22 - Control System Diagram

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ETAP 5.5 Control System Diagram (CSD)

Copyright 2003 Operation Technology, Inc.

Control System Elements • Switchgear Protection and Control Circuit – Circuit breaker trip and closing coils – Circuit breaker closing spring charging motors – Relays coils and timer

• Motor Starter, Speed Control, and Protection – Starter coil circuit – Control relays – Can be either AC or DC control circuit Copyright 2003 Operation Technology, Inc. – Workshop Notes: Control Circuit System

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Control System Elements • Miscellaneous DC Loads – Relays – Solenoids

• Other Purpose – Auxiliary devices and special control circuits – Regulator and regulating systems

Copyright 2003 Operation Technology, Inc. – Workshop Notes: Control Circuit System

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CSD Modes Edit Mode •Add/Delete Elements •Change Connections •Modify Engineering Data

Simulation Mode •Run Simulations – Simulation Triggered by Manual Action or Clicking the Run Button •Update Source Duty Cycle •Generate Event View, Alert View, and Report

Copyright 2003 Operation Technology, Inc. – Workshop Notes: Control Circuit System

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CSD Setup CSD Elements •Device – Coil, Solenoid, General Load and Light •Contact – Fixed and Form-C; Macro-Controlled Contact •Branch – Wire and Impedance •Bus and Node •PD – CB and Fuse

CSD Source •Elementary Diagram (ED) brought in from DC System •Each ED can be placed in only one CSD

Copyright 2003 Operation Technology, Inc. – Workshop Notes: Control Circuit System

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Control Cable Schedule Control Cable Schedule •Cable Used only in Control System Diagram •Can Have Multiple Wires for Different Wires in CSD •Assigned, Reserved, and Available Wire •Parameter Entered from Editor or Retrieved from Library •Parameter Change Affects All Wires

Wire Impedance Value •Editor Entered Data •Cable Library Data – Data Cashed in at Selection Time •Control Cable Schedule Data – Dynamically Retrieved from Cable Schedule •Dynamically Linked to Library – Dynamically Retrieving Data from Library at Calculation Time

Copyright 2003 Operation Technology, Inc. – Workshop Notes: Control Circuit System

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Solenoids & Relays

Copyright 2003 Operation Technology, Inc. – Workshop Notes: Control Circuit System

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Device Property Device Rating •Burden Rating and Inrush Rating •Burden Rating Can be Constant P, Z, or I •Inrush Rating Always Modeled as Constant Z •Inrush Duration – length of Time Applying Inrush Rating •Vpickup & Vdropout – Editor and Study Case Options

Device Duty Cycle •Model Device as a Time Varying Load •Each Section Can be Constant P, Z, or I – Model Motor in CSD

Device Model Type •Option in Study Case •If Duty Cycle Is Used, a Device Draws Current When It is Energized and Amp > 0 by Duty Cycle

Copyright 2003 Operation Technology, Inc. – Workshop Notes: Control Circuit System

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Control Logic Control Logic Setup •A Coil/Solenoid Can Control State of Multiple Contacts •Library Contact, Library Overwrite Contact & User Defined Contact •Macro Controlled Contact – Time Varying Switch

Contact Property •Data Hold by Controlling Device •Top – Time Taken for Contact Switching to Off-Normal State when V >= Vpickup is maintained for controlling device. •Trelease – Time Taken for Contact Retuning to Normal State when V <= Vdeopout is maintanined for controlling device. •Each contact has its own Top and Trelealse

Special Conditions •If Duty Cycle Model Used for a Device, Control Logical Does Not Apply. Copyright 2003 Operation Technology, Inc. – Workshop Notes: Control Circuit System

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CSD Simulation Initial Steady State •Switching Device in Specified State, Macro-Controlled Contact in Initial State, and Contact In Normal State •CSD Find Initial Steady state •V Limit Not Checked When Switching Mode •V Limit Checked When Clicking Run Button

Simulations •CSD Behaves as A Simulator •One Action Triggering Simulation – From Current Steady State to Next Steady State •When Run Button Clicked, Simulation Starts from the Initial Steady State and Then Simulate Duty Cycle Actions

Copyright 2003 Operation Technology, Inc. – Workshop Notes: Control Circuit System

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Simulation Method Two Methods by CSD •Sequence of Operation Simulation •Sequence Simulation with Vd Calculation Features

Seq Vd Op

Logical Simulation



Device Model Options



Voltage Drop Calculation and Reporting



CSD Source Voltage



Vpickup & Vdropout Checking & Reporting



Composite CSD Duty Cycle Updating



As Part of Battery Discharge Calculation



Copyright 2003 Operation Technology, Inc. – Workshop Notes: Control Circuit System

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Study Case Options Device Model •Global Options – Rating or Duty Cycle •Individual Editor Options

Device Voltage Limit •For Vpickup and Vdropout •Global Option Provided due to Lack of Data from Manufacturers

CSD Source Voltage Options •ED Rated V, Terminal Bus V, Battery Discharge V

Alert •Voltage Alert – Base Defined in Voltage Limit Section •Current Alert – for Device, Contact, and Wire

Adjustment •R Adjustment for Contact and PDs •Temperature Adjustment for Wire R •Length Adjustment for Wire •Burden Rating Adjustment for Coil and Solenoid Copyright 2003 Operation Technology, Inc. – Workshop Notes: Control Circuit System

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Simulation Result Report Event View •Detailed Steps of Sequence Simulation •State Changes of Each Element •Voltage Check Results

Alert View •Critical and Marginal Violation of Pickup and Dropout Voltage •Critical and Marginal Current Violation of Devices, Contact, and Wire •Alerts are Generated only for Simulation with Vd Calculation

Crystal Report •Input Data •Voltage Drop and Power Flow Report for Each Step •All Alerts •Report is Generated only for Simulation with Vd Calculation Copyright 2003 Operation Technology, Inc. – Workshop Notes: Control Circuit System

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Duty Cycle Update Composite CSD Duty Cycle Update •Update to the Specified Duty Cycle Category •Initial Time Shift to Set to New Time Reference

CSD Source Voltage •Modeled as Constant Voltage Source for a Time Moment •Can Use Bus Voltage Calculated by Battery Discharge – Value not Saved When Closing Project •Time Offset for Adjusting Time Reference

Copyright 2003 Operation Technology, Inc. – Workshop Notes: Control Circuit System

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Configuration & Revision Configuration •Configuration Is Not Supported in CSD

Revision •Revision is Not Supported for All the Data in Device Contact Page •Revision May Not Be Supported for Cable Schedule Data and Wire Impedance Page Data •All Other CSD Data Are Supported by Revision

Copyright 2003 Operation Technology, Inc. – Workshop Notes: Control Circuit System

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Composite CSD Duty Cycle in ED Duty Cycle Entered in ED Editor •Each Section Can Be Constant P, Z, or I •Load Sections Can Overlap in Time •Random and Non-Random Load

Duty Cycle Updated Individually from CSD Simulation •Run CSD Simulation to Update ED Duty Cycle •Time Reference Adjustable for Individual CSD •May Be Time Consuming

Copyright 2003 Operation Technology, Inc. – Workshop Notes: Control Circuit System

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CSD Vd Calculation in BS CSD Vd Calculation •Option to Perform Vd Calculation in BS Study Case •Vd Calculation Conducted for Each CSD with Bus Voltage from BS •Vd Calc Results for all CSDs Saved in One Report •CSD Vd Alert Also Available •All CSDs Use Same Time Reference as Battery Discharge

Bus Voltage from Battery Discharge •Bus Voltage Profile Saved Each Time Battery Discharge Conducted •Bus Voltage Profile Available for Individual CSD Simulation with Different Time Reference •Bus Voltage Profile Not Saved When Closing Project File

Copyright 2003 Operation Technology, Inc. – Workshop Notes: Control Circuit System

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Auto-Calc CSD Duty Cycle in BS CSD Duty Cycle Calc in Battery Discharge •Each CSD Duty Cycle Calculated •Device Model Specified In Study Case •Vpickup & Vdropout Checked in Calculation •CSD Duty Cycle Updated to ED Separated by Load Type (P, Z, I)

Special Considerations •Switching Events Must Be Triggered by Macro Controlled Switch

Copyright 2003 Operation Technology, Inc. – Workshop Notes: Control Circuit System

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