2x07 What You Want To Know

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 2,820
  • Pages: 17
2x07 – What You Want To Know (Luke Parsons Centric) Previously on LOST: 1) Luke meeting with Christian Shepherd – 1x16 2) Sun watching the news with reports of Oceanic Flight 316’s crash and then listening to Jae’s message – 1x13 3) Flight 815 and Flight 316 survivors coming together – 2x06 4) Locke telling Jack to leave the hatch if he won’t input the numbers – 2x03 5) The man rushing into the hatch and shooting at Locke – 2x06 Exterior. Beach. (Day). The group of survivors are still huddled together after they came together in the previous episode. Jack is still holding Aaron with Claire stood beside him. The camera pans over to Luke who is picking up his backpack and walking over to the jungle. Jack: Luke. Where you going? Luke: The hatch... I’m on “duty”. Luke rolls his eyes and walks into the jungle. The camera remains on the survivors. Jack hands Aaron back to Claire and begins to talk to Ana. Jack: You want some help? With putting up a tent? Ana Lucia: Yeah, if you don’t mind. Jack and Ana walk off up the beach. The camera pans over to Kate who is watching them walk off, looking pissed and upset. The camera cuts to:

Interior. Computer Room – Swan Station. (Day). The camera is focused on the man who entered the hatch at the end of the previous episode. He is staring at Locke, who looks back, confused. The man fires his gun in the direction of Locke. The camera pans round to Locke as we see him jumping to the side to avoid the bullet. He grunts as he hits to floor. Locke jumps up to his feet as the man rushes over towards him and aims the gun at him. Locke: Who the hell are you? Man: What the hell are you doing in my hatch?! Locke: You’re hatch? Man: Now... Who are you? Locke: My name is John Locke. This is my hatch. And my sole priority is to input the numbers and save the world. Man: Nice speech... But this isn’t your hatch. It’s mine. And Kelvin’s. The man looks to his left and then to his right before looking back at Locke. Man: Now where is Kelvin? Locke: He’s dead... He was shot. Man: What?!

The man rushes even closer towards Locke and points the gun at him once more. Man: Say you’re prayers! The camera pans over to Locke’s face before it cuts to black. -LOSTCommercial Break. Flash. Interior. Cafe – LA. (Day). The camera is focused on Luke who is in the middle of drinking a cup of coffee. He is sat opposite a woman. Woman: I’m glad you could make it, Luke. I need to talk to you. Luke: Sure, Polly. What’s up? Polly: I’m pregnant... Luke: What? Oh, my God! Congratulations. Polly: Thank-you. Luke: How did Doug take it? Polly: He left me... Luke: What?! Why? Polly: He said he wasn’t ready... I don’t know what to do...

Luke: What do you mean? Polly: Well... Should I keep the baby? Or... Luke: Or what? Polly: Abort... Luke: No... You can’t! I know you’d regret it. The camera cuts from Polly’s face to Luke’s as the flashback sound begins... Exterior. Jungle. (Day). The camera is focused on Luke as he runs through the jungle. He trips on a branch which is sticking out of the ground and Luke goes flying to the ground. Luke: Oh, God! The camera cuts to: Exterior. Beach. (Day). We see Jack and Ana in the middle of putting up a tent for Ana. The camera pans down the beach for a moment and we see Bernard and Rose stood outside of Rose’s tent, Charlie helping Mr. Eko to put up a tent and Jae putting up a tent by himself. The camera pans back over to Jack and Ana. Jack: So what’s your story? How did you manage to survive here for an entire year?

Ana Lucia: A year? It’s really been that long? Jack: Well according to Rose. Ana Lucia: Oh. Well... We just managed. We found food and water. And made shelter. Jack: Did you never find a way to contact rescue? Ana Lucia: No. Cindy... This woman who was with us... She was a stewardess on the plane. She told us that the plane flew of its course. They were looking for us in the wrong place. We never found a way of contacting rescue here on the island. Jack: So you must know quite a bit about this island then? Ana Lucia: I know bits. There’s other people here living on the island. A smoke monster... Whispering in the jungle. Jack: So you’ve had a pretty rough time then? Ana Lucia: (Sarcastically) Living on a tropical island in the middle of no where for a year being terrorised by a group of unknown people? No, piece of cake. Ana grins at Jack who returns it. The camera cuts to: Exterior. Jungle – Swan Station Door. (Day). The camera is focused on Luke as he comes running through the jungle. The camera pans round and we see the door leading into the swan station. The camera pans back round and

follows Luke as he runs towards the door and pulls it open. Luke runs through the door as the flashback sound begins... Flash. Interior. Parson Apartment’s – LA. (Day). The camera is focused on Luke who is sat behind a desk. There is a plaque on the desk which states his name. We hear a door open in the background but Luke remains typing on his computer. We then hear a voice speaking off screen: Man (O.S.): Mr. Parsons? Luke looks up from the computer and smiles. Luke: Yes. Sit, sit. The man sits down as the camera remains focused on Luke. Luke: So... How can I help you, Mr. Shepherd? The camera pans round and we see that the man is in fact Christian Shepherd!! Christian: I called in earlier regarding that property that I viewed last week. Luke: Oh, yes? Christian: I want to take it. I’ll pay the full asking price. Luke: Oh, excellent, Mr. Shepherd. Christian: I have a cheque here... Do I give it to you?

Luke: Yes, thank-you. Christian hands Luke the cheque and smiles as the flashback sound begins... Interior. Corridor – Swan Station. (Day). We see Luke walking down the corridor in the hatch. He comes up to the door which leads into the computer room. Before he walks through it, we hear Locke and the man talking. Man: If you move... I will kill you. Now, tell me, who are you?! Luke peers into the room and the camera follows. We see the man holding his gun pointed at Locke who is sat on the chair in front of the computer. The camera pans back to Luke as he runs off up the corridor. The camera cuts to: Interior. Armoury – Swan Station. (Day). The camera is a black screen. It is focused on the door which slides open and the black screen is lighted. We see Luke rush into the room and grab a gun from the rack. The runs back out of the room as the camera cuts to: Exterior. Beach. (Day). The camera is focused on Kate who is stood beside her tent. She is in the middle of peeling a mango. She looks down the beach and the camera follows. We see Jin fishing in the ocean with a make-shift fishing rod – Sun is stood beside him, talking. The camera pans along the beach and we see Jack and Ana finishing putting up her tent. The camera cuts back to Kate who is watching them, still looking pissed off. She sighs and walks off down the beach. The camera pans over to Jae who is still putting up his tent. Mr. Eko walks over to him. Mr. Eko: You need any help?

Jae: Yeah, if you don’t mind. Can you grab that end? Eko grabs the end of the pole which Jae is trying to attach to some poles which are stuck in the ground. Eko lifts it up and begins to tie the poles together. Mr. Eko: So how are you adjusting? Jae: Ok... Everyone seems distant from me. Mr. Eko: It’s just till they get used to you. Just try talking... Make friends. Jae sighs and looks down the beach. Jae: Yeah... I suppose. Mr. Eko: Just don’t forget that you already have friends. Me... Ana and Nathan. Bernard. Jae looks back at Eko and smiles. Jae: Yeah, you’re right. The camera cuts to: Interior. Computer Room – Swan Station. (Day). The camera is focused on Locke who is sat on the chair. It pans out a little and we see the man stood there. Man: I will only ask this once more... Who are you? Locke:

I told you. I survived a plane crash. And then we found this place. And took over the duty of pushing the button. Man: You’re lying! Voice (O.S.): Hands up! The camera pans round and we see Luke holding his gun at the man. The man drops his gun to the floor with a CLANG! And the camera fades to black. Commercial Break. Flash. Interior. Parson Apartment’s – LA. (Day). We once again see Christian Shepherd sat in front of Luke at his desk. Luke: So, you’re here for the keys? Christian: Yeah, I am. Luke: Excellent. Luke passes Christian a set of keys and Christian stands up. Christian: Thank-you. Luke holds out his hand and Christian shakes it. Christian: Oh, I was wondering... Could you possible do me a favour? Luke: Yeah, sure.

Christian: In a few days a woman is going to be coming here to ask you for some information regarding one of your tenants. Tell her this... Christian hands Luke a piece of paper. He goes to open it but Christian interrupts him. Christian: All of the details are on the piece of paper. I just... Need you to do this. It has to be done. She must be told what she wants in order for something extremely important to occur. Do you understand? Luke: (Obviously confused) Umm... yeah. The camera pans over to Christian who is smiling as the flashback sound begins... Interior. Computer Room – Swan Station. (Afternoon) We see the man sat down on the chair with Luke and Locke holding guns at him. Locke: So... Who are you? Man: My name is Sebastian Radzinsky. Locke: Why are you here? Radzinsky: I used to ‘work’ here. Before Inman. Locke: Oh. So why are you back? Radzinsky:

We are here for 512 days. After that, they told me to go to the Pala Ferry and wait. And then they would take me home. Locke: The... Pala Ferry? Radzinsky: I left this hatch like... Two years ago. I went to the Pala Ferry and I waited. No one turned up. I was left here. So I had to make a shelter. And I stayed there. Luke: So why did you come back here? Radzinsky: I don’t know. I just... I thought I might be able to come back here. Instead of staying at my campsite. Locke: Well no, you can’t come back here. This is my hatch. And I don’t want some crazy lunatic in here with me! Radzinksy: Why you... Radzinsky jumps to his feet and Locke presses his gun into Radzinsky’s chest. The camera cuts to: Exterior. Beach. (Afternoon) The camera is focused on Sun who is carrying a bunch of fish up the beach towards the table. We see Jae walking over towards her. Jae: (Subtitled) Sun... Could I speak with you for a moment? Sun: No. Jae: Please...

Sun: What do you want? Jae: Did you get my message? Sun: Message? Sun glances down the beach and the camera follows. We see that Sun is looking at Jin, obviously checking to see if he is watching. The camera cuts back to Sun and Jae. Jae: The one I left. In the airport. Before the crash. Sun: Oh, that message. Jae: So you got it? Sun: Yeah. What about it? Jae: Well...? Sun: Look, either get to the point of leave me alone! Jae: I wanted to give it another go... Sun: You broke up with me. Divorced me. Went away for months on end. I finally got over you and moved on with Jin. And then you want to get back together?! Jae: Well... yeah...

Sun: Forget it, Jae. Jae: (Putting his arm out to stop Sun from moving) Sun, please... Sun slaps Jae across the face and storms off back towards Jin. The camera cuts to: Interior. Computer Room – Swan Station. (Afternoon) The camera is focused on Radzinsky who is now sat down again at the computer. John has his gun pointed at him. Radzinsky: So if you don’t want me in ‘your’ hatch... What do you plan on doing with me? Locke: (To Luke) What do you think we should do with him? The camera focuses on Luke’s face as the flashback sound begins... Flash. Interior. Luke’s Home – Australia. (Day). The camera is focused on Luke who is in the middle of a phone conversation. Luke: ... There weren’t any available nearby. I mean... I wouldn’t be quite a distance from... We hear a woman speaking on the other end of the phone who we recognise as Polly. Polly: (Cutting him off)

Well that’s ok. I suppose. As long as you are there to... Supervise. Luke: (Sighing) Well, if you’re sure? Polly: I am. I will pay for all expenses, so don’t worry. I just need you to be there. Luke: Thursday? Polly: Yes, Thursday. Luke: Alright then. The camera focuses on Luke’s face as he hangs up the phone. The camera fades to black. Commercial Break. Interior. Computer Room – Swan Station. (Afternoon) The camera is focused on Luke’s face as the previous scene continues... Luke: I think we should let him go. Locke: But what if he’s... Luke: What? Locke: I dunno... What if he’s working with them? The Others?

Luke: I doubt it. Radzinsky: Others? You’ve heard them too?! Locke: Hmm... Maybe you’re right. (Sighing) Alright then... Let him go. Luke moves forward and pulls Radzinksly to his feet. Luke: Go. Now. Radzinsky glances at Luke and then at Locke before he runs from the hatch. Locke turns to Luke. Locke: I’ll be back for my shift in four hours. Locke walks out of the hatch leaving Luke standing in front of the computer. The counter begins to ring as the camera cuts to: Exterior. Beach. (Night) The camera is focused on Sun who is sat beside Jin on the beach. Sun: (Subtitled) I’m just going to do to the bathroom... I’ll be back in five minutes. Jin: (Subtitled) Sure, honey. Sun stands up and walks down the beach leaving Jin at their camp by himself. The camera follows her as she walks down the beach. We see her stop outside of a tent.

Sun: Hello... Jae. We see Jae walk out of the tent looking at Sun with confusion. Jae: Sun? Sun: Can I... Can I come in? Jae looks back towards his tent. Sun walks into the tent and Jae follows her. The camera pans up the beach and we see Jin watching from his And Sun’s tent. The camera pans towards Jin looking hurt before the camera fades to black.

LOST Next time: 1) FLASH! Clip of Locke sat at the computer in the hatch. 2) FLASH! Boone walking into the hatch. 3) FLASH! A man stood with his back to the camera. 4) FLASH! A body lying on the floor, hidden by the man. Boone: I had a dream. Main Cast (Order of appearance): Jack Shepherd – Matthew Fox Claire Littleton – Emilie De Ravin Luke Parsons – Eric Dane Ana Lucia Cortez – Michelle Rodriguez Kate Austin – Evangeline Lilly John Locke – Terry O’ Quinn Charlie Pace – Dominic Monaghan Mr. Eko - Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje Jae Lee – Tony Lee Jin Kwon – Daniel Dae Kim Sun Kwon – Yunjin Kim Guest Starring (Order of appearance): Sebastian Radzinsky – Eric Lange

Polly Cattier – Kari Matchett Bernard Nadler – Sam Anderson Rose Nadler – L. Scott Caldwell Christian Shepherd – John Terry Questions Raised: Is there any significance in Polly and her child? 2) Just what the hell were Luke and Christian Shepherd talking about?! 3) What is the Pala Ferry? 4) What is Sebastian Radzinsky’s story? 5) And what happened to him after he left the hatch? 6) Why did Sun go to Jae’s tent? 1)

Questions Answered: 1) Locke isn’t dead – he dodged the bullet. 2) The man from the previous episode is called Sebastian Radzinsky. He was the previous occupant of the Swan Station before Desmond and Inman.

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