Code No: 27MBANR
M.B.A. II Semester Supplimentary Examinations, Jul/Aug 2008 LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ---Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 60 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. Successful supply chains manage inventory and information flows. What is the nature of the relationship between these two flows? 2. Discuss various steps involved in the process of customer service strategic management. 3. What do you mean by logistics? What are the features of logistics management? 4. Describe the response time indicators of logistics performance. 5. Give a brief note on Complexity drivers and paradoxes? 6. Explain the procurement process in supply chain management? What is the role played by direct materials and indirect materials in the procurement process? 7. Explain the impact of lack of coordination on supply chain performance? 8. Compare and contrast Global Co-ordination and Local management in global supply chain? ?????
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