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Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China


Construction Structure Design (Scheme) Approval 施工组织设计(方案)报审表 PHASE 1 NATURAL GAS PIPELINE PROJECT GEGL 天然气管道一期项目合同

Name of Project 单位工程名称

Project No. 工程编号


Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd

The Contractor 施工单位


To 致: (The Employer 建设单位) : genser energy Company Ltd GENSER 能源(加纳)有限公司 According to the relative regulations in the contract agreement, we have finished the project construction structure design of the (Name) Scheme of Ball-passing Test, Diameter Measurement, Pressure Test and Drying , which has been approved by our technical director. Please advice checking. 我方根据承包合同有关规定已完成了 GEGL 天然气管道一期工程通球扫线、测径和试压干燥 (方案)的编制,并经我单位技术负责人审查批准,请予以审查。 Attached 附件:PHASE 1 NATURAL GAS PIPELINE PROJECT Scheme of Ball-passing Test, Diameter Measurement, Pressure Test and Drying GEGL 天然气管道一期 工程通球扫线、测径和试压干燥(方案)

The Contractor(Stamp)施工单位:(公章) Project Leader 项目负责人: Date 日期:

Audit Opinion 审核意见:

Project technical department 工程技术部

Responsible Person 部门负责人:

Date 日 期:



Opinion 批复意见:

The Employer 建设单位:

Responsible Person 负责人:


Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

Date 日期:


Content 目 录 1、 Compilatory basis 编制依据……………………………………………………………… 2、 Project overview 工程概况……………………………………………………………… 3、 Commencement and completion date. 开竣工时间…………………………………………………………… 4、Pressure Test Structure 试压组织机构………………………………………………………… 5、Construction equipment 施工设备……………………………………………………………… 6、Operation flow 作业流程……………………………………………………………… 7 Sweeping water 扫水…………………………………………………………………… 8 Head connection after the pressure test 试压后连头……………………………………………………………… 9 Pipe drying 管道干燥………………………………………………………………… 10. Piping, pressure test and drying HSE measures 清管、试压及干燥 HSE 措施…………………………………………… 11. Pressure Test Cross-section Drawing 试压断面图………………



Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

12、 Ball Pass Cleaning, Diameter Measurement and Pressure Test and Drying Record Sheet 通球扫线、测径和试压干燥记录表格…………………………………………

Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

1、 Compilatory basis 编制依据 1.1 In accordance with design drawing and related design documents 根据设计图纸及相关设计资料文件 2、 Project overview 工程概况 2.1 Name of the Project 工程名称 Natural Gas Pipeline Project of GENSER Energy Genser 能源公司天然气管道项目 2.2 Construction scale 建设规模 For the project of the Ghana natural gas route contracted to build by our company ,the design pipeline length is 78.5km , with diameter of 12’’x7.9mm, material of 5L X42M

X65M, and

design pressure of 10.0mpa. The whole route is starting from Prestea to Damang, there are 1 valve chamber which is Bepoasi Block Valve Station - 31 (Beposasi BVS 31),3 regulation and metering stations which are Prestea Regulation and Metering Station - 21 (PRMS 21), which belongs to the GEGP-E-PL-AS001 ,Tarkwa Regulation and Metering Station - 22 (TRMS 22), Damang Regulation and Metering Station - 23 (DRMS - 23),3 branch pipe stations which are Tarkwa Branch Station - 41 (Tarkwa BPS 41),Bogoso Branch Station - 42 ( Bogoso BPS-42), Damang Branch Station - 43 ( Damang BPS - 43). 本公司承建的加纳天燃气线路工程,管道设计全长约 78.5km 公里,后期现 场改线增加约 4km,管径为 O. D.323.9*7.9,材质为 5L X42M 10.0MPa。 1


Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

全段位于加纳普雷斯特阿至达芒,本段天燃气管道设线路截断阀室 1 座为 Bepoasi 截断阀室-31 (Beposasi BVS 31),计量站 3 座为普雷斯特阿的 (调压)计量站-21(PRMS 21),属于 GEGP-E-PL-AS-001 ,塔夸(调压) 计量站 - 22 (TRMS 22),达芒(调压)计量站 - 23 (DRMS - 23) ,支管 站 3 座为塔夸支管站-41 (Tarkwa BPS 41),博戈索支管站 - 42 ( Bogoso BPS-42),达芒支管站 - 43 ( Damang BPS - 43)。 2.3 Location of construction 建设地点 This section of pipeline locates from Prestea to Damang 本标段管线位于普雷斯特阿至达芒 2.4 The features of the project 工程特点 2.4.1 The pipe diameter is 323.9*7.9. 采用管径为 323.9*7.9。 3、 Commencement and completion date. 开竣工时间 Commencement date: 22/12 /2018, Planned completion date: 22 / 3 /2019 本段开工时间 2018 年 12 月 22 日,计划竣工时间 2019 年 3 月 22 日。 3.1 Testing schedule time shown as followed: 试压时间为: Section 1 is from Prestea line 1 to the 15km point which is near PSA 2, tentatively scheduled for March 20, 2019. Section 2 is from the 15km point which is near PSA 2 to Tarkwa BPS, tentatively scheduled for March 25, 2019 Section 3 is from Tarkwa BPS to end of line 1, the Tarkwa Goldfield tentatively scheduled for April 15, 2019. Section 4 is from Tarkwa BPS to Bogoso BPS tentatively scheduled for March 30, 2019. 2

Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

Section 5 is from Bogoso BPS to Damang terminal tentatively scheduled for April 5th, 2019 第 1 区段为 1 号线普雷斯特阿至 15km(2 号管场)处暂定为 2019 年 3 月 20 日, 第 2 区段 15km(2 号管场)室至塔夸分输站暂定为 2019 年 3 月 25 日 第 3 区段塔夸分输站至 1 号线终点塔夸金矿暂定为 2019 年 4 月 15 日, 第 4 区段塔夸分输站至 Bogoso 分输站暂定为 2019 年 3 月 30 日。 第 5 区段 Bogoso 分输站至达芒终点暂定为 2019 年 4 月 5 日 5、Pressure Test Structure 试压组织机构

项目经理:费正道 Project Manager: Fei Zhengdao

技术负责人:闫洪宇 Chief

项目副经理:朱易 Project

安全总监:秦鹏超 HSE


Technician: Yan Hongyu

Deputy Manager: Zhu Yi

Director: Qian Pengchao

Quality Director: Li Guiqiang

Purchase departmentc 采

Management department 管


Engineering Technology



焊接 1 机组 Welding Unit 1

无损检测 NDT


土石方机组 Earthwork and Stonework Unit

4.1 领导机构小组成员 Leadership department and the members 序号 No.

姓名 Name

单位 Unit

职 务 Position 3

工作职责 Responsibility

Quality management 质 量管理 department

焊接 2 机组 Welding Unit 2

Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

费正道 Fei Zheng dao

宏 图 项 目 部 项 目 经 理 Hongtu project project department manager

朱 易 Zhu Yi

宏 图 项 目 部 项目副经理 Hongtu project project department deputy manager


秦鹏超 Qin Pengch ao

宏 图 项 目 部 HSE 部长 Hongtu project HSE department director


李桂强 Li Guiqia ng

宏 图 项 目 部 质量部长 Hongtu project Quality department Director


闫洪宇 Yan Hongyu

宏 图 项 目 部 技术负责人 Hongtu project Chief department technician


张志全 Zhang Zhiqua n

宏 图 项 目 部 后 勤 部 长 Hongtu project logistics department leader

翟文松 Zhaiwe nsong

宏 图 项 目 部 试压负责人 Hongtu project Pressure department test personnel in charge




负责全线的总指挥与协调 Provide guidance and coordination for the whole line

负责全线的指挥与协调 Provide guidance and coordination for the whole line

负责全线 HSE 监督管理 Provide HSE monitoring and managerment for the whole line

负 责 全 线 质 量 监 督 管 理 Provide quality monitoring and managerment for the whole line 负责全线的技术问题处理 be responsible for all-line technician problems to be solved

负 责 全 线 的 材 料 供 应 in charge of the materials supply for the whole line

负责全线管道试压 in charge of the pipeline pressure test for the whole line

5、Construction equipment 施工设备 5.1、Ball-passing test equipment 通球扫线设备 The main ball-passing test equipment include: air compressor 通球扫线设备主要包括:空压机 a. Pigs for pipe cleaning, diameter measurement, water injection, drainage include: cup pig, straight plate type sealed cup pig, and diameter measurement pig. 4

Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

清管、测径、注水、排水的清管器主要有:杯型皮碗清管器、直板型密封皮碗清管器、 测径清管器。 b、Temporary ball sending and receiving cylinder 临时收发球筒。 5.2、Water injection and pressure increasing equipment 注水升压设备 a、1 double cylinder piston water injection pump, and 2 AC low voltage distribution cabinet

双缸活塞式注水泵 1 台、交流低压配电柜 2 台 a、Pressure gauge 压力表 5.3 Other equipment 其它设备 Mainly include various valves. Instruments, pipe fittings, flow lines and end sockets. 主要包括各种阀门、管件、仪表、管路、封头。以及辅助的焊接设备、挖掘设备、发电 设备、运输设备。

6、Operation flow 作业流程 See the chart on the next page for pipe cleaning/pigging, pressure test and drying. 详见下页图清管、试压、干燥流程图。


Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

准备工作 preparatory work

管道清管、测径 Pipe cleaning, diameter measurement

上水 Water supply

管道强度试验 Pipe strength test

不合格 unqualified

合格 qualified 管道严密性试验 Pipeline tightness test 合格 qualified 排水、吹扫 Drainage, purging

不 合 格 unqualifie d

泄 压 处 理 Pressure relief treatment

施工结束 End of construction

清管、试压、干燥流程图 The chart for pipe cleaning/pigging, pressure test and drying.

6.1、 Preparatory work 准备工作 6.1.1 Inspection of the laying of pipe sections: inspection of pipeline welding,





oepration, fabric cable laying and backfilling in the pipe section shall be completed and shall comply with the requirements of the design and acceptance specifications. 检查管段的敷设情况:检查管段内的管线焊接、无损检测、防腐、光缆敷设、回 填应该完成,并应符合设计和验收规范的要求。 6.1.2 All the equipment, personnel, means of transport, communication 6

Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

equipment and necessary living and safety support facilities for pigging, pressure testing and drying are ready. 清管、试压、干燥所用设备、人员、交通工具、通讯器材及必要的生活、安全保 障设施已准备完成。 6.1.3 Equip it with personnel and equipment for repairing so that problems can be repaired when occurring during the construction process. 配备抢修的人员、设备,以便在施工过程中出现问题时能够及时进行抢修。 6.1.4 Pipe pigging and Diameter Measurement 管道清管测径 Classification of the sections in pigging and measuring diameter 清管测径段落划分 Section 1 is from Prestea line 1 to the 15km point which is near PSA 2. Section 2 is from the 15km point which is near PSA 2 to Tarkwa BPS. Section 3 is from Tarkwa BPS to end of line 1, the Tarkwa Goldfield. Section 4 is from Tarkwa BPS to Bogoso BPS. Section 5 is from Bogoso BPS to Damang terminal. 第 1 区段为 1 号线普雷斯特阿至 15km(2 号管场)处。 第 2 区段 15km(2 号管场)室至塔夸分输站。 第 3 区段塔夸分输站至 1 号线终点塔夸金矿。 第 4 区段塔夸分输站至 Bogoso 分输站。 第 5 区段 Bogoso 分输站至达芒终点。

6.2、 Preparation for pigging 清管准备 Check whether the pig bowl and the nylon brush plate are in good condition and whether the connection of the parts of the pig is firm and reliable or not. The diameter of the pig bowl should be larger 7

Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

than 2-5% of the inner diameter of the pipe. Check whether the air compressor and the pigging launcher are connected completely and whether the valves are open and closed correctly. The pigging diameter measurement operation is carried out in three steps: 检查清管器皮碗、尼龙刷盘是否完好,清管器的各部连接是否牢固可靠,其清管 器皮碗的直径应大于管道内径的 2-5%;检查空压机和发球筒是否连接完好,各 个阀门开关是否正确。清管测径作业分三步进行: Step 1: Use the straight passing plate bidirectional pig to remove solid matter and debris. 第一步:用通直板双向清管器,清除固体物质和碎屑。 Step 2: Pass the nylon disc brush pig to remove dust and scale cinder. If the cleaning is not complete, continuous cleaning by the pig should be enhanced until all solid matters, dust and scale cinder are completely removed. 第二步:通带尼龙盘刷清管器,清除灰尘和氧化皮。如果清除不净,应增加清管 器连续不断的清理,直到所有的固体物质,灰尘和氧化皮完全清除。 Step 3: Pass the diameter measuring pipe pig 。 第三步:通测径清管器。 1) During the pigging process, special personnel will patroll along the line focusing on checking roads, railways, river channel crossing and elbow turning points. When cleaning the pipe, make a record of the inlet air pressure and the passage time, and estimate the approximate position of the pig according to the pressure and the amount of gas flowing into the pipeline. When the pig is blocked, the pressure can be gradually increased, but the maximum should not exceed 2.4MPa. The pigging effect should be checked in time when doing the pigging, the water, dirt and debris in the pipe should be cleaned up, and when the last pig is blown out of all the debris to be clean, the pigging section 8

Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

is qualified with the confirmation signature of owener. 在清管过程中, 派专人沿线巡视,重点检查公路、铁路、河渠穿越以及弯头转点 处。清管时要做好入口空气压力、通球时间的记录,根据压力和通入管线的气量 来估算清管器的大概位置。当清管器受阻时,可逐渐升高压力,但最大不得超过 2.4MPa;清管时应及时检查清管效果,应将管内的水、泥土、杂物清理干净,最 后一次清管器清吹干净无杂物,经业主签字确认后清管段为合格。 2) The diameter measurement is carried out in the third step of the pigging operation. Load the pigging service device (aluminum, 4 mm thick, placed between the 4th and 5th polyurethane cups, the diameter of which is pipe pig with a minimum theoretical inner diameter of 92%) into the belt measuring plate, connect the pipe section to be tested and the ball launching device, start the air compressor, use compressed air to push the diameter-measuring pig to smoothly advance in the pipe, and measure the diameter . After the caliper pig reaches the collection cylinder, carefully take out the caliper pig and check the aluminum caliper for whether it is damaged and whether it has deformation. If the diameter of the measuring disc is not damaged or deformed, it is considered that there is no problem in the diameter of the pipe to be tested (no wrinkles, deformation and damage). If the diameter of the measuring disc is damaged and deformed, it indicates that it has a collision with the deformation part of the pipe and the deformation part of the pipeline should be found. Replace the damaged section of the pipe as well. The calipering work is carried out until the measuring disc has no deformation and it is qualified. 测径是在清管作业第三步中进行的,利用清管发球装置装入带测径板(铝质,厚 4mm,装在第 4 与第 5 个聚氨酯皮碗中间,其直径为测径管段最小理论内直径的 92%)的直板清管器,连接待测管段与发球装置,启动空气压缩机,利用压缩空 气推动测径清管器在管内平稳前进,进行测径。测径清管器到达收球筒后,将测 9

Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

径清管器小心地取出,检查铝质测径盘有无损伤和变形。如测径盘无损伤和变形, 则认为被测试管段管径无问题(无折皱、变形、损伤);如测径盘出现损伤和变 形,表明它与管道变形处有碰撞,则应寻找管线的变形处,并对损伤处的管段进 行更换。测径工作一直进行到测径盘无变形为合格。 6.3、Pipe pressure test 管道试压 6.3.1 Preparation 准备工作 

Sectional pigging and sectional pressure test should be carried out after the pipe backfill is completed.

 分段清管和分段试压应在管道下沟回填完成后进行。 

Verify the Measuring Instruments 计量器具校验

Pressure gauges need to be checked to be qualified before use. 试压用的压力表经过检查合格可以使用。 The gauge of the pressure gauge is about 1.5 times of the test pressure, the diameter of the dial should not be less than 160mm or 240 mm, and the accuracy is not less than 0.4.  压力表的量程为试验压力的 1.5 倍左右,表盘直径不应小于 160mm 或 240mm, 精度不低于 0.4 级。 There should be no less than 2 sets of pressure gauges for each test pressure, installed at the both ends of the pressure test pipe section. Test the head end of the pipe section.  每段试压时的压力表不应少于 2 块,分别安装在试压管段的首末端。试压管 段的首端 The temperature recorder is installed at the head end of the pressure test pipe section.  温度记录仪安装在试压管段的首端 10

Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

Pressure Test head prefabrication 


The test head consists of an elliptical head, a short section, a valve , a take-over and so on. See the figure below, the test head A is for the water supply end and the test head B is for the drain end. 试压头由椭圆封头、短节、阀门及接管等组成。见下图,试压头 A 为用于上 水端,试压头 B 用于排水端。

试压头 A 示意图 Test head A schematic

In the figure: 1-portal tract (DN200); 2-pressure test pump take-over pipe (DN50); 3-pressure gauge take-over pipe (DN15); 7-elliptical head; 8- short section; 9-pipe cleaner. 图中:1-汇管(DN50);2-试压泵接管(DN15);3-压力表接管(DN15);7-椭圆 封头;8-短节;9-清管器。


Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

试压头 B 示意图 Test head B schematic In the figure: 1-pressure gauge take-over (DN15) 6-pressure test pump take-over pipe(DN150) ; 7-elliptical head; 8-baffle; 9-pipe cleaner/pig; 10- short tube. 图中:1-压力表接管(DN15);6-试压泵接管(DN15);7-椭圆封头; 8-挡板; 9-清管器;10-短管。 The material of the elliptical head should be the same as the material of the main line. The thickness should meet the test pressure requirements. The short section specifications are the same as those of the pressure test section.  椭圆封头材质应与主管线材质相当,厚度满足试验压力要求,短节规格与试 压段管线相同。 Before using the test head, the strength test should be carried out separately. The strength test pressure is 1.25 times of the line design pressure, and the voltage is regulated stably for 4 hours. It is qualified if there is no leakage or seep.  试压头使用前应单独进行强度试验,强度试验压力为线路设计压力的 1.25 倍,稳压 4h,不渗、不漏为合格。 Pressure test section division 

试压段落划分 The division of the pressure test section is generally divided

according to the division of the regional level, the distribution of 12

Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

water source and station, and each section should not exceed 33km. 试压段的划分一般根据地区等级的划分、水源、站场分布等综合情况划分, 每段不宜超过 33km。 The pressure test is divided into five sections. Section 1, totally 15 km, is from Prestea line 1 to the 15km point which is near PSA 2, which will include on-site excavation of reservoir storing the water from 15km away. Section 2, totally 21 km, is from the 15km point which is near PSA 2 to Tarkwa BPS, which will include on-site excavation of reservoir storing the water from 15km away. Section 3, totally 12 km, is from Tarkwa BPS to end of line 1, the Tarkwa Goldfield, which will include on-site excavation of reservoir storing the water from the nearby channel at camp 2 or load the pressure test water of 15km away(PSA2) to camp 2 by pressure to the pipes of this place. Section 4, totally 11.5 km, is from Tarkwa BPS to Bogoso BPS, which will include on-site excavation of reservoir storing the water from the nearby channel at camp 2 or load the pressure test water of 15km away(PSA2) to camp 2 by pressure to the pipes of this place. Section 5, totally 22 km, is from Bogoso BPS to Damang terminal, which will include on-site excavation of reservoir taking use of the lake at the Damang terminal. 试压分为 5 个区段, 第 1 区段为 1 号线普雷斯特阿至 15km(2 号管场)。共计约 15km 现场开挖蓄水池利用 15km 处水源进行蓄水。 第 2 区段 15km(2 号管场)至塔夸分输站共计共计约 21km 现场开挖蓄水池利用 15km 处水源进行蓄水。 第 3 区段塔夸分输站至 1 号线终点塔夸金矿。共计约 12km 13

Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

现场开挖蓄水池利用 2 号营地附近水渠蓄水或将 15km(2 号管场)至 2 号营地试 压水压载到此处管道。 第 4 区段塔夸分输站至 Bogoso 分输站共计约 11.5km 现场开挖蓄水池利用 2 号营地附近水渠蓄水或将 15km(2 号管场)至 2 号营地试 压水压载到此处管道。 第 5 区段 Bogoso 分输站至达芒终点。共计约 22km 现场开挖蓄水池利用达芒终点附近湖水蓄水。 6.4 Pressure test 试压 Pressure test process 

试压工艺流程 注水排气升压 Water injection exhaust boost

施工准备 preparatory work

建立上水系统 Establishing the water supply system

不合格 unqualified

管道强度试验 Pipe strength test

泄 压 处 理 Pressure relief treatment

管道严密性试验 Pipeline tightness test

不合格 unqualifi ed

泄压处理 Pressure relief treatment

排水、吹扫 Drainage, purging

试压工艺流程图 Pressure test process flow chart

Pressure test device installation 


After passing the pipe diameter measurement, remove the receiving and sending ball cylinder and install the test head. 14

Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

 清管测径合格后,拆除收发球筒,安装试压头。 The weld seams connected to the line have be inspected as qualified by RT test.  线路连接的焊缝经 RT 检测已合格。 Setting up the water supply point at camp 2, the sedimentation tank and the reservoir should be set as the water storage containers for the water from the well.  建立上水点,上水点设置在 2 号营地,利用 2 号营地水井使用沉淀池和蓄水 池蓄水。 6.5、 Water injection 注水 Inject 300m³ cleaning water into where is in front of the first pig, and then open the water injection valve behind the first pig pushing the first pig to advance 300m. 

注水时在第一个清管器前注入 300m³清扫水,然后打开第一个清管器后面的 注水阀门,推动第一个清管器前进 300m。

Calculate the estimated arrival time of the water injection pig. immediately close the drain valve when you see the second water injection pig arrives, or open the crossover pipe valve to fill the water into the next pressure test section (if there is a crossover water injection).

计算注水清管器的估计到达时间,一旦看到第二个注水清管器到达便立即关 闭排水阀,或打开跨接管阀门向下一试压段内注水(如果需要有跨接注水)。

Monitor the amount of water injected at any time to calculate the stroke of the pig.

 随时监测注水量,以便计算清管器的行程。 6.6 Boost 升压 15

Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

After the water is filled, start to boost the pressure. The boosting speed should not be too fast, the pressure should rise slowly, and the boost should not exceed 1 MPa per hour. When the pressure rises to 30%, 60%, or 100% of the strength test pressure, respectively regulate the voltage to be stable for 5 minutes, and check the system for abnormal conditions, and if there is no abnormality, continue to boost to the strength test pressure. 注满水后开始升压,升压速度不宜过快,压力应缓慢上升,每小时升 压不得超过 1MPa,当压力升至强度试验压力的 30%和 60%时和 100%,分别 稳压 5min,检查系统有无异常情况,如无异常情况,继续升压至强度试验 压力。 6.7 Voltage regulation 稳压 The strength test voltage regulation is regulated for 4h. The voltage stabilization time should be calculated after the pressure is balanced at both ends of the pipe section, and recorded once every 5 minutes. 

强度试验稳压 4h,稳压时间应在管段两端压力平衡后开始计算,每间隔 5min 记录一次。

When doing the strength pressure test, if the pressure drops sharply, find the leak point along the pipeline, repair it after pressure relief, and re-test pressure. 

强度试压时,若压力出现急剧下降,要沿管线查找泄漏点,泄压后组织抢修, 并重新进行试压。

The strength test pressure is regarded as qualified when there is no leakage. 


6.8 Tightness test 严密性试验 16

Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

After the strength test is passed, slowly open the drain valve to reduce the line pressure to the tightness test pressure value at that point. 


Close the drain valve and start the tightness test without any fluctuation in pressure. 


The tightness test voltage stabilization is regulated for 30 minutes, and the pressure value and temperature value are manually recorded every 1h. 

严密性试验稳压 24h,每隔 30 分钟人工记录一次压力值和温度值。

The pressure drop value is not more than 1% of the test value, and no more than 0.1MPa is qualified. 

压降值不大于 1%试验值,且不大于 0.1MPa 为合格。

6.9 Pressure relief 泄压 After the pressure test has passed the acceptance check by the owner, it will be released at a certain rate as soon as possible. 


During the whole process of pressure relief, slowly open and close the drain valve to prevent the water hammer load from damaging the assembled pipeline. The valve must not completely open in the pressure relief. 

泄压的整个过程中,要缓慢地开关放水阀,防止水击荷载损伤组装管道,阀 门一定不要完全打开卸压。

When releasing pressure, the high point must be connected to the atmosphere. To prevent vacuuming, air can be blown into the pipe section at a low point by the air compressor. 17

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泄压时,高点必须与大气连通,为防止抽真空现象,可在低点用空压机向管段内 鼓空气 7 Sweeping water 扫水 After the pressure relief is completed, use the compressed air to push the second water injection pig and the first water injection pig back to the test head A to drain water. 泄压完毕后,用压缩空气分别将第二个注水清管器和第一个注水清管器反推回试 压头 A,进行排水。 After draining with a bowl pig, cut off the test heads A and B, weld the ball sending and receiving cylinder, and continue to clean the pipe with a foam pig until the weight of the foam pig at the receiving end does not exceed 1.5 kg, then it is qualified. Finally, the pipe should be closed to prevent moisture from entering the air. 

用皮碗清管器排水后,割除试压头 A 和 B,焊接收发球筒,使用泡沫清管器 继续清管,直到接收端泡沫清管器增重不超过 1.5kg 为合格。最后应将管 道封闭,防止空气中的水份进入。

In the first section, the water drainage point is the beginning of Prestea Line 1. In the second section, the water drainage point is TBPS. In the third section, the water drainage point is at where Tarkwa Goldfield is, the end of line1. In the 4th section, the water drainage point is Bogoso BPS. In the 5th section, the water drainage point is the end of Damang line. 

第 1 区段在 1 号线普雷斯特阿起点处为排水点。 第 2 区段塔夸分输站处为排水点。 第 3 区段 1 号线终点塔夸金矿处为排水点。 第 4 区段 Bogoso 分输站处为排水点。 18

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第 5 区段达芒终点处为排水点。

8 Head connection after the pressure test 试压后连头 After the pressure test cleaning is completed, do the pipeline head connection.For all welds that are connected, X-ray inspections must be performed. The qualification criteria should be consistent with the line construction criteria. 试压清扫完毕后,对管线进行连头,所有连头焊口必须全部进行 X 射线探伤检 测,其合格标准与线路合格标准一致。 9 Pipe drying 管道干燥 9.1 Overall process of pipeline drying construction 管线干燥施工总体流程 Station pressure test drainage ends

Inter-station pipeline and line valve chamber test pressure drainage come to an end


Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China


Drainage test Qualified

Drainage test Qualified

Inter station pipeline head connection Station drying

Inter station pigging Unqualified Unqualified

Pigging test

Dry inspection

Pigging inspection

Qualified Inter station dry air drying Unqualified Station drying Drying test Qualified

Nitrogen Displacement before the pipeline going into oepration

管线及站场管道干燥施工总体流程图 Overall flow chart of pipeline and station pipeline drying construction

9.2 Pipeline dry air drying process 管线干空气干燥工作流程

Pipeline sweeping results inspection and cleaning 20

Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

Preparatory work

Pipe Dry Air drying

Pipe dry air drying acceptance

Pipe dry air is tight and stable

End of construction

管线干空气干燥工作流程图 Pipeline dry air drying process chart

9.3 管线干空气干燥 Pipeline dry air drying Construction preparation 

施工准备 The equipment was transferred to the construction site and operated

well. The site layout was reasonably in place, safe and environmentally friendly. The pig preparation was fully ready. The drying test instruments and instruments were verified to be accurate.  设备调迁至施工现场,运转良好;现场布置合理到位,安全环保;清管器准 备充足到位;干燥检测仪器、仪表已经校验准确。 Excavate the appropriate operating pits at the installation location of the receiving and serving devices to meet the working space requirements. Temporary transceiver ball for welding suitable pipe diameter is connected to the main pipe (the permanent transmission ball barrel of the station can be used for the drying between stations), and the soft medium such as waste tires should be fixed at the front end of the fast-opening blind plate inside the barrel to reduce the impact between the sphere and the blind plate during the ball receiving process. Install a temporary lead pipe to connect the drying equipment 21

Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

and the ball sending barrel. The ball is composed of a short tube, a pressure gauge, a quick-loading blind plate, an intake valve, etc.; the receiving cylinder is composed of a short pipe, a pressure gauge, a quick opening blind plate, an exhaust valve, and a drain valve.  在收、发球装置的安装地点开挖适当的操作坑,以满足作业空间要求。焊接 合适管径的临时收发球筒连接主管道(站间干燥可使用站场的永久性收发球 筒),收球筒内部快开盲板前端应固定废旧轮胎等软介质以减轻收球过程中 球体与盲板之间的撞击。安装临时引管连接干燥设备和发球筒。发球筒由短 管、压力表 、快装盲板、进气阀等组成;收球筒由短管、压力表 、快开盲 板、排气阀、排污阀等组成。 Inspection and cleaning of pipeline sweeping effect 


Start the air compressor without connecting the dryer, use compressed air to push a straight-plate bowl mixing mechanical pig (with magnetic device) to check the sweeping effect and clean it to check whether there is a large amount of water in the pipe. And further clean the residual water and impurities in the pipeline, the operating speed of the pig should be controlled at about 4-8km / h, the working pressure is preferably controlled at 0.05-0.2 Mpa. When the pig is about 1000m away from the ball receiving cylinder, the ball end should reduce the displacement, so that the pig slowly enters the ball collecting cylinder to prevent damage to the pig and the collecting cylinder due to the impact. When the pig reaches the collecting cylinder, when the pressure in the tube drops to the same as the atmospheric pressure, the collecting cylinder is opened again to check whether there is visible water in front of the pig and take out the pig. Previously, during the water-sweeping process after the completion of the water pressure test of the contractor in the test section, no visible water 22

Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

should be present before the last two water-sweeping foam pigs and the weight gain should not exceed 1.5kg. Otherwise, the water should be re-swept until the standard is reached.  不连接干燥器直接启动空压机,使用压缩空气推动发射一枚直板皮碗混合型 机械清管器(加装磁力装置)进行扫水效果检验及清扫,以检验管道内是否 存有大量明水,并进一步清扫管道内的残留水及杂质,清管器运行速度应控 制在约 4-8km/h 为宜,工作压力控制在 0.05-0.2 Mpa 为佳。当清管器距收 球筒约 1000m 时,发球端应降低排量,使清管器慢慢进入收球筒内,以防因 撞击而损坏清管器和收球筒。当清管器到达收球筒后,待管内压力降到与大 气压力相同时,再将收球筒打开,检验清管器前是否存有明水并将清管器取 出。此前,线路各试压段承包商水压试验完成后扫水过程中,最后两枚扫水 泡沫清管器前不得出现明水并且增重不得超过 1.5kg,否则应重新进行扫水 直至达到标准要求。 Check the effect of sweeping water before drying. If there is no visible water in front of the pig or a small amount of visible water (not more than 1.8kg), the foam pig can be launched for the next dry air drying operation.  干燥前扫水效果检验若清管器前无明水推出或存有极少量明水(不多于 1.8kg),则可发射泡沫清管器进行下一步干空气干燥作业。 Pipeline drying 


Push a series of foam pigs with dry air with a dew point of -40 ° C or less, and dry air repeatedly between stations. Operating isolation displacement, closed adsorption and purging until the weight increase of the foam pig is not obvious, and the end dew point below -20 °C, which meets the dry acceptance criteria, as shown in the following figure.  用露点为-40℃以下的干燥空气推动一系列泡沫清管器,对站间管线反复进 23

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行干空气 隔离置换、密闭吸附和吹扫,直到泡沫清管器增重不明显,末端露点达到-20℃ 以下符合干燥验收标准,如下图所示。

Foam pigging Pipe 管道


Wet air 湿空气

干燥空气(露点-40℃)Air drying( Dew point-40)

微正压(0.2Mpa) Micro positive pressure(0.2 Mpa)

Pipeline drying diagram 管线干燥示意图 During the drying process, the dew point gradually decreases. When the dew point is lowered to -20 °C, the change of the dew point will not be obvious. At this time the water content in the gas is very low that the pipeline can reach the drying standard, and the dew point variation curve in the drying process needs to meet the graph.

 干燥过程中,露点逐渐降低,当降低到-20℃露点后,露点的变化将不再明显, 此时的气体含水量很低,管道可达到干燥标准,干燥过程中露点变化曲线需 满足图。


Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

露 点 ℃Dew point °C

时间 h -20℃

露点变化示意图 Dew point change diagram

During the drying process, the construction team shall assign a special person to record the ball-passing dryness of each group of pigs, observe and record the wear of the pig, the water content, the color change of the foam pig, the weight gain, etc. and monitor the change of the end dew point. When the dry dew point of the final end reaches below -20 °C, it meets the acceptance criteria.

干燥过程中,施工单位应派专人做好每组清管器通球干燥的记录,观察并记 录清管器磨损情况、含水状况、泡沫清管器颜色变化、增重情况等并监测末 端露点变化状况,直至最终末端干燥露点达到-20℃以下,符合验收合格标 准。 25

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The sealing and stabilization of dry air in the pipeline 


When the air dew point at the outlet end of the pipe reaches the air dew point of -20 °C, the pipe dew point is going to be detected after being sealed in a micro positive pressure (50 kPa to 70 kPa) for 4 hours. 当管道末端出口处的空气露点达到-20℃的空气露点时,将管段置于微正压 (50kPa~70kPa)的环境下密闭 4h 后检测管道露点。 Pipeline dry air drying acceptance 


After the end dew point reaches below -20 °C, and the last foam pig reaches the end, close all valves at the first end, and seal for 4 hours to make the dry air in the pipeline mix with moisture. When the dew point rises after the sealing test does not exceed 3 ° C, it is qualified. Inform the owner to prepare to accept this dry process. 在末端露点达到-20℃以下,同时最后一枚泡沫清管器到达末端后,关闭 首末端所有阀门,密闭 4 小时使管线内的干燥空气与潮气充分混合吸附.密 闭试验后露点升高不超过 3℃为合格。通知业主准备对干燥工序予以验收。 End of construction 


At the end of the construction, the temporary ball-receiving device was removed, and the drying equipment was transferred to the site to clean up the construction site. 施工结束,拆除临时收发球装置,干燥设备调迁出场,清理施工现场。 10. Piping, pressure test and drying HSE measures 清管、试压及干燥 HSE 措施 10.1 The ball sending end of the ball service device should be installed 26

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firmly and installed with a pressure gauge. The end should be equipped with an exhaust valve, a safety valve and a ball-receiving cylinder. 发球端发球装置安装连接要牢固,安装压力表;末端要装排气阀、安全阀、收球 筒。 10.2 When passing the ball, a special person must guard at the end of the pipe and keep in touch with the ball sendind end. Pedestrians and vehicles are strictly prohibited within 200m of the end of the pipe. 通球时,管道末端必须设专人警戒,并与发球端保持联系;管道末端 200m 内严 禁行人及车辆通行。 10.3 Before the pipeline pressure is tested, the pipeline valves and other equipment must be inspected, and the opening and closing state meets the requirements. Pipeline pressure testing equipment is not allowed to perform other operations at the same time. The pressure test should be operated with the use of an elliptical head, the material should be equivalent to the material of the pipe, and the wall thickness meets the test pressure requirements. The joint welding joint between the head and the pipe must pass the test before it can be tested by the water. 管线试压前,必须对管线阀门等设备进行检查,其开闭状态符合要求。管道试压 设备不准同时进行其它作业。试压应使用椭圆封头,材质应与管道材质 相当,壁厚满足试验压力要求。封头与管道的连接焊口必须检测合格后 才可以进行上水试压。 10.4 When the pressure is raised, people are not allowed to stand on the opposite side of the head. When the leak is found, the pressure should be stopped immediately, and repairing should be carried out after the leakage point has been checked and the pressure is released. Pressure welding and fastening bolts are strictly prohibited. 升压时封头对面不准站人,发现泄漏时应立即停止升压,排查泄漏点,经泄压 27

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后进行修补。严禁带压补焊和紧固螺栓。 10.5 During the pressure test, the warning zone shall be within 50m on both sides of the pipeline. Warning devices shall be installed at the intersection and near the village. Set up patrol personnel and patrol vehicles to inspect along the line. The patrol personnel should maintain a distance of more than 6m from the pipeline, and non-workers are not allowed to enter the warning area. 试压过程中管道两侧 50m 内为警戒区,在交叉路口、村庄附近应设置警示装置。 设置巡逻人员和巡逻车辆,沿线巡视检查。巡逻人员应与管线保持 6m 以 上的距离,非工作人员不准进入警戒区域。 10.6 During the pressure test, keep communication fluent and arrange personnel and vehicles in a reasonable way, without excessive fatigue. 在试压过程中,保持通讯联络通畅,并合理安排人员和车辆,不得过度疲劳。 10.7 All personnel participating in the pressure test must obey the command and unify their pace. 参加试压的所有人员必须听从指挥,统一步调。 10.8 There should be safety precautions and records for the handover when there is work shift. 交接班时进行交接应有安全注意事项和记录。 10.9 Within one week before the pressure test, the residents of the villages along the line shall be notified with announcement posted, the area to be passed and the matters needing attention. 试压前一周内,向沿线所经过的村庄居民贴出试压告知公示、所经地区及注意事 项。10.10 Before doing the pressure relief, hydraulic test shall be treated with the drainage channel being arranged well in accordance with the pressure test scheme. 水压试验在泄压前先按照试压方案处理好排水通道。 Attachment: Pressure Test Cross-section Drawing 28

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Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China


Jingmen Hongtu Special Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd Add: No.16 Yingchun Avenue, Jingmen Economic Development Zone, Hubei Prov. China

12、 Ball Pass Cleaning, Diameter Measurement and Pressure Test and Drying Record Sheet 通球扫线、测径和试压干燥记录表格

HT-X02 Pipeline Drying Record 管 道 干 燥 记 录 HT-X20 P i p e c l e a n i n g , c a l i p e r r e c o r d i n g 管 道 清 管 、 测 径 记 录 HT-X21 Pipeline pressure test record 管 道 试 压 记 录


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