33rd Sunday Insert

  • November 2019
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33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time

What Is Entrusted Us The Gospel parable is about a man entrusting his servants with his property, and the point it makes concerns the need for fidelity in caring for what belongs to the master. God our master has left us with the earth, not to do with it what we want but to care for it even as we live off of its abundant riches. God created the land to support living things: What will happen when God returns to find so much land strip-mined, strip-cleared, eroded, and burdened with toxic waste? God created the waters to support living things: What will happen when God returns to find the oceans and rivers polluted with our garbage and chemical by-products? God created the air to support living things: What will happen when God returns to find smog and holes in the ozone? God created plants and animals to live on this wonderful earth and revel in its beauty: What will happen when God returns to find so many of them driven to extinction by our destructive practices? Father of all that is good, keep us faithful in serving you. May we learn to care better for the Master’s goods so that when the Master returns, we will hear those blessed words: Well done! Come and share your master’s joy. Gerald Darring

“Men and women bear a unique responsibility under God to safeguard the created world and by their creative labor even to enhance it. Safeguarding creation requires us to live responsibly within it, rather than manage creation as though we are outside it. The human family is charged with preserving the beauty, diversity and integrity of nature as well as fostering its productivity.” U.S. Bishops, Renewing the Earth (1991) II, A November 16, 2008

Some καιρός / kairos thoughts… καιρός / kairos—Greek—time—viewed as an occasion rather than an exQuestions for Discussion First Reading Proverbs, Chapter 31, Verses 10-13, 19-20, 30-31 1.

Did the woman in the reading invest her talents wisely? What is the return on her investment? How is she like the wise servant portrayed in today’s gospel?


.Would you call the woman in this reading holy? Why? Do you know some people like her? What actions do they perform that you would call holy?

Second Reading First Thessalonians, Chapter 5, Verses 1-6 1.

Are you are always ready for the “day of the Lord”? Or are you almost ready? Dozing a little? Can you be “overtaken like a thief at night?”


Imagine a continuum with false security about death at one end and constant dread at the other. Where would you put yourself on this scale? Explain

Gospel Matthew, Chapter 25, Verses 14-30 1. Which person in the parable would you hope to be like? Does anything stand in your way? How do you keep the things that are precious to you—locked away for safety or out where you can see and use them all the time? 2. Does spiritual growth involve taking chances? Does faith? Hope? Love? Explain.

Today we are told to use the gifts God gives each of us. They are not to be hoarded or ignored but used and nurtured for the good of God’s kingdom. We are to stay wide awake and sober awaiting the coming of the Lord, for he will come suddenly. The perfect wife of Proverbs is God’s spouse, his church and people, caring for creation and all the talents the Lord gives. This hard-to-find perfect wife is highly praised because she hears God’s word and keeps it. Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, S.T.D. © 2002, OCP. All rights reserved.

Prayer List Pray the rosary for world peace, Avis Cox, Fr. Clarence Biggers, Gladys and Ben Kramkowski, Rita Moenk, Doug Bearden, Sarah Snider, Julian Campbell, Annie & family, Connie, her mother & family, Blake, Erik, Jonathan & family, Sharon & family, Will, FMS, Cap. Corp., Patrick & Brittany, Broughman family, Fannie Crowder & family, VAL, Father Ingram’s father & family, Karen’s mother, Cheryl Mobley & family, William Hudson, Robert, Walter, Danielle, Christopher, Barbara, Katherine, Nicholas, Kaylin, Kasie, Mary Beth & family, Mary Ann Mahoney & family, Donna & family, Ann Chancellor & family, Sheila & family, cancer patients & families, military & families, Brandon, Plantation Villa residents, Don, Mrs. Carpenter, Mr. & Mrs. Rooks, Katherine & family, Mr. Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. Barlow, Jane & family, Scott & family, Diane & Peter, Michele & Gary, Lucy & family, Bobbie, Joan & family, Karl’s mother & family, June & family, Tina & family, Belinda & family, OLM family, Kat, Delgratia’s family & friends, Mr. Gomez & family, Sara’s mother, Dr. Lynch & family, Rob/Allie & family, Chuck & family, Frank & family, Liesa & family, mother of Dr. Petros, Dr. Issa & family, Odessa, Anita’s mother & family, Ruby, Ruby’s mother & family, Davies family, Katie & family, family of Angie, Ann & family, Gretchen & family, Eileen, Scott & family, Robert, Flavia & family, Tony’s family, Roy & Martha Wright, Roy, Alice Swygert, Alan, Nard, Tony, Glenda, Nelson, J. Bob, Munn, Vogt, Wolfe families, Russell & family, Ola, Gene Wilson & family, Jane Brock & family, Janet Kramer & family, Elayne & family, Winnie, Phil & family, Tony, Stan, Emily & family, Ruthie & Ed, Mr. Bergin & family, Russell & family, Mrs. Sanseverino & family, CC Center, veterans & families Jessie Emmett, Mark, Michael’s mother, Carrie’s husband & family, VAMC, Josephine Mary, Mary Anna, S. Paul, Tony, J. W. Wilson & family, Jason & Kim, Josie, Kelly, Mickey’s family, Jon & Janet Cook & family, Karen’s cousin, Mike Aguado & family, Carl & family, Dr. Lopez & family, Dr. Vanapalli & family, Dr. Nair & family, Garrett & family, family of Duffie, Aaron Christian, Marina & family, Mitchell’s father & family, Estella’s mother & family, Kerry’s mother & family, Gail & family, Beth & family, Bernard, Anna & family, Sara Lucas & family, Mary Gilliam & family, Bobbie, Carol, Cheryl Mobley & family, Bettie & family, Jane & family, Scott, Chris & family, Billy & family, Karen, Campbell family, Beth & family, John & family, Tony & family, Michael & family, Carolyn Williamson, Berger family, Mendez family, Ikai family, Joshua Moser, Stephanie Christian, Chris B., Justine , Anna & Henry, Edna, Mary & Leonard, Mary Ondovchik, Ann Rudy, Peggy Cable, Claude Rickman, Dames gang, Amy & family, Phil Lee, Denise & Sam Kell, Chad Nostrant, Randy Taylor, Brian Strickland, Florence & Vincent Santaniello, Emilia, JT, Robert S. & family, Louis Talbot, Wright family, Ellie, Christopher, & Katie Doane, Jeremy & Erica Granier, Michael Coates, John Crowe, Mr. Beatty, Carlo Dellaquila, Tom Wood, Heidi Fitzgerald, Debbie McCloud, Joyce Jones, Patricia Finch, Ed Schaffer, USA, Nancy Truesdale, Jim Maharry, Joey Milani, Paul, Brett & Janet Williams, Barbara Borchert, Martha Mercure, Wicktus Dekock, Sue Witt, Chris Cudd, Dawn, Jacqueline, Brian, Samantha, Carline, Sharlene, Ira, Caron, Anais, & Ken Pierre, Rick Long, Pam Johnson, Sheila & John Bedell, Darius Cooper, Jennifer Chisholm, John Vitelli, Mike Pruitt, Cotton Elphingstone, Cathy Garger, Harriett H., Anderson family, Chris Stahler family, Frances Homsey, Gus Kneidinger, Frank, Mary Jo Shamas, President-Elect Barack Obama, Sonya Robinson, Gary Toler, Willie Ryans, Ana Maria & Erwin Molano, Alvaro Penagos, Ligia Restrepo, Pitcher family, Patty Newland, Stephen Sieurella, Mary Campbell, Karen & Daniel Bakos, Ruberti family, Matt & Melanie Stanley, Mike Robson, Paula, Dan & kids, Jackie Jerrell, Jim Cannon, Lola Danza

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