25 Oct Mess Sage

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TOPIC GAYATRI MAHAVIGNAN by Ad DR RK LESSON – 1 Introduction Date: 25-10-08 Points to remember: 21 Century Bright Future Thoughts revolution Grow Grow Grow Param Pujya Gurudev Sakti Swaroopa Mata Bhagavathi Devi Sampoorna samarpana anugraha aasissulu kalugu gaka (shower blessings on all) What is gayatri ? 1. It is a formula like gravitational force discovered by newton. We all know that, it is a law which is ancient ever lasting and sanatana satyam, in the same way gayatri mantra is also an ever- lasting law which explains the art of living and is linked with Solar Energy. It has got three fundamental principles light, knowledge and wisdom. Light means jyothi knowledge means gnana Wisdom means pragnya. 2. Gayatri manta provokes these three qualities in the person as light leads us from darkness to light. knowledge means gnana which means to know Vedas, it provokes wisdom in the human personality to undertand about these three one has to read three volumes of gayatri maha vignan 3. We need to know that the planet Earth has a unique place in solar system. Very unique place, no other planet has such an atmosphere or environment where humanity can grow. Scientists with their telescope are searching in the galaxy for intelligence, they are unable to find it. So you should understand how unique the position of planet earth in relation to Sun. If it is just few miles nearer to Sun, no life is possible. 4. Every thing will be burnt. If the planet earth is few miles away from Sun, every thing will be frozen. Either it will be too cold or too hot. So these planes are balanced on Earth, hot and cold, life and death, pain and pleasure.At present man thinks he can control the fate of planet earth. He is controlling, no doubt but in reverse way. Spoiling the atmosphere of planet earth. But he can control it in better way if he can understand the laws of the Universe. That is where Gayatri Mantra is coming into picture. The laws of solar system is given in great Gayatri Maha Mantra. I repeat again, the laws of solar system, not planet earth, not Jupiter or mars or some exclusive planets or exclusive energies like electricity. Laws of electricity are exclusively for electricity. You cannot apply to magnetism. Laws of magnetism cannot be applied to another source of power. But Gayatri mantra includes every thing.

5. All known energies and unknown future energies which will be discovered in future is also there.Imam vivaswate yogam’. The sun, the energy of solar system, is linked with matter in solar system. In the solar system there are so many planets. The Esoteric wisdom says there are 777 planets and how many energies? We don’t know. Just in sound, or light, your ears and eyes can respond only to very short range of frequency. Very very short range of frequency. The cosmic rays on one end and the infra red rays on the other end. A huge variation in the scale. And in visible light very very small part. But do you able to say that if you are able to see only the visible light , which is a part of electromagnetic radiations is the only light? Infrared is electromagnetic radiation , cosmic rays are electro magnetic radiation. Our eyes cannot perceive them. Your eyes can perceive them only violet to red. A very small range. What we call as VIBGYOR. 6. This is inclination to electro magnetic energy. You can perceive only with your body, a very small range. But you have developed machines to capture cosmic rays i.e. yog a on higher spectrum. And you have machine to capture infrared rays. That is also yoga but on lower end of the spectrum. That is what is known in yogic terminology as Anima Siddi and Laghima Siddi. There is Sanskrit name for it which is Anima and Mahima. Don’t worry about the names. You got the point? If in electromagnetism you have such wide range of spectrum. What about others? What about other types of energies? 7. The Rishis says all types of energies are embedded in Gayatri mantra. ‘Ashta siddi Nava Nidhi Ke Dhata, Sab Samardh Gayatri Mata’. That’s what the yogis says. When you take example of physics, in the light spectrum you call it as micro scope and telescope. Microscope – Anima, Telescope – Mahima. ‘Ahsta siddi nava nidhi ke dhata’. So in the Gayatri Mantra you have a science, a formula which you utilize in matter. 8. If you want to build a telescope, you should have a particular type of lens and if you want to build a microscope, another type of lens. Concave or convex depending upon what you want? To extend your machine ability especially eye as camera, a machine which can react to light rays, you need camera. Machine which can react to light rays, you can have microscope. To see smaller things and smaller things. That is Anima, Anu. Or you can use telescope which is mahima. These are Siddhis of eyes developed by scientists, material scientists using matter. 9. We want to project Gayatri Mantra as one universal science, which physics want. The unified theory where all energies, patterns are combined. Einstein wanted to do this. But he could not completely. All this is there in Gayatri Mantra already. What you have to do now is to rediscover it. All scientific inventions are discoveries. Discover means open the cover. There is no secret. Only cover is there. Open the cover. Even scientists unknowingly are using the same correct word. Discovery. You discover some thing. What does it mean? It’s already there. You are removing it. Another name for discovery is chandas. Where something is covering. Gayatri chandas is one type of chandas. Bruhati chandas is another. 10. Why I am calling gayatri from Vedas? Because Gayatri is Veda Mata. Not only Veda Mata but also Deva Mata. She is Mother of energy. Not divinity. Where ever you use divine word, its energy, and force. So Deva Mata is mother of all energies. Vedamata is chandas. It’s the secret where energy forms are wrapped in a formula.

11. V=IR is a formula. Entire electrical energy pattern is covered in a capsule. V=IR that’s the chandas. E= mc2. is another chandas. The entire secret of nuclear energy is there. Now do you understand what is chandas? So through Veda Mata you go to Deva Mata. Through chandas you to go energy. Through V=IR you go to electricity. Through E=mc2 you go to nuclear energy. 12. The Veda Mata is must for Deva Mata. But Rishis or me say Deva Mata they meant about energy. Shakti. It’s not something, which you pray for. You have to realize it. 13. Saakshatkaar they say. Daiva Saakshaatkaar. Om (scientist) has saakshaatkar of electricity. Einstein has saakshaatkaar of nuclear energy. Now you got the point of what is divine saakshaatkaar? Realize it. Face to face. Veda Mata is chandas. There are 24 chandas. Naturally these must be 24 forces. That does not mean there are only 24 forces. First you understand this much. Then you will know cosmic energy. Viswa Mata. 14. In Gayatri, you have all 3. Formula (veda mata, Gayatri), Deva Mata(the energy). Based on Veda Mata you will understand Cosmic energy. This is what we are going to present to people. Don’t you think this is the only science possible? Can you get greater science? Impossible. Those scientists, who do not understand Gayatri, are traditional scriptural aspects of life. They don’t understand it. But we understand it. Pandit Sriram Sharma Acharya discloses all this. The greatest exponent ever born in the universe. Now Just follow him. 15. To utilize electricity, you need not know laws of electricity. When I say Vedas, it means the chandas, the formula. In the formula, the energy is hidden which is Deva Mata. And once you know the energy, you can use in the cosmos, Viswa Mata. So this is the concept of Gayatri. So that stupendous power of Gayatri Mata has to be relieved, has to be understood. 16. For that you need a laboratory. For inner energy to be utilized, you need a laboratory. And the Rishis say, you have best laboratory in your body. Your body is the laboratory. So this should be the approach towards Gayatri Mantra. 17. Use your body as laboratory. But this human body again has 3 parts. It has brain, heart, and body. And the body naturally depends on your stomach. No doubt about it. So in the stomach whatever food you eat is in capsule form. Energy comes like food. Food it self don’t have energy. When it goes to stomach converts to energy. In chandas form. So Veda Mata becomes Deva Mata, the energy. And you know it’s only the energy. 18. The energy of sugar, which controls your body. Every thing you use is converted to glucose. Diabetes is glucose is not being converted properly. There is some miss link between Veda Mata and Deva Mata. What a great science that you can understand so easily. There is no miracle if you understand the nomenclature. So this is what we should know. What type of energy is capsule in your body……chandas. No doubt, in the final form, again it becomes energy, same sugar. The process of conversion becomes Viswa Mata. 19. For you , your cosmos is your body. Isn’t it? So again Gayatri mantra becomes you. You are Gayatri Mantra in this way. The food (Veda Mata) you take, becomes the mind. And mind is also every where, cosmos. for you, where is your mind? Its every where. Right from the toe to the sikha. So mind is Viswa Mata. But the energy goes to the various parts of the body through blood. Is it not? So blood is Deva Mata.

20. Brain is the Viswa Mata. Heart is the Deva Mata. And of course stomach is the Veda Mata. Now did you get the link between the body and universe? This is what is called pindanda brahmanda correlation. 21. So if you understand the body, you understand the world. Because both are mutually interlinked. For this again, you have to use the life, Gayatri mantra. 22. What is Gayatri Mantra? It is Veda mata ie formula, Deva mata – energy released by formula. And Viswa Mata Cosmic. Utilization of energy. 23. But one exponent like Pt.Sriram Sharma Acharya told that he will be physically present for 200 years on planet earth. Who ever goes to the higher level of consciousness he has promised that physically he will come and see just as his Guru has come and taught him. That’s the bargain for 200 years only. But for you it is not 200 years. Just this lifetime. 24. Gayatri Mantra has been explained very clearly in Ramayana and Maha Bharata.In Ramayana you have Shut charkas’s knowledge, your nervous system and in Mahabharata, you have Pancha kosha knowledge. 25. So what ever it is, the fundamental is Gayatri Mantra. Human consciousness enter the Divine consciousness or making Human kingdom enter Divine kingdom. This is what Gayatri Mantra. There is no alternative for Gayatri Mantra. Vande Vedamataram Vande Viswamataram Vande Devamataram

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