2009 Walkathon Guide

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  • Pages: 6
WALKATHON GUIDE Saturday, October 10, 2009 — BooksinWalkathon.com

Why Walk? Booksin Elementary School Community Association (BESCA) has sponsored Walkathon for more than twenty years. It is our school's primary fundraiser, and we have earned $150,000 dollars annually for the past several years with all profits going back to our children. Funds raised at this event sustain many ongoing programs, including: ● Technology: Consultant Staff and Educational Resources ● Music: Program Support and Performance Art Resources & Supplies ● Art Vistas: Booksin's parent-led Art Appreciation and lesson program ● Science: Primary Grades support and the Science Fair ● Grade-Level Funds: Field Trips and Enrichment Activities ● Individual Class Funds: Teacher-designated purchases for classrooms ● Classes: Spelling and Language Arts Books ● Bonus Activities: Assemblies, Special Events, Library Books, etc ...

More than a Fundraiser! Walkathon represents all that is really great about Booksin. Because participation is very high, our students can be proud to contribute directly and individually to the school. On this one day in October, we come together to support our kids and celebrate our community. This is an amazing event, and we hope you will join the entire Booksin Community at the Walkathon!

If You Cannot Attend If you cannot attend the Walkathon but want to receive credit for participating (and get a T-shirt), submit a Pledge Card to your teacher with the minimum $15.00 in pledges by Friday October 9, 2009. We’ll deliver the shirt. By doing this before Walkathon you may help your class win 100% participation! There is no guarantee that T-shirts will be available after the day of Walkathon.

Junior Walkers & Alumni Walkers Younger siblings (ages 3-5) are Junior Walkers at Walkathon! With a $15.00 payment at the Registration Desk on Saturday morning, kids ages 3-5 get a special Lap Card and are eligible for special prizes, indicated on the card, up to three miles. Non-students (including Booksin Alumni and older siblings) may walk at Walkathon! In order to receive a Lap Card and T-shirt, non-students must submit a Pledge Card with a minimum $20.00 donation. Non-students with Lap Cards are eligible to earn the same food and non-food incentive prizes as Booksin students up to the 20-mile prize.

Calendar of Events September 25 – October 9: Collect Pledges: Saturday, October 10: 22nd Annual WALKATHON Registration Opens 8:15 am Warm-Up Stretch 8:45 am Walk! 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Monday, October 12: Pledge Sheets back to Students Monday, October 26: Pledge Money Due Friday, November 13: Award Assemblies Only those students who turn in their Pledge Money by 2:00 pm, Monday, October 26, 2009, will be eligible to receive individual awards or be included in Top Club for top fundraisers.


After Walkathon During the week following Walkathon, your child will receive their Pledge Card (which you turned in at Registration at Walkathon). The card will be updated with the final mileage and with the totals due from sponsors. Please review the Pledge Card for accuracy, and then help your child collect the owed funds. All money must be returned by Monday, October 26.



Collecting Pledges The Walkathon Information Packet sent home with the students contains a Sponsor Sheet (also called a "Pledge Card"). Students can collect pledges from friends, family, neighbors or parents' co-workers. Please be sure to accompany your child if they are going door to door to get sponsors! Students have until Walkathon Day to get pledges! Pledges are crucial to our success. More than 60% of total Walkathon revenue comes from pledges the children collect! Generally, there are two types of pledges: Flat Pledges: The preferred pledge is a flat pledge, a fixed amount, regardless of how far a student walks. We encourage pledges of $20 and above. We also encourage students to set an overall goal of $200. Per-Mile Pledges: With a per-mile pledge, donations increase with each mile walked. The track is one-third of a mile long, and credit is only given for whole miles walked. Why do we prefer flat pledges? First, it is a known amount of money. Regardless of whether a student walks 1 mile or 20 miles, the amount stays the same. Second, a flat pledge removes any "surprise factor" for donors. Everyone has funny stories of a donor pledging $5.00 per mile and expecting the student to walk only 3 miles. When the student then walks 20 miles and returns to the donor for $100.00 (instead of the expected $15.00), it can create an awkward situation. But perhaps most important, if you solicit a flat pledge, you have the ability to collect it on the spot. Otherwise, you must return to the donor after the event. Matching Grants: Many companies have matching programs for employee donations. They often include pledges, and apply to all employees at the workplace. Parents, check with your employer to see if they match donations that you and your co-workers make to Walkathon! If this is possible, contact us – We will help you navigate the paperwork.

Donations Add Up! Just a partial list of the ways your donation helps improve your child's education at Booksin School:

$7500 Library Books $4500 Student Practice WorkBooks for Grades 1-5 $4000 One Field Trip, with buses, tickets, curriculum tools $3000 Art Vistas Program Supplies $3000 Enrichment Allocations for one grade level $3000 Science Activities Supplies & Support $2000 Cornerstone Activities $1000 School Safety Supplies $1200 Garden Life Lab Annual Programs $1200 5th Grade Promotion

Checks should be payable to "BESCA." BESCA is a 501(c)3 organization, and pledges have the potential to be tax-deductible donations in accordance with applicable law.

$655 School Planners for all 4th & 5th grade students

Bring Your Pledge Card to Walkathon!

$630 Science Boards for all 4/5th grade classes for Science Fair

All students who arrive on campus Saturday morning – and who submit a Walkathon Pledge Sheet with at least $15.00 in pledges – receive a free Booksin Walkathon T-shirt to wear all day and keep. Please hold onto any money you collect until after the event. We don't accept money until Walkathon is over.

$600 Enrichment Funds for One Classroom



On Walkathon Day - Sat, October 10 Families are encouraged to “set up camp” on the grass field and on locations along the course. Plan to bring folding chairs or a blanket, and if you would like, umbrellas or pop-up tents for shade. Create a family meeting place and rest zone! We will have dozens of volunteers on the course during the day. Safety is our foremost priority. But we rely on parents to keep an eye on their own students.

Tips for a Great Day

Safety Tips

Clothing: Students should wear loose-fitting shorts and a new Walkathon shirt. Check the forecast. It may be cool at 9:00 am, but the temperature will rise.

Don't forget Sunscreen!

Footwear: Students should wear the most comfortable shoes possible. Keep them on! Bring spare socks. Sometimes a change just feels better. Keep shoes, socks and clothes dry to avoid chafing. Long Distance Tip: Before walking, have your student put a small amount of vaseline between toes and around potential blister spots on the feet. Also do this around chafing spots such as under the arms and around the thighs. This small effort can dramatically reduce blisters and chafing. Just remember: a very small dab is all you need. Do not leave campus with your Lap Card! Talk to your kids frequently. Evaluate how they are doing. If it is hot day and they seem flushed -- or if they seem unduly tired -- have them they take a brief break. If they need to rest, have them visit our Teacher Time Booth and do an activity.

The Check-In Process Begins at 8:15 am

Basic First Aid materials and assistance will be available. Bees and yellow jackets are not unusual; if you or a family member is allergic, be sure to bring your bee sting kit. Share your schedule! Please make sure your child knows where you can be found throughout the day Staying Hydrated: It is usually a warm day. Students are provided the opportunity to drink water each time they go around the route (a free cup each lap). Please be sure and encourage your child to stay hydrated!

Bring your signed Pledge Card – It is required in order to earn prizes! Registration & Lap Card: Upon registering, students will receive their Lap Card, which they must protect and maintain for the rest of the day! The Lap Card is worn around the neck and used to log laps/miles and incentives. If it is lost, it cannot be replaced (and the record of miles walked is also gone forever). After registering, take your Lap Card to the T-shirt Booth to get your shirt! After each lap your student completes, be sure they stop to get their Lap Card punched in recognition. In addition, after each mile completed, students may choose to stop to get an additional per-mile award that they can display proudly. When your student is finished walking for the day, turn in your Lap Card at the Prize Booth, and collect the Incentive Prizes your student has earned.

Sports League Participants If your child participates in an athletic sports activity, please visit our "Sports Desk" to store your Lap Card and to receive a 5-mile credit for the activity. Rules are explained later in this Guide, and are non-negotiable.

NO PETS are allowed at Booksin School on Walkathon (or on any other day ever). No bicycles, scooters, skateboards, shoes with wheels or other similar items will be allowed on campus during Walkathon. Lost and Found: Lost and found is located at the volunteer desk. After Walkathon, remaining items will be turned into the school’s Lost and Found bins.



Ways You Can Help Volunteer Opportunities Hundreds of volunteers are needed to make Walkathon Day run smoothly! The easiest way to sign up for a 2-hour volunteer shift is to visit our website, www.BooksinWalkathon.com. Click the green VolunteerSpot button at the top of the page. You can also fill out the volunteer form sent home in your student's folder or visit Booksin's office for a form.

Fundraising Activities at Walkathon


Come to Walkathon ready to buy your holiday gifts. Come to it ready to eat great food. All the money goes back to student enrichment programs.

When families donate items to BESCA, it dramatically reduces our expenses for this fundraiser.

Bring cash or a checkbook to Walkathon. Only Auction will take credit cards and even there, we strongly urge you to write a check for whatever you win. Why? The credit-card company charges us a transaction free up to 3% for every purchase. We'd rather that money go to the school.

Food Booths Various food items will be available for sale at Walkathon, including BBQ hot dogs and sausages, awesome salads, ice cream, pretzels and nachos, burritos and tamales, breakfast goodies, drinks and coffee. Our Food Booths do not take cash, so you must purchase tickets before buying. Ticket value is $1 each; Most food items are $2-6 dollars each. Tickets will be on sale on campus a few days before Walkathon (to avoid the rush), and at the event on Saturday.

Water & Sports Drinks To keep our Walkers hydrated and happy on Walkathon Day, we accept drink donations from families in advance. Drop off bottled water, sports drinks (Gatorade, PowerAid, etc), and sodas at the Main Office or with volunteers in the morning drop-off circle.

Equipment Loans

Crazy Hair Students (and parents too!) can take a brief rest from walking and have their hair done up all CRAZY. Everyone is welcome to partake, and the cost is $5 for Crazy Hair and $1 for tattoos. Please purchase your tickets at the ticket booth.

Teacher Time! ... New for 2009! A new twist on a longtime favorite! Instead of putting teachers in timeout, students can spend time with their teacher doing a fun activity. We'll have lots of exciting "challenges" you can do with your teacher on Saturday. Look for your favorite teacher's "menu" on Saturday to participate in this unique fundraiser!

Amazing Race Market Place Grade-Level Baskets, Teacher Fun Drawing, Amazing Experiences (a.k.a. "Buy It Now"), Market Bazaar, Food Court, and more!

Tents & Canopies Extension Cords To keep everyone well shaded on Walkathon Day, we are asking to borrow any pop-up shades, canopies or umbrellas w/stands that you may have. Please label tents, bags, and cords with duct tape and your family name. They will be returned after the event. Leave them in Rm7 after October 7.


Silent Auction

To help decorate Booksin School for Walkathon, we need donated and loaned items:

Take time to browse the Silent Auction on Saturday for an incredible array of cool items. There are a wide variety of items at various price points. Cash, checks and Visa or Mastercard are accepted. ... Think Christmas and Holiday Gifts! ... Birthdays, too!

Refrigerator cardboard, old shoes, model toy airplanes, actual boats (canoes, kayaks, etc).



Prizes, Parties, and Incentives The Prize Committee has chosen some great things this year to provide incentives for students to walk and to recognize everyone who participates! Students earn three types of prizes on Walkathon Day, and can qualify for additional awards presented in the weeks after Walkathon. All of our Incentive Prizes are chosen for their value to our kids and in relationship to the achievement. All Booksin students with a minimum of $15.00 in pledges are eligible to win the following prizes and awards.

Per-Mile Tokens & Treats

Take-Home Prizes

During the walking day, "instant prizes" are handed out on the field course or can be picked up anytime during the day.

Many of the more exciting incentive prizes are available after your child completes walking for the day.

Booksin Passport

Food Treats & Water

For each mile your student completes, they receive a special passport sticker to display in celebration of their mounting accomplishment.

To provide energy and rest, we also give away treats when students reach various mile markers:

We have designed a "Passport" for every student to use on Walkathon Day. After each mile walked, students get a new, unique sticker from a different international city to go on their Passport.

3 8 12 14

FREE Water or Soda Hot Dog from BBQ Booth Frozen Treat Pretzel

5 10 15 20 25

Bulldog Paw Print Key Fob Inflatable Jet Airplane USA Basketball Plush Iguana on a Leash Booksin Duffel Bag

"Take-Home Prizes" are awarded at the end of the day, and are distributed when your child turns in the Lap Card for good.

Collect your food and drink items form the booth that sells each item.

Top Club To honor the walkers who have made outstanding achievements in fundraising and distance walking, we host a "Top Club Party" in December, where honorees will receive a special celebration at school just for them. Only students who submit collected pledge money by October 26 will be eligible for Top Club. Even if your student walks enough miles, money must be submitted by the deadline to qualify. Students can achieve "Top Club Status" by walking a minimum number of miles (with money submitted on time) OR raising a minimum of $150, all submitted before October 26: Kindergarten & First Grade - 10 miles walked or $150 raised. Second & Third Grade - 12 miles walked or $150 raised. Fourth & Fifth Grade – 15 miles walked or $150 raised. Pledge donations and collected money must be turned in by October 26 to receive "Top Club" status.

Special Honors Most Miles Walked (by Grade): Gold, Silver and Bronze medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, respectively. Most Money Earned (Top Ten): Gold, Silver, Bronze (3rd-10th) medals for the top dollar amounts. Most Miles (Class): Movie Party for classes that walk the most miles at each grade level. Most Money Earned (Class): Pizza Party for the class that brings in the most money (pro-rata per student) 100% Participation (Class): Special prize for ALL classes that have full, 100% participation of all students walking or submitting pledge money.



Important Rules & Regulations Sports Desk Students receive one 5-mile credit for participating in scheduled sports events on Walkathon Day. The purpose of the Walkathon Sports Desk is to track sports-related activity and award a 5-mile sport credit to participating students during Walkathon hours. There is no partial credit for shorter sporting events or extra credits for longer events. And there can be no negotiation. Parent or Adult MUST be present to receive a sports credit. Sports Desk hours are 9 am to 4 pm How Does It Work? Students who leave in the middle of Walkathon for a game should report to the Sports Desk with a parent before they leave the school for the event. At that time their Lap Card will be recorded and retained (and not returned back for at least an hour). When students return to Walkathon after their game, they must first go to the Sports Desk with a parent to get their Lap Card back ... Then they can continue walking! Early Game? Students who have an early game and are arriving at Walkathon for the first time, please report to the Registration Desk first to get a Lap Card. Then go to the Sports Desk to have the Lap Card punched. Late Game? Some students have a late game. When they depart campus, they don't come back. Unclaimed Lap Cards left at Sports Desk will be taken to the Prize Booth at the end of Walkathon, where the miles will be tallied. The "Sports Credit" applies only to a physical sport. It was designed to offset the physical strain on students who walk and attend a physical sports activity on Walkathon Day. No accommodation or adjustment can be made for travel time to and from an off-campus event. Examples of eligible sports activities: Soccer, basketball, hockey, volleyball, baseball, football, tennis, ice skating, ballet/dance, gymnastics, swimming, karate. Examples of non-eligible activities: Scouts, robotics, drama rehearsal, choir, church, chess, and all other non-physical activities.

Integrity of the Walkathon The Walkathon route is one-third of a mile and will be clearly marked with fencing and boundaries. Everyone must complete a full lap to receive a punch on his or her Lap Card. The lap punching area will be monitored, as will the entire route at all times. Walkers may not be carried around the route. The integrity of the Lap Card must be maintained to ensure a walker receives credit, prizes and awards. Students are responsible for their own Lap Cards. Please do not tear, rip, or write on Lap Cards. Return lost Lap Cards to the DJ Booth. Students, alumni, families, staff, volunteers and all participants are expected to act in a manner that is respectful to all other participants at all times.

Consequences of Cheating The efforts, enthusiasm and pride of accomplishment spent on Booksin School and the Walkathon are clearly phenomenal. Any breakdown in the integrity of participants at this event impacts all the students and their achievement. We are proud of our students and know they are excited to participate and be successful. Please understand that individual and class honors are compromised when an individual attempts to inflate their own (or their child’s) achievement. Parents and all students must consider their behavior and understand the larger impact to the community.

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