2x13 Bring Him Home

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 6
2x13 – Bring Him Home (Jack Shepherd Centric) Previously on LOST: 1) Jack getting a phone call and a man telling him his father has died – 1x04 2) Danielle telling Charlie and Luke that she has something to show them – 2x11 3) Danielle showing Charlie and Luke Henry dangling from the tree – 2x12 4) Danielle shooting Henry – 2x12 5) Henry telling Sayid his story of how he got there and his wife dying – 2x12 6) Sayid and Locke saying they don’t believe Henry – 2x12 7) Jack saying they will lock him up in the armoury until they know who he really is – 2x12 Jack was sat on the sofa in the hatch with his head in his hands. The bloody clothes from Henry were on the counter beside him. He glanced at them before standing up and putting them in the bin. Jack went over to the armoury and opened the door. Henry looked up from his make-shift bed on the floor. “Can I get you anything, Henry?” Jack said from the door. “No, I’m ok. Thanks.” Henry croaked. “Alright then. If you need anything just call.” Jack closed the door. There was no one else in the hatch. He didn’t know what to do. Locke and Sayid were sat on the beach outside of Locke’s tent. “So what do you propose we do with Mr. Gale?” Sayid asked. “I don’t know. Keep him locked up until we are one hundred percent sure of who he really is.” Locke replied as he looked out at the ocean. “How do we find out who he really is?” Sayid asked him. “I don’t know. I really don’t know.” Ana Lucia walked up to Sayid and Locke. She knelt down in front of them. “Hello Ana,” Locke said, smiling at her. “What can we do for you?” “What’s going on in the hatch?” Ana asked, frowning over at them both. LOST Jack walked into the kitchen of his family home dressed in jogging bottom s and a t-shirt. It was obvious that he had just been for a jog. He walked over to the fridge and look out a bottle of water. He opened it and began to drink when a woman walked into the kitchen. “How long are you going to keep this up, Jack?” the woman asked him with her hands on her hips. Jack frowned.

“Don’t start, mom. I’m not in the mood.” Jack took the bottle and walked out of the kitchen. His mother followed. “Jack, stop! You have to go. Please. For me?” She raises her eyebrows looking over at him. Jack turns. “No, mom. I don’t care what happens to him.” “But I do.” Jack’s mother fought back tears as she moved over to Jack. She placed her hands on his face. “Go get your father. Go bring him home so we can put him to rest.” Jack gave his mother a slight smile. A little nod. Jack walked out of the computer room and sighed. He walked over to the kitchen as a door opened somewhere in the hatch. Locke walked into the room, followed by Sayid and then Ana Lucia. “Hey, Ana. How are you?” Jack asked, smiling. “I’m good, thank you Jack. And you?” “I’m fine thanks.” Locke walked over to the armoury and began to turn the dial. Jack moved over to him. “What... What are you doing?” “She wants to talk to him.” Locke said, not looking at Jack. “What makes you Ana will be able to get any information from him?” “Because I’m a woman. Let’s try something different.” Ana said as Locke opened the door. She walked through it and closed it behind her. Eko walked over to Boone who was stood at the table with Charlie. “Do you have an axe?” He asked, looking from Boone to Charlie. Charlie glanced at Boone and raised his eyebrows. “Umm... I don’t know.” Charlie said. “We do, actually.” Boone said. “It was on the plane. Come, I’ll get it for you.” “Thank you.” Eko said as he began to follow Boone down the beach. They stopped outside of a tent which was full of equipment and supplies that they had gotten from the plane crash. Boone found the axe and handed it to Eko. “Why do you want an axe anyway?” Boone asked him. “Thank you, Boone.” Eko walked off up the beach. Ana walked slowly into the armoury and looked down at Henry who was tied up on the floor. He looked back up at her. “Hello. I am Ana Lucia.” Ana said as she reached him. “Hi. My name is Henry Gale.” “I want you to tell me your story. Tell me what happened to you here on the island.” Ana sat down opposite Henry. “Oh, ok then. I crashed here about four months ago in a hot air balloon. Me any my wife lived in this cave off the beach for about three of those months. She fell ill and she died. I buried her beside the hot air balloon. And then three days ago I was out looking for food and I spotted this doll on the ground. I thought it was strange so I picked it up and I was

suddenly pulled upwards in a net. That woman kept me there for two days!” Henry looked over at Ana, waiting to see her reaction. “Four months ago?” Ana repeated, frowning. “Strange.” “What’s strange?” Henry was also frowning now. “I’ve been here for a year. I never saw any trace of a hot air balloon flying over the island or crashing on it. Very strange.” Ana said again as she sat watching him. Jack was stood in a hotel room with a man who was dressed in a bellboy’s uniform. He was stood with his hands behind his back watching Jack. Jack was looking around the bedroom. Through the drawers. “Would you like me to help you look for... Whatever it is you’re looking for, Mr. Shepherd?” “This was my father’s room, right? Where’s his stuff?” Jack asked as he closed the bedside table drawer. “We removed it from the room, Mr. Shepherd. After we learned of his death. Unfortunately, we had to give the room to someone else. We kept his possessions in storage though. I could show you it if you like?” The bellboy opened the door and flicked on the light. “Here they are, Mr. Shepherd. I’ll leave you here for a moment.” The bellboy walked away leaving Jack stood outside of the room. He walked in and began to look through his father’s possessions. Jack was pacing back and forth outside of the armoury. He had his arms folded. Locke was watching him. Sayid was in the kitchen pouring himself a glass of water. “Open the door, Locke!” Jack demanded suddenly. “What? Why?” Locke asked. “Because he might hurt her!” “But you think he’s fine. You don’t think he’s one of the Others. He won’t hurt her if he isn’t one of them, will he Jack?” Locke said sarcastically, raising his eyebrows. “If she gets hurt,” breathed Jack, suddenly close to Locke’s face, “I will come and hurt you.” Jack walked over to the couch and sat down. Boone and Charlie walked up the beach following the sound of banging. They walked into the shallow trees and spotted Eko. He was stood topless in the middle of hitting a small, thin tree with the axe. He threw the axe to the floor and pushed the tree over. It clanged to the floor. “What are you doing, dude?” Asked Boone. “Hello Boone.” Eko said, lifting the tree up. He glanced over at Charlie. “Hello Charlie. What can I do for you?” Eko dropped the tree to the ground beside a small pile of wood. “What are you doing?” Boone repeated. “I am building something.” Eko picked up the axe again. “Building what?” Charlie asked. “I am building a church.” Eko began to hit another tree.

Henry continued to gaze up at Ana as she paced back and forth in the cramped room. She didn’t look at him. “You have to believe!” Cried Henry suddenly. Ana stopped pacing and looked down at him. “I dunno... I just find it hard to believe that I didn’t see your hot air balloon after I’ve been here for a year.” Ana sighed. “I’ll tell you where it is!” Henry said, moving as close to Ana as the rope would allow him. “Please!” Ana knocked on the armoury door and Locke opened it immediately. She walked out with one last look at Henry before closing the door. “Well?” Jack asked her the moment the door was closed. “He told me the same story as he told you. About the hot air balloon and his wife dying.” She said, walking over and sitting beside Sayid on the couch. “And do you believe it?” Locke asked her. “Umm... I’m not sure. I’m going to get some rest. I’m tired. But I’d like to talk to him again sometime. To try and get some more information from him.” Ana stood up as Jack nodded. She walked from the hatch. Inside the armoury, Henry was listening intensively to the conversation from the other side of the door. He smiled. “He’s in here.” Said the coroner as he led Jack towards a door. The man opened the door and walked in. Jack hesitated for a moment before following the man into the room. There was a table in the middle of the small room with a body inside of a body-bag on the table. “I just need you to confirm this is your father before we deal with the procedures.” The coroner said as he began to unzip the bag. He pulled back the flap and Jack’s father was lying there. Jack immediately choked back tears as he looked down at his father. “Yeah... That’s him.” Jack said. The coroner began to zip the bag back up. Jack leant against the wall of the room. “What would you like us to do with the body?” The man asked. “I’ll take it,” Jack replied, still looking at the bag. “I’ll take it home. Bury him.” The man nodded and held the door open for Jack to exit. Ana rushed up the beach towards her tent and began to pack a few of her clothes. Libby walked up to her. “Hey Ana,” she said as she looked down at the bag Ana was packing. “You going somewhere?” “Listen. If I tell you this you have to swear not to tell anyone, Libby.” Ana said as she zipped up the bag. Libby nodded. “We’ve caught someone. In the jungle. We might be one of the Others. He says he came here in a hot air balloon and he drew me a map to it.” Ana pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket and showed it to Libby. “I’m going to it to

see if it’s really there.” Ana picked up her bag and put the map back in her pocket. Libby thought for a moment. “I wanna come with you. Give me something to do.” “Alright then. Go and pack a few things. I’ll meet you at the tree line in five minutes.” Ana said. Libby walked off. Jack was now sat down on the sofa and Locke was stood in front of him. Sayid had left the hatch. “What are we supposed to do with him now?” Jack asked. “We have no way of finding out if he’s telling the truth or not.” “I don’t know, Jack. We’ll just have to leave him there for a while.” “What if he is one of them? His people might come and get him.” Jack said, suddenly alarmed. “I doubt it,” Locke said casually. “If they knew about this place I think they would have taken over it ages ago.” “Well what do we do with him if he does turn out to be one of them? Kill him? Let him go?” “We’ll think of that when it comes to it. Don’t worry Jack, we have it all covered.” Locke smiled. Jack frowned. Jack was stood dressed in a suit at the Australian airport. He was talking to a woman behind the desk. He had tears in his eyes. “Look, Chrissie! I have to get his body back to America. The moment the plane touches down there will be a car waiting to pick us up and take him to the cemetery. I have to do this Chrissie. I have to get rid of him once and for all!” “I understand, Mr. Shepherd,” said the woman behind the desk, “but...” “Please Chrissie. I know you would have done this before. Flying bodies to different countries. Please!” Jack banged his hand down on the desk. The woman looked rather alarmed. “Alright, Mr. Shepherd.” Chrissie said. Jack stood up. “I’ll let you deal with this, Locke. You told me once to get out of your hatch so I’m going to.” Jack began to walk to the door. “I can’t do this alone, Jack. Please.” Jack didn’t turn. “I’m gunna go get some food. Some rest. I’ll be back in the morning.” He walked out of the room leaving Locke alone. Locke turned and looked at the armoury door. Libby walked up to Ana who was stood by the tree line. “You ready?” Ana asked, glancing at Libby’s bag. “Yeah, I am.” “Alright then. Let’s go.” Ana turned and walked into the jungle. Libby gave the camp one last look before she followed Ana. LOST

Next time: VO: What to do, what to do, what to do. The survivors debate about what to do with Henry. LOCKE – “we need to come up with some long term plan.” JACK – laughing. HENRY – listening to the conversation and smiling. VO: As Ana and Libby trek towards the balloon. ANA – “start looking.” Main Cast (Order of appearance): Jack Shepherd – Matthew Fox John Locke – Terry O’ Quinn Sayid Jarrah – Naveen Andrews Ana Lucia Cortez – Michelle Rodriguez Mr. Eko - Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje Boone Carlyle – Ian Somerhalder Charlie Pace – Dominic Monaghan Libby Carlyle – Cynthia Watros Guest Starring (Order of appearance): Henry Gale – Michael Emerson Margo Shepherd – Veronica Hamel Christian Shepherd – John Terry Chrissy – Meilinda Soerjoko Questions Raised: 1) Why is Eko building a church?

Questions Answered:

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