
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 245
  • Pages: 1
24-10 : THE ART OF ADVERTISING - portray (v) : to show sb in a picture / Zola portrayed life in 19th-century France. Portray sb as sth : describe sb in a particular way + portrayal (n) - undue (a) : more than is necessary or reasonable + unduly (av) - aggression (n) : angry feelings or behaviour that make you want to attack other people People often react to this kind of situation with fear or aggression. - menace (n) (v) : a danger or threat / The new road is a menace to everyone’s safety. + menacing (a) - horrific (a) : Extremely bad / a horrific murder/accident/attack - depict : to show sb/sth in a paiting or drawing / a painting depicting a country scene - vindictive (a) : wanting or trying to hurt sb without good reason / a vindictive comment/person + vindictiveness - bully (v) : to use your strength or power to hurt or frighten sb who is weaker or to make him/her do sth + bullying (n) - likelihood : the chance of sth happening; how likely sth is to happen / There seems very little likelihood of success. - inferior (a) (n) >< superior : low or lower in social position / This material is obviously inferior to that one./ Don’t let people make you feel inferior. + inferiority (n) - sophistication (n) : sự nguỵ biên5 - maturity (n) : tinh truong thanh - purposefully -