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  • Pages: 7

FS Field 5 Learnin Study



1. Study the sample TOS given below.

2nd Semester SY 20__ - 20__ EDUC. 11 Course Catalog Number

FINAL Periodical Examination Table of Specifications Assessment of Student Learning 2 Course Title Remembering


Authentic Assessment: Basic Concepts Authentic Assessment: Advance Application

Declarative # 20

% 33.3%

Item # 1-4,7-15, 20-26

LEVELS/SKILLS Understanding (Comprehensing/ Applying) # % Item #



Discussion of Behavioral Objectives/ Intended Learning Outcomes Portfolio on Authentic Assessment TOTAL

TOTAL Thinking (Analyzing/ Evaluating/ Creating # % Item #

5,6,1619 ,2730 10
























FS 5- Learning Assessment Strategies

2. Research on other examples of TOS and compare them with the TOS given above.

FS 5- Learning Assessment Strategies

MY ANALYSIS 1. For a TOS to ensure test content validity, what parts must it have? Test Content Validity is considered as the most important type of validity. It is the degree to which the test questions fully assess the construct of interest that is intended to be measured. Content Validity involves two concepts, the content relevance and content coverage. Content relevance is the extent to which the aspects of the ability to be assessed are actually tested by the task and it indicates to specify the ability domain and the method to which the assessment be given. While the content coverage stresses the extent to which the test covers the performance in the target context. Moreover, content validity will be achieved if what is being measured is all that is supposed to measure. The teacher must make sure that the test items reflect the planned objectives of the curriculum, arrange test items from easy to difficult level and let students demonstrate their mastery of the lessons and their essential skills. 2. Among the TOSs that you researched on, which is a better TOS? Why? The number of sample TOS that I have researched on are about the subject MAPEH, which is for 3rd year level. Thus, the sample TOS are formatted by the DepEd. I would say that the better TOSs are those that I’ve researched on from the internet because it is more comprehensive than the given sample above. The sample only shows the TOPICS while that of I have researched show not just the topics but also the instructional objective and learning competencies. The number of hours spent and the percentage in tackling the lesson are also inscribed, while the sample did not indicate them. The ability domains (knowledge, process/skills and understanding) on my researched TOS are being reflected with allocated their percentages, (30%, 40% and 30%). The TOSs for DepED are easily to be understood, thus confusion will be avoided in using them.

FS 5- Learning Assessment Strategies

3. Can a teacher make a test with content validity even without making a TOS? Why? Yes, it is possible that a teacher can devise a test with content validity even without constructing a TOS if the topic covered is only one and thus, the exam covers all that you’ve tackled and especially if the teacher discussed the topic and the exam follows after the class discussion period. However it is impossible to ensure the test with content validity if the examination will cover the whole chapter in a subject. Its failure will be evident after checking the papers of the students. Most probably, the number of the students who got low scores are high and very few will have the passing rates. This indicates that the test items were very difficult and it has bad effects for the students. They will get low grades just because the teacher includes test items which were given less emphasis during the class discussion. It is important to make a TOS to ensure that the test have content validity in relevance with what the learners know and to the anticipated learning outcomes. With this, the performance of the class will be in a normal curve. 4. Explain why the use of a TOS enhances content validity. TOS serves as a backbone that helps teacher to align objectives, instruction, activity and assessment, the curriculum development. The main reason of conducting a TOS is to ensure the validity of the assessment in any means, to avoid mismatch of assessment material in accordance to what the learners have learned after the number of hour’s class discussions intended for a specific lesson. TOS enhances content validity because it gives assurance that the test instrument to be used will cover all that the teacher needs to measure on the students’ learning and the performance objective at each level of the cognitive domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy. The importance of teachers making TOS, is very imperative for it gives clear connection between planning, implementing and evaluation. Through this we can judge the effectiveness of your school’s curriculum. With TOS, inclusion of irrelevant test items will be eradicated. The performance of the students is expected to be in the normal curve. Thus we can say that the test is

“But we only talked about Puerto Princesa for - like 2 seconds last week. Why would she proven to be valid. put that on the exam?” “You know how teachers are… they’re always trying to trick you.”

“Yes, they find the most nit-picky little details to put on their tests and don’t even care if the information is important.” just not fair. I studied everything we discussed in class about the Philippines and MY“It’s REFLECTIONS

the things she made a big deal about, like comparing the Philippines, and to think all sheRead asked was ‘What’s the below capitaland of Singapore?” the conversation reflect on the teacher’s assessment practices. “Really? Grrr.” (Adapted from Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation, Vol. 18 No. 3, February 2013)

FS 5- Learning Assessment Strategies


My Reflections: Construct a sample TOS that reflects the levels of learning by Bloom (Cognitive Domain).

Yes. I have encountered this problem and I think all of the students did too and might be experiencing it still. As a typical student, I saw this as a strategy of the teachers to know who among the students are knowledgeable and wide-readers. I just realized the reasons of its occurrence by now, after taking Assessment of Learning. I just found out that it is on the mistake of the teacher, of not having a TOS or not making one. It is indeed frustrating on the part of the students and will affect their grades. This will be a factor why students hate some of their teachers. Reliance on teachers will be jeopardized. According to a research I have read, it creates a ‘domino effect’, wrong teaching + wrong assessment = wrong grades. This indicates that test results are unreliable, thus objectives of the curriculum is not achieved. I have learned that as a future teacher I must observe validity as the most important criteria of a test. Most of all, I should make my students realize that tests are not intended to punish them but rather help them to achieve what they may be after their stay in the school.

1st Semester, SY 2016 - 2017 FS 5- Learning Assessment Strategies

EDUC. 11 Course Catalog Number

Midterm Periodical Examination Table of Specifications Facilitating Learning LEVELS/SKILLS


No. of Hour s




(Comprehending / Applying)

# A. Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors of Learning 1.5

B. Understandin g Learning

C. The Developmenta l Theories


1 8


Item #

18 %

3,1011, 13,16,1 7,29,42 ,48,60, 6466,7879,83,8 5-87





17 %


1 8

18 %


12 %

Item #

TOTAL Thinking (Analysing/ Evaluating/ Creating # % Item #

5,12,3 0,3435,43, 53,57, 73,7677,84

7 0

70 %

7 0

70 %




1 8


1 2


7 0


6 0


Course Title

FS 5- Learning Assessment Strategies

MY LEARNING RUBRIC Field Study 5, Episode 4 – Table of Specifications (TOS) Content Validity and Outcomes Based Education (OBE) Focused on: 1. Constructing a Table of Specifications 2. Applying OBE by formulating test items with content validity Name of FS Student: Year and Section:

Over-all Learning Episodes Score

Learning Activities

Glydel P. Rodriguez


Rating Exemplary 4 All episodes were done with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations.

Date Submitted: ___________________

Superior 3 All or nearly all episodes were done with high quality.

Satisfactory 2 Nearly all episodes were done with acceptable quality.

3 Analysis questions were answered completely. Clear connection with theories. Grammar and spelling are superior. 3 Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the learning episodes. 3

2 Analysis questions were not answered completely. Vaguely related to the theories. Grammar and spelling acceptable 2 Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the learning episodes. 2 Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentations are organized but are lacking.

4 Submitted before the deadline

Portfolio is complete, clear, well-organized; most supporting documentations are available and logical and clearly marked locations. 3 Submitted on the deadline




Analysis of the Learning Episode

Reflections/ Insights

Learning Portfolio

Submission of Learning Episode

All questions / episodes were answered completely; in-depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories. Exemplary grammar and spelling 4 Reflection statements are profound and clear; supported by experiences from the learning episodes. 4 Portfolio is complete, clear, well-organized and all supporting; documentations are located in sections clearly designated.

2 Submitted a day after the deadline. 2

Needs Improvement 1 Fewer than half of episodes were done; or most objectives were met but need improvement. 1 Analysis questions were not answered. Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory. 1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the learning episodes. 1 Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentations are not organized and are lacking. 1 Submitted two days or more after the deadline. 1

Comme nt/s: Score Grade

20 1.0

19-18 1.25

17 1.5




TRANSMUTATION OF SCORE TO GRADE/RATING 16 15 14 13-12 11 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 90

____________________ Signature of FS Teacher above printed name





10 3.00

9-8 3.5



7-below 5.00 71below

_______________ Date

FS 5- Learning Assessment Strategies

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