3q Science4-answer Key

  • May 2020
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3Q SCIENCE TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN PLANTS Fill in the blanks. A plant has a _transport system to carry _food______ made by the leaves to the rest of the plant and to carry ___water____ and minerals absorbed by the __roots_____ to the rest of the plant.

The leaves of the plant use water and

_carbon dioxide__ to make food in the presence of sunlight in a process called __photosynthesis__. Number the following 1-3 in the correct sequence. A. movement through water-carrying tubes ___2___ water and minerals move up the plant ___1___ water and minerals are absorbed by the roots ___3___ excess water escapes through the stomata as water vapor B. movement through food-carrying tubes ___1___ green leaves absorb sunlight and carbon dioxide ___2___ green leaves process the sunlight, carbon dioxide with water to make food ___3___ food moves to other parts of the plant ENERGY TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the sentence is True and F if it is False. ___F__ 1.

Our main source of heat and light energy is food.

___T__ 2

Only plants are able to make their own food.

___F__ 3.

Materials that allow light to pass through them are opaque.

___T__ 4.

Light travels in a straight line.

___T__ 5.

It is possible for one object to cast shadows of different shapes and sizes.

__F___ 7.

Objects cast longer shadows at noon compared to morning.

Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words in the box.



Carbon dioxide








Chlorophyll 1.3.



___Chlorolphyll____________ enables plants to make food using water and _carbon dioxide____ and __light_ energy from the sun.

4. Humans and ___animals_________ get energy from ___food_______. 5. When light falls on a mirror and bounces off in another direction, this is called ____reflection_____________. 6. Frosted windows and tinted glasses are examples of _translucent______ materials. 7. A _shadow_______ is formed when light is __blocked___ by an object. 8. Living things need _energy___ to carry out life processes. Multiple choice. Ring the letter of the correct answer. 1.

Which of the following is not a light source? B a. b. c. d.

firefly star lightning burning wood

2. Aleena had four sheets made of different materials as shown in the diagram below. She arranged the sheets, S, T, U and V in a straight line. When the torch is switched on, a small, bright circular patch of light is seen on Sheet T only. Which one of the following best describes the properties of the materials of sheets S, T, U and V? Ring the letter of the correct answer. D

Allows lights to pass through

Does not allow light to pass Not possible to through tell


T and V




S and U





T and V





S and U

3. Which of the following objects does NOT reflect light well? D a. b. c. d. 4.

steel kettle mirror silver spoon wooden chopping board

Which of the following gets its energy directly from the Sun? A Fruit bat





Mango fruit a. b. c. d.

mango fruit fruit bat owl monkey

5. In the diagram above, the owl gets its energy from the ______D______. a. b. c. d.


fruit bat fruit bat and mango fruit fruit bat, mango fruit and sun monkey, fruit bat, mango fruit and sun

Which of the following does not store energy? B

a. b. c. d.

wood plastic wind lakes

Why are navy seals able to use the periscope in a submarine to see things above the surface of the water? (2 pts) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ HEAT Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer. _____D_____ 1. Eunice poured some boiling water into a beaker and heated it over a flame as shown in the diagram below. xxx ____D____ 2. Which of the following statements about heat are wrong? A: Heat helps living things to keep warm. B: Heat enables man and animals to see. C: Heat is needed to dry clothes. D: Heat is a kind of matter. A. B. C. D.

A and B A and D B and C B and D

___B____ 3. Four glass containers, A, B, C and D, were each filled with 200cm3 of water as shown below. In which container will the water evaporate the fastest? A. B. C. D.

Container A Container B Container C Container D

______D_____ 4. Celine placed a bottle of hot milk into a basin of ice water as shown below. Which of the following statement/s is true? A: The temperature of the hot milk would decrease for a period of time. B: The temperature of the tap water would remain unchanged.

C: The ice gained heat from the hot milk, tap water in the basin and surrounding air. D: The basin was cold when you touched it because you hand lost heat to it. A. B. C. D.

A and C only B and D only A, B and C only A, C and D only

____C____ 5. Heat is given off by _______________________. A: the sun B: melting ice C: burning things D: rubbing a stone against the ground A. B. C. D.

A and C only B and D only A, C and D only All the above

____A_____ 6. Which processes are put under the wrong headings? Heat Loss

Heat Gain













A. B. C. D.

1 2 3 4

___A_____ 7. A pupil carried out an experiment. He set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram below. After some time, he observed that the balloon had inflated. This happened because ____________________________ expands when heated. A. B. C. D.

air water the balloon the bottle

_____D____ 8. Which of the following preocesses involve heat energy? A: Baking a cake.

B: Ironing clothes. C: Melting butter on a plate. D: Setting jelly in a refrigerator. A. B. C. D.

A and D only C and D only A, B and C A, B, C and D

______D____ 9. Look at the diagram of a kettle below. Which part/s of it is most likely made of materials that are poor conductors of heat? A. B. C. D.

A only C only B and C only A and D only

____D_____ 10. Joco set up the experiment shown below. She used some wax to attach 4 thumbtacks A, B, C and D to the iron rod. She lit the candle and held it near the iron rod at the part marked X. Which one of the following shows the correct order in which the thumbtacks will drop from the iron rod? A. B. C. D.

A, B, C, D B, C, A, D C, B, D, A D, C, B, A

Fill in the blanks. 1-2. Give two instances when we can use heat gain: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 3. Give one instance when we use heat loss: ______________________________________ 4.5.

Give two effects of heat gain on matter: ______________________________________ ______________________________________


Give two effects of heat loss on matter: ______________________________________ ______________________________________

9.10. Give two examples of good heat conductors: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Write the letter of the correct answer. A. B. C. D. E. F. G.

radiation temperature Celsius expand convection insulator conduction

____E___1. A kind of heat transfer that happens in a cycle (hot air rises while cold air sinks. ____C___2. The unit of measurement for hotness or coldness ____A___3. How solar energy reaches the earth is an example of heat transfer called ______. ____F___4. Poor conductor of heat ____D___5. If an object is heated, it will _________ by taking up more space.

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