26 Vs

  • November 2019
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Set 1 1. The atomic number of Iron is ____ 2. The atomic number of Vanadium is ____ 3. There are ____ letters in the Latin alphabet 4. There are ____ letters in the English alphabet 5. There are ____ letters in the Interlingua alphabet 6. Maine is the ____- - state to join the Union 7. Michigan is the ____- - state to join the Union 8. On June ____[a] of 2003, Marc-Vivien Foé suddenly collapsed and died while playing for Cameroon of the Manchester City F. C. (Football Club). He was born on 5/1/19-5 which, when all numbers are added up, creates ____[b]. Also, he died of a heart-related problem called hypertrophic cardio [blank] which, when all letters are added up, creates ____[c] 9. On June ____ [a] of 2003, Marc-Vivien Foé suddenly collapsed and died while playing for Cameroon of the Manchester City F. C. (Football Club). He was number ____[b] which has not been assigned to a player since

Set 2 10. If you cube ____[a] (____[b]x____[c]x____[d]) you get 1-,---. When those digits are added up, you come back to ____[e] again. 11. Humans have ____[a] pairs of chromosomes (-- in all) and ____[b] of them are sex cells 12. It takes ____ seconds for blood to flow through the human body 13. Michael Jordan (basketball) was number ____ 14. ____ is the 5th of 6 supposedly mystical numbers in the TV show “Lost” 15. ____[a] divided by ____[b] equals .8846153 (with the last 6 numbers repeating) 16. If you add the number of sides, corners, and edges on a cube, the sum is ____ 17. The ONLY number between a square # (- squared) and a cubed # (- cubed) (proved by Pierre de Fermat) is ____ 18. There are ____ sporadic groups of finite numbers 19. Dr. Pepper is a pop advertised with ____ flavors 20. The Keith Coleman Racing was a Nascar Busch Series Team fielding 2 cars: numbers ____[a] and ____[b]. Driver Mark Green qualified ____ --[c] in the race after suffering engine failure. He ran four more races that year for KCR, his best finish being a ____--[d] at Atlanta Motor Speedway. 21. “____” was a popular Midwestern game in the 1930s to 1950s 22. There are ____ characters on every American coin 23. The average smoker smokes ____ butts a day 24. The alias (fake name) of punk rock singer Doc Corbin Dart is “____” 25. On January ____[a], Adolf Hitler organized the National Socialist Congress and finally tried to seize power on November ____[b] 26. There are believed to be exactly ____ spacetime dimensions in the universe 27. ____[a] is the star of the movie “The Number ____[b]” with Jim Carrey. This is director Joel Schumacher’s ____--[c] TV-film project. Jim Carrey was literally awarded the Razzie Award for Worst Actor 28. The “Rubik’s Cube,” which has ____[a] different volumes, can always be solved in ____[b] moves or less 29. A marathon is about ____ miles

30. There are ____[a] vertebrae in the human body and ____[b] joints in the human arm 31. Bill Clinton and the time “Before Christ” have the initials --, the letters being the -- - and -- - letters (together being ____) 32. Julius Caesar was stabbed ____ times before he died 33. The letter “W” is the ____[a] letter of the alphabet with - points down and - up, and - (____[b]). On a keyboard, the two keys above the “W” key are -and (____[c]) 34. The average of a TV show’s episodes/year is ____ times 35. ____ is the first number non-palindrome number whose square is a palindrome number (a palindrome being any number where the numbers can be reversed and you get the same number, e. g. 42624, 7887, or even any one digit number like 9)

Set 3 36. The 9/11 attack has many ____[a]s: 1) WTC stands for World Trade Center. W is the ____- -[b] letter and T+C (--+-) is ____[c]. 2) It happened on 9/11/---- which when the spoken numbers (9, 11, -, and -) are added up equals ____[d]. 3) A similar previous attack was stopped by the same attackers in 19-6. Add the numbers up and you get ____[e]. 37. If you add the first 5 odd prime numbers (-,-,-,-,-) up, you get ____ 38. The Titanic sank on the morning of 15/4/19-2, added up gives ____ 39. John F. Kennedy was shot on November 22, 19-3 (add to get ____) 40. The longest word in the Italian language has ____ letters. The word, Precipitevolis[blank], means “as fast as possible” 41. The Hiroshima nuke bombed Japan and led to the end of World War I at -:15, add for ____[a], on 6/-/45, also add for ____[b] 42. A “joke throw” in darts is where a person aims for 20 on all three throws (and gets 20, -, and -). This gives a person ____ points

Set4 43. (In Jewish Chronology) God gave the Torah in the ____- - generation after Creation 44. Jesus is believed to have started his ministry in the year ____ 45. Psalm ____ is probably the most quoted and best known Psalm. It is known as the Shepherd Psalm 46. The Lord’s Supper is first introduced in Matthew ____[a]:____[b] 47. The ____- -[a] to last verse in the Bible is from Revelation 21:____ [b], so then the ____- -[c] to last verse is Revelation 21:____ [d] 48. In the ____- -[a] Psalm, adding the numbers of the verses together would be the same as multiplying ____[b] by 3 49. In the ____- -[a] verse of the Bible (Genesis 1:____ [b]), God talks about the creation of “man in our own image.”

50. The tetragrammaton (4-lettered) name of God in Hebrew is JHVH (pronounced “Jehovah”). The letters in His name are Jod, Heh, Vau, and Heh. Every letter in the Hebrew language represents a number in the system called gematria. Here the respective numbers are 10, -, -, and -. Add the letters of God’s name up for ____

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