2constitution(my Bennett Edits In Green)

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  • Pages: 6
Goof Ball Constitution

Enacted ____________________________


2 Revision

Preamble. The Goof Ball Constitution is written for the improved organization of Goof Ball, and to promote a more cohesive foundation for the Goof Ball Committee and players of Goof Ball.

Article I. The Goof Ball Tournament and Goof Ball Events. Section I. Rules. A. The rulebook of the Goof Ball Tournament and Goof Ball Events shall guide the play of these events. Section II. Goof Ball Events. A. The Goof Ball events including Trick Shot, Button off the 8, Survivor, and Crazy Eights shall be held on the 31st of December each year throughout the Goof Ball Tournament. They shall be played in the order of their creation. Crazy Eights, the last even, shall be played immediately before the final four of the Tournament. (Which came first Trick Shot or Button off the Eight?) B. The traditional cards for the Goof Ball Events should be designed, drawn, and completed before the start of the Goof Ball Events. To protect the cards, a clear plastic casing should be put to cover the cards. On the all of the cards shall be written the name of the event, the name of the player who won the event, and the year of that event. These cards may be drawn by any participant of the Goof Ball Events, following the traditional standards of the cards: 1. The card for Trick shot should be designed in a way that emphasizes the importance of overall skill in the tournament. A joker used in a deck of standard playing cards should be on the back of the card. 2. The card for Button off the 8 should be designed to fit the significance of the break in Goof Ball. On the card of Button Off the 8, the actual button used in that event shall be placed of the front face of the card. 3. The card for Survivor shall be designed to highlight the skills of enduring adversity in Goof Ball. On the face of the card, the pool ball in which the player won with shall be drawn or stylized into the artwork. 4. The card for Crazy Eights shall be designed to show the importance of bringing all of the skills of Goof Ball together. The design shall include all the eight object balls of Crazy Eights with a designated space for the winner’s autograph. C. The Goof Ball Events Trophy shall be awarded before the Championship Game of the Goof Ball Tournament. The Champion is determines based on a point system in which the winner receives 5 points, the top ¼- 2 points, and the top ½- 1 point. In the case of Trick Shot and Button off the Eight, the players making it to past Round 1 receive 1 point, and the players in the round in which the winner was determined receive 2 points. In the case of a tie, the Goof Ball Committee shall break all tiebreakers with their tiebreaker system. The Goof Ball Events Trophy shall be passed to the new winner of the Goof Ball Events Trophy each year. Section III. Goof Ball Tournament. A. The Goof Ball Tournament shall be held each year on December 31st (New Years Eve), at around 12:00 pm. B. The Goof Ball Tournament is a single elimination tournament which the players are set randomly on the tournament bracket. There shall be no decision by the players or referees on whom each plays accounting skill, rating, or personal reasons. C. The tournament proceeds in a bracket format until the final tournament game in which the winner from Conference A and Conference B match. In this final game, all three referees must be present judging the game. The winner of that game is the champion of Goof Ball Tournament. 1. The champion of the Goof Ball Tournament receives the Goof Ball Trophy to keep at his/her house until the next Tournament where he/she passes it on to the next champion. The champion has the responsibility of keeping the trophy and follows Article III., Section III. The Goof Ball Trophy is the joint property of the Goof Ball Champion and Goof Ball Committee.

Goof Ball Constitution



If the champion of the Goof Ball Tournament is extremely uncertain if he/she will be able to attend the next tournament, and return the trophy in time for the next tournament, he/she may ask the current Goof Ball Committee to hold the trophy at the tournament site until next year.

Section IV. Postponement, Cancellation, and Termination of the Goof Ball Tournament. A. If an emergency (e.g. severely inclement weather) makes it impossible or unfavorable to start/complete the tournament, the referees may decide to cancel, postpone, or freeze the tournament. This is the only instance where all three referees must agree with the decision. 1. The referees may decide to cancel the tournament for the year, as in make no provision to reschedule it. 2. The referees may decide to postpone the tournament, as in to reschedule the tournament to a more favorable day. 3. The referees may decide to freeze the progress of the tournament, and continue the progress of the tournament on a more favorable day. Section V. Qualification of New Players of Goof Ball. A. Any person with basic skills and understandings of the rules may play in the Goof Ball Tournament and other events provided that they have been approved to participate by the Goof Ball Committee. Section VI. The Goof Ball Logo. A. The logo of Goof Ball shall represent the Goof Ball Tournament as well as the Committee and the players of Goof Ball. This logo is for better identification of all that pertains to Goof Ball. B. The logo of Goof Ball is for the sole use of the Goof Ball Committee and the players of Goof Ball. Section VII. Photography during the Goof Ball Tournament A. The use of Photography and other forms of media coverage of the Goof Ball Tournament and the Goof Ball Events is encouraged. However, if the use of Photography becomes distracting to the player(s), it must be stopped. B. Flash photography during tournament games is prohibited. The attending Goof Ball referee must first give a warning, but repeated infractions may cause the Goof Ball referee to ask to stop taking pictures and resort to more serious consequences (see Article. IV, Sec. II, A.).

Article II. The Goof Cup. Section I. Rules. A. The rulebook of the Goof Cup shall guide the play of the tournament. Section II. The Goof Cup Tournament. A. The Goof Cup Tournament shall be held each year on December 31st during the Goof Ball Tournament. B. The Goof Ball Committee shall determine the Goof Cup Event unless they state otherwise. C. The Goof Cup Tournament is a single elimination tournament in which the players are set randomly on the tournament bracket. D. The tournament proceeds in a bracket format until the final tournament game in which the winner from Conference A and Conference B match. The winner of that game is the champion of Goof Cup Tournament. E. The Goof Cup Trophy shall be presented with the Goof Ball Events Trophy immediately before the Goof Ball Tournament Final Game. F. The champion of the Goof Cup Tournament receives the Goof Cup trophy to keep at his/her house until the next Tournament where he/she passes it on to the next champion.

Article III. The Goof Ball Committee. Section I. The Goof Ball Committee.

Goof Ball Constitution


A. The Goof Ball Committee consists of the three Goof Ball members who have the primary responsibility of maintaining and preparing Goof Ball and the Goof Ball Events. Section II. The Referees. A. The Goof Ball Referees consist of the three Goof Ball Committee members. B. All Three Goof Ball Referees have the power to judge and arbitrate any event in Goof Ball and Goof Cup. C. The Goof Ball Committee consists of three members, each with a prescribed amount of responsibility. They are the Head Referee, Second Referee, and the Assistant Referee. 1. The Head Referee shall have the power to organize a trial. The Head Referee is also the moderator or judge of any trial and shall give the final verdict to the defendant. 2. The Second referee has the same power as the Head Referee except does not have the power to present a verdict or give a sentence (unless under specific circumstances). The Second referee can temporarily act as the Head Referee and receives all the powers as a Head Referee if the actual Head Referee is involved in a trial. 3. The Assistant Referee has power judge events in the Goof Ball Tournament, as well as any other Goof Ball events. The Assistant Referee has the power of the Head Referee if both the Head and Second Referee are involved in a trial. D. Referees may not swap positions during a tournament because one may be more eligible to hold a higher position at that particular time. E. Referees have the power to issue temporary suspensions for the security of important documents, papers, etc. related to Goof Ball. Section III. Election of Goof Ball Committee Members/Referees. A. Goof Ball Referees shall be elected by the current referees with input from players. If the case where all three current referees resign or are impeached, a general election shall occur between the obtainable players of Goof Ball. Three players with the responsibility and concern of Goof Ball shall become new elected referees. Section IV. Resignation and Impeachment. A. A current Goof Ball Committee member may resign his position, however the referee should help find a replacement for his/her position. B. A Goof Ball Committee member shall be impeached by a petition of a majority of players if the following occurred: • The member receives a suspension. (Automatic Impeachment; Petition Unnecessary) • The member cannot be present at a tournament for an inexcusable reason. • The member continuously does not performing his/her duty effectively with no intention to do so. C. After a Goof Ball Committee member resigns or is denied his/her position as a committee member, he/she may not take part in Goof Ball Committee member privileges (e.g. refereeing). However, the former Goof Ball Committee member may take part in the Goof Ball Events if found eligible.

Article IV. Goof Ball Suspensions. Section I. Goof Ball Suspensions. A. The Goof Ball Committee reserves the right to halt play of a game and/or suspend any players, referees, or spectators. B. Unless the incident is very clear, or the defendant admits to the incident and agrees to the suspension, the defendant must undergo a trial before receiving a suspension. The defendant shall retain the right to innocence until proven guilty. The trial shall be held by the Goof Ball Committee complete with the referees, an elected and non-biased jury of three people, and any witnesses and evidence presented before the referees and jury. The final verdict must be decided by 4/6 of the Goof Ball Committee and Jury. The trial should not be held at the time of the tournament. 1. A player that has been suspended may watch Goof Ball games if found reasonable by the Goof Ball Committee. 2. A player that is suspended may not play in any remaining games or any remaining events. If a player receives a suspension the exclusion from the tournament and remaining events does not count as part of suspension.

Goof Ball Constitution


Section II. List of Suspensions. A. The years listed below are only to be used as a guide. The actual sentence given by the referees may be lower or higher due to the severity of the offense. ~ Interference Suspensions • • • • •

Injuring a player during the tournament purposely Repeated distractions towards a player(s) Continual use of flash photography during game play Gambling on any Goof Ball event Interfering with a Goof Ball Event in any way

1-12 year(s) 1-3 year(s) 1 year 1 year 1-4 year(s)

~ Illegal Actions Suspensions • • • •

Unreasonable and continual aiding of players during game play Using illegal equipment in a Goof Ball game Halting play of the tournament Bringing hazardous or illegal materials to the tournament’s site

1-2 year(s) 1-3 year(s) 1-4 year(s) 5-100 years

~ Unsportsmanlike Actions Suspensions • • • • • • • • • •

Not cooperating with a Goof Ball Referee Refusal to play an opponent Losing the Goof Ball Trophy or any other Trophy Constant rudeness to the Goof Ball Committee Purposely Damaging Goof Ball equipment Purposely damaging another player’s equipment Cheating Losing on Purpose Using foul or inappropriate Language Aggressive or Violent Behavior

1-3 year(s) 2 years 3-5 years 1 year 1-5 year(s) 1-3 year(s) 1-5 year(s) 1 year 2-3 years 2-5 years

~ Attendance Suspensions • • •

Unreasonable tardiness to the tournament Failure to find a qualified replacement player Early unreasonable dismissal from the Goof Ball Tournament

1 year 1 year 1 year

Section III. Damage to Equipment. A. Any player who intentionally damages Goof Ball equipment shall be entitled to pay the Goof Ball Committee the amount of the item is worth in ten days, and also follows a suspension order under the Constitution (Article III., Section III.) The Goof Ball Committee must use the money to buy the replacement equipment. B. Any player who clearly damaged Goof Ball equipment on accident should pay to the Goof Ball Committee the amount the equipment was worth and does not follow any suspension order.

Article V. The Goof Ball Rulebook/Constitution. Section I. Presentation and Ratification of New Rules and Regulations. A. All new purposed rules or regulations shall be discussed by all three referees with input from the players of Goof Ball. They must be voted on by 2/3 of the referees and shall be written inside the Goof Ball rulebook and/or the Goof Ball Constitution.

Goof Ball Constitution


Section II. The Constitution. B. The Goof Ball Constitution is written for all players and affiliates of Goof Ball. It may be reproduced with permission from the Goof Ball Committee. No part of the Constitution shall be concealed from the public. C. The three Goof Ball Committee members shall sign the Constitution into power when they agree to its terms and believe the new enacted Constitution will better serve the new and changing face of Goof Ball. Four Goof Ball players, who are not in the Goof Ball Committee, must also sign on to the Constitution as witnesses to the Goof Ball Committee, assuring the fairness and authority of the Constitution.

Therefore, the Goof Ball Committee, Players, and all who show concern for Goof Ball have signed this 2nd Revision of the Goof Ball Constitution into effect, believing that this new Goof Ball Constitution will better serve the new and changing face of Goof Ball and all of its events.

___________________________________________________ Michael J. Thimons Head Referee of the Goof Ball Committee, President of Goof Ball

___________________________________________________ Bennett R. Feely Jr. Second Referee of the Goof Ball Committee

___________________________________________________ Daniel J. Stover Assistant Referee of the Goof Ball Committee

___________________________________________________ Witness I ___________________________________________________ Witness II ___________________________________________________ Witness III ___________________________________________________ Witness IV

Goof Ball Constitution


This Goof Ball Constitution is reserved for the use by Goof Ball. All its contents are freely available to the players.

Goof Ball Constitution


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