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  • Words: 2,939
  • Pages: 14
Functional Description Digital Audio Processor with up to 4 Voice Channels 4 DAP x1 / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

Doc. no. 315-042-120 • Rev. 3 • EN • 07.12.2010

Table of Contents 1

Introduction.......................................................................................................... 3 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5


Components and How to Operate Them ............................................................ 5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5


Backplane ..................................................................................................... 5 Compact Flash Card ..................................................................................... 5 Service Interface ........................................................................................... 7 Adjusting the Level ........................................................................................ 7 Programming Kit ........................................................................................... 8

Replaying and Recording Functions .................................................................. 9 3.1



3.4 4

Main Features ............................................................................................... 3 Variety of Types ............................................................................................ 4 Mechanical Data............................................................................................ 4 Electrical Data ............................................................................................... 4 Standards and Environmental Requirements ................................................ 4

Recording a Track......................................................................................... 9 3.1.1 Using GoldWave ............................................................................... 9 3.1.2 Using AwaveStudio ........................................................................... 9 Converting a Track........................................................................................ 9 3.2.1 Using GoldWave ............................................................................... 9 3.2.2 Using AwaveStudio ........................................................................... 9 Editing a Track .............................................................................................. 9 3.3.1 Using GoldWave ............................................................................... 9 3.3.2 Using AwaveStudio ........................................................................... 9 Removing the CF-Card From Disk Drive ....................................................... 9

Available Documents........................................................................................... 9

Document History and Imprint................................................................................... 9

Functional Description Digital Audio Processor with up to 4 Voice Channels Doc. no. 315-042-120 • Rev. 3 • EN • 07.12.2010

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Introduction The digital audio processor 4 DAP is a part of the INDUSTRONIC communication and public address system with digital interfaces. It is used as digital voice memory to record and play back tones and texts in various combinations. The digital audio processor is especially significant in systems which are used for emergency purposes. It meets highest safety requirements by complying with the standard DIN EN 60849 "Sound Systems for Emergency Purposes". A voice channel allows the transmission of voice and tone information from the digital audio processor to the connected peripheral units. Depending on the digital audio processor type up to four digital voice channels per 4 DAP can be operated simultaneously and independently from each other. Within an INDUSTRONIC communication and public address system five digital audio processors can be operated at the same time. So up to 20 simultaneous voice channels are possible. The text / tone sequences are stored on an exchangeable compact flash card with a maximum of 250 different tracks. The following tools can be used to edit the audio files:

Any sound editor for UNIX or Windows operating systems

The especially designed INDUSTRONIC programming package for Windows operating systems

A digital INDUSTRONIC intercom station

The output level of the 4 DAP can be adjusted. Furthermore, the module is equipped with a service interface. The 4 DAP is supplied in two versions as 19" slide-in unit with either 3 RU or 6 RU.


Main Features

Initialization and management of up to four independent digital voice channels with 64 kBit/s each

Management of up to 250 different tracks

Standard medium with 256 MB for 8 hours recording time, expandable up to 512 MB with 17 hours

Green LED to indicate operation, red LED to indicate failures

One green LED per voice channel to indicate recording or playback

Record and playback audio files

Failure indication for each voice channel

RS232 service interface

Back-up battery in case of power loss

Watchdog reset

Integrated in the failure management of the INDUSTRONIC communication and public address system

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Variety of Types


Voice Channels

Max. Number of Tracks


Playtime per Track


6 RU

Depending on compact flash memory size

4 DAP 01/1


4 DAP 01/2


4 DAP 01/3


4 DAP 01/4


4 DAP 31/0


The first 12

3 RU

Max. 25 seconds

4 DAP 31/1



3 RU

4 DAP 31/2


Depending on compact flash memory size

4 DAP 31/3


4 DAP 31/4



Mechanical Data

Height x depth (4 DAP 01/1 bis 4)..................................233 mm x 160 mm (9 1/4“ x 6 1/4“) Dimensions of the front plate (4 DAP 01/1 bis 4) .......................................... 6 RU, 4 HP Height x depth (4 DAP 31/0 bis 4)..................................... 100 mm x 160 mm (4“ x 6 1/4“) Dimensions of the front plate (4 DAP 31/0 bis 4) .......................................... 3 RU, 4 HP Weight .......................................................................................ca. 0,4 kg (approx. 1 lb)


Electrical Data

Operating voltage of the control electronics..........................................................5 VDC Current consumption .......................................................................................... 400 mA Tone and text memory........................... Compact Flash-Karte, 64 MB bis max. 512 MB Disc format (256 Mbyte) ...................................................... 16384 Byte/Cluster, FAT16 File format ...................................................................................A – Law, 8 – Bit, Mono Sampling rate ........................................................................................................ 8 kHz Number of tracks ..............................................................................................max. 250 Backup battery...........................................................................Li-SOCI2, 3,6 V 2,25 Ah Self-discharge rate per year.................................................................................... <1 % Battery durability ........................................................................................min. 10 Jahre System level ...........................................................................................-9 dB bis +6 dB


Standards and Environmental Requirements

Temperature range...................................................... 0 °C bis+50 °C (32 °F to 122 °F) EMC ......................................................... IEC / EN 61000-6-2 and IEC / EN 61000-6-4 Sound systems for emergency purposes.............DIN EN 60849 respectively VDE 0828

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Components and How to Operate Them



Depending on the application, there are various types of digital audio processors which can be used at different plug-in places. The variants with 6 HU (4 DAP 01) can be used at a normal 2/8/16 DSM 02 backplane housing also the exchange computer and other linecards. In that case, only the slots 1 or/and 3 may be used! The 3 HU variant (4 DAP 31) is operated at a separate backplane 1/3 DAM 01 which provides 3 additional slots for the audioprocessor. The backplanes DSM and DAM are equipped with a 1:1 ribbon cable. The total length of the cable is 45 cm which may not be exceeded due to the high data transmission rate. INTRON-D System Mounting Rack

2/8/16 DSM 02

3 HU

3 HU

3 HU

1 DAM 01

3 DAM 01

only 1st. and 3rd. slots are possible

3 HU

6 HU

6 HU

Connection Cabel

Figure 1: Slot possibilities for a 4 DAP


Compact Flash Card

A compact flash card (CF card) is used to store texts and tones permanently. Its capacity varies between 64 MB and max. 512 MB depending on the requirements. In order to have the data on it read/written by the audioprocessor or by a Windows or UNIX operating system, the CF card must be formatted with FAT-16. In addition, the data structure must be defined with a certain number of bytes per cluster depending on the storage capacity of the CF card (see Fig. 2). The individual tracks are consecutively numbered from 001 to 250 and filed in the master directory. The prescribed nomenclature (see fig. 3) must not be failed in any case. At the subdirectory , there are, too, tracks consecutively numbered from 001 to 255, which are, however, used exclusively for internal purposes of the INTRON-D system and must therefore never be edited!

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Type of Card

Disc Format


64 MB



128 MB



256 MB



512 MB



1 GB

wird nicht unterstützt Figure 2: CF Card Format

File Name

Description yyyyy  any 5 signs (alphanumeric)

nnn  3 digits, numbered from 001 through 250 (always with three digits); yyyyynnn.alw corresponds with the track number/record number alw  filetype (a-law, 8KHz samplerate, mono) Figure 3: Name of nomenclature

CF Card yyyyy001.alw yyyyy002.alw ξ yyyyy249.alw yyyyy250.alw temp

Track000.alw Track001.alw ξ Track254.alw Track255.alw

Figure 4: Directory tree

To write to the CF card using your PC, it is necessary to remove the card from the board and plug it into card reader of your PC. To do this, you have to remove the DAP from the rack. This can also be performed during the operation of the communication system. As soon as the DAP has been unplugged, the CF card can be removed and edited using the PC.

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Service Interface

On the front plate of the module there is a RS232 service interface which is used to read out information on the status of the DAP via a terminal program. To do this, the module must be connected to a terminal program via a cross over cable before being switched on or plugged into the mounting rack. The parameters of the terminal program must be set as follows: 57600 baud, 8 data bits, one stop bit and no parity bit. After the initialization, no information on the status of the module are output any longer via that interface.


Adjusting the Level

To adjust the volume of the audioprocessor, there are two sunk buttons (UP, DOWN) at the front plate with which the output level can be changed between -9dB and +6dB for all stored tracks in one. This level is relative to the stored level! By pressing the UP or DOWN buttons, the level is either increased (UP button) or decreased (DOWN button). In this operating mode, the two rows of LEDs serve as optical signals of the actual output level. The red LEDs signal levels between -9dB and 0dB, the green ones levels between 0dB and -6dB. The value thus set is stored after releasing the button. When pressing one of the buttons, there is a stop point at 0dB. To clear this point for further change of the level, press the button again. After the adjustment, the LED function will shift back to speaker channel signalling.

-9 dB

-5,4 dB

0 dB

2,4 dB

6 dB

Figure 5: Example of status display of volume level

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Programming Kit

As tracks can be recorded and replayed on customers' own PCs, INDUSTRONIC provides a programming kit (P/N 315-043-100) to facilitate this. The kit comprises: •

a compact flash card reader (USB);

a PCMCIA-to-compact flash card adapter;

a formatted 64MB compact flash card with preprogrammed tones and texts (according to the document (no. 330-001-018);

and a shareware to edit tracks.

After installation of the software, the compact flash card can be addressed like a hard disk through the explorer.

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Replaying and Recording Functions

The digital audioprocessor DAP allows to replay the various texts and tones (tracks) stored on the CF card or to record new tracks. This can be done by using an external PC with sound board, microphone, loudspeaker. A suitable editing software (fig. 6) allows to reasonably rework the tracks thus stored. Recommended Programs

Get Software Update

Awave Studio, Version 8.6


Goldwave, Version 5.0

www.goldwave.com Figure 6: Sound editors

It is easy to record or replay a track in the INTRON-D system. An example of the corresponding system communication program is shown in figure 7. Further information can be taken from the programming manual no. 100-701-101. KEYPAD 1 : PA 7, PRIO 4, SOURCE 41k22

/Play Track 22 as long as key is pressed

2 : PA 7, PRIO 4, SOURCE 41k235,once

/Play Track 235, only once

3 : PA 7, PRIO 5, Track 122

/Record of Track 122 from Station 7

END Figure 7: Configuration example - keypad

With the help of a PC each track can be individually played back, recorded or edited. The programs listed in fig. 6 represent very effective tools to edit sound files with few steps, e.g. elimit background noise, adjust the amplitude, remove possible speech breaks. Afterwards the audio file must be converted into the correct file format. The INTRON-D system can only process files stored as European audio telefone format a-law in mono with a scanning rate of 8,000 Hz.


Recording a Track


Using GoldWave Steps Open track

Remarks settings: channels: mono

file  new (ctrl + N)

sampling rate: 8000 preset quality: manual duration: default

start record (ctrl + F9)

speak into your microphone

stop record (ctrl + F8)

stop speaking

trim record (ctrl + t)

give the the file the right length

Save track

important settings:

file  save as

file name: *.alw  (specify always) type: raw(*.snd) attributes: A-Law, mono

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Using AwaveStudio Steps Record track

Remarks settings: waveform format: 8000; mono

Tools  Waveform recording wizard

name of wave file: *.wav

start record  next

preparing to speak and record


speak into your microphone


stop speaking

Save track

settings: file name: user defined

file  save waveform as


Converting a Track


Using GoldWave

type: ALW - A-law audio

GoldWave does not allow to convert within one step various audioformats between each other. Therefore, when converting any audio file into a format readable by the 4 DAP module, it is essential to take the following steps in the given order: •

set low-pass filter to 3,800 Hz;

resample to 8,000 Hz;

elimit any possible background noise;

reduce volume to max. 50 % modulation;

store file with correct audio format.

These steps are important with other audio editor tools, too. For GoldWave, further details can be taken from paragraph 3.3.1 of this document.


Using AwaveStudio Steps Convert track

remarks convert 'Wave forms'  next

Tools  Batch conversion wizard Button

*.*  open


settings: output format: .alw output directory: user defined data format: A-law 8Bit, switch on: mono, resample all waveforms to 8000 Hz, FIR Filter, only downsample

AwaveStudio is a tool that allows the user to easily convert audio files into any audio file format without requiring specialized knowledge.

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Editing a Track


Using GoldWave Steps Open track

Remarks settings: file type: raw (snd, raw)

file  open (ctrl + O)

attributes: A-Law, mono rate (Hz): 8000

Set lowpass

settings: file type: raw (snd, raw)

file  open (ctrl + O)

attributes: A-Law, mono rate (Hz): 8000


settings: file type: raw (snd, raw)

file  open (ctrl + O)

attributes: A-Law, mono rate (Hz): 8000

Remove noise

settings: switch: expander

effect  Compressor/Expander

preset: noise gate

Change volume


 OK volume (dB): user defined

effect  Volume  Change


Limit volume to 50%

settings: maximum (dB): -6.00  OK

effect  Volume  Maximize Save track file  save as

or preset  half dynamic range  OK important settings: file name: *.alw  (specify always) type: raw(*.snd) attributes: A-Law, mono


Using AwaveStudio

The program AudioWave does not provide any possibilty to edit individual tracks.

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Removing the CF-Card From Disk Drive

Some operating systems may require deactivation of the disk drive before removing the compact flash card. Please, carefully follow the instructions of the specific operating system by all means. Otherwise, data incompatibilites may occur on the compact flash card causing unnecessary error messages of the 4 DAP module in the INTRON-D system. This applies also to the INDUSTRONIC programming kit. The reason is writing the contents (FAT-16) on the compact flash card and copying the audio data do not happen synchronously. Depending on the quantity of data part of the data may still be in the main memory of the PC and will only be stored on the compact flash card after the disk drive has been deactivated. The copying process is only completed on confirmation of the operating system!

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Available Documents

Data Sheet..........................................................................................DAT-315-042-100 Commissiong and Troubleshooting of INTRON-D Systems........................ 330-001-404 Application of Tone and Fixed Text Functions in INDUSTRONIC Communication and Public Address Systems.....................................FDE-330-001-018 Programmers Guide ................................................................................... 100-701-101

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Document History and Imprint Revision




M. Busch

R. Amrhein


M. Busch

C. Segler

Topic of Document

M. Busch M. Holzhäuser

P. Rauch

Handling of CF Card Adaptation to new CI/CD





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All brands and registered trademarks mentioned within this document are the property of their respective owner.

Subject to technical modifications. ®



INDUSTRONIC Industrie-Electronic GmbH & Co. KG Carl-Jacob-Kolb-Weg 1 97877 Wertheim / Germany Tel.: +49 9342 871-0 Fax: +49 9342 871-565 [email protected] www.industronic.com

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