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Goat salamander Maya Snake

pig toad mudfish tilapia

owl dolphin monkey eagle turtle frog crocodile lizard

1. Which group lists ALL the mammals given in the box above? A. eagle, maya, owl, toad B. dolphin, monkey, goat, pig C. salamander, goat pig, frog D. snake, turtle, lizard, crocodile 2. Which of the following lists all the reptiles given in the box? A. dolphin, goat, monkey, pig B. salamander, frog, toad C. turtle, crocodile, snake D. tilapia, mudfish 3. Which of the following is a characteristic of mammals only? A. They have four legs. B. They creep and live on land. C. They feed their young with milk. D. They have scales and live in water. 4. To which group does the dolphin belong? A. Amphibians C. reptiles B. Mammals D. Fish 5. What do snakes and mudfish do when they hibernate? A. They sleep for a long time. B. They develop hard body coverings. C. They change their protective coverings. D. They migrate or transfer to other places 6. How do ants, monkeys, and elephants protect themselves from enemies? A. They change to a color that blends with the surroundings. B. They produce loud cries to scare away their enemies. C. They develop strong legs for running. D. They group themselves. 7. How do ants and termites protect themselves from enemies? A. They live in colonies. B. They hide underground. C. They change their colors. D. They have poisonous fangs.

9. Which bird eats seeds only? A. A and D C. B only B. B and C D. C only 10. How are frogs, snakes, and grasshoppers protected from their prey? A. They “play dead.” B. They blend color with their environment. C. They mimic the shape, smell, and sound of their prey. D. They secrete a poisonous substance. 11. Animals have adaptations that help them to survive. One example is the brown coloring of frogs’ skin. What purpose does this adaptation serve? A. For getting food B. For attracting a mate C. For protection from heat D. For protection from predators 12. Which of the following vertebrates are mammals? A. bat, cow, and goat B. eagle, turkey, and owl C. turtle, crocodile, and snake D. frog, toad, and salamander 13. Which group of vertebrates can be classified as reptiles? A. turtle, oyster, ostrich, and milkfish B. iguana, alligators, shrimp, and whale C. alligator, dove, snake, and lizard D. lizards, snakes, turtles, and crocodiles 14. Which of these animals changes color to match its surroundings? A. Ant C. house lizard B. Frog D. walking stick 15. How do grasshoppers protect themselves from their enemies? A. They have color that blends with the surrounding. B. They have sharp teeth to bite their enemies. C. They have strong hind legs to drive away their enemies. D. They have ears that easily detect movement of their enemies. Some of the organisms shown below give birth to offspring that develops inside the mother.

8. Birds have beaks that are shaped to suit their foodgetting activities. Which of the birds below eats fish?


B. 16.



Which of the organisms are these? A. frog, dolphin, dog C. bird, butterfly, frog B. human, dolphin, dog D. frog, dog, man

17. An animal lives on land, breathes through its lungs, and lays its eggs on land. What animal could this be?


A. a fish B. a reptile

C. a mammal D. an amphibian

25. Which special characteristics of the egret (tagak), a wetland bird, are used to hunt for food?

18. All organisms need several resources (such as food, water, protection) to live. Which of the following best explains the relationship between organisms and the areas in which they live? A. Different kinds of organisms or plants need the same food and resources. B. Different kinds of plants living in the same area need different food and resources. C. Plants have specific features or structures that allow them to use the various resources where they live. D. Animals change their features so they can use the various resources where they live. 19. Which group of animals consists of a reptile, a fish, and an amphibian, respectively? A. turtle, whale, bat B. crocodile, shark, frog C. snake, dolphin, alligator D. scorpion, starfish, shrimp 20. Plants can survive in a clear, closed container without animals. Animals cannot survive in a closed container without plants. Why can’t animals survive in a closed container without plants? A. Plants and animals need water to survive. B. Plants produce oxygen which animals need. C. Plants take in and give off water; animals only take in water. D. Plants are stationary; most animals roam freely. For Item 21, refer to the animals inside the box. Frog Bear

duck chicken

penguin cat salamander

21. Which animals are mammals, and why? A. Frog and salamander; they have moist skin and can live both on land and in water. B. Duck and penguin; they can live on land and in water. C. Bear and cat; they have fur that prevent the loss of body heat. D. Chicken and duck; they are covered with feathers.

I. II. III. IV. A. I B. I

Long, thin legs with webbed feet Light, thin body with large wings Long, pointed, and sharp beak White, glossy, and waterproof and II feathersC. I and IV and III D. II and IV

26. Which special characteristics allow the frog to escape from its enemies? I. II. III. IV.

Long, elastic, and sticky tongue Short forearms and long hind legs Loud voice Slimy skin

A. I and II B. I and III 27.

C. I and IV D. II and IV

How does lizard protect itself from enemy?

I. By running and climbing very fast II. By changing its color to blend with the environment III. By perching on the branch. A. I and II B. II and III

C. II only D. III only

28. What was the primary source of food for this animal? A. plants only B. animals only C. plants and animals D. neither plants and animals For Items 29 and 30, refer to the illustration below.

22. How does this animal look for food?


By swimming in the


By grasping another

C. D.

By wading in the water By scratching the soil

water animal

23. Which of the following animal characteristics is NOT mimicry? A. Frogs change their colors. B. Turtles hide inside their hard shells. C. Walking stick blends with twigs and under bush. D. Sphinx moth resembles its wooden resting place.

29. Which among the animals are mammals? A. I and IV C. II and IV B. II and III D. V and VI 30. Which among animals are amphibians? A. I and II C. II and IV B. II and III D. IV and V For Items 31 and 32, refer to the animals below.

24. An animal lives on land, breathes through its lungs, and feeds its young with milk. What animal could this be? A. Fish B. Reptile C. Mammal D. Amphibian


31. Which of these animals is an invertebrate? A. I B. II C. III D. IV 32. What is the major classification difference between I and III? A. One has a two-chambered heart B. One is a parasite C. One has a jaw D. One uses gills 33. Which of the following characteristics can help an animal survive in a sandy shore? A. Jelly-like body and long tentacles B. Webbed feet and feathers C. Thick skin and hard shell D. Soft scales and gill slits 34. How do colors protect animals from their enemies? It is because colors: A. make them lovely. B. distinguish them from other animals C. blend with the surroundings so they cannot be noticed. D. make animal look fierce

A. Group I B. Group II

C. Group I and II D. Group II and I

38. What is the classification of animals in Group I? A. B. 39. A. B.

Reptiles Birds

What is the classification of animals in Group II? Amphibians Reptiles

For Item 40 Group A Mammals Reptiles Birds 40. A. B.

C. Amphibians D. Mammals

C. Fishes D. Birds Group B Mollusks Arthropods Echinoderms

Which group does a butterfly belong? Group A C. Group A and B Group B D. Group B and A

35. Which animal follows the same life cycle as the butterfly?

A. chicken and snake B. dragonfly and lizard C. mosquito and snake D. dragonfly and mosquito 36. Look at the three animals below. Which are NOT common to them?

A. Their habitat C. Number of senses

B. of food D. Types of body covering

For numbers 37 to 39, refer to the classification of animals below. Group I


Group II

Which group does an alligator belong?


A. By legs B. By its web. C. By D. By

41. Which of the following characteristics help an animal survive in an aquatic environment? I. II. III.

Spindle-shaped body, pointed snout Wide wing span, light body Webbed feet, slimy body

A.I.I and B. I and III ThickIIfur, leathery skin C. II and III 42.

D. II and IV

Which group of animals are classified as reptiles?

using its long hind trapping the prey with injecting poison sticking into the prey

48. In what way are a chicken and a snake alike? A. They lay eggs C. They live underground B. They are reptiles D. They scratch for food 49. How do desert animals like squirrel behave to keep them from too much heat of the sun? A. They sleep underground for a long time B. They develop lighter body covering C. They change their protective covering D. They transfer to other places

43. How do desert animals like squirrel behave to keep them from too much heat of the sun? A. They sleep underground for a long time B. They develop lighter body covering C. They change their protective covering D. They transfer to other places For number 44

44. The picture shows some caddis fly larvae. These larvae cover themselves with small twigs and pebbles. What is the advantage of this behavior? A. They can eat the twigs. B .They are hidden from predators. C .They can crawl on the bottom of creeks. D. They are able to keep warm.

For Items 50 and 52, refer to the table below Characteristics of Vertebrates Group Distinct Structure Movement 1 Scales, gills, fins Swim 2 Moist skin, gill, lungs Leap mostly 3 Dry scaly skin, lungs crawl 4 Feathers, wings Fly mostly Walk mostly, few 5 Hairs, mammary gland fly and swim 50. Vertebrates are classified into five (5) subgroups as shown in the chart. To which group do bats and doves belong? A. They belong to Group 4 B. They belong to Group 5. C. Bats belong to Group 4while doves belong to Group 5. D. Bats belong to Group 5 while doves belong to Group 4 51. Using the same chart, to which group does this animal belong? A. B. C. D.

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 D. Group 5

45. What structures help the birds get and eat food? A. wings B. beaks C. feathers D. claw For Item 46, refer to the table below Characteristics of the Animal Animal With Body Covering Feet wings Fingers with 1 Hair Yes claws Paws with 2 Fur None claws 3 Fur None Hooves

A. B. C. D.

52. To which group does the turtle, kangaroo and dolphin? They are all members of Group 2. They are all members of Group 3. Turtle is Gr. 3 while kangaroo and dolphin are Gr.5 Kangaroo and Dolphin are Gr.3 while turtle is Gr.5


Which animal ate grass when it was alive?

46. To which group of animals do they belong? A. Birds B. Reptiles C. Mammals D. Amphibians 47.

How does this animal catch its prey?


61. What does the frog look like after it hatches from the egg?

54. Some animals have teeth. Some have beaks. Others have mouth with tiny sucking tubes. What does this show? A. Animals eat food to live B. Animals have different sizes C. Animals have different structure for eating. D. Animals do not need water to drink. 55. What do snakes and mudfish do when they hibernate? A. They sleep for a long time B. They develop hard body covering C. They migrate or transfer to other places D. They change their protective covering

62. Which of the following characteristics would NOT give animals an advantage in the ocean? A. Long body hair C. Structures that sense movement B. A smooth body D. strong sense of smell 63. Which of the following is most likely a learned behavior? A. using a fork to eat B. jumping at a loud noise C. squinting in a bright light D. sneezing when smelling a flower 64.

For numbers 56 and 57

How are cats and owls alike?

A. They are mammals. C. They can see well at night. B. Their eyes are blue. D. Their fur keeps them warm. 65. Which characteristic of the dog is inherited from its parents? A. Spot on its hair B. Loud bark C. Fast running D. Abundant food the dog eats

56. Which concept is best illustrated by this diagram? A. The exchange of CO2 and O2 in an ecosystem B. The effect of limiting factors in the ecosystem C. Cycling of nutrients in a community _ D. Environmental pressures on a population 2084065 57. Which is the first order consumer? A. Flower

B. Rat

C. grasshopper

D. dog

66. A tapeworm lives in human intestines absorbing the nutrients that would normally be absorbed by the person. This eventually causes the person health problems. The relationship between the tapeworm and the human is: A. parasite/host C. herbivore/omnivore B. predator/prey D. consumer/producer 67. What are the two classes of warm-blooded vertebrates? A. Bird and mammal C. bird & fish B. Reptile and bird D. Fish & amphibian Use the picture below to answer question 67.

58. Why are fungi an important part of a terrestrial ecosystem? It is because they: A. store energy. C. function as producers. B. bond oxygen to sulphur D. recycle organic matter. 59. Which color fur will best protect a rabbit from a hawk in a newly-cultivated field? A. Brown B. Gray C. white D. black 60. Skeletal structures are common between two animals of different species. These structures probably exist because both species: A. have a common food source. B. live in the same environment. C. have survived until the present time. D. are related to a common ancestor

68. How is this fish adapted for weedy areas in freshwater lakes? A. The upper fin of the fish looks like waves of water. B. The lower fins of the fish look like the legs of a turtle. C. The stripes of the fish look like plants in the water. D. The front of the fish looks like the surface of a rock. 69. Soil organisms, such as fungi, worms, and bacteria, are all biotic parts of the woodland ecosystem. What is the role of these organisms in the woodland ecosystem?


A. to provide nitrogen for the animals B. to obtain dissolved oxygen from moisture C. to break down the remains of other living things D. to store chlorophyll for the photosynthesis process The diagram below shows the beaks of five species of birds that developed over time from one parent species. The five species of birds can be found living in the same area. 70. Which of the following best explains why the beak shape of each species of bird developed differently? A. Each beak shape helps the birds to produce different songs. B. Each beak shape is an adaptation to a specific source of food. C. Each beak shape is designed to construct a different type of nest. D. Each beak shape helps protect the birds from a different predator. Bats use high frequency waves to locate their prey and to navigate in the dark. As sound waves reflect of an object and back to the bat’s ears, the bat is able to determine the precise location of the prey. 71. Which technological advance was aided by studying how bats locate objects using sound wave?

76. From where does the energy for this ocean food chain come? A. Ocean waves B. The sun _ C. Whales D. Salt 77. Bright and unusual fish markings can warn other fish to stay away. Which of these fish probably is the most dangerous to its predators?

78. To conserve our environment, composting is highly encouraged. What is the effect of composting? A. Dead organisms are decomposed and become worm. B. Living organisms complete their life cycles and become soil. C. Dead organisms are decomposed and enriched the soil making plants grow healthy. D. Leaving organisms eat the soil and produce more energy to sustain the balance in the ecosystem 79.

In which chart are the organisms sorted correctly?

A. 3-D computer modeling B. Sonar navigation for submarines C. X-rays for analyzing body structures D. Night-vision goggles for military operation 72. Which of these animals changes its color to match its surrounding? A. Ant B. Frog C. House lizard D. walking stick 73. Some young fish develop in estuaries. While these fish develop, they hide in water plants. When the fish reach a certain age, they leave for the ocean. If the water plants were removed from the estuary, the young fish would: A. decrease in number C. find another food source B. move to a new estuary D. swim to the ocean earlier

80. Which is most likely the foot of an animal that eats another animal?

74. Which organism in the estuary relies on the sun to make food? A. horseshoe crab C. salt grass B. hard clam D. fingerlings 75. Which describes the teeth of the carnivore? The teeth of a carnivore are MOSTLY — A. Pointed B. Rounded C. wide. D. flat Below is an example of marine food chain.


ANSWER KEY ANIMALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67.


68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.



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