21013964 Media Questionnaire Results Update

  • June 2020
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Media Questionnaire Results By Dale, Reuben, Reese and Samit Over the July/ August 2009 period our group conducted a questionnaire, asking 64 people a series of questions to find out their tastes in movies, and how they viewed films and trailers.

The Questionnaire A copy of the questionnaire we asked people.

Study Group The first three questions on our questionnaire defined the groups and helped us to justify our reasons for why our results came out as they did. What is your age? 2 5 2 0 Ages 1 5 1 0 5 0 91 - 1 1- 4 21 1- 7 51 1- 1 82 2- 5 23 3+ 6 1.What is your age? The reason the ages from 15 to 17Series 1 up the came most, is because many of the people we asked was our friends. Peoples Age Range Peoples Gender 3 0 How many people 2 5 2 0 1 5 1 0 5 0 2.What is your Series 1 gender?

Study Group Continued.. 3.What is your first language? What is your first language? 6 0 Ammount of people 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 English French Spanish Italian German Urdu Chinese Gujurati English mostly showed up because most of the people Languages born. It was necessary that we asked this cultural society we live in. Peoples first language case of the Urdu and Gujurati speakers who were the movies out of the other options.

we asked were British question because of the multi is important especially in the ones who picked Bollywood

Question 4- What type of films do you watch? After asking so many more men than women is was expected that the action genre would be a favourite in the results. Bollywood was low because many of the people we asked were not from that culture. What type of films do you watch? 2 5 2 0 People asked 1 5 1 0 5 0 Series Horror Comedy Bollywood Drama Thriller Action The ‘Other’ genre included animation/ anime, sport, adventure, Film Genres documentaries and other genres that were included as an option. We decided to included this option because of the amount of genres and sub genres there are. Martial Arts Other

Question 5- How often do you watch movies? From the study group I think that the reason why people watch films twice a week is because it’s a relaxing activity you can do alone or as a group. Since people download and stream movies that could be another reason why that option is so high. The yearly option were very rare occurrences. The N/A option was given for those who watched movies irregularly and could not give definite answer.

Question 6- Would you say in general you prefer? People prefer the big special effects and Hollywood names that star in big budget films so the result that we got was expected. People who chose the small company productions were over the age of 22. Would you say in general you prefer? 4 5 4 0 Ammount of people 3 0 2 0 1 0 3 5 2 5 1 5 5 0 Big Budget films Small company productions Both Series1 We think that people prefer Big budget Production because they can help you to movies types escape from ordinary life. Younger audiences seemed to prefer big budget films because of the big actions sequences, special effects and famous actors/ actresses that are linked to big budget movies. Small company productions seemed to be preferred by the over 22’s, we speculate that this is because of the mature themes which appear in the plot.

Question 7- Have you ever download/streamed a movie online? We think the results for this question were unexpected, this is probably due to the amount of older people we asked. Our group speculates that those that said ‘yes’ to downloading and streaming videos online were younger members of the study group, who do not want to pay for tickets they feel are expensive, since students and kids only income is pocket money or EMA. It could also be speculated that those who do download movies, do it only to see all the movies that come out so often, usually every week. Have you ever downloaded/ streamed a movie online? 4 5 4 0 People Asked 3 0 2 0 1 0 3 5 2 5 1 5 5 0

Question 8- Where do you most often view teaser trailers? Not everyone is able to use sites such as youtube confidently, and even less people are familiar with specific teaser trailer sites. Since TV is accessible to everyone it is understandable that it would be most popular. We didn’t include a question that specifically asked if people watched films at the cinema, but we speculate that from these results those who did watch films regularly were watching them on DVD or TV and so that is why the cinema option has the least amount of votes. Where do you most often view teaser trailers? 3 0 2 5 People Asked 2 0 1 5 1 0 5 0 TV Cinema Online

Question 9- Has a teaser trailer ever made you want to see a movie? The reason why the results were mostly ‘yes’ is because the teaser trailers that our study groups had seen were effective in grabbing their attention. Has a teaser trailer ever made you want to see a movie? 6 0 5 0 People asked 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 Yes No Possible Answers Sometimes Series1

Question 10- If so what movie? This question was a continuation of the previous. We asked this to see which films had teaser trailers good enough to hook the audience into seeing the film. The survey group felt that the following movies had good teaser trailers: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I am Legend The Fast and the Furious: New Model The Dark Knight Transformers 2 Finding Nemo Blood: The Last Vampire G-Force Spiderman 3 Star Trek Xmen Origins: Wolverine G.I.Joe Public Enemies Harry Potter The Informant The Proposal My Sister’s Keeper

Evidence of Results These are some of the results we got back from people to back up our graphs. Names were kept anonymous so that people told us their real answers not what they thought would keep them out of trouble.

How has the survey affected our teaser trailer? From our results we can see that the survey group liked the horror, comedy, thriller and ‘other’ genres most. Because of time and budget the best trailer we could make would probably be of the horror, comedy or thriller genres. That way it would be popular with the audience and be capable of being made without the use of special effects. Question 10 also affected our survey and made us look at how long we wanted our teaser trailer to be. From the teaser trailers the survey group said we saw that ours should be between 1 and 2 minutes. Since the society we live in primarily speaks English our teaser trailer will only have English dialogue. We also saw that our trailer had to hook the audience but leave them wanting to know more and follow the movie as it approached released.

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