300 Dream Symbols Explained

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 15,633
  • Pages: 59
Three Hundred Dream Symbols Explained By

Wayne W. Landgrebe, B.A., M.Div.



Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................9 AGRICULTURE: ..............................................................................................................10 ALTAR: .............................................................................................................................10 ANCHOR:..........................................................................................................................10 ANGELS:...........................................................................................................................10 ANGER:.............................................................................................................................10 ANT: ..................................................................................................................................10 APPLE: ..............................................................................................................................11 ARROW:............................................................................................................................11 ASHES:..............................................................................................................................11 ASS: ...................................................................................................................................11 AX:.....................................................................................................................................11 BADGER: ..........................................................................................................................11 BAG: ..................................................................................................................................12 BALL: ................................................................................................................................12 BANNER: ..........................................................................................................................12 BASKET:...........................................................................................................................12 BAT:...................................................................................................................................12 BEADS: .............................................................................................................................12 BEAR:................................................................................................................................12 BEARD:.............................................................................................................................13 BEAVER:...........................................................................................................................13 BEE:...................................................................................................................................13 BELL:.................................................................................................................................13 BIRDS:...............................................................................................................................13 BLINDNESS:.....................................................................................................................13 BLOOD:.............................................................................................................................13 BONES: .............................................................................................................................13 BOOK: ...............................................................................................................................14 BOTTLE: ...........................................................................................................................14 BOWL:...............................................................................................................................14 BREAD:.............................................................................................................................14 BREASTS:.........................................................................................................................14 BRIDGE:............................................................................................................................14 BROOM:............................................................................................................................14 BULL: ................................................................................................................................15 BUTTERFLY: ...................................................................................................................15 CAKES: .............................................................................................................................15 CALF: ................................................................................................................................15 CAMEL:.............................................................................................................................15 CANDLE: ..........................................................................................................................16 CANOE:.............................................................................................................................16 1

CAP:...................................................................................................................................16 CARDS: .............................................................................................................................16 CARNATION:...................................................................................................................16 CASTLE: ...........................................................................................................................17 CAT:...................................................................................................................................17 CAVE:................................................................................................................................17 CHAIN:..............................................................................................................................17 CHALICE: .........................................................................................................................17 CHERRY: ..........................................................................................................................18 CHILDREN: ......................................................................................................................18 CHIMNEY:........................................................................................................................18 CHRISTMAS TREE:.........................................................................................................18 CIRCLE: ............................................................................................................................18 COAT:................................................................................................................................19 CLOUDS:...........................................................................................................................19 CLUB or STICK:...............................................................................................................19 COFFIN: ............................................................................................................................19 COLORS:...........................................................................................................................19 Black: .............................................................................................................................20 Blue:...............................................................................................................................20 Brown:............................................................................................................................20 Gold:...............................................................................................................................20 Green:.............................................................................................................................20 Grey:...............................................................................................................................20 Orange:...........................................................................................................................21 Purple: ............................................................................................................................21 Red: ................................................................................................................................21 Silver:.............................................................................................................................21 Violet:.............................................................................................................................21 White:.............................................................................................................................21 Yellow:...........................................................................................................................22 COMB:...............................................................................................................................22 COMPASS:........................................................................................................................22 CORD: ...............................................................................................................................22 CRAB:................................................................................................................................22 CRADLE:...........................................................................................................................22 CROCODILE:....................................................................................................................22 CROSS:..............................................................................................................................23 CROWN:............................................................................................................................23 CRUTCH: ..........................................................................................................................23 CUP:...................................................................................................................................23 DANCE OR DANCING:...................................................................................................23 DARKNESS: .....................................................................................................................23 DEER: ................................................................................................................................23 DESERT: ...........................................................................................................................24 DICE: .................................................................................................................................24


DISMEMBERMENT: .......................................................................................................24 DOG:..................................................................................................................................24 DOOR: ...............................................................................................................................24 DOVE: ...............................................................................................................................24 DRINKING:.......................................................................................................................24 DRUM:...............................................................................................................................24 DUCK: ...............................................................................................................................25 EAGLE: .............................................................................................................................25 EAR:...................................................................................................................................25 EARTH: .............................................................................................................................25 EAST:.................................................................................................................................25 EASTER EGG: ..................................................................................................................25 EGG: ..................................................................................................................................25 ELEPHANT:......................................................................................................................26 EYE:...................................................................................................................................26 FACE: ................................................................................................................................26 FAN:...................................................................................................................................26 FATHER:...........................................................................................................................26 FEATHER:.........................................................................................................................26 FOOT OR FEET:...............................................................................................................26 FINGER: ............................................................................................................................27 FIRE:..................................................................................................................................27 FISH:..................................................................................................................................27 FLIGHT: ............................................................................................................................27 FLOOD: .............................................................................................................................28 FLOWERS:........................................................................................................................28 FLUTE: ..............................................................................................................................28 FLY:...................................................................................................................................28 FOREST:............................................................................................................................28 FOUNTAIN: ......................................................................................................................28 FOX:...................................................................................................................................29 FROG:................................................................................................................................29 A GARDEN:......................................................................................................................29 A GIANT: ..........................................................................................................................29 GOAT: ...............................................................................................................................29 GOLD: ...............................................................................................................................29 GLOVE:.............................................................................................................................29 GOOSE: .............................................................................................................................29 GRAIN:..............................................................................................................................30 GRAPES: ...........................................................................................................................30 GRASS:..............................................................................................................................30 GUITAR or ANY STRINGED INSTRUMENT:..............................................................30 HAIR:.................................................................................................................................30 HAMMER:.........................................................................................................................30 HAND:...............................................................................................................................30 HAT: ..................................................................................................................................31


HEAD: ...............................................................................................................................31 HEART: .............................................................................................................................31 HELMET: ..........................................................................................................................31 HEN: ..................................................................................................................................31 A HOLE:............................................................................................................................31 HONEY:.............................................................................................................................31 HORNS:.............................................................................................................................31 HORSE: .............................................................................................................................32 HORSE SHOE:..................................................................................................................32 HOURGLASS:...................................................................................................................32 HOUSE: .............................................................................................................................32 ICE: ....................................................................................................................................32 INTESTINES:....................................................................................................................32 ISLAND:............................................................................................................................32 IRON:.................................................................................................................................32 IVORY:..............................................................................................................................33 JAR: ...................................................................................................................................33 JEWELS:............................................................................................................................33 JOURNEY: ........................................................................................................................33 KEY: ..................................................................................................................................33 KING:.................................................................................................................................33 KISS:..................................................................................................................................33 KNIFE:...............................................................................................................................34 LADDER: ..........................................................................................................................34 LAMB:...............................................................................................................................34 LAMP: ...............................................................................................................................34 LEAF:.................................................................................................................................34 LEG:...................................................................................................................................34 LEVEL:..............................................................................................................................34 LIGHT:...............................................................................................................................34 LIGHTENING: ..................................................................................................................35 LINE: .................................................................................................................................35 LION:.................................................................................................................................35 LOAF (bread):....................................................................................................................35 A LOST OBJECT:.............................................................................................................35 MASK:...............................................................................................................................35 MILK: ................................................................................................................................35 MIRROR:...........................................................................................................................35 MIST:.................................................................................................................................36 MONKEY:.........................................................................................................................36 MOON: ..............................................................................................................................36 MOUSE:.............................................................................................................................36 MOUTH:............................................................................................................................36 NAIL:.................................................................................................................................36 NECKLACE: .....................................................................................................................36 NIGHT: ..............................................................................................................................37


NUDITY: ...........................................................................................................................37 NUMBERS: .......................................................................................................................37 ZERO: ............................................................................................................................37 ONE: ..............................................................................................................................37 TWO: .............................................................................................................................37 THREE:..........................................................................................................................38 FOUR:............................................................................................................................38 FIVE:..............................................................................................................................38 SIX: ................................................................................................................................38 SEVEN:..........................................................................................................................38 EIGHT:...........................................................................................................................38 NINE:.............................................................................................................................39 TEN:...............................................................................................................................39 ELEVEN ........................................................................................................................39 TWELVE: ......................................................................................................................39 TWENTY:......................................................................................................................39 FORTY: .........................................................................................................................39 OCEAN:.............................................................................................................................40 OIL:....................................................................................................................................40 OLD MAN or OLD WOMAN: .........................................................................................40 ONION:..............................................................................................................................40 OVEN: ...............................................................................................................................40 OWL: .................................................................................................................................41 OYSTER:...........................................................................................................................41 PANSY: .............................................................................................................................41 PARROT:...........................................................................................................................41 PEACH: .............................................................................................................................41 PEACOCK:........................................................................................................................41 PEAR: ................................................................................................................................41 PEARL:..............................................................................................................................41 PELICAN:..........................................................................................................................41 PEN or PENCIL:................................................................................................................42 PHALLUS:.........................................................................................................................42 PHEASANT:......................................................................................................................42 PIGEON:............................................................................................................................42 PINE TREE:.......................................................................................................................42 PINEAPPLE: .....................................................................................................................42 PLANTS: ...........................................................................................................................42 PUMPKIN:.........................................................................................................................43 PYRAMID: ........................................................................................................................43 QUAIL: ..............................................................................................................................43 RABBIT:............................................................................................................................43 RAIN:.................................................................................................................................43 RAINBOW: .......................................................................................................................43 RAM: .................................................................................................................................43 RAT:...................................................................................................................................44


RAYS OF THE SUN:........................................................................................................44 RIVER:...............................................................................................................................44 ROBE:................................................................................................................................44 ROCK: ...............................................................................................................................44 ROOF:................................................................................................................................44 ROPE: ................................................................................................................................45 SAILS: ...............................................................................................................................45 SAND:................................................................................................................................45 SALT:.................................................................................................................................45 SAW:..................................................................................................................................45 SCALES:............................................................................................................................45 SCISSORS: ........................................................................................................................46 SCORPION:.......................................................................................................................46 SCYTHE:...........................................................................................................................46 SEED:.................................................................................................................................46 SERPENT or SNAKE:.......................................................................................................46 SHEEP: ..............................................................................................................................46 SEA SHELLS: ...................................................................................................................46 SHELTER OF ANY KIND: ..............................................................................................47 SHIP:..................................................................................................................................47 SHOE: ................................................................................................................................47 SILVER:.............................................................................................................................47 SKELETON:......................................................................................................................47 SKY:...................................................................................................................................47 SMOKE:.............................................................................................................................47 SNAIL:...............................................................................................................................48 SNOW:...............................................................................................................................48 SPARROW: .......................................................................................................................48 SPEAR: ..............................................................................................................................48 SPIDER:.............................................................................................................................48 SKULL:..............................................................................................................................48 SPIRE:................................................................................................................................48 SPOON: .............................................................................................................................49 SQUARE:...........................................................................................................................49 SQUIRREL:.......................................................................................................................49 STAIRS:.............................................................................................................................49 STAR: ................................................................................................................................49 STARFISH:........................................................................................................................49 STONE:..............................................................................................................................49 STORK: .............................................................................................................................50 STORM:.............................................................................................................................50 STRANGER: .....................................................................................................................50 STRAW:.............................................................................................................................50 STRAWBERRYS or ANY OTHER FRUIT:....................................................................50 SUN:...................................................................................................................................50 SWALLOW: ......................................................................................................................50


SUNFLOWER: ..................................................................................................................51 SWAN:...............................................................................................................................51 SWINE:..............................................................................................................................51 SWORD: ............................................................................................................................51 TEETH:..............................................................................................................................51 THREAD: ..........................................................................................................................51 THUMB: ............................................................................................................................51 THUNDER: .......................................................................................................................51 TIGER:...............................................................................................................................52 TOAD: ...............................................................................................................................52 TONGUE: ..........................................................................................................................52 TORCH:.............................................................................................................................52 TORTOISE: .......................................................................................................................52 TREASURE or MONEY:..................................................................................................52 TREE or TREES:...............................................................................................................52 TRIANGLE:.......................................................................................................................52 TULIP: ...............................................................................................................................53 TWINS:..............................................................................................................................53 VASE: ................................................................................................................................53 VEIL: .................................................................................................................................53 VINE:.................................................................................................................................53 WALL:...............................................................................................................................53 WALLET: ..........................................................................................................................53 WAND: ..............................................................................................................................54 WANDERING:..................................................................................................................54 WAR: .................................................................................................................................54 WATER: ............................................................................................................................54 WEAPONS: .......................................................................................................................54 WEEPING:.........................................................................................................................54 WHALE: ............................................................................................................................55 WHEEL:.............................................................................................................................55 WHIP: ................................................................................................................................55 WILD ANIMALS:.............................................................................................................55 WIND:................................................................................................................................55 WINDMILL:......................................................................................................................55 WINE: ................................................................................................................................56 WINDOW:.........................................................................................................................56 WINGS: .............................................................................................................................56 WINTER:...........................................................................................................................56 WOLF: ...............................................................................................................................56 WOMAN:...........................................................................................................................56 WOOD: ..............................................................................................................................56 WOODPECKER:...............................................................................................................57 WORD or WORDS:...........................................................................................................57 WORM or WORMS: .........................................................................................................57 WOUND: ...........................................................................................................................57


WRECK: ............................................................................................................................57 WRITING: .........................................................................................................................57 WREATH: .........................................................................................................................57 YACHT:.............................................................................................................................57 YARD STICK:...................................................................................................................58 YAWNING:.......................................................................................................................58 YOKE: ...............................................................................................................................58




his book of 300 of the most common dream symbols and their meaning can greatly enrich anyone’s understanding of their dreams. It is also a “companion book” to my other book titled: The Amazing Dream Guide! The two books used together will provide readers with a fuller and more complete understanding of their dreams. Dreams are amazing things. They are messages from your unconscious mind. They come to us in black and white or color. While some times we can hear sounds in our dreams, by and large they are like silent movies running in our heads. A little 5 year old girl, reporting her first remembered dream to her mother one morning said, “Mommy, there was a movie in my head last night.” Sometimes the plot or story or message in a dream is fairly easy to understand, more often it is not. It is important to understand that every dream is about YOU. It is telling you something about you and your life. Also, every dream is trying to HELP you in one way or another to a fuller and more meaningful life. The message of a dream is contained in both the individual symbols and images and in the story these symbols or images convey when taken together. Just like each word in a sentence has its own unique, individual meaning, words taken together form a sentence which conveys a much fuller meaning. So also with a dream. While each individual symbol has meaning in a dream, the full meaning of the dream is revealed only when one understands the story as all of the dream symbols are taken together. Some people will be good at piecing together the meaning of their dreams by just learning the meaning of the individual symbols in their dreams with the help of this book. Others may find my other book THE AMAZING DREAM INTERPRETATION GUIDE BOOK even more helpful. I will often give a number of meanings for each symbol that are related. The context of your life situation and the context of the other symbols in the dream will determine which meaning applies. All the wisdom of all the philosophers that ever lived, and all the spiritual knowledge contained in all the religious writings of the world, cannot give you the insight and understanding about your life, its meaning and purpose, that your dreams can. Learn to understand your dreams and you will be richly blessed and rewarded!


AGRICULTURE: Any representation in your dream having to do with “agriculture” relates to your own personal “growth and development.” Fruits and vegetables of any kind in a dream, where the feeling is positive or neutral, indicates that you or something in your life is growing or needs to grow. It could be you personally, or some aspect of your personality that is changing for the better, which your dream wants you to know about so you can more fully participate in the process. It could be a relationship that is growing or needs to grow, or a business. The context of your life and the context of your dream will give you the fuller meaning. If the feeling in the dream is negative, it would indicate that you are “growing” in the wrong way or wrong direction, or that you need to be careful in the way you are going or to change directions.

ALTAR: An altar in a dream symbolizes “spirituality” or “God” or “sacrifice” or “holy” or “heaven” or “devotion.”

ANCHOR: If an anchor appears in your dream it is a sign of HOPE. The rest of the dream will give you what it is you need to be hopeful about. It can also mean “stability” or “firmness”!

ANGELS: In every culture down through history angels have been thought of as messengers of God. Angels in a dream indicates that God is trying to communicate with you in your dream, in your prayers, or in your meditation, etc. Pay attention. God is trying to tell you something special.

ANGER: If you or someone in your dream are angry, you may have unresolved issues within or with others. Or it could be a healing dream in which you are safely venting your anger where in real life it would be impossible to do so, as to a boss. In a dream you can do or say absolutely anything you want. A dream is a very safe and effective place to vent your hostility. That’s why we have “anger” dreams!

ANT: Ants symbolize “orderliness” and “industry.” If the feeling in a dream with ants is positive or neutral it would indicated that you are on the right track in what you may be undertaking. A negative feeling with an ant dream would indicate that you need to become more “orderly” or “industrious” in what you are doing.


APPLE: The “apple” is symbolic of “fertility” or “love” or “joyfulness.” In the Adam and Eve story in the Bible, the “apple” represented “knowledge” of good and evil. In this story it was also the forbidden fruit. If you are trying to conceive, an “apple” appearing in your dream could mean that indeed you have conceived. Or it could mean that “love” or a greater “happiness” is on its way. Or that you need these things more in your life. Or with negative feelings associated with the “apple”… it could mean that you are being deceitful or that others are being deceitful toward you. All dream symbols must be interpreted based on the context of the dream, the feeling in the dream, and your life situation.

ARROW: An “arrow” in a dream symbolizes some kind of “piercing.” It could mean that you need to get to the heart of an issue, meaning you need to cut to the heart of it and not dance around it. Or that you need to get to the core of a problem or issue.

ASHES: Ashes refer to our immortality—a reminder that nothing lasts forever in this life. “Ashes” in a dream could mean you are putting too much importance in a thing like money, a job, a relationship, etc. It could mean you need to get a better perspective on things. “Dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return” says the Bible.

ASS: Jesus came riding into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday riding on an ass symbolizing his humility as a servant King. An “ass” in a dream where the feelings are negative could mean one is too submissive. An “ass” in a dream with positive or neutral feelings could indicate that you need to be more humble.

AX: An “ax” is a symbol of power. One can cut down a forest with an ax. In a dream with positive or neutral feelings an “ax” could mean that that you need to exert greater power in what you are about, or that you need to “cut” through the nonessentials and get to the heart of the matter. A negative feeling in an “ax” dream could be a danger sign. Or it could mean you or someone in your life is being too destructive.

BADGER: A badger is symbolic of playfulness. The feelings in the dream will indicate whether you’re perhaps too playful, to the point of being irresponsible, or that you need to be more playful and not so serious.


BAG: Any kind of bag in a dream is indicating “secrecy” or “hiding.” What’s in a “bag” cannot be seen. An example of this symbol in a dream would be if you were trying to decide whether or not to share some information with another, and not sure that you should. You may get a dream in which there is a “bag” which may indicate you need to keep it “in the bag” or keep it “secret.”

BALL: Any kind of “ball” represents the planets, which in turn symbolize the “Sky Mother” or the feminine principle of love, receptivity and passivity. Many men in our culture are in desperate need of more of the feminine principle in their lives and this symbol often appears in men’s dreams.

BANNER: Any kind of “banner” represents in one way or anther the concept of “victory” or “conquest.” You may, for example, dream of a “banner” and learn the following week that you indeed got the promotion. Or, you dream of a “banner” at your office in a meeting at which you are making a new proposal. The “banner” would indicate that it is a good idea… a “winner.”

BASKET: A “basket” represents “fullness” or “abundance.” It can also refer to the feminine principle. During a pregnancy, a mother may dream of a basket, which may indicate that the baby is a girl. If a man dreams of a basket, it could mean that he needs to cultivate the softer emotions of love and tenderness.

BAT: The “bat” is symbolic of darkness and obscurity.

BEADS: A necklace of “beads” refers to “endlessness” or “the eternal” or “continuity.”

BEAR: In a dream, “new birth” is often represented by a “bear.” If you are frightened of the “bear” it could indicate that you fear change… or a specific change that is coming or taking place… and you need to understand why. Or, if it is a friendly “bear” the change is a welcomed change.


BEARD: This is symbolic of “strength” since beards of worn by men… usually.

BEAVER: A “beaver” represents “ambition” or “work” for obvious reasons. We often use the expression, “busy as a beaver.”

BEE: This is another symbol of “ambition.” “Busy as a bee” is a common saying about someone who is very active.

BELL: This is a sign of power over destructiveness or darkness or evil. It was believed in some cultures – and still is – that the bell calls for God to come and be present with his power to heal, protect and help. One of the reasons we have bells on churches.

BIRDS: A “bird” symbolizes “travel” or “freedom.” It also refers to “spirit” or “spirituality.” A white “bird” often symbolizes “spiritual light or insight” or “good.” A “bird” that is black in color often “spiritual darkness” or “evil.”

BLINDNESS: “Blindness” symbolizes “ignorance” or the “absence or knowledge” or sometimes “irrationality.”

BLOOD: It often represents “life.” Or sometimes “sacrifice.” Or “death.” It does not necessarily indicate that one is going to die, but that something unhealthy in one’s self or ones life need to “die” or be “gotten rid of” like a drug habit or smoking or anything destructive.

BONES: “Strength” is often symbolized by “bones.” Or that which is “indestructible.” Also it can refer to “death.”


BOOK: “Wisdom.” “Learning.” “Knowing.” “Light.” “Reason.” “Revelation.” “Enlightenment.” These are some of the many meanings of the image of a “book” in dreams. Again, the context of a person’s life will determine which of these a “book” may represent.

BOTTLE: This is a symbol of the “womb” since that which is enclosed in a “bottle” is strongly protected. Or the symbol of “containing.” A gossiper having a dream with a “bottle” in it could mean he or she needs to get their gossiping under control.

BOWL: A “bowl” is a feminine principle of receptivity. Often it refers to the need to be more open to love and a fuller, richer life.

BREAD: Bread is a classic symbol of “life.” It can also refer to “togetherness” as in “breaking bread together.” “Fellowship.” “Communion.” A recluse might have a dream in which he is eating bread or breaking a loaf of bread in half. It could mean that he needs to break out of his isolation and be open to share in a greater fellowship with other human beings.

BREASTS: “Motherhood and love.” “Nourishment.” “Life.” “Closeness and intimacy.” These are some of the many meanings of “breasts.” Usually it does not have a “sexual” connotation unless there are erotic feelings associated with the image in the dream.

BRIDGE: A “bridge” symbolizes “connecting” or “communication.” It can also mean “death” which is a “bridge” from this life to the next.

BROOM: The need to rid oneself of destructive things in one’s life. Or to clean up one’s act. To make clean in any sense of the word. I knew a drug dealer once who dreamed someone was sweeping his house from top to bottom. He ignored the message. The dream was trying to warn him. A few weeks later he was arrested and put in prison. Dreams are ALWAYS TRYING TO HELP YOU! IGNORE THEM AT YOUR OWN PERIL!


BULL: The “bull” is most often symbolic of the “masculine principle” in life of “assertiveness.” “Life giving.” “Strength.” Can also refer to “destructiveness” or “carelessness” or “clumsiness ” as in the “bull in the china closet.”

BUTTERFLY: “Resurrection or rebirth.” “Freedom.” “Immortality.” “Transformation.” “New life.” “New beginnings.” These are some of the ideas behind this symbol when it appears in a dream. This is a very powerful dream symbol.

CAKES: We associate good times with cakes like weddings and birthdays. They are symbolic of positive things in your life. Either too much partying in one’s life if the “cake” dream has a negative feeling to it, or not enough celebration in life if there is a strong joyous feeling in the dream. In this case the strong joyous feel is trying to compensate for what is lacking in your life, thus the dream is crying out for more celebration of life. Always keep in mind the meaning of the feelings in the dream. They give direction and emphasis to the message of the dream.

CALF: Any young creature symbolizes “growth.” Any baby, human or animal, is referring to “growth” and “development.” Or it means that there is a need to grow more, if the feeling is negative, or perhaps one is growing too fast if the feeling too intensely positive. We can grow too fast emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually, in which case the growth will not last since it takes time to integrate any new growth into our personality. “Calf” can also refer to the need to “sacrifice” more in some way, if the feeling is positive in the dream, or that we are “sacrificing” too much, if the feeling is negative. A woman giving way too much in a marriage, for example, may have a dream of a “calf” with negative feelings associated with it, which would be telling her she is giving too much in the marriage and needs to get that issue resolved or she’ll burn out.

CAMEL: “Royalty” is one meaning of “camel” in dreams. Remember… the three Kings who came to Bethlehem to pay homage to Jesus at his birth rode on camels. It can also mean “stamina” and “strength” and “docility.”


CANDLE: Any kind of candle is referring to “light” in the darkness of life. “Enlightenment” or “knowledge” or “wisdom” or “illumination” are also concepts associated with the candle. The “candle” is a very powerful dream symbol and its meaning really needs to be understood and acted upon.

CANOE: “Effortlessness” is associated with the “canoe.” They slide through the waters so quietly and gently. To have a “canoe” in a dream might mean the need to move “slowly” and “gently” in whatever you are doing and going to do.

CAP: Since in ancient days slaves went bareheaded, a “cap” in a dream often refers to “nobility” or to “respect.” To take off one’s “cap” as when the flag passes by, indicates humility since one is removing that which gives one “respect” and bestowing the “respect” to the flag. In the movie, ENEMY AT THE GATES, a German sniper and Russian sniper were seeking to kill each other. At the end, the Russian sniper trapped the German sniper, and out of respect for the Russian sniper’s greater cunning and skillfulness the German took off his hat just before the Russian shot him.

CARDS: There is a lot of meaning to the symbol of “cards” in a dream. First of all, note that there are 52 cards in a deck symbolizing the 52 weeks of the year. So “cards” in a dream could be referring to a “year.” The four suits represent the 4 seasons; Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. Or the 4 corners of the earth meaning East, West, North and South. The two red suits represent light and the warm seasons of Spring and Summer. The two black suits represent darkness and the cold seasons of Fall and Winter. All four symbols on the cards are “life” symbols: SPADES refer to the leaf of a tree. HEARTS refer to the center of one’s life. DIAMONDS refer to the feminine principle of love, passivity and receptivity. CLUBS represent the masculine principle of assertiveness and strength.

CARNATION: A red “carnation” symbolizes “love” or “passion” or “marriage.” A pink “carnation” represents “motherhood.” A white “carnation” symbolizes the “purest love.” A yellow “carnation” symbolizes “rejection.” When you break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, to make sure they get the message, send them a yellow carnation.


CASTLE: Usually the “castle” represents something precious that is hidden or being held safe. Kings reside safely in their “castles” with their treasures. “Castle” can also represent “difficulty” as in attaining something since it is considered difficult to get into a walled and fortified “castle.” For example, one may be contemplating going to college and have a dream of a college campus with a building that looks like a “castle.” The dream would be indicating that going to college may be very difficult. Be prepared! Or one could dream that their marriage is being held in a “castle.” The dream could be telling them that they have unresolved relationship issues that are going to make their marriage difficult, that they need to work on those issues.

CAT: Any “cat” in a dream symbolizes “control issues” in ones life, or it can mean functioning on “instinct,” which may be good or not-so-good depending on the feeling in the dream and the life circumstances of the dreamer. “Cats” can also represent “laziness” or also “slyness.” A “black cat” often represents “evil” or “bad luck.”

CAVE: Interesting enough a “cave” often represents one’s self. Actually, any enclosure represents one’s self. Like a car, a bus, a cave, a box, especially a house or any kind of building. What is going on within the enclosure represents what is going on or needs to go on or needs not to go on within one’s self or one’s life. Always the feeling tone in the dream and one’s life circumstances dictate the dream’s meaning.

CHAIN: This symbol often refers to being “enslaved” or “bound.” It can also refer to marriage since in marriage two people are bound together by their love, devotion and commitment to each other sealed by some kind of ceremony.

CHALICE: Again the “chalice” symbolizes the feminine principle of love and receptivity. One of the most important books of our time is a book titled: THE CHALICE AND THE BLADE by Raine Eisler. It is about the need in the world for a better balance between the “feminine and masculine” in each of us and in our world. In her book the “chalice” represents the “feminine” or “love” and the “blade” represents the “masculine” or “assertiveness.” She contends, and I agree, that we are in need for a better balance of these two forces in men who tend to solve disputes with “fighting” whether with fists of bombs. Among Christians the “chalice” can represent “blood” since among Catholics it is believed that the wine in the “chalice” once consecrated by the Priest becomes the actual blood of Christ. It can also be symbolic of the concept of “abundance.” 17

CHERRY: Since cherry trees blossom early in the Spring they represent “youth” or “hope” or “feminine beauty.” Cherries can also symbolize “birth.” Note this carefully: Since the blossom comes on the tree before the leaves appear, the cherry represents the very early “birth” of something new. This is a very powerful symbol that has a quite subtle meaning. Let me give you an example of something I run across with clients all the time: They may come for therapy and discover that a certain quality is missing in them. It may be the personal quality of “generosity.” They may be tightwads. With this insight they may go out and try to be more “generous” by just acting more “generous” when in reality, their heart is not in it. They want the “green leaf” or “new life” before the blossom, which is not the way it happens in the cherry tree. So if you have a dream with cherries in it, pay very close attention to what it is telling you. You may be behaving without your heart being in it, which leaves you very hollow and phony.

CHILDREN: They can represent “new growth” of your inner self. Also “potential” or “possibilities” or the “future” or “transformation” or “innocence.” Or it could mean that you need to become as a “little child” in relation to God. (See Luke 18:15-17). Not “childish” but “childlike” in trust. Also “hope.”

CHIMNEY: A chimney can represents “escape.” Smoke escapes up the chimney. Santa escapes back up the chimney. It can also symbolize the need to “escape” this earthly life for a more “spiritual” life since smoke rises to the heavens. Or the need to “escape” a bad habit or situation.

CHRISTMAS TREE: The “Christmas Tree” symbolizes “eternal life” since it points upward where the ancients believed heaven was and since the needles stay green or alive all year long. The lights on the “Christmas Tree” symbolize Christ who is the Light of the World. The ornaments represent the beauty of the Christian virtues of love, kindness, gentleness, self-control, generosity, etc. Gifts under the “Christmas Tree” are representative of the Three Wise Men who brought gifts to the baby Jesus at his birth. The “Christmas Tree” is loaded with rich Christian symbolism.

CIRCLE: This represents “eternity” since there is no beginning or end. It symbolizes also “wholeness” or “completeness” or “the inner Self” since “the true inner Self” represents our whole and complete personality. It can also refer to the planets thus making it a symbol of the Sky Mother. Any symbol of the Sky Mother indicates something to do with 18

one’s relationship to one’s own mother whether she is alive of passed on. Also the feminine qualities of “love” and “nurturing.”

COAT: A symbol of “disguise” or “dignity” or “obscurity” or “warmth” or “protection” or of “hiding” or anything to do with “weather.”

CLOUDS: Again this can be symbolic of the Sky Mother… or “spirit” or representative of man’s inability to see God. If it is a dark cloud it means “disgrace” or “bad luck.” Someone who is down on his luck is said to have a “black cloud following him.” Clouds with a bright lining mean “hope” since the sun is shining brightly behind it and will soon appear. As the old song has it, “Look for the silver lining” since it means the sun is not far off or things will get brighter soon.

CLUB or STICK: Means “strength” or “power” since we can break things with them or pry things open with them or rule with them, etc. Teddy Roosevelt said his foreign policy was to “speak softly and carry a big stick.” It can be a “phallic” symbol or a symbol of the “masculine.” It can represent death since we can beat people to death with a “club.” A “stick” can also represent “walking” or “traveling” since many travelers carry a “walking stick.” It can also represent being “nosy” since we “poke” with “sticks.” Sometimes like to “poke” our noses in other people’s affairs.

COFFIN: An empty “coffin” can symbolize eternal life. Someone in a “coffin” can mean death. If someone is in the “coffin” but is moving around or trying to get out, it means you have a terrible fear of life. It’s the “movement” of the person that symbolizes “life” that frightens you, not that he or she is dead. The “fear of life syndrome” is a serious disorder and is a fairly common problem for many people usually requiring therapy to overcome. One of my worse re-occurring dreams, which I had for many years, was of a dead person in a casket trying to get out. These dreams terrified me. I thought they meant I had a fear of death. But after I got into therapy, my therapist helped me understand they represented a basic “fear of life syndrome” which I had since a difficult childhood.

COLORS: You will find many interpretations of the meaning of colors in dreams. You will find these to be the most common.


Black: Symbolizes evil, death, shame, darkness, despair, destruction, humiliation, grief, sadness, fear, torture, or anything negative or anti-life.

Blue: Refers to “peace” or “truth” or “wisdom” or “coolness” or the “depth of the ocean” or “loyalty” or “piety.” In a nearby Monastery there is a chapel that has two blue altar lights hanging from the ceiling. Again, if the color blue appears in your dream, your life situation will determine which of these meanings may apply.

Brown: Is a symbol of “earthiness” or “spiritual death.” Most of the ground on earth is “brown” and by itself is barren. And so “brown” often refers to a “barren” spiritual life. “Fruitless” or “unproductive” or “sterile” or “emptiness” are all associated with the color “brown.”

Gold: Is of course the symbol of “splendor” or “God” or “greatness” or “wealth” or “glory” or “magnificence” or “royalty” or “preciousness” or “worth” or “beauty” or “power” or “greed” or “opulence” or “purity.” It can also represent the sun.

Green: Is the color of “life” and “living.” Also “youth and youthfulness” or “hope” or “happiness” or “gladness” or “growth” or “development” or “eternal life” or “money” or “wealth” or “abundance” or “peace” or “tranquility” or “encouragement.” You must look at your life situation to know which of these meanings is represented by the color green in your dream.

Grey: Is the symbol of “depression” or “mourning” or “humility” or “penitence.” Even in some cases “death.” This is usually not a very happy color.


Orange: Is the color of “fire” or “passion” or “love” or the “sun” or “splendor” or “happiness” or “warmth” or “luxury” or “caution.”

Purple: Is the color of “royalty” or “pomp” or “pride” or “truth” or “justice” or “majesty” or “greatness” or “victory” or “penitence.” Note: It is the color of Lent in the Christian religion, which is a time of “penitence.”

Red: Is also the symbol of “fire” (as is “orange”). It is also symbolic of the “sun” or “fire” or “blood” or “life” or “energy” or “love and passion” or “sexual desire” or “danger” or “anger” or “rage” or “heat” or “sacrifice” or “spirit.” In the Bible, the Holy Spirit descended on people at Pentecost as “tongues of fire.” It can also mean “destruction” or “consumption.” Flames can consume and destroy an entire forest or town.

Silver: Is the color of moon. There’s an old song titled, “By The Light Of The Silvery Moon.” Thus it refers also to the Sky Mother, which is also the “feminine” principle. It can also be symbolic of “virginity.” It is sometimes symbolic of “money” since many coins down through history have been made of silver. It can also refer to “betrayal” or “dirty money” since Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

Violet: Is the color of “religious devotion” or “knowledge” or “intelligence” or “humility” or “grief” or “sorrow” or “sadness” or “penitence” or “authority” especially religious authority.”

White: Is the symbol of “purity” or “light” or “perfection” or “holiness” or “chastity” or “innocence” or “sacredness” or “spiritual authority.”


Yellow: Is the symbol of the “sun” or “cowardliness” or “ambivalence” or “intellect” or “faith” or “intuition” or “goodness” or “truth.” Dark yellow has very negative meanings like “betrayal” or “treason” or “jealousy” or “treachery.” A dark yellow cross on a flag symbolized the plague in ancient times.

COMB: “Entanglement’ is the main meaning of the “comb” and understandably so. “Orderliness” is another common meaning. Since “hair” symbolizes “power and strength” it also refers to these two concepts. Remember: Samson in the Old Testament had great strength and it was believed that it was in his long hair. When his hair was cut by his enemies, he lost his great strength.

COMPASS: The “compass” symbolizes the “navigator” or “travel” or “moral behavior” or “faith showing the way to God.” It can also mean “love”… the true path toward life and fullness.

CORD: A “cord” symbolizes being “bound” to anything physically or emotionally or spiritually. The Monk’s “cord” around his “robe” refers to his commitment to his calling. Also it can refer “life” which like a “cord” has a beginning and an end. In Bible speaks of Or… “sacred” as “cows” are considered in Hinduism.

CRAB: “Dishonesty” is often meant by this symbol in dreams. Or “unreliability.”

CRADLE: Made of wood it symbolizes “protection” not only in infancy but throughout life, as homes are also made of wood. Since a “cradle” holds a baby, it can also mean “New life” or “new beginnings.”

CROCODILE: Since these creatures swallow their food whole, they refer in dreams to “devour” or “appetite” or “consuming” or “engulfed.” If I had a dream where a crocodile was in my office, I’d take a look at how much time and energy my job was taking. The dream would be telling me that my work in “consuming” too much of me and my time.


CROSS: This is one of the most universal symbols that exists and has been around since the beginning of time. The “cross” is a symbol of the connection of “heaven and earth.” The vertical bar in a “cross” points from earth to heaven. The horizontal bar connects all mankind. It also symbolizes “suffering” or “sacrifice” or “redemption” or “tragedy” or “cruelty” or “God’s love” or “salvation” or “victim” referring not only to Christ dying on a cross, but crucifixion was a common form of punishment in the ancient world. The two men crucified on either side of Jesus were crucified because they were criminals. After a rebellion of the Jews against the Romans the Romans crucified 6,000 Jews, men, women and children.

CROWN: The “crown” refers to “royalty” or “sovereignty” or “honor” or “dignity.”

CRUTCH: This refers to either giving or receiving “support” or “moral laxity” or “old age” or “dependency” or “sickness” or “crippled.”

CUP: Like the “chalice” the “cup” symbolizes the receptive “feminine principle” or “openness” or “plenty”… as in Psalm 23: “My cup runneth over”… or “life”… referring to the cup in Christian Holy Communion… or it can mean “measure.”

DANCE OR DANCING: This refers to “energy” or the “rhythms of life” or “joy and happiness” or “expression.”

DARKNESS: This often refers to “evil” or “chaos” or “Satan” or “lostness” or “deprived” or “transition”… since darkness precedes light… or “ignorance”… as in someone being “in the dark” on an issue. A very meaningful symbol.

DEER: This symbol is associated with “quickness or swiftness.” The “deer” is also associated with “keen instincts.”


DESERT: This is representative of the concept of “desolation” or “contemplation’ or “divine revelation.” The “desert” has a deeply spiritual connotation. Jesus often went to the desert to pray and meditate, as have mystics down through the ages. So be careful in your interpretation of this symbol in your dreams. Your life situation will tell you which meaning applies.

DICE: “Fate” is the concept behind this symbol or “chance” or “luck” or “risky.”

DISMEMBERMENT: This grizzly concept is often symbolic of a rather important situation in which one is growing in such a way that what is old and hurtful or dead is being destroyed in order to make way for the new, thus “renewal” or “death and rebirth.” Sometimes, in therapy, a client will have a dream of this type indicating that a bandaide approach to his or her problems is not going to do it, but only a complete destruction of the old ways of thinking and behaving and a complete rebuilding of the new. Or it can mean “sacrifice.”

DOG: A “dog” or “dogs” in a dream refers to “obedience” or “control” issues in ones life.

DOOR: It represents “opportunity.” “New beginnings.” “New life.” “Hope.” “Escape.” “Death” meaning the “door” to the next life.

DOVE: “Holy Spirit” or “spirit” is often the meaning of the “dove.” Also “peace.” A white “dove” is symbolic of “purity.”

DRINKING: “Fellowship” is often the meaning when this activity appears in a dream. Or “marriage” or “togetherness.” It can also signify “fullness of life” for without fluids, we die.

DRUM: “Drum” refers to the “rhythm” of life. In can mean being “out of rhythm” or “in rhythm.”


DUCK: This is a symbol of “chatter.” Since ducks live so much of their lives floating on the surface of water, the concept of “superficiality” is often the meaning of “ducks” in a dream. Anyone or anything that is “just on the surface” is considered “superficial.”

EAGLE: “Good thinking” is often the meaning of an “eagle” in ones dream. A “little bird or birds” represents “shallow thinking.” Also “inspiration” and “pride” are two main meanings of the “eagle.” Or “victory” or “freedom” or “inspiration.”

EAR: This symbol oddly enough is associated with “birth.” The “birth canal” is associated with the “ear canal.” An “ear” in a dream can also indicate the need for better “listening.” Pointed ears are associated with the “devil.” Donkey’s “ears” are associated with “folly.” Elongated ear lobes represents “royalty” or “greatness” or “spiritual authority.” If you will note in paintings of a Buddha he usually has long ear lobes.

EARTH: Anything to do with the earth refers to the Great Mother figure. This is understandable since the earth gives birth to all vegetation, which in turn gives life to all creatures. A dream that contains anything about the earth is referring in one way or another to your mother or “nurturing.”

EAST: “Youth and youthfulness” is a dominate meaning of the direction of “East” since each new day starts with the sun rising in the East. Also “hope” since each new day holds promise of new things.

EASTER EGG: This is a symbol of “new life” or “new beginnings.” Why is the “egg” associated with Easter? A new chick comes out of the shell leaving it empty as a symbol of Christ coming out of the tomb leaving it empty.

EGG: New life is born from an “egg” and so it is a symbol of “new life” and “new beginnings.” It is also symbolic of “hiddenness” since no one knows what is inside an egg until it is hatched. It can also mean “hope” since an “egg” is pure “potential.”


ELEPHANT: Obviously “elephant” symbolizes “great strength.” But also “good memory.” Or “patience.” Or “wisdom.” Or “tenderness” as mother elephant’s are very gentle in the care of their young.

EYE: This is a powerful symbol representing one’s total personality. You may have heard the saying that the “eye” is the window to the soul. Also it can represent “God” who is the ever-seeing presence. The “eye” on top of the pyramid on a dollar bill represents the “ever seeing eye of God.” “Light” or “enlightenment” or “knowledge” are other meanings. “Watchfulness” since we “watch with our eyes and also since the stars at night were in ancient times thought of as the “eyes of the sky” watching over us.

FACE: The “ego” refers to our external personality. Also our “self image.” What kind of “face” we see in a dream indicates the kind of person or personality we either have or need to cultivate.

FAN: The “fan” represents “spirit” or “spirituality” since it is associated with “air” and “wind.” It implies some kind of movement in one’s “spirituality” or an actual “exercising” of “spiritual” gifts and qualities like love, kindness, self-control, gentleness, forgiveness, etc.

FATHER: Always refers to your earthly “father.” Also means the “masculine” principles of physical strength, assertiveness, order, analytical thinking, rationality, etc.” Can also refer to “Father Time.”

FEATHER: To wear the feather of any bird symbolizes taking on the qualities of that bird, thus the feathered headdresses of Native Americans. Generally the “feather” refers to “wind” or “air” or “movement.” Can also refer to “spirit” or “spirituality.”

FOOT OR FEET: “Foot” or “feet” often refers to the unconscious mind, which is “below” the surface of the conscious mind. It can also mean “movement.” I had a woman in therapy once who was


totally miserable in her job for years, and one night she dreamed of “feet.” We took that to mean she needed to “walk out of that job” which in time she did and was very happy thereafter. These symbols can also mean “Humility.” Remember how Jesus washed his disciple’s feet to teach us “humility.” Can also mean all who are “poor” or “lowly.” It can also refer to “speed.” Or sometimes it means “being taken advantage of or stepped on.” Or “oppression.”

FINGER: This symbol refers to “magical power.” A “finger” being waved back and forth means “shame and guilt.” A finger touched to the lips means “silence.” The index and long fingers raised together means “blessing” or “benediction.” And, of course, you know the meaning of the middle finger extended alone—a common sight on freeways and in traffic.

FIRE: This symbol often represents “sexual passion.” “Purification” is another common meaning of “fire.” “Fire” put to metals melts and purifies them. Or “transformation.” Again, “fire” put to metals can “transform” them into many shapes and sizes. “Fire” also “consumes.” “Fire” can refer to the “sun” since it is a ball of “fire.” It can also refer to “healing” since the sun’s rays give warmth and life. It can also mean “destruction.” “Fires” can and do destroy. A single flame as in a candle can symbolize “light” or “illumination” or “knowledge” or “insight” or “inspiration” or “spiritual power.” In Christianity “fire” is often associated with the “Holy Spirit” since, as I indicated previously, on Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came to people as “tongues of fire.” Volumes have been written on the full meaning of the symbol of “fire.” These are just a few of the more common meanings.

FISH: “Fish” often represents “abundance” in dreams… often “great abundance.” It is also a Christian symbol of Jesus Christ, since the first letters in the Greek words, Jesous Christos Theou Huios Soter meaning “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour” spells “fish.”

FLIGHT: It is a fairly common dream where one is flying through the air. This kind of “flight” usually means you are not as “free” as you need to be or want to be from something that has you trapped, like a smoking or drug addition. Or, a bad marriage or horrible job situation. In a “flight” dream always ask yourself what it is in your life that you would like to or need to “flee” from. It may also be a “transport” dream indicating that you will or you need to travel somewhere. Or it could actually be an “Astral Travel” dream in which case you are actually traveling to another place on the planet. (See “Astral Travel” Dreams in my book, THE AMAZING DREAM INTERPRETATION GUIDE.”)


FLOOD: Water is a deeply “spiritual” symbol. Water is also refer to ones true inner “Self” that is at the center of our unconscious. A “flood” can indicate that one is either too involved in one’s Self, or that one needs to become more connected to one’s inner Self, depending on the feeling in the dream. A “flood” dream with negative emotions and feelings would indicated that one is too “self absorbed.” With positive feelings, it would indicated the need to be more connected with one’s deeper Self. Or, since at the center of the Self is what Carl Jung called the “numinus”… or God… it can refer to one’s spirituality. Can one be too “connected” to God? Yes! A healthy spiritually is one in which there is a balance between inner reflection in prayer, meditation and worship and being out in the world spreading God’s love in loving deeds. Jesus once said, “Not everyone who says to me ‘Lord, Lord’ (as in prayer and worship, etc.) shall enter the Kingdom of God, but he who does the Father’s will shall.” (Getting out in the world and helping to make it a better place.) All religions of the world hold this same belief in balancing meditation with love in action.

FLOWERS: Any kind of flower means, first of all, the “feminine, passive, receptive principle.” (Maybe that of “beauty” as well.) A bud indicates “potentially.” A flower partly opened symbolizes “unfoldment.” Can also refer to “paradise” or a “paradise” like condition. “Flowers” can also refer to “children” or “youth.” Or, in some dreams, it can refer to “love” and “romance.”

FLUTE: Often this symbol is associated with “intense emotional feelings.”

FLY: This symbol is most often associated with “evil” or “bad things.” Demons are sometimes portrayed as “flies.”

FOREST: The powers of “darkness” or the “unknown” are associated with anything to do with a “forest.” It can also refer to the “spiritual world” which we must enter to find meaning in life.

FOUNTAIN: Often refers to “eternal life” or “youth” or “immortality.” The “fountain of life” is a common expression.


FOX: “Cunning” or “sly” or “crafty” is most often associated with the symbol of the “Fox.”

FROG: “Renewal” and “eternal life” are common meanings of the “frog” since in any water they just seem to appear out of nowhere and in abundance.

A GARDEN: Symbolizes an “ideal state” or “paradise.”

A GIANT: A giant in a dream can mean “great good”… or “great harm.” The feelings in the dream will tell you which one it is. Or it can also symbolize “great strength.”

GOAT: It is a positive symbol of “creative energy” or “vitality.” It can also mean “calm.” A “goat” is often put in with a horse to help keep it calm. The saying “he really gets my goat” refers to taking away a goat leaving a horse agitated, thus someone who takes away your calmness and leaves you agitated.

GOLD: The “sun” is most often represented by “gold” in which case it refers to the Sky Father and by implication one’s own father. Or it can refer to “wisdom.” I think of Proverbs 25:11 which reads, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.” Or “durability” since “gold” is such a hard metal. Or “gold” in a dream with negative feelings could be telling you that something in your life you are neglecting is very “precious” and needs to be protected. Note what else is in the dream and you will know what it is that is “precious” and needs to be protected.

GLOVE: This symbol refers to “faithfulness.” Or “honor.” Honor Guard soldiers wear white gloves. Dignitaries will often wear gloves at ceremonies.

GOOSE: The “goose” often represents the “wind” in dreams. Or “watchfulness” since the “goose” has incredible keen eyesight. 29

GRAIN: Any kind of “grain” refers to “potential” or “abundance” or “abundant life.”

GRAPES: “Wisdom” or “immortality” or “joy and celebration.” Or “sacrifice” since wine is often associated with blood, especially the Christian sacrament of Holy Communion.

GRASS: “Utility” or “practicality” is often the meaning of this symbol. So many things are made from “grass” in all cultures from the beginning of time. Also “mortality” since “grass” withers and dies each fall. Light “green grass” means “immortality” since in the Spring what looks like a field of dead and dry grass comes alive.

GUITAR or ANY STRINGED INSTRUMENT: Stringed instruments refer to “harmony.” If you had a dream in which you are playing a stringed instrument with negative feelings it would be telling you that you may be the cause of disharmony regarding something in your life, like a marriage or your job. With positive feelings it would mean you have “harmony” in your life but you may need to create even more either for yourself or others. Learn to interpret not only the symbols in your dreams but the feelings associated with the symbols. This will make you a master dream interpreter.

HAIR: This symbol means “strength.” Samson in the Old Testament, who had long beautiful hair, was known for his great strength. When his enemies cut his hair he lost his strength. Can also refer to “thinking” or “thought” or “wisdom” or “energy.”

HAMMER: “Strength” is the meaning of a “hammer” in a dream. It is also a “masculine principle” of assertiveness. It can also refer to “creativity” since so many things are fashioned by a blacksmith.

HAND: One of the most meaningful symbols. The “hand” can represent “God” as the giver all things. Also “power” or “strength” or “work” or “friendship” or “blessing” since “Laying On of Hands” is an ancient ritual of bestowing power, authority, or healing. Folded hands refer to “reverence.” Hands held up palm facing outward means “caution or warning.” Or


“stop.” Note that many traffic lights in cities have the “hand” held palm outward as a “do not walk” indication. The hand clinched into a fist means “anger and aggression.” Placed together with fingers pointing upward means “prayer” or “devotion.”

HAT: “Authority” or “power” are two main meanings of the “hat.” They reveal one’s calling or profession, hence the expression “He wears many hats.” Also it refers to “thought.” To change “hats” often means the change one’s mind or opinion.

HEAD: “Wisdom” or “power” or “thinking” or “folly” or “knowledge.”

HEART: “Love” or “passion” or any “emotion” or the “center of our being” or “God” or “spirituality” or “caring” or “nurturing” or “compassion” or “attitude”… as in “your heart is not in the right place.” Also it can mean “religious” zeal.

HELMET: “Protection” or “warrior” or “hero” or “power” or “war or “aggression.”

HEN: “Protection” or “nurturing” or “procreation” or “mothering.”

A HOLE: Means “emptiness” or “void.” It can also refer to the “feminine fertility principle.” Or “a way or the way through.”

HONEY: “Fertility and vigor” are two common meanings of “honey.” Or “eloquence” or “wisdom.”

HORNS: “Divine power” or “double power” with two horns. “Strength” or “victory” or “warriors” or “demonic.”


HORSE: “Nobility” or “power” or “gentleness” or “swiftness” or “instinctual nature” or “wisdom” or “honor.” When a symbol has more than one meaning, the context of your life situation will always dictate which meaning any dream has for you.

HORSE SHOE: “Good luck”… or if inverted… “bad luck.”

HOURGLASS: “Running out of time” or “time” or “the shortness of life” or “death” or “Father time” as in many New Year’s Eve images showing Father Time with an “hourglass” and a “scythe.”

HOUSE: Any kind of house or building in a dream represents “you.” If you are upstairs it refers to your “thinking.” If you are downstairs it refers to your “emotions or feelings or instincts.” The “house” is a very common dream symbol and always refers to “you.” And, what goes on inside the “house” is the message of the dream.

ICE: This symbol often means being “rigid.” Or “bitterness” or “frigid” or “impermanence.” Melting ice means to have a “change of heart.”

INTESTINES: “Compassion” since in ancient times the “bowels” were thought to be the seat of the emotions.

ISLAND: “Loneliness” is often the meaning of an “island” in a dream. “Isolation” or “safety” or paradise.”

IRON: “Hardness” or “being hard hearted” or “immovable” or “strength” or “power” or “durability” or “evil” or “coldness.”


IVORY: An “ivory” tower indicates “inaccessibility.” Someone who believes he can achieve the impossible is living in an “ivory tower.” “Ivory” alone can also mean “moral strength.”

JAR: Any kind of “jar” like the “cup” is a symbol of “feminine receptivity” thus referring to the feminine principle. Someone “stubborn” or “strong willed” may have a dream of a “jar” or “cup” indicating he or she needs to be more “receptive” of other ways of doing things or of being.

JEWELS: Any kind of “gem” or jewel” often refers to “knowledge” or “truth”… oftentimes referring to “knowledge” or “truth” that is “hidden” since “gems” and “jewels” lie hidden in the ground. We speak of “gems” of “wisdom.” “Wealth” or “positive change” since the jeweler shapes the rough stone into something beautiful.

JOURNEY: “Transcendence” or “transformation” or “testing” or “spiritual and personal growth” or traveling into the unknown as in “death.” “Adventure” or “new beginnings.”

KEY: “Liberation” or “binding” or “open” or “close.” Often times someone who cannot keep a secret will have a dream in which there is a “key” indicating their need to “keep their mouth “closed” or “locked.” Can also refer to “Religious authority.” In art you will see St. Peter depicted with a “key” indicting that he holds the “key” to heaven or hell.

KING: A strong “masculine principle.” “Authority” or “power” or “rule” or “God” or “provider” or “protector.”

KISS: “Good will” or “love” or “affection” or “peace” or “reconciliation” or “betrayal” since Judas betrayed Jesus with a “kiss.”


KNIFE: “Severance” or “death” or “divisions” or “sacrifice” or “vengeance” or “eating” or “killing.”

LADDER: Any movement or passage from one stage to another usually from something lesser to something greater, or from something bad to something good, from parts to a whole. Communication between “heaven and earth” or “God.” “Prayer.”

LAMB: “Innocence” or “gentleness” or “sacrifice” as in Christianity refers to Jesus Christ. Also “meekness.”

LAMP: “Wisdom” or “knowledge” or the “presence of God” or “immortality” or “insight.”

LEAF: The “leaf” refers to “life” or “renewal” or “growth.” Dead leaves refer to “death” or “endings” or “sadness.”

LEG: “Leg” refers to “foundations” or “travel” or “movement” or “firmness” or “stability.”

LEVEL: The “level” often refers to “justice” or “balance” or “fairness” or “equality.”

LIGHT: This is a very powerful symbol. It most often refers to “God” or the “divine” or “truth” (religious teachings are often referred to as “light”) or “knowledge” or “inspiration” or “ultimate reality” (the reality behind reality) or “revelation.” “Triumph” or that which overcomes “darkness.” The true inner “Self.”


LIGHTENING: Sudden awakening to “truth.” A symbol of the “Sky Father” which also connects in one way or another to one’s own father. “Destruction” or “enlightenment” or “sudden change” or sudden “insight.”

LINE: A straight line symbolizes “infinity.” “Division” or “measurement” or “right conduct” (toe the line) or a vertical line “rectitude.” Wavy lines refer to “the sun’s rays” or “water.”

LION: “Courage” or “strength” or “majesty” or “kingliness” or “fortitude” or “cruelty” or “ferocity” or “viciousness” or “guardian.”

LOAF (bread): This is a very powerful symbol of “life” or “nourishment.” “That which gives life.”

A LOST OBJECT: Symbolizing the “quest for meaning” or the “quest for life.” Also the search for “enlightenment or truth.” “Sorrow” or “lost youth.” A symbol of any kind of “loss.” “Grief” or “sorrow.”

MASK: “Secrecy” or “hiddenness” or “protection.” Or “creation.” Creation has been called the “mask of God.”

MILK: This is a symbol of “nourishment” or “life” or “rebirth” or “new beginnings” or “infancy’ or “childhood” or “motherhood.”

MIRROR: This is a very powerful symbol of “truth.” “Mirrors” do not lie. “Image of God” in man. The “supernatural” in life. “Wisdom” that shows “things as they are” or “reality.”


MIST: “Confusion” is the most common meaning of “mist.” We do not see clearly in any kind of “mist.” Spiritual “mystery” or any kind of “mystery.”

MONKEY: The “monkey” is symbolic of “inquisitiveness.” Or “mischief” or “greedy” or “grasping.”

MOON: The “moon” is another symbol of the receptive principle of the “feminine” since it receives it light from the sun. “Rhythm” based on the never ending tides caused by the “moon.” Or “perpetual renewal” or “becoming” referring to the monthly “new moon.” “Enlightenment” symbolized by the rising of the moon to give light in the night sky.

MOUSE: This is a common symbol of “darkness.” Endless and quick “movement.” Mice are always on the move.

MOUTH: “Communication” is a common meaning of the “mouth” in dreams. Also “food” and “nourishment” since they are taken in by the mouth. It also refers to “speech” and “communication.”

NAIL: A symbol of “binding together.” A symbol of “Christ’s crucifixion.” Or “piercing” or “penetrating.” “Construction” or “building” or the profession of “carpenter.” Also a masculine symbol as it penetrates.

NECKLACE: This symbol represents “dignity.” Also “unity” as things on a “necklace” are held together by the chain or string. A person may have a dream of his or her family in which there are negative feelings and a “necklace.” It would indicate that there needs to be more “unity” or “harmony” in the family and that the dreamer needs to play a role in bringing this about! Remember, dreams are always about YOU!


NIGHT: “Night” time can refer to the very beginning of anything before it is brought to “light” or to reality. It can also refer to the “forces of darkness” meaning anything “bad” or even “evil.”

NUDITY: Often “truth” is represented in dreams by “nudity.” Also “innocence” since we came into this world “nude” in full “innocence.” It can also refer to “anything new coming into being” or “being born” or the “need for new beginnings.” Sometimes it refers to a “state of paradise.” It can have “sexual meanings” as well if there are erotic feelings associated with the nudity. It can also refer to being “vulnerable” or “exposed.”

NUMBERS: It is impossible to list all the many meanings of numbers. Let me say that they do represent “logic” and “reason” and “truth” since “numbers” do not lie. I will give you some of the most common meanings of each of the first 13 numbers and plus a few others.

ZERO: Refers to Non-being” or ‘nothingness” or “emptiness” or “void.” It can also mean the need to “start over.” Or “valueless.” It can also mean “God” or the “reality behind all reality,” which is beyond any quality or quality or beyond any “thing” meaning “nothing.” It may seem strange to think of God as “no-thing,” but that’s exactly what the non-reality behind the world of “things” means.

ONE: Refers to the “Creator” or the “beginning” or “isolation” or “aloneness or loneliness” or “the center” of a thing.

TWO: Refers to any kind of “duality” or “balance” or “diversity.”


THREE: Is a number indicating something “newness.” Many things do indeed proceed from 1) “thesis” meaning the way a thing is to 2) “antithesis” its opposite to 3) “synthesis” which is something new that is greater than the sum of the two parts! “Three” thus can mean “completely new” or “growth” or “movement forward.” It can also symbolize our progression through life as 1) birth, 2) life and 3) death! It is also the symbol of the “human family” of 1) mother, 2) father and 3) child or anything that has 1) a beginning 2) a middle and 3) an end! It sometimes refers to the person as a whole meaning 1) body 2) mind and 3) soul.

FOUR: Is the number of “wholeness” represented in the 4 directions of north, south, east and west. Or the “box” with its 4 sides. It an also thus mean “completion.” “Health.”

FIVE: Is the number of “man” in a state of “wholeness” since a human being with the head and outstretched arms and legs forms a pentagon. This is also a symbol of “wholeness” but only when referring it to human beings. A 5 pointed star pointed up means “God” or “heaven” or “spirit” or “spirituality” or “divine.” With a 5 pointed star pointed downward means “evil” or the powers of “darkness.”

SIX: Is the number of “harmony.” It is also a symbol of “love” and “luck” or “beauty.”

SEVEN: Is the number of “perfection.” When you add 3, the number of “newness” and 4 the number of “wholeness” you get 7 the number of “perfection.” It’s also the number of “good luck” as you know!

EIGHT: Is the number of “regeneration” since the ancients fasted for 7 days making the 8 th day a day of “regeneration” or “joy” or “renewal.” A good number of “new beginnings.”


NINE: Nine is the triple triad (3X3) number of “power.” It can also mean “completion.”

TEN: Is the “perfect” number or the number of “all possibilities” since it contains all the numbers. In can also mean “unity.” It can mean “completeness” since it is the number of the fingers on both hands. Stacked on top one another, 1,2,3,4 form a triangle pointing to heaven representing the “divine” or “God” or “heaven.”

ELEVEN Is the number of “sinfulness” since it goes over the “perfect” number of ten. It is the number representing “danger” or “uncertainty.”

TWELVE: Is the most powerful number of them all since it is the sum or the “newness” number 3 multiplied by the “wholeness” number 4, which equals 12. Think about it: There are 12 months in the year. 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness in a day. 12 Days of Christmas. Christ had 12 Disciples. There are 12 signs of the Zodiac. There were 12 Knights of The Round Table. There are 12 of the Council or the Dalai Lama. For Christians there are the 12 Fruits of the Spirit. There were 12 Gates to the Holy City of Jerusalem. There were 12 Tribes of Israel. Whenever the number 12, or things totaling 12 come up in a dream, pay particular attention to that dream for it is very special.

TWENTY: Is a good number too, since it is the sum of man’s fingers and toes. It thus has the meaning of “completeness” or “wholeness.”

FORTY: Is the number of “testing” or “trial.” Christ was in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights being tested by the devil. There are 40 days in Lent. Mohammed received his call in his 40th year. The Quran should be read every 40 days. These are some of the most common meanings of the numbers I have listed. 39

OCEAN: Any body of water symbolizes the “unconscious mind” or the “Self” at its center. It also represents “God” at the center of the “Self.” Water is thus a very “personal” and “spiritual” symbol. Whenever you have water in a dream the dream is referring to what’s going on inside of you!

OIL: “Oil” symbolizes “anointing” which means “setting apart” for a special purpose or “infusing” with divine life. It also means “dedication” or “consecrating” or “healing.”

OLD MAN or OLD WOMAN: An “old man” or an “old woman” in a dream can mean “wisdom” if they represent the Archetype of the “Old Man” and “Old Woman.” If these figures in your dream are archetypal, that is a very significant dream, this means that you are being given in your dream some exceptional wisdom that you need to take seriously. The wisdom will be found in the message of the dream. How can you tell if your dream of an Old Man or an Old Woman is an Archetypal dream? You will not be able to recognize their faces. They will always be blank. If you can recognize the elderly persons in your dream as a living or deceased Grandparent, or any other relative, or someone you know, IT IS NOT AN ARCHETYPAL DREAM! To dream of an “old man” can also refer to “death” or “dying.” On New Year’s Eve we often see an old man with a scythe and an hourglass representing the death of the old year and our own mortality. Or he can simply refer to “mortality.” This kind of dream does not necessarily mean you are going to soon die! It can indeed be a reminder that you are not going to live forever and so you need to pay attention to that fact. It can be a very positive dream, in that some negative aspect of you personality needs to “die” or some bad habit needs to “die” or a whole lifestyle needs to “die.”

ONION: The lowly “onion” often refers to “revelation” because each layer reveals yet another layer. Or “many parts.” I had a man in therapy once who thought there was only one problem in his marriage, when indeed there were many, and he dreamed of his wedding in which onions were served at the reception. Guess what this dream was telling him?

OVEN: This is a symbol representing the “womb” and thus referring to “birth” or “rebirth” or “renewal” or any kind of “new thing” emerging or needing to be “born.”


OWL: The “owl” in a dream represents “wisdom.” The saying “wise old owl” applies. The “owl” can also have a very negative meaning. It can refer to “death” and “dying” and also “darkness” as in “evil” since the “owl” is associated with “night.”

OYSTER: This is another symbol of the “womb” or “birth” or “renewal.”

PANSY: This pretty little flower in a dream means “remembrance” or also “meditation.”

PARROT: The “parrot” refers to “repetition.” It can also refer to “unintelligent” since “parrots” repeat only what they hear with no thought given to it.

PEACH: This symbol is one of “youth” or “Springtime.”

PEACOCK: “Immortality” or “long life” or “love” or “beauty.” It can also mean “storm” since the “peacock” often becomes restless before a “storm.”

PEAR: “Hope” or “good health.”

PEARL: “Birth” or “rebirth.” “Preciousness.”

PELICAN: “Sacrifice” is the main meaning of this bird in a dream since it will peck itself and feed its young on its own blood if it has to in order for them to survive.


PEN or PENCIL: These can be a “phallic” symbol. Or they can represent “knowledge” or “wisdom” since it was, and still is, with these instruments that we write.

PHALLUS: This symbol represents “life” or “life force” or “creativity” of “sexuality” or “the creative forces of nature” or “strength/potency.”

PHEASANT: It represents “good luck” or sometimes “virtue” or “prosperity.”

PIGEON: This bird often refers to “long life” or “honesty.”

PINE TREE: This tree symbolizes being “upright” or “strong character” or “eternal life” since it is one of the “evergreen” trees, which is why different kinds of “pine” are often used as Christmas Trees. Can also mean “growth” or “abundance.”

PINEAPPLE: This is the universal of “friendliness” or “welcome.”

PLANTS: Any kind of plant or plants can represent the cycles of “life and death.” “Plants” can also refer to “motherhood.” Also “abundant life” or “renewal” or “fruitfulness” or “productivity.”

PRINCE or PRINCESS: Either of these represents “royalty” or “nobility” or “wealth” or “power” or “beauty.” When people with a low opinion of them selves have this kind of dream it may indicate that they need to gain a more positive self-image.


PUMPKIN: This is not a very positive symbol in a dream since “pumpkins” are hollow they refer to “stupidity” or not being too “intelligent.”

PYRAMID: The “pyramid” refers to attaining the “highest” of anything! The “apex.” Pointing to that which is “above all else.”

QUAIL: Refers to “Spring time” and thus “new beginnings.” Also refers to “good luck.” A flock of “quail” can refer to “abundance.” It can also refer to “fleeting.”

RABBIT: The “rabbit” in a dream usually refers to “abundance” as rabbits are so prolific. In Christian symbolism the Easter Rabbit is symbolic of Christ’s empty tomb since rabbits leave their hollows after their young are old enough leaving it empty. Wearing a rabbit fur signifies “humility” and was often worn by Native Americans leaders for that reason.

RAIN: A common meaning of “rain” has a spiritual connotation referring to “purification.” It can also refer to “God” since God’s love “purifies.” “Rain” also refers to our “spirituality.” Or “blessings” coming from God.

RAINBOW: The “rainbow” is also a very spiritual symbol referring to connecting with “God” or the “spiritual realm or heaven.” It can also symbolize “peace.” And it can refer to “promise” since after the great flood in the Bible God gave the “rainbow” as a “promise” to never send a “flood” again.

RAM: A “ram” symbolizes the “masculine regenerative force” or “procreation” or “reproduction” or “strength” or “productivity.”


RAT: The “rat” has a very negative connotation. It often symbolizes “death” or “decay” or “filth” or “evil.”

RAYS OF THE SUN: These usually refer to “God’s blessings” or “blessings from heaven.” It can also refer to “growth” and “abundance of life” since the sun’s rays cause all things to grow in nature.

RING or CIRCLE: This refers to “eternity” or “God’s endless love” or “endless love” between two people as in Wedding Rings.

RIVER: Again, any “water” has a “spiritual” meaning to it. It can mean that you need to “grow” spiritually, i.e. to become more loving or kind or grow in whatever spiritual quality may be lacking in your life. It can also mean simply “life” passing by. For example, if one is unhappy with their job and they dream of their work and there is also a river in the dream it may indeed mean they “need to move on.”

ROBE: The “robe” is a symbol of “royalty” as among Kings and Queens. Or it can refer to “high office” as in the robe worm by Judges. Or the “robe” can indicate “importance” in a dream. If you have a dream with a “robe” in it you really need to learn what it is trying to convey to you since it may also be telling you that its content is very important. Among religious leaders the robe symbolizes “humility" since it covers or buries their individuality. It also can mean “service.”

ROCK: Any kind of “stone” or “rock” in a dream refers to “stability” or “reliability.” General Motors refer to their Chevy trucks as being like a “rock.” Stones can also refer to “coldness.” “A heart of stone” is a common expression of someone who is indifferent. It can also refer to something being very “difficult” meaning “hard.”

ROOF: A “roof” is usually symbolic of “protection.” It is a symbol of the “feminine principle” or “mothering” or “being mothered.” Or “nurturing” or being “nurtured.” “Taking care of”


or “being taken care of.” The context of the other symbols in the dream and the feeling in the dream will give you clues as to the meaning of a “roof” in a dream.

ROPE: The “rope” usually refers to some kind of “bonding” or it can refer to some kind of “restriction.” Or “holding things together.” Or “getting it together.” Let me give you an example: I had a man in therapy once who thought his marriage was just fine. He came in with a dream in which his wife was tying the kids up with a rope. After examining his family situation more closely it was learned that his wife and kids were “coming apart” emotionally over his drinking, an issue he began to work on in therapy after this dream.

SAILS: This is a “spiritual” symbol since “wind” symbolizes “God” or the “Spirit of God.” The rest of a dream in which a “sail” appears and the feelings will give you a fuller meaning of this kind of “spiritual” dream. Full sails with negative feelings would symbolize the need for a fuller spiritual life or the need to take into consideration some spiritual dimensions of an issue. Limp sails would indicate a serious spiritual problem in one’s life of one kind or another. Perhaps the need to forgive someone, or be more loving to someone. Again, the life situation of the dreamer would give strong clues as to the exact meaning of limp sails.

SAND: This is a symbol of “instability.” Or it could refer to something being “impermanent.” “Sand” is easily moved by the wind.

SALT: A powerful symbol depicting “strength of character.” Jesus said of his followers that they are to be the “salt of the earth.” It also can mean that which is “incorruptible.” That which “preserves.”

SAW: This refers to “building” up something. Also “tearing” things apart or “dividing” or being “divisive.” Or it could refer to the need to “build” things or “put things together.”

SCALES: “Justice” is often symbolized by “scales.” Or the need for “harmony” or “fairness” or “equality” or “truth.”


SCISSORS: This symbolizes “severing” or “dividing” or being “divisive.” It can also mean “team work” since the two parts of a scissors needs to work together to produce the desired results.

SCORPION: This critter refers to “death” since they can be very deadly. Or “evil” or “destruction” or “disaster.”

SCYTHE: This is a symbol or “death” as depicted in the New Year’s Eve symbols of a black robed skeleton holding an hourglass and a scythe indicating that a year’s time has run out bringing everyone one year closer to their time of death. It could indicated that you have a “life threatening” illness and needs immediate attention. Or it could mean that you have a “life threatening” illness you are not even aware of yet. It can also symbolize “life” and “nurturing” since life-giving grain is cut with a “scythe.” The context of one’s life and other dream symbols and the feelings in the dream will help determine which of these two meanings applies to any particular dream in which a “scythe” appears.

SEED: This is the symbol of “new life” or “potential” or “new beginnings.” It is also a masculine symbol. It is a symbol of something new being “born.” As a Therapist I like to see this symbol appearing in my client’s dreams.

SERPENT or SNAKE: This is a very powerful symbol referring to “health” or “well being” or “healing.” The symbol of medicine is a staff with two snakes entwined around it.

SHEEP: The symbol of the sheep is not a very positive one. It usually symbolizes “blind following.” Or being “dumb.” Or “not too bright.” Or “helplessness.” Or the inability to “think for yourself.” But mainly that of “unintelligent following.” It can also refer to “innocence.”

SEA SHELLS: These are symbols of “birth” and “regeneration” based on their abundance in the seas and oceans.


SHELTER OF ANY KIND: Any kind of shelter refers to the great Mother Archetype symbolizing “protection” or the need of “protection” in a dream. (For an explanation of Archetypes and what they mean refer to my book THE AMAZING DREAM GUIDE FOR BEGINNERS. Archetypal dreams are the most powerful, life transforming dreams there are.)

SHIP: This is a symbol of “transformation” or of “movement from one place or state of being to another.” A very positive growth symbol.

SHOE: This is a symbol of “humility” and “service.” In a monastery near by run by Carmalites there is a display in the entrance way depicting their history. In the center of the display is a “shoe” which symbolizes both “humility” and “service” to mankind, hallmarks of their Religious Order. The “shoe” can also represent “freedom” since slaves were barefoot. It also symbolizes “worldliness” and thus for some religions the “shoes” are taken off when entering a holy place.

SILVER: This symbol refers to “purity.”

SKELETON: This symbol refers to “death” or “dying.” The skull and cross bones are a symbol of “poison.”

SKY: Any reference to anything in the “sky” refers to the great Archetype of the Father. It refers thus to “nurturing” or “being nurtured” or “cared for” or “protection.” Or “life giving” since rain and the warmth of the sun comes from the “sky.”

SMOKE: “Smoke” is a spiritual symbol representing love and devotion ascending to heaven or to God. Often in religious services the smoke of incense is waved over the altar or whatever is being blessed. It can also refer to “transformation” since fire is transforming what is being burned resulting in “smoke.”


SNAIL: Not a very positive symbol referring to “slowness” or “sloth.” It also refers to “sinfulness” or “degradation” since it feeds on slim and mud.

SNOW: “Purity” is the main meaning of “snow.” Can also refer to an uncaring person with “coldness” and “hardness” of heart.

SPARROW: The little “sparrow” is a symbol of “humility” and/or “insignificance” since they are so many and so common looking.

SPEAR: This is a “masculine” principle and refers to “male prowess.” It can also represent “death.”

SPIDER: This is a symbol of a sealed “destiny.” A spider weaves its web into which unsuspecting creatures are caught and are thus doomed. A “spider” can also represent the “centeredness” or being “focused” as it sits in the center of its web patiently concentrating on acquiring food.

SKULL: The “skull” is a common symbol of “death.” Also representing the “shortness and transitory nature” of life. It can also refer to the “emptiness” of worldly things, all of which will pass away. Science has indeed determined that in another 4 billion years our planet will no longer exist. It will be engulfed by the ever-expanding sun. Our entire universe will dissolve in the number of years represented by 1 with 100 zeros behind it. So nothing lasts on this level of existence.

SPIRE: It represents a symbol pointing us to “heaven” or to the “divine” or “God.” It was believed by ancients, and in some cultures still today, that the earth is flat and covered by a blue dome. And that “heaven” is a place that exists beyond the blue domed sky where God also dwells. We do not know where “heaven” is located nor do we know where God dwells! Nevertheless, the “spire” still represents a symbol that draws our attention to


“heaven” or the “divine” or “God.” That’s why churches place them on top of their buildings.

SPOON: A “spoon” in a dream often refers to “nurturing” or “feeding” or “growth.” It is with a “spoon” that children are first fed and their bodies nurtured. The “spoon” can refer to “emotional” nurturing as well as “physical” nurturing. The context of the dream and one’s life situation will determine which meaning applies.

SQUARE: The “square” has 4 sides and 4 corners and thus is a symbol of “wholeness.” (See the meaning of the number 4 above.)

SQUIRREL: The little “squirrel” is symbolic of “greed.”

STAIRS: The “stairs” symbolizes any movement to a “higher level.” It often refers to the need to move toward a “thinking” mode over an “emotional” mode of functioning. Many people in therapy will have this symbol in their dreams indicting their need to become more cognitive as they analyze and resolve their issues and rely less on their emotions or feelings.

STAR: The “star” refers to the “divine” or “spiritual” or “God.” It can refer also to that which is “eternal.” It can refer to “divine guidance” since in was a “star” that led the Wisemen to where Jesus was born.

STARFISH: The “starfish” is a symbol of the power of divine “love” or “God’s love.”

STONE: This is a powerful symbol in a dream indicating “strength” or “stability” or “durability” or “reliability.” As I indicated previously, the Chevy truck commercial speaks of their truck as being built like a “rock” referring to “durability and reliability.”


STORK: The “stork” refers to “new life.” That’s why the “stork” is associated with delivering babies to our homes. The “stork” is also a symbol of “good luck.”

STORM: A “storm” is symbolic of “life-giving power.” The “storm” brings rain that nourishes the earth that produces vegetation. A “storm” can also refer to “conflict” and “discord.” We refer to relationships that have conflict as a “stormy” relationship. If a “storm” in a dream refers to a relationship and is accompanied by negative feelings it may be a warning to you that there too many things in the relationship that are destructive. With neutral or positive feelings it means that there are things that need to be torn down in the relationship only to make way for something new and thus the “storm” and “destruction” is basically a good thing in that it makes way for something new. The feeling in the dream is crucial in its interpretation.

STRANGER: A “stranger” in a dream can refer to “change” or something “new” emerging in one’s life or personality. A “stranger” in a dream with negative feelings associated with him or her means “danger” or a “destructive” change. With positive feelings the “stranger” is symbolic of positive or good “change.” Again and always, the feeling in the dream is the clue to its meaning.

STRAW: Not surprisingly “straw” in a dream refers to “emptiness” or “worthlessness.”

STRAWBERRYS or ANY OTHER FRUIT: These refer to “virtues” or the “fruits” of the spirit like “love, kindness, gentleness, forgiveness, empathy, tenderness, joy, peace, etc.” It can also refer to being “productive.”

SUN: The “sun” is a very strong dream symbol referring mainly to the power of “God” or the “divine.”

SWALLOW: This bird is the symbol of “hope” since the swallows of Capistrano always return. It is also the symbol of “good fortune.”


SUNFLOWER: This flower is symbolic of “devotion” and “worship” since it always turns its face to the “sun” which is symbolic of “God.”

SWAN: This bird symbolizes fullness of “life” or a “gracefulness.” Two “swans” together refer to endless devotion since they mate for life.

SWINE: “Swine” or pig refers to one of two basic symbols; First that of “fertility” since they produce young in large liters. They can also refer to “greed” since they devour their food when they eat and eat lots of it. And they do not share their food. When I was a youth I tended a heard of pigs on my brother’s pig farm and I know of these aspects of pigs very well.

SWORD: The “sword” is a symbol of many meanings. It can mean “authority and power” or “royalty” or “leadership” or “protection” or it can refer to the masculine principle. It can also refer to “death.”

TEETH: One of the primary meanings of “teeth” in a dream refers to “defensiveness.” Can also mean “defiance.” They can also refer to one’s “self-image.”

THREAD: This symbol often refers to one’s “human destiny.” Can also refer to “binding” or “bonding.”

THUMB: The Roman Emperor’s would show a thumb up to allow a Gladiator to live, thumbs down to indicate death. Thus the “thumb” refers to “power.” A “thumb” up refers to “good luck” or “life” and the “thumb” down refers to “bad luck” or “death.”

THUNDER: The anger or rejection of God is often portrayed by “thunder.” It can also mean “life” and “nurture” since it usually brings life-giving rain. 51

TIGER: The “tiger” means “royalty” or “strength” or “destruction.”

TOAD: The “toad” refers to the “dark side of nature” or even “evil.”

TONGUE: The “tongue” refers to “speaking” or “language.” It can also refer to “great evil” or “great good” since it can speak well or ill. The tongue can indeed be a very destructive and evil weapon.

TORCH: This symbol refers to “life” or “knowledge” or “truth.”

TORTOISE: The “tortoise” refers to “water” or “immortality” or “the slow passing of time” or “patience.”

TREASURE or MONEY: This symbol refers to “fullness of life” for “money” is required for the necessities of life. Or it can refer to “greed” and the misery it can bring. The context of one’s life situation will determine which of these two meanings apply.

TREE or TREES: This is a symbol of a “vigorous life” as trees grow so strong and some live so long. I recall standing before a redwood in California that was more than 4,000 years old. It was a robust tree when David was King of Israel about 2,000 B.C. and a very old tree when Christ was born. Or it can refer to the feminine principle of “protection” since within its branches birds can find safety and a place to build their nests. It can also refer to the “Tree of Knowledge.”

TRIANGLE: The “triangle” is symbolic of the family….”father, mother, child” or its three points can refer to “newness” (see the number 3). In Christian theology it can refer to the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


TULIP: The “tulip” has a special meaning referring to “perfect love.” Rather than roses, lovers could consider giving a bunch of “tulips.”

TWINS: The symbol of “twins” of course refers to “duality.” I have found that narrow-minded people who feel their way of thinking about things is the only way will often dream of “twins” indicating that often in life there is indeed more than one way of looking at things. There is always two sides to any issue. I have a favorite saying I share with couples in Marital therapy when one or the other thinks they are 100% right regarding an issue and the other 100% wrong. I tell them that it is hard to slice a piece of ham so thin it has only one side.

VASE: This is a feminine symbol referring to being “receptive” or the need to be thus.

VEIL: This symbol refers to “darkness” or “secrecy.” The “veil” hides things.

VINE: The “vine” refers to “fertility” or “fruitfulness.” A dead “vine” would of course refer to “death” or “dying” or being “unfruitful” or “unproductive.”

WALL: Any kind of wall refers to a “barrier.” Or a “challenge” or “obstacle.” It can also refer to the feminine principle of “protection” since “walled cities” were a protection in ancient times from enemies. Anything “walled off” is protected or “secluded.”

WALLET: This is usually a symbol of “wealth” but also of “life” since “money” is necessary to provide for all that makes “life” possible. It is also a symbol of “power” since it is the engine that “powers” business and industry as well as providing the necessary “power” to accomplish things in life personally. Money truly is “power.”


WAND: It is not uncommon to have this symbol pop up in a dream. As “wand” refers to “power,” usually referring to any kind of “supernatural” force or power. That is why magicians usually wield a “wand” in their performances. In some cultures medicine men or shamans will also use a “wand” in their healing arts.

WANDERING: It is a fairly common experience in a dream to feel oneself “wandering.” This is symbolic of being or feeling “lost” or “confused.” It usually means you have unresolved life issues. The rest of the dream will give you a clue as to what these unresolved life issues might be.

WAR: “War” is a powerful symbol indicating that things are disintegrating or need to do so in order that healing and rebuilding can take place. Often times certain bad things need to be destroyed in order that new and better things can emerge. Therefore any kind of “war” in a dream always has these two sides to it.

WATER: “Water” too is a very powerful dream symbol usually referring to one’s “unconscious” mind and/or the “divine” within. Is it thus a very “spiritual” symbol. It is also a symbol pointing to one’s inner “true Self” deep down in the unconscious. It can also refer to physical or spiritual “cleansing.”

WEAPONS: Any kind of “weapon” also refers to “power.” Usually “power” involved in destroying something bad in one’s life or personality or relationships in order for the good to be born or come forth.

WEEPING: Often times we will cry in our dreams. Crying is very therapeutic. Crying or “weeping” is releasing pain, hurt, grief, sadness, etc. so one can heal. If we are crying in our dreams it is usually because we cannot release pain in our waking life. Or cry enough. The dream is thus promoting emotional healing that one is unable to do while awake. Also this kind of dream is indicating that “weeping” is something one needs to do more of in one’s waking life.


WHALE: The “whale” is symbolic of “evil” since it devours living things in such large quantities. It can also refer to “rebirth” since in the Old Testament Jonah is not only swallowed by the whale but is spewed back out onto the earth to live again.

WHEEL: This is a symbol of “rebirth” and “renewal” since one always comes around to the place one starts on a wheel. It is always a very positive symbol in a dream. Here’s where the “feelings” in a dream with a “wheel” are important to note; A “wheel” in a dream where the feelings are negative indicates that you may be “stuck” and are just going around and around and getting nowhere with a life issue. With positive feelings it would indicate that you are indeed making progress in the process of “renewal” or “rebirth.” The rest of the dream will indicated to you where or what it is in one’s life that is being “renewed.”

WHIP: This symbol refers to any kind of “power.” Or “punishment.” Or “authority.”

WILD ANIMALS: A bunch of “wild animals” in a dream refers to the danger of the “loss of control of ones impulses.” A pack of “wild animals” can be extremely dangerous as can be “wild impulses.” It is dangerous to follow one’s impulses without examining them and thinking through an action first since impulses are not logical or rational. They are just “impulses.”

WIND: “Wind” is a fairly common dream symbol and refers to ones “spirituality.” In Christianity is refers to the “Holy Spirit” or the “spirit of God.” Let me again show you how “feelings” are key in helping you interpret a dream. If you have a dream where a “wind” is blowing through a house and there are negative feelings associated with it like fear or anxiety, it would indicate that you may be lacking in your personal “spiritual” growth and development, or the “spiritual” aspects of troublesome issues in your life. With positive feelings the dream would indicate that you are indeed on the right path “spiritually” in resolving whatever issues the dream may be addressing. By “spiritual” or “spirituality” I do not necessarily mean God per se, but “wind” could refer to the “fruits of the spirit” like “love, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, forgiveness, self-control, caring, etc.”

WINDMILL: The “windmill” is a symbol of “fertility” or “life and growth.”


WINE: This is a powerful symbol representing “fullness of life” or “vitality.”

WINDOW: A “window” refers to “growth” and especially “freedom.” We can escape to “freedom” through a “window.” It can also refer to “insight” since it is through a “window” that we see what lies outside and ahead of us.

WINGS: Any kind of “wings” represents the “supernatural.” That’s why angels are depicted as having “wings.”

WINTER: If you dream of “winter” it refers to being a “cold person” or relating to a “cold person.” It can also refer to “death and destruction” with negative feelings or it can refer to “renewal” if there are positive feelings associated with the dream for “spring” follows “winter.”

WOLF: A “wolf” in a dream refers to “viciousness” in a dream. Or it can refer to “evil.”

WOMAN: An “old woman” in a dream is a very powerful symbol of the Archetype of “The Wise Old Woman” and signifies of course the “wisdom of the feminine” meaning “spiritual wisdom.” A “beautiful woman” can refer to the “feminine principle” or “love and tenderness” or “submissiveness” or “passivity” or “receptivity.” With erotic feelings she can of course refer to “sexuality.” Or if she is without a recognizable face, it is the female Archetype of the Anama, which is the most powerful dream there is since it opens up and gives one more of the feminine qualities of life.

WOOD: “Wood” refers to “shelter” since most homes are built from “wood.” It can also refer to “protection” since it is used also to make cradles that “protect” babies. It can refer to “death” since wood has been used for coffins down through the ages. A “wooden” coffin is symbolic of “humility.” This year (2003) our former Senator from Illinois, Paul Simon, a truly great and humble man, died and was laid to rest in a plain “wood” coffin to symbolize his great humility.


WOODPECKER: The “woodpecker” is a very special bird in dream symbolism referring to “magical powers.” Also it refers to “royalty.”

WORD or WORDS: This is a symbol of “creativity” since it is with words that we “create meaning.”

WORM or WORMS: These are symbols of “death” and “destruction.”

WOUND: Any kind of “wound” indicates the need for “healing” in ones life of one kind or another like “spiritual healing” or “physical healing” or “emotional healing.” The context of ones life situation and the rest of the dream will indicate to you which of these the “wound” is referring to.

WRECK: Any kind of “wreck” is an indication of “danger.” It may not be bad since “healing” and “renewal” is a process of “tearing down” the old and bad in order to “build anew.” A “wreck” can also be a very positive symbol.

WRITING: Any kind of “writing” indicates the need for “self expression.” Often times when people who are withdrawn have a dream in which there is “writing” it is a message that they need to become more “self expressive.” There are things inside of them that are trying to get out and understood.

WREATH: A “wreath” is a symbol of “eternal life” much like the “circle” that has no beginning or end.

YACHT: This is a symbol of “wealth” and “power” for the “yacht” is associated with the “rich” and “powerful.” It can also refer to “royalty” or “pleasure.” It can also refer to a need for a more “positive self-image.” 57

YARD STICK: The “yard stick” in a dream often refers to “being judged” or “being judgmental.” Or being “successful” in the sense of “measuring up.”

YAWNING: If one is “yawning” in a dream it signifies the need for “renewal.” Often people who are “burned out” will have a dream in which they are “yawning.” “Burn out” is a serious psychological condition and needs to be attended to.

YOKE: A “yoke” in a dream refers to ones “career, job, or vocation.” It can also refer to “difficulty” or a thing being “burdensome.


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