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2nd Green Revolution, LLC Blog Posts August 10th – August 17th, 2009 www.2ndgreenrevolution.com

Door to Door Recycling: Who Should Foot the Bill? August 17th, 2009 A few weeks ago 2nd Green Revolution carried a story about a lawsuit opposing a New York Law that would have mandated free electronics recycling. This got us thinking about who should be responsible for the cost of recycling. Who do you think should pay for door-to-door recycling? Participate in our poll and share your thoughts. Who should pay for the initial costs of recycling programs? The manufacturer The local municipality (ex. local, town, city government) The consumer (though a tax on product) The taxpayer (through a local or federal tax) The retailer (or seller of the products) Other: VoteView Results Polldaddy.com Tags: Recycling Posted in 2nd Green, Polls | No Comments »

2nd Green Revolution, LLC Blog Posts August 10th – August 17th, 2009 www.2ndgreenrevolution.com

Book Review: Donella Meadows’ Thinking in Systems August 15th, 2009 Roughly 15 years ago Donella H. Meadows, founder of the Sustainability Institute and professor in the Environmental Studies Program of Dartmouth College, wrote an introduction to systems thinking titled Thinking in Systems: A Primer. Last year the book was edited by Diana Wright of the Sustainability Institute and published (by Chelsea Green Publishing), seven years after her death (the eulogy for which was mentioned here in a previous post). Meadows, along with Peter Senge, author of Necessary Revolution, is a seminal figure in systems thinking, which “is a critical tool in addressing the many environmental, political, social, and economic challenges we face around the world. Systems, big or small, can behave in similar ways, and understanding those ways is perhaps our best hope for making lasting change on many levels.” One of the main implications for sustainability relates to what is often referred to as the tragedy of the commons. Meadows explains that “tragedy of the commons comes about when there is escalation, or just simple growth, in a commonly shared, erodable (sic) environment.” The tragedy ensues when “a resource that is commonly shared” is “not only limited, but erodable (sic) when overused.” Meadows presents three options to prevent the tragedy of the commons: Read the rest of this entry » Tags: Book Review, Necessary Revolution, Systems Thinking Posted in Eric Wilson, Sustainability | No Comments »

2nd Green Revolution, LLC Blog Posts August 10th – August 17th, 2009 www.2ndgreenrevolution.com

Five Friday Facts August 14th, 2009 •

On a per-ton basis, sorting and processing recyclables alone sustain 10 times more jobs than landfilling and incineration. (Institute for Local Self-Reliance, 1997)

Recycling and reuse establishments in the U.S. employ approximately 1.1 million people and generate an annual payroll of $37 billion. The U.S. recycling and reuse industry grosses more than $236 annually.

(National Recycling Coalition, Inc. 2001) •

The EPA estimates that simply by increasing our national recycling rate to 35 percent and cutting the amount of waste we generate to 1990 levels, we could reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by an additional 24.5 million metric tons of carbon. This amount of carbon emissions is equal to the average emissions from the electricity consumption of about 15 million households for an entire year. (U.S. EPA, 2002).

When manufacturers make a can from recycled content aluminum instead of using virgin ore (bauxite), they prevent 13 tons of carbon dioxide from going into the atmosphere for every one ton recovered aluminum used. (U.S. EPA, 2001).

In 2001, the EPA estimated that recycling and composting in the U.S. prevented over 68 million tons of material from being landfilled or incinerated.

- 2nd Green Revolution Posted in 2nd Green, Five Friday Facts | No Comments »

2nd Green Revolution, LLC Blog Posts August 10th – August 17th, 2009 www.2ndgreenrevolution.com

New Feature: Company Sustainability Index August 13th, 2009 2nd Green Revolution continues to grow and develop as a destination for information and analysis on the move to an economic and environmentally sustainable world. Today, we unveil a new feature on the website that takes us closer to fulfilling our mission of “presenting pertinent information on the clean energy economy”: the company index. It can be found in the “Features” section of our drop-down menu under “Company Index”. You can also get to it by clicking here. While effective government policy is crucial in bringing about the shift to a clean and sustainable energy system, private companies will contribute overwhelmingly to inventing, building, marketing, and distributing the kinds of innovative products and technologies that are making the change a reality. This website is based upon the idea that the second green revolution cannot occur without the powerful forces of capitalism, including profit seeking, incentives, competition, and growth. Those forces, however, are now going through a revolution of their own as companies and consumers realize that business as usual is no longer possible. In addition to economic and profit considerations, social and environmental aspects are increasingly factored into business decisions. The triple bottom line business model is becoming the standard.

The company index gives brief overviews of companies’ green activities, their mission statements, and provides links to their websites as well as to articles 2nd Green Revolution has written about them. If you’d like to see a certain company added to the database let us know. Tags: Green Economy Posted in 2nd Green, Business, Eric Wilson, Green Economy, Green Products, Justin Manger | No Comments »

2nd Green Revolution, LLC Blog Posts August 10th – August 17th, 2009 www.2ndgreenrevolution.com

Colorado State University Pushes Forward on Clean Energy August 12th, 2009

With a recent announcement that a 2-megawatt solar installation is planned for Colorado State University’s Foothills Campus this fall, the school will add to its already impressive clean energy portfolio. Colorado State University (CSU) already has a number of clean energy and conservation projects currently operational. The new installation “will generate enough power to meet more than 10 percent of the campus’s electricity demand,” the university said Monday. “The 15-acre array of solar panels is expected to be one of the largest solar power systems at a U.S. university when it’s done.” The university’s website says that they are “working with Xcel Energy and renewable energy developer Renewable Ventures, a Fotowatio company, in an innovative public-private partnership, to leverage tax credits and incentives to finance the Foothills Campus solar power system. This partnership will enable the university to deploy the solar array under a long-term electricity contract with Renewable Ventures known as a Power Purchase Agreement. Colorado State University will provide the land under a long-term lease and will purchase the power produced from the solar array at a fixed rate for 20 years.” Renewable Ventures (mentioned here in an earlier post) installed the photovoltaic array at Denver International Airport. Read the rest of this entry » Tags: Clean Energy, Colorado, Energy Conservation, Fort Collins, Photovoltaic, Xcel Energy Posted in Education, Eric Wilson, Local Energy/Food, Renewable Energy, Solar | No Comments »

2nd Green Revolution, LLC Blog Posts August 10th – August 17th, 2009 www.2ndgreenrevolution.com

GM’s Volt Plug-in Purported to Receive 230mpg Rating from EPA August 11th, 2009

Fritz Henderson, GM’s Chief Executive, remarked at a news conference today that “Our Chevrolet Volt extended range electric vehicle will achieve unprecedented fuel economy. I’m confident that we will be in triple digits.” Triple digits indeed, if it can be believed. According to Autoblog, Frank Weber, vehicle chief engineer for the Volt, said that the “[230mpg] number is based on combined electric only driving and charge sustaining mode with the engine running.” It is based on city driving. He declined to get specific about the proportions, but did say that the urban cycle would be predominantly EV only. The Volt can go 40 miles without using any gas by running on its electric motor. The average American commutes less than 40 miles per day, so on many days using the Volt will result in no gasoline consumption. Fritz also remarked that in Detroit, the car’s battery could be recharged overnight for $.05 per kilowatt hour, or a total of 40 cents. (GM webcast link after the jump). Read the rest of this entry » Tags: Battery, Cars, Efficiency, Electric Cars Posted





Transportation | No Comments »





2nd Green Revolution, LLC Blog Posts August 10th – August 17th, 2009 www.2ndgreenrevolution.com

Call for Photo Submissions August 10th, 2009 At 2nd Green Revolution, we are always looking for unique and interesting photos to put with our posts. We’ve made it a practice to link to the image’s source but we’d also like to expand our web of personal contacts from which quality photos could be collected and exhibited. Peruse through our previous pictures and posts to see what kind of images we use. If you have original photos or artwork that relate to our content, send us a copy at [email protected] and we may put it up on the site. We will recognize the chosen submissions and link to an online repository of your work, website, or information of your choice (though final decisions on content and appropriateness will be made by 2nd Green Revolution). - Justin & Eric [Image Credit: http://futurefocusblog.com/2009/05/29/countdown/] Posted in 2nd Green, Justin Manger | No Comments »

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