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PROGRAMETER PERFORMANCE REPORT November 2008 Benchmark Developer

Contribution Size


F. Know-How*

N. Know-How*

Anton Litvinenko





Vadim Nesmashnov





Team Average










Mark Kofman





Team Activity

* F. - Fresh, N. - New This chart shows trend in team activity during the last 12 months and compares it to the average over the last year.

Project Code Stability Stability chart illustrates trends in stability of the project source code the during last 12 months.

PROGRAMETER, 01.11.2008 - 01.12.2008

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Key Performance Indicators Contribution Size

New: 5,910 (Team Avg: 1,994); Total: 80,633


Latest: 411 (Team Avg: 118)


New: 0.4; Total: 5.1 (Team Avg: 1.9); Unique: 3.0

Team Friendliness

Current: 4.0 (Team Avg: 5.4)


29,739 (Team Avg: 8,014)


Current: 7% (Team Avg: 10%); Change: 0%

Distribution of Contribution Types This chart gives insight into developer's programming style by illustrating diversity of his contribution.

Contribution Trend This chart illustrates size of contribution made by the developer during the last year. Each bar shows amount of source code (and comments) written by the developer during the corresponding month

PROGRAMETER, 01.11.2008 - 01.12.2008

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Key Performance Indicators Contribution Size

New: 2,065 (Team Avg: 1,994); Total: 25,836


Latest: 62 (Team Avg: 118)


New: 0.0; Total: 2.7 (Team Avg: 1.9); Unique: 0.6

Team Friendliness

Current: 7.7 (Team Avg: 5.4)


2,317 (Team Avg: 8,014)


Current: 33% (Team Avg: 10%); Change: -4%

Distribution of Contribution Types This chart gives insight into developer's programming style by illustrating diversity of his contribution.

Contribution Trend This chart illustrates size of contribution made by the developer during the last year. Each bar shows amount of source code (and comments) written by the developer during the corresponding month

PROGRAMETER, 01.11.2008 - 01.12.2008

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Key Performance Indicators Contribution Size

New: 0 (Team Avg: 1,994); Total: 3,271


Latest: 0 (Team Avg: 118)


New: 0.0; Total: 0.0 (Team Avg: 1.9); Unique: 0.0

Team Friendliness

Current: 0.0 (Team Avg: 5.4)


0 (Team Avg: 8,014)


Current: 0% (Team Avg: 10%); Change: 0%

Distribution of Contribution Types This chart gives insight into developer's programming style by illustrating diversity of his contribution.

Contribution Trend This chart illustrates size of contribution made by the developer during the last year. Each bar shows amount of source code (and comments) written by the developer during the corresponding month

PROGRAMETER, 01.11.2008 - 01.12.2008

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Key Performance Indicators Contribution Size

New: 0 (Team Avg: 1,994); Total: 6,786


Latest: 0 (Team Avg: 118)


New: 0.0; Total: 0.0 (Team Avg: 1.9); Unique: 0.0

Team Friendliness

Current: 10.0 (Team Avg: 5.4)


0 (Team Avg: 8,014)


Current: 0% (Team Avg: 10%); Change: 0%

Distribution of Contribution Types This chart gives insight into developer's programming style by illustrating diversity of his contribution.

Contribution Trend This chart illustrates size of contribution made by the developer during the last year. Each bar shows amount of source code (and comments) written by the developer during the corresponding month

Performance Report Explained Programeter report is aimed to increase transparency in software development teams. With the report it is easier to learn what is happening in the team even if it is distributed around the world. Transparency in software project is vital for building healthy and trustful environment between stakeholders.

Metrics and KPIs Know-How Score Illustrates breadth of the developer's knowledge in the project. The value is measured on the scale from 0 to 10. For example, the know-how score of 6.5 in certain project, means that developer is capable of working alone with most project components. Unique Know-How Similar to know-how score, but measures only knowledge that is NOT shared with other team members. For instance, if developer A has developed component "A" in the product and nobody else contributed to this component, then it will be counted in his unique know-how. Fresh Know-How Similar to know-how score, but measures only knowledge that was refreshed during the reporting period. For instance, if developer A has developed component "C" in the product and he has done changes to this component during last month, then it will be counted in his fresh know-how. New Know-How Similar to know-how score, but measures only knowledge that was introduced during the reporting period. For instance, if developer A has created new component "C" in the product during last month, then it will be counted in his new know-how. Contribution Size Contribution Size illustrates the size of code produced by the developer during the reporting period. Size is measured in lines of code and takes into account new lines added by the developer, lines that developer has modified and lines that he has deleted. New Code New Code is the number of new lines of code that developer has added during the reporting period. Modified Code Modified Code is the number of lines that developer has modified during the reporting period. If developer modifies the line authored by other developer then other count is increased, if developer modifies his own Deleted Code Deleted Code is the number of lines that developer has deleted during the reporting period. Similarly, to modified code indicator: if developer deleted line authored by somebody else then other count is increased, if developer deletes line authored by himself - own count is increased. Activity Indication of developer or team activity during 1 month. It measures the number of components and frequency of modifications made to them by the given developer (or team). Stability At the given moment of time stability measures which part of the project source code remained unchanged for at least 3 months. Effort Effort illustrates the size of the work developer has performed during the reporting period. Any code contribution is counted as effort. Efficiency illustrats the utility of the effort: how much of the effort translates into the code used in the project. Team Friendliness Illustrates how much the developer is oriented towards collaborating with other team members. The value is calculated using developer's shared and unique know-how and is measured on the scale from 0 to 10.

Frequently Asked Questions What algorithms does Programeter use to calculate values of metrics and indicators? Programeter cannot disclose most of the algorithms it uses. This is for a few reasons: - Programeter is the developer and intellectual property rights holder on key algorithms in use. Sharing the algorithms would mean loosing our key competitive advantage; - there are occasions when developers try to maximize management’s perception of their performance by manipulating metrics as soon as they find out the algorithms. Is it ethical to measure people? Programeter believes that people measurement is by no means unethical. But, people evaluation using measurements without knowing the context and applying intelligence and common sense is dangerous. From our experience, outstanding developers are even glad to be measured as this provides them with additional feedback on their performance. I have a question which is not mentioned here. What do I do? With issues and questions feel free to contact us at any time at [email protected]. Also you can publicly post your question at the community support site: http://getsatisfaction.com/programeter.