2010 Upsr Practice Mathematcs Paper 2 - Money

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  • Words: 684
  • Pages: 4

Name : . . . . . . . . . . [ 40 marks ] Answer all questions. ( Jawab semua soalan )


Write RM40 002 in words. Tuliskan RM40 002 dalam pekataan.

[ 1 mark ]


Round of RM7 699 to the nearest thousand. Bulatkan RM7 699 kepada ribu yang hampir

[ 1 mark ]


RM25 505 + RM13 396 =

[ 1 mark ]


RM786 498 – RM75 987 =

[ 1 mark ]


RM8 971 × 7 =

[ 1 mark ]


3 pieces RM5 + 4 pieces RM1 – 20 pieces 50 sen = 3 keping RM5 + 4 keping RM1 – 20 keping 50 sen =

[ 2 marks ]


RM789 642 ÷ 6 =

[ 2 marks ]


2 Find the value of 5 from RM290. 2 Carikan nilai 5 daripada RM290

[ 2 marks ]


RM30 799.30 – RM10 475.23 + RM43 375.17 =


The price of a pen is RM18. Amy buys 4 pens and pays with a RM100 note. Find the balance. [ 2 marks ] Harga sebatang pen ialah RM18. Amy buys 4 pen dan membayar dengan wang kertas RM100. Kirakan baki wang Amy.


Bakri’s money

50 sen

Anna’s money

20 sen R M 1

[ 2 marks ]

50 sen

RM 5

50 sen

RM 2

Diagram 1 ( Rajaha 1 ) Diagram 1 shows Bakri’s money and Anna’s money. Find the total value of their money? [ 2 marks ] Rajah 1 menunjkukkan wang Bakri dan Anna. Cari jumlah wang mereka,


Mohd Adnan had RM3 789. He used RM2 378 to buy a computer. How much money is left? Mohd Adnan ada RM3 789. Dia gunakan RM2 378 untuk membeli sebuah komputer. Berapakah wang bakinya ?

[ 2 marks ]

13 Fikr y

Fara h

Fikr y

Fara h

Fikr y

DIAGRAM 2 ( Rajah 2 ) If the total money in the Diagram 2 is RM4 655.00, calculate Fikry’s money? Jika jumlah wang dalam Rajah 2 ialah RM4 655.00, kirakan wang Fikry. [ 2 marks ]


If the sum of 9 worker’s salary is RM8 784.00. What is the salary of each worker? Jika jumlah pendapatan 9 pekerja ialah RM 784.00, Apakah pendapat seorang pekerja? [ 2 marks ]


Kah Meng spent RM4 653.20 to buy 8 chairs. What is the price for one chair? Kah Meng membelanjakan RM 4 653.20 untuk membeli 8 buah kerusi. Apakah harga sebuah kerusi itu ? [ 2 marks ]

16 Dictionary RM19 Exercise book 90 sen TABLE 1 ( Jadual 1 ) Rahmat buys a dictionary and 5 exercise books. How much had been spent by Rahmat? Rahmat membeli sebua kamus dan 5 buah buku tulis. Beapakah jumlah wang yang dibelanjakan oleh Rahma?t [ 3 marks ]


The profit from 9 pairs of shoes is RM99.00 The selling price for each pair of shoes is RM25.00. Calculate the cost price for each pair of shoes. [ 3 marks ] Untung jualan 9 pasang kasut ialah RM99.00. Harga jualan setiap pasang kasut itu ialah RM25.00. Kirakkan harga asal (harga kos ) setiap pasang kasut itu.


Mohd Fikry saved RM0.35 a day in the month of June and July. What is the sum of money that had been saved during these 2 months? Mohd Fikry menyimpan RM10.35 sehari dalam bulan Jun dan Julai, Berapakah jumlah wang simpanannya dalam masa dua bulan itu ? [ 3 marks ]

A book A pencil

RM3.80 RM0.55


TABLE 2 ( Jadual 3 ) Calculate the sum if Ahmad buys 3 books and 5 pencils. [ 3 marks ] Kirakan jumlah perbelanjaan jika Ahmad membeli 3 books dan 5 pencils


Ali had 100 pencils. 20 pencils had been sold for RM0.85 each and the rest was sold for RM0.65 each. What is the sum of money that Ali got? [ 3 marks ] Ali ada 100 batang pencils. 20 daripada pencils itu dijual dengan harga RM0.85 sebatang dan bakinya dijual RM0.65 sebatang. Berapakah wang pendapatan Ali hasiljualan pencils itu?

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