27914 Append B Workbook

  • Uploaded by: Esme Vos
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 34,033
  • Pages: 39
Appendix B Workbooks

INSTRUCTIONS The following Workbook contains six sections that require complete responses to all the questions included in each section. All responses should be entered in the corresponding response columns underneath each question. If the Proposer wants to add additional lines to an answer space, they may do so, but they must maintain formatting. Do not create new worksheets to supplement a response or to provide additional information. Responses should take the form of complete sentences with proper punctuation. If the Proposer feels additional materials would be helpful or necessary, they may be included in the proposal. The Proposer is responsible for identifying and labeling the additional material so it's relationship to a specific question is clear. The City is not responsible for determining the relationship between additional materials and the specific answers they support. There are a total of 29 questions.


Q1: Please state the name of the Proposer's firm, division for implementation services (if applicable), and years in business. A1:

Q2: A list of all key personnel/contacts and their respective responsibilites and resumes. A2:

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Q3: Please provide an executive summary of the Proposer's firm, capabilities, and envisioned role. Include any unique or differentiating qualities that are relevant to this project or to the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County. Indicate why Proposer views itself as most qualified among likely candidates for partnership with the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County on this project. A3:

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Q4: Please profile at least two projects the Proposer has completed within the past five years that are comparable to this project in size and scope to the specifications of this RFP. Please include client names, contacts, phone numbers, and email addresses. A4:

Q5: Please attach the Proposer's financial statements for the past 3 years, including balance sheet and income statements. A5:

Q6: Please describe any relationships with other broadband providers, implementation partnerships, technology partners, and association memberships. If the Proposer partners with other firm(s) for the implementation, please describe expected relationship. A6:

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Q7: Provide a detailed 10 year business plan outlining desired contract timeframe, suggested renewal option(s) and proposed structure and provisions of the Community Benefit and Service Level Agreements. The business plan should include: •

Company Summary • Company Summary o Ownership

o Ownership


o Core Business Model o Core Business Model


o Locations and Facilitieso Locations and Facilities •


Products and • Services Products and Services


o Enabling Technology o Enabling Technology


o Pricing Model


o Pricing Model


Market Analysis • Market Analysis


o Target Market Strategyo Target Market Strategy


o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison



Strategy and• Implementation Strategy and Implementation


o Product Marketing Plano Product Marketing Plan


o Regulatory Complianceo Regulatory Compliance


Management •

o •



o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure


o Management Team

o Management Team


o Human Resources

o Human Resources


o Facilities Plan

o Facilities Plan


o Customer Service and oTechnical Customer Support Service Plan and Technical Support Plan


o Product Development o Product Development


o Finance Strategy


o Finance Strategy

o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan •


o Strategy, Value and Competitive o Strategy, Edge Value and Competitive Edge

o Sales Strategy and Plan o Sales Strategy and Plan •

Market •A

o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation

o Market Business Analysis o Market Business Analysis •


o Description of Productso &Description Services of Products & Services

o Future Products and Services o Future (R&D) Products and Services (R&D) •

Compan •


Financial Plan • Financial Plan o Assumptions

o Assumptions

Financia •


o Risks and Risk Mitigation o Risks Strategies and Risk Mitigation Strategies


o Key Financial Indicators o Key Financial Indicators


o Infrastructure Build-Outo Costs Infrastructure Build-Out Costs


o Other Fixed Expenses o Other Fixed Expenses


o Operating and Recurring o Expenses Operating and Recurring Expenses


o Funding and Sources of o Funds Funding and Sources of Funds


o Sources of Revenue byo Product Sources Line of Revenue by Product Line


o Re-investment in the Network o Re-investment in the Network


o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis


o Projected Profit and Loss o Projected Profit and Loss


o Cash Flow Model


o Cash Flow Model

o Projected Balance Sheet o Projected Balance Sheet


o Business Ratios


o Business Ratios


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Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summ Com

o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Owners

o Core Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Mod B

o Locationsoand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locatio Faci •

Products • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Prod Se

o Description o of Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of Description & Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Serv Descrip Prod

o Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnolo Enablin

o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing

o Future Products o Future and Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future an( •

Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Mark

o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentati o Market

o Target Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Stra

o Competitive o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Compe Compa

o Market Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market A •

Strategy• andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStra Imp

o Strategy,oValue Strategy, and Competitive oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitiv Edge oValue Strateg and

o Product Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o Produc

o Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Complia Regula

o Sales Strategy o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andS •

Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Man

o Organizational o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organi Stru

o Management o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Manag Team

o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human

o Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilitie

o CustomeroService Customer and oService Technical Customer and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technic Custom Pa

o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Developme o Produc

o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Financ

o Community o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Commu Benefit •

Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Fina

o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assum

o Risks ando Risk Risks Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strate Mitia

o Key Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indic Fin

o Infrastructure o Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastructure Costs Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastr Costs Build

o Other Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other ExpenF

o Operatingo and Operating Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operat Expen Rec

o Funding and o Funding Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFundin Funds Sourc

o Sources of o Revenue Sources of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenu Source Produc

o Re-investment o Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-inve in th

o Break-Even o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o BreakAnalys

o ProjectedoProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Project and

o Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash F

o ProjectedoBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Project

o BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios Busine

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Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summ Com

o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Owners

o Core Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Mod B

o Locationsoand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locatio Faci •

Products • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Prod Se

o Description o of Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of Description & Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Serv Descrip Prod

o Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnolo Enablin

o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing

o Future Products o Future and Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future an( •

Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Mark

o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentati o Market

o Target Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Stra

o Competitive o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Compe Compa

o Market Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market A •

Strategy• andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStra Imp

o Strategy,oValue Strategy, and Competitive oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitiv Edge oValue Strateg and

o Product Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o Produc

o Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Complia Regula

o Sales Strategy o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andS •

Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Man

o Organizational o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organi Stru

o Management o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Manag Team

o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human

o Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilitie

o CustomeroService Customer and oService Technical Customer and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technic Custom Pa

o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Developme o Produc

o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Financ

o Community o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Commu Benefit •

Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Fina

o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assum

o Risks ando Risk Risks Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strate Mitia

o Key Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indic Fin

o Infrastructure o Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastructure Costs Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastr Costs Build

o Other Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other ExpenF

o Operatingo and Operating Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operat Expen Rec

o Funding and o Funding Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFundin Funds Sourc

o Sources of o Revenue Sources of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenu Source Produc

o Re-investment o Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-inve in th

o Break-Even o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o BreakAnalys

o ProjectedoProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Project and

o Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash F

o ProjectedoBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Project

o BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios Busine

Page 7 of 39

Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summ Com

o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Owners

o Core Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Mod B

o Locationsoand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locatio Faci •

Products • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Prod Se

o Description o of Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of Description & Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Serv Descrip Prod

o Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnolo Enablin

o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing

o Future Products o Future and Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future an( •

Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Mark

o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentati o Market

o Target Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Stra

o Competitive o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Compe Compa

o Market Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market A •

Strategy• andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStra Imp

o Strategy,oValue Strategy, and Competitive oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitiv Edge oValue Strateg and

o Product Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o Produc

o Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Complia Regula

o Sales Strategy o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andS •

Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Man

o Organizational o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organi Stru

o Management o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Manag Team

o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human

o Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilitie

o CustomeroService Customer and oService Technical Customer and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technic Custom Pa

o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Developme o Produc

o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Financ

o Community o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Commu Benefit •

Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Fina

o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assum

o Risks ando Risk Risks Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strate Mitia

o Key Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indic Fin

o Infrastructure o Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastructure Costs Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastr Costs Build

o Other Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other ExpenF

o Operatingo and Operating Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operat Expen Rec

o Funding and o Funding Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFundin Funds Sourc

o Sources of o Revenue Sources of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenu Source Produc

o Re-investment o Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-inve in th

o Break-Even o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o BreakAnalys

o ProjectedoProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Project and

o Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash F

o ProjectedoBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Project

o BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios Busine

Page 8 of 39

Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summ Com

o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Owners

o Core Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Mod B

o Locationsoand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locatio Faci •

Products • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Prod Se

o Description o of Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of Description & Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Serv Descrip Prod

o Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnolo Enablin

o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing

o Future Products o Future and Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future an( •

Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Mark

o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentati o Market

o Target Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Stra

o Competitive o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Compe Compa

o Market Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market A •

Strategy• andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStra Imp

o Strategy,oValue Strategy, and Competitive oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitiv Edge oValue Strateg and

o Product Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o Produc

o Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Complia Regula

o Sales Strategy o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andS •

Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Man

o Organizational o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organi Stru

o Management o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Manag Team

o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human

o Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilitie

o CustomeroService Customer and oService Technical Customer and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technic Custom Pa

o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Developme o Produc

o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Financ

o Community o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Commu Benefit •

Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Fina

o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assum

o Risks ando Risk Risks Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strate Mitia

o Key Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indic Fin

o Infrastructure o Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastructure Costs Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastr Costs Build

o Other Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other ExpenF

o Operatingo and Operating Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operat Expen Rec

o Funding and o Funding Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFundin Funds Sourc

o Sources of o Revenue Sources of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenu Source Produc

o Re-investment o Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-inve in th

o Break-Even o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o BreakAnalys

o ProjectedoProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Project and

o Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash F

o ProjectedoBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Project

o BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios Busine

Page 9 of 39

Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summ Com

o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Owners

o Core Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Mod B

o Locationsoand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locatio Faci •

Products • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Prod Se

o Description o of Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of Description & Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Serv Descrip Prod

o Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnolo Enablin

o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing

o Future Products o Future and Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future an( •

Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Mark

o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentati o Market

o Target Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Stra

o Competitive o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Compe Compa

o Market Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market A •

Strategy• andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStra Imp

o Strategy,oValue Strategy, and Competitive oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitiv Edge oValue Strateg and

o Product Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o Produc

o Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Complia Regula

o Sales Strategy o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andS •

Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Man

o Organizational o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organi Stru

o Management o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Manag Team

o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human

o Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilitie

o CustomeroService Customer and oService Technical Customer and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technic Custom Pa

o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Developme o Produc

o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Financ

o Community o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Commu Benefit •

Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Fina

o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assum

o Risks ando Risk Risks Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strate Mitia

o Key Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indic Fin

o Infrastructure o Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastructure Costs Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastr Costs Build

o Other Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other ExpenF

o Operatingo and Operating Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operat Expen Rec

o Funding and o Funding Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFundin Funds Sourc

o Sources of o Revenue Sources of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenu Source Produc

o Re-investment o Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-inve in th

o Break-Even o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o BreakAnalys

o ProjectedoProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Project and

o Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash F

o ProjectedoBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Project

o BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios Busine

Page 10 of 39

Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summ Com

o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Owners

o Core Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Mod B

o Locationsoand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locatio Faci •

Products • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Prod Se

o Description o of Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of Description & Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Serv Descrip Prod

o Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnolo Enablin

o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing

o Future Products o Future and Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future an( •

Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Mark

o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentati o Market

o Target Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Stra

o Competitive o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Compe Compa

o Market Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market A •

Strategy• andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStra Imp

o Strategy,oValue Strategy, and Competitive oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitiv Edge oValue Strateg and

o Product Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o Produc

o Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Complia Regula

o Sales Strategy o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andS •

Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Man

o Organizational o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organi Stru

o Management o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Manag Team

o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human

o Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilitie

o CustomeroService Customer and oService Technical Customer and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technic Custom Pa

o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Developme o Produc

o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Financ

o Community o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Commu Benefit •

Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Fina

o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assum

o Risks ando Risk Risks Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strate Mitia

o Key Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indic Fin

o Infrastructure o Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastructure Costs Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastr Costs Build

o Other Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other ExpenF

o Operatingo and Operating Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operat Expen Rec

o Funding and o Funding Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFundin Funds Sourc

o Sources of o Revenue Sources of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenu Source Produc

o Re-investment o Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-inve in th

o Break-Even o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o BreakAnalys

o ProjectedoProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Project and

o Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash F

o ProjectedoBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Project

o BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios Busine

Page 11 of 39

Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summ Com

o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Owners

o Core Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Mod B

o Locationsoand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locatio Faci •

Products • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Prod Se

o Description o of Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of Description & Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Serv Descrip Prod

o Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnolo Enablin

o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing

o Future Products o Future and Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future an( •

Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Mark

o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentati o Market

o Target Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Stra

o Competitive o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Compe Compa

o Market Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market A •

Strategy• andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStra Imp

o Strategy,oValue Strategy, and Competitive oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitiv Edge oValue Strateg and

o Product Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o Produc

o Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Complia Regula

o Sales Strategy o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andS •

Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Man

o Organizational o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organi Stru

o Management o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Manag Team

o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human

o Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilitie

o CustomeroService Customer and oService Technical Customer and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technic Custom Pa

o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Developme o Produc

o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Financ

o Community o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Commu Benefit •

Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Fina

o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assum

o Risks ando Risk Risks Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strate Mitia

o Key Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indic Fin

o Infrastructure o Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastructure Costs Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastr Costs Build

o Other Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other ExpenF

o Operatingo and Operating Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operat Expen Rec

o Funding and o Funding Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFundin Funds Sourc

o Sources of o Revenue Sources of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenu Source Produc

o Re-investment o Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-inve in th

o Break-Even o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o BreakAnalys

o ProjectedoProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Project and

o Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash F

o ProjectedoBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Project

o BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios Busine

Page 12 of 39

Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summ Com

o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Owners

o Core Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Mod B

o Locationsoand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locatio Faci •

Products • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Prod Se

o Description o of Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of Description & Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Serv Descrip Prod

o Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnolo Enablin

o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing

o Future Products o Future and Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future an( •

Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Mark

o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentati o Market

o Target Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Stra

o Competitive o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Compe Compa

o Market Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market A •

Strategy• andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStra Imp

o Strategy,oValue Strategy, and Competitive oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitiv Edge oValue Strateg and

o Product Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o Produc

o Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Complia Regula

o Sales Strategy o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andS •

Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Man

o Organizational o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organi Stru

o Management o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Manag Team

o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human

o Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilitie

o CustomeroService Customer and oService Technical Customer and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technic Custom Pa

o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Developme o Produc

o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Financ

o Community o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Commu Benefit •

Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Fina

o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assum

o Risks ando Risk Risks Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strate Mitia

o Key Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indic Fin

o Infrastructure o Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastructure Costs Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastr Costs Build

o Other Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other ExpenF

o Operatingo and Operating Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operat Expen Rec

o Funding and o Funding Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFundin Funds Sourc

o Sources of o Revenue Sources of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenu Source Produc

o Re-investment o Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-inve in th

o Break-Even o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o BreakAnalys

o ProjectedoProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Project and

o Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash F

o ProjectedoBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Project

o BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios Busine

Page 13 of 39

Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summ Com

o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Owners

o Core Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Mod B

o Locationsoand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locatio Faci •

Products • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Prod Se

o Description o of Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of Description & Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Serv Descrip Prod

o Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnolo Enablin

o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing

o Future Products o Future and Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future an( •

Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Mark

o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentati o Market

o Target Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Stra

o Competitive o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Compe Compa

o Market Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market A •

Strategy• andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStra Imp

o Strategy,oValue Strategy, and Competitive oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitiv Edge oValue Strateg and

o Product Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o Produc

o Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Complia Regula

o Sales Strategy o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andS •

Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Man

o Organizational o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organi Stru

o Management o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Manag Team

o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human

o Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilitie

o CustomeroService Customer and oService Technical Customer and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technic Custom Pa

o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Developme o Produc

o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Financ

o Community o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Commu Benefit •

Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Fina

o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assum

o Risks ando Risk Risks Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strate Mitia

o Key Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indic Fin

o Infrastructure o Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastructure Costs Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastr Costs Build

o Other Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other ExpenF

o Operatingo and Operating Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operat Expen Rec

o Funding and o Funding Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFundin Funds Sourc

o Sources of o Revenue Sources of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenu Source Produc

o Re-investment o Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-inve in th

o Break-Even o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o BreakAnalys

o ProjectedoProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Project and

o Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash F

o ProjectedoBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Project

o BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios Busine

Page 14 of 39

Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summ Com

o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Owners

o Core Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Mod B

o Locationsoand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locatio Faci •

Products • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Prod Se

o Description o of Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of Description & Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Serv Descrip Prod

o Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnolo Enablin

o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing

o Future Products o Future and Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future an( •

Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Mark

o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentati o Market

o Target Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Stra

o Competitive o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Compe Compa

o Market Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market A •

Strategy• andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStra Imp

o Strategy,oValue Strategy, and Competitive oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitiv Edge oValue Strateg and

o Product Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o Produc

o Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Complia Regula

o Sales Strategy o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andS •

Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Man

o Organizational o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organi Stru

o Management o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Manag Team

o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human

o Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilitie

o CustomeroService Customer and oService Technical Customer and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technic Custom Pa

o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Developme o Produc

o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Financ

o Community o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Commu Benefit •

Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Fina

o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assum

o Risks ando Risk Risks Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strate Mitia

o Key Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indic Fin

o Infrastructure o Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastructure Costs Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastr Costs Build

o Other Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other ExpenF

o Operatingo and Operating Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operat Expen Rec

o Funding and o Funding Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFundin Funds Sourc

o Sources of o Revenue Sources of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenu Source Produc

o Re-investment o Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-inve in th

o Break-Even o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o BreakAnalys

o ProjectedoProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Project and

o Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash F

o ProjectedoBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Project

o BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios Busine

Page 15 of 39

Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summ Com

o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Owners

o Core Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Mod B

o Locationsoand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locatio Faci •

Products • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Prod Se

o Description o of Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of Description & Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Serv Descrip Prod

o Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnolo Enablin

o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing

o Future Products o Future and Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future an( •

Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Mark

o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentati o Market

o Target Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Stra

o Competitive o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Compe Compa

o Market Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market A •

Strategy• andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStra Imp

o Strategy,oValue Strategy, and Competitive oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitiv Edge oValue Strateg and

o Product Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o Produc

o Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Complia Regula

o Sales Strategy o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andS •

Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Man

o Organizational o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organi Stru

o Management o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Manag Team

o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human

o Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilitie

o CustomeroService Customer and oService Technical Customer and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technic Custom Pa

o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Developme o Produc

o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Financ

o Community o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Commu Benefit •

Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Fina

o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assum

o Risks ando Risk Risks Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strate Mitia

o Key Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indic Fin

o Infrastructure o Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastructure Costs Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastr Costs Build

o Other Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other ExpenF

o Operatingo and Operating Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operat Expen Rec

o Funding and o Funding Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFundin Funds Sourc

o Sources of o Revenue Sources of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenu Source Produc

o Re-investment o Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-inve in th

o Break-Even o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o BreakAnalys

o ProjectedoProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Project and

o Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash F

o ProjectedoBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Project

o BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios Busine

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Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summ Com

o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Owners

o Core Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Mod B

o Locationsoand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locatio Faci •

Products • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Prod Se

o Description o of Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of Description & Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Serv Descrip Prod

o Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnolo Enablin

o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing

o Future Products o Future and Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future an( •

Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Mark

o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentati o Market

o Target Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Stra

o Competitive o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Compe Compa

o Market Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market A •

Strategy• andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStra Imp

o Strategy,oValue Strategy, and Competitive oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitiv Edge oValue Strateg and

o Product Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o Produc

o Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Complia Regula

o Sales Strategy o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andS •

Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Man

o Organizational o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organi Stru

o Management o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Manag Team

o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human

o Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilitie

o CustomeroService Customer and oService Technical Customer and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technic Custom Pa

o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Developme o Produc

o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Financ

o Community o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Commu Benefit •

Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Fina

o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assum

o Risks ando Risk Risks Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strate Mitia

o Key Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indic Fin

o Infrastructure o Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastructure Costs Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastr Costs Build

o Other Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other ExpenF

o Operatingo and Operating Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operat Expen Rec

o Funding and o Funding Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFundin Funds Sourc

o Sources of o Revenue Sources of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenu Source Produc

o Re-investment o Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-inve in th

o Break-Even o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o BreakAnalys

o ProjectedoProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Project and

o Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash F

o ProjectedoBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Project

o BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios Busine

Page 17 of 39

Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summ Com

o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Owners

o Core Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Mod B

o Locationsoand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locatio Faci •

Products • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Prod Se

o Description o of Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of Description & Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Serv Descrip Prod

o Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnolo Enablin

o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing

o Future Products o Future and Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future an( •

Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Mark

o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentati o Market

o Target Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Stra

o Competitive o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Compe Compa

o Market Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market A •

Strategy• andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStra Imp

o Strategy,oValue Strategy, and Competitive oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitiv Edge oValue Strateg and

o Product Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o Produc

o Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Complia Regula

o Sales Strategy o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andS •

Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Man

o Organizational o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organi Stru

o Management o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Manag Team

o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human

o Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilitie

o CustomeroService Customer and oService Technical Customer and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technic Custom Pa

o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Developme o Produc

o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Financ

o Community o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Commu Benefit •

Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Fina

o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assum

o Risks ando Risk Risks Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strate Mitia

o Key Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indic Fin

o Infrastructure o Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastructure Costs Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastr Costs Build

o Other Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other ExpenF

o Operatingo and Operating Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operat Expen Rec

o Funding and o Funding Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFundin Funds Sourc

o Sources of o Revenue Sources of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenu Source Produc

o Re-investment o Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-inve in th

o Break-Even o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o BreakAnalys

o ProjectedoProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Project and

o Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash F

o ProjectedoBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Project

o BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios Busine

Page 18 of 39

Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summ Com

o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Owners

o Core Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Mod B

o Locationsoand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locatio Faci •

Products • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Prod Se

o Description o of Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of Description & Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Serv Descrip Prod

o Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnolo Enablin

o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing

o Future Products o Future and Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future an( •

Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Mark

o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentati o Market

o Target Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Stra

o Competitive o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Compe Compa

o Market Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market A •

Strategy• andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStra Imp

o Strategy,oValue Strategy, and Competitive oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitiv Edge oValue Strateg and

o Product Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o Produc

o Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Complia Regula

o Sales Strategy o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andS •

Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Man

o Organizational o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organi Stru

o Management o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Manag Team

o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human

o Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilitie

o CustomeroService Customer and oService Technical Customer and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technic Custom Pa

o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Developme o Produc

o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Financ

o Community o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Commu Benefit •

Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Fina

o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assum

o Risks ando Risk Risks Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strate Mitia

o Key Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indic Fin

o Infrastructure o Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastructure Costs Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastr Costs Build

o Other Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other ExpenF

o Operatingo and Operating Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operat Expen Rec

o Funding and o Funding Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFundin Funds Sourc

o Sources of o Revenue Sources of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenu Source Produc

o Re-investment o Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-inve in th

o Break-Even o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o BreakAnalys

o ProjectedoProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Project and

o Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash F

o ProjectedoBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Project

o BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios Busine

Page 19 of 39

Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summ Com

o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Owners

o Core Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Mod B

o Locationsoand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locatio Faci •

Products • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Prod Se

o Description o of Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of Description & Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Serv Descrip Prod

o Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnolo Enablin

o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing

o Future Products o Future and Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future an( •

Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Mark

o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentati o Market

o Target Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Stra

o Competitive o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Compe Compa

o Market Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market A •

Strategy• andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStra Imp

o Strategy,oValue Strategy, and Competitive oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitiv Edge oValue Strateg and

o Product Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o Produc

o Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Complia Regula

o Sales Strategy o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andS •

Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Man

o Organizational o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organi Stru

o Management o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Manag Team

o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human

o Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilitie

o CustomeroService Customer and oService Technical Customer and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technic Custom Pa

o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Developme o Produc

o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Financ

o Community o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Commu Benefit •

Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Fina

o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assum

o Risks ando Risk Risks Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strate Mitia

o Key Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indic Fin

o Infrastructure o Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastructure Costs Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastr Costs Build

o Other Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other ExpenF

o Operatingo and Operating Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operat Expen Rec

o Funding and o Funding Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFundin Funds Sourc

o Sources of o Revenue Sources of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenu Source Produc

o Re-investment o Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-inve in th

o Break-Even o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o BreakAnalys

o ProjectedoProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Project and

o Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash F

o ProjectedoBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Project

o BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios Busine

Page 20 of 39

Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summ Com

o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Owners

o Core Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Mod B

o Locationsoand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locatio Faci •

Products • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Prod Se

o Description o of Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of Description & Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Serv Descrip Prod

o Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnolo Enablin

o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing

o Future Products o Future and Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future an( •

Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Mark

o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentati o Market

o Target Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Stra

o Competitive o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Compe Compa

o Market Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market A •

Strategy• andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStra Imp

o Strategy,oValue Strategy, and Competitive oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitiv Edge oValue Strateg and

o Product Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o Produc

o Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Complia Regula

o Sales Strategy o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andS •

Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Man

o Organizational o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organi Stru

o Management o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Manag Team

o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human

o Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilitie

o CustomeroService Customer and oService Technical Customer and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technic Custom Pa

o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Developme o Produc

o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Financ

o Community o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Commu Benefit •

Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Fina

o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assum

o Risks ando Risk Risks Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strate Mitia

o Key Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indic Fin

o Infrastructure o Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastructure Costs Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastr Costs Build

o Other Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other ExpenF

o Operatingo and Operating Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operat Expen Rec

o Funding and o Funding Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFundin Funds Sourc

o Sources of o Revenue Sources of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenu Source Produc

o Re-investment o Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-inve in th

o Break-Even o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o BreakAnalys

o ProjectedoProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Project and

o Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash F

o ProjectedoBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Project

o BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios Busine

Page 21 of 39

Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summary Company • Summ Com

o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Ownership o Owners

o Core Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Model Business o Core Mod B

o Locationsoand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locations Facilities oand Locatio Faci •

Products • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Products Services • and Prod Se

o Description o of Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of Description & Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Services Description Products o of & Description Services Products o of & Serv Descrip Prod

o Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnology Enabling oTechnolo Enablin

o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing Model o Pricing

o Future Products o Future and Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future and (R&D) Products o Services Future an( •

Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Market •Analysis Mark

o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentation o Market Segmentati o Market

o Target Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Strategy Market o Target Stra

o Competitive o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Competitive Comparison o Compe Compa

o Market Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market Analysis Business o Market A •

Strategy• andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStrategy Implementation • andStra Imp

o Strategy,oValue Strategy, and Competitive oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitive Edge oValue Strategy, and Competitiv Edge oValue Strateg and

o Product Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o ProductPlan Marketing o Produc

o Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Compliance Regulatory o Complia Regula

o Sales Strategy o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andStrategy Plan o Sales andS •

Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Management • Man

o Organizational o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organizational Structure o Organi Stru

o Management o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Management Team o Manag Team

o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human Resources o Human

o Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilities oPlan Facilitie

o CustomeroService Customer and oService Technical Customer and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and oSupport Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technical Customer Plan and o Support Service Technic Custom Pa

o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Development o Product Developme o Produc

o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Finance Strategy o Financ

o Community o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Community Benefits Plan o Commu Benefit •

Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Financial • Plan Fina

o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assumptions o Assum

o Risks ando Risk Risks Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strategies Mitigation ando Risk Risks Strate Mitia

o Key Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indicators Financial o Key Indic Fin

o Infrastructure o Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastructure Costs Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Costs Infrastructure Build-Out o Infrastr Costs Build

o Other Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other Expenses Fixed o Other ExpenF

o Operatingo and Operating Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operating Expenses Recurring o and Operat Expen Rec

o Funding and o Funding Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFunding Funds Sourcesand oofFundin Funds Sourc

o Sources of o Revenue Sources of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenue Sources Product Line of o byRevenu Source Produc

o Re-investment o Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-investment in the oNetwork Re-inve in th

o Break-Even o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o Break-Even Analysis o BreakAnalys

o ProjectedoProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Projected and Loss oProfit Project and

o Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash Flow o Model Cash F

o ProjectedoBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Projected Sheet oBalance Project

o BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios BusinessoRatios Busine

Page 22 of 39

Company Summary o Ownership o Core Business Model o Locations and Facilities

Products and Services o Description of Products & Services o Enabling Technology o Pricing Model o Future Products and Services (R&D)

Market Analysis o Market Segmentation o Target Market Strategy o Competitive Comparison o Market Business Analysis

Strategy and Implementation o Strategy, Value and Competitive Edge o Product Marketing Plan o Regulatory Compliance o Sales Strategy and Plan

Management o Organizational Structure o Management Team o Human Resources o Facilities Plan o Customer Service and Technical Support Plan o Product Development o Finance Strategy o Community Benefits Plan

Financial Plan o Assumptions o Risks and Risk Mitigation Strategies o Key Financial Indicators o Infrastructure Build-Out Costs o Other Fixed Expenses o Operating and Recurring Expenses o Funding and Sources of Funds o Sources of Revenue by Product Line o Re-investment in the Network o Break-Even Analysis o Projected Profit and Loss o Cash Flow Model o Projected Balance Sheet o Business Ratios

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Q8: Please articulate a clear vision of, and an implementation plan for, the Community Benefits Agreement associated with the CFN. Include in detail how the CFN Public Private Partnership could be leveraged to increase broadband availability and adoption in City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County, including the impact on the network capcity, affodability of services offered, the interaction of Community Technology Centers, sustainable broadband adoption and any benefit to socially and/or economically disadvantaged small businesses. A8:

Tab 3: Implementation Response: Questions 21-31

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Q9: Does this project or your involvement therein provide for leveraging other ARRA opportunities or creating government collaboration? If so, please describe. A9:

Q10: Based upon previous project experience, describe your ability to meet reporting and compliance requirements established under ARRA. A10:

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Q11: Please explain how you intend to fund and/or finance a minimum matching contribution equal to 20% of the ARRA grant request as defined by the NTIA A11:

Q12: Please explain how you will assist and support the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County in their efforts to obtain ARRA BTOP funding (and other applicable funding) for the Community Fiber Network, including staff resources and time commitment. A12:

Q13: Describe any involvement you have/had with NTIA's Round One ARRA funding. A13:

Q14: Are you, your staff or partners, willing and able to provide legal sign off, and/or professional engineer sign off? Please explain. A14:

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Q15: What experience do you, your staff or partners, provide to assist the City and County in the areas of analytical support for the business case and assumptions, as well as any grant writing experience? A15:

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Q16: Provide both a narrative and a technical conceptual design drawing(s)/map(s) that details how all sites as listed in Appendix E are connected, with those listed in Appendix E as “Lower Priority” included in the conceptual design as feasible. The conceptual design/narrative must factor a dual conduit system that provides: 1) a minimum speed of 1 Gig to all sites, with the exception of those identified in Appendix E that will require 10 Gig connectivity; 2) Fault resistantance; 3) Fault tolerance; 4) Redundancy; 5) Expandability; 6) Security; and 7) Voice and Video traffic. A16:

Q17: Please explain how the CFN will incorporate the following : 1) Routing protocols; 2) Traffic Prioritization; 3) Logical separation of traffic; 4) Fiber count for both conduits; and 5) Types of electronics and equipment, including manufacturer(s) and model(s).

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Q18: Please explain the Proposer's methodology and adherence to Best Practices for designing, installing, labeling, terminating and splicing the CFN's equipment and electronics.

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Q19: Proposer must provide a managed services proposal and cost estimate for ongoing support and maintenance of the Public CFN conduit, fiber optics and associated network electronics, including lifecycle modifications and upgrades. Please describe in detail how this will be provided. A19:

Q20: Please explain any technical and/or management innovations that you intend to include with your proposal and CFN that differeniate you from all other proposals. A20:

Q21: Does proposer plan to incorporate technology deemed favorable under ARRA? If so, please explain. A21:

Q22: How will your network operating center and management processes ensure the greatest reliability and uptime? A22:

Q23: How will the CFN be designed and constructed in a manner that will facilitate cost effective future expansion as required? A23:

Q24: How do you propose to construct, implement and operate/manage a "dual conduit system" as described herein the RFP? What additional problems/issues, if any, do you forsee with operating a dual conduit system? A24:

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Project Plan

Q25: Please describe the Proposer’s implementation team to be provided for this project, their certifications, and experience to implement this partnership with the City and County. A25:

Q26: Please prepare a block diagram of the project team and responsibilities, including name, title, and contact information of each team member. Respondent will include a resume for each member of the proposed project team. Also, please provide the Project Manager's qualifications. A26:

Q27: Provide in a Microsoft Project Plan, or equivalent format, your comprehensive written project plan outlining the key phases, milestones, resources, timelines, high level tasks, deliverables and communications strategies associated with your proposed approach. A27:

Q28: Based on your understanding of the scope of the CFN and current construction timelines of the ARRA BTOP program, will you be able to comply with the construction schedule of the BTOP rules? A28:

Q29: Are you prepared to provide detailed network design and a detailed timeline for build out as required in the ARRA BTOPP due diligence phase? A29:

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