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1-25 .sorularda cümlede boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen kelime yada ifadeyi bulunuz.

1- Every car has a speedometer, which ........... how fast the car is going at a given moment. A) regulates D) indicates

B) substitute C) determine E) consult

particularly bold, it was bound to end in failure.

coma, but quite ............ he responded to the treatment, and recovered consciousness within a week. C) presumably

homeless, many more would probably die on the streets. B) nourishing C) digestible E) unselfish

7- ......... had he found the job he had always wanted ......... the economic crisis forced the company out of business. B) Whether/or C) Not only/but also E) The more/the less

8- She is still so angry at her ex-husband that she leaves the room .......... his name is mentioned. B) even thoughC) by the time E) nevertheless

academically, ......... you realise that your studies come first. B) in case E) as long as

C) as if

10- We were enjoying our hike in the mountains until the sudden storm hit and, .......... we found ourselves lost, cold and wet. A) on the whole D) at first

B) rather than C) all at once E) in progress

11- ........ the invention of movable type, publishing involved the laborious and time-consuming task of making copies of books ........ hand. A) Since/at D) Before/by

B) With/in E) By/from

C) The oldest

16- We'll have to get a taxi. These bags are just .......... heavy for us to carry all the way to the station. A) much D) as

B) so E) too

C) very

17- Stop fighting over the chocolate! There is enough for ......... of you A) anyone/enough D) all/some

B) everyone/a lot C) whole/much E) one/plenty

18- I'm completely fed up with your poor quality and service, so I'm going to take my business ......... . A) somewhere D) elsewhere

B) everywhere C) wherever E) nowhere

19- "Turn that noise down," the mother shouted angrily at .......... children, who were playing rock music on ......... tape recorder very loudly. A) her/their D) hers/its

9- You can have a good time at university, and still succeed A) in order that D) unless

B) So old E) Too old

to have ......... .

6- Were it not for the charities which provide ....... meals for the

A) no matter D) whenever

C) that

Moors in 1181 for King Abu Yakob. A) As old D) The older

5- The doctors had given up all hope as to his recovery from the

A) No sooner/than D) Both/and

B) who E) how

15- ........ building in Seville, Spain, is the Alcazar, a castle built by the

B) traditionally C) superficially E) beneficially

A) curative D) fulfilling

is now working in marketing.

C) hazard

risen so ....... in the past six months.

B) basically E) miraculously

B) break/up C) count/on E) turn/down

14- Let me introduce you to Ms Harper, .......... used to be a teacher, but A) where D) when

4- The government is worried because the unemployment rate has

A) apparently D) frankly

name ........ from that list. A) put/on D) cross/out

3- Though his .......... to reach the South Pole in winter was

A) dramatically D) reluctant

C) with/over

13- There is no way I want to go to Veronica's party, so please ........ my

margarine for it in most recipes.

B) survey E) achievement

B) at/among E) for/about

C) restores

2- Butter is very high in cholesterol, but it is possible to ........

A) instinct D) attemp t

animals. A) to/on D) about/through

B) accelerates E) announces

A) activate D) imitate

12- Some plants that are toxic ....... humans have little effect.....

B) herself/his E) they/her

C) them/theirs

20- I'm sure that he ......... with us after he ......... down a little. A) will agree/has calmed B) had agreed/is going to calm C) agrees/calmed D) agreed/would have calmed E) has agreed/will calm

21- When I was in high school, I......... my leg while I ......... in a crosscountry race. A) was breaking/had run B) broke/was running C) had broken/ran D) used to break/would be running E) have broken/am running

22- Let's not go so early, because they ......... dinner before eight.

C) For/with A) didn't finish B) aren't finishing C) hadn't finished D) haven't been finishing E) won't have finished

E) it was the most successful year he had ever spent

23- Though Mr Watt......... in the same neighbourhood for years, he ......... friendly relationships with any of his neighbours. A) had been living/couldn't develop B) is living/didn't develop C) might have lived/doesn't develop D) used to live/isn't developing E) was living/hasn't been developing

24- We ......... earlier if we had known what time the play ......... .

A) once the rain has stopped and we can go outside B) because I have never seen such a good place for sailing small boats C) if only you had not travelled so much and seen more exciting places D) which offered much less to see than your hometown E) when you saw there is nothing else like it in the entire world

31- ......... so she wasn't very pleased when it was cancelled.

A) left/would have started B) had left/was starting C) would have left/was going to start D) are leaving/had started E) might leave/will have started

25- The loan period for library books is two weeks, but books .......... twice, which means you ......... to keep them for one month. A) should renew/have been allowed B) can be renewed/are allowed C) have been renewed/have allowed D) are renewed/ought to allow E) are supposed to renew/allow 26-34. sorularda,yarım bırakılan tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

30- You will understand why I am so fond of this place ...........

A) My uncle had bought us all tickets to the play B) Mary wasn't planning on seeing the film anyway C) Elizabeth was very excited about her birthday D) Ann had been looking forward to the party E) Joanne took out two magazine subscriptions

32- ........ youths from their countries often become friends when they meet.




26- Not having ever ridden on a motor-cycle before, ......... . A) everyone says that nothing else is so much fun B) the first couple of kilometres were really terrifying C) the traffic made it even more frightening than it would have been D) I was really frightened when I saw how fast we were going E) my brother has also participated in several motor Races

27- Though we live in a rational age. when there is a scientific explanation for everything, there are certain places in the world ........... .

A) Because of historical forces, some countries have never been on good terms B) It is difficult to understand why some countries are always on the brink of war with one another C) Since the peoples of some countries seem destined to hate each other D) However much the political leaders of some countries may dislike one another E) Due to the many diplomatic problems between countries with different political ideologies

33- While he was upset when his pocket was picked, ....... . A) it was done by a boy who looked no older than twelve B) couldn't help but admire the efficient way in which it was done C) he knows that he shouldn't keep all the money in one place D) he may decide to leave the countr y and never return E) there wasn't anything worthwhile in his rucksack anyway

34- Just as a diver never knows what he will bring up from the seabed, .........

A) which has a lot more tourist attractions than others B) so you should visit them before they lose their authenticity C) like the beautiful palm-fringed beaches of the Pacific Islands D) but you must decide which ones you most want to visit E) where the landscape still seems to exert a strong spiritual force

28- Despite the remarkable economic growth of recent years, ......... . A) some people are much richer than their grandfathers B) you should have invested wisely to earn a lot of money C) severe economic inequalities still exist in China D) there is no longer any real hardship in Japan E) formerly there was still too much economic inequality

29- However much he tried to discipline himself, ......... . A) Albert Einstein was the man I most admired B)there never seemed to be enough time to get everything done C) his mother always thought he was the perfect son D) he was already the top student in his class

A) since there are so many things to discover down there B) especially in a country, like England, where the water is often so murky C) it's not often that a novelist knows how his book will end up when he begins it D) a good engineer plans out every stage of his work meticulously E) a footballer does not know how the match will turn out 35-42. sorularda verilen Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce dengini bulunuz. 35- Yarışmanın geri kalan bölümünde ne olursa olsun, sporcumuz şu anda bir altın madalya garantilemiş durumda. A) Our athlete seems determined to win a gold medal, whatever happens in the rest of the competition. B) Our athlete is sure to obtain a gold medal in the competition unless something unexpected happens. C) Whether or not our athlete earns a medal position depends on what happens in the rest of the competition, D) Regardless of what happens in the rest of the competition, our athlete is now guaranteed to win a gold medal. E) However well the rest of the competitors perform, our athlete is already certain to win a gold medal.

36- İngiltere'de parfüm satışları, Noel'den önceki altı hafta içinde yıllık toplam miktarın neredeyse yarısını bulmaktadır. A) Perfume sales in England in the six weeks before Christmas amount to almost half of the yearly total. B) More than half of perfume purchases in England are made in the six weeks before Christmas. C) Nearly half of the people who buy perfume in England do so in the six weeks leading up to Christmas. D) Almost half the perfume sold in England is sold in the six weeks leading up to Christmas. E) Amounting to over half of yearly total, perfume sales in England are concentrated in the weeks around Christmas time.

37- "Euro"nun kullanıma girmesiyle birlikte, tarihte ilk kez, birkaç

39- Bu ders boyunca incelenen bütün kitaplar, edebi ve tarihi değerleri göz önüne alınarak seçilmiştir. A) Each book covered during this course has been chosen for its value as a piece of literature and its historical importance. B) Any book covered on this course was chosen because it is of both literary and historical importance. C) All the books studied during this course have been selected in consideration of their literary and historical value. D) The books considered to be covered on this course are of historical importance as well as valuable works of literature. E) We're considering covering all the books of historical importance and literary value during this course.

40- İlginizi çekmeyen bir şeyle ilgilenmek zorunda olmak doğal olarak can sıkıntısına yol açacaktır.

ülke ortak bir para birimi kullanmaya başladı. A) Before the introduction of the "euro", never before in history had several countries shared the same unit of currency. B) With the introduction of the "euro", for the first time in history, several countries began to use one common unit of currency. C) The same unit of currency is now being shared by several countries, which had never been seen in history before the "euro" was introduced. D) Since the historic moment of the introduction of the "euro", several countries have been using the same unit of currency. E) The introduction of the "euro" is a historic event because it is the first time that several countries have shared the same unit of currency.

38- Pazar akşamı, Tennessee'nin bazı bölgelerini tornado, rüzgar, yağmur ve dolu birleşimi vurunca, en az sekiz kişi öldü, düzinelercesi yaralandı. A) Tornadoes accompanied by damaging winds, rain and hail hit some parts of Tennessee on Sunday night, killing eight people and injuring dozens of others. B) Last Sunday night a tornado combined with damaging winds, rain and hail killed eight people and injured dozens more in some parts of Tennessee. C) Last Sunday night a tornado, which was accompanied by wind, rain and hail, destroyed central Tennessee, killing eight people and injuring at least a dozen others. D) A combination of tornadoes, strong winds, rain and hail that struck some parts of Tennessee on Sunday night killed more than eight people and injured dozens. E) At least eight people were killed and dozens injured when, on Sunday night, a combination of tornadoes, winds, rain and hail struck some parts of Tennessee.

A) Boredom occurs naturally when attention is deliberately paid to something lacking interest. B) Having to deal with something that does not attract your interest will naturally lead to boredom. C) Boredom can result from attention being deliberately paid to something of no interest. D) Having to pay attention to something that you are not interested in results in boredom. E) If you have to concentrate on something that lacks interest, it's only natural that you'll become bored.

41- Filmin eleştirisinde kullandığın ifadelerin bazıları, çok gereksiz bir şekilde, fazla sert. A) Several of your comments about the film appear to be quite needlessly severe, which was unnecessary, B) It seems to me that some of your statements about the film were quite hard to understand. C) Some of the statements you've used in your review of the film are, quite unnecessarily, overly harsh. D) The statements made by you about the film seemed to some people overly critical. E) Some of the statements you made in your review of the film appeared unjustifiably rude to me.

42- Çin Havayollan'mn bir uçağı, yoğun sise rağmen iniş yapmaya çalışırken Taipei havaalanında yere çakıldı. A) Because of thick fog, a China Airlines aeroplane was forced to make a crash landing at Taipei airport. B) Dense fog and heavy rain made a Chinese aeroplane crash instead of landing safely at Taipei airport. C) There was such heavy fog that a China Airlines aeroplane crashed as it was trying to land at Taipei airport. D) A China Airlines aeroplane crashed at Taipei airport as it attempted to land despite dense fog. E) The dense fog resulted in an accident when a China Airlines aeroplane crashed while trying to land at Taipei airport.

43-45. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

46-48. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

By his own account, Quintus Horatius Flaccus was a terrible soldier. He fought for the losing side in civil wars. When the order came to "Attack!", he dropped his shield and ran in the wrong direction. Back in Rome, he got a job as a petty bureaucrat. It was not a very good job, but it left him plenty of time to write. And his writing is what the poet whom we know as Horace is still remembered for to this day. Maybe it is a good thing that he dropped his shield and ran. Who remembers the ones who died, or their cause? This is, perhaps, the proof that the pen really is mightier than the sword!

The Hindenburg was the last in a series of airships designed to carry passengers and cargo over long distances. It could carry fifty passengers in twenty-five luxury cabins with all the comforts of a first class hotel. Cruising at 125 km per hour, it could cross the Atlantic in half the time of the great luxury ocean liners, which it had been built to compete with. But in 1937, the Hindenburg came to an unfortunate end in New Jersey just as it was about to land. In spite of extensive safety precautions, the highly flammable hydrogen with which it was filled burst into flames. Remarkably though, sixty-two of the ninety-seven people on board were able to escape.

43- Quintus Horatius Flaccus is best known as ........ .

46- It is clear from the passage that...... .

A) a terrible soldier B) a coward who ran away from battles C) the man who reformed the Roman bureaucracy D) the man who proved that the pen is mightier than the sword E) the poet who wrote under the name of Horace

44- The author believes that ........ . A) writers are more memorable than soldiers B) soldiers who died fighting for a good cause are remembered C) Rome was a dangerous place for poets D) it is safer to be a bureaucrat than a poet E) soldiers are more patriotic than poets 45- We learn from the passage that Horace's job as a bureaucrat......... . A) occupied him too much to write poetry B) prepared him for higher ranks in his later life C) was not a high-ranking one D) proved that he was not a coward E) was not actually less dangerous than being a soldier

A) the Hindenburg was one of the most successful airships of all times B) the Hindenburg had a component containing hydrogen C) in speed and size, the Hindenburg was much like a luxury ocean liner D) the Hindenburg exploded as It was taking off from New Jersey E) none of the passengers survived the disaster 47-The passage tells us that........ . A) only the very rich could afford to travel on airships like the Hindenburg B) the luxury ocean liners could cross the Atlantic in twice the time that an airship could C) the number of passengers an airship could carry was almost half that of a luxury ocean liner D) life aboard the great airships was cramped and uncomfortable E) an ocean liner was slower, but much more luxurious than an airship

47- It is stated in the passage that......... . A) the Hindenburg was one of the first great airships B) there were sixty-two people on board at the time of the disaster C) ocean liners filled with hydrogen often ended up with explosions D) after the Hindenburg disaster, there were no more airships of the same type E) the great airships had a passenger capacity of from twenty-five to fifty passengers

52-54. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 49-51. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Mountaineering as a sport has developed since about 1857, when the Alpine Club was founded in London. Earlier, climbers did not climb for pleasure but for some scientific or monetary motive. Dr Paccard of Chamonix was the first to scale Mont Blanc, in 1786, to show that man could live above the snow-line, but it was the lectures of Albert Smith, who climbed the peak in 1851, that kindled British interest. In 1854, Wills climbed the Wetterhorn and eleven years later, Whymper made his famous ascent of the Matterhorn. By 1880, all the major peaks of the Alps had been scaled, and so climbers went further afield to the Andes and the Himalayas. 49- The passage states that before the 1850s, ........ . A) one had to pay in order to climb mountains B) mountain climbing cost a lot of money C) the Alpine Club opened in London D) people only climbed for research purposes E) climbing was not regarded as a hobby 50-British people in general first paid attention to mountaineering when A) Mont Blanc was climbed for the first time B) the Alpine club was initially founded in London C) they realised that man could live above the snow-line D) a man made a series of speeches on the subject E) Dr Paccard climbed Mont Blanc in 1786 51-It is implied that European climbers first started climbing mountains outside Europe ....... . A) because the Alps in Europe took far too long to climb B) once they had been inspired by Albert Smith's lectures C) in order to obtain the sizable financial benefits on offer D) so that they could make field maps of other areas E) as they wanted to climb previously unclimbed mountains

Fossil analysis reveals that at least five periods in the last 600 million years have seen a drastic reduction in the number of species of flora and fauna on the Earth. However, on previous occasions such changes were brought about by asteroids or dramatic climatic changes. Experts in general believe that this decline is the work of man. The dominance of a single species type, homo sapiens, threatens to turn the rest of the living world upside down. With a population of barely six billion, humans are rapidly destroying irreplaceable ecosystems. This sixth round of global dying of species could be far larger than the first five. 52- According to the passage, the dominant belief among scientists is that........ . A) throughout history there have been periods when many species of life have become extinct B) the present climatic change known as global warming is probably a natural phenomenon C) the Earth is in danger of being struck by an asteroid D) the present decline in the number of species is caused by the activities of mankind E) we are experiencing the fifth period of species dying out 53- From the passage, we understand that the term "homo sapiens" is ........ . A) a method of analysing fossils B) a way of referring to a large number of species of flora and fauna C) another term for the human race D) an irreplaceable ecosystem which is being destroyed E) a hostile environment in which many species die 54-The author predicts that ........ . A) there will be no harmful effects from so many species dying B) the world might be turned upside down by colliding with an asteroid C) mankind will find a solution to the problem D) more species may die out this time than ever before E) the human population will soon reach six billion

55-57. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

58-60. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Rays of sunlight travel from 150 million kilometres away, and when they reach the Earth, they are parallel rays. The curve of the Earth means that the rays are vertical at the Equator but at quite a low angle when they reach temperate latitudes. As the rays lose heat passing through the atmosphere, the more direct the journey, the greater the heat which penetrates through to the surface of the. Earth. The vertical rays in equatorial latitudes mean that it is much hotter at the Equator than it is in the regions where the sun's rays strike at a low angle. -It is these variations in temperature that are largely responsible for the changes in weather.

The concept of a national library is a recent one in the developing countries. In the developed countries, national libraries have existed since at least the sixteenth century. By the nineteenth century, most countries in Europe had already established national libraries. The typical national library is meant to be the finest collection of books in the country, the national book archive, and a source of national pride. Although it is important for a national library in a developing country to collect the national literature, and any other literature pertaining to that country, it is also important for the library to collect a wide range of scholarly literature published in other countries.

55- The purpose of this passage is to explain ........ .

58-We learn from the passage that....... .

A) the distance between the Earth and the Sun B) why sun-rays travel in a vertical position C) why the. weather is different in different parts of the Earth D) why sun-rays are parallel when they reach the Earth E) the way in which the Earth goes around the Sun 56- From the information given in the passage, it is clear that........ . A) temperate regions are cooler than equatorial regions as sun-rays travel through more atmosphere to reach them B) it is hotter in equatorial regions because they are closer to the Sun C) when it is summer in the northern hemisphere, it is winter in the southern hemisphere D) sun-rays lose heat in passing through space E) summer is when the Earth is closest to the Sun 57- The angle at which the sun's rays strike the surface of the Earth is determined by ......... . A) the density of the Earth's atmosphere B) the parallel nature of the sun-rays C) the direct journey which the sun-rays make to equatorial regions D) the curvature of the Earth E) the variations in temperature on the Earth

A) every country must have a national library B) national libraries only exist in developed countries C) by the nineteenth century most developing countries had established national libraries D) developed countries have had national libraries for longer than developing ones E) a national library is relatively easy to establish 59-According to the passage, in the 19th century, there were few ........ . A) European countries without a national library B) developing countries that hadn't established a national library C) libraries in the developing countries owning books published in other countries D) libraries having the finest collection of world literature E) developing countries having a work of literature that has existed since the 16th century 60- The author believes that a national library in a developing country should A) contain the country's written works as well as foreign scholarly works B) try to be better than a similar library in a developed country C) take into account the prevailing climatic conditions of the country D) develop a concept that has existed for a longer time in developed countries E) establish guide-lines for the national literature

61-68. sorularda verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe dengini bulunuz. 61-At the end of a three-hour discussion, it was decided that the company was not yet strong enough to open new branches. A) Şirketin yeni şubeler açabilecek güçte olup olmadığı konusunda çıkan tartışma tam üç saat sürdü. B) Üç saatlik tartışmanın sonunda, şirketin henüz yeni şubeler açacak kadar güçlü olmadığına karar verildi. C) Üç saat süren bir tartışmanın sonunda şirketten, yeni bir şube -açabilecek kadar güçlü olmadıktan karan çıktı. D) Tartışma üç saat sürdü ve sonunda şirketin karan, yeni şubeler açmak için henüz yeterince güçlenmedikleri yolundaydı. E) Şirket yeni bir şube açmak için henüz yeterince güçlü değildi ama üç saatlik bir tartışmadan sonra, açılmasına karar verildi. 62-An old lady, trying to cross, the street without checking both directions, nearly caused an accident. A) Belli ki kazaya neden olan yaşlı bayan, yolu geçmeye çalışmadan önce her iki tarafı kontrol etmemişti. B) Kaza, karşıdan karşıya geçmeye çalışan yaşlı bir bayanın, yolun her iki tarafını da kontrol etmemesinden kaynaklandı. C) Yolun her iki tarafını kontrol etmeden karşıdan karşıya geçmeye çalışırken neredeyse kazaya neden olan bayan oldukça yaşlıydı. D) Yaşlı bir bayan, karşıdan karşıya geçmeye çalışırken yolun her iki tarafını kontrol etmeyince, kazaya neden oldu. E) Her iki tarafı da kontrol etmeden yolu geçmeye çalışan yaşlı bir bayan neredeyse kazaya neden oluyordu. 63- I thought they had their new house decorated by a professional, but apparently, they did everything themselves. A) Yeni evlerinin dekorasyonunu kendilerinin yaptığını söylüyorlar ama işi bir profesyonelin yaptığı her halinden belli. B)Galiba yeni evlerinin dekorasyonunu kendileri yapmamış çünkü her şey çok profesyonelce düşünülmüş. C) Yeni evlerini bir profesyonele dekore ettirdiklerini zannediyordum ama belli ki her şeyi kendileri yapmış. D) Sanırım yeni evlerini bir profesyonele dekore ettirmek yerine, her şeyi kendileri yapmaya çalışmış. E) Yeni evlerinin dekorasyonunu kendilerinin yapacağını zannediyordum fakat görünen o ki, işi bir profesyonel yapmış. 64- The Aztecs had very strict laws to protect common citizens and even slaves from injustice. A) Aztek kanunlarına göre, haksızlık yapan sıradan vatandaşlar ve köleler çok katı bir şekilde cezalandırılıyorlardı. B) Azteklerin katı kanunları, sıradan vatandaşların kölelere karşı haksızlık yapmasını önlüyordu. C) Azteklerin, sıradan vatandaşları ve hatta köleleri haksızlıktan koruyan çok katı kanunları vardı. D) Azteklerin katı kanunları, sadece sıradan vatandaşların değil, kölelerin de haksızlıktan korunmasını sağlıyordu. E) Aztekler, sıradan vatandaşların kölelere karşı yaptıkları haksızlıklara karşı çok katı kanunlar geliştirmişlerdi. 65- Since they believed that the soul would someday return to the body, ancient Egyptians mummified their dead. A) Eski Mısır inanışına göre, ruh bir gün vücuda döneceği için, ölülerin mumyalanması gerekiyordu. B) Eski Mısırlılar, ölüleri mumyalayarak bedeni korudukları zaman, ruhun bir gün geri geleceğine inanıyorlardı. C) Ruhun bir gün bedene geri geleceği inancıyla eski Mısırlılar ölülerini mumyalamaya başlamışlardı. D) Eski Mısırlılar, ruhun bir gün bedene döneceğine inandıkları için ölülerini mumyalıyorlardı.

E) Eski Mısır'da ölüleri mumyalama geleneği, ruhun bir gün vücuda döneceği inancıyla başlamıştı. 66- Farming the world over has always been carried out relying upon a water supply. A) Tüm dünyada tarım her zaman bir su kaynağına bağlı olarak sürdürülmüştür. B) Dünyanın her yerinde tarım, suya dayalı olarak sürdürülmektedir. C) Dünyanın neresinde olursa olsun, tarım için güvenilir bir su kaynağına ihtiyaç vardır. D) Dünyanın hiçbir yerinde, güvenilir bir su kaynağı olmadan tarım yapılamamıştır. E) Tüm dünyada tarım, sürekli bir su kaynağının olduğu yerlerde yapılmıştır. 67- Some drugs, tranquilizers in particular, can result in death when taken with alcohol. A) Sakinleştirici ilaçlar, özellikle alkolle birlikte alındığı zaman ölüme yol açmaktadır. B) Sakinleştirici ilaçların alkolle birlikte alınması ölümle sonuçlanabilir. C) Bazı ilaçlar, özelikle sakinleştiriciler, alkolle birlikte alındığında ölüme neden olabilir. D) İlaçlardan, özellikle de sakinleştiricilerden kaynaklanan ölümler, genellikle alkolle birlikte alınmaları sonucu gerçekleşmiştir. E) Alkolle birlikte sakinleştirici ilaç almanın sonu genellikle ölümdür. 68- Besides being important foodstuffs for people, corn and soy beans also have numerous industrial uses. A) Mısır ve soya fasulyesi, sadece insanlar için besin maddesi değil, aynı zamanda endüstri bakımından da önemli ürünlerdir. B) Mısır ve soya fasulyesi, hem insanların yiyecek ihtiyacını karşılaması hem de endüstri alanındaki sayısız kullanımlarından dolayı önemlidir. C) İnsanlar için önemli yiyecek maddeleri olan mısır ve soya fasulyesi, endüstriyel alanda da çok yaygın kullanılmaktadır. D) Pek çok endüstriyel kullanımının dışında, mısır ve soya fasulyesi insanlar için de çok önemli yiyecek maddeleridir. E) İnsanlar için önemli yiyecek maddeleri olmalarının yanı sıra, mısır ve soya fasulyesi sayısız endüstriyel kullanıma da sahiptir. 69-74. sorularda anlam bakımından parçaya uygun olmayan cümleyi bulunuz. 69- (I) The public has long been aware that sporting contests have commercial value. (II) Until 1981, however, it probably was not aware of the extent to which athletics had really become an industry. (III) That year a seven-week strike called by the Major League Baseball Players Association forced the cancellation of 713 regular games. (IV) This led to loss of player salaries and television revenues. (V) It's because direct corporate sponsorship makes the company name known to television viewers. A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V 70- (I) The history of manned space flight has been marred by a number of tragic accidents involving the early spacecraft. (II) They were comparatively small, weighing only a few kilograms, and performed no useful scientific experiments, (III) Nevertheless they served as proof that mankind had the means to place objects in the sky, outside the Earth's atmosphere, and to keep them there. (IV) There are now a considerable number of artificial satellites at distances varying between several hundred and several thousand kilometres above the surface of the Earth. (V) They have become highly sophisticated, and perform functions from weather forecasting to home entertainment. A) I




E) V

71- (I) One of the greatest mysteries of nature is the instinct to migrate, (II) Every year millions of creatures feel the need to move for one reason or another. (III) People who migrate from place to place looking for water sources and pasture for their animals are called nomads. (IV) Many of these creatures succeed in navigating, or finding their way, over long distances. (V) How exactly they manage to do this remains a mystery, but it is interesting to note that when a small bar magnet is attached to a pigeon, it is unable to navigate. A) I




E) V

72- (I) Addiction is an entirely different, and far more powerful, phenomenon than is habit. (Et) The most effective form of treatment for addiction to heroin and other narcotics is the synthetic narcotic drug methadone. (in) The drug itself is extremely addictive. (TV) But, when it is . given to heroin addicts on a daily basis, it prevents withdrawal syndrome and suppresses the drug hunger for heroin. (V) The addict is then gradually weaned from the methadone addiction. A) I




E) V

73- (I) Less than an hour's drive north of Manhattan lies one of urban America's best kept secrets: the Sterling Forest, (II) Several hundred years ago, the entire East Coast was made up of forest, (III) The forest not only shelters wildlife, but also supplies clean drinking water to northern New Jersey. (IV) Hikers can climb a fire tower and see New York from this rural wonderland. (V) It is truly remarkable to find such a refuge so close to one of the most densely populated cities in the country. A) I




E) V

74- (I) Throughout the past few centuries, there have been reports of space vehicles which have visited our Earth from an alien planet, (II) These reports of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) attracted a great deal of public interest. (III) The unaided human eye, therefore, might have been tricked to the point of hallucination. (IV) So persistent were these reports that in the 1960s, the USA set up a committee to investigate them. (V) The committee came to the startling conclusion that UFOs were genuine, though they could not explain what they were or where they came from. A) I




E) V

75-80. sorularda parçada boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz. 75- Orangutans are like babies: playful, wide-eyed, and trusting. Genetically, the "men of the forest", as their name means in Malay, resemble humans more than any other animal on the Earth. ......... . Yet a combination of natural disasters and merciless hunting by humans now threatens this inoffensive near relative of ours. A)Even today, not everyone has accepted Darwin's theories on evolution B) Most people have only seen them in zoos C) Some people would say that the chimpanzee is actually closer to human beings D) They stand next to us on the tree of life E) A gorilla named Koko is famous for having learnt to communicate with humans using sign-language

76-The enduring Roman influence is reflected in contemporary language, literature, legal codes, government, architecture, medicine, sports, etc. ........ . Consider language for example. Fewer and fewer people today claim to know much Latin. And yet, go back to the first sentence of this paragraph. If we removed all the words drawn directly from Latin, that sentence would read: "The". A) Ancient Greeks also had an enduring influence on Western civilisation B) The great civilisations of India and China are older, but the West came into contact with them later C) In the 3rd century A.D. the capital of the Roman Empire moved from Rome to Constantinople D) "The" is the most commonly used word in the English language E) Much of it is so deeply embedded that we scarcely notice our debt to ancient Rome 77- John Lennon was murdered just before 11 p.m. on the 8th December, 1980, outside the apartment building where he lived in New York City. He had just got out of a car and was walking toward the entrance when a voice called to him. When he turned around, he was shot five times. The killer was 25-year-old Mark Chapman from Hawaii. ........ . It is said that he even believed that he was John Lennon. A) He was a fan of Lennon, and had tried to imitate him in many ways B) Lennon's music, though less consistent than when he was with the Beatles, continued to be popular C) New York is one of the most dangerous cities in the world D) It is remarkable how many famous people have been murdered in the United States E) The Beatles had split up more than ten years before 78-........ . Within a year, 1OO.OOO people, only 8.0OO of whom were women, had reached California. Homes, farms and stores throughout the United States were abandoned as everyone rushed to California. By 185O, more than SO ships were anchored in San Francisco Bay, but many had been deserted by gold-hungry sailors. A few people became fabulously rich, but most left as poor as they came. A) Gold is the most precious of metals, and throughout history people have longed for it B) In 1848, gold was discovered in Sutler's Mill, near San Francisco, and the first great gold rush began C) At the time of the California Gold Rush, the easiest way to reach San Francisco from the East Coast was by ship D) San Francisco's football team is named after the people who came in 1849 hoping to find gold and strike it rich: "The 49ers" E) Every year thousands of Mexicans illegally cross the border from Mexico into southern California looking for work 79-........ . In addition to teaching the correct techniques, a qualified instructor will indoctrinate the beginner in the importance of skiing safely. If the skier is taught how to ski under control at all times and to follow the generally accepted rules of safety, the risk of causing injury to himself or to other skiers is greatly reduced. A) Because short skis are easier to handle, they are often used by beginners, while experienced skiers prefer longer ones B) Chair lifts and other devices that transport skiers uphill have removed the need for tiring, time-consuming climbing C) Each year thousands of beginners rush to hundreds of organised ski areas D) In its simplest form, skiing is sliding down a snow-covered slope on a pair of long, slim runners called skis E) The best way for a beginner to learn how to ski is to take lessons

from a certified ski instructor 80- In strict terms, performing arts are those art forms, primarily theatre, dance and music, that result in a performance. ............. from classical opera and serious theatre to live variety entertainment, popular improvised theatre in the streets, and even rock concerts and professional wrestling. A) Decorative arts, on the other hand, are art forms that have a primarily decorative rather than expressive or emotional purpose B) The individual performing artist has always struggled to survive C) Under their heading, however, can be placed an enormous number of forms and variations D) Several playwrights of the late 19th and early 20th centuries prepared the way for modern realistic drama E) Cabarets are small performance spaces in clubs and restaurants where solo artists perform 81-87. sorularda verilen durumda söylenebilecek sözü bulunuz 81-You've taken your friend to a restaurant for his birthday and when it comes time to pay the bill, you realise that you've left your wallet in the car, which is parked a mile away. You're incredibly embarrassed, but know that the bill must be paid, so you shyly say to your friend: A) That meal was disgusting. I don't think I'll bring anyone here again. B) It's your birthday, so I guess you'll be paying for this, won't you? C) Who would have thought they'd expect money from us for this? D) Could you cover this and I'll pay you back when we get to the car? E) Either you pay for this meal or I'll make you walk home. Okay? 82- You have a job that allows you to live and work in different countries if you want to. You are now thinking of moving to Spain or South America, but you have a cat. You don't want to leave it behind, and you don't want to have to leave it in quarantine for several months, as some countries require. Your choice of country will be the one that is easiest to take the cat to, so you phone the consulates and ask: A) Is there any extra charge for taking a cat on the plane? B) Could you give some information on bringing pets to your country? C) Are there any cats for sale in your country? I'm leaving mine behind and I'll want a new one. D) Which diseases should I have my cat vaccinated against before we leave for your country? E) Do you issue visas for cats and dogs? 83- Gordon has just met a beautiful art student. He wants to make a good impression on her, so he has found out who her favourite artists are, and read a lot about them. Then he's arranged to meet her at an art museum where he knows some of their paintings are displayed. He plans to act surprised when he sees the paintings, then talk about them as if they are his favourites as well. When they arrive at the museum, they find it closed for renovation. Bitterly disappointed that his plan has failed, but trying not to give up his hope, he says to her: A) What a pity! I'd been looking forward to this visit for weeks! B) Never mind. Let's go to a cafe and we can talk about your favourite artists. C) What are we going to do now? I can't think of anything else. D) I had planned to impress you with how much I know about your favourite artists. E) Why do these things always happen to me? What an awkward situation!

84- You have an important exam coming up and are trying desperately to study for it. Unfortunately, you live in a very small flat. Your grandmother is a bit deaf, and she has to have the TV on very loud to be able to hear it. She insists on watching noisy game shows and is driving you crazy. You realise that you won't be able to continue studying at home, so you say to your mother: A) Can I go and study in the library for this exam? B) Isn't there anything Grandma can do quietly until my exam is finished? C) Can't you get a hearing aid so that I can study in peace? D) Mother, can you find something else for Grandma that will keep her occupied for a while? E) Can I go out and meet my friends for a change? 85- You have just got your first job and have moved away from home for the first time. Though it is difficult not having someone to cook your meals and do your washing, you also enjoy the freedom of being on your own and don't think you could ever go back to living with your family again. Then one day, your mother phones and says your father is ill, and they need your help and support to get through a difficult time. Though not happy about giving up the freedom, you are aware that you have a duty to your family, so you say: A) But Mum, it's so much fun living on my own that I could never come back. B) How's Dad? I hope he's feeling better. C) I'll have to arrange some things, but I'll be there as soon as I can. D) You should come and visit sometime. I've got a really nice place. E) I'm afraid those days are over. I'm on my own now. 86- On holiday in Egypt, you are walking around Cairo when you see an interesting street scene and stop to photograph. Suddenly you find yourself under arrest for photographing a sensitive area. It seems there was a small power station there that you did not even see. You explain this to the police, and while they are sympathetic, they say they must destroy your film before they let you go. It is just the end of the film and you have a lot of treasured photos on it. Unwilling to lose your photos over what seems a trivial misunderstanding, you try to solve the problem, saying: A) Don't be so silly. Who would want to bomb such a tiny power station? B) I really wouldn't have taken a photo of the area, had I known there was a power station there. C) I'm not letting anyone take my photos away. I can't visit all those places again to take the same photographs . D) Why don't we go to a photo shop together? Then you can take the offending photo and negative. E) Okay, you can take the negatives, but please give my camera back to me undamaged! 87- You arrive at work one morning to find a colleague angry at you. You don't know why she Is angry, and she refuses to tell you. The situation is getting very uncomfortable, so in an attempt to find out what is wrong, you say to her: A) What's wrong with you? Has the boss said something disturbing? B) I must tell you that you're acting like a spoiled child. C) Why don't you come to my house tonight? I'd like you to meet my parents. D) Do you know what her problem is? She won't speak to me. E) If I've done something to offend you, I really wish you'd tell me what it is.

88-93. sorularda verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan seçeneği bulunuz. 88- In spite of his physical handicaps, he has accomplished more than most able-bodied people. A) He has been given special advantages and privileges because of his physical handicaps. B) His mental illness has not stopped him from being successful like many normal people. C) Although he is a handicapped person, he feels that he can compete with the able-bodied. D) He is a disabled person, but even so, he has achieved more than most normal people have. E) His disabilities have held him back, though he is more intelligent than many able-bodied people. 89- I seldom take the trouble to write to my parents, though I know that I should.

93- A potentially valuable tool, the dictionary is misused by many language students. A) Every language learner needs a good dictionary if he or she wishes to succeed. B) Many language learners rely on dictionaries when they have problems with choosing the suitable word for the context. C) Without a dictionary, there Is no way to learn all the words that language students need to know. D) While dictionaries are useful, they do not solve all the problems a language learner may encounter. E) Though a dictionary should be helpful, many language students use it incorrectly. 94-100. sorularda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan bölmünde söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz. 94- Mother:

A) Even though I frequently write to my parents, I don't enjoy it. B) Although I know I should write to my family more often, -I only do so when I feel troubled. C) I don't know why I should write to my family as it just causes trouble for me. D) While it is my duty to write to my parents, I am just too lazy to do it often. E) Though I hardly ever see my parents, I am careful to write to them quite often. 90- Only when your parrot has learnt one phrase should you teach it another. A) Do not teach your parrot a new phrase before it has memorised the previous one. B) As soon as your parrot learns a phrase, you should start teaching a new one. C) Parrots can't learn two phrases at a time, so avoid doing that to your parrot. D) It will be easier for your parrot if you teach only one phrase at a time. E) You should put the phrases you'd like to teach your parrot in order to make it easier for it to learn them. 91- My son used to eat all kinds of food, but now he has become very selective about what he eats. A) Although I try to give my son all kinds of food, he insists on being selective about what he eats. B) My son's attitude towards food makes him a difficult person to cook for. C) While there was a time when there were many things my son wouldn't eat, he is now used to eating everything. D) Over the years, my son has become accustomed to different dishes, so he no longer eats' what he used to. E) At one time, my son would eat anything, but now there are a lot of things he refuses to eat. 92- It was thought, wrongly, by some people that we would have established a moon colony by the year 2OOO. A) Some people say that It is wrong to establish a moon colony in the year 2000. B) The moon colony was successfully predicted by many people long ago. C) Though a moon colony was predicted by some for the year 2000 at the latest, it has not come about. D) The first moon landing led to all sorts of wild speculation about what might be possible in the year 2000. E) Many people believe that the year 2000 is the most likely date for the establishment of a moon colony.

I thought I told you to do the washing up before you could watch television. Daughter: But I always have to do the washing up. Why can't Bobby do it? Mother: .......... Daughter: That's not the real reason. I think it's because I'm a girl and he's a boy.

A) Maybe you're right. In today's world, housework. B) But he's only a baby. He can't even see over the sink. C) If you don't do what I tell you right away, you won't be able to watch TV for a week. D) Because you are the, one who has to learn how to be a good wife and mother someday. E) You're older, so you have to take more responsibility. 95- Policeman: What happened here? Yvonne: .......... Policeman: Oh dear! So your car was sandwiched between the two of them. Yvonne: That's right. And it wasn't even my fault. A) I'm sorry officer, I must have been driving too fast and I didn't see the two children run into the street. B) The car in front of me stopped suddenly, f managed to stop in time, but the car behind me didn't; C) I guess I wasn't looking, and I hit the parked car. Then the car behind hit your car. D) I don't really know. When I went into the bank to get some money, two masked men with guns and big bang came running out. E) I stopped at the stop light, and that big van smashed right into the back of my little car. 96- Steve: That's a beautiful juniper you have on! Janet: .......r.... Steve: Do you know where she got it? Janet: No, it was a gift. A) Thanks. My mum gave it to me. B) Really? My sister doesn't like it. C) I bought it at Marks & Spencer's. D) Thank you. I like it a lot, too. E) My daughter said the same thing. 97- Caller:

Hello, could I reserve a double room for two nights next week? Reception: .......... Caller: What a shame. Can you recommend anywhere else? A) I'm afraid there are no seats available for that performance, Sir. B) The night trains are all booked up for next week. Sir. C) Of course. Sir. Can I take your credit card details? D) I'm afraid we're all booked up next week. Sir. E) There are tickets available, but only for the matinee.

98- Customer: Can you help me? I'm looking for a pet for my nephew? Assistant: ......... Customer: He's eleven years old, very gentle and affectionate. A) Has he got any pets at the moment? A dog, for example? B) What sort of animal do you think he'd like? C) I'll need to know a little more about him before I can advise you. D) Do you think he'd like something unusual like a snake, or something more traditional? E) What sort of price range did you have in mind? 99- Andy: Oh no! I've burned the dinner and our guests will be here in half an hour. Anne:.......... Andy: Of course. Ill do whatever I can. Anne: Okay. Just don't go near the cooker again, and do only what I tell you.

1OO- Dealer: Now, Sir, this is just the car for you. It has only had one owner, and she was an old lady who only used it to drive to church on Sundays. Jerry: ............ Dealer; Perhaps because of these minor defects I can make you a special offer. Jerry: No thanks. I think I can find one better-cared for. A) It certainly looks good. Can I take it for a test drive? B) Yes it looks like new. But it doesn't even start. C) I'm interested, but for a car of its age, it is a little expensive. Do you think you could reduce the price? D) It doesn't look in very good shape. There are dents in the doors, and it's all rusty. E) Okay, I'll take it. But only if you give me a good tradein on my old car.

A) Well, you'd better do something, or it will be really embarrassing. B) I've got a book of quick recipes. I'll try to put something together if you help me. C) I knew this would happen if 1 trusted you to do the cooking. D) I'll run out to the shops while you try to rescue as much as you can. E) This calls for a rescue operation. Have you seen my cook book?

PRACTICE EXAM 9 l.D 2.B 3-D 4.A 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.E ll.D 12.A 13.D 14.B 16.E 17.D 18.D 19.A 21.B 22.E 23.A 24.C 26.D 27.E 28.C 29.B 31.D 32.D 33.B 34.E 36.A 37.B 38.E 39.C 41.C 42.D 43.E 44.A 46.B 47.B 48.D 49.E 51.E 52.D 53.C 54.D 56.A 57.D 58.D 59.A 61.B 62.E 63.C 64.C 66.A 67.C 68.E 69.E 71.C 72.A 73.B 74.C 76.E 77.A 78.B 79.E 81.D 82.B 83.B 84.A 86.D 87.E 88.D 89.D

5.E 10.C 15.C 20.A 25.B 30.A 35.D 40.B 45.C 50.D 55.C 60.A 65.0 7O.B 75.D 80.C 85.C 9O.A

91.E 92.C 96.A 97.D

93.E 98.C

94.E 99.B

95.B 1OO.D

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