2nd Annual Next Generation Messaging Forum 2009

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  • Words: 3,772
  • Pages: 5
2nd Annual

Next Generation Messaging Forum 2009 Exploring Current and Forward-Thinking Strategies to Profit From and Promote Next Generation Services in the Messaging 2.0 Environment

Worldwide consumer spending on

Berlin, Germany

mobile messaging is estimated to INCREASE to

$88 billion by 2012,

20th–22nd April 2009

accounting for OVER 40% of total consumer spending

Including a Half-Day Pre-Conference Workshop Driving Messaging with Social Networking and Location Based Services

on mobile data services Mobile messaging is an integral part of the mobile industry and contributes significantly to total mobile service revenues. Indeed, in 2012 text messaging alone should contribute nearly 40% to overall data services revenue.

Conference Highlights

In the Chair

• T-Mobile reviews the messaging ecosystem and the need for strategic partnerships • Telefonica O2 provides an overview of the PayForIt Initiative • BT explores messaging in a converged world • Telenor reviews the need for an end to end hubbing solution • An overview of Google’s entry into the messaging industry

Chris Lennartz VP Product Marketing Airwide Solutions

Key Benefits of Attending • Review mobile instant messaging business models • Explore the business ecosystem and partnerships in the road to Messaging 2.0 • Achieve the converged messaging experience • Create new value added services with social networking and location based technology • Understand the revenue potential of mobile advertising • Explore the interconnection and interoperability challenge • Highlight future challenges in the move to next generation mobile networks • Determine the benefits of the Rich Communication Suite for operators

Silver Sponsors

Sirous Kavehercy Market Development Director Acision

Your Expert Speaker Panel Wolfgang Seibert VP, International Business Marketing and Messaging T-Mobile International Patrick George VP – Marketing and Product Management – Communication Services Belgacom – ICS Heinz Lorenz Independent Consultant Former Head of Messaging Mobilkom Austria Tony Reeve Senior Marketing Proposition and Business Manager T-Mobile Rick Chandler Treasurer and Wireless Workgroup Leader EEMA Senior Solutions Architect BT Gerion Wolff Senior VP, Marketing and Strategy Materna

Ola Korsmo Market Director Telenor Global Services Nikos Kryvossidis Director, Partner Solutions – EEMA Google Peter Grupp Independent Consultant Greenwich Consultants Former Senior Product Manager Sunrise Roberto Minerva Manager – Focal Point Long Term Research Telecom Italia Chris Lennartz VP Product Marketing Airwide Solutions Martijn Brouns Sr. Product Marketing Manager Acision Daniel Doulton Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer SpinVox

Iain McCallum Head of Interactive Messaging Telefonica O2 Dave Wisely Head of Mobility Research BT Cagdas Degirmencioglu Senior Specialist, Messaging Turkcell Jacek Powalka Managing Director GOH Ltd Anna Grandt Head of Interaction Design Ocean Observations Steve Holmes Partner IT/Commercial Dept. Baker & McKenzie Barbara Rinero* Systems Development Researcher Telecom Italia * subject to final confirmation

Christian Petit Marketing Director Orange/France Telecom


telecoms series

Sponsor Profile

Day 1

20th April 2009

PRE-CONFERENCE HALF-DAY INTERACTIVE WORKSHOP Driving Messaging with Social Networking and Location Based Services 13.30

As the global-market-leading provider of next-generation mobile messaging and wireless internet infrastructure, applications and solutions, Airwide Solutions has one focus: To enable your revenue to keep pace with the burgeoning consumerdriven mobile messaging and wireless internet market. We have a long history of success. For more than 15 years, Airwide has helped boost our customers’ messaging revenue streams and subscriber confidence, while protecting infrastructure investments. • A truly flexible approach: Our open architecture enables operators to effectively monetize their mobile messaging growth without disrupting existing infrastructure. • A history of industry firsts. From the first text message ever sent to the introduction of the first SMS router and A2P MMSC, Airwide continues to pioneer new technologies. • A robust global presence: Airwide’s products are used by more than 120 wireless operators in 48 countries. • A record of tested, proven products: A commitment to protect infrastructure investment and minimize disruption and risk during new technology introductions underpins all Airwide’s product development.

In an unpredictable marketplace, Airwide helps you maintain control.

MATERNA is a leading software company in the field of information and communications technology. The Communications Business Unit supplies service platforms, premium content services and voice and video applications. MATERNA is also a successful MVNE and an internationally recognised supplier of fixed-line network services. CUSS solutions for airlines and airports are also part of the portfolio. Its ability to meet difficult and complex challenges for its customers makes the company one of the most sought-after partners for network operators, service providers, companies and agencies. www.materna.com

Registration and Coffee


Workshop Leader’s Opening Remarks


Providing a Complete and Compelling Mobile Social Networking Experience to Drive Mainstream Adoption and Sustained Usage • Overcoming the technical challenges of functionality, performance and user friendly interfaces • The importance of providing a unified address book with unified contact addresses (portal IM, email or phone number) • Highlighting the importance of a unified messaging platform for better interoperability between messaging platforms and social networking communities to deliver greater value and freedom to subscribers • Using location and presence services to enhance and facilitate social networking and collaboration


Combining Messaging with Location Based Advertising as a Killer Service • Understanding the essential role mobile messaging plays in driving advertising revenue • Exploring different business models to drive this location based advertising model • Reviewing the main challenges for location based advertising • Assessing the potential for location based social networking to drive mobile advertising • Evaluating results of current geo-messaging trials


Afternoon Tea and Networking Break


Rehauling Pricing and Charging Models in the Migration to Next Generation Mobile Networks • How will the move towards increased bandwidth with LTE and WIMAX impact pricing of messaging? • How are operators preparing for such an eventuality and what will the impact be on their revenue models? • Finding revenue streams beyond pure messaging: verification methods, M2M, LBS, advertising, SMS alerts


Workshop Leader’s Closing Remarks


End of Workshop

Acision is the world’s leading messaging company, providing communication solutions for over 300 network operators and service providers globally. As the messaging partner of choice, our proven products and services, experienced people and leading service innovation allow organisations to meet the challenges in today’s converging telecommunications market. We are at the heart of our customers’ strategic business services, working together to enable them to achieve profitable and sustainable growth.

Business development opportunities Does your company have services, solutions or technologies that the conference delegates would benefit from knowing about? If so, you can find out more about the exhibiting, networking and branding opportunities available by contacting our sponsorship division. James Driscoll European Sponsorship Director,, marcus evans Stockholm tel: +46 8 678 6040, email: [email protected]

Booking Line Day 2

Tel: +44 (0) 207 647 2390 Fax: +44 (0) 207 647 2249

21st April 2009


Registration and Coffee


Chair’s Opening Remarks Chris Lennartz VP Product Marketing Airwide Solutions


Extending Messaging Revenues with the New Short Voice Messaging and Visual Voice Mail Services • Examining the SVS launch: strategies and objectives • Providing an overview of Vodacom’s marketing campaign • Exploring future business models • Reviewing the benefits of the advertising model and of building third party partnerships


Operator Perspective

Speaker to be confirmed 15.30

Reviewing the Mobile IM Messaging Models and Exploring Partnerships with ISPs • What are the business implications of developing mobile IM services? • Operator positioning in the market and developing partnerships with ISPs • Overcoming the hurdles and difficulties of partnering with ISPs • Creating a revenue model that will encourage partnerships


Afternoon Tea and Networking Break


Interactive Panel Discussion

Keynote Presentation Building a Messaging Ecosystem by Creating Strategic Partnerships with Internet IM Providers • Are partnerships the only way to drive mobile messaging services: social networking, IM etc? • Examining the benefits and disadvantages of partnering with IM providers • Creating a business case to build a successful revenue share model • Highlighting the role of the operator and looking at methods to ensure the indispensability of the operator in the value chain Wolfgang Seibert VP, International Business Marketing and Messaging T-Mobile International


Morning Coffee and Networking


Solution Provider Case Study

The Impact of the Rich Communication Suite Initiative • Understanding the business benefits of RCS for operators • Offering users a richer messaging experience • Application and services available with RCS • Enhanced messaging enabling a large variety of messaging options The panel discussion will be joined by speakers from both days


Barbara Rinero* Systems Development Researcher Telecom Italia

Chris Lennartz VP Product Marketing Airwide Solutions

Google Case Study


Overview of Google’s Entry into the Messaging Market with Google Talk • What are the full features of Google Talk and where’s the value add? • How to bring LBS into the mix to enhance the messaging offering • What are the implications of the open access software approach, particularly on user interaction? • Outlining the benefits of the advertising model and user receptivity

Solution Provider Perspective Turning Volume into Value - from Concept to Practice • Concept – differentiation pays off • Process - launching a differentiated offering • Solution - identifying requirements that ensure a sustainable business model • Making it happen - case studies




Coffee and Networking Break


Operator Case Study The Future of P2P MMS and New Business Models • An overview of P2P MMS: pricing, penetration, trends • Promoting awareness and driving demand with better marketing campaigns • Creating new business models and sustainable revenue with ad-sponsored models • Driving uptake with better user experience and relevancy of mobile ads is key Cagdas Degirmencioglu Senior Specialist, Messaging Turkcell

Operator Case Study Overview of the PayForIt Initiative • Understanding of how PayForIt works in a WAP transactional environment • Exploring the optimisation between the in-built, proscribed subscriber protection in the PayForIt scheme rules and the requirement for market and revenue growth and profitability • Optimising PayForIT scheme rules to deliver the best possible customer experience whilst maintaining the protective elements • Understanding the impact of the “Single-Click” and “Basket” developments in the v2.0 of the scheme rules on subscriber behaviour

Martijn Brouns Sr. Product Marketing Manager Acision 12.50

Location- New possibilities for Next Generation Mobile Messaging • Recent technology research demonstrating "Better than GPS" accuracy indoors and out • Location as a factor in authentication for messaging and social networking e.g. location marking messages used for m-commerce or social networking to prove authenticity (in addition to time and date identity etc.) • Leaving and collecting information at a specific location • Location as a core service in operator networks Rick Chandler Treasurer and Wireless Workgroup Leader EEMA Senior Solutions Architect BT

Nikos Kryvossidis Director, Partner Solutions – EEMA Google 12.10

Operator Case Study Driving Revenue and Value with Location Based Social Networking • Leveraging user-generated content as a driver for location based social networking • Reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of a location-based advertising business model • Looking at other business models based on licensing and revenue-sharing models • Overcoming privacy concerns and the cost of data plans as primary obstacles for mass market

‘Mobile Messaging 2.0’: Creating Fusion between Yesterday’s Architecture, Today’s Revenue and Tomorrow’s Demands • How important will messaging be for future generations? • How to evolve the SMS business and architecture to scale new heights • How to align messaging to power trends like mobile advertising and mobile internet • How to organise the messaging architecture to be ready for IMS and SDP


Remonetising the Killer App • Building a unique speech engine to exploit contextual data • Speech products: creating value from user behaviour in any market • Rapidly monetising millions of users • Meeting the demands of Tier 1 scalability • Reaching a critical mass of repeat users Daniel Doulton Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer SpinVox

Christian Petit Marketing Director Orange/France Telecom 09.50

Vodacom Case Study

Iain McCallum Head of Interactive Messaging Telefonica O2 19.10

Chair’s Closing Remarks


End of Day 2

Booking Line Day 3

Tel: +44 (0) 207 647 2390 Fax: +44 (0) 207 647 2249

22nd April 2009


Registration and Coffee


Chair’s Opening Remarks Sirous Kavehercy Market Development Director Acision



Operator Case Study Understanding User Experience and User Behaviour in Social Messaging Contexts • Assessing how different services meet different customer needs • How will converged messaging affect user behaviour and promote the uptake of social network services? • Exploring the role of the operator as owning the customer: building a user profile using real-time context information to add value and encourage customer stickiness • Understanding the importance of the user interface to determine positive user uptake

Heinz Lorenz Independent Consultant Former Head of Messaging Mobilkom Austria 14.50

Tony Reeve Senior Marketing Proposition and Business Manager T-Mobile 09.50

Exploring How New User Interfaces will Influence Mobile Messaging? • What is the impact of new devices and user interfaces, such as the iphone, windows mobile on user behaviour? • Understanding the challenge of lack of standardisation and the impact on revenue growth: which operating system will prevail? • Taking account of the challenges and creating a valid messaging platform in a multi-vendor environment • Assessing the role of and the competition presented by terminal vendors Anna Grandt Head of Interaction Design Ocean Observations


Morning Coffee and Networking


How to Express Brand Uniqueness and Personality in Technology Based Marketing? • Branding as a part of customer experience • Loyalty program branding in respect of the company’s umbrella brand • Customer intelligence supporting the branding - creative solutions in intelligent call routing and IVR systems • Multi-stage and multi-channel approaches in campaign management • Case studies: Meteor Mobile Communications, Plus GSM, Polish Telecom Jacek Powalka Managing Director GOH Ltd


Afternoon Tea and Networking Break


Operator Perspective The Interconnection Challenge to Deliver Converged Messaging • Reviewing the current interconnectivity issues relevant to developing a converged offering • Providing an update on open connectivity • Looking at the hubbing model: case study Patrick George VP – Marketing and Product Management – Communication Services Belgacom – ICS


Solution Provider Perspective

Ola Korsmo Market Director Telenor Global Services

Gerion Wolff Senior VP, Marketing and Strategy Materna

Operator Case Study


Dave Wisely Head of Mobility Research BT Lunch


Coffee and Networking Break

Operator Case Study Exploring the Impact of New Terminals and Wireless Broadband on Mobile Messaging • Will mobile broadband have a positive or negative effect on messaging? • How will embedded 3G devices impact user behaviour? What will the preferred device for IM be and how will this impact revenue growth? • Assessing the impact of WLAN and WiMAX on messaging • Reviewing the impact of unlimited data on the role of the operator

Messaging in a Converged World • BT’s converged network • Messaging in an all-IP world • Issues and barriers • Research results


Operator Case Study Creating an End to End Hubbing Solution • Understanding the limits of achieving full international reach with SMS interoperability via bi-lateral roaming agreements • Assessing the benefits of SMS hubbing • Exploring the business model through the GSMA hubbing structure • Introducing end to end quality through service level agreements • Introduction into other types of hubbing beyond SMS

Practical Application Examples to drive NGN Revenues of Today MATERNA is a leading software company in the field of information and communications technology. The Communications Business Unit supplies service platforms, premium content services and voice and video applications


Unleashing the Potential of Mobile Social Networking • Assessing the role and revenue potential of mobile social networks • Looking at opportunities in combining social networks and UGC and location based services • Improving your positioning: identifying the role of the operator and the need for partnerships • Identifying the benefits of partnering with established social networks vs. creating your own Peter Grupp Independent Consultant Greenwich Consultants Former Senior Product Manager Sunrise


Delivering Converged Messaging within an IMS Framework • Understanding the benefits of implementing an IMS solution • Is the time ripe for IMS deployment, in terms of standards, technology and products? What still needs to be done to get it ready for mainstream deployment? • Overcoming the challenges of integrating IMS with legacy systems • Reviewing innovative and cost effective services with IMS and customer feedback • Examining the operational aspects of an IMS solution compared to existing SMS operation processes • What are the expectations of mobile phone providers from the vendors of IMS systems • Will IMS finally deliver a converged messaging offering?

Roberto Minerva Manager – Focal Point Long Term Research Telecom Italia 17.50

Legal Perspective Location Based Advertising, Mobile Marketing and Data Protection • Understanding the data protection concerns linked to mobile marketing • Assessing the EU data protection requirements applicable to mobile marketing • Understanding the terms ‘opt in’ and ‘opt out’ • Enforcing this regulation • Looking at self-regulation Steve Holmes Partner IT/Commercial Dept. Baker & McKenzie


Chair’s Closing Remarks


End of Day 3

2nd Annual

Next Generation Messaging Forum 2009 AM2747

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20TH–22ND APRIL 2009




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