2x21 Divide And Conquer Part 1

  • April 2020
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2x21 – Divide and Conquer part 1 (Desmond David Hume Centric) Previously on LOST: 1) Locke and Jack looking down into the hatch – 1x19 2) Henry shooting Luke, Nathan and Libby – 2x19 3) Locke saying he gives up on the hatch and Eko saying he’ll take over – 2x19 4) Desmond fleeing from the hatch – 2x03 5) Luke giving Penny some information – 2x19 6) Libby talking to Christian Shepherd about meeting someone – 1x11 7) Jack telling the survivors that he plans on getting their people back from the Others – 2x20 8) Desmond turning up in a boat – 2x20 Desmond sat beside a fire drinking whiskey from a new bottle as the survivors in the background talked amongst themselves quietly. Locke walked up to him. “So what did one snowman say to the other?” He grinned. Desmond grinned back up at him. “Smells like carrots.” He took another drink. “You mind if I sit?” Locke asked. “Sure, brother.” Desmond watched Locke sit down on the beach. “I heard you had returned... Charlie told me. You mind?” Locke indicated to the bottle in Desmond’s hand. Desmond smiled. “Oh, I insist.” He handed Locke the bottle and Locke drank. “Let me ask you something, Desmond.” Locke said as he handed Desmond the bottle back. Desmond nodded. “All that time you were in the hatch... You always pushed the button?” “Umm... Yeah, always. Why?” “What if I was to tell you... That all of that time you spent in the hatch... It was all useless. What if I were to tell you that the button wasn’t real?” “Then I would ask how you knew that.” “I didn’t manage to press the button once. And all that happened were hieroglyphics popped up onto the counter. A second time we failed to press it... I was told that the counter just reset its self. So I want you to sober up.” “Why?” Desmond was looking confused, angry. Locke stood up and looked down at him. “Because tomorrow morning we’re both going to go to the hatch. And find out what happens when the button isn’t pushed.” LOST Desmond opened up a second bottle as Jack walked up to him and knelt down in front of him. “So you forgot to mention that you had a boat?”

“You fancy a drink?” Desmond asked, dodging the question. Jack dodged that question. “Why did you return, Desmond?” Desmond laughed. “You think I did it on purpose? No... I tried to sail towards Fiji. I should’ve been there within two weeks as well. But the first bit of land I came across wasn’t Fiji was it? No. It was here. This place. This island. And you want to know why?” Desmond moved closer to Jack. “Because we’re stuck in a bloody snow globe! This is all there is left. This island... There’s nothing else out there! So just go. Just let me drink, forget my troubles.” Jack looked like he wanted to say something but Sayid walked up to him. “May I speak with you, Jack?” And Jack walked away as Desmond took another drink from the bottle. Desmond was stood in front of a man as he placed some things into a paper bag. The man was dressed in a soldiers outfit. He looked at a book as Desmond placed it into his bag “Our Mutual Friend” by Charles Dickens. “Why didn’t you take that in with you?” The man asked. Desmond smiled. “To avoid temptation, brother. I’ve read everything Mr. Dickens has ever written. Every wonderful word. Every book, except this one. I am saving this book... So that it is the last thing I read before I die.” “Nice idea... As long as you know when you’re going to die. Lance Corporal Desmond David Hume... Your sentence is hereby complete, and you are now and forever dishonourable discharged from the Royal Scots Regiment of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces. Long live the queen. Enjoy your sodding book.” Desmond walked out of the building as rain fell hard. He turned his collar up as a car came to a stop in front of him. the back window was wind down and an elderly man looked at Desmond. “Care for a lift?” The man asked. Desmond pulled a face. “Not with you.” “Get in the car, Desmond!” The man said, winding the window back up. Desmond walked round to the other side of the car and got in. He looked first at the man and then at some metal boxes in the seat between them. “You get me a present?” “Actually, two.” The man said. “One of these boxes contains your past, Hume. The other, your future.” The man took the lid of one of the boxes to show roughly 70 unopened letters. Desmond looked at them. “You’re a bastard, you know that?” The letters were addressed to a “Miss. P Widmore.” Desmond looked away from the man. “She’s moved on, Desmond. She’s getting married again. Just let her be happy. In this second box...” The man took the lid from the box to show that it was full of money. “Here is enough money for you to start again. Move away. Move on. And let her be happy.”

Sayid and Jack stopped beside the table. “I think I have a plan.” Sayid said. “I will take Desmond’s boat and sail to wherever this camp is. Scout it to get positions and numbers. And then I will meet up with you and the team of people that you bring. And we’ll go in together. We don’t know anything about the sort of defences they have...” Sayid finished and Jack thought for a moment. “We’re going to have to bring Luke...” He said finally. “Luke is the only one of us who knows where their camp is except Claire. And we can’t take her. Nathan is dead... Michael is either with them or off the island.” “Alright. You go and get Luke... I’ll see who I can round up.” And Sayid walked off. “I’m so sorry, Boone.” Charlie said as he walked up to Boone. Boone was sat down in front of his tent looking out at the ocean. Boone didn’t look at Charlie. “Thank you.” Boone’s voice was empty. He looked at Charlie. “I can’t stop thinking about her. Her lifeless body covered in blood. Her skin was so cold. She was empty.” “Do you want to... Do you want to do something to try and take your mind of her?” Charlie asked. “Yes.” Boone looked over at Charlie. “You fancy going for a walk?” Sayid ran up to Desmond who was sat on the beach beside the fire. He had a bag beside him. “Desmond... May I speak with you for a moment?” “Sure, brother.” Desmond replied. He was pretty much out of it. He took another drink from the bottle. “I was wondering if I could borrow your boat?” Sayid glanced over at the sailboat. “I wouldn’t bother, brother. There’s nothing else out there.” Desmond laughed and looked another drink. The bottle was now empty. He threw it down onto the beach and grabbed another one. “I don’t want to go ‘out there.’” Sayid replied. “I want to sail to another section of the island. So can I borrow it?” “Knock yourself out, brother. I already have everything I need from it.” Desmond glanced at the bag before drinking. “Thank you,” Sayid muttered and rushed off. Desmond was stood in line in a cafe. He was in front of a woman with brown bobbed hair. The person in front of him walked away and Desmond moved to the front of the queue. “Can I get a coffee please? Black, strong.” Desmond asked. The person behind the counter began to prepare Desmond’s coffee. Desmond took out his wallet. “Ahh, bugger.” He muttered. “I uhh... I’ve just got her from England. I spent the last of my American money on the taxi fare from the airport.” The woman behind him place $3 onto the counter. “Here you go.” The woman smiled.

“No, I couldn’t miss.” Desmond went to hand the money back to the woman. “It’s only $3.” Desmond sat opposite the woman and gave her a smile. “So what are you doing in LA?” The woman took a drink of her coffee. Desmond looked down at a pamphlet in the table in front of them. “I’m... It’s complicated. I’m going to take part in this race. A solo race around the world. I’m here to train.” “Why would you possible want to do that?” The woman laughed. “It’s not about what the race represents. It’s about whose race it is.” Desmond picked up the pamphlet and showed it to the woman. It had a picture of the man who had tried to give Desmond the money – Charles Widmore. “He is the sponsor of the race. He wanted something from me... Wanted me to be something I wasn’t... And when I couldn’t give him it, he took away the only thing I ever cared about.” The woman who had sat watching Desmond asked: “Who was she?” “His daughter.” The woman could tell that Desmond was a little uneasy so she changed the subject. “So what type of boat do you have?” “Well... That’s the problem. As of yet, I don’t actually have a boat.” Desmond laughed. “I have a boat.” The woman said. “My husband bought a new boat recently. To replace the other one. He won the lottery.” The woman laughed. “I want you to have our first boat.” “I can’t so that Miss.” Desmond smiled as he set back in his chair. “My husband won’t mind. He’ll barely notice. And you seem like a decent guy. So I’m going to give you my boat.” “Well I thank you, Miss. And I will win this race... For love.” Desmond smiled at the woman and she returned it. “Now I have to go. I’m sorry.” Desmond stood up and the woman followed. They shook hands. “Thanks again, Miss.” And Desmond was gone. The woman sat down and took out her cell phone. “Mr. Shepherd... It’s done. I gave him your boat.” Libby hung up the cell phone. Luke was lying down in his tent when the flap came up and Jack stood there. “You mind if I come in?” Jack asked. Luke shook his head and sat up. “Sure.” Jack walked into the tent and sat down beside Luke. There was silence for a moment before Jack spoke. “You’re going to have to come with us, Luke.” “Huh?” “To the Others... No one else knows where their camp is except Claire... And we can hardly take her there.” Jack looked at Luke for a moment.

“But... I don’t remember. It was dark when we escaped from there. And someone was leading us from their camp. And I’m hurt and tired and...” Jack cut him off. “You have to Luke. You’re the only person who can help us. I’ll make sure you aren’t hurt. I promise you. Please?” Sayid was sat in front of Sun and Jin on the beach. “... So I was hoping that one of you wouldn’t mind sailing me there...? Sun looked at Jin and nodded. “We’ll both go. We’re not getting separated. Just tell us when you want to leave.” Sun took Jin’s hand as Sayid stood up and walked away. Charlie walked up to Claire who held Aaron in her arms. “I’m going out for a walk with Boone tomorrow. To help take his mind of things.” Charlie said. “And with people going off to the Others camp and I don’t want you and Aaron to be alone. Stay with Rose and Bernard, ok? And I’ll be back for you. I promise.” Claire placed Aaron in the crib and stood up in front of Charlie. “You just look after yourself, ok?” And she kissed him. The next day found a group of the survivors huddled towards the southend of the beach. Jack was at the head, stood beside Kate and Hurley. Ana and Luke were stood beside them. “Alright, guys. Let’s get going,” Jack said. The other survivors picked up their packs. “Lead the way, Luke.” Luke slowly set off into the jungle with the rest of them following him. Jack smiled at Ana as she walked past him. Kate scowled. Charlie and Boone were stood beside the tree line at the north-end of the beach. “So where are we going?” Charlie asked. “There’s some place I want to check out.” Boone smiled a little and set off into the jungle. Charlie turned and waved at Claire who was stood beside Rose and Bernard before following Boone. In the hatch, Mr. Eko typed in the numbers as the beeping from the counter rung through the hatch. He hit “execute” and smiled to himself. He then walked into the living area and over to the record player. And in the jungle, Desmond followed Locke through the trees. “What exactly are we going to do when we get there brother?” Desmond asked as he bent to walk under a low hanging branch. “Stop Mr. Eko from pressing the button. And free ourselves from it.” Locke replied calmly. He rushed off into the jungle. Desmond stood for a moment watching him, before following. Christian Shepherd stood from the side of the clearing watching them both walk off. He smiled.

Desmond got out of the car and closed the door. He looked over to his left and saw a man getting ready to run. He gave him a brief smile before walking to the trunk of his car. He looked around the stadium and then back at the man before pulling the trunk door open. “Desmond...” A voice said from behind him. Desmond turned and saw a blonde haired woman standing there. “Penny...” Desmond said softly. LOST Next time: Main Cast (Order of appearance): John Locke – Terry O’ Quinn Jack Shepherd – Matthew Fox Sayid Jarrah – Naveen Andrews Charlie Pace – Dominic Monaghan Boone Carlyle – Ian Somerhalder Libby Carlyle – Cynthia Watros Luke Parsons – Eric Dane Sun Kwon – Yunjin Kim Jin Kwon – Daniel Dae Kim Claire Littleton – Emilie De Ravin Kate Austin – Evangeline Lilly Hugo “Hurley” Reyes – Jorge Garcia Ana Lucia Cortez – Michelle Rodriguez Mr. Eko - Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje Guest Starring (Order of appearance): Desmond David Hume – Henry Ian Cusick Charles Widmore – Alan Dale Rose Nadler – L. Scott Caldwell Bernard Nadler – Sam Anderson Christian Shepherd – John Terry Penelope – Sonya Walger Questions Raised: 1) Who were the letters for what Widmore had intercepted? 2) Why did Christian want Libby to give Desmond his boat? Do

Christian and Desmond have a connection somehow? 3) Why is Penny meeting with Desmond? How do they know each other? Questions Answered: 1) We get our first glimpse of the mysterious Mr. Widmore. He has

connections with Desmond and the race which led him to the island. 2) Who Libby was going to meet for Christian Shepherd – Desmond.

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