319vas - Jinx In Hell 03 - Road To Dis

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Jinx in Hell, Part 3 The Road to Dis An AD&D Campaign Report Jim Vassilakos ([email protected]) & Kurt Olson (playing Jinx) Jinx awakens after a broken sleep— various images from the land of dreams still cluttering her mind, from herself being stretched on one of “pink eyes” inventions to having to swallow a pint of Mephisto; none of them seem particularly appetizing. Sprawled out on a nearby couch lays Kyna. She’s asleep, but in her face reads exhaustion. “Homeless,” Jinx thinks to herself. “I also tire of it.” She walks to the window and out on the balcony to observe her surroundings. Laertes seems to be doing the same and takes notice of Jinx as she comes out. “It is an interesting place,” he sends telepathically while shifting his view from the lava lake to Jinx. “Is it temporary?” “Would you like it to be?” “A steed to one who has conversed with the ruler of Baator1…and lived to tell of it…” his eyebrows raise slightly. “For now,” she returns. “Your past must run deep. I’ve never questioned your plans…until now.” “What makes you think I have any?” “You wouldn’t have approached him without plans. I know you better than that. Always planning. Always working toward something.” “Is ambition so wrong?” “Not if it’s obtainable, but you’ve moved awfully quick in such a short time. Why the urgency? Was Broken Reach2 unsatisfactory?” “Actually, I like it there. They have politics, games, amusement…” “I can assure you, the same exists here.” “Very true,” she says while leaning her cheek into Laertes’ shoulder. “But here, for now anyway, I’m the game. At 1

Baator, of course, is another name for the Hells. TSR came up with it for 2nd edition AD&D so as to avoid using the dreaded H-word which might incite the wrath of various religious groups. 2 Broken Reach is a city in Pazunia, the first layer of the Abyss, where Jinx stayed for a time, simply for purposes of getting away from it all. I may relate the tale of that episode at a later date, although it does get a bit silly at certain points.

Broken Reach, I’m just a part of the game.” “Easier to hide from trouble in Pazunia than Nessus,” he replies. “When does the hiding stop? Does it ever stop?” “That, my friend, is the plan.” “I figured as much. Take refuge in a power untouchable by your pursuer.” “Yes, but more than that, for that means I am still hiding. No, my pursuer must be destroyed, or at least brought down and made ineffective. Then will my plan begin.” A door opens, Calpurnia walking in somewhat hesitantly. “Please excuse the interruption, my lady,” she says while Kyna begins to awake and stretch. “I bring you a message from Lord Chancellor Adramalech.” She hands Jinx a scroll case, Adramalech’s sigil imprinted upon the glowing red seal. Inside are three messages: Dear “Princess” Jinx, About the quote marks, I heard from a little birdy that you came to Hell calling yourself a princess. I find that amusing, for you are nothing but a perpetrator of deeds beyond your station, which is to

say that you are far more worthy than any princess, as you have earned your place and, we hope, will continue to do so. Our Lord finds your peculiarities most pleasing and worthy of reward. Hence, we invite you to continue to occupy these palace accommodations for as long as you might require them. Likewise, the erinye which we have learned now occupies your chamber is to be considered a gift. You may do with her as you please. I anticipate that many more gifts shall be forthcoming, as our Lord is both wise and generous, wise to note the value of those who serve him, and generous to see that they are thusly appreciated. The two enclosed letters should serve you well in establishing contacts in Dis. We are placing you in the service of Baalzephon, who in our Lord’s rightful determination, will see to your proper instruction in the ways of the Hells, provide you with tasks which will best serve our needs, and keep the promise which Mephisto gave to you. -Adramalech Dear Provost Biffant, You are hereby instructed to find worthy accommodations for the bearer of this letter and to submit her to Baalzephon3 at the Lady Minister’s pleasure. -Adramalech


Baalzephon is given brief mention in Dragon #75, p21, as being a pit fiend as well as the prime minister of Dis. She’s mentioned again in Faces of Evil: The Fiends, p29 and in Hellbound: The Blood War, The Dark of the War, p18 as being a member of the Dark Eight and the supply master of the Blood War. Since I decided to give female devils a different promotional path than males, it didn’t make sense to maintain that she was a pit fiend. Rather, for the purposes of this campaign, she is simply a powerful noble whose administrative rank surpasses her birth rank. Since Dispater had entrusted her with the overall administration of Dis, and since he is no longer in the picture, she is essentially the interim Archduke until another should be appointed. This puts her in a powerful if precarious position.

Dear Lady Minister Baalzephon, The bearer of this letter is one Jinx, the daughter of Malarea who, according to your report, Nethrys4 spoke of in the on-going interrogations. As fortune would have it, she came to us of her own free will, and she has chosen to serve us against her personal enemies as well as ours. To this end, she has been allotted the task of inquisitor regarding a certain demon in your custody. Concurrent with this assignment, you are hereby selected to enlighten her in the ways of Hell and to manage her as you see fit. The one caveat is that she is not to be used as one might use…say…an erinye. Knowing you as I do, I did not think it necessary to state these terms, but here they are for your abiding amusement. May all your battles be fought with strength and honor, -Adramalech

Tesga While Jinx reads the letters of passage with which Adramalech has furnished her, Calpurnia brings in a breakfast tray consisting of a giant eagle egg omelette with meats of the bird spread throughout along with a host of other ingredients. Likewise, there is a pot of piping hot liquid resembling coffee, but thicker and tasting more like salty licorice. “What are these?” Jinx picks out a small, oddly colored mushroom from a portion of the omelette. “A local fungi which grows along the banks of the Lethe.” “Safe to eat?” “That one is,” Calpurnia nods. “If you need anything else…” “Have you ever been to Dis?” Calpurnia shakes her head, “No. Never.” “I will need to speak with someone who knows about Dis as well as ways of getting there unnoticed. Perhaps Adramalech may know something of this?” “The Lord Chancellor is not easily

seen, but I will be happy to show you to the Tower of Records. I’m sure there will be someone there who will be able to assist you.” They end up going after Jinx finishes a cup of Hell’s java, the Tower of Records being a vast edifice which rises from near the center of Malsheem and disappears into the clouds overhead. As to be expected of such a gargantuan structure, there are several entrances, and Jinx soon finds herself at the bottom floor of a huge chamber which rises on all sides, dozens of levels tall with a spider web network of bridges running throughout, all of these floors apparently containing shelves upon shelves of books. Perhaps several hundred librarians work here, most of them she-devils, but not like any she-devils Jinx has ever seen before. Although similar in size and shape to erinyes, they are completely bald and have only vacant holes where their eyes used to be, about half of them wearing metallic caps, which may indeed be part of their skulls, covering the top third of their face down to their nose. Likewise, their fingers are more like claws, all of these women apparently having fashioned one of their long nails into an implement for writing.5 Jinx watches, awestruck by the immensity of the place, as they move about from shelf to shelf and floor to floor, apparently capable of sight, examining the collection, writing and updating in various alcoves. What they are keeping records of, she can only imagine. Perhaps everything. Eventually she is introduced to one of these she-devils, a woman by the name of Tesga who, apparently, is an expert on Dis. From her, Jinx learns of various ways to reach Dis from Avernus6, but there is also another question on her mind, one which she did not want to mention in the presence of Calpurnia or Kyna.



Nethrys was once Jinx’s master in terms of her Necromantic studies. Likewise, he was also a friend of her father’s…and later an enemy of her father’s…then a friend again. Suffice it to say that he goes back a ways. He also has a penchant for pissing people off. It’s no wonder he’s dead (well, actually undead… he’s a drow lich).

They’re modified Striga from Legions of Hell: Book of Fiends, Volume 1, p46. 6 Avernus, of course, is the first layer of Hell. Dis is the second. In any planar chain, there are typically many ways to get from layer n to layer n+1 and vice-versa. Interplanar teleportation should even do the trick, but since Jinx has never been to Dis, this method might pose a problem. Furthermore, it could easily attract unwanted attention.

“Do you know of Malarea?” Tesga stares back, eyeless but seemingly observant. “I know you are her daughter.” “News travels fast,” Jinx half-smiles, half-grimaces. “Have you people already made a note of that in your books?” “In here, there are no exceptions.” “Just doing your job,” Jinx surmises. “I can appreciate that. What else do you know?” “What else do you know?” Tesga fires back. Jinx smiles, “Well, since she is my mother, you can presume that I know quite a bit.” “What about your mother’s mother?” Jinx blinks at her for a long moment, silently surmising that the cat truly must have leapt from the bag. “You must mean Lolth7,” she finally states. “Or her father, Aramaros8…yes, I know these things. But I did not come here to 7

Yes, you heard right. Did I not mention that this is a powergame? 8 Aramaros was for most of his existence known as Armaros and can be found under that name in Dragon #91, p19. After Asmodeus was slain, he undertook a selftransformation in order to free himself from Avernus, and it was this magic which necessitated him taking on a new name. For the purposes of this campaign, he is the father of both Ahriman & Malarea, although they were born by different mothers. That makes Jinx Ahriman’s niece, or at least his half-niece. Confusing enough for you?

discuss my family tree.” “You came here to discuss your mother,” Tesga states. “Right,” Jinx nods slowly. “What I want to know is how she got caught.” “Has Ahriman9 been wondering?” “I wouldn’t know. I don’t speak to him.” “Hmm…” Tesga leans back, as though evaluating the tenor of Jinx’s statement for any hint of deception. “I come here with the trust of Adramalech10, your boss.” “Correction,” Tesga glances toward the ring on Jinx’s finger. “He is my master, and you come here by his leave.” “Whatever. Are you going to answer my questions, or is evasion all you do here?” The librarian takes a moment to chew on this last question, wondering perhaps if Jinx really wants to know the truth. Finally, she leans forward again, and in a slightly hushed tone, begins her reply. “Malarea had been doing very well in the Blood War, commanding the 2nd legion of the 8th army which had been assigned to her by Baalzephon. Duke Alocer11 was in command of the 1st legion. Hence, they were to fight together as well as separately, for the Emperor decreed that fate and honor should decide who should fill the vacancy left by Dispater12.” “So what you’re saying is that 9

I discussed Ahriman to some extent in the previous installment of this campaign report. Nonetheless, I should probably clarify that he is not (or, at least, is not yet) the same being who appears in The Encyclopedia of Demons & Devils, p16, published by Fast Forward Entertainment. Although, I could see him being interested in adopting that sort of image for himself, particularly if his quest for ultimate power in the lower planes should prove successful. 10 Some might find it interesting to note that Adramalech once undertook a transformation similar to that taken by Aramaros. He was previously known as Adramelech. Such name changes among the greater devils are very rare but not altogether unknown. The 2nd most famous example is of Baalzebul who was known during his reign in Nessus as Emperor Beelzebub. More information on this is available in Dragon #28. 11 Alocer can be found in Dragon #75, p24. 12 Former Archduke of Dis, the 2nd plane of Hell.

Malarea and this Duke Alocer were in competition over brownie points.” “Brownie points?” Tesga queries. “They were not fighting brownies. They were fighting demons. But yes…they were in a sort of competition. Unfortunately for Duke Alocer, his force fell into an ambush. Not only did the demons seem to know his location when they should not have, but Malarea seemed to know the location of the demons, the time and place of the ambush, when she could have had no knowledge of that either. She explained it, after the fact, as being part luck and part instinct, but there was some skepticism in higher circles.” “So her rival, this Duke Alocer, was slain?” “No, much worse. She came to his rescue.” Jinx takes a moment to smile at this statement. Indeed, if Mephisto had put them into a competition with one another involving personal honor, it would certainly be more dishonorable for the male to be rescued by the female, rather than to simply be churned through the meat grinder of combat. His colleagues must have had a good laugh, and Malarea’s prestige must have hit an all-time high. “So you’re saying that she was convicted on suspicion?” “Not exactly,” Tesga replies. “While the two legions were regrouping their strength and planning their next move, Baalzephon paid the 8th army a visit. It was she who discovered Malarea’s treachery.” “I should be very interested to meet this Baalzephon. Just one more question. I will be needing access to some necromantic spells and perhaps training. Since I will be in Dis…” “You should go to Furcas,” Tesga interrupts. “Who’s Furcas?” “My former master,” she smiles. “Well, that tells me a great deal. Aside from being your former master, what is he?” “He runs a small library in Dis. I think you will find the spells you need there.” “I may be needing some high level spells.” “I have no doubt that you will find them. Be so bold to mention me when you see him. Tell him Tesga says hello.” Jinx nods, getting up. “You think it’ll earn me any brownie points?”

“I don’t know. Furcas does not like brownies. But he does like halflings,” Tesga smiles maliciously. “He likes halflings very much.”

Malgrin After leaving the Tower of Records, Calpurnia escorts Jinx back to her guest quarters, where Jinx gives the word to Kyna that it’s time to saddle-up and leave. For her own part, Kyna somehow gains permission to abscond with a nightmare from the emperor’s own stables, and soon they are on their way, heading through an interplanar gate to the Dragon Caves of Avernus. Being that Jinx bears a medallion with the seal of Hell’s Lord Chancellor, she finds no trouble negotiating security, and soon they are outside of the mountain which was formerly the capital of Avernus during the long reigns of Yem and Tiamat. “I don’t understand why we couldn’t just go to Dis directly,” Kyna complains, taking advantage of the occasional fireball high overhead to survey the vast landscape of living flesh with a mild air of distaste.13 13

The first time Jinx visited Hell, it was only to Avernus, and that time she was with a group of adventurers/pin-cushions. Here’s how I described the scene upon their arrival: Looking around, you will note that the landscape is hilly and littered with dark caves and small streams which leak haphazardly into the Styx. The ground itself, meanwhile, is somewhat mushy and clay-like, squishing a bit and occasionally gurgling slightly as you walk upon it. In the distance, you hear the low moaning of the wind as well as the bursting noise of fireballs exploding here and there along the horizon, each time preceded by a shooting star falling from the black sky above. Each time it happens, which is about once every few seconds, a part of the landscape lights up in misty red contours, like a snapshot, but then once again all is dark except for whatever light source you are carrying. In the far distance, however, you can see a mountain rising from the landscape, its slopes bristling with fortifications. Twelve concentric walls ring the summit, and the entirety is ringed by a moat of lava as long shimmering rivers of lava extend from it into the surrounding hills like the legs of a giant insect. How far away it is, you cannot tell with much certainty, but you’d guess it to be at least 30-40 miles, and it is the only source of steady light in your

“I have my reasons,” Jinx answers cryptically, motioning for Laertes to fly in the direction of the Bone Citadel of Duke Malgrin.14 Fortunately, Kyna seems to have no idea where they’re going, or she might complain more loudly. Malgrin is not well-known for his hospitality, even to Hell’s elite. Rather, he was a student of Furcas for quite some time, eventually establishing himself in Avernus with a small cadre of necromancers and an army of undead. From time to time, he would be called upon to aid in the Blood War, but for the most part he preferred to be left alone and made no secret to Bel15 of that fact. It is quite possible that without the political support of Furcas, and by extension, that of Baalzephon, Bel would simply have brought his armies to bear on Malgrin and steamrolled the errant Duke into complete submission. range of vision. Setting off, the party keeps a tight formation, heading over the strange, spongy ground in a column of twos. The dim, almost moonlike illumination of the castle serves as a nice beacon, however, the voracious gnats are becoming more than merely annoying (everyone takes a point of damage after ten minutes). The buzzing noise, likewise, is maddening, in a way even more so than the howling winds of Pandemonium since you are all aware that you are slowly being eaten alive. Just then a fireball explodes about 200 feet away, momentarily outlining your surroundings in a stark orange light. You all notice that on the ground, surrounding you in all directions, are occasional eyes, ears, and noses, even mouths with tongues and broken teeth, as though embedded into the earth, a part of it. Likewise, there are various orifices which are better not described. It is then that it finally occurs to you that the feeling of the ground is decidedly “fleshy”. 14 Malgrin can be found in Legions of Hell: Book of Fiends, Volume 1, p36. As to be expected, I’ve done a little bit of tweaking to the politics as stated in this Green Ronin publication, but I don’t think that its author, Chris Pramas, will mind. By the way, I highly recommend this work for GMs who wish to run campaigns or adventures based in the Hells. 15 Bel is the latest ruler of Avernus and somewhat of a hero in the Blood War. He/it has a long history which I won’t get into presently, but suffice it to say that his current incarnation is rather war-bent.

However, as Jinx could reason from her conversation with Tesga as well her earlier conversation with Inquisitor Phongor, it seemed to be Mephistopheles’ policy to balance opposing powers into an uneasy stalemate, a clear carry-over

from the policies of Asmodeus who ruled so effectively before him. In this way, the Hells were much like a house of cards kept precariously in balance by the delicate palpations of the emperor. It was with this fact lodged securely in mind that Jinx wondered what Mephistopheles would end up doing with her now that she had fallen so conveniently into his lap. After she resolved the questions pertaining to her mother, Jinx was certain she would find out, and that in itself also made her uneasy, for she still had no clue how far she could trust Hell’s emperor. Nonetheless, at least for the moment, she was his to command. “Looks like we have some company,” Jinx hears Laertes’ voice in her mind. As she scans the pitch black skies, a sudden fireburst gives her a momentary view of a squadron of giant reptilian birds, their flesh hanging like tattered rags off their wings. “Undead pterodactyls,” Jinx takes a moment to point them out to Kyna. “They must be here to greet us.” “I have no desires to greet them,” Kyna replies, tugging the reign of her steed. “Stay your course. I did not give you permission to flee,” Jinx menacingly retorts, a fireball streaming through the skies just close enough for Kyna to bear witness to her scolding glare. For a minute the undead flyers simply take up a parallel heading, probably communicating telepathically with Malgrin or one of his underlings as to the nature of their visitors. Then, one of them dives down, stretching out its claws as its eyes glow red. “Oh shit,” Kyna’s face goes white. “We’re being tested. Hold your course.” And with that, Jinx waits until the last moment before interception, finally waving her hand with a nearly

silent utterance as both her and Kyna are about to be raked by the pterodactyl’s razor sharp claws. Rather than attacking, the winged decay simply swoops past them and then flies back toward its brethren, engaging one of them in a mid-air collision. Within scarce moments, the battle is over, two of the necromantically manipulated birds falling to the living flesh that welcomes them below. “What did you do?” Kyna looks toward Jinx with undisguised wonder. “Passed the test, I hope.” The pterodactyls hold their course, for whatever reason not sending another to attack the she-devils, and before long there emerges from the darkness ahead a huge castle seemingly composed of the skulls and bones of thousands of dead. Its outer walls are a weird web of humanoid bones fused together like some unholy junkyard, sword-wielding arms sprouting out here and there as though to fend off potential climbers, skulls jabbering in a mad cacophony, each of them hurling insults at their fellows in ceaseless abandon. Then, of course, there is the moat, a great river of blood which parts just long enough to create an island for the entire structure. As they approach closer, a drawbridge begins to descend, and noting the hundreds of skeletal combatants atop the battlements, Jinx decides to land at the river’s outer bank, dismounting Laertes and motioning for Kyna to follow as the drawbridge finally comes to rest in front of her, and a cloaked figure appears at the other end. “I’ll do the talking,” Jinx informs Kyna, heading across the bridge toward the cloaked skeleton. Rather than meeting her halfway, it simply lets her close the entire distance, perhaps more secure in its own safety while on the island itself. “Who are you?” it asks in a whispery tone as soon as Jinx and Kyna are finally before it, “And why do you plague us with your presence?” “We’re travelers from afar. We wish to speak with Malgrin.” “Why should he wish to speak with you?” “I should think that is for him to decide, don’t you?” “If your desire is death, then please avoid just one more question.” Jinx holds her tongue for a moment,

glancing again toward the battlements. Of course, this close to the main gate, she also has a clear view of the grand house itself and can see a tall figure standing at one of the third story windows, his massive horns jutting from his forehead like two giant fishhooks.

“I think I should rather avoid them all,” she finally replies to the skeleton, looking up toward the horned figure, and telepathically opening a channel. “I have information concerning Nethrys. I know he has been soliciting you for troops on behalf of Malarea.” “What concern is that of yours?” the hooded skeleton fires back. Jinx turns and glares at him. “I would rather to speak with Malgrin face to face. Such matters are not for scrying eyes.” Then she shows him the amulet with Adramalech’s seal. “Come,” a strange voice finally opens in her mind. “Alone.” “You stay here with the steeds,” Jinx says to Kyna before striding past the unwelcoming committee and into the grand house beyond. Its massive double-doors are built from skulls fused together by some form of binding magic. They chatter furiously about “a live one, and shapely too” as she enters and proceeds up a long winding staircase. She soon finds the figure at the window, the Duke of Unlife as he is known on Avernus, his towering form grotesque and yet fascinating. His height and stature reminds her of a pit fiend or fire giant, but his skeletal features, hook-like horns, and pale skin give him away as something quite different. “You have been granted an audience,” he says. “Now speak.”

“I come from Malsheem,” Jinx replies. “My purpose here is to cross into Dis. I know you have a portal.” “There are many ways to Dis from Avernus.” “But few are as covert. In case you have doubts as to my mission, your minion already saw the amulet that I bear.” Jinx offers it to him for his inspection, and after a moment he hands it back to her, apparently satisfied with its authenticity. “What is this news of Nethrys and Malarea of which you spoke?” “How much do you know about Malarea?” “She is being honored at the Palace of Dis for her conduct in the Blood War.” “So it has been said,” Jinx nods. Malgrin regards her with a cold stare, perhaps waiting to see if Jinx intends to continue. Finally, with curiosity gnawing at him, he circles slowly. “What does this have to do with me?” “You know of Nethrys?” “Malarea’s diplomatic messenger, personal advisor, and domesticated lapdog? Yes, I know of him.” “You sound like you know him well.” “He approached me,” Malgrin nods. “Told me that as a fellow necromancer, it would be in my interests to forge an early alliance with his mistress, the Blood War’s latest rising star.” “Did Malarea pay you a visit personally?” “Perhaps.” Jinx nods, “I’ll take that as a yes. I suppose she made you promises.” “Everyone makes promises,” Malgrin replies, “so many that they occasionally can’t even keep track of them all. Why else do you think I protect my solitude?” “Believe me…I can understand why more than you might realize.” “Pray tell.” “I used to have one better than solitude. I used to have anonymity.” “Since you still have not told me your name, one might suppose that you still have it.” Jinx smiles at him for a long moment, at once appreciating Malgrin’s intellect as well as his awkward position: entertaining so secretive a guest who asks all sorts of pesky questions and bears the sigil of Hell’s Lord Chancellor. “My name is Jinx,” she finally responds. “Do us both a favor and keep it to yourself.” “Why the secrecy?”

“If I told you, I’d have to kill you. We wouldn’t want that, now would we?” “You presume much,” Malgrin growls. “My apology. A poor attempt at humor on my part. Tell me more about Nethrys. Did he ever speak of me?” “You know him?” “I used to.” “He did not mention you,” Duke Malgrin shakes his head. “I asked him about his existence before he came to serve Malarea, as well as how they met and the manner in which he was bound to her…that is, whether or not he might be bought.” “At least you’re honest. What did he say?” “He wouldn’t…except to say that all these matters were better left undiscussed. Of course, I told him that I could not possibly donate my resources to Malarea’s legion given those circumstances. He responded that if Alocer should win the throne of Dis, I might find myself in a bit of trouble.” “Why is that?” “Alocer would very likely be a powerful voice in support of Bel’s contention that my undead forces, due to their freewalking abilities, ought to be used in their entirety as a massive forward strike force into the Abyss itself. In such an instance, it is not improbable that I would be ordered to personally command them in battle.” “For the greater glory of Hell,” Jinx smirks. “You must be honored.” “To be perfectly honest, that wasn’t the first thought that crossed my mind.” “You and I think very much alike, Malgrin.” “Perhaps. Nonetheless, I refused the bait. Aside from not knowing them well enough to commit my hand, I also see no need to become embroiled in the politics of Dis. It would be imprudent. In any case, you still haven’t told me what this is all about.” Jinx pauses for a moment, uncertain as to how much she wants to spill. Finally, she takes an enormous breath. “This information is very highly privileged. If you tell anyone, I can just about guarantee that your bones will be added to that wall outside. That isn’t a threat…just a fact. The truth is, Malarea may not be all that she appears to be. I have been sent to investigate, but of this subject, this is absolutely all that I can say.” “And who are you, Jinx, that I should

believe anything that you say?” “Her daughter,” Jinx replies, watching the look of surprise registering in Malgrin’s eyes. “I chose this route to Dis because it was imperative that I learn of a secret way into the 2nd Hell…one that I might have been able to find myself had I known nobody in Avernus.” “You amuse me,” Malgrin smiles. “Do you really think you could have penetrated my defenses?” “Yes,” Jinx replies again in a rather flat tone. “I will not pretend that it would have been without challenge, but yes…I could have gotten in without you ever being the wiser.” “Then why didn’t you? It would have saved us both the unpleasantness of ever meeting one another.” Jinx grins, suddenly liking this Duke. “It would have been an unnecessary risk. Besides, I try not to make a practice of angering powerful necromancers, particularly when they might be able to help me in my own studies. I too am a necromancer of sorts. That was another reason I wanted to speak to you. Very soon I will need access to a library, and since I’m somewhat new to the Hells…” “Since you’re on your way to Dis, you might have considered the Necrology,” Malgrin interjects. “The Necrology?” “The Forbidden Library of Furcas. You really are new, aren’t you?” “Ah yes…while I was at Malsheem, I learnt that you were one of his students.” “Long ago,” Malgrin retorts. “Furcas is not my master.” “I did not mean to suggest that he was. But since it seems I will eventually need to meet with him…what’s he like?” Malgrin pauses for a moment, turning the question over in his mind a few times as though it were of some confusing shape or substance. “Furcas is Furcas,” he finally states, as though that says it all.16 16

For more on Furcas, see Legions of Hell: Book of Fiends, Volume 1, p21. Furcas is also mentioned as being a pit fiend general in Dragon #75, p21 (although he doesn’t appear as a pit fiend in Legions of Hell). Likewise, he’s mentioned in Faces of Evil: The Fiends, p29, as being a member of the Dark Eight and the Minister of Mortal Relations. Hellbound: The Blood War, The Dark of

“I see,” Jinx nods, rather puzzled. “Would he help me in my training?” “Perhaps. I will write you a letter of introduction, but for me to do this, and provide you passage to Dis…it seems to me that I should gain something for all my assistance.” Jinx pulls from her bag of holding a bottle with a large gemstone. It is a smoky yellow agate, glowing eerily like the eye of a feral cat. She looks at it for a long moment through the clear glass, then hands the bottle to Malgrin. “A glowing gem in a bottle,” Malgrin shrugs. “I shall call a press conference.” “It’s the eye of a great lichnecromancer who, some say, has become demon.” “Vecna?” “I would not use his name so carelessly, but yes.” Malgrin stares into the bottle, a mixture of inquisitiveness and skepticism composing his features. Finally, he speaks a brief incantation, then turns back to Jinx. “You’d offer such a treasure as this for so small a service?” “No,” Jinx replies, her eyes glinting in the dim light. “So you mean to put me in your debt?” “Do not think of it as debt. Think of this gift merely as a symbol of my hope that we will one day work together for each other’s benefit…as allies if not friends.” “You are far more diplomatic than your mother,” he replies, looking again at the gem and then glancing toward a spectre in the corner of the room. “Take her and her companions to the blood gate.” “Um…aren’t you forgetting something?” Dear Furcas, I present you with Jinx who you might find a worthy student despite that thing she wears about her neck. Note that she bribed me to write this, so any undue pleasantness has been well paid for. Oh, and I now have a certain optometric artifact in my personal the War, p19, goes on to state that he’s only one of two original members of the Dark Eight, the other original member being Baalzephon, and it indicates that he plays his rivals against each other as “a mortal toys with ants.” For the purposes of this campaign, he’s definitely a noble, and a powerful one at that.

possession. Perhaps we can now do that trade we were so recently discussing? In your dreams…. -Malgrin After writing this letter of introduction, Malgrin has Jinx, Kyna, and their steeds taken to the castle’s basement where there exists a shallow pool of blood as well as a large bell which hangs from the chamber’s roof directly over the center of the pool. “Is this pool fed from the river?” “Yes,” the spectre replies. “There’s a series of conduits which run underneath the castle.” “Doesn’t that present a security risk?” “Do you have any idea what lives in the moat?” “Something big and nasty, I assume?” “Next time you stop by, you can go for a swim.” Jinx gives him a look like that wasn’t very funny, however, before she can compose a decent comeback, he informs her of the way to Dis. Apparently, all she has to do is ring the bell. Jinx and Kyna walk their steeds into the shallow blood and do just that, the bell’s reverberations at first making small circular ripples over the entire surface of the pool. Rather than settling back down, however, these little wavelets continue to grow, rising along the pool’s circumference like a curtain and swirling about, until the two shedevils and their nightmares find themselves standing on the pool’s tile flooring, not a drop of blood touching either one of them. A moment later, there’s a noise like a clap of thunder, and the curtain of blood sweeps past them as though dashed apart by a galeforce wind, leaving them crimson soaked atop a small hill under a murky green sky, the wind so fierce neither one of them can stand upright, but must rather kneel against their nightmares for protection. As Jinx looks around, she can see that the landscape is nearly flat for as far as the eye can see, its barren surface fractured by a mazelike web of stagnant rivers belching white vapors to the chaos winds which seem to blow from every direction all at once. Off in the distance, a huge walled city surrounded by water rises from this desolation, its gleaming spired palace reaching through the murky clouds and standing fast against the howling tempest.

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