Week 1 –English Monday Day 1 EEMP SOL E 4.1a-c Cooperation
Wednesday Day 3 EEMP SOL E 4.1a-c Cooperation
Thursday Day 4 EEMP SOL E 4.1a-c Cooperation
Friday Day 5 EEMP SOL E 4.1a-c Cooperation
R – The teacher will continue reading The Alfred Summer to the class.
R – The teacher will continue reading The Alfred Summer to the class.
R – The teacher will continue reading The Alfred Summer to the class.
LA/MI/W – The teacher will read the school’s MO/GA – The mission students will statement to the gather in a circle class and discuss and hold hands W/CC – The the importance with any person teacher will of cooperation that is not arrange with with the class. standing on a 1st grade The students either side of teacher to will take notes. them. As a class, have they will work students pair CE/CM/DR/GA together to up and – The students untangle their create Venn will role play a arms. Diagrams of scene between likes and two students that W – The dislikes are having a students will between conflict. The write a each other. students will act paragraph in The 1st out the way two their journals grader will students would about what they draw the handle a learned from the pictures and situation like the “tangled up” the 4th grader one that they are activity. will do all of in by using the writing. cooperation. The R – Students will class will then “Drop discuss the Everything And correct way to Read”. treat friends.
LA/GA/T/W/V A – The students will work in groups to create a pretend advertisement for the boat that the boys are making in the story. They will use the information about the boat that they learned through the class reading time, and create this advertisement using Microsoft Word.
W – The teacher will explain to the class what a prediction is and the students will write a paragraph in their journals to determine how they think The Alfred Summer ends. They will be sure to include explanations for their opinions.
LA – The teacher will explain to the students the importance of cooperation and team work in a classroom.
Tuesday Day 2 EEMP SOL E 4.1a-c Cooperatio n R – The teacher will begin reading The Alfred Summer to the class which is a chapter book about teamwork.
Microsoft Word
DA – The students with a native language other than English will have the opportunity to draw a picture of an ending scene in their journals rather than write.
Week 2 -English Monday Day 6 EEMP SOL E 4.1a-c Cooperation R – The teacher will finish reading The Alfred Summer to the class. LA – The teacher will give a short review of the book. The class will have a discussion on the most important scenes of the book. DR/ GA – The students will get into groups of four or five and have 30 minutes to create a short skit from their favorite scene in the book. The students will then share their scenes with the rest of the class. W – Students will have 3 minutes to write down the words that they can make from the letters in “cooperation”.
Tuesday Day 7 EEMP SOL E 4.1d,e Research R – The students will “Drop Everything And Read” for 30 minutes in the afternoon.
Wednesday Day 8 EEMP SOL E 4.1d,e Research R – The students will “Drop Everything And Read” for 30 minutes in the afternoon.
LA – The teacher will explain to the students the structure of a good interview. The class will brainstorm appropriate questions to ask while being interviewed.
LA/GA/W – The students will work in pairs and be told to interview each other and write down the answers to each question answered. The students will then introduce their partner to the class based on the questions answered in the interview speaking clear while using good grammar.
LA – The teacher will brainstorm with the class the value and effects of research.
HW/CF – The students will interview their person of choice at home.
Thursday Day 9 EEMP SOL E 4.1d,e Research LA/R – The teacher will hand out a worksheet with two paragraphs about two animals that live in the ocean. The first paragraph will have obviously inaccurate information for the students to identify. The students will learn the importance of reliable sources. W – The students will have five minutes to write facts about their favorite sea creature. CC – The students will make a trip to the library so the librarian may explain how to research using the library resources.
Friday Day 10 EEMP SOL E 4.1d,e Research LA/T/R/W – The students will have access to computers and library so that they may research for information about their sea creature. After reading the information, the students will record their information in writing. DA – The students that have trouble using the computer and library resources will be given extra assistance from the teacher.
Week 3 -English Monday Day 11 EEMP SOL E 4.1d,e – Research R – The students will “Drop Everything And Read” for 30 minutes in the afternoon.
Tuesday Day 12 EEMP SOL E 4.2a-c – Oral Presentations LA/W – The teacher will explain that one of the ways oral language is used is to persuade. The teacher will LA/W/T/E – brainstorm with The students the class will organize different their research examples of into an persuasion, appropriate few such as paragraphs. The commercials, students will that they are use the familiar with. computer lab to The students type their will take notes. paragraphs and hand them in to HO/R/VA – be graded as The students class work. The cut out teacher will be appropriate able to evaluate advertisements the student’s from their understanding magazines. The of research. ads will then be pasted onto HW – The poster board students will and hung collect around the magazines or classroom to newspapers that remind the are able to be students about cut up and torn persuasion in apart. oral speech.
Wednesday Day 13 EEMP SOL E 4.2a-c – Oral Presentations R – The students will “Drop Everything And Read” for 30 minutes in the afternoon. W/O – The students will use their notes from Week 2 to create a commercial to convince their classmates to buy a sea creature as a pet keeping in mind points made in Teachers Book: Earth Patrol on page 185K. The most persuasive salesman will win a prize.
Thursday Day 14 EEMP SOL E 4.2a-c – Oral Presentations R – The students will “Drop Everything And Read” for 30 minutes in the afternoon.
LA/W/O – The teacher will explain that oral language is also used to inform, and description is an important aspect. The students will split into groups of 4 or 5. Each group will get a different snack food, such as a brownie or a piece of candy. Each group will write down 7 to DA – The 10 descriptive students fear words about public speaking their snack. The will keep their groups will notes while then share with presenting the the class their commercial and descriptions present a while the class shorter guesses. commercial.
Friday Day 15 EEMP SOL E 4.2a-c – Oral Presentations LA/LI/MI – The teacher will show the importance of expression by reading the Missions Statement of IBE to the students in a monotone voice. O/R – The teacher will have a hat filled with different ways one can express themselves such as anger, sadness, or excitement. The students will take turns picking a slip of paper and read the Missions Statement to the class in that manner. W – The students will write about what they experienced.
Week 4 -English Monday Day 16 EEMP SOL E 4.2a-c – Oral Presentations LA/R – The teacher will explain that oral language is also used to entertain. The teacher will share a few jokes from a joke book to entertain the students. GA /W – The students will work in groups of 4 or 5 and create an entertaining skit to share with the class. The students will be sure to remember the oral presentation tips learned in previous lessons. HW – The students will prepare their costumes for their skit to bring to school the next day.
Tuesday Day 17 EEMP SOL E 4.2a-c – Oral Presentations LA/W – The teacher will review with the students the important aspects of oral presentations before the students give their skits. The students will write notes in preparation for the upcoming test. DR/ R/E – The students will use the scripts they created to act out their entertaining skits for the class. This skit will contribute bonus credit to the students’ grades for the first test. DA – Students that struggle with stage fright may be given smaller, yet important parts in their group skit.
Wednesday Day 18 Review
Thursday Day 18 TEST 1
Friday Day 20 EEMP SOL E 4.3a – Word Families LA/R/W – To LA/R/W – A LA/R – The review for the test will be teacher will test the students administered to explain that will be given a the students by when we read short study the teacher. words that we guideith the The first part of do not important notes the test will be understand, we discussed while short answer, do not always reviewing SOL and the students need a 4.1 and 4. 2. will have to dictionary. The The study guide write a short teacher will will be fill in paragraph about share five the blank and a time they had examples of the teacher will to cooperate. difficult words review through The second and placed in it with the third part of the descriptive whole class. test will consist sentences. The Students will of 15 questions students will have the that pertain to determine the opportunity to research and meaning of the ask the teacher oral words based on questions about presentations. the sentences the test. The questions shared. will be multiple choice and fill W – Students in the blank. will write a list of at least 5 words that they have heard but do not understand.
Week 5 -English Monday Day 21 EEMP SOL E 4.3a – Word Families
Tuesday Day 22 EEMP SOL E 4.3a – Word Families
Wednesday Day 23 EEMP SOL E 4.3a – Word Families
Thursday Day 24 EEMP SOL E 4.3a – Word Families
LA/R/W – The students will go to the library and check out a chapter book of their choice that is approved by the teacher. The students will use the entire Language Arts time to read their chapter books and record in their journals difficult words that they find. They will write the word and the page number of a minimum of 10 words found while reading.
LA – The teacher will go around the room and read the words that the each student wrote in their journals.
LA/R – The teacher will explain that there are words that sound the same but have different meanings. The teacher will R/W - The read several students will examples of the review each of words while the the words they students raise found and go their hands and back to the share the two page they found different each word on. meanings. By reading the few sentences W – The around each students will be word, the given a students will worksheet that estimate the has a list of definitions. words that have a similar T - Students sounding word DA – Students will use the with a different that are not able internet to play meaning and to read as fast a game called possibly a will only have Cows Context different to write down a Clues on spelling. The minimum of 7 internet4 students will words found classrooms.com fill out the while reading. worksheet by internet4 writing the classrooms.com match.
LA/MU/T – Because word families can be a list of words that rhyme, the teacher will share an appropriate popular CD with the students. While listening to the songs, students will write down the words that rhyme.
Week 6 -English
MO/W – Each of the students will receive one laminated word that has a match in the class. The students will find their partner and create one sentence using both words. Words will be scrambled and re-passed out. R – “Drop Everything and Read”.
Friday Day 25 EEMP SOL E 4.3b – Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes LA/MO/R – The teacher will write sentences on the board and will choose a few students to pantomime the verbs in the sentence. The teacher will then circle the root words of the verb and the other different ways the root word can be used. VA/W – The students will be given a list of root words and will illustrate one of the words with a drawing. The student will use the word in a sentence. Cooper and Pikulski 547H
Monday Day 26 EEMP SOL E 4.3b – Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes LA – Teacher will begin by asking students how the word “read” changes when “re” is put on the front. The teacher will explain that a prefix comes at the beginning and adds meaning to the word. R/W/GA – The teacher will write 10 words on the board and the students will read them aloud. The students will write the words down and choose prefixes to write down with a different color marker. The students will compare their results with each other. Cooper and Pikulski 547H
Tuesday Day 27 EEMP SOL E 4.3b – Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes
Wednesday Day 28 EEMP SOL E 4.3b – Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes
Friday Day 30 EEMP SOL E 4.3c – Antonyms, Synonyms, Homophones, Homographs LA/R – The LA/MO/W – R – “Drop LA/W/HO – teacher will To practice Everything and The teacher read aloud other suffixes Read” for 30 will write from students will minutes in the sentences with Teacher’s Pet each be given a afternoon. adjectives on by Johanna prefix or a the chalkboard. Hurwitz. suffix T – Students will The students Teacher will “necklace” use the website will take turns introduce the made with internet4 circling the suffix “ment” paper and yarn. classrooms.com changeable to the students The teacher to play a game words and the by writing will write a called “Jelly class will write root words in word on the Fish” in which the sentences one color and chalkboard and the students have using a the suffix in students that to label the synonym of the another color. have necklaces prefix, the base original. The class will that fit will word, and the read the words come to the suffix in a word R – “Drop aloud. front of the in order to fill Everything and room and stand the tank with Read” their W – The on the correct fish. book of choice students will side of the W – Students for 30 minutes complete the word. Students will complete in the worksheet will write down worksheets afternoon. found Spelling all of the about prefixes Practice combinations. and suffixes. Book: Celebrate R – “Drop DA – Students Reading! 4 Everything and that struggle Read” their with typing in Hurtwitz B7 book of choice. the answers or Foresman 22 comprehending the answers will be able to work with a classmate. Week 7 –English
Thursday Day 29 EEMP SOL E 4.3b – Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes
Monday Day 31 EEMP SOL E 4.3c – Antonyms, Synonyms, Homophones, Homographs LA/MO/R – The students will choose one word out of a hat and hold the sheet of paper at their desks. Each sheet will have adjectives and an antonym of it on another sheet. On the count of three, the students will go around to their classmates to find their opposite pair. W – Students will write 2 sentences with their partner using their words. DA – The students who struggle with writing in complete sentences will have help from their partner.
Tuesday Day 32 EEMP SOL E 4.3c – Antonyms, Synonyms, Homophones, Homographs LA/R/W/DR – The students will be detectives and learn how homophones are similar and alike in the way they are said and the way they are read. Students will write down the different meanings of the homophones. The students will determine whether words are homophones or not. T – Students will use bbc.co.uk to play a review game about homophones.
Wednesday Day 33 EEMP SOL E 4.3c – Antonyms, Synonyms, Homophones, Homographs LA/W – The teacher will explain the difference between the homophone and the homograph. The students will draw Venn Diagrams in their journals to compare and contrast the 2. LI/O/R/GA – The students will complete a worksheet that has sentences including a pair of homographs. The students will work with a partner to practice reading the sentences correctly.
Thursday Day 34 EEMP SOL E 4.3c – Antonyms, Synonyms, Homophones, Homographs MU/GA/E – The students will work in groups of 3 or 4 to write a song to the tune of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” using homophones and homographs. The teacher will observe to evaluate their understanding.
R/W – The students will read Wallaby Creek and write down the descriptive words. The students will write in their journals an opposite W/R - The account of students will some of the complete the things worksheet on described by highland.hitcho. using com. About antonyms. homographs. Week 8 -English
Friday Day 35 EEMP SOL E 4.3d – Using Dictionaries, Thesaurus, Etc. LA/R - The teacher will introduce the SOL by having students to choose 5 words. The teacher will then search the word in the dictionary and the thesaurus. The teacher will read the results aloud so that the students will understand the difference between both books. W–A worksheet will be given with vocabulary words. The words will have results from the dictionary or the thesaurus. The students will have to determine which book was used.
Monday Day 36 EEMP SOL E 4.3d – Using Dictionaries, Thesaurus, Etc. LA – The class will recite the ABC’s together. The teacher will explain that it is important to remember the order of letters because the words are listed in alphabetical order. R/W – The students will each be given a dictionary and a list of words that the students will not recognize but have funny definitions. The students will put the words in alphabetical order and practice searching for words in the dictionary. The students will write the most appropriate definition.
Tuesday Day 37 EEMP SOL E 4.3d – Using Dictionaries, Thesaurus, Etc. R/W/L/HO – The students will make a thesaurus for the classroom. The teacher will pass around a signup sheet with a list of adjectives on it. The students will each sign up for two adjectives. The students will make a decorative page for each adjective and brainstorm synonyms to their adjective without using another thesaurus but using their classmates. The teacher will photocopy the pages and create a thesaurus for each student.
Wednesday Day 38 Review
Thursday Day 39 TEST 2
Friday Day 40 EEMP SOL E 4.4a-d – Comprehension of Fiction
T/R - To review for the test, the students will go to the computer lab to play a series of different games about roots, prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, antonyms, homophones, & homographs.
The students will be issued a test. The test will have 2 matching sections. The first section will be for the students to match a prefix to a root word and the second will be to match a root word to the suffix. The third section will be multiple choice, and the students will choose synonyms, antonyms, homophones, & homographs based on the directions given.
LA/LI/W – The teacher will begin by telling the students a story, letting them believe it will be true, and turning it into an obviously fiction story toward the end. The teacher will explain the definition of fiction to the students. The students will write the definition down into their journals for future reference.
W – The students will write a journal entry about how they will prepare for the test.
R – “Drop Everything and Read” their book of choice for 30 minutes in the afternoon. DA – Students that have trouble writing may draw a fictitious picture instead.
Week 9 -English
Monday Day 41 EEMP SOL E 4.4a-d – Comprehension of Fiction LA/ CC – The students will use the library resources to check out fiction books for their reading throughout the week. Students will read these books during “DEAR” time. R – “Drop Everything and Read”. W/VA – The students will use poster board and other craft items to create a fictional character to cut out and hang around the room. The students will remember their definition of fiction while they complete this project. The students will write a few sentences to describe it.
Tuesday Day 42 EEMP SOL E 4.4a-d – Comprehension of Fiction R – “Drop Everything and Read”.
Wednesday Day 43 EEMP SOL E 4.4a-d – Comprehension of Fiction R – “Drop Everything and Read
Thursday Day 44 EEMP SOL E 4.4a-d – Comprehension of Fiction R – “Drop Everything and Read
Friday Day 45 EEMP SOL E 4.4a-d – Comprehension of Fiction R – “Drop Everything and Read
LA/ R/MO – The teacher will read Where the Wild Things Are to the students to give the students an example of a good award winning fiction story. The students will walk and imitate the way they believe the wild things walked.
LA/R – The students will identify the difference between extraordinary fantasy and ordinary realism. The teacher will read a portion of Charlotte’s Web to the students. The students will identify what makes Charlotte a fictional character.
LA/R/LI – The teacher will read The Three Little Pigs to the students, which will be a familiar story. The students will see that this type of story is also fiction.
DA – The students will act out their own skits to show that they understand fiction.
W – The students will write a short story in their journals to go along with the creatures that they made the previous day.
W – The students will split up into groups of 4 or 5. The students will prepare a skit based on a recognizable W – The story or fairy students will tale. The make a chart in students will their journals write a skit, using columns. giving each One column will partner a be labeled speaking part. “Extraordinary Fantasy” and the HW – The other “Ordinary students will Realism”. talk to parents & come up with Cooper 597 costumes.
Week 10 -English
W – The students will finish the study of fiction by writing a fiction story of their choice in their journals. The students will have the opportunity to share. DA – Students that are from other cultures will have different stories and tales to share. They will have the opportunity to share the stories from their culture.
Monday Day 46 EEMP SOL E 4.5a – Computer Knowledge LA – The students will begin by choosing a famous historical person from our nation. The teacher will explain the difference between fiction and nonfiction. T/R/W – The students will go to the computer lab and begin researching information about their person using good resources. The students will record the important information down onto a piece of paper.
Tuesday Day 47 EEMP SOL E 4.5a– Computer Knowledge LA/R – The teacher will read a short story biography about Martin Luther King, Jr. so that the students can have a good understanding of nonfiction text.
Wednesday Day 48 EEMP SOL E 4.5a– Computer Knowledge T/R/W – The students will continue researching information about their famous person. When they finish they will start typing up the papers on the computers.
W – The students will be given a worksheet with a list of different people. The students will label whether these people are fictional characters or nonfiction characters.
DA – The students that are not familiar with using computers will be able to observe their classmates and ask the teacher for assistance. These students will be given a shorter assignment if necessary.
Week 11 -English
Thursday Day 49 EEMP SOL E 4.5a– Computer Knowledge W/ R/T - The students will continue to type their famous person report being sure to use good grammar and important computer skills.
Friday Day 50 EEMP SOL E 4.5a – Computer Knowledge T – The students will finish their computer typed reports by including a heading and important picture that will add to the text.
LA/E – The student will show understanding of the assignment by answering questions that the teacher will ask about their individual person as the teacher scans the room.
R/W – The students will trade papers with a classmate and read and correct it, leaving kind notes when appropriate. T – The student will then return to the laptop and complete the final paper, after corrections are made.
Monday Day 51 EEMP SOL E 4.5b – Formulating Questions GA/LA/CM – The students will work in pairs to play a short game using questions. The students will carry a conversation with each other using only questions. This will probably make them laugh. LA/W – The teacher will then gather the students and review the important question words: who, what, where, when, why, and how. The students will take notes.
Tuesday Day 52 EEMP SOL E 4.5b – Formulating Questions LA/R/W/LI/ – The teacher will first show the book Rules by Cynthia Lord to the students. The students will share questions they have about the book based on the title and the pictures on the cover. The students will write their questions down. The teacher will read the book to the students. After reading the book the students will ask more questions about the story and write them down also.
Wednesday Day 53 Trip to Library Field Trip
Thursday Day 54 EEMP SOL E 4.5b – Formulating Questions LA – The teacher will tell the students that there was not enough time to prepare a test for the class for Friday. The teacher wants the students to take a test though, so the students will have the responsibility to create the test. R/W – The students will read the same short story printed onto a worksheet and will have to create five questions that would have been answered in the text. The students will hand their work in to the teacher.
R – The students will “Drop Everything And Read” for 30 minutes in the afternoon. Week 12 -English
Friday Day 55 EEMP SOL E 4.5b – Formulating Questions R/W – The teacher will pass out the work done on Thursday but not to the same student that created the questions. The students will answer the questions that their classmate wrote down from the story. HW – The students will watch a TV show that night or over the weekend and create 5 questions that were answered in the TV show. DA – Students that do not have access to a television can read a newspaper or a picture book from the library.
Monday Day 56 EEMP SOL E 4.5c – Identifying Purpose LA/R – The teacher will read Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom by Carole Boston to the students. W – The teacher will ask the students what they thought the author’s viewpoint of Harriet Tubman was. The students will create a chart listing the viewpoint and examples from the story, such as descriptions the author used, to prove the viewpoint. Cooper and Pikulski 469
Tuesday Day 57 EEMP SOL E 4.5c – Identifying Purpose LA – The students will review Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom and brainstorm what Boston’s purpose of writing the book was.
Wednesday Day 58 EEMP SOL E 4.5c – Identifying Purpose LA/DR/HO – The students will choose a slip of paper out of a hat. Each paper will have a purpose such as to persuade, to inform, or to entertain. The students will each choose an R – The item in the students “Drop room to use Everything And during their Read” for 30 presentation to minutes in the the class. The afternoon. students will present their W – The item to the class student will using the complete a purpose they worksheet titled chose and the “Why am I class will guess writing this?” which purpose it is. DA – Students that have R – “Drop trouble reading Everything And can work on Read” this worksheet with a friend. W – The students will manatee.k12. write in their fl.us journals about the experience. Week 13 -English
Thursday Day 59 EEMP SOL E 4.5c – Identifying Purpose LA/MU/R – The teacher will play a CD of different songs such as a love song, a sad song, and a song with a strong beat. The students will listen to the lyrics and the type of music and identify the purpose of the song. The teacher will print out the lyrics of the songs for the students to read. The students will highlight where the purpose of the song stands out in the lyrics. W – The students will write a short poem that shares a specific message or purpose.
Friday Day 60 EEMP SOL E 4.5d – Deduction Based on Text LA/R - The teacher will read Rapunzel by Paul Zelinsky to the class stopping a few pages before finishing. The students will guess what will happen next based on the information that they have already read and write it in their journals. T – The students will use the computer lab to access a game called “Be a Critical Reader” which has very short paragraphs for students to read and answer questions based on the text. Tv411.org
Monday Day 61 EEMP SOL E 4.5d – Deduction Based on Text O/R – The students will read the inference that they made based on the story Rapunzel from Friday to their classmates. DA – Students that do not feel comfortable reading their story to the class do not have to. They may read it to the teacher privately. LA/R - The teacher will finish reading Rapunzel to the class and the class will see if their guesses were correct.
Tuesday Day 62 EEMP SOL E 4.5d – Deduction Based on Text T/R – The students will practice using inferences by playing “Inference Riddle” online in the computer lab. The students will read the inferences and type in the answer they think is correct. W – The students will write a short description of an object that someone would find in a school and save their paper for review day.
Wednesday Day 63 Review
Thursday Day 64 TEST 3
Friday Day 65 EEMP SOL E 4.5e,f – Coming to Conclusions
R – The students will then The students will trade their papers from yesterday with a friend and use their inferring skills to determine what the object is.
E – The students will be assessed on how well they understood the information from weeks 9 to 13. Part 1 The first part will be True and False. The students will write a “true” if the sentence is fiction and “false” if it is not. Part 2 The students will read a short paragraph and: a. determine the purpose of the author b. create 3 questions that are answered in the text and c. make a deduction based on the text.
CC – The teacher will invite a detective from the community into the classroom to share with the students the importance of facts being organized so that conclusions can be made.
W – The students will write a fiction paragraph choosing a specific purpose while writing the story and labeling it. The students will write 5 questions that the story answers.
W – The students will write in their journals what they think might happen after the story is finished. Week 14 -English
R – The students will begin reading their own copy of From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E. L. Konigsburg. They will read chapters 1 and 2. W – The students will write about what they learned from the detective today.
Monday Day 66 EEMP SOL E 4.5e,f – Coming to Conclusions LA - The teacher will refute what the detective said and explain that the students need to have all facts organized in order for a conclusion to be made. The teacher will tell the students that they will be detectives all week.
Tuesday Day 67 EEMP SOL E 4.5e,f – Coming to Conclusions R – The teacher will read chapters 4 and 5 during class to the students and the students will follow along in their own books.
W – While the teacher is reading the students will take notes in their journals that will help R – The teacher lead to the will read conclusion at chapter 3 the end of the during class mystery. and the students will follow HW – The along. students will read chapter 6 HW – The of From the students will Mixed Up Files read chapter 4. of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. W – The students will complete the crossword puzzle based on chapters 1 & 2. Edhelper.com
Wednesday Day 68 EEMP SOL E 4.5e,f – Coming to Conclusions R/O – The students will get into groups of 3 or 4 and read chapter 7 with each other. The students will have the opportunity to read as much s they want as long as everyone reads aloud in the group. DA – Students that struggle with reading out loud can practice by reading with the teacher. HW – The students will read chapters 8 of From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.
Thursday Day 69 EEMP SOL E 4.5e,f Coming to Conclusions R/O –The students will take turns reading chapter 9 aloud in class. They will popcorn pass the reading to the next student.
Friday Day 70 EEMP SOL E 4.5e,f – Coming to Conclusions LA/R/W – The class will discuss the conclusion of From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. The teacher will have left up the notes from the LA – The previous day students will and the students talk about will read tem conclusions and aloud. The discuss what students will they think the compare which conclusion will notes were be in the story. accurate and The students important to the will share the final conclusion notes that they of the story. took throughout The students the book while will copy the acting as important notes detectives. The into their teacher will journals and record the notes write the on the conlusion of the chalkboard. story in their own words. HW – The students will read chapter 10 of From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.
Week 15 -English Monday Day 71 EEMP SOL E 4.5g – Correlating Concepts LA/R – The teacher will begin reading Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Patterson to the students. The teacher will read chapters 1-3 aloud.
Tuesday Day 72 EEMP SOL E 4.5g – Correlating Concepts LA/R – The teacher will continue reading Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Patterson to the students. The teacher will read chapters 4 and 5 aloud.
Wednesday Day 73 EEMP SOL E 4.5g – Correlating Concepts LA/R – The teacher will continue reading Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Patterson to the students. The teacher will read chapters 68 aloud.
Thursday Day 74 EEMP SOL E 4.5g – Correlating Concepts LA/R – The teacher will continue reading Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Patterson to the students. The teacher will read chapters 9 and 10 aloud.
Friday Day 75 EEMP SOL E 4.5g – Correlating Concepts LA/R – The teacher will finish reading Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Patterson to the students. The teacher will read chapters 11-13 aloud.
W - The students will relate this reading to their previous lesson prefixes and suffixes. While the teacher reads, the students will write down prefixes and suffixes that they hear.
DA/CE/GA – The students will work in pairs and role play Jesse and Leslie’s friendship. The students will act upset with each other and then create a friendship. This is a reiteration of a lesson on cooperation.
LA/O – The students will discuss the characters, scene, and plot. The students will discuss whether this book is fiction or not, which relates to the comprehension of fiction lesson previously learned.
LA – The students will make an inference based on the text they have read so far. The students will discuss the important events of the story and guess what will happen in the final 3 chapters.
W – The students will write in their journals about a time that they fought a friend, and how the problem was solved.
W – The students will write in their journals whether they think that this story is fiction or not and give examples.
W – The students will write down their guesses in their journals.
W – After finishing the book, the students will discuss the message that the author was trying to portray through Bridge to Terabithia. The students will write down a list of questions that the text answers and create a short pretend test for their classmates.
LA – After reading the first 3 chapters, the teacher will write some of the examples on the board and review the definitions.
DA – Students that struggle with this can work in pairs.
Week 16 – English Monday Day 76 EEMP SOL E 4.5h – Cause and Effect/Fact and Fiction LA/R – The teacher will write 2 sentences on the board. The students will read them aloud together. The students will state which was an action and which made something happen. The teacher will introduce clue words to the students. W – The students will write 10 cause and effect circumstances that have happened in their own lives. Cooper and Pikulski 335
Tuesday Day 77 EEMP SOL E 4.5h – Cause and Effect/Fact and Fiction R – The teacher read Mr. Popper’s Penguins by Richard Atwater.
Wednesday Day 78 EEMP SOL E 4.5h – Cause and Effect/Fact and Fiction LA – The teacher will draw a chart on the board and explain cause and effect to the students again. LA/HO – The The teacher teacher will will show that draw a chart on sometimes one the board and effect can be a give an cause for a example of a second effect. cause and effect The teacher situation. The will give an students will example by follow and give filling in the other examples. chart on the They will write board. their cause and effect examples W - The on the chalk students will board and in create a chart their journals. similar to the teachers to DA – Students record in their that do not feel journals. comfortable writing on the R – “Drop board can ask Everything and the teacher to. Read.”
Thursday Day 79 EEMP SOL E 4.5h – Cause and Effect/Fact and Fiction LA/W – The class will discuss fire and create a brainstorm web about it. The teacher will draw the web on the board. The class will then discuss fact & opinion and rewrite all the comments about fire into the correct column. The students will copy all of this into their journals. R – “Drop Everything and Read”. T – The students will take a fact or opinion quiz on quia.com
Friday Day 80 EEMP SOL E 4.5h – Cause and Effect/Fact and Fiction LA/R – The teacher will read aloud what the boa constrictor says in the second paragraph on page 166 of Teacher’s Book: Earth Patrol. W – The students will identify which statements are facts and which are opinions. The students will record their findings in their journals.
Week 17 -English Monday Day 81 EEMP SOL E 4.5i – Identifying New Information GA/W – The students will work individually and choose a zoo animal. The students will write down all of the facts that they know about the zoo animal. R/T – The students will then search reliable online sources and encyclopedias to record new information about the animal. LA – The class will then regroup and discuss the new information that they learned. DA – Students that are easily distracted will work in pairs for this activity.
Tuesday Day 82 EEMP SOL E 4.5i – Identifying New Information W/VA – The students will use large poster boards to create a chart of old and new information. The new information should be bright and colorful and easy for someone to read. R/O – The students will then take turns reading sharing their new interesting facts with their classmates.
Wednesday Day 83 Review
Thursday Day 84 TEST 4
Friday Day 85 EEMP SOL E 4.6a –Creating Questions about a Topic
R/W – The students will prepare for the upcoming test by reading a story that the teacher typed and printed out. The students will underline the facts with a red marker and the opinions with a blue marker. The students will circle the causes with a green marker and circle the effects with an orange marker. The students will then trade papers and correct their friend’s paper. The students will discuss why they answered the way they did while grading each other.
E – The teacher will issue a test to the students. The first part of the test will be a list of facts and opinions. The students will have to answer whether the questions are facts or opinions. The second part of the test will be fill-in-theblank. There will be a sentence written down. The students will have to choose from a key which sentence goes with which cause or effect.
LA/ W – The teacher will write the words “Stray Dog” on the chalk board. The students will then be given 5 minutes to write down as many questions as they can think of about the words “stray dog”. LA – The teacher will explain eh importance of asking questions about a topic. R – The teacher will read chapters 1-5 from Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo. HW – The students will read chapters 7 and 8.
Week 18 -English Monday Day 86 EEMP SOL E 4.6a –Creating Questions about a Topic LA/W – The class will discuss what happened in chapters 7 and 8 over the weekend. The class will create a list of questions to watch for answers for while reading chapters 9-13. The students will write the 5 best questions on the chalkboard.
Tuesday Day 87 EEMP SOL E 4.6a –Creating Questions about a Topic R – The teacher will read chapters 14-17 from Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo.
Wednesday Day 88 EEMP SOL E 4.6a –Creating Questions about a Topic R – The teacher will read chapters 18-21 from Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo.
Thursday Day 89 EEMP SOL E 4.6a –Creating Questions about a Topic R – The teacher will read chapters 22-26 from Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo.
CC/O/W – The teacher will have an employee from a local animal shelter come to the class to share with the students about stray dogs. The students will have the chance R – The teacher to ask this will read employee chapters 9-13 questions about from Because stray dogs of Winn-Dixie while referring by Kate to their list of DiCamillo. questions that they wrote on the Friday before. The students will take notes.
W/O/LA – The class will discuss the main character, Opal. The teacher will provoke questions to be asked about her character. The students will make educated guesses based on the reading already completed. The students will write down questions about Opal that they would like to have answered before the end of the story.
W/O – The students will go back to their question list about stray dogs and see if any of their questions had been answered through the book and through the animal shelter employee. If they had, they will share them with the class.
Week 19 -English
DA – Students that have trouble reading in front of the class will only be encouraged, not forced to share their answers.
Friday Day 90 EEMP SOL E 4.6b- Finding Resources LA/MO/LI – The class will play “Whisper Down the Alley” to teach them the importance of finding reliable resources and not just trusting any resources. W – The students will discuss the different options for resources and write what resources they would most like to use in their journals. R – The students will “Drop Everything And Read” for 30 minutes in the afternoon.
Monday Day 91 EEMP SOL E 4.6b –Finding Resources LA – The students have already learned the importance of reliable resources, so the teacher will now explain how to find reliable resources. T/R – The teacher will show the students handouts from kathyshrock.net that specify the ABC’s of how to find resources. The students will take turns reading aloud for the class. W – The students will write in their journals the top 3 rules that stood out in their minds.
Tuesday Day 92 EEMP SOL E 4.6b –Finding Resources LA/R/W – The students will each pick a topic of their interest, whether it be cars, dolls, The Revolutionary War, etc. On the first day the students will use only print resources to find out information about their topic. They will have access to the library and record all of the information they receive.
Wednesday Day 93 EEMP SOL E 4.6b –Finding Resources LA/R/T/W – The students will continue researching their topic of interest, but instead of using only print resources the students will use only online resources. The students will have to be careful not to find any false information on the internet. DA – The students that have trouble staying focused on appropriate websites will stay with the teacher and have the teacher help to search the internet.
Week 20 -English
Thursday Day 94 EEMP SOL E 4.6b –Finding Resources LA – The teacher will review with the students the importance of finding reliable resources. LA/R/W/T – The students will organize their information and write a short paper about their topic of interest. The students will also list the resources that they used on a second sheet of paper.
Friday Day 95 EEMP SOL E 4.6b – Finding Resources LA/GA – The students will work in groups of 3 or 4 and share their stories with their classmates. They will read them aloud to each other quietly. R – “Drop Everything And Read” W – The students will write in their journals the most difficult thing about finding resources. The students will also write what type of resource they prefer to use.
Monday Day 96 EEMP SOL E 4.6cEvaluating Information LA/HO/R – The class will use a recipe to make a yummy dessert that does not require an oven or a microwave. Each student will have a particular job in the process. The class will discuss the importance of an accurate recipe. The teacher will propose questions such as: What if it required 5 sticks of butter instead of 1? W – The students will write about the importance of evaluating information to assure that it is correct. DA – The teacher will prepare a snack that does not negatively react with allergies.
Tuesday Day 97 EEMP SOL E 4.6cEvaluating Information LA/R – The students will read a paper written by their teacher about their town. The students will evaluate the information to determine whether it is correct or not. HW/CF – The students will take the paper home and ask their guardians, hopefully a reliable resource, if the paper written has valid information or not.
Wednesday Day 98 Review
Thursday Day 99 TEST 5
Friday Day 100 EEMP SOL E 4.7a- Focusing on One Aspect of a Topic LA/R – The E –The LA/W – The students will students will be teacher will review by evaluated on draw a going over the their studies. brainstorm web notes that they The first part of on the took throughout the test will be chalkboard. the past 2 multiple The teacher weeks. The choice. It will will write “Itsy students will ask questions Bitsy read the ABC’s directly from Elementary” of finding the study guide inside of the resources about spider web. The again. evaluating students will information brainstorm W – The and finding different things students will resources. The that relate to choose an item second part of Itsy Bitsy in the the test will be Elementary classroom and true or false such as 1st write a list of 5 taken from the grade, 2nd questions about ABC’s of grade, lunch, the topic. finding recess, etc. The resources. students will R/W – The copy this chart students will The students into their fill out a short will be given a journals. study guide topic on the test with questions and will have R – “Drop about to create 3 Everything And evaluating questions about Read”. information and the topic. finding HW – The resources. students will draw their own web choosing one thing to be the center and branching off.
Week 21 -English Monday Day 101 EEMP SOL E 4.7a- Focusing on One Aspect of a Topic
Tuesday Day 102 EEMP SOL E 4.7a- Focusing on One Aspect of a Topic
Wednesday Day 103 EEMP SOL E 4.7a- Focusing on One Aspect of a Topic
Thursday Day 104 EEMP SOL E 4.7a- Focusing on One Aspect of a Topic
LA – The students will take out their homework and set it on their desks. The teacher will explain the importance of narrowing down your topic so that the paragraph you write is not too broad.
LA/GA/W/HO – The students will work in groups of 3 or 4. Each group will have a bag of random items. The students will take out each item and write down whether the item would be a good topic or too broad of at topic. If the topic is too broad, the students will think of a way to make it more specific.
MO/R/W/LA – The students will all stand by the chalkboard. The teacher will choose a broad topic like “pizza”. The teacher will stand in the center of the room with the word pizza written on a sheet of paper. The teacher will call on students to branch out from the center of the web (her) and write a new word to relate to that. They will read the word aloud. The students may branch out from each other also. The web will not be complete until all of the students have participated.
LA/W – The students will brainstorm and make a list for 1 minute of different vacation locations. Next, the students will brainstorm different ideas that relate to 1 of the vacations for 2 minutes. They will choose a specific topic from their list.
W – The students will read over their homework, and make changes necessary. They will choose one of the outer branches and create a new spider web using that as the center. R – “Drop Everything And Read”
R – The students will “Drop Everything And Read” for 30 minutes in the afternoon.
DA – If a student has trouble writing quickly, the teacher will write while the student dictates. R – The students will “Drop Everything And Read” for 30 minutes in the afternoon.
Friday Day 105 EEMP SOL E 4.7bPreparing Before an Outline LA/DR – When writing a paper, it is important to determine who your audience is. The teacher will fill 2 hats with different types of audiences. The class will split into 2 groups, and the students will take turns being an audience and speaking to the audience about pizza. W – The students will write down which audience they would like to write to about their vacation. R – The students will “Drop Everything and Read”.
Week 22 –English Monday Day 106 EEMP SOL E 4.7bPreparing Before an Outline LA/W – The teacher will create a simple outline on the chalk board. The teacher will go through each step of writing an outline with the students. The students will copy the teacher’s outline into their journals. MU – The teacher will show the students the song by Jennifer Fixman called “Main Idea, Supporting Detail, Wrap It Up”. The students will sing along. R – “Drop Everything and Read”
Tuesday Day 107 EEMP SOL E 4.7bPreparing Before an Outline LA –The teacher will review with the students the different steps in creating an outline. W/T – The teacher will go through the directions with the students for the website. The students will use interactives. Mped.org to create an outline about their topic. R – The students will “Drop Everything And Read” for 30 minutes in the afternoon. DA – The students that do not comprehend the directions can work with the teacher.
Wednesday Thursday Day 108 Day 109 EEMP SOL E EEMP SOL E 4.7c – 4.7c – Demonstrating Demonstrating a Central Idea a Central Idea
Friday Day 110 EEMP SOL E 4.7c – Demonstrating a Central Idea
LA – The students will review the outline that they created the previous day. They will make any corrections that are necessary.
LA/GA/R – The students will read a short story written by the teacher. The students will work in pairs to underline the topic sentence in red and then each of the supporting ideas in blue.
R/W – The students will hand their papers to the teacher and the teacher will randomly pass them out. The students will write on the back of the outline who they think the audience is and what the central idea of the outline is.
LA/W – The students will complete a prewriting activity found in Teacher’s Book: American Snapshots on page 397B. The students will write questions that the reader might want to know, and ensure that the questions are answered by the outline. R – The students will “Drop Everything and Read” for 30 minutes in the afternoon. Cooper and Pikulski 397B
LA – The class will discuss the story and will note the placement of the topic sentence in each of the paragraphs. W – The students will prepare topic sentences for each of the headings in their outline.
Week 23 -English Monday Day 111 EEMP SOL E 4.7c – Demonstrating a Central Idea LA/W – The teacher will discuss the importance of central idea. The teacher will write 5 questions on the board that a book should answer to find the central idea. The teacher will read Officer Buckle and Gloria by Peggy Rathmann to the class. The students will take notes while the story is read. The class will discuss the central idea of the story and whether the book answered the 5 questions. R – The students will “Drop Everything and Read”.
Tuesday Day 112 EEMP SOL E 4.7c – Demonstrating a Central Idea LA/W – The teacher will set up 5 stations around the classroom. The class will split into 5 groups and move from around the stations. At each station, there will be an object for the students to create a central idea and 3 supporting ideas. The students will write down their ideas and discuss them afterward. R – “Drop Everything and Read.” DA – The students that process ideas slower, will be dispersed through the groups and encouraged to participate.
Wednesday Day 113 EEMP SOL E 4.7c – Demonstrating a Central Idea LA – The teacher will review with the students the importance of having a central idea in a paper. R/W – The students will review their outlines one last time. They will read the critiques that their classmates wrote on their papers and take the ideas into account. If the intended audience was not guessed correctly, the student will make necessary changes.
Thursday Day 114 EEMP SOL E 4.7d – Writing Several Paragraphs LA/MO/O – The teacher will write a topic sentence on the chalk board. She will write “First, Next, and Finally” on separate lines below. She will throw a beach ball to a student, and the student that catches it will think of the next sentence. The ball will be passed around in the same way. The students will practice until they can write paragraphs on their own in this way. R/W – The students will practice writing paragraphs in this way and then read them aloud to the class.
Friday Day 115 EEMP SOL E 4.7d – Writing Several Paragraphs T/R – The students will go to the website and play the interactive game on tv411.org to learn the important things to include in an opening paragraph. W – The students will read their outline and write an opening paragraph based on what they learned from the website tv411.org.
Week 24 -English Monday Day 116 EEMP SOL E 4.7d – Writing Several Paragraphs LA –The students will review the important components of a paragraph with the burger technique. The teacher will have the large poster board burger hanging on the board. R – The students will read a paragraph from Because of Winn-Dixie. The students will decide as a class which sentence matches to which part of the burger W – The students will fill in blanks on a worksheet that has the burger model on it.
Tuesday Day 117 EEMP SOL E 4.7d – Writing Several Paragraphs W – The students will write paragraphs using their previously made outlines. The students will use colored markers to circle each sentence according to the part of the burger that it is.
Wednesday Day 118 EEMP SOL E 4.7d – Writing Several Paragraphs LA/W – The teacher will explain that there are many different ways to write several paragraphs. The students will read an essay and discuss what it is about. The students will go through page 451C in Teacher’s Book: Meet the O/R – The Challenge and students will discuss the share their purpose and paragraphs with how an essay is the class and written. The will point to the students will burger as they learn that there read. is no right or wrong way to DA – The write an essay. students ha The students struggle with will take notes. reading aloud will not feel R – “Drop obligated to Everything and read. They may Read” ready theirs to the teacher to Cooper and show Pikulski 451 C understanding. Week 25 -English
Thursday Day 119 EEMP SOL E 4.7d – Writing Several Paragraphs LA/W – The teacher will review the lesson from Wednesday briefly and instruct the students to write a personal essay. The students will brainstorm ideas such as who they admire and why, the quality they like best in people, and what a “best” friend is. R – The students will have time set aside when the students can read their essays aloud to the class.
Cooper and Pikulski 451D
Friday Day 120 Trip to Science Museum Field Trip
Monday Day 121 EEMP SOL E 4.7d – Writing Several Paragraphs LA/R – Another way that students can write several paragraphs is to write an explanation. The students will read aloud the solution to Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Disgusting Sneakers. The students will learn that an explanation tells “Why” or “How”. W - The teacher will discuss the guidelines for writing an explanation on page 293C of Teacher’s Book: Super Sleuths. Cooper and Pikulski 293C
Tuesday Day 122 EEMP SOL E 4.7e- Expand Writing Skills
Wednesday Day 123 EEMP SOL E 4.7e- Expand Writing Skills
LA – The teacher will write the sentences “The pretty horse ran fast” and “The beautiful steed galloped quickly.” The students will discuss the words in both sentences and how the second sentence paints a more beautiful picture.
LA – The students will practice combining sentences after the teacher shares the basic rules of it with the students.
W – The students will each have a worksheet to fill in. The worksheet will have basic sentences for the students to “upgrade” with better descriptions. R – The students will “Drop Everything And Read” for 30 minutes.
Thursday Day 124 EEMP SOL E 4.7e- Expand Writing Skills
Friday Day 125 EEMP SOL E 4.7e- Expand Writing Skills
LA – The teacher will explain how an author can show rather than tell in a story. The class will read selected paragraphs and LA/MO – Each discuss what student will the author have a “said” without laminated sheet using words. of paper with a sentence, GA/W/R – The comma and a students will conjunction, or practice writing a semi-colon. sentences that The class will “show” and do practice not “tell”. The combining students will sentences. work in pairs to verify W – The class understanding. will do a worksheet DA - The where they will students that combine are slow to sentences in the understand the most concepts can appropriate work with a way. cooperative gifted classmate R – “Drop teacher. Everything And Read” Cooper and Pikulski 416
LA – The teacher will give examples to how an author provides emphasis in writing. The class will discuss why this happened and how it does. R/W – The class will read Meg Mackintosh and the Case of the Curious Whale Watch and record when the something is emphasized. R/W – The class will practice by giving emphasis to the essay they wrote previously in the year.
Week 26 –English Monday Day 126 Review
Tuesday Day 127 TEST 6
Wednesday Day 128 EEMP SOL E 4.7fUnrhymed and Rhymed Poetry R/W – To E – The LA – The review for the students will teacher will test the teacher take an exam discuss the will pass out a that will cover season of study guide for the previous summer with the students to unit that they the students. read over and have learned. The teacher fill in. The class The test will will discuss the will go through consist of way the 5 the study guide multiple choice, senses relate to as a whole, and fill in the blank, summer. the students and 2 short will fill in the answer LA/GA/W/R – blanks along questions. The The class will the way. students will split up into answer groups of 5 and questions that each student come directly will choose one from their study of the 5 senses. guide from the The students previous day. will work together to DA – The write 5 students that descriptive need more time words. The to complete the class will put test will have all of the words the opportunity together to to take it during create a poem a study hall. in the chalk board. The class will record the poem in their journals.
Thursday Day 129 EEMP SOL E 4.7fUnrhymed and Rhymed Poetry LA – The teacher will introduce riddles to students. The teacher will explain how a riddle works and that there is always a solution to the riddle. The students will discuss a riddle together. R/W – The students will complete a worksheet filled with riddles. The students will read the riddles and try to solve them. R/W – The students will write a riddle in their journals and read them aloud for their classmates to try and solve.
Friday Day 130 EEMP SOL E 4.7fUnrhymed and Rhymed Poetry LA /W – The teacher will give the directions on how to write a “name poem” while writing a name poem about himself/herself on the chalkboard. The students will follow along and take notes on the directions. VA/W – The students will write a name poem about themselves into their journals. The students will then draw their name poems onto a poster board. The students will decorate their posters in a colorful way and hang them around the class room.
Week 27 -English Monday Day 131 Standardized Testing TEST
Tuesday Day 132 Standardized Testing TEST
Wednesday Day 133 Standardized Testing TEST
Week 28 –English
Thursday Day 134 Standardized Testing TEST
Friday Day 135 Standardized Testing TEST
Monday Day 136 EEMP SOL E 4.7fUnrhymed and Rhymed Poetry LA – The teacher will discuss riddles again with the class, but instead this time they will only talk about rhyming riddles where 2 words mean 2 other words that rhyme. For example: Funny Horse means “Silly Filly”. W – The students will have fun filling out a worksheet based on these riddles. R – “Drop Everything and Read”.
Tuesday Day 137 EEMP SOL E 4.7fUnrhymed and Rhymed Poetry LA – The teacher will discuss with the students the specific format of a Haiku poem. The students will brainstorm ideas about the state of Virginia. W/R – The students will write a Haiku poem about what reminds them of Virginia. The students will then illustrate their poem by drawing a picture. The students will read them aloud.
Wednesday Day 138 EEMP SOL E 4.7fUnrhymed and Rhymed Poetry LA – The teacher will use the idea on Lesson plans page.com to help the students to write a sneaky poem. The teacher will first give an example and have the students guess the object.
Thursday Day 139 EEMP SOL E 4.7gTechonology for Research
Friday Day 140 EEMP SOL E 4.7gTechonology for Research
LA – Because students have already learned how to search for reliable resources, the students will review what a reliable resource is with the teacher.
LA/T/R/GA – The students will split into groups of 4 or 5 and will use the computer lab to search for information about an assigned poet. The students will each choose a poem written by that author to read to the class.
R – The students will “Drop Everything and W - The Read” for 30 students will minutes in the they create their afternoon. own sneaky poem by W – Students brainstorming will write a silly describing poem about words. what happened to someone R – “Drop when they used Everything and a bad resource. Read. “ DA – Students struggling with rhyming words do not need to write a rhymed poem.
Week 29 -English
W/VA – The students will work together to create a poster with information about the poem.
Monday Day 141 EEMP SOL E 4.7gTechonology for Research LA –The teacher will introduce a lesson on alliteration. The teacher will make up a short sentence using alliteration for each student. T/R – The students will view the website volweb.utk.edu to read the alliteration for each letter of the alphabet. W – Each student in the class will create a small poster for one letter of the alphabet creating their own alliteration sentence. DA – If there are more students than letters, students that struggle can work in pairs.
Tuesday Day 142 EEMP SOL E 4.7gTechonology for Research LA/GA/R/W – The teacher will mix up everyone’s name in a hat. Each student will choose one name and write an acrostic poem about the person they chose. The students will use an internet thesaurus to come up with appropriate creative words to describe their friend. W – The students will write their poems out on an 8x11sheet of paper and illustrate it with colorful pictures. The students will hang their work around the room and everyone will be encouraged.
Wednesday Day 143 EEMP SOL E 4.8a- SubjectVerb Agreement LA – The students will begin by talking about nouns. Nouns are usually subjects. The students will review what a common and a proper noun is. DA – The students will take turns playing charades and acting out a famous proper noun. The class will guess. W – The students will complete a worksheet that deals with common and proper nouns. R – The students will “Drop Everything and Read” for 30 minute in the afternoon.
Thursday Day 144 EEMP SOL E 4.8a- SubjectVerb Agreement LA/MO – The teacher will introduce action verbs. The class will split into two teams and push all of the desks out of the way. The students will do a relay raced that involves completing different action verbs including skipping, running, hopping, etc.
Friday Day 145 EEMP SOL E 4.8a- SubjectVerb Agreement LA/MU – The students will learn about helping verbs by singing the song on lessonplans page.com to the tune of the Barney song, or “This Old Man”. The class will practice using these verbs in sentences
R – The students will “Drop Everything and Read “ for 30 minutes in the afternoon.
R – The students will “Drop Everything and Read” and later share a sentence with the class.
W – The students will W – The class study the list of will write helping verbs sentences in and use that their journals knowledge to using action complete verbs to explain sentences on a what they did worksheet during the provided by the relay. teacher.
Week 30 -English Monday Day 146 EEMP SOL E 4.8a- SubjectVerb Agreement W – The students will write sentences using “Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow” to practice verb tenses.
Tuesday Day 147 EEMP SOL E 4.8a- SubjectVerb Agreement LA/R/W/T – The students will edit their previous writing to makesure that they are using subject verb agreement. They will use a R – The teacher red pen to edit a will read a book previous piece written by written in the Walter Dean class. After Myers titled editing their Jazz and note own paper, the the different students will tenses that the trade papers author uses with a throughout the classmate and book. edit each other’s papers. MO/LA – The The students students will will return them play a game back to the called “Tenses owner of the with your paper and the Senses” and say owner will sentences in retype the paper each tense including all using the the corrections. present and past tense verbs while acting them out such as running or smelling.
Wednesday Day 148 EEMP SOL E 4.8bPrepositional Phrases MU/LA – The students will learn the prepositions while singing the preposition song found on lessonsplan page.com.
Thursday Day 149 EEMP SOL E 4.8bPrepositional Phrases .MO/W – The students will play a game of charades where they have to act out a preposition including an object and their classmates will W/VA – The guess it. The students will class will be each choose a split into 2 preposition and teams for this use it to draw a game. The creative picture. students will The picture write down all should help to of the resemble what prepositions the preposition presented. means. For example: R – “Drop “Between” Everything And could be Read” written between a drawing of 2 DA – Students people. that struggle from stage R – The fright will have students will the opportunity read story to be primarily printed from guessers for the computer their team. and circle all of the prepositions HW – Bring that they find. magazines in for tomorrow.
Friday Day 150 EEMP SOL E 4.8bPrepositional Phrases R/W/VA – The students will page through the appropriate magazines to cut out prepositions and nouns that they find that are bold and colorful. The students will use the prepositions and the nouns to create a short story that can fit onto a poster board. The students will use at least 5 prepositional phrases on their poster board story. The poster boards will be hung around the room
Week 31 –English Monday Day 151 EEMP SOL E 4.8bPrepositional Phrases LA/R/W – The students will check out a small picture book from the library. The students will page through the picture book to find 10 prepositional phrases. The students will write the sentences down that include the phrases. The students will circle the preposition, underline the prepositional phrase, and point an arrow to what the prepositional phrase is describing. DA – Students that need more time for this lesson will only have to find 5 prepositional phrases in the reading.
Tuesday Day 152 EEMP SOL E 4.8bPrepositional Phrases MO/LA – The teacher will explain that prepositions often indicate a direction or location in space. The teacher will call out things like “Under the desk” and the students will move there. The students will then play Simon Says using prepositional phrases to explain which direction to go in.
Wednesday Day 153 EEMP SOL E 4.8bPrepositional Phrases VA/W – The students will create a floor plan of their bedroom, their living room, or an imaginary dream bedroom. The students will label each of the items inside of their room and write 10 sentences using prepositional phrases to describe where things are placed. For Example: The clock is on the table.
W – The students will write down sentences from today’s activity.
R/O – The students will share their floor plan by reading it aloud to the class.
R – The students will “Drop Everything and Read” for 30 minutes in the afternoon.
Thursday Day 154 EEMP SOL E 4.8bPrepositional Phrases LA/GA/MO – To review prepositions the students will all stand in a circle around the room. The students will go around the circle saying a prepositional phrase and using a preposition that has not been used yet. When a word is repeated that student will sit down. The game continues until only one person is standing. R – “Drop Everything and Read” W – The students that get out will write the prepositions said to help the teacher keep track.
Friday Day 155 Trip to Monument Field Trip
Week 32 –English Monday Day 156 EEMP SOL E 4.8cElimination of Double Negatives LA/W – The teacher will introduce double negatives to the students by writing the list of negative words on the chalk board. The students will copy the words into their journals. The teacher will read examples of sentences with double negatives and the students will raise their hand and explain what was negative. R/T – The students will read and complete a quiz found on discovery education.com that asks students questions about negatives.
Tuesday Day 157 EEMP SOL E 4.8cElimination of Double Negatives LA/MO/R – The class will be split into 2 teams and play a game that is a mix between family feud and wheel of fortune. Two students will come up at a time and the teacher will read a question relating to double negatives. The student that first grabs the paper towel role will tell the answer and then guess a letter in the blanks on the chalkboard. The team that deciphers the sentence on the board wins.
Wednesday Day 158 Review
LA/W – The students will begin reviewing for the test by going over the notes given in the previous lessons. The students will practice subject verb agreement by writing 10 sentences in their journals and underlining the subjects and the verbs. The students will circle the prepositional phrases that they include in their sentences.
Thursday Day 159 TEST 7
E – The students will be evaluated on the concepts that they have learned in the last few weeks. The first part of the test will be matching. The students will match poem styles to an example of poetry. The second part of the test will be multiple choice. The students will choose which subject or verb fits into the sentence correctly. The R – The third part of the students will tests will be fill read poetry in the blank. In books out loud part A the to each other students will and clap every fill in the time they hear a appropriate DA – Students negative word. negative word that cannot play and in part B the game can the students fill in the letters will fill in the on the board. preposition.
Friday Day 160 EEMP SOL E 4.8d- NounPronoun Agreement LA –The teacher would read a story to the students that includes no pronouns and the students would have to tell why it does not flow. W – The class would practice by filling out a worksheet of a written paragraph. The worksheet will have blanks where pronouns will be placed and the students will have the option to place the noun or the pronoun into that slot. R – The students will “Drop Everything and Read” for 30 minutes in the afternoon.
Week 33 –English Monday Day 161 EEMP SOL E 4.8d- NounPronoun Agreement LA/GA/R/W– The students will divide into pairs and create a matching game with scissors, markers, and colored paper. The students will write pronouns and nouns that match and the squares to be the same size and shape. The students will then turn the cards over and play matching games to see who can find the most matches. DA – Students with poor memories may work as partners and they may create fewer cards to match for the game.
Tuesday Day 162 EEMP SOL E 4.8d- NounPronoun Agreement LA – The students will discuss demonstrative pronouns and what they replace in sentences.
Wednesday Day 163 EEMP SOL E 4.8d- NounPronoun Agreement MU/GA/W – The students will work in groups of 4 or 5 and use the list of indefinite pronouns to try and create a song using the W – The pronouns to a students will familiar tune to write sentences help the class to including the memorize the demonstrative pronouns. The pronouns which students will are this, that, write their song these, and on a piece of those. paper and a confident group R – The member will students will sing it to the read Anatole class. The and the Cat by whole group Eve Titus and may sing it to recognize all of the class the together. demonstrative pronouns used R – The in the story. students will “Drop Everything and Read” for 30 minutes in the afternoon.
Week 34 –English
Thursday Day 164 EEMP SOL E 4.8d- NounPronoun Agreement LA/R/W – The students will practice including indefinite pronouns in their writing and recognizing indefinite pronouns in sentences by writing a short story including at least 10 indefinite pronouns. When the stories are complete, the students will trade them with a partner and circle the indefinite pronouns.
Friday Day 165 EEMP SOL E 4.8d- NounPronoun Agreement LA/T – The students will review all of the pronouns that they have learned through the last week. They will play the game on eduplace.com about pronouns. R/W – The students will also review by reading the story Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin. The students will write down all of the pronouns they read in the book; they will write each different type of pronoun in a different color.
Monday Day 166 EEMP SOL E 4.8e- Commas R/W – The students will practice combining sentences using a comma and a conjunction. The students will complete a worksheet that explains when a comma is necessary when using a conjunction. T/R/W – Then the students will complete an activity found on owl. English.purdue. Com . This activity is similar to the worksheet that they completed before. HW – The students will cut out 2 newspaper articles and circle the commas in each of the articles.
Tuesday Day 167 EEMP SOL E 4.8e- Commas LA –The teacher will write lists on the board inside of sentences and the students will have to place the commas in the correct places. W – The students will write sentences that include lists of items and place the commas in the correct places. The class will practice making lists together and the students will write them in their journals. R – The students will “Drop Everything and Read” for 30 minutes in the afternoon.
Wednesday Day 168 EEMP SOL E 4.8e- Commas LA/R – The teacher will write a sentence on the chalkboard that has an introductory statement that requires a comma. The students will read the sentence out loud as a class and recognize the need for a comma. W – The students will complete a worksheet with sentences with introductory statements that need commas. DA – The teacher will give students that have trouble understanding the concept a worksheet filled with examples.
Week 35 –English
Thursday Day 169 EEMP SOL E 4.8e- Commas LA/R – The students will review previous journal entries and check the content for appropriate comma usage. W – After reading through previous entries, the students will find the journal entry that needs the most correcting. The students will rewrite one of the journal entries and include necessary commas. The students will write the commas in red so that they stand out. R – The students will “Drop Everything and Read” for 30 minutes in the afternoon.
Friday Day 170 EEMP SOL E 4.8e- Commas LA/O/W – The students will try to read a paragraph aloud that does not contain any commas. After losing their breath, the students will admit that commas are necessary in writing. The students will each write a paragraph that does not contain any commas. GA/R/W – The teacher will collect all of the papers and pass them out again to different students. Each student will add commas to the paragraph. The papers will be passed back for the original author to double check the newly added commas.
Monday Day 171 EEMP SOL E 4.8f- Adverbs and Adjectives LA /DA/R– The teacher will write adverbs on slips of paper and place them inside of a hat. The students will take turns choosing an adverb and read the sentence written on the board with the correct expression. The students will learn that adverbs can describe actions. W – The students will complete a worksheet. The worksheet will have a list of 10 sentences with many adverbs. The students will underline all of the adverbs in the sentences.
Tuesday Day 172 EEMP SOL E 4.8f- Adverbs and Adjectives LA/R – The students will understand that adverbs describe verbs, adverbs, and adjectives by the sentences written on the board. The teacher will write the sentences from Teacher’s Book: Meet the Challenge page 509I on the chalkboard. The class will read the sentences aloud together and learn to compare using adverbs. W – The students will write the sentences that are written on the board into their journals so that they can use them as study guides for the upcoming test.
Wednesday Day 173 EEMP SOL E 4.8f- Adverbs and Adjectives LA /R– The students will learn that adjectives describe nouns and pronouns while the teacher reads Ox-Cart Man by Donald Hall. The students will discuss the descriptive words used throughout the book, and the teacher will write them on the chalk board. W – The students will write 10 sentences using adjectives. DA – The gifted students will write 2 paragraphs instead of 10 sentences. .
Week 36 –English
Thursday Day 174 EEMP SOL E 4.8f- Adverbs and Adjectives LA/R/W – The teacher will write different headings that different adjectives describe such as “what kind” and “how many”. The students will label columns in their journals and place the correct adjectives in the correct column as the class reads sentences together HW – The student will bring magazines to class tomorrow.
Friday Day 175 EEMP SOL E 4.8f – Adverbs and Adjectives LA/R/W/VA – The students will use the magazines that they bring to class to cut out descriptive adjectives and adverbs. The students will have to follow a worksheet that has guidelines on the types of adjectives and adverbs that need to be cut out. After cutting all of their adjectives out, the students will write a short story that will fit onto a poster board that includes all of their required adjectives and adverbs. The students will hang their creations around the classroom.
Monday Day 176 EEMP SOL E 4.8g- Articles LA/W – The teacher will introduce the three articles to the students by writing them on the chalk board. The students will discuss, as a class, the different ways to use each of the articles and create class definitions for each article. The students will write the class definition into their journals.
Tuesday Day 177 EEMP SOL E 4.8g- Articles LA/R/W – The teacher will write sentences incorrectly on the chalk board and the students will copy the sentences into their journals. The problems with the sentences will all be because of articles that are used erroneously. The teacher will call on as many students as there are sentences to come to the R – The teacher board and will read a short correct the poem to the sentence. The class and the students will class will keep copy the a tall y mark of sentences into how many their journals. articles are used. DA – The gifted students will not only copy the sentences into their journals but they will write extra sentences.
Wednesday Day 178 Review
Thursday Day 179 FINAL TEST
Friday Day 180 Fun Day
LA/R/W/GA – To review for the last test of the school year the students will review noun and pronoun agreement, commas, prepositional phrases, adverbs, adjectives, and articles. The classroom will be divided into 5 sections and the students will work in small groups. The students will work their way around the stations. Each station will have review and study tips of one of the five topics talked about in this unit. The student will take notes and follow the directions written at each station.
E – The students will be evaluated on their final unit. In the first part of the test, the students will match pronouns to the noun that they replace. The second part of the test will be a list of 5 sentences. In this section, the students will place commas in appropriate locations in the sentences. The third part will be a written paragraph in which the students have to circle prepositional phrases in green, underline adjectives in blue, underline adverbs in yellow, and draw a square around articles in purple.
The stidemts will have fun language arts worksheets to fill out throughout the day that have riddles and fun alliteration! Splend your Summer Superbly!