20th Sunday Of The Yeardone

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 399
  • Pages: 2
TWENTIETH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Partaking Of The Banquet INTRODUCTION The Eucharist which we are going to celebrate is a banquet given by the heavenly Father. The central guest is Christ his Son. Why are we here? Because we are worthy? No, but because we have been invited by Christ, our Brother, and we have accepted his invitation.

INTRODUCTION TO THE READINGS First Reading (Proverbs 9: 1-6) This reading contains an exhortation to us to turn aside from the ways of foolishness, and invites us to walk in the ways of wisdom.

Second Reading (Ephesians 5: 15-20) The wise Christian will make the most of the present time, being alert to the will of God, and shaping conduct accordingly.

Gospel (John 6: 51-58) This contains Christ’s great promise of eternal life to those who eat his body and drink his blood (in the Eucharist).

PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL Jesus is the living bread that has come down from heaven. We pray that we may partake of this bread at his invitation. R. Lord, hear our prayer. For the Church: that the Eucharistic banquet may be a sign and a source of unity for all its members. We pray to the Lord. For all humankind: that all people may come to know and to welcome Christ as the one who alone can give them the bread of eternal life. We pray to the Lord. For our lapsed brothers and sisters: that they may hear the gentle voice of Christ, the Good Shepherd, calling them back to be part of the flock he nourishes. We pray to the Lord. That we may receive Jesus in Communion with faith and humility, and so deepen our love for him and for our brothers and sisters. We pray to the Lord. For local needs.

COMMUNION REFLECTION Above all in Communion we draw close to Christ. And having received here we bring him out with us into life. We can, therefore, make our own lovely prayer: Christ be near at either hand, Christ behind, before me stand. Christ with me where e’er I go, Christ around, above, below. Christ be in my heart and in my mind, Christ within my soul enshrined. Christ control my wayward heart, Christ abide and ne’er depart. Christ my life and only way, Christ my lantern night and day. Christ be my unchanging friend, Guide and Shepherd to the end

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