3.role And Functions Of Manager

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 723
  • Pages: 13
Principles of Management

Role and Functions of a Manager

Roles of a Manager-Interpersonal, Informational, Decisional

Manager and Environment

The Management System

Functional areas of management

Challenges of an Indian manager

Principles of Management

Roles of a Manager Interpersonal Role: 

 

Figurehead-performs activities like greeting visitors, give awards to employees etc Leader- Lead and motivate subordinates Liaison- He is a link between organisation and outsiders

Informational Role:   

Monitoring- Collects information Disseminator- Distributes information Spokesperson- Represents his unit/organisation while interaction with outsiders

Principles of Management

Decisional Role: 

Entrepreneur- Assumes risk in terms of results, due to dynamic factors of business Disturbance Handler- Tries to control forces that tend to disturb smooth functioning of the organisation Resource Allocator- Allocates human, financial and physical resources according to needs

Principles of Management

Manager and Environment 

Economic environment

We measure organisation’s performance in financial terms Hence, studying the economic environment is important Factors affecting the economic environment are:      

Economic system (Capitalistic, mixed, socialist) National income and its distribution Economic policies- Monetary and Fiscal Availability of natural resources/raw material Investment needed in plant and machinery, manpower Availability of infrastructure

Principles of Management

Political-Legal environment

These environments play two roles - Promoting and restraining It gives incentives, protection, facilities It also restricts the functions through laws, regulations etc A manager needs to know:     

How do the environments influence the business Government policies, approach towards the business Legal restrictions, licensing required if any Restrictions on exports, pricing, distribution Formalities in setting up business

Principles of Management

Technological environment

It affects the process of conversion of RM into FG It deals with techniques and inventions of doing things related to designing, production and distribution A manager needs to know:     

Level of technological development of the country Pace of technological changes and obsolescence Sources of acquiring technology Restrictions on acquisition/transfer/absorption of technology Cost factors involved

Principles of Management

Socio-Cultural environment

It consists of attitudes, beliefs, desires, expectations, education and customs of the society A manager needs to know:      

How do social factors affect business Do the factors affect acceptability of a product? Lifestyle of the society Level of resistance/acceptance to change Propensity to consume and save Values attached to a product

Principles of Management

The Management System 

With growth and expansion in business organisation, different types of managers were evolved

1) One Manager-Many Subordinates:

M anager S u b o r d in a t e s

S u b o r d in a t e s

S u b o r d in a t e s

S u b o r d in a t e s

Principles of Management

2) Vertical Specialisation:

M anager M anager S u b o r d in a te

S u b o r d in a te

S u b o r d in a te

Principles of Management

3) Horizontal Specialisation:

M anager M a n a g e r - S a le s S u b o r d in a te

S u b o r d in a te

M a n a g e r - F in a n c e S u b o r d in a te

S u b o r d in a te

Principles of Management

Functional Areas of Management 


Purchasing Materials Management Research and development 


Advertising Marketing Research Sales Management

Principles of Management

Finance and Accounting:

Financial Accounting Management Accounting Costing Investment management Taxation 


Recruitment and selection Training and development Wage and salary administration

Principles of Management

Challenges of an Indian manager 

Globalisation of economy - cope with changes, R&D in place

Corporate restructuring - divesting, acquisition of core business

Changing job profile – Machines replaced men, old profiles included mere doing of work. Now thinkers, managers, learners are needed

Increasing role of women employees - HLL targets to have 20% of female managers in next 5 years

Emphasis on knowledge management – Employees are a great source of rich knowledge. Treating them as assets and managing the in house talent is a challenge for today;s manager

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