4 Web Interface

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 656
  • Pages: 14
NNM Web Interface Jayashree Arunkumar


Starting the web user interface  http://hostname/OvCgi/ovlaunch.exe  Launcher window opens automatically  System can be configured for user security  User access can be monitored  Applications can be configured in the Launcher

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Session Configuration File  Session configuration file located at \install_dir\www\conf\session.conf  Format of file is UserLogin: on | off LoginLogging: on | off AccessLogging: on | off SessionTimeout: hours

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Modifying user password file  User password file is located at install_dir\www\etc\htpasswd  ovhtpasswd command creates entries in this file ovhtpasswd username

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Restricting Network Presenter Access  2 files located in install_dir\conf  ovw.auth – which host machines and which users on those machines can access an ovw session  ovwdb.auth – which host machines and which users on those machines have access to ovwdb

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Using the audit files  2 log files, one for logins and one for URL access install_dir\www\logs\launcher\login.log install_dir\www\logs\launcher\access_log  Following information is recorded – – – – – –

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Host Username Date Session number Access permitted URL (for the access_log file only)


Launcher error log  install_dir\www\logs\launcher\error_log  Should keep a watch over this file and trim it as needed  Contains the following details about the error – – – – –

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date/time host username session number reason


Common launcher errors  If the launcher window does not come up, check – full path name – NNM is running on the host

 If launcher does not accept the user, check – the username and password

 If the Network presenter does not come up, check – that ovw is running on the host, with the default or configured map

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Troubleshooting the launcher  If the launcher still does not come up, check – ovsessionmgr.exe is running – this is a background process – web server is running

 If the launcher stops during startup, check – configuration files

 If the launcher window comes up blank – check that the correct browser is installed – check that the browser cache is cleared – make sure any of the patches mentioned during installation are installed

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Maps and Network Presenter  In Network Presenter, you can only view a map that is open on the host system  Read-only maps and submaps  Changes to the host system submap are reflected in the Network Presenter view of the submap  Network Presenter does not influence what happens to the ovw session on the server  Menu items are limited

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Tabular view window  You can switch between graphical view and tabular view of a map  Tabular view can be sorted by Label, Status, Class and Subclass  Click on the title bar item in the Control Pane to sort

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Viewing maps other than default  Maps available to the Network Presenter are the maps currently being viewed on the host system with ovw  You can select a map when you start the Network Presenter using the URL format – http://server/OvCgi/jovw.exe?MapName=cmcmap1

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Differences – Network Presenter from ovw  Maps – – – –

opening maps only through new session map description box not provided read/read-write indicator not provided snapshot not provided

 Submaps – submap properties box not provided – no home submap

 Symbols – symbol properties box not provided – many properties not supported

 No Menu collapsing

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Troubleshooting Network Presenter  Verify registration files (use regverify), read permissions for everyone  Verify ovw is running, with the desired map  Try to access the Network Presenter directly through URL rather than through Launcher

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