new hosts must contact personnel office first to receive the keys etc

Personnel hosts must escort the new host to the staff quarters and introduce him to his/her new host room mates Personnel host to Wai him and wish him all the best with his new position at ... Resort Follow up must be done for the first week with all new team members


END Department: Human Resources

Ref: HR 02

Page: 1/1

Date: 01 Mar 2004

Date revised:

Prepared by:

Approved by:

Approved by:

Resident Manager Date issued:

General Manager

Distribution: All Department Head


Locker Policy

Purpose Lockers will only be issued to employees who are not resident at the hotel Keys will be issued to said employees and a replacement fee be applied for lost or damaged keys. and must be returned to HR on cessation of employment. Employees are not permitted to use a separate lock or locking device Due care must be taken to avoid damage to doors, locks or lockers. In case of damage, either willful or neglectful, employees bear the full cost of repair. Lockers and locker rooms must not be defaced by graffiti, stickers, adverts etc. either inside or out. No other labels may be used other than those issued by the hotel. No food stuffs, animals, or other prohibited materials of any kind may be kept in the locker or locker room. No valuables may be kept in the locker or locker room as the hotel will not accept liability for any loss. Washing or preparation of laundry is not permitted in the laundry. Gambling, consumption of alcohol, Illicit or indecent acts are not permitted in the locker room. Lockers will be inspected regularly by at least two members of management and security. Employees are not permitted to enter the locker rooms of the other sex END

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