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Mid-semester English test N°3 9th p 2

Teacher : Shiraz Maad


U Can transportation (u tube ) Listening comprehension : 8pts 1-the listening is about : a- disadvantages of means of transport b- how different means of transport make moving around easy c- transportation between the past and present 2- Listen and Answer the following questions Why do some people have to ride the bike and skateboard? ……………………………………………………………..………………………… What job would the speaker take when he grows up ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------Which means of transportation should people take when they are in a hurry? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------3-Listen and pick up a sentence expressing desire ? (1mark) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------4- Listen and correct the statement : The speaker enjoyed so much riding a horse . ----------------------------------------------------------------------5-Listen and Complete with words (1 marks) Planes fly ……………………the air very fast. When they finish the taxi ride , the driver looks at the meter to know how much money they …………………….. him. 5-) cross the different sound out Whisle – ship –meter Easy – feet –hear –

Language : 12 pts 1- Put the bracketed words in the right form or tense (3pts ) Since the day of its creation, there has been one thing in our lives that has changed the way we communicate more than any other. It’s the one thing that (to make) -------------------- us less social, more depressed and all-out addicted. We’re talking about texting (the Internet).In other words writing messages .College students and the Internet have a complicated, (obsess)-------------------relationship. These days students (to spend)------------------- more time on laptops and smart phones than ever before. In fact, a study at Bryant College indicates that for 65 percent of college students, Internet (to use)……………………….. is more than a trend .It’s rather an addiction .Many students would agree the Internet is becoming almost drug-like. ”Why has technology (dependent)--------become so serious? For one thing, the Internet hasn’t offered another form of communication; it’s replaced other forms of communication. Today, college students would rather (to use)……………..……………… social networking sites to communicate with friends than have conversations in person. 2- Match the statements in A with those in B to make a paragraph :2.pts

A 1- Mobile phones are the most practical means of communication. Within a decade this communication technology has widely spread 2-.However, they are also so harmful that they may 3- a recent report issued by the WHO has shown that children under the age of eight 4- In fact , the number of children between the age of five and nine using mobile phones at schools


B a- are more likely to develop such diseases b- cause ear and brain tumours c-, and gradually replaced home and pay phones, making communication easier and faster d- has increased in an alarming rate which made some schools install mobile scanners to prevent pupils from using their mobiles in class

3- Circle the right option : ( 2pts )

Technology is advancing every day. New phones, computers and other electronic devices are improving the world. Teens are obsessed with having the ( new / newer / newest ) and best phone, computer or Ipod. They are becoming addicted to technology. They mostly communicate through texting, online chatting or facebook. They ( stop / stopped / have stopped ) picking up the phone to call a friend or a family member. I pod and MP3 players also isolate teenagers by putting them into their own world. The headphones in teenagers’ ears hint that they just want to listen to music and it is hard to get a good conversation. Teens argue that cell phones are a quick and easy way to contact family and friends. ( Besides/ However / While), they are using them excessively . They are constantly receiving messages and texting back whether it is at a family dinner, or a movie (cinema). They ( mustn’t / cannot / shouldn’t ) put their phones down. Even in school, teens are texting during class distracting them from the lesson. Teens need to avoid addiction to electronics. 4-Fill in the blanks with words from the list there is one extra word:3pts Imitate -budget -Industry-foreign –tip –affect –effect Many people are unable to agree on whether tourism is good or bad for a country. That is why tourism is called a mixed blessing. I think that the ①……………………….. has both advantages and disadvantages. We cannot deny that tourism brings in a lot of② …………………… revenue. Even a ③…………………………. tourist spends at least fifty dollars a day.Many people benefit from the tourist trade-tour agencies, transport companies and the hospitality sector. Jobs in the tourist industry pay well. Many tourists ④………………………… generously. However, tourism has many disadvantages as well. Tourism disrupts traditional lifestyles. Furthermore, tourists bring in foreign values and ways which our young people may try to⑤ …………………... At one time, a lot of young people in Penang were influenced by the hippies who visited the island.Tourism can also ⑥………………………… the environment. Therefore, I agree with the saying that tourism is a mixed blessing. It creates a lot of problems but it also has many benefits. 5-Fill in the blanks with a form of the verb in parentheses . Use any appropriate verb tense 2pts Two years ago, I got a job at a company called Word Tech. Now, I’m using computers at work every day, but before I came to the United States, I have never touched a computer. It (1) (not/take) …………………………..me very long to learn basic computer skills because I (2)(take-already) ………………………..a course in typing. By the time. I left my country, I finished secretarial school. While I (3) (look) ……………………….. for a job here, I took a course in information technology. I have continued to learn new things since I (4) (start) …………………………..working at Word Tech. For example, now I’m learning how to search for information on the Internet.

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